The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 30, 1884, Image 3

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    18 IT POSSIBLE!'
' Tablet
Ten weary,' footwre travelers, '
All ia wosful plight, i . :
Soajrlit hholtur at a wayside Inn
Due dark and stoniiy night.
Ulna beds no more," the landlord said,
"LUtb I to offer you;
To web of eight tingle room,
Bat the niutb miut wn (or two."
- i A din arose. The troubled hot
' ' Coo lil only scratch bin bead,
1 J For of tbos tired men no two
'' Could ocoupy out bed.
' The pnzzled host wai toon at i
a wai a clever man
And so, to please bif guests, devised
This most ingenious plan:
In room mar kod A two men were placed ;
The third be lodged in B;
, Toe fourth to C was then assigned-
1 The llftb retired to D. ,
' "in B the sixth he tucked away;
In F the seventh man;
The eighth and ninth to 0 and H,
And then to A he rail,
Wherein the host, as I bave said,
Had laid two travelers by;
Then, taking one, the tenth and last,
lie lodged him safe in L
Nine single rooms a room for each
Were made to serve for ten;
And this it is that puzzles me,
And many wiser men.
Basae Cnrloaa Information Ulvea by
Dr. Koch.
'Ti .' (Chicago, Tribune.
Some very Interesting details con
cerning the recently dincoyered cholera
germ are contained in the sixth cholera
... report which the leader of the German
I. Bcientifio conimisnion, Dr. Ktcb, has
just sent home from Calcutta. . The
oommi'sion, after examining the corpses
of twenty-two cholera "patients at Cal
cutta, is satisfied tha' special kind of
bacteria, known atl omnia bacillus,
is always present i j ' intestines of
( cholera patients. kLT-tue'tlgctatioQ of
'' these bacteria cannot be the result of
cholera, Dr. Kaolt - believes that
are its cause. !"NJ
Many other facts confirm this suppo
sition. Their presence is conOned to
the intestines, which are the seat of the
disease, none being hold in the stom
ach, i They increased and multiplied on
the clothes soiled with cholerio ejec
tions, which had been damp for twenty
four hours. A similar increase was ob
servable when the ojections were spread
on the damp surfuoe of linen paper,
and especially on damp earth. After
twenty-four hours the thin layer of.
mucus had in all cases been changed
into a donse mass of cholera germs.
" A more reassuring fact is, that the
cholera bacilli die sooner when dried
than almost any other kind of bacteria.
Three hours' drying is sufficient to kill
them. A very small quantity of free
acid, which does not hinder the growth
of other bacteria, stops their develop
ment. When swallowed, the cholera
germ is destroyed in the process of
V digestion. Animals fed on bacilli were
afterward killed, and showed no traces
of their presence in either stomach or
intestines. Altogether Dr. Koch's re
port gives the hope that science is at
, last on the traok of tho scourge of the
east. -
An Anecdote of Jenny Llud.
(Pall Mall Bu'lgot
- ' As an illustration of the constant
anxiety of artists concerning their pow
ers, Mrs. Reeves tells how one famous
prima donna refused to sit down at all
on a day when she was to sing. "No,
she would walk about the room, talk
ing, perhaps, singing perhaps, some
times even busy with her needle and
thread,: but never sitting down the live
long ' day until the performance was
over. ' "Why, I remember well pnough
how one day on the morning of a per
formance Jenny Lind (Mine. Gold
Bchmidt), Mr. lieoves, Mr. Otto Gold
schmidt and myself wrrs in the room,
and, through the morning Jcnnv Lind
and' my husband were never still, pao-
" ing 'one past the other, with musio in
hand, singing and practicing, and in
tent on the work before them. 'Why,
Jenny,' said Mr. Ooldschmidt, you
must have sung those songs many
times; surely there is no need for all
. this.' .But the remonstrance was in
vain.' 'You are a tine musician,' said
Mme. Ooldschmidt, in her quiet, de
oisijre manner to her husband, but Mr.
. Keeves and I are singers and we know
what is best for ns. Leave us alone.'
Suppose you had called to see Jenny
Tlind on a day when she was singing.
She would probably come into the
room with a bundle of musio in her
hand, put it on a chair and sit down on
it; talk away pleasantly enough for a
few minutes, become abstracted, rise,
take up the music, turn to a passage in
one of. 'the pieces, and ham it over.
Hvin satisfied herself of her correct
ness, she would replace it and sit down
again as calmly as possible and resume
the conversation at the point it was
left off.
Golden' Opportunities Lost..
iWall Street News
"Let's see," he remarked to a dealer
on Chatham , street, "haven t you a
brother in the clothing business in Cin
cinnati?" v"Oxactly.- My brudJer Moses vhas
dere.-- 1 - '
"And how is he doing?"
. "Uad werry bad. Moses vhas not
der man to see opportunities."
'i -Howl: v.
"Vhell, vhen dot flood came Moses
should haf peon in der rubber coat and
poot peesnees, but he vhas left. . Den
vhen the riot took blace .Moses should
haf peen stocked up mil guns nnd pis
tols, but he hadn't so much as a trigger.
Moses vhas on his vhay to der poor
house, he vhas."
Poetry Aptly Denned.
The Comrregationalist
The opening of a flower u poetry, so
is the sunrise, the rainbow, the tJiklo
of a rivulet, the rash of the oeea Ules,
the love in your heart for your home,
your friends, your God; ''these are
anything to you, yon care for poetry,
there is poetry in you.
New York Sun : "Are the sails on the
ship of state made from the presi
dential canvass?" taks a young states
man from Brooklyn. -
Mmall Fortanra Parked Away la
; HuaapU Baca. ' .
Chicago News.)
A small man, dudishly dresstxl, walked
nervously to one of the clerks at the
Grand Pacific, and he inquired if his
trunk hid come. He was a New York
"Haven't seen it," carelessly replied
the man behind the counter.
"That's strange. It must be here."
"Oh, itH turn up all right."
"I know, but J must have it immedi
ately," answered the drummer, with a
tinge of anxiety on his countenance.
"Is it necessary that you should have
the baggage right away?" interposed
another clerk. ' ' '
"That trunk has $75,000 worth of
samples in it," replied tho traroling
man. ,
The eyes of the two hotel men
sparkled more than did the diamonds on
their shirt fronts. Hurriedly a porter
was called and instructed to find the
missing baggage immediately. Leis
urely he went to a pile of heavy trunks,
accompanied by the traveling man.
Tho baggage was found and sent to the
salesman's rooms.
"Many men bothered with such loads
as that?" asked a reporter of the
stranger, as he roturned to the hotel
"Oh, a few of them," he replied, "es
pecially those who represent jewelry
establishment. Sometimes drummers
carry pretty valuable loads. Not long
ago I went, to Doliot,Wis., and, register
ing at one of the hotels, asked for a
room. A tall,' smooth-faced fellow,
with black eyes and hair, followed and
registered just below mo. He said he
wanted a room. It's always best to ask
for a room without arguing, and let the
clork assign you. If you go to talking
he's sure to sond you off to the top.
The man in charge of the office on this
occasion asked if we objected to
taking a room together. The latest ar
rival opposed such a move, and I wasn't
at all anxious to be put with a stranger
with such goods as 1 had in my posses
sion. There was no alternative, how
ever, and we took the room. On going
up the stranger said his actions might
have seemed queer, but he would ex
plain everything in the morning. After
we had been in bed about fifteen min
utes, he whispered, to me: 'Asleep
yet?' I told him 'No,' and began to
grow a little suspicious. Presently ho
asked the same question again. I heard
him, but pretended to be asleep. He
turned over and was soon snoring, and
before ong I followed suit. When I
awoke in the morning tho stranger was
up and dressed, and apparently waiting
for mo, ..
" 'Did you hear me ask if you were
asleep lust night?' ho inquired.
"I told him 'yes,' and he replied that
he never would have gone to sleep if he
had known that.
" 'Why?' 1 asked.
"Immediately he pulled off his coat
and vest, and opening his shirt bhowed
me a buckskin belt, with pockots,
around Ida body. 'I've got $60,000
worth of diamonds in there,' he said.
"As I had a trunk full of jewelry
worth more than that, I told him I was
in the same box with him.
"We've got to be mighty careful, and
watch our samples. I stay right with
mine, and have thorn in my room at
night. No matter where I am I always
go heavily armed."
"Salesmen for jewelry houses carry
more valuable samples than any other
class of drummers, do tljey not?"
"Men handling fine silks, laces and
dress goods sometimes have costly sam
ples. They aro generally loaded down
with trunks. I met a man in Milwaukee
last week, traveling for a. fancy goods
house, that hod seventeen 'Saratogas.'
He had to have four rooms for display
ing his samples."
"How manv drummers aro there in
the country l"
. "Last year there were more than CO,
000. This took in tho men who are
running arouud selling on commission.
Home traveling men get as high as $10,
000 a year and expenses. They are
few iu number, however, and generally
represent a dry goods or fancy goods
establishment. Lorillard has a man
that he gives $10,000 to, and allows $3
a day for expenses. Quite a number of
men receive $5,000 or $3,000 a year.
The average salary, howover, is about
$1,500 and expenses. The latter will
average about $0 a day for men who
make all kinds of towns. Those who
stop at cities of 10,090 people only
have to have " moro, , as their
railroad fair amounts to con
siderable. Many of the drummers are
rather reckless in their expenditures,
as they cost them nothing. They will
stop at the best hotels, pay for the best
rooms and buy wines and cigars, charg
ing it up to the firm. They're great
men to try to cheat conductors out of
railroad fares and pocket the money.
One groat scheme is to bo asleep when
the conductor goes through. Another
is to get hold of tho conductor's card
before he enters, and have it in a con
spicuous place in their hats as ho goes
"Every large city has its character
istice salesmen. Prom New York comes
the dnde drummer; from Boston the
clerical looking; from Philadelphia the
men that can tell the smuttiest yarns;
from Cincinnati the gambling crowd;
from St. Louis the sleepiest net, and
from Chicago the cheekiest men and
biggest liars." - . '
Fruit Via Mt. (.othard.
.'Xew York Time J
Commerce quickly sees the best way
to effect her purpose. Since the St.
Gothard' tunnel was finished much of
the Italian trade has been diverted into
the hands of the Belgians, Germans
and Hollanders. Through the tunnel
and wit'iout breaking bulk early fruits
may be taken from all parts of Italy to
the principal seaports of the continent
on the German .ocean, and from snch
places as Antwerp and .Rotterdam swift
steamers convey the precious but per
ishable produce with all speed to Lon
don and other English cities, where a
ready market is obtained. An active
trade is never, and never can be, one
sided. The Italians are now receiving
from the north of Europe articles they
hardly dreamed of obtaining a few years
,Tae rarest of the Ualf Ktreaau.
rbUadolpliia Timet.
"Human knowledge lies on the sur
face," said Trof. P.othrock, in his new
lecture on tho "Forestsof the Sea." " We
know next to nothing with cortaiuty
concerning the interior of tho earth we
inhabit. What wonder, then, that the
sea, ever changing in ita surface, should
withhold her secrets from us?" Still, in
the belief of the lecturer, muoh had been
revealed of the wonders of the deep;
scientific research had opened ways and
means unknown to the searcher after
knowledgo of a quarter of a century ago
and the present and future opened to
the eye of the naturalist hitherto inac
cessible fields of investigation. Not
least were , those most wonderful
creations, the forest of the sea. Other
ages had woven about those forest
growths a wob of mystery. Modern
science had torn the veil and revealed
structural existences in the deep wators
of the ocean more marvelous than earth
could produce. There w ere latitudes in
which the ocean forest flourished with
special luxuriance. Between the twen
tieth and forty-fifth degrees of north
latitude and west of the fortieth degree
of west longitndo they occupy areas
that have beon estimated at 2(10.000
square miles. Though storms at times
detach fragments from the whole, yet
for centuries these forests have held es
sentially the same position.
Tho most curious form is tho sargos
sum, or gulf weed. It is olive green in
color, with round stems and large
leaves. It is found on the surface of
the deepest water in mid-ocean. It has
no soil and no Toots. . It lives and
grows upon the water alone. At times
its growth is sparse and irregultir, but
often it grdws so thickly os to impede
tho progress of vessels. In suoh places
the sea has the appearance of a vast
inundated meadow. It was the won
dorful form of vegetation which the
vessels of Columbus encountered on
their memorable voyago to the new
world. ,Tho gulf woed is cnpablo of in
finite reproductions and a single float
ing bulb will in an incredibly short
time cover the surface of the water with
its curious vegetation. ; 1 1
There are other foresti pf ; the soa,
more prolillo of life than the forests of
the laud, formed by the maeroeystis
pyrifera, the mammoth of all known
plants. Differing from the gulf weed,
it is attached to rocks on the bottom of
the sea and marks with infallible cer
tainty the shallow portions of the At
lantic and Paciflo oceans. The otter
kohl, or cabbage, has also its peculiar
work in tho formation of the forost.
Not so large as the maeroeystis, it yet
has an important bearing on the form
ation of the wholo. There are others.
They each have their peculiar func
tions and uses in the economy of na
turo, but those functions and uses are
as yet but dimly understood. To tho
future belongs the understanding of
the marvels that fire our zeal for re
search while they fill us with wonder
at their magnitude.
C'hlnette Magic.
Chicago Times.
A gentleman who has lived among
the Chinese tells, as an illustration of
their abilities as magicians, an incident
that took place under his own eyes, and
in his own room, where, apparently,
there was no room for deception. The
magician was raked from the waist up
ward, and his magical instrument
seemed to be a strip of white loth
twisted about his loius. Taking a dish
of uncookod rice, tho juggler covered
it with his mysterious girdle, squatted
before it and begun his incantations,
w hich continued half an hour. During
this process his bare arms wore passing
to and fro beneath tho cloth, and this
was alHlio gentleman could boo him do.
At last the liuen was removed, and lo I
there were six plates filled with cooked
edibles of various kinds, while a dish of
boiled rico had replaced the one con
taining raw rice.
Another gentleman, describing how
he was deludod, says; "A juggler in
the open street soused a boy 5 or o years
of age, dragged him struggling into the
circle, threw him on his back, and, in
spite of the boy's agonized cries and
the remonstrances of the people, ap
parently nearly decapitated him.
The victim gradually became motion
less, while the blood streamed from the
wound. Finally tho magician removed
the knife, muttored a few words, called
aloud to the child, who soon showed
signs of life, and at last raised him to
his feet, when the boy appeared un
harmed. Both actors in this strange
scene wero liberally rewarded by. tlie
crowd, and the. boy ran off to play with
his wondering companions." i
A Homesick Actress.
Cor. Boston Herald.
Mary Anderson's cordial reception in
London was a foregone conclusion ; she
may not command the unreserved au
miration of the critics, but she will cer
tainly have the allegiance of the English
public. For some weeks before her
debut Miss Anderson was in a state of
creat nervous tension, not to say de-
spondenoy. Hhe felt that the crucial
test was at hand, having an exaggerated
idea of the temper of the London pub
lic, who. on the contrary, are never in
sensible to youth,- lauty, and her
many advantages, and are quits willing
to concede soniethiug to an actress of
several years' experience. Hbe'wa to
"homesick in the good old-fashioned
way that she cried herself to sleep
every night; but matters improved with
the arrival of other members of her
family to join her brother "Joe" anil
the young lady who had accompanied
her abroad as a companion.
. Mwedinh Prlaklag Custom.
Cor. Ban Francisco Chronicle.
You take wine with your neighbor in
this country in a peculiar fashion. It
is not enough that you should bow and
place viur glass to yonr lips.' Yon
must also, after having sipped the wine,
low fcgam, or rather you ninst .. retain
the gldk in your hand and slightly
bending - over it, look for a moment
straight in the eyes ot him or her with
whom you are drinking. That is the
custom, and a very pretty ona it is, par
ticularly when the eyes into which it is
vour duty to gaze have that depth of
liquid blueness which -nature Las be
stowed upon so many maids and
matrons in this northern land.
Some people are slbw in telling what
good things have been done tor them, but
Mr. John V. Daly, of UlllisonvilU, S. C,"
says he takes frreat pleasure in U-stlfvina
to the wonderful etllcary of Brown's Iron
Hitters in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and
general debility of the system, lie has
personally experienced the moat satisfac
tory results from the use of this valuable
medicine. Make a memorandum of this,
all ye whose systems are run down.
Brown's Iron Bitters will cure you.
Talmer & Rey, Type Founders and Press
Dealers, make itjxoal quotation on Type
and IVintinR Material to purchasers in die
Northwest. Nob. Hi and IU Front street,
Portland, Oregon. .
-A CAKD.-ToatlwnoarosafTi'Hngfrom er
rors and Indlxcrelioni of youth, ni-rvuus weak
next, early decay, lues of manhood, etc, I will
end a reciie that will cure you, FHkK UK
I'll A KG K. This Kteal remedy was.dlacoverwl
by s missionary in South America. Hend self
addretwed envelotie to Kiev. JoskiMl T. I.nmaN,
ttUtUon 1), New York.
CATARRIl A New Treatment whereby
a permanent cure Is effected in frem one to
three applications. Particulars and trea
tise free on receipt of stamp. A. 11. Uixon
& Son, 30j King street west, Toronto, Can.
Dr. Ilrnley's Ltury, Iietf and 7rw is
the best Nerve Toulc ever discovered.
Insert stintrs, plnnt-polsonlng and poi
soned wounds, Papillon Skin Cure will re
lieve and cure, at once. .
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never rarioa, A man-el of purity,
strength and wholcaumeBeaa. How seonomlral than
the ordinary kiiiiln. ami cannot he sold In comiietl
tion with the nitiltltmlo ot low tout, short weight,
slum or phaephaU powder Hold only in auia
Kuril. IUsino 1 iikr Co., lnO Wall street, N. Y. I j
Iodide of Potassium Is one of the stroiinst of the
minerals use la medlcli and has produced much sul
ferlng In the world, Taki-u (or a luox time and In laire
diaes.ltdriMUpUierailrie Juloes, Impairs dltMliun.
the stomach r( uses food, and the patisnt declines In
health and wi-lflit. Persons with Blood or Skin DU
tiM MMftii hw iliAV take thusa n.lnerel
poisons, aa In most Install the effect of them Is to al
most pwnanently hnir the eoastltuthnv To Use the
piaoo of these poisoas we offur you a safe, sure, prompt,
and peraiani nt relief from your trouliles. Swift s Hpe
olfto Is eutirely a veci-taUu preparation, sad it is easy
toooovlues yoa ot its uiuris.
I have ettred permanently Wood Taint In the thlid
feneration lr the use of Hwif.'s fcpsrlilo, alter 1 had
T , . K. A. TooMftH. M. D.. ferry, Oa.
' A yoonf man requests me to thank you for his cure of
Wood 1'ols, n by the use of your rtpeoiflo alter all other
treatment had tailed. .
Jon JaoosK, Druggist, Athens, (la
' Our Treatise on Blood snl fekin diseases siailel free
to a plteau m BpI!omo OO
Drawer J, Atlanta, (I
H. Y. OSloe; 1M W. Ud St., be. 6th and 7th Afem
The Science of Life,' Only $1.
A Great Mciical Wort on MailooJ,
Iihausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Dehlllty
Premature Hecllu In man, Krrars of Youtk, and the un
told miseries resulUus from ludl'oretlons er eseessea. A
hook for every man, youug mldtUo-aii arid old. It ooe
talus 136 prescrtiitinus f all scute and ehmliie diseases,
each one of which la Invaluable. Ho found by the authm
whose eipertenos for 23 yean Is such aa probably never
before fell to the lot of any physician. J00 passa. bound
In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, fuU lilt,
uarauteed to be a Sner work In every sense mechanise!
literary and profiwioeial-than any other work sol, in this
country for frl SO, or the money alllde refunded In every
mstauoe. Prios only SI OU by maiL post-paid. Dlastrsr
.i .mnlilnu (umd now. Gold medal awarded
the eutbu by the National Msdleal Association, to the
eflloers of which be refers, . J
ThaHeieaceof Llfeshosld bsrea. bf the yom. for
Instruction, and by the afflicted fur relief, U will bene-Stall.-
London Lancet. .... .
There la no member of society lo whom the Bclenca of
Ufe wUI not be useful, wnei ner youin, pareus, (uanuao.
Instructor or clergymen. Tribune.
Adore we riaoooy snuw - -
Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch street, Boston, Mass., who mar
h. ..united on all diaeeans iwititni skin Snd tlert-
snca. Chionle and obstinate diseases MFSI that
have baffled the skill of all other physl- n KMleofaos
a speoialtr. Hucb treated success- TUVCr s p
SaUyiriUw.ul an Inslanea of failure. - - r
V H Hn4 inoner bv Ruristered letter or P. O. Or
der. Books can be sent to any address oa the Paelru)
Oiest as safely as at noma.- uoooeeiea m suneieniiai
wrappers Manna obit uis aupucaai t aaarees.
,)'i uiiii (, Purest, lint nnd ifostKcmun
icul in the Mnrktt.
Never Varies In Qua Itjr.
ionicn!ed to CoNsaiKlit! hyluullutf Ph J.
lians, 'hemlHU and im nile-m of the Sju
fraririftco li'sird of Hvalth.
rttriirn r thb
Ham Vraxuhco and HAt-ftAMtiritia
KvfW 7vklelro.Ma.Tnetla. Boil
,tTM&fWflruf ' j)tp":te ItodyUw
f,,-f -'rti tery In the world. Only one
liVfT1" rcneratirit continuoo Ki ictvMao
VlVVSSC'' , , .lihoat Acids.
Cures disease hVenisific. For sials
or female Hundred cured I Psmphlet, &c., free i,
70S Sacramento Street, San Francisco.
! SjssesssrJjT f !
y't Va;--j
TV n. n TJ - E CI 11 n 1 1
This medicine, combining Imn with purs
VeretaMe Ionics, quickly snd completely
I'Mres IWnprpsIn, Intllgeiitloti. VenknM
Impure Mood, AlaJaria,! hills and r'everst
and Nearslslu.
It Is sn uiHsilmt: remedy for DImsmi of the
Kidneys and l.lver.
It it liiTslualile for PIm-sws peculiar to
Women, snd all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not Injure ihe teeth, csunohesdache.or
produce constipation vihn 7ron(iriiic do.
It enriches ami purifies the blood, ntlmulstos
the sphettte, slds the SMitmilsUon of food, re
lieves llearthurn snd iielrhltig, and strength
en the nitiM-les and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, iAisltude, Lack of
Energy, Ac, It has no equal.
Mr The genuine hits above tnide mark and
erowed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
O I till II A T .lioHor, KounUh IWw; UuMutt
drvmus, UuiJ fiulrutiitnts. LntMt stoHi ! bhesl
Musio soil Hooka. Bamli uppllwl at Kaatcra It loos
11. UilA V, Tout Street, Han I'randieo.
N. P. N. U. No. 37.-8. Jf. N. U. No. 114.
Easy to IMS. A certain cure. Not eipniatva. Thras
moulds' trHtuiiui tn one imckHfftv Mood Sr ColV
ui the livait. llnulwhe, PUxIiiom, llay Knee, So,
nnyoeuUk lir all DroKKiix.or ky man.
K T. 11 A.KLT1NK Warren, Ps,
The Best Wood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in
use. ltpnlchly cures all dlnoaeos orltfiitHtiuK
rrom a diwiruureu statu or ins moon or liver,
Hheuntatism. Nitraliria. lioila lllotulios. l'im-
Dies. Hcrufttla. UouU Droimy. Tumor. Halt
ltheum and Alnrunrial Tains readily yield to
its putifyiug proiierties. It leaves the blood
pure, tbe liver and kidneys healthy, the com.
plealoa bright snd cluar. For sale by all drutf
Kista. J.B.UATKH at CO Proprietors,
The Greatest
Nervine known.
(Liobicr's Extract), the
Wonderful Nutritive and
Invigorator, -
Utyrophonpiiato), Tome
for the Blood, and food
for th" Brain
This Valuable IMsrovrry. lately prepared and
sold in I tiruaii'i, un-ii'in, ur- " m-.t. .
tliat liKwllty. and perf'inml many s'touMnns euros
Aa a Nervine ami Ionic It is uiisurpaima. The
omiMtislloD of elery, Hcef ami Irvii. bus shown
to poseur wonderful pownr to build up brr.k.-n down
constitutions, and restore vigor to mind sil iMsly,
It Is an elltolelit remedy in nams of Onerul Ikrblltly,
etn. IH p-lil, l,oM.if I'lDslrnl iinrl vleiilni
E ' - J.J ... .m ... I . I .. .ml I, all lUHnii..
rswrr I rinnrj sriiin -..p. -
..r ..... mn amnliltlL Mllll KltMiulilS
SKnil III iirnnii, " "
Joule and .Nervine Is required.
537 flay Htreet. Man KraneUeo.
"l-I.BIH Ifl I Tl iTlvT
This Pn.T or niwenera.
tor s mails esnr-siy fur
therare ot deranirements
of tlie genersU'e orvana
Jhere Is no minaae about
his Instrament, the eon
tlnuous stream nf EI.KO
TK1UITY nsrmeatlrv-:
thrtinun tna rana nun
restore them to Wealthy"
ai-tlon. po not eonrouna
tnis with ElertrM) Ik-IU
IILIl -p- wiimi iiw "K" ." r , - "
VoriJrrulars glvlna lull Information. address Uwuvet
Kleeuis Halt Co.. iu wasiuutrtuu nu, iuubsv w
1 1 -J
ji fi. r ' '
w-. -a wij ,ii
seco tv 1 -11 :A.iy i
Power and Jobbing Presses
11 whirh will we euiirnulee In flrat-claas order, all of it Laving beun thurouhly ovorliaillud
In oar own Machine K)ium:
1 Acme Dnim Cylinder; bed, 31s M; will print 28x12. ,
I r'airhaven Cylinder; bed, SUM; will print MxlJ. . ' " . ' -
I ( muslon I )nim ( 'yllndor (nearly new); bed, S2x Ifi; will print ifSx IJ. . .
.1 - . I Hoe I'ruui Cylinder; bed, 31xltl; will print 'Zbxi'i.
1 Tavlor Double Cylinder; bed, ftixhi; SK-ed, l,i00 K-r hour, , 't ..
I Hoe JJuuble t'ylinder; bed. :r.'xlil; niei'd, 3,aJ per hour.
1 Taylor Ixmlile Cylinder, ilx'-ti; aimed. S,(ss) jier hour.
I I'uttor Drum Cylinder; bed. Slxju; will print 30x10.
, ' . 1 I'ottor Jlmm Cylinder; beil, 30x11; will print 26xQ,
1 Hoe Itmjr iTew; Ired. lIsW; spMt.OQO per hour. .v,
1 Adams I'rean; Ired, Slxlti. , .
I Taylor Ilruiii Cylinder; lied, WxSl. ' ' '
,t ' . 1 1 iiKMioujiyirum vyiiiwier; oerl, 8ixtu; will print vaxju, ;
1 (i onion Prrsnes (old style): 7x11.
1 (lordim I'rotwliilfl slylol: 8x12.
2 (.onion I'ri'Bitce loid alylel; Kiali,
I (ionloii I'n-Hsiold elylt); 13x16.
1 llorilon JoIiIht; Hull
1 (ionloii lYeeriiiilil stjle); 0x13. '
1 Pearl I'retei; 10x14.
Prices and terms on application to
4 I
Palmer & Rey,
Xoa. 405 snd 407 Sansome Stree Kos. 112 snd 114 Front Street,
- , San Francises, Cal. : r-AND '' rortland. Or. ' .
") No. 40 Tribune Building, New York.
j 1 . u'u
I have been troubled with Eczema of tho
worst form, the nast two year. I bave con
sulted some of our best physicians who have
made this disease, a specially, but found no re
lief until atMiut one year aao, through the reo
ommondalion of a friend. I was perauaded to
try I'apillon rildn Cure; the relief I raceived
was like a oharm, for it Rave relief when evory
tliinsr ehw failed, and now I am about wIU I
think l'aulllon Bklu Cure oueof the blomlmrs
of UieaKo. J. A. ('KAwroKii,
rug Atrent, us b, v auir street.
Chlcaira. Tils., An. 1, lwi
t')U Crawford had been treated at the Hot
Hprlnirs for bla alllii'tlon. He informed us: "I
would give mora fur Itftcrn drops of I'apillon
Skin Curt) than fur Ibe wholo of the Hot
I'apillon Skin Cure Is one of the most remark
able remedies for dlaeaaos.of the skin and cuta
neous system. It Is the only remedy that has
been found that will cure that annoying die
eaae, known aa tbe lYalrio Mniiice; It cures the
dlKease in a few days, for a cut or bruise,
burn nr scald, nothing Is so quick to atop Ihe
bleeding, remove liittummalinn suit relieve tliu
luiin. It w 111 cure a r'txtiN, ( akiu nci K, Unit,
riMi'i.KM It.tnii, and for blind, bleeding or
iu-hlng I'ilkh, this remedy is the most positive
euro ever dlncovcred. A raw sore nr ulcer
hundiigcd with I'apillon klii Curt', will be re
lieved of pain and columella) to heal at once,
riold by all driiKKists, .
Itedlngton t o, General Agents.
Redington, Woodsrd Co., Portland, Oregon.
Cut this out and Keep it for Reference.
Duplex; Galvanic Belt.
medical bolt (or Ihe euro of Nervous Weakness
snd rnMtretlon, Impotenc-y, Khrlimatlsm, Neuraljria,
llv.nensla. Oonstlnaiion and all Llvtrand Kidney DlS-
eesi, Is aUesUHl by tliousamls who have been cured by
It 11 racrlred a sllviw tueilsl as a premium fnim the
Merhanlra' Institute r'alr In 1KM1. over all otbers. It Is
universally acknowledged to he the srht in Tin woai D.
It Is adsptol to si II tnistioeiit and cure at hows, r oll
Instructions go with si 07 Ik It lrice of belt eomplete.
either mala or female, 10. rti ot'prerald to any eUJxras
for I'AMll, ar hy aipresa U. 0. 1. Address: , ,
114 Kearny U aW Franc laeo, CmU
(ffTlie (lenulne lhu)ei Oslvsnlo belt Is Patented,
Beware of luiitatlona.
SWSfaeSasjBwaSwSfSsT ' , . F .. .ll
qulrklyi-uriHl lyth.('lVlAl.KMKIItOlAoWlusU
Oielllfel'ITAWKKS-KAhClt. "'t!1!!'"''
ail .. ... St U..MB. .tstaasl tal, aSallaL I'seBUImIUI PVV
UvlaiS uZZMlAmm. Xsrk.
Absolutrly enrrd In ID to W
lisys, by Ux 1'Urr.S I'slent
Itssneile JClaatla Trusa.
111 the world, kellp-ly dltTrrsnl frtMSl
in. Perfect ReUlner, snd is worn
IthoejesjHlcoorfortnljihlauddsy. CureS
tits reaowurd Dr. J. Kluims uf Ntw York,
and huadrsdi iiMhrrs. Msw Illuetratsdpsss
ehld fl-ee.ooiitslntngftill information. .
ss.SaaMssJft SU fymaVV VSaStj
' From 619 Post Bf.
near Market Btroet '
lollsAinOsyBt. '
Ferry, wltnawpls ,
facilities we will '
room sud Increased
supply U10 trade Tn with Koda at low. ;,
desired. )Ons low.
Jjgj in
any nusiilitr .
prtos to svsrybody
The best and fresh-TTX Roods tn the
market Is out flrstJalaaisUiorjBht. Personal
attention lo sveryryorder , however 1
small, promptness TjJ In shipninK, no ,
erailit, wo losses for""" 0 a s h buyers to
mske kooiI. Jluslneasa solicited. Bstlsfao
tlon RiiMBIitaed. JJJjIMendforlatastprlcs
list, snd Btvs us s trial order. .
Hmllh'S OsihTTNts P. O, OoS
3033, Han Tranolsoo,,
. . .s
OlVUil irUKtAl AMBC7, ICO TulU. St., iw Ttrt.
A... A. on .
VniliHUUj ILL. J
This shows our Hlirh Aula. Moveable
Boat Hulkv, sspaolaUy adapted for hlgUL
hook aotlnir lanrina- ' -a5el
iioreea. auu 1 b,iaiiirn,
im vimi ir
Bam Crumble,
J. B. MiiUon
aid and many
others of Cal
ifornia. Pat Cushions
with Weight
Pocket Com
bined. ss.oo.
a - - . A.
OTOWn si sTatVa V . t,l
ssauvwauiw wwmm a
Bulky. ' 3
Prloa, 180.000
. Boxlnt. SS.OO extra.
Agents, . . Han a-'ranrlaeo, Cal.
- 1
)f TUB Ift'MAW BODY WIsAKOlin, IHVKI.oritli,
flTHKWUTHKNKI), Ktg., I tn ) n te-re.ilnt; fc.Un tur met f
therjiljjio fflrlt'tiirfi tf hninhijaj ntsoti t this On ht Q"Htr
Ihsy nrlBfailffj olrfiilsrt all part It-ultra, by slilrrsalm
t... V.,,,,..,. rl.,., W. V.-T..M. l.i!, h.' .'
1 Peerless I'ress; lit".
i I'.-crlc I'n-eiH'sliiiiitutlon); 13x19,
1 Half-medium Cniverxal Preiw.
1 hvven-eoluiun Hand I'reHHea,
1 l.ithoirrapliic Hand Press.
1 Hand Pre; 12x17. . .
11 ti aiiouii
11 sm .
WelKiit 1 WZSZB
I 1
f Combined V 11 ::
I JTi sio 00 1
" . JMCJJs ll?S0-ssWMtelTrC.