t ... i- a i... - - r 371 1 ll N ESTABLISHED FOB THE DisSKlMTIO IIP OEIOI'UTIC rllJUrLEMW TO UU U IHXEST UTIXC Bt TDK SWEAT OF OCR BROW, VOL. 1(5. EUGENE CITY, OR. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1834. NO. 4? WW I it pY G A ID. 5 if (Sajfttf (Cltjf fiuarJ. I.L.CAMPBELL, P t Wi $ir ni l Proprietor. OTr4 -t tH 'itk- l'i ? VilWnntt, ' rt biUis 1 Elith Street. TEavnoy3jn.ut?rn:f. Pot Ann-m..... Hit Mmtht...... Tar, M mtlu... .SIM . 1.M . .7J ocaos'Uf BdTEl OK ADVKItTISING. Advertisement (ierted m fullitw,: On. ii inrt. I J liuas or less, on. insertion M: stach mtMeijii.at Inwrtitm iU Cash rev-iird in TnWjrtijr will bj e'a.tr;4 at the fob f On, sqw, thr luntU.. ............. " . " lit mouths 8 00 oil, yaar. f.' 00 Tramient notices la lnc.tl column, 2doeuts per ne for 3h lawtinn. A Wertisinj bill, will be rendered quarterly. J? All iob work mint bs fmo ro us mxivesv. 6 Knaciu Loom N'o It. A. P. and A. 11. .Meets Srs and third W. Inelr in each Mrcirma Butt, Toons Ko. I. 0. rv&, . in V llMtinor Tum lur t v.niDC. HU nth. tJmid Uh, Weluintay. iu ntnh moath. jJ- WiM.til.Ll E NT IMP UK XT iO. O Ksum Loois, No. 13, A. O. U. W. Mwu it ivluonio H til th, second and fimrtb K.-iduys in each uionth. . . . , ( J. M. Sw.iv. M. W. 1 KitPATBicic PoT, Nr 41. d. A. II. - Meet. . t Matoow HU, the IM and tbir-1 FiLUys of : ach month. By ord-ir, , Cjm)Ia.xiik. .Innsn or Chokm Vriksos. Mwh th. rst and third Saturday evenma at Masonic HIL Hy or lor of i. M. Sloajt, (i C. UTT L'tnss No. 337. L 0. (J. T. Meet Ttry SitunUy ui!it in ) 1 1 F!1okt' Hull. ' . , K. 0. Piitiku, W. C. T. ' Lii SrAn 15ai or Kjph -MeU nt tl. . '. t. Clmreh evry Ami 1 y ivftjrnnon at 3:30. ' J. K. if.iaiton. Hut: Mi B-rt'i dta':, AVt Supt? Cha. Hill, Sao'y, Mi H.ittM Smith, "Chaplain. Visitor mid wulcomu. r L.BILYEU, Attorney anl Counsellor at Law, EtfUENK CJTV.'WnKttOX. PRACTICE IS ALL THB UDUttW OF ; ti)iiS;ats. Will fir .peaial attunti.tu ' t. ollocti'n an l pr.bta in kttew. j ttrici - J or W. K. C Ktnren oI!i ' : CEO. BJDBIS, 1 Attorneys a'ni Counsellors-at-Law, "WILL PBACTICB IS THK C)rTS )V of th .Viv-na.l .i.iilici il District au'l iu f, V S iprmr Outirt of t.li rtutJ. Spf'iuUttjiitlou Kivu U culL'Gtiom anil matisn in imilmt, Gs3. S. Wa3haiurne Attornc)-at-Lti;v, .JUSKSIS CUT. ' - OIlK iON Ofllee formerly o;ju;ieJ by Tli3:u;non A ? Baaa. , jy'tJ CEO. M. MILLER, ' Aiivn Yt- ':in i ' Csi 11 l3'lltL IX &al ' Ileal Estate Agent. EUGENK CirV, - - - O.iEJ J.V. OFFICE-To doir mrtb of Put () 3 m,. . -,; , J. E. FENTON, ltUOB!fiCITE, r.. OltEGlN. Spscl d -tttsnti n ftv:i ti Hjil EsUti Prau tie, and Abiti'.-ti of 1'itU. Orfici Over Gran , Store. W.IIAmUS,M.D. : Physician and Sjr6'eon. OFFICE Wllkln'8 Drug Store. KvSideno on Fifth street, where Dt Sbelton formerly reaidetl Dr. Wm Osborne, Offici Aijkii.15 St- Charles Hotel, - OR AT TUB Dili SD13 0? H1TE3 aal LUCS2I. Dlt:J0S3Pll,P.GlLL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or Ma idens, when not professionally na.'ed. " Officatth, - " ";JPOST OFFICE DRUG STOSE. ' Rend.nc on Elihth itreet, opposite Prcaby riaa Church. ... ! .; ,. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J, S. LUCXEY, ghp DEALER I e&7j Ojcks, Waonss, Chains, Jewelry, ctu " "Repalrinj Promjitly Execatml. ' CAII Work Warranted. f J.ii. LUCKKT, J J3T A GENERAL .,5 Hill if ia'fc assortment cf La dies f i tut Childrens Hose at 12 1-2 cfs. Good Dress Goods at like liest Corset in lowti for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOIHING. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure ! ! 3P WO E2XCTE3JS T CASH- AXD PATitOXIZKTll'K WIlOIIKLfT il -il-l-.i, whoco iiilrjctt are ' Bud (liuir )tn'M M home. J HKt uocivw thai. h. I Will aell good for 0A6II at :iratly reduced Lest Print lb an 1 IS ynr.la $1 00 Best Brown and HUaclie l .Lii.liu, 7, 8, 9, a id li) cfr Clark, an I Broi'w ipwl cotton 75 cU per D.. rii'ii m l Millel nrnnelj, 23, 3.": 43 and 53 ct. Vut.ir Proo , cer.tn Fino'h'ie Shirts 73 oti an 1 51. And all Oth3r Coeds at Proportionate Rates. Also t!u Colel--i d WrTITI-: SK A'TNG MACHIXK! N-n')ittr f 1-1 ' "T ft'j. ni: vi I l irVnlityl, CirTomy ol I C.nto !).. 'iw ,4fitl ly truia4 h'.'rjtu.'nrenn imiv b'.it il f nt nnv tim uli am, its ' itneri. t'i' fii'l credit on il y rediiHim A. V. Pki kKK ' of&jiflpnn GodIs said in Oregon, for uasn ur uieaii. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See IL Friendly. larnes "Slop! HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HAENFfT, TEOP 0 8th STBE - west of Craiii Bios'., 1 am now prepai, I to furnish ,verytbioi in that lint at th, Tim Mot Competent Workmen Art employwl. and I will n.Iflvor to ma with a call. '-aIt"" B. DOTS. imm'wt and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place- BOOTS and jiUAS :nall grades- (UtOf FJiLIS of all descriptions. CRSBIT, lJUIJ.D YOUIt KHIDOES. K0ADS AND ynnr iuUiviit ! Am pruiunently located anr. PETERS, iiriCe, na low oa any ether CASH STORE. Fine Cheviot Shirk 53, 73 t and 81. New Asso.t acnt Drebi io.hU (No 1'nub) IS, i .... I mO 0U. r.m' ' ."f.t S'lirii OJ ct Mens' Ovenliirt,, 75 ots. and 81. Mens' Uvon.Hn, 5), C3, 73 cU and il. KtnSroiderlds and Edwins at Fabulon o Prills. At r-tly reduced rte. m m I nir, I ! I vonti-M t- aell on same Vv wish to 'aaka CASH ii'ire'in,, I will five low as aay House give aatittfaction 1I hini& htr . . curiue. GUTS DR. W. C SEHLSCEOE, Vl'J mi rrl n If S-fJ 14 V'W PE'tMANEXTLY LOCATED CoiUre (trove. He performs alloiea li iifrin mw'i-uiic.tl ai I "'irKi.'ul deutixtry. All work warr.tntml an 1 kitlUfaotloii cunriiit.nl. Rev. Father Wilds EXPERIENCE. f Im Ki-r. Z. Wlltls, M.lI-kiioifH illy misMioiui'y In N,r VrU, iiml lirollur tf no I il.n'iiihi. iu J u.l j j Wilds, uf Hi, 'll.4vlllii!tvS hu.ii'ouio Court, uillc, ,4 full.it?: "U :. r.U S. to Vnrt. M,ig W, l2. Mks.iuh. .1. C. Avkii & Co., lieiil.iineii : La.t liiiir 1 a Irviii'.lul w.ili a inont itocuiiurt tb , llu liny liniitnr imvelhi amtii ,iice,.ly n y Inuli. wIiIjIi llclil so llitiil.r.l.ilv si lilg.il, mi l Imrnril mi IiiIohm iv. lli.it I cuul.l ik.-it.-o. ly Unr ai.y eMIiIng over tin-in, I wits it. in n snlli-rer fniui a sumo c.iruoi mil c:ilnnliiil i-omjli; my aiipetild XHir, ninl my .yslem a jnol iIkiiI run down. KiHnvli.g Hi, viiIim of Ayk:i 8 tusAi-.tuii.i.A, hy oU. rvHlli.n of lii.'iny iilltji- ciim, l.li.l from imiiml us, III former years, I In-gun Inkli.g It for Hi, al-ovo-niuuud .liur.k-r. My aiielll, im. puveil alimwt fi-oin the tli:n I nose. Alter a short linn) Ilia tvvi-r ami lluliing r, allitye l, ami all syns of IrriUilioii of th, Sitin tl s.iiiieHieil. Sty e.iDtrrli ami eoult were nln curml by ihe siima means, ami my ifen.-ral lienllh gi.Hilv inirovel, until It Is now eicel.ent. 1 f, l Immlrwl per cent ilroii(er, ami I itltr.bul, llirso rrsulli t Hie iiw of Ilia Saubai-aiim.i.a, wlilclt reconiiiieml wlilt all conHdruve mi lit, best liloml meil cine errr ileviseil. I took It In sniill ilosi-s llirt. tlini-B a ilsr, ami ttsoil, In all. less tlntii two boitlrs. i .lc, lliHsti f.teli nl your aerricc, hoping lUelr pubilenliou may ilo good. Vourt rcijiebtfiilly, Z. V. W'll.DI." Th, ahor, lustauco is but ono uf th, many eniitliiiitly 'Vi "ilnii lo our nol ce, which pror, tli, iierfeet adaptability of Am:r's SaHIV l-.tuil.l.A lo the cunt of all diseases arising from Impure or InipOi'erishoil blood, aud a wealeued vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla ctcausea, eurlohes, anil si rengl liens Ih, blood, stimulates th, action of tlie stomach and bowels, and thereby ennblct tlie lystem to resist ami orerrome fie alt neks of all &roM. (nnt Dintatri, m,'iNf tf tlie Skin, l:kr iiMlism, roir, Orurr it thbill'lt, and all d'snnlers resulting from oor or corrupted biood and a low itnte of the system. i ni:i-Aiir.il nr Dr.J.C.Aycr4Co.,Lowcll,Majs. Rold by all l)rtiglti.- price CI, fix bottle, forts. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Dest Purgatlvo Medicine sure Cointlpatlon,Ini1l(reil Ion. lrtmlnche.anil all Hi:iiitni lHo:,lcr. otd et-oivAliure. Always reliable. iolnU. Vowo;-r'3 croat PtUa ilellevar for filoa an! Beast. l'Uei-, qaloi and rttllable. PJTCIr3 CASTORIA 5 uot Karcotle. Children low fat upon, BIothc:j l'.'.:or and Phjs!clana recouimeaJ C.lSTOai.V.. Itrc-Ailatcslo Dowels, cares Wind Colic, illajs lcvcrLibncss, ond lc Jtroys Worms. suae "WEI DJ3 OA TARHII Corn, a Canatltutional Aatldota for thla tarxlblo inala tfy. ly AdnorptloiM Iho nort Important XiaooTery alnoe Vae ilaaUoa. Other rmedi may roUov Catarrh, ' tli, curet. at lay atago hoiov Conicmptlos eta la. 42S li, null l Croceris ""J Provisions, WUI keep on hand a general awortment Groceries, Provisions, Cured MwU, 'J'obaooo; dinars, Candies, Candle,, iSoaps, Notions, tiroeu and Dried Frnita, Wood and Willow Warn. Crockery, Etc. Uuaines, will be conducted on a CASK BASIS- WUch means that Low Prices are Established Goods dctirercd vilbont charge to CdTti KINOS OF PRODUCE WANTED I'iliL Yi hUV v. m pay th, bhjbxitmark it rk. JASL.PAOfc. 'i5 vvX.--lUiW? OUR.MIHISTMJO CERMANY. THE HON. JOHN A KASSON OK IOWA. Hon John A. K-iH-snn, who wan lain- ly nppointi-d 8H Miniatpr lo Gi'runny AH Imrn at Durliiigton, Vl., Jaiiuury 18,1822. II ocquirt'd tlin rutlinipnta of hm fducttion in the public HuhiMiUof li in iKMhlmrhood, and wlipn twenty yoata or nq traduatPil irom flip Univrritity o( Vfrmont. Upon li-uv. in' tli if iiiHtitulion h (li-ifrmini-d to stuJy law, and pursued a court of ivadin . in Mnnsat-liUHPttn; and after Ikmhu Admitted to prautict Im rpinovnd to St. Louiit, wlipre Im pnimKl in IiIh profexxion until 183", wlmn lie nettled in Dps Moinea, Iowa. In tlip following year Im was elected Stain Director in th organization of lint Stute Dank of Iowa, In the. following year Iih was electod State- ConimiietioniT to invpnti. gato and report on the condition of the executive Department of Iowa. Aliout thin tfne hit wan elected Chairman of the Republican Statft Committee, and in 18G0 lie was both a Delegate to the Clii:;o Convention and the rppreRen tative of Iowa on the Platform Com- iiiittne. Upon the inauguration of Prew'denr Lincoln, Mr, Kannon was ap, pointed Ftrat AnKiHtant PostiiiwAer Qenpral,a position he occupind until tlie fall of 1862, when he resigned to ac cept a nomination for CongrpsH, hut in tlw ensuing election ho was defeated. In 18G3 hn was of pointed . United SlJitPs Commissioner to the Interna, tional Postal Congress, heltl in Paris. On his return he was el. cled a tnenilier of tlm 38th Congress, ainl at the close f that was chosen for the 39ih. In 18C7 lie visited Great Dritain, France, llelgium. Jlollaiul, Germany, Switzer land and Italy, as Coinmissioneron the part of the United States to negotiate postal connections, and suuteded in indui'ing all the Governmenls excepting thai of Fntnce to sign I he preliminary igree.iient. From 1808 to 1873 he ktvpiI as inoni'ier of the Gem nil As tem'ily of Iowa, and was elected to the Forty-third and Forly fourth Con fesses. S ton after his acces ion, President Haves appointed Mr. Kitton United States Minister to Spain, hut on a- count of the stun I lie had imMii-ly taken in C ingress upon the subject of Spuiish atrocities in Cubi, hod-clined tlm p i tfolio, ninl was given -that of the Austrian 'mission. Upon big re tirempii : from, servici in Vienm, lr return-d home and win elected to the Forty-seventh Congress from his old district He has ranked as one of the Republican leaders of the House. The Mron;i-l jn. Cincinnati Knijuirer. The political panic has extended to the lilaine family. ' Mr. Eiiinions Blaine, son of J as. G. Dlaiu", was i'l ti-niuwed in Syracuse the other even ing, and lietrayed ratiier a sad state of air.tiis in the Maine household, When asked how his father would view the nomination of Mr. Cleveland, he said: There are other men whom he would rather have in the tie I against hi:n than Governor Cleveland," "Your father thinks that C'.evrhnd will make a strong run for President?" "He would rathvr have seen a.iy man mentioned in the Chicago Demo cratic convention nominated than the Now York Governor." "What dj you think of Cleveland's proKpecta through the WYstf "The are as good as a;iy Democrat's prospects could le Theiewill 1st a hard tight in Ohio, New York and Connec ticut." It i hot understood, however, that Eruiuon will join the bolters. )J will go down with tke old man. , Rrpnbflrin Opinion. Kansas Patriot (Uolting Rep.): Hlaine's white plume k.oks as if it had been used ta cleun out a smoky jhini ney. Elmira (N. V.) News (Ind.) Sheriff Cleveland is nb0t to levy upon the Republican party. Me will find, how ever, thni it has already Is-en sold out. Newark Advertiser (Rep,); No in telligent Republiean freed flatter him self that Cltiveliind will not make s strong light, or that his friends will m easily vanquished in the heated canvas, now fairly owned. Chicago Evening Mail: Thomui Nust was onto urged by Twrnl's friends to take' a trip li Europe "for his health," they paying his exponsetv Maine and his friends feel like making liiiu the same olT.-r. New York Commercial Advertise (Kep.): Mrs. McDonald waved her hand gra x-fully, and cried: "Hurrah for Cleveland." That is the advantage Chivelai.d has in Iteirtg a bachelor. The women will all favor liinu New York Dial (Ind. Rep.)f Thar liilwr who was told by his employer not to vote for Hancock, or lie would get fifty cents lem per Jay, exposed this whole humbug by answering "Dour, if you thought so, ye'd vote for Hancock ycrself." New York Times (Rep.); The ticket which the Dcinocratio Convention has , given us is Urover Ulevtianu and Thomas A Hendricks. It is a good ticket. It is a winning ticket. Of nuny possible combinations which the material at com.nand suggested, this is one of the vpfy U-st. St. Louis GIohe-Dpinncrat (Rep.)J Considering how faithful Colorado has lieen to the Republican party, the news that the Treasury Department will issue $230,000 more ono and two- dollar notes which will keep out of cir culation that much silver, reads like the basest ingratitude. Why cannot Indiana be flooded with new silver dol- lars instead of new bil? Utica (N. Y.) Observer (Rep.) Messrs Gould, Cyrus Field aud ftoge are avowedly the supporters of lysine's candidacy and therefore opposed to Clevtlaud. What kind of campaign madness is it which assumpg that the working classes ve about to join this trio of unscrupulous monopolists in an endeavor to defeat a pure, fearless and high-minded man like Grovt-r Cleve- and. New York Herald (Ind.): Forty of the Republican and Indeiendent papers that have I ml ted Dlaine have a circula tion of 1,72 1,00. That is a pretty argH audience, but, ullowing three reader to every copy cifculated-cer-tainly a moderate rwtiinafc -it ill be seen that these ptipers reach over 5, OOO.OOO people u ho have been in the mbit of attaching much weight to their opinions. Two pious mid right revetend divines down in Maine, Rev. Dr. Webb and Rev. Dr. Ecob, r.tectively, hae writ ten letters "comne'iiding Mr. Dlaino asu Christ inn g 'HI lemati whosw relig ious sympathies are entirely Protest ant, and who has never, by word or deed, to tlmir knowledge, professed any feeling but that of kvth ami contempt fur the '"w of Home." This is the first time in the history of the Govern inent that it has Ist-n thought neces sary for a Presidential candidate to secure a minister's certifimte t the ell'ect that he lielongs to one religious sect and scorns another. In I his country the people of all shades of sectarian opinion Ulieve in religious tiVrsnce. The Auuutta, Maine, correspondent of the New York Herald writes: "The Irish-Aii e ican voter herealiouts re gard as blarney tlie ebeap claptrap alstut Ireland made by Blaine's man agers. They know of Iiis indifference when Secretary of State to the cause of the Irish suspects, and that he was largely instrumental in bringing about a temporary repeal of the naturaliza tion la several years ago. They hav not forgotten that when- he com menced his newspaper career .he wrote some of the most violent Know nothing articles that appes red at a time when hostility to tlm Irish was the Wing tirttia of his party. i