r 71 1 1.3 1 ; nnri.: iilill.TuIIiOi Ifc-iTCSLnili M ESTABLISHED FUR T!!E MSSDimTWS 111' DEWUTIC I'RIXJIPIES, AM TO EARX.AX PXESTLIVIXt BT THE SWEAT (IP OCR BMW, iflJJ, Vol.16. EUGENE CITY OR SATURDAY, AUGUST 1884. NO. 41. Dlolnn Wnr Brrord. P fi hi . M i 3 ! IT n I 1 :.R I LJ 4J XN JLjI 1 JO VI 11 I. L. CAMPBELL, PiLhlii'Mrau l Proprietor. 'i OBVIO - t'' t2'k- of Win mutt Mt'o)tJSii Sj7jnt!i unl Ki'.it!i Street. TBavU07 8J3miPrii)M. Pr Ann in 32. 59 Six Months Tar Almtlu 7j OCR ON'I.Y UVTHH OP ADVKKTWING. Advertisement inserted as follows : Ont square. 1J liius or one iiuurtion S3; cU sulweTaaut iusartioa 31. Cash required in Tioilir-'rtUiiM will l).jelrjtiJ at the fob MtMt . . , '. . .: cn ,,,, On square thrso uitnths W " U mouths " " one year 1-' flJ -a .1 . 1.. . .1 ....I. ...... 'I.I.Ih lllil. Transient; nonces iu wi uium.i, . .- ( ne for evth inf rtioti. Advertising bitts will hi ren'.ered quarterly All iob work mart bo paid rus ox dgmyeuy rniiKm uwi". ' ' ' - - - ,MeU flnt aad tlurd Welnesdays In ch moath. .1.,.I.II A V nrl A M ooMtj. Hpixi'K IIottr TynK So. 0 I. O. i0. F. Meotnevei y Tuesday iveninff. V&J WlMiWHAI. EaCAMMMT Vo. 6. Aula n tk lil and 4th We'lun.lay. in encli month. Ebubsii Loois, No. 1"), A. 0. U. W. Meeu t Masonic II U the aecond and fourth iMduyi in each tnnntU. J. M. Si.oan, M. w. KlLFATllICK T r, tlu V, (i. A. R.-Meet t Miionio II ill, tha Hwt and tliir.l 1' rid .iy of Mhraontlu BorJi-r, CoaaASimit Ordub ok Chosxs F!xrw.-Mwt the mndthiri S.itr.r.hy nvi!iiiiun at M:wmiic HalL By order of J. M. Sloan-, ( C. Buttr Lortai! No. 3 !7, I. 0. G. T. - MeoW wf Svtu.-.Uy iii,' it in 0 1 1 FjIIhwV II ill E. 0. 1'ottkb, . U. 1. Lk vuis Star BAMiiof IToi,E-Mvft at tie C r. Church every Sniuiy nftwiioott ut AM. t. K. H;nton. Supt.: Mit Bert'm Coak, Ai't 8upt! Chu. Hill, -S-o'v. Mi llAttie amith, Chaplain. VwitoM iu:ido wjlom". L. BILYEU, Attorney and Counsellor at La,- euuenh cut, o;;::udnt. PaAunya in ALLiTfia ouii'M or . tliit Stiti;. Will viva ichi attention to cnllocti'inn and probite nutt ;rs. OKflOS -)er W. V. & C.'i t'tprjji ol'.ice C& 3. D 332.3. Attorneys awl Cmnsdlors- at-Lai', -tViix nucrin in thi: v ii:t YV f t'u 'wo i.l .In l: :i il Oi-.n.t iu: I u. h Siir j.iu- O i irc f tlii Sp.'.ill lltSlltM.I i'i.Ml t.) lM.ljJii.tlli II1C BliUtuT ill lik' .li.ite iSii i!':-: cirv. - - ow.o Otl Ice formerly oc;upL J by T.:jiiihuii A Bean. jyifiuJ C9. M. MILLER, iltttfajy aal Cjai3)ll3:-at-La',v, anl Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITi', - - - 0KK30V. OFFICE Two dortrs nirth of Port ().ll"e. J. E. FENTON, AttoPiipyat3-siw. fcUGENE CITY - OUEGON. SpsoliUttentiin iv.n tt Ilsil EitAtJ Frac tie and Abtrai'ti ot Title. OrriCE Over Granja Store. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. K.iidence on Fifth street, where Ir Shellon formerly renideJ. Dr. Wm Osborne, OScAJjii'Sl- Charles Hotel, - OR AT TUB W DaJ 9TJ13 0? niTE3ail LOCKET. Dll. JOSEPH P. GILL, C AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res when not phifc-wionally eni-aed. Office at the . POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. lUaidence on Eighth itreat, oppit Presby trian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairinj Promptly Executed, j J. S. LUCXEY, gfa l. o J2T A GENERAL Jg mum 691 : i;iiini iu A large assortment cf La dies ami Children s Hose at 1J 1-2 ils. Good Dress Goods at 12o- Best Corset in town for 60c An immense stock of Yew and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. Sew and Xohby styles in CL01U1XG. Liberal Discount for New Departure ! ! Vm .ia j ro: y.r. Tin: :.! kn vnu ni;i.r t i. iii rl ' Aavrr-Z, wIiomi ii!'.cii; tt. r-rij ;ieli.l tiu'il' I'l.iilU ut l.'iiiic. 'J like t.olii'e tl.ut L I .Vill mil tftod fur l'ASI.1 ut ,TiatIy M.iiiccil priocc, 116 low aj.n.y ctiuT ('ASH ti'i'OUKi iost I'l inU 1 an I li y.' 1 03 ; llciit Urrnvii aivl iV.oac!i..'.l llunlins, 7, 8, '.), (( 11I liiot Clw'iS u BraVti :in:l cotton 75 cts pur D.iz. j I'h '.i m l Milled Firan du, 1j, o't: 4 and 53 .M-uh' Ovomliirt.. i.t cti. and ?1. i'ts. Mi'iis' Overalls 51, Co, 75 ct.i r.:id SI. SVattr Pi'io , ccitu Euibnldcrlcu ami Edwins ut I'abulon T-nn "iuu 'h'.M .SUi:-tt, 7't cti an I 01.. I'rini. And a!l othsr Cods at Pro-jortionctc Rctes. Wm t!ie ( xd,:l) vi:! WIHTM SYi -VINO rACIIIX K ! Nnue It itt.tr f 1- r :! ;t'i. ni:-. anl I lmMlitvl, At ;r?My redomd rites. tr To tny ol 1 O nto neM, wli.. h ivj K'.n id livmnfo I m r, I wi.l .onlii:i t i kMI on name tr:ui 1 lKT.ifo;orc 0:1 ti'ii '. ':it if at any time ''i-y wiali to fnako CASH pnrcVww, I ( will five ill am, as itlii'r.. fir foil credit on li.y rciluntion . ' A. V. I'HILliS Goods sold as in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See IL Friendly. HarnessSliop! HAVING OrENED A NEW SADDLE AND IIAPNIfS fHOP 0 8th PTUE went of Cram JUo, I am now j'repaie I to f urniah everytbinA' in 'that line at the Tlie Competent 1 1 im ming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to I his place- HOOTS and SHOES :n all grades- GIWL RULES of all descriptions. . r;iriT.: voun 'biiiixjo, nu.uw and ym.r ir.:.fi.fln ! Afn poruiuiKiitiy located am PETERS, Khiu Chev'ot S!ii:U. 50, 1i ti a:i.l SI. Jttr Atsu t ii"iit Divss (!;t...la (No 'IV.ld'.i) !5 23 11:1. i J.i cU. M,.V (in hirnr. S'lirit ail I).-r.jrj. 51 ct low as any House JIo.st ? f U I ll 111 CI J utiifactioi. tell hn.B favcr DO. W. C- SS:!L3F.cDE, Ii NOW PEiniANENTLY LOCATED In Cottaite Grow. He peil'orn.a all opera tion in nieoli micul ami auriral dentitry. All work warranted and natliifiu'tion timrniitced, Vegotablo Sicilian HAIE EENEWER n the Unit preparation pi'ificl'.y nilr.ptcd to cili' ilMv;mi3 id t'.iu kcalp, ni.d IliO lint litc cowlul iv.ioicr ut luiicd ir giny Lair (9 its luilural w.ui', tio.vili, ami juuU.f'il Iwiiity. It ha. had many iiuiU:toiiit Lul iahiu have to fully uul all tlio retiulriiiiciiti inniful fur tlm proper tinilinciit of t lie lialr ami Malp, Hall's U.uii l:i:.r.vt 11 U:.s undily flow 11 Iu laTur, mid .ipiend Us fame nial imluliicft to every ipiuiler of tiiu c'udio. lis mi Ural luled auccitai ran to r.lU United to lilt one caiue: f'ie tui,n Jiihi.iiit nl of Hi ;nmiui. The proprietor have oficn Ucn tiupriscd at the reecipl cf orders from iiniolo cutni. tries, wlieir the) had never niaiio an effort for its liitrodiiciion. 'J'ht u:;e for a pliort time of Hall's IlAin !km:hi:ii wiiiulerfii.ly liuprnvii the per sonal appearance. It elciiiiEis the sralp from all Impurities, cures nil liiuunis, fever, and drynr'S, nnd tints prevents laUlucrs. It tliiiu'.alcs the ucaki ned plai ds, mid cnulitl tliein to push fnrnard a new and vigorous grnvth. 'J ho elfeels of till nrticlo are not tiaiiw eul, HUu ll.o'c i f nleoliolio pr pala tums, but reiuiilii n loi g time, ithlch ivukri its uno a matter f ccui.omy. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE 1011 tub WHISKERS TVIll clinnj-o tho heard to a natural brown, or Mack, nsdcflred. It produces 11 pcriuniient color thiil will not whlIi nwny. Cot sinlngof A sinplti piTi.uat;uii, it is npplicd without trouble. rnnr.Mini) r.v R. P. IIALL & CO., KaLia, 11 Soil ly all I.'oalcra iu Xru.c'.Mt. tasrn rCU ALL TEE TOEHS K'Tofiiloiis, Mcrcnrlnl, and JWJ,,7 lilooil litoi'ucr.( u". .)'. A tli5 best reni'dv, beennse the , JA n",fci- ri.tn 11111 iiu imimwiim . hinoil-piii ilier, IS Ayc:'s Carscparilla. Sold by all Druajlsts ; ti, six bottles, IS. visual r"' n s 1 r ffd fJV rooccic:ci;il il, IT 13 NOT PARCOTi:. do V'or3d"fi crcnt ralii-Kc-licvlna rer.:cdlc3. Tlicy heel, txunlio euro Surun, w'ouitd.'i, D;tck n:ul nhcyiUiitiMU upon Han, cuC. f. ::rIns, Calla f-nd I.:u:icnccrj .tpca 'Drzzis. C!:ccp, clcu. and reliable. Cs&Hoj, CracIiUiiTt l sUa ia tLo Xlcail, rotld Crcatli, CoaTdcss, rati try Catarrlal Com7.lai.-1t, can l-o exterminated 1 7 Wei To I.Ii7er's Catatrli Cnro.oCoisC tuClonal Antldoto, fcy .iaorn Uoa . Tlo aor.t Iainoi-tant EU" covcry dnoo Vaccination. . I, . m, rtCALCft IS Croceris nt"1 Provisions, Will keep on band general assortment Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Toltacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Soaj, Notions. Ureen and Driel Fniits, Wood and WiUotr Ware. Crockery, Etc Business will be conducted on a CASH BASIS- Which means that Low Prices' are Established Goods delivered withont Oiarje to Bnyei ML KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Frwhlh wtllrsy th blffbsttmarki yrin. JA I.. PAGE. P 1 w ill ron 1 WOT .THOMAS AJIEHDltlCKS. - A SKETCH OF THE POLITICAL CAUEEIl OF THE DEMO CRATIC CANDIDATE FOK VICE-I'HI'SIDENT. Tlionms A. Ilotiiliioks wan born a Ilucki'vp, liii imlivH plucn liflng a Hiuall villiiot in Muskingum county, not far from ZunoHvilln, Oliio, In 1822, vhmi Iih wan three ypftr-s olil, liis futlinr movi'd to Slwl'iy county, Intl., and that Siiittt has sinott hflcn his home. HiH fiitlpr had sufficient property toitducat his ehiUlrnii, and n( tho ni of 22yuuno IIi'iidrickHrnduutt'd nt Hanover Col li'oi'. f went iiniiifdiatly to Chain 1 ruliiirg, Pa., where hn studied law, nntl two years litter was admitted to tlm Imr. Hit then returned to Indiana and in the villain of Slu'lKy villo hun;' out his sliinle, Old AcquaintaiiceH say h madii a quick hhccchm, both hy his kuowledgn of thd law and his nt tractive perHonal characteriHtics. It in said that the late Governor Morton, when opposing yoiliig Hendricks, could usually win Leforn a jury, Lul in an argument lieforei a Judgo llendricko would beat him every limn. In 1818 Hendricks was elected n member of the State Legislature, and two years later helped to form a Con (dilution for his State. Tho next five years he served his Jistrict in Congresa Then one morning, while sitting on (he portico of his homo in Shelbyville, a friend handed him a franked envelope postmarked "Washington." It. wai from Franklin Pierce, asking him to come on to Washington nnd take the otHsnof Land Commissioner. Ho ac cepted, aiid'for neatly four years (lis charged the duties of that post He re mained iu office one year longer than hn intended to because of a. controversy with Land Officer Ilurclt of Missouri, l'urch's sun had taken up a very large tnct of the best land iu Missouri, and I.ui'cli wanted to get n patent for the young man, contrary to law nnd right. Hendricks cut oil' the, grab and stayed iu olliw li ng enough to see thai it should not again bo attempted. While Commissioner ho heard nnd ilccii'c.l 22,000 c ntcsteil laud claims. His standing before tho penplo of his Statu umdn him' the .Democratic candidate for Coventor in 1800. This was not a good year for Democratic candidates, and Henry S. Lane, defeated him. Lane went to the Senate at once and Morton succeeded to the Govern or's chair. . Tw o yearn later th Demo crats turi.ed the ,State Legislature and Senate inside out, and the new Houses at onco elect ml Hendricks Unitol States Senator fr.r the term expiring in 18C9. This was the opportunity which Hendricks needed to give him a na tional reputation. Democrats could do little inure, than protest in those days, but Hendricks protested nga'ust the Republican reconstruction, method ho effectually that he was the most conspic uous before tho National Democratic Convention held in New York City in 1 808. New York's delegates and all the Northwest tracked him, but Ohio kicked over the tiajes, voted persist ently for Seymour, and finally with the aid of ihn gallery gods, created a stam pede. In 1576 Mr. Hendricks was nomi nated for the; Vice-Presidency and elected on the ticket that has since be come famous. - Hr. Hendricks' s-lection for :ha second place on the ticket by the Chi raM Convent i u as so unanimous, St iiiiit lie conjectured that his nomination I will he as popuitriy receiven nj i.n tax oi to mane mm --nikukti uvnu psrty at lursje, ,holderr Hero is tho unr record of the man who intimates that h.i would delight to wade in gore, whoso friends insintl nte that h i would reach the utmost height of felicity could he but give the tail of tho British liotl ft hearty twist, drive the imperial eagles of Germany squawking back into tho Alps and raise a rumpus all nrouud: 1. Iilaino was tile first man drafted for the wur in his district. 2. He hired one Bradford as a Kttbstitute for $2fl0. 3. Bradford never went to tho front, but was imprisoned during the war for a criminal uU'eiise. The Common Council of August repaid to Illuine the 9250 he had given to Bradford ns a substitute. k splint riii iiit. Running over th files of Ihe Ore gonian for n part of April, wo find that on (hn 21st of that month it Raid edito rially: Since the Republican party can nominate a man who would bo unas sailable oti his record, why take Blainej whose name would be the, signal for defensive caiitpaigut Every Demo cratic paper in the laud would publish his "record" within forty-eight hours after his nominadon. Again, since thd Republican party can nominate a mart who would reccivo Ihn united "inde pendent," "stalwart" and "half-breed'' vote, particularly in tho Empire State, where such solid vote is most needed, why nominate Blaine, who could not get itt Nety York Evening Post (Rep.): As for Cleveland, the Blaiilo 'penpld hav a very small opinion of hiitn He is a new man, a mere accident, a very good ex-Mayor, a Governor who has signed some bills and vetoed others, hut really a man without any public record as a statesman. It tuny he that this il go ing to be a campaign in which too rtitlch record will bo a disadvantage. No body will deny that tho Republican candidate hos more record than almost any other man in public life, but titer are portions of it which his most de voted supported never mention. Even Steve Elkins, as far as wo are aware, has never made any allusion to ths Mulligan letters, or has given the coun try the benefit of his interpretation of the bo ntonco, "I do not feel that I shall prove u dead head in the enter prise if I once embark in it. I sea various channels in which I know I can be useful," ' Grover Cleveland presided at a meeting in Buffalo iu ' the Spring of 1881 to denounce! Minister Lowell's action in allowing American citizens to be cast in British dungeon without a trial, when a vigorous protest would have freed them. Mr. Jas. G. Bla'tna was Invited to that meeting, but did not even send a letter of regret. Official documents show that I)well was acting under the order of Iris superior, Jas. G. Blaine. In 1882 a meeting was held iu Baltimore to sympathize with Ireland. Jerry Black and other prom inent Democrats were there. Mr Bluiue was invited didn't cone, make no excuse, ignored (he meeting alto gether, and did not even send bo slight i courtesy as a mere letter of regret. The New York Independent Com mittee soys (hat some idea of the ex tent of the Republican revolt against Blaine may be gathered from the fact that (ho petition which the committee issued three week ago, ann which called upon all lh Republican to vote against (he tattooed ticket, tins already received over 20,000 signatures. Th committee believes that the organized revolt will not bo flinch, if any short of BO.OOO. votes. Gardiner (Mass.) News (Ind. Rep.): If Mr. Crnpo will take a ron dp this way ho will find evidences of not only dicontf nt but open reVllion that will send him heme a mbch ' less sanguine Blaine man. Ths Western Massachu setts woods are Jast crammed full of loiters. ' ' Patterson (N.J.) Republican: If I tax of (2 on a blanket makes a man moderately prosperous, why would not EUlTurthACoiBrKkWffla-nettnttt.