...... t , r H EXT1BLISIIED FOI THE DISSEIMIOS OP OESOCRATIC PRIJICIPIIS, AND TO EAR!! H nOXESTHVIXC BT TIIE SWEAT OP OUE BROW. VOL.16. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1884. NO. 38- c TY GUARD. Site &mt (Cittj (Dunrd. ' I. L. CAMPBELL, Publisbar ani Proprietor. omC.l-Ji tHKntIU of Willamette r.it bjtffd.a Seventh and Eighth Street. TERM OF SfftHOIttPriOX. Per Annum 81 M Hit: Months 12! Thr Mmth 75 OOI ONLT RA.TK-5 OB ADYICKTISINQ. Advertisements Inserted as follows : On. ispiare, 10 Unas or lss, one insertion 83; ettch subsmiuea insertion 81. Cub required in dvaaos. ... . . " Tla aUartisers will be charged at the fol- iur rt3: n One siiuir three months 55 00 " six mouth. 8 00 " " oueyear 12 00 Transient notieas in local column, 20 cents per ke for each insertion. Advertising bills will bs rendered quarterly. Ail ob work must be paid rot oa delivehy. societies. v.... lini Xn 11. A. P. and A. M ,Meots Srat and third We Ineadays in urli month. HpKvmta Btrrrt Tonna No. 9 T. O. 1 0. F. Meet. every Tuesday tveniog. W... inrHil . RMnftltWrifT Nil. A. sets .a the id sat 4th WednesJsjs in mch month. Eoatxs L-jms, No. 15, A. 0. U. W. HnU tt Munnio H ill the second and (mirth F.-idJi in each month. J. M. Sloam, M. W. KtLfATWCK Poit, Nt. 41. 11. A. II. Meet t Mssenio Hill, the tirst and third Frid.iys i.f aohmenth. Byordar,, Coxs.umEH. Irder or Chose Friers. Meet the rst and third Saturday eveninw at Masonic HalL By order of J. M. Sloax, ( C. llOTTi Lodge No. 337, I. 0. G. T. Meet? wry Saturday nijht in 0 1 1 Fellows' FT ill E. 0. Pottku, W. C. T. Leadisj Stab B.d or Hope -Jfoets at the U. P. Church every S.in Ivr afternoon at 3:31. J, K. Hi'istun. S ii't.! Mi" Bertha Cook, As't St; Chas. Hill, Sc'y, Minn Hattie Smith, Chaplain. Visitors ma Jo welcome. L.BILYEU, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, EUGKNK CITY", onEGO.V. PRACriCa IN A.T.T, THE COURTS OF thit State. Will (rive npfcfcil attention to collections and probata uutt'TS. OrriCE -Over W. K. . CVs Express oirW CEO. B. DDiiRIS, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, WTttJ. PRACTICE IN THE OURTS V V of the Second Judicial District and in he Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections and Matters in probate Geo. S. VVashburne AUorncy-at-Lnw". fUJ-JKNH CITY, - - OREGON Olllce formerly occupied by Thompson & Beaa. ' j'8,u3 GEO. M. MILLER, 'A,ttora7 and Counsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON. OFFICE Two doors north of Post Office. J. E. FENTON, Attorncy-at-Law. KUGENB CITY - OREGON. Special attention given to Real Estate Prao tie, and Abstracts of Title, OrricE Over Grange Store. T. W, II ARRIS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFK'K iVilkln's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, wher, Dr Shelton . formerly resided, Dr. Wm Osborne, 'oicojAJja'aiisSt- Charles Hotel, - OR AT THE Dill 8W1S 0? HITE3 and LDCKT. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or m idence when not professionally engaged. Olfios at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Resident on Eighth street, opposite Presby rian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, CEALE1IX Clicks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Rcpairiag Promptly Executed. CsT-AII Wsrk WarranUst.jTl J. 8. LOCKF.Y, IUsT.rth Cos Brirk TTillara.tte strt,t. NEW -At- I B. HOT'S A GENERAL A large assortment of La dies ami Childrens Hose at n 1-2 lets. Good Dress Goods at 12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CL01HING. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure ! ! TWO 2?22I03ESS J OjBl!&1&: AXD TJATRONIZK THE MEN WHO HELP T J. - SCHOOL HOUSES, whose interest are spend their proh u at home. Take notice that- A. V. Will nil goods for CASH at irreatly reduced prices, as low as ar.y ether CASH STORE. Heat Trlnts lb and 18 yards 81 00 Best Brown and Bloached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cts. Clarks an 1 Brooks spool cotton 7S cts per Dot I'lain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 3T: 41 and 50 cts. Watar Proo , cer.U Fine White Shirts, 73 cts and 81. And all Other Cosds Also the Celebrated WHIT 15 SK AIISTG MACHINE ! None btter for s'.ren jth, size, and durability), At greatly reduced rates. C-iT To my old Custome-s, who have stood by me so 1 tng, I will continue U sell on same tirms as heretofore no tim, but if at any time they wish to make UAnil purcliascs, 1 will give all sm, as others, the full credit on my reduction A. V. PETERS Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price pail for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See S. H. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. DSALERS IS SSS Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc WtrliM. (locks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwes corntr of Willamette and Eighth stmts. . This is an AMn.l, SWIFT COMBS, GENERAL G ROCERS and Qmck.ry dealers, wish the public to remember f-at we allow NO ONE to nnder- I sell us. Er.rything in stock nded in any family, including WUlnw, Wood and tnn Wan. Choios 5c and lOe cigars a spialty' Come and os. FactB pmdw, wantd. J 7 ; im ming SiJl s and Sat ins in all shades. Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The tiiieai stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES :nall grades- Gil )( Elites of all desciivtions. 0.3S3E3E,GP,f HUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND vour interests! Are uemianentlt louatwl and PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirts. 83, 75 eta ami 8L New Assortment Dress (AkkIs (No Trash) 15, 20 and 2i cts. Meus' Undsrwa-w, Shirti and Drawers, 50 ct Mens' Overshlrts, 75 cts. and 81. Mens' Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cts and 81. Embroideries and Edwins at Fabulous Low Prices. at Proportionate Rates. A. O. HOVEf, H. C. BUMPBRET, W. T. MET, Notary. Attorney. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK. H0VEY, HUMPHREY fc CO EUGENE OITTT, 02. Deposits received subject to check, jonne made on approved securities. Sight Drafts drawn on PORTLAND, PAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Exchange drawn on the principal Cities of Europe. Collections made on all points and general Banking bnvne tnnwM on avorable II if. Of II' ITS DR. W. C SEHLBEEDE m mi s-Ti i tf btt 13 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED In Cottage Gmvs, He performs nil opera tions In mechanical and surgical dentistry. AU work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed, Rev. Father Wilds1 EXPERIENCE. The lUv. Z. P. WliUs, well-known city tnluluaary lu 'ew York, ami brother of Ui lut. eiulueut JuiIk Wilds, of lh Masutchusvtt tupreui Court, write, a. foiiaw i " IS A'. (H St., Nr Tork, .W.iff 1. 1B. Ukssks. J. C. Avku k Co.. (iciitlvnieu t - Last winter I was trouMed with a most aiieomtortuule Itching humor (fUg mora especially my limba, which llclimt so lulolsrauly at night, ami burned so Intrns Ij. thai 1 ooulU scarcely bear any clothing over' them. 1 was also a sunY'ior front a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough ) niy ai'petlta was poor, and my system a fooil deal run down. Knowing the valtM of Avitu's Sausaharim.a, by observation of ttinuy older cases, nnd from ronnl us. In foruier years. 1 benHii taking il for tli, alove-uained disonlers. My aietita Im purssl almost from the Hut iluee. After a shost time the fever and Itching were allayed, and all signs of Irritation of th, skiu divippmred. A I y catarrh and eonfh wer, also cured by the sain means, and my general health greatly Improved, until It Is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute the., results to the uso of the SAHSAfAliltLA, which I reooniuieud with all eonttdenoe as the best blood medicine aver d.visl. 1 took II In small doses throe time, a day, and med. In all, leu than two bottles. I plae, these facta at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Your respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above Instance Is but one of the many constantly co nlug to our notice, wblcb prov, th perfect adaptability of AVer's Saba MXILLA to I'j cure of all disease arising from Impure or Impoverished blood, and weakened vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates th action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables tb system to resist and overcome the attacks of all A'eroW ton Ditattt, Eruplim$ of tkt Skin, mnliim, Catarrh, Oenrrnt Dtbillt, and all disorders resulting from ioor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. rREFARED Br Dr.J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mas. Sold by nil Druggists; price 11, (Is bottle forf& AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Dcst Purgative Medicine ore Constipation, Inillpestlnn, Headache, and all lillions Disorders, old every wiser. Always reliable. - - Always Curni nail noref dlaap wolats. The worW croat Pain" Uellever for Una amd Beavst, C&esip, qnlolt Mtt relle-olo. 39 PITCHER'S CASTORIA U not Narcotic. . Children grow fat upon, Mothers Mlc, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Dowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverishness, and de stroys Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for tbie terrible naU if, ly Aosorption. Th most Important DUooTery slnee Vaa , elnetloxv. Other remedies may reliere Catarrh, tli enre at jay stag hofora Consaxoptioa eete la. HEALER IH Crocerls "J Provisions, Will keep on hand , general assortment Groceries ProvUious, Cured Meats, . rtt f -I ' lonacco, cigars, nuie, Candle, Soai. Notions. Ureen and Dried raits, Wood and Willow War Crockery, Eta Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS WUch means that . Low Prices are established Goods dcllrered wilhool (harge to Injt! LL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED VTwhi.h we will pay the higbestmarkH 4 a,. i i r .', W J l b ml' .M S . I . ETEST mm AND L0CA.1 rLACED. h Rrliiim or Drptnltalt Rrmaliimi who Ire not Frd at the Public Crib. Washixgtox, JkinA 21.The otlirr dny the Sun published ft. list of the rclativM of Jnnips O. Dlaine, who through his mery and graco ore feed ing at the pultlio cril; hut it was in complete, and did injuHticp to the great historian, Some one has Maul: "He who cart th not for It ih own household is worae than an irttiJe'," and . nuitlior of (lie llepuhlicnn nominees has failed in thit regard. If (here is a relative of John Anderson Logan who dot s not hold aa. oflictt it is an. .oversight for which a pardon should forthwith Im issued, as it litis hrcn Logan's purpose to take care of not only of his relatives, hut his servants and private secretaries nt Government expense. James Gilles pie B!ainn has a private secretary who is paid out of tho funds appropriated for the support of thn State Depart ment, and his name is Shernan. He is now in Augusta assisting Mr. Blaine in answering the 3,000 letters he receives each day, but there is no record to dhow that Secretary Frelinghuysen has ao- orpted his resignation or stopped his pay. The members of the Blaine family now holding office are as follows: John E. Blaine, a brother, Paymas ter, TJ. 8. Army. Robert G. Blaine, a brother, curator of the museum at tho Agricultural De partment, in charge of the hip; pump kins and double-rowed ears of corn. Robert was a clerk in the Huuse of Representatives when James was Speak er, and a clerk in tho Senato while James was a member of that body. When James became Secretary of State he hilliterl RoWt with Dr. Loring, Commissioner of Agriculture. Walker Blaine, a son and a youna lawyer who never had a case in court, is assistant counsel for the Govern ment in thn Court of A1alama Claims at a salary of 83,500 per annum. He was Assistant Secretary of State when hit father was Premier, and was selected to conduct some delicate guano negotiations with Peru. John J, Coppinger, a son-in-law, is Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighteenth Infantry. James A. Ekin, a cousin, is Assist tnt Quartermaster'Gfneral in the army. Wiu. M. Ekin. a son of James A . is an agent of the Qunatorinaster-General, investigating claims growing out of the war in Tennessee. He was a delegate to the Chicago Convention John E. Blaine, a cousin, is Collector of Internal Revenue in Kentucky, The Rev, Mai nor Blaine, a cousin, is a Chaplain in the IT. S, Army. Augustus Stan wood and Jsaao otan wood, nephews, are clerks in the New York Custom House. James A. Dodge, a cousin by mar riage, is an Inspector of Customs. 1 he members of the Loqan family who hold office are even more numer ous: Cornelius A, Logan, a cousin of John Alexander, is Minister to Chili. W. F, Tucker, Jr., a son-in-law, is a Paymaster in the U. 8. Army. John A, Logan, Jr., a son, is a cadet at West Pcint. John M. Cunningham, brother-in- law, Second Lieutenaut Nineteenth In fantry. Samuel o, Jbrrelt, brother-in-law, As sistant Superintendent Yellowstone National Park. Cyrus Thomas, brother-in-law, ethno logist, Smithsonian Institute. Viola Thomas, niece, clerk, Smith sonian Institute. Susie Cunningham, sistei -in-law,clerk in Treasury Department Enoch JJlnnchard, nephew, clerk in the railway postal service. Mollis E. Jenkins, niece, clerk in the marine hospital service, James Cunningham, brother-in-law, Postmaster at Birmingham, Ala. Samuel K. Cunningham, brother i:. law, Inspector Chicago Custom House. James V Logan, brother, Postmas ter at Murphysloro, III. Edward Hill, nephew, Deputy U. S. Marshal, Southern District of III. Mary IL Brady, former servant, clerk in Treasury Department, Wash ington. Louis Norn's, former servant, mes senger in Interior Department, Wash ington. Daniel Shepherd, private secretary, Assistant Postmaster at Chicago. Beach Tsylor, private secret a ry.tlerk U. & Senate. One advantage in favor of Blaine and Lpgan i that their relatives are no already taken caro of, at d there ! are not any to be provide for after election. la OiipUftunt Paprf n an Important Sob jecl. Erofexc, June, 1884. . Editor Guard: t have been asked about tho fearful decay Of the teeth iri this country. In a majority. of cases' the teeth of our fast living OregonianS begin to decay in childhood. A young lady or gentleman with a sound set of teeth is on exception to the gen eral rule. Do we not hate a sad illus tration of this subject in the tens of thousands of dentists all ove the coun try. The young man or woman needs a set of artificial teeth liefore he or sho is ready for the marriage relation; and if both parents are toothless in early life what can wo expect of the coming generation, for we are taught in the Bible (Genesi, chapter 1, and 11th and 1 2th verces) aboil: fruit yielding after its own kind, etc. One reason why teeth decay is the absence of limS in our food, is the practice of eating bread which does not contain tho con stitupufs of bono that the prevalence' of toothache and rickets is to be traced, and to the had habit of feeding chil dren enke, sugar and candy is often the cause which tends to produce much trouble relative to the teeth, especially tho early decay; candy produces a con stipated state ef the liowels, and there is a point that may le stated here, and thai is the action of candy on an ex pesed nerve. We eat briad, meat, and vegetables and our exposed nerve makes no complaint, but the moment a little candy is dissolved in the tooth the tissue sets up a cry. What does it meant I have as yet not solved thrt problem. Who will do itt But we must conclude that candies are injur ious, and yet there may be other reas ons for the pain produced in the tooth. But the injurious effects of candies dot not stop here. We have a large nuav ler of essential oils that are used by the candy ma'ters for flavoring, many of them re very poisonous; the oil of almond (bitter) contains prussio acid; a few drops of this oil will produce death. The peach and almond flavors are made from prussio acid in some1 form, and are very poisonoi's. Th Indians in Oregon are noted for their1 good toeth. Incoming down the Co lumbia river we examined many In dian skulls that we found near the road, every one of which contained s complete set of teeth. There are many reasons why the teeth of Indians are in lietter condition thin the white man's They eat parched corn; having no grist mill, they grind their food with the teeth, and again Indians sleep with their mouths shut, breathe through! their nostrils and does not draw th cold air over their teeth We , breaths through our mouth. Travelers in' form us that in the East toothache is unknown, except among white travel ers; in India evervliody has fins teethi The late King of Siam, who died St the ago of sixty-rive had a full set 6f teeth without a speck of decay. Can not so.nething be done to avert this widespread curse of toothache and dis eased teeth, Another bad practice is drinking hot coffee, and then rushing out for a glass of soda water Of ice cream, the extremes of heat and cold following each other in quick success ion. It cracks the enamel of the teeth and causes their early decay. God the creator is ell wise and beneficent if we were wiw enough to oliey the lawa of our organism, then these harmful in fluences would never be felt. May thoughtful men and women consider and act properly. , ,," Thomas Belshaw. Colonel J. A Price, a prominent Republican and Presilent of the Scran ton (Pa.) Board of Trade, says he can not support Blaino for President of the United States. - ; Mr. Price told a reporter that he regarded Blaine as the representative of the most vicious element in machine politics, and he looked upon the Chicago platform, on Which "The Plumed Knight" was nom inated, as one of the most insincere and hypocritical doctrments that ever emanated fro.i a political Isxly making any pfetemiorrt to decency. Tho Republic, a prominent Irish American journal of Boston, says of Blaine and Logan: "Today the Re public simply contents itself with de claring them, (Blaine and Logan,) ab s ilutely unfit for Any political honors, whatever, and nnworthy of the support of any man who has a particle of self respect or an iota of love for his coun try." Up to dute bixty-liiree leading Re-f publican newspapers have gone baalf on the tattooed ticket.