DULCE MOMUM. i B. F. Taylor. A camp of Blue, a camp of Gray, A peaceful river rolled between, Were pitched two rifle-shots away, The mil had lot tho went ajjlow, The everting clouds were crimson snow, The twiuklini; camp-Urat faintly seen Across tho daik'uing river. Then floated from the Federal band The "Hianled Banner's" starry strain, The Grays struck up their "Dixie Land," And "Rally Round'' and "Bonny Blue" And "Red and White" alterant flew; Ahl nosuch flightB shall cross agalu The Ruikannoclc riverl And then, above the glancing "beam Of song" a bugle warbled low Like souie bird startled from a dream "Home, Home, Bweet Home," and voices rung And G. ay and Blue harmonious sang AU otlier songs were like the snow Among the pities when woods are stilled. And hearts and voice throbbed and thrilled Vt ith "Home, Sweet Home" forever. No matter what the Hug unfurled Ah, Dulee Domum inlus the world! Dutch Life by the Hea. Holland Cor. St Louis Republican. There aro picturesnue features to Sclieveningen bestowed upon it by tho .- .1.. - mi tin , uniting ministries, i nore are iw mix ing boats that gv thither in a fleet to catch herring on the north coast of Scotland, and tho first fish caught is always sent to the king. The event of the season u tho return of the fleet The industry of the Dutch is thon seen at its best. Occasionally one of these pinken, as the nsliing boats are culled comes in alouo. In tho early morning the nsbwomen gather on the sands, buy their boskets of fish, and start for the market at Tho Hague. It is not easy to toll what the mission in lifo is of the group of weatner-leten old hsu.ermen that daily forms on the torrace. They seem to be veterans whose age has released them from further service, but they nevertuelo look strong and able' bodied. They come there in tho morn ing in their white-washed wooden shoes and they are to be seen there at twilight. Iney smile not, neither do they whittle, but they c&tuh the sunlight upon their tough brown skins, and live the day through in a place that passcth under- standing to, a restless American. As a companion pieco to this inter estinpr group, there is within a half minute's 'walk another company, this one being of old and wrinkled women, in blue homespun gowns and white caps. They knit away in grim Btyle, but without any othor symptoms of life, if a red-Baaed nsliinfr boat ap pears within rango of their fading eyesight they bestir themselves, and look and look. If it makes for tho shore the uieu move slowly down to the beach to welcome it, and the women retire into the tortuous streets of the village. The Dutch life seems to be encysted from favorable observation. There. is a gaze of stolid resentment at the intrusive glance of a stranger across the threshold of a Dutch house, It is evident tlias the Dutch intend to keep what they have got, and that all tney ask is to be let alone. Contra I'p to the Brag. Moncure D. Conway. San Francisco is a strangelv cosmo politan city. It seems to occupy iu the modern world much the same place as was occupied by tho old Venice of the Doges. Along its streets representa tives of many tribes may bo seen, some' times, indeed, in their outlandish cos' tumes, but these seem to excite no at tention whatever. But the cosmopoli tanism evidently is not confined toward this mi re familiarity with the varieties of mankind. There is a romarkablo cosmopolitanism in tho people in thin there is no provincialism in their ideas or manners, not even that provincialism so common in more eastern cities, of assuming a blase air. There is a great deal of culture and refinement in Sun r rancisco, with end less hospitality, and these intelligent people show a great interest in a per son's affairs of another region, without showing any impertinent curiosity abont them. Tliey have a reputation for see ing their city in exaggerated proportions as if alwavi under a solar microscope, A ludy tell.-) me that when Ralph Waldo Emerson visited this region, on Ins return from the Yosemito, she asked him how he Liked it and he replied : "It is the only thing I have seen out here which eomes up to the brag. However, San Francisco travels very fast and among otlier things, no doubt, it is living behind that age of brag which seems necessary to any such man ifest achievement as that which is rep- sented in this vast flower of Anglo- Saxon civilization. A Literary Clearing:- Hons. 'New York Times. Few know that the Smithsonian insti tution is the greatest literary and scion tifio clearing-house in the world, yet such is the fact. Its scope in this field is universal. Any person can send here any number of copies of a publication, addressed s desired, and the institution sees that they are delivered without cost to the sender. An American author can t-tiB distribute an edition of a learned treatise through all foreign countries, near and remote, as well as his own, while foreign writers can, in turn, reach every learned society and student in this country or in other foreign countries. Practically, the exchanges are made in most cases between societies rather than individuals, and somo idea can be gained of the proportions of the work from the fact that the institution has now 3,151 foreiij-n societies or agents with which it is in regular correspondence. The report for 1N81, just published, gives 2,908 foreign correspondents in that year, distributed as follows : Africa, 30; America, outsido of the Uuited States, 135; Asia, 08; Australasia, 82; Europe, 2,578; Polynesia, 2: miscella neous, 7. i Why the Editor Couldn't Write the Truth. pomerville Journal "llow in it that you can tell such whoppers? asked a caller, addressing the editor of the fish story department. "Well, you see.' replied the editor, "our wife's name is Anna." "What has that to do with it?" "A great deal. When we are writing fish stories we usually have Anna nigh ns to help ub." The callei was carried to the hospital GOTHAM'S FRENCH FLATS. llow Honey I Made to Keeps Off Unpleasant Xelehborn. "H. H. IL" in Chicago Time. In 18C5 Rutherford Stuyvesant, Lav. ing lived for many years in l'aiis, built the first real apartment or Kronen flat horse. Uue thousand dollars a yeai wero asked lor eight good rooms, a moderate price, but people turned up their noses at Stuyvesant s tenements. and for several tears no morotkts went up. In 1H08, whrn home rent went up to exorbitant figur and no house, no matter now small, could be had iu ar respectable neighborhood for loss than $'2,0U0 a year, somo nice people wore led to apply for Stuyvesant's fiuts, and after the first plunge the building became actually fashionable. Stuyvesant then built another apart ment home at Eighteenth btreot, and introduced a liveried janitor. 1 he building paid for itself in ten years. Then chcapor imitations began to go up all over the town, especially along the avenues where tho shops on the ground floor could be well rented. The notion of living over a chop was an other prejudice to be overcome, but now nothing is thought of it, even by verv pretoutious people, who pay rents of "from $1,200 to $2,500 a year for apartments over stores. Along Sixth avenue tho flats above the shops were fair iu size and convenience. For people who did not want to live above shops tho r.rst of the downright abominations in the way of Huts were erected. Scores of houses were put up six or soven stories high on lots of twenty-five feot by 100, with two apnrt ments on each floor, So that if the building was eighty feet deep, the space occupied by each family was about twelve feet by seventy-eight, out of which must be tukeu space for stairs, light-shafts, etc. It followed, of course, that many of the rooms got all their light and ventilation from inside wells, oiton roo'od' over at the top. The whole building was usually cheap and nasty. An arrangement of bolls and letter-boxes was placed in the vestibule, and by ringing the bell of any apart ment the girl iu that apartmont could pull a string and open the street door for tho visitor. Apartmonts in inch houses rent oil at from $30 to $t-0 a month. After a few ye irs, if the house had not the cine of un intelligent janitor, it ran down, dirty children played around its entrance, and as the place went from bad to worse, the best people moved away, leaving those to whom dirt was a matter of indinerence. This has been tho history of nine out of ton of the apartment-houses which be gan well and sank in the social scale. It may be taken for granted that an apartment which is cheap is also pretty certain to be nasty. hen the hrst anartment-houses ap peared, social philosophers found com fort iu them because they promised re lief from the high rents that were driv ing people out of tow n, or preventing marriages altogether. ith the erec tion of hundreds of houses in which decency, health, and comfort are sacri ficed to bhow, the philosopher has becomo less certain of the ad vantages of flats, especially when it is considered that the multiplicity and cheapness of flats may tend to keep in the city thousands w ho would be better off in the couutry. Within the last three years, liowover, another class of flats has come into being which prom ises better than anything of tho kind heretofore attempted, home wise men noticed that one reason why people were w llling to pay enormous rents in flats was that they paid not merely for the use of their rooms, but also to keep out unpleasant neighbors. 1'eoplo with incomes ot 10.000 a year aro apt to be better bred, moro cultivated, iu foe', pleasanter neighbors, than poople with incomes of $"n0 a year. It is not always so, but the rulo holds good ow lovk city, and it is so unvarying that peoplo pay for exclusivcness in flats more than for anything else. In an apartment-house where the rent is $2,51)0 for each family the peo ple are likely to be pleasant and cleanly neighbors; in an apaitmont houe, whicu might be exactly similar in size, convenience, and finish, where the rents are $250 a year, tho people would not be likely to be over-pleasant, over-cleanly neighbors they may be noisy, they may drink, and they are sure to allow children to monopolize the halls and stairs. Money, then, is used to keep off unpleasant neighbors and this singular phenomenon has been known, people have threatened to move away if their rents were reduced. The wise person mentioned, said to him self that tho tenants of an apartment must find some means other than actual woight of money to keep off unpleasant neighbors, and then the problem of pleasant or orderly apartments at reasonable prices would be solved. The usual co.irse of an apartment- house is that a speculative builder puts it up and sells it at a pro.-.t. Then the investor, in order to get a reasonable rate of interest, has to charge rents k:gh enough to cover occasional losses by tenants who piovebad eggs and from unrentod apartments. The tenant who pavs his rent pays for the empty flats and bad debts. A study of these problems brought about the co-opera tive home o.ub apartment-houses, of which we have heard so much of lutj. number of gentlemen, say ten, asso ciate to build an apartment-house of ten apartments. The building is put up, and each man takes hi apartment and pays one-tenth of the total cost, owning his apartments just as he would a house, and being responsi ble for one touth of the taxes, the cost of heating, cleaning, etc. A clause in the agreement provides that no associate can sell or rent his apartment except to person approved of bv a majority of the associates. So that, beside securing pleasant neighbors, an associate in such a (.building company pays for only just his share of the expense of erecting the building and the running expenses. He pays neither the first profit of the spec ulative builder, nor the profit of the subsequent landlord, nor the .rent of the tenant who fails to pav, nor of the apartment which remains empty. This ystem has been found to work so well hat these home-club co-operative apart ment-houses are to be found all over the city. There are sereral of thorn facing oil the Central park, and one enormous pilo will contain no less than 200 apartment, of wh'ch the ordinary rents would be from $3,01:0 to $0,000 year. The Groat Mexlrna Cathedral. Cor. S:in Francisco Chronicle. The cathedral, rising conspicuously abovo all the buildings of tho city, is of great size and potstssis considerable architectural elegance, the facade, in particular, being elaborately decorated with stucco-work. 1 he design is Moor ish, and the bell-to . ers, from which come a constant clanging of old Span ish brass, command an extended iew of the city, the lakes and the distant mountains. The interior of tho spacious house, which was erected by the r-pan- lards, contains many rare ornanienU, and the nave is surmounted by vaulted roof, supported by hand-carved beams and pillars, among which hover somber shadows. At one time, that during the roign of the Spaniards, the altar was laden with solid objects of gold and cilver and precious htones.but to-day it has lost all, or nearly all, of these, anil is covered with tawdry imnges and imitation ornaments, while there is everywhere apparent tho ex treme age of the building. r.utermg tho nave at almost any hour of the day I have nover failt d to rind odd groups of Mexicans and Indians telling their boads and lisping their prayers, while at regular mass the cold stone floor is covored with devout worshipers and the place is tilled with the whisperings of those who pray And what a heterogeneous crowd one Fees. The poor and the rich, the hungry and the well-fed, the half naked and those clothed in silks aro all together. Here an Indian, kneeling by his tattered sombrero, and with his heavy load near by, prays w ith his soul upon his lips ; there u dimpled sonorita, demure but conscious, reads from her gilt-odgod book. Incense odors fill tho air, tho monotonous chantings of the priests aro heard, and silvery-tonod bells ring out the holy commands of the church and send tho worshipers to crossiug themselves and bowing in holy penitence. Sot into one of the outer walls of the cathedral is the sacrificial or calendar stone of the Aztecs, hewn out of black porous lava and covered with hiero glyphics, reminding, so it alwavs seems to me, the ignorant Indians who sell their bits of notterv near bv of their forefathers, who had thoir palaces and temples in the s.iuare which is now the busy center of a great city. Juarez was an Indian, but he became the Lin coln of Mexico, and in good time the otlier descendants of Montezuma may yet regain their old-time power. Iarlna the High Water. Arkansaw Traveler. During the high water a man was seen going down the Arkansaw on a log. As he was passing Little Hoik several men sprang into a skiff, rowed out to the lone navigator and said: "Climb in." "Climb in whar?" "in the skiff; hurry up." "Wall, strangers, I'm protty well fixed. Don't take no work to move along." "Where are you go ing?" "Down the river." "We know that. Where are you from?" "From up the river." "Of course you ore, but "What made you nx, then? What are you doing on that log!" Travehn. "What do you want to fool us for? Don't you know you'll drown if you keep on this way?" Won't drown if 1 keep on thiser way. Lf i wustor git off in the water I mout drown." "How far have you come this way?" "I've come this way all er long." "Lut w'-ere were vou when you got on the log .'" "On tho log." "Of course ; but whore was the log?" "Jn the river." "Certainly; but how far from here?" "Ain't mado no calc'lation." "Whero do you livo whou you are home?" "Athome." "Of course; but where is your home ?" " Whar I live." "Where is your family?" "Scattered erlong." "Did your house wash away?" "My wife's back yonder on a cotton wood log, an' mr son Hill's comin' along som ers on a poplar." Why don't you come to the shore ? ' " 'Cause it don't cost nuthin' tcr ride." "You'd better come out und get a drink of whisky." "Dinged if I don't do it. Feller back here wanted mo to come out and hear him preach, but he didn't have the right kin' o' gospel. Now, fellors, pull fur the shore as fas' as yer ken." Making Ills Living Legitimately. I Wall Street News. There is much in the present bull market to remind one of the man down in Indiana who was the only man in his village having any loose cosh capital. He was one day explaining to an east ern man : "The only stock afloat in our neigh borhood are five shares of an old saw mill which hasn't paid these last ten Tears. On Monday mornings I circu late the report that a syndicate has bought the mill, and will at once put it in repair. This sends the shares up to 25, and I sellout." "That's legitimate." "On Wednesdays I let it be under stood that the syndicate is busted, an J that nothing will be done to the mill. This sends the stock back to 10 und I load up." "And what do you do on Satur days?" "Oh, those are my regular days for working up a feeling in the county thut 1 ought to be paid a bonus for convert ing tue saw-null into a distillery." A V Indaafry. Chicago Herald. A "gentleman of education and ex perience" advertises in a Des Moines paper that he wishes employment in writing speeches for members of the legislature. He will prepare at short notice addresses for or against prohi bition, woman suffrage, or any other subject desired. His terms are $5 for a ten minutes speech and $2 for each additional five minutes, "satisfaction guaranteed" and "confidence observed. " la the lnren'a Beh.il r. Trie Current The point is made, in Queen Vic toria's behalf, that in showing her re gard for the memory of her dead serv ant she will "doubtless draw tears from the eye of many a loving subject, who will be overpowered at hearing how much she ia like other people." RESCUED FE0M DEATH. William J. Coughlln, of Somcrvlllc, Mass., says: In tho fall ot IB70 I was tuken with nLKKmxo or li nos, followed by a severe cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a nolo In my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gavo up hope, but a friend told me of Pit. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to get well, and to-day I fuel better than for three years past, Allen's Brain Food botanical extract strengthens the Drain, and positively V T l : i ! . v i-uri-B iurvouH iieuiiity, iervoiiHiicHS, HnnHnrllO llnnntiiral Inuuoa ami all wnnlr. nnuun. rtt Mani.Ml.,.. Citul.,,,,. J ..,,.. fails. $1 pkg., 6 for $5. At druggists or by mail from J. II. Allen, U15 First Ave., isew l orK my. Ucdlngton, W oodard & v.o x ortiana, uregon. "Rouon on Comma." 15c., 23c., Wc., at Druggists, complete cure Coughs, no&rse ness. Sore Throat. Avoid Pills Being largely composed of mercury tney eventually ruin the stom ach, but Allen's Bilious rhvsir. a vewta ble mixture, acts quickly, and eflcctuallv cures. L'." Cents. At all Druggists. Bed ington, Woodard & Co., Fortland, Oregon. CATARRH A New Treatment whereby a permanent cure Is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars and trea tise free on receipt of stamp. A. II. Dixon K don, ooo King street west, Toronto, tan. A CARD. To all who are suffer In from errors snd inuiitcrctions o! youth, nervous weaknena, early decay, lues of manhood, etc, I will send a rvooipe that wm cure you, Mti.tur i UAUN. Tmsimiat rauitsiy was (Uncovered by a nilmioiiory In South Ameriia. Bond st-if-addresscd envelope to Bar. Jusiru T. l.v au. Station D, A" York. SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK IODIDE OP POTASS. The Best niood Purtflerand Tonlo Alterative In use. Itpulckiy cures all diseases originating from a disordered state of the blood or liver. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bolls, Blotches, Pim ples, Scrofula, Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, Salt Itheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to IU purifying properties. It leaves tho blood pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com plexion bright and clear. For sale by all drug gists. J. It. U ATE at CC . Proprietors, BAN FRANOIROO, CAT Fortify the ijrittni. All who hare experi enced and wlttieMwl tli effect of llimteW ter'a Stomach Hittera upon the weak, brok en down, denMindlii( tictlma of dyaiwtwla, ll'er complaint furor and affile rheuma tism, nenrotu debili ty, or premature de cay, know that hi thli itipreme tnttio ami -alterative there exlflta a ipeclao prin ciple which r aches the very source nf the trouble, and effects an absolute ard per manent cure. Vor sale by all J)ru7ffint and bealere ucuer ally. Ililmllliillhl.rT.ii.liiiinMllldJ Tell the children to cut out and save (he oomlo silhouette pictures as they appear from lssua to Issue. They will be pleased with Urn collection. This apace ia owned by BLACTWEIiL'S BULL. Of eonrae we mean the famous at'tnal sppesrlnf on tba label of every genuine package of Black well's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacoo. Every dealer keens this, the (wat Smoking TobaocomaUc. None genuine without trademark of the Bull. iiminMimfim,,iiniiHj'."'jiniii GOi'JSUuPTIOrJ. I bare a pntlllie rained; for the there dlwaaa ; bj Its M tboeianSe of eaaaa or the wont kind and nl (mm Standing hare beeo eared. JndMd.eAltroDaliaiTfallfi In lueacacr, that I will aend TWO BOTT'.lis PHIS. to twtur with a VALDABLB THK1TIHI en thla to anjauSaiar, OlreKipreendr.0.addM. . D. S. A. fcUXJUM. Ill Paarl Bl .T-ta 1 l.l'IH I T .Til V of thsoonem. .tlve Organ quKMly cured hrtheClVlALt HKTIloU. Adopted wall the HOSPITAL, OK FKANCK. Prompt return of VNWK. Bimpl ca,.HS. Sereore.Sul. 1-Mipblrt(na, Clviale IfrawUalAaeacr, 160 1 ultou St., Mew York. BEST PAIN KILLER AJtD Healing: Remedy IN THE WORLD. AawliHrly tzxrK la 80 to ft d.vL.bv Dr Pkrfw'e FWnA afagnetla Xlaatle Truaa. arraotMl theonrr BleotrteTruas . f A m i r ; all ethm. Ferfeet Retelnar. and U wore V wlutaeaDdeomfuftnifh(aiiddar. Con4 and knadradi of athm. Nrw lUunmes paa mWwW pQMrt p-o,camumlnf ftill lerormailoaw MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSi COMPANY. )tf4ttraaiarliih.oi. aUara. iaa JVanaiasa, Oak 1 ft. V TIJTT'S PILLS tVBaaMnaBal TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA, v . From tlioso Bournes arlso throe roantis ot tie dlsoasns of the human race. TheM symptoms Indicate thelrcxistcnoe i ( Appatlte, llowels costive, (tick !Uad acUa, fullness after tinr, Bvsrslon ta sertloa ot body or uilnd, i:reUloa of food, Irritability of tamper, Lo Spirits, A fovllns; of having neglected som dntr; Ilisluess, 1'luUerlnn at th Heart, 1N.U before the yes,hlghl7eol ore trine, CONSTIPATION, and do mand the use of a retnody that acta directly on tho l.ivor. AaaUrermedloliioTCTT'fs IM.eJ have no ciuul. Thoir aotlouon tba Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt) removing au impurities uiroiiKU moso mreo - ngers of tlia system," producing aip tlto. eonnd dilation, rctculur stools, a clnnt akmandavlKorousbody. ICTT'S FILL cause no nausea or griping noi imotiom with dally work and are a porfcot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, Sold awry whero, ttlWt. tittle. 44 M urrny St.,N . Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRaf Uair ob AViiiskkrs changod In. ttantly to a Uwwtsr Black by a single ap plication of tl'la DTB. Bold by Prunglsta, or sunt by express o receipt of $ 1. OffiVn, 44 Murray Rtrwt, New Ynr. TUTT'8 MaNUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREL WOW SUM SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE,, BLOOD CURE. iron SALE BV ALL DB0Q0I8T9. Minglon & Co,, General Apis,, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Redington, Woodard ft Co., Portland, Or. V WILBOR'S COMPOUND OP N PURE COD LIVER ATT A JJT TTWP NL a ft t P rr rA..H,Mti. U'iik.. v . .. .1 w .. . M , . . . 1 . ...... rm ww I.OMI11UNU OF V()l 1.IVKH J1L AKU I.IMIC, without possessing the very nauseating flavor of the article as heretofore used, is endowed by tlto i'litwplmte of Lime with a licnling pniHTty which renders the Oil doubly efllcAclous. I(e murkulile testimonials of its elllcuoy can bo shown. Bold by A. U. W ilbok, L'heunst, Bos ton, and all dnuoriatA. The Axnerftmcti hi the Uvttmaut of Caiionr with Hwlft'l Specific )H ,8,8. ) would worn to warrant ui lu Mjrlni tliftt li will euro this much ln.vW actmrga enouto aiUctd are Invited to oorruiiKjud with iu. I believe Swift's Hpeclflc hu saved my Ufa. I htd vir tually lot lit of the umter part of my body aud my arm from thu polionoua eiftwU ( a re oancwr on my nuoic, ana iron, wiiiou 1 DMiRunurfti ior twt'iiiy yaara, 8. H H. ha rnlUm! raenf all oroneu. and tho potiou it being forced out of mr njnteia 1 will toon t wvll. n . u uuuiirUJi, uafiiwro, ua Two month avo mr attention wai oa!lw to the owe of a wotnaii artliottMl with ft oanoer on hr ihnulrittr at liMUtt nve luohfifl in oircuinfrvtio, angry, painful, anil ivintheatitittnort-t day or nltflttf ralxnumtha ob Ui tied a ii(iply of Bwlft'e Hpvoifle for hrr, Hhe haa taken 5 btttlta and thn uloer is entirely healed up, only s very RmtUlKAb remaining, and hvr tiHalth U better than for 6 yeam past; wfiim to be iHr(Vctly on red. sKCV. J It HUB U. vAMPBKLIj, uoiumbuj. ua, I bftve ftfitn remarluMe rrmilU flora una of Hwlft's Rpeciilo ou a cancer. A voun man htre has Ihh-u tHicted five yeara with the laont aiiKry-liHikinff est ing eauoer I evur taw, and was nearly d-L The tlnit hot tie male a womlttrful ohatign.auil afU-r 8ve but tlt-ewtire takeiit ho is m arly or quite well It is truly wonderful. Ju. tT. (JnUMMCy, Al. V., Uit)tll0n. lift. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tub Rwii flpEmrrn Co.. Drawer 3 Atlantft. Ca, N. Y. (HHne 159 W. 23d Ht, U t. 6th and 7th Avenuei. KcaleH of nil Iiintlts. EVERY SCALE GUARANTEED. Old Safes taken In Exchange. Safes Sold on Installments. Write for Prices. W. B. WILSHIRE & CO. Portland and Han Franrlnro. II. WILHEY, Of the firm of Fairbanks & Wtlsey, has lust ar rived from France with taulr third Importation of The only direct Importers from France to the Pacific Coast. Selected by him with great care from the best stock In France. Uur motto: "Quick sales and small profits." These in want of these celebrated horsns can purchase on one or two yeurs time, with rcawnalile Interest, and approved security, Kend for Catalogue. Fairbanks aV U'llMry, PETAXCMA .... CALIFORNIA. Norx coco THE BiaT DESICCATED COCOANUT Is tiis World Ask your Grocer lor It DR. PIERCE'S KIctro.Matraetie Belt f ia the only comuleie llfxly.bat. tenr in tha world. Only one - generating continuous Elbctso-M ag- arric Cuaasar. wlthoul Acids. Cures diaeaM like magic For siala W female. Hundreda cured I Pamphlet, ttc., fraa. MAOSTnC ELASTIC T2USI COafPAIT, f 04 fiacramcnto Street, Saa FnuKlaco. mil- Jffi-'y P1ANOH. steikway; Orirana, band iiulruu KKAX It'll a IIACII. Uabler. Kooniah Pianoa: Bunletl iriraiw, Oanil liulruiuonta, Inraal a'4iik ! Hheei lluilo and Hooka llamla aui iilled at (jtatern irloat, M. (JIUY, H 1'o.t Slreet, Han rraniiio. PIANOS A.UOO o anit NnuiiKl-llaiKt llnn at half lirl'-e. I'lanol 41t and up. AnuV ell l ian . t'aatory. 34 k X, Kllia ht.. H. I N. P. N. U. No. &.-ti. If, N. U. No. UA i rErVEUY f0( CAJAf,lH KaaytoiiMi. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three mnmuN' trentment In one parkaicr. 0mh! for (feld In the lh a.1, lli'iularha, DlMlneaa, Hay Fever, Ae. Ftflr cents, lly all DrutKlu, or liy mall. L T. IIAZKL'l lNK. Wnrren, Fa. The Science of! Life, Only $1. BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF.siJ "av A Great Medical Wort on Hanbooi!. F.ihaiutad Vitality, Nerroua and Thytlcal DeWllty. Premature Decline iu man, Km in of Youth, and tba un told mUwriea rwultlns from ImllncreUona or aioeawa. A bmtk for erery man, young mhlille-agHl and old. It eon talna IU preo-rlptionn for all acute and ahroulc dlaraara, each uua of which ! Imalualile. Ho found hy the author, whoae etperlenee for S3 yeaia la eucb aa prolh)y M?ev before fell to tha lot of any ihynlclau. Su) lanea, bound In beautiful Frvurh nuulln, euilniMwd eorera, full rill, guaranteed to he a finer work In every enee roechamaal ' Uterary and nroleaiional Uian any other work aold In th S ouuutry for s'J W, im Uie money aillde refunded In every utitanos. I'dos only SI 00 by mail, pout-paid. IlluaUa Ura aaniple ft oenta Hend now. Hold medal awarded the author by tha National atodkal AaaoelaUon, to tbs oltloera of which he refera. The Heienoe of Life ahould be read by tba young Ins Instruction, and I'y the alttlcted fuc rellet It wul uens fltall. Loudon iAnoul There la no menilwr of society lo whom tha Hdenes of Life will not he uartul. whet her youth, parent, guardian. In truetoeor aleriiynian - Trihuna A.l.lrmn Um PealKKly Mallral Inntltuta or Dr. W. H. Puker, No i Uiillnnch ttm-t, U.iaU'n, Mum., who may be eouiulted na all Uinma reciuliiug akill and aiei enoe. t'hnmia and oltluate duwaaew a thai have halfled the klll of all oUior phyn- nr.a.cuua a aiiecialty. Hucb trvated luoceea- TUVCri V fully wiUioul an liutance of failure. iniOtLr. N, H Mend money by Kelitreil letter or P. O. Or der. UM)ks aan be tent In any addirea on the PadRo Ooaal aa lately aa at home, ('onrealed In sulntauual wrappeni hearini onlv the annllrant'. adilrrM I cure fits; When i tayTiire 1 do not mean merely totnp iiiura fu S time and then have them roturn aKeln, I tunna aralt Cal cure. I have m1 the dlaM of KITS, KI'lLXPnl or FALLINO HICKNXSSa Itfe-loug linty. Iwa.-rantDi remedy to cure Ilia went caiee llwauas otueri bava failed fi no reason for not now receiving a enra, Hend a i enoe for a treailM and a free Boitl. of my InfaUlbis remedy. Oira Bipreia anil ruet Offloe. Ik oatul frnt twttung f. a trial, aud I will cure yi. Iddrau Pr. U. O. HOOT. lMIarlt..fewTork. WsiwskmaaWi- siw Biir.-ui.wllh,.iil..ril ClKOl.r anil coo.ulUlloa Vrefc CITIAL1 KHttM iOIHCT. ICO Fultw Ot, HwlQft 30 DAYS' TRIAL aTa I1D eTs fSl Kma.l tLFlTllO-Vl i urraa. i lj Aepf.iAfr.a am ant on so Dava' Trial TO OLTAIO Br.LT sna other Kirrrsio MKN ONLV. YOUNO OR OLD, who are suffer. Ing from Ksnvois Pkhiutv. hour Viraurr, Wuniu Yr4KarnKS. and all ibnae dlaeaarsof a i'r-xtHAl. NTuai, mulling from Asvars snd Onisa Otpatm, Bieedy relief snd romplels restoration to Hkai.th, Vhhih and.MsNHjoD SoaaiNTaitn, SV-nil at once for Uiuatfiited I'amphlet free. Adi'reas Voltaio Belt Co., Marstall, Micb. LINCOLN PLftCCR CO.CAL.Sil fl (1 1 A P H A M An u" n"h ' rii n sd dolicious UVknUnnn naVnr. Hnperlor to tho fliioit Im. OR CANDLE FISH ported larlliia. Ak for thorn. nissiswiiaiaiiiPMiiisnirajrrialifis-iliinii "1 wiMl V.imii iiiiiu.u-jMiiujuuiuirrmmrt,, Tho Strongest and Dest! THOMAS mini, AnalytloCbemUs,prononnoes the I.IAN t' PARISH l'DWIIIilt nearly one-third stronger than any sold on the l'aclllo I'oaajj HtN FaANCIHCO, HeatemlM-r 34, 1S33, H. K BOTniN, Prvshlent Ilothln M l 'g fa: Dkah bin: After careful and onmiilate) ebemloal analysis of a can of (llant llaklus; Powder, purchased by ua in open market, wa find that it does mil con tain alum, acid i hosnhate, terra ll, or any luliiii ous anhatancea, bill la a pure, healthful Cream Tar tar llaklng PuWdar, snd aa such can reoouuuend It to consumers. -yflL T. M'ENZHt.I, ft CO., f ennnir Analytic CbondatA K BKVKni.T COlt, M. I)., J. I. MKAItH.M. I, Health Offloer. AI.FUKI) W. PKRRY, M 1) Mnmpeirs of Ban W. A. I)Ot!(II,ASH, at. I.s 5-Franolneo Board AUU. ALClta, HI)., J of Uoaltu. Manolarlared by the , bOTIIIN MT'O COMPANY, 17 and 19 Main Htreel, Ran Prandasa 5?J.M.HALSTBAD'S Belf-ngulaUog Incubator! From $20 a p. Bend fordssurlp. tlve price list, eto. Thoroughbred Poultry and Kinr 'Hill Broadway. Oakland, CaL O Al liM A N'Q H,"1, ""finned as the "WOlVIMn 5 H EST CHEWINU Tl nCAPU 01 lift II ACCO IS TIIS WOULD. LICsHun rLUuOns pltitr In every box TOBACCO n,,rom 16 DEATH CREAT 50AP WONDER Manufactured by Alusoi Bros., MlDDLSTOWX, Coss. No boiling la required, snd but Uttla rubbing. Cleanses the elotbss thoroughly. Give this Boap a trial For sals by all Grocers. PaciAe Cosat Agency, J. Y. Boas, 123 California H treat, San Frandsoo. ON' DIRT LIFE LOANS AT 4 PER CENT. i'rlavlaal need never he raid VrtS 1 V M laag aa latereat la kept ap. . " 7 j security required esrent fev Interest, and then only pennnsl. loans sre for nnor nr mea "f moilrrsts means. In imounta IOO. MO rilH LirK. Fnl four cents fu rticulan, W. AteherU, Maaagsr.ts W. ilk U Ciaclasustl, O. This BELT or Rerenera tor ' made eipreswiy for theeureof derantruments of tha generative oryans. There Is no mieuke auouS this Instrament, the con tlriious stream of SI fcc TRIOITY permeaUn-7 through the parts must restore them to bealthr action, bo not confound! Eli wlttTEtortrta Belts UilLI OiaONslsperlfto pnrpoea ClsNUia Salt tow its WaaiiUkftMt kb, Cbwa0, U. ip i4 aPWriV it,! fe rwmi S' aUaM.as ..'iJ Kt'it.'.i..