71 Hy 1 Alii. 9R9 ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSESMTIOX OF DEI0CUT1C 1'RtNCirLES. AND TO EARS IN DOXEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OP OUR BROW, VOL.16. EUGENE CITY, OK. SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1884. NO. 34, r T2 C T Y G ARf Oil 15 1: 6if.t i&itjj (Dinnl I. L. CAMPBELL, Publit'nr aii Proprietor. HEW DH. W. C SEHLBHEOE, rrJ rrll s-fJ n n . T "r V t 7! 4 T. M tm - 75 U - . , j; lijjiniiniiirilliii?? 3 tiffin l - i tS of Willamette rtb)tii asraath n 1 Uiiith Struitts. T81M4l)?3'Jflai?nO.V. P.r Aun'm... flic Months.... Three Months. Sir.o .7S ODE OXLT RA.TK3 OP ADVKKTISlNa - A4.artiuiin.nbi Inserted as follow : Oae square, 10 lines or less, one insertion $3; i . i!... si n..u i.. aacn SUDSefruon ussniua wu vu ipi jhch arance. Tint advertisers will 1m charged at the fob ewiaj rates:' Oat square thres months $11 00 " si months 8 00 oua year 1-' 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per for each insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All Job work must be paid for an mtMVRav. SOCIETIES, rnnixt Loon. No 11. A. P. and A. M. llHti Ini and thirl Welnesdnrs in Hi month. HrcitpitR Rdtt Iodok No. 9 I. O. 0. F. MeetseveryTuerlayivenlns;. Wiamiu ' Enomfmkkt No. fl tntl on th. Hand 4th WeflnenJays in each month. Eouixr Lome, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Mwu it Masonic H ill the second and fourth FVidays in each month. J. M. Sloas. M. W. . KartTtiiOv P.m. Ni. 41. H. A. tt.-Met t Mvtonii Hill, ti tint an I thir l FriUys of eiohnvinth. RyorJor, Cusiu.ixuf.r. Osdeii or Chosm Fhikmiw. Me-t the rst and thirl Stird.y evenim-i at Mvmnic I Hall By order of .1. M. Sloas, ( C I Butts Litis Nx V7. I. O. 0. T. bwti evjrrSAii.- l.y nijhth H WlwV Till. E. 0. PoiTKii, W. C. 'P. Liuhns Stak Baxbot Hon -M.vt . H... -J. P. Church evory 3 in I iv nttra'vri S:Y). J. K. Huston. Supt.: Mis B.-rt'it CoV.-. A't Suptt Ch. Hill, 3v. M: H-ttti Smith, Chanlatn. Visitors njl w-livn''. L.BILYEU, ttorney and Counsallor at Law," KfJttHNK CITY, M''!: !0-. PtVM'ICUN -VbLTHB :'; liTH OF t!ii' Stt.. Will trivt si-fvi.il attention to collnution 'Hi I nri't m vt.t. !r. Oty;cs --iVor W. V. It .' K olHre 'Mi im i .n,.i; Attorney 't ' ' v-'H'irs- VV "f tin vo ;l .f )! ' ttri.t and in U Lb JIJ J J ) IJ q 13 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED in C'ottAi; GMve. lie performs all eia tinns in nieclinmuul ami snrtriral ilciititrv. All work warranted and Htifnction i;immiit''l. I OHM'S A GENERAL n mi if Hi I I OLD 01. vi large assortment of La dies and Childrcns Hose at 12 1-2 ds. Ti imming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Hood Drp.ss Goods at 12l.c- Velvets in Colors. Best Corset in town for 50c 1 ae mt stock of French An immense stock of New SIIOUS ever brought to this place and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOllIING. BOOTS and SHOES nall grades. GllOLERlES of all descriptions. Liberal Discount for CASH. . New Departure ! ! S?WO 2? ICES T 5:AI"i!-iiP,?'5fE "V!1 1,JiLr T ' WILD YOUR BRIDGES. ROADS ANT ' ,.f 11 "-''.h'Me uit,rMUar.y,.r interests! Are perman ,,tl, tcutod our -i it'l tint. iwiUi i.t iiiim-i, Jukeuutico that- sBtMUsT A. V. PETERS, A Marvelous Story I0LO IH TWO UTTIM. FROM THE SON: &l$s " Otntltmtni My father resides at Olorer, Vk lis has been a (rest sufferer from Scrof ula, and th. inclosed letter will tall you what Buuroiousaaect SI.. . . m Hermandi jKlinn. si Hamilton. Watson. Ayers Sarsaparilla si) &s.: &8st&BsM?8is3s hu had In bis case. I think bis blood must bar contained the humor for at least ten years j but It did not show, .xeept in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about Jr. years ago. From a few spots which ap pearaa at tnat time, it gradually spread so as to coyer his entire body. I assure you be wis terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began nslng your medicine. Now, there art lew men of uls age who enjoy as good health as be has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facte In his ease. Yours truly, W. M. f uuimV FROM THE FATHER:;,1 duty for me to state to yon the benefit I bare derired from the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Sis monthsago 1 was completely corered with a terriblo humor and scrofulous sores. Ths humor caused an incessant and intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cans the blood to flow in many places wbenerer I mored. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of th Sarsaparilla in April last, and bare nsed It regularly since that time. My oondltlon began to improre at once. The tores hay all healed, and I fuel perfectly well In every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although TS years of age. Many inquire) what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I hare here tried to tell you, Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Olorer, Vt, Oct. II, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hiram Philum." Atir's Sarsaparilla cores Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eosema, Blngwonn, Blotches, Bores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eraptions of ths Skin. It dears the blood of all Impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the- bowels, and thus restores) vitality and strengthens ths whole system. prrpared bt Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists; f 1, six bottles for to. SI Colrman. Zumwalt 3 1 3S: SSS8B$g&83Fr. 51 m i-w Against - V ' W fc) f J- X C. M -"I C: M U ? O t' Jl IBa: 388SSStS!3S!S8Si8SS8S 3 s I fiSl SxSssssssftssjisittsasisSSlI - Bilyciu. riayes. Veatch. Burton. McClung. Scott Dick. Harpoln. SSSs,: SSasSSgfJSSotSSSSSSSS Walton. Washli )urne. It hast a M 31 Campbe'L Walker.. Hals. Ware, S,n! ittniti i ,-iyja ti c.i.l :.i mi .v.nl ! taw in nro'i e j Wi'.l we'll (foods for CASH t sTtat!y reduced prims, Attorncy-at-Lnw't fJJl'.V:'. CIPY. - - - ORKP.ON OrXleoriuvly n.M.iied by Tlnmjuon & Beau. j.Vii'tJ 059. M. MILLER, Attx-a7 aal Crusjlbr-at-Law, and Ileal Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON. OFFICE-TWO doors arth of Port Olfi. as low as any other CASH STORK Ucit Prints ll an I IS y.-ir.ls. . . t J. E. FENTON, Attornc)-:it-B.uv. KUGKE CITY - OREGON. Special attention given t) Rs.tl Estate Prac liee and Abstracts of Title. Orrici Over Grange Store. T. W.HARRIS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE t Wilkin's Drug Store. lUsidence on Fifth street, wbera Dr Shelton formerly resided. j Dr. Wm Osborne, O.Ticj Adjoini.ig St- Charles Hotel, - OR AT THE V DZtn 81325 OF HiT23 ail LUCIEI. DR. J0S8PU P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT 113 OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at ths POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby I '-iL 51 0I) I Eine Cheviot Shirts. 59, T5 ts ami L Uirt lirown nn I Bljache I Mu..;i.iH, 7, , ; xow Assortment Dress Goods (NoTrah) 15 h"- 2annd2.cts. 1 Ckrks an I Bro.Vw -pool ,-otton 75 cU p.r T)oi j rH,H i; hrwr S!lirt, mX DrftwerS) 5() ct Phi:i nn I Milled FirnnjiK, :, SH: 4. and 50 1 Mens'Over.i)iirts, 73 cts. and SI. cU ! Mens' OveritlLs, 50, 63, 73 cts and 81. Watar 1 Pro,, ,. cer.U KmbmHerle nnd EJyins at Fabulous Low l mo White shirts, 75 cts and f I. I i'ricsa. And a!l Other Coeds at Proportionate Rate3. Also the Celehrni d , AVFIT.TK SK r-VTNG MACHIXR! None better for s'.raiuth, size, ami durability), At irreaMy rodnwd r.it.is. C-TTomy old Custome's, who have stood by mi so I inuf, I will mntinmi t- sell on same tinns as herjtoforc on tim, hut if at any time tliey wili to finkii CASH purchssrs, I will give all sm. as others, the full credit on inv reihiction A. V. i'ETEIW CMldreii ill W 11 I ' ssa James. Gray. 6e5tJo.33SS;K8iS3g3S3l2lsS Mitohell. HilL Jennings. Walker. 8. iySs.v.SSitSiSSSSalSiilijMcrherson. ta st i. .iriiinmnnM. 31 SMStsa-.5fe8tS.ttifgg9g8aai38l I 10 us MMN Pattoison. Goltra. 5 n if! mi Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See S. M. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS I1 ff tB&sa iyj WiUUt mid jO1 Jewclrj. " I Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry reiwirrd and warranted. Northwes corner of Willamette J. S. LUCXEY, DEALER IX and Eighth strwta. NEWGaOSEnT STORE rOn .Innr nntli III YnA Pffir I Cijcks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. ' ouu goo,u are aii new Rni fh and of n:.:,. n..,l v I I? T''"r. AU ..! iu.-ally found in a .j-....,, ''"i''j i flrst-clars (iroory S!"rr, kept nn band. To- CsT-All Wsm trarraatesl. jijq baoo and CK.A ItS a .Ully. Wslmy r : tlTi'L.'l.'V f-r Ch anl sell for the same, invins; tli cue- J . .3. 1.L -ri r. I , I tomer the advautai.'. of Cash Psirrji. lUsTurtk" '"s Brirk WiUamett street I . 8WIFP CO. A. 0. UOVEr, U. C. hCUPHRET, W. T. PEET, Notary. Attorrey. Cashier. LANE CSDHTY BANK. 1IOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO EUGENE CIT"5T, - . OR. Drimsits received subject to check. Ioans made on approved securities, iiix'ht Drafts drawn on PORTLAND, RAN FRANCISCO AND NKW YORK. Exchange drawn on tbn principal Cities of Europe. Collections made nn all points and a general Banking business transacted on avorable tonna, (j tf. CToOors Ll"o and Physicians roooznxicnd it. IT 13 NOT NARCOTi:. CENTAUR LINIMENT3; tlio IVorId'3 great Paln-Rc-Iicvlii:ronicdics. They heal, iiooilio and euro Burns, Wounds, Veak Back and RhcuiuatlHin upon r2an, and Sprains, Calls and Lameness tpoa Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. 81 8M-1SqsgSgfcgg&38i3ig35g8g3i Noland, McClurs. 09 Osburn. ' Henderson. rffrrj!7BHpyv.jwisv.viNii EPURT3 ef discnsllaa lanoti., SnuiHes. Crtuikllux PsUas la tbe Head, Fetid rroati, CeaSness, and aajr Catarrhal Complaint, cab bo exterminated by Wcl Co Meyer's Catarrh Car, m Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp ioa. Tbo most Important Dis coTery since Voceination. W.. mi StutPMiieii of the upper Houho are now trying to chnngo tho Naval ap propriation bill lo tho hliope favored by tlio Sfiiatfl comtiiittnn, which means ,500,000 in excess of the amount voted by the llouae. In tho course of Home remarks Senator McPheraon Raid that whilo the Government persisted in keeping tho present Secretary of the Navy, it could not wonder at a lack of confidence in the Navy Do part nent. Senator Hale retorted that it would Iw impossible for the New Jersey Senator to take his seat without getting off soiim bile against Secre tary Chandler; whereupon Senutor McPhernon referred the gentleman from Maine to the newspapers of the country for opponition bile. Senator Vest explained the declino of the American Merchant Marine in a long speech and arraigned the Republican party lcaue, having had charge of the Government since 1861, the country was without a navy. Senator Hale The Sharon vs Sharon drama is still being enacted at San Frsnoisco, al though it is said that there will be a vacation during tho month of June and until the 10th of July. The San Francisco papers Wgin to wonder where all the money cornea from to pay plair.tiflTs costs and expenses it somewhat of a mystery. Soma say (hat a stock co.npany was formed be fore the suit wan commenced whose members are aasesaed for the costs, and that one of the chief assessment pay ers is a wealthy lady. But this is all conjecture it is presumed, as H ia bard' ly probable that any one going int such a speculation would let it be known. J3 this as it may, there is being and will boa good many fortune spent in the case before it ia ended, A few weeks ago a gentleman enter ed tho office of a well known- insurance aent, 4ml, tossing a paper on tber counter, said to the eltrk: "That's rur replioJ that in the last twelve years the. ou,i ntl 1 want it renewed." The Democrats had leen in power both in I c'1'r: unfolded tho doc t men t, and with the Senote and House. Mr. Vest said ' n l""''e inquired: "Are you sore that HEALEB 15 Crocerls nnd Provisions, Will keep on hand a Keneral assortment Groceries, Provinious, Cured Meats, Toliacco, Cigars, Canditrs, Candles, 8ai, Notions. Green and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a ' CASK BASIS- Which means that Low Prices are Established Cood dcllwcd without lnr;e ( Enjti Ml KINDS OF PRODUCE WAN7FC ywhi.hw. will p., the bftmkH I d"''50cnt ' t , transport them out of the circulation) JA". b.PAoa 'of clothes." 1 of this portien of the country. they had a little sp'radiu control of the Senute and House fot a'tout three months, but hn wanted to kiio what they could have done with a Republi can President. Senator IJe;k told the Maine Senator that if he would go in to the detail of the naval expenditures of the last twenty years, the official records would prove rottenness and corruption in the administration of the funds. Jennie-."Vhat is a dud-r "Well, this lias run out?" "Oh, yes," said the gentleman, "my wif told me it run out yesterday." "Well, I'm sorry for you, but we are not taking such risks now," responded the clerk.ss he handed it back to hi nr. It was his marriage' certificate. , " The maker, of birds-eye views of towns and cities is skylarking about the upper country in the interest of firm away over in Wisconsin; ready tor gather in tho people's shekels and