CITY AND COUNTY, BRIEF MEXTIO. April showers. Coanty jail empty: Mm immigrants arriving, For good dentistry go to Clark . . Bring-your chickens to Betttnan's. Fishing tackle of every description at Luckey ACo's. Old Java and Mocha colTee at Swift i Combs'. Paetographs finished neatly and artis . tioally at Winter's. I ' Tea different styles of men's shoes to be had at the I X L Store. The highest eash price will be paid for fur and bides at the I X L Store; A fine line of silk plashes in all shades ad grades at F B Dana's. A fall assortment of ladies, misses and eliil drea underware at Bettman.s. Luckey Co have a very fine assortment of paint brushes and sell them cheap. Dr N J Taylor guarantees all dental work done by him. Give him a calL Before painting your house, call on Luckey & Co, and get your paints, brushes, etc. Remember W H Harris' circus and men grie will perform in this city May 8tli. -Boots, shoos and slippers in more than 100 styles at the Working Man's store, Eugene. When you go out campiag, go to Luckey k Co and buy a fishing rod, reel, line, hooks, etc. For all kinds of lumber, dressed and un eressed, go to Skinner 1 Long, Coburg, Lane county, Oregon, If you want nice c'othing go to the I X L Store, as they have the latest styles and at the lowest figures. ' Bev E A Mc A lister will preach at the court house next Sunday, April 27th, morning and evening. All are invited. If you want good dentistry go to Dr K G Clark. Full upper set of teeth, $15; full iip per and lower set, only $30. The reguar meeting, of the WCT U will be held on next Wednesday at i P M. in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Dr T W Shelton and family has removed to Chas Lauer residence, where he will re ide until the return of Mr Lauer ami family. Hack will have the St Charles Hotel, Eugene, every Monday and Friday for Bel knap Spring, commencing, May 2iL Hound trip fare, $8. The new Nickel Plate circus, w'lieh per forms in this city, May 8th, is said to lie the largest show ever has via; ted the 1'aci rio Coast. Save up your dollar. Mr II H Hendricks, who has been nclim; city editor of the Salem Statesman, since he graduated at the State University, will soon resign ami commence rea dug law. ' Workmen huve been busily ena-,'ed cement ing the oM Stone store. Although it destrys one of the old landm.rks of Eugene, it im proves the looks of the building greatly. In answer Vi an open lctt r to the Hon Ciry Council "why should tiio four or five business -houses pay more into the city twmury than the balance of the business houses in the ohy.' is because the proprietors of the four or five business houses wear 1 laker's make of c'mtliiiii' and got sph-ndid titsi , i Cottage Grove Items. KUOM ObR HPSt'IAI. Cl)RilKSPilMKST. April 24, ISf4. Sunshinj and showers. Mr -Scott Borden leaves to-day for Ynncolla. Harry Jlazoltnn and Dick Burton went to Eugene last Thursday. The W H Harris Nickel Tlate shows, are billed for this pi ice, May 7. Dr S C Renfrew delivered an "anti-female suffrage" speech here, April the 29th. Several gentlemen left here Monday for Florence, at tha mouth of tiio Siusiatv liver. Dr Shelbrede went to Junction Wednesday to perform some dental work in that vicinity. , The hotel at this place under the manage ment of the new proprietor, Mr L B Whortoni Is doing a lively business, and giving general satisfaction. Dr J W Harris came in from- Oakland this ihorning in response to a dispatch received by him from bis family) to the effect that his lit tle daughter was quite ilL Doc, the tddth carpenter has left town, he teems to think his profession and personal ap pearance are not to be compared to a nice croquet ground and a lengthy purse. The musical concert given here April 17, was very good and largely attended. The al bum was awarded to Miss Mary Markley, as beingthe most popular young lady present Mr. Frank Wooley was awarded a pair of mall stockings, for being ths laziest gentle man, which was decided by a free vote of the ladies present Mr Wangeman received what he termed a complimentary vote It is sup posed to have been cast by his better half. JovcP. Dexter Items. April 22, 1884; Mrs Jas Howard is very sick. Mrs Sarah J Handsaker has been appointed Postmistress at this place instead of Mr H' ir ho re-Al vi-'irt be went to Pleasant Hill to ttkeX TW!is store Ourtl khLpnder the management of Miss Matti flourishing. Mr an 2i Parvin are at Mr Wm Williams On the Mckenzie, where their daughter is lying at the point of death. Since writing the above Mrs Williams and Mrs Howard have both died. Mrs Be'ths Williams died April 22d, aged 20 years, 6 months and 12 days. The afflicted families have the sympathy of this entire community. Mrs Louisa Howard died April 23, after lingering illness of several months dufatioa, aged about 34 years. The bereaved riband and aged father have the sympathy f-JL Attorsbts nr Attendance. The following attorneys have been in attendance upon Circuit Court during the past week: Gov W W Thayer, Portland; B 8 Strahan and D RS Blackburn, Albany; John Burnett, John Kel say J R Brysun and W S" McFadden, Cor raffia; J W Wright, Junction; G B Dorris, Geo S Washburn. J J Walton, L Bilyeu. J E Fenton, D M Bisdon, Geo M Miller, H C Humphrey, Ecgene. Republican County Convention. The Convention mot at Lane's Hall, Tues day April 22d at 10 a m, per call made by the County committee. Tiie ufc'ethifc was called to order by J W McBee. On motion, J M Shelly was elected as Chairman and J M Robinson Secretary, and S II Friendly Assistant Secretary . i The following committees were appointed Credentials J M Robicaoa, A Wjlkins, S Rigdon. Urder of Business--Johu Kelly, J M Star- ford, J M Sloan. Besolutions S M Yoran, John Bouy, ; C Jennings. Permanent Organization F B Dunn, A C Barbree, C W Washburne, S E Veatoh, W Shelton. 1 Adjourned to meet at 1 p m, Met at 1 p m. I The committee on Credentials reported at follows: , Royal Star Chamber, 1 Kugeue, April 22, 1881 ) We your committee report as follows: North Eugeno- S M oran, S H Friendly, F B Dunn, J M Shelley, J M Slosn, .1 N Gol tra, H K Kincald.E J Clark, W H Abrams, J H Moulting, VV it DUlard. South Eugerte J F Robinson. T W Shelton. J W Cleaver. G S Washburne, A J Johnson. Jacob Conner, A G Hnvey. Springfield Al I- VV r 1'owers, S Bruttaiu, John Kelly, J W McBee, Anlds Dunham, Alf Bnnnett Willamette II Spores, Amos Wilkins M H Skinner. ' Irving A J Zumwalt, A C Jennings Allen bond. Mohawk J M Stafford, C Cole. Pleasant Hill-J t'allison. 8 Ricdon. Cresswell John Bony, W W Scott, Jno Morse, Wm kelsjy. Cavotte John nimnson. Siuslaw-J I Stewart, P F Davis, J W Fetree. Cottage Ore ve J M Martin. J II AlcFar land. J II Mann. P. W Whipple. S E Veatch. A Kirk, W VV Uathcart, Ira llawley, J r 1 aylor. Fall Creek Fred Warner, A Horn. McKenzie-F E Metcalf. Camp Creek Jas Campbell, Frank Stor- mnnt, J H McBee. Florence A C Barbour, and S G Limldey and Henry Marten by A U Harbour, proxy. Lost Valley -Thus iiarbre,, by 3 itigdon, ilozle lieu unrepresented, Cbesher Unrepresented. Long Tom Unrepresented. Middle Fork Unrepresented. Richardson Unrepresented. Jim theGimleter, Chairman, On motion, David McBee was allowed to cast the vote of Richardson precinct. The committee on 'iermanent organization reported that the temporary officers be mode permanent; adopted. The committee on order of business reported as follows: 1 -Election of 10 delegates to Stats Convent tion. 2 Senior. 3 rml:- Keiire.-i'MiUtivos. 4 "otmty .iudo'0. s fiS.ieri.i". G-t lei.;. 7- Tr oir -r.i 8 Two Cou.mHsioncrK. 'J Ass.sHor. 10 -.Surveyor. 1 2 School Su perintondent. 13 County Centra! Committee; The chairman appointed F E Metcalf and Amos Wilkins, tellers. Committee on resolutions reported the' fol lowing: The UepiiMioans of Lino County in con vetiti"ii assembled, declare its faith and an iiouin:cs its po:timi n pun the questions be fore the c-'iMtry in follow-': First Wb litsvu in a jmt and economical :tl !i i i t : i -v r. i f i ' ' in .1 : 1 the iiit iirs of tlieseveral dep.irlliienis oi our Suto .mil loi:al guvorn ment. 2Vb.dieve it to be the duty of our National govemni mt to ilmlare forfeited all unearned l! I! i;raiil.s to renluto inter-state coininerce by law, to t!i exeuttliat the pro ducts of the soil ami labor uf ,one state may be cheaply iiitcrchnnt-enlilo f"r tliu products or prices governing in other states. 3 We uoliuve that justice and equality are the truu and only foundation of law, and therefore demand the repeal of every law subversive of this great principle and the onactmcnt nf such laws as will remove the burdens now resting upou the people of this State, to-wit: 1 -.We demand the enactment nf laws establishing maximum rates for the transpor tation of freight and passengers on the rail way lines within this State at rates materi ally reduced from those now charged; also providing for the transfer and interchange of cars and freights nf the several lines of rail ways without delay, or the addition of trans fer charges from oue line of transportation to another. 2 We demand the enactment of a law providing for the equal assessment and taxa tion of all property within this State, whether laurtB, money, inortgajes; bonds or stocks, either owned porsonally or corpor atoly, and all real property of corporations the same as that of individuals, except such as is of right exempt by law. 3 We de.nand for onr educational sys tem a watchful care on the part of all offi cials, to the extent that our common schools, colleges and University may attain a greater degree of excellence and increased efficiency in educating the youth of our common wealth. 4 We demand certain and speedy punish ment on conviction of crime against person or property within the State; and the right of the people to suppress the evils growing out of the indiscriminate and Unlawful use and sale of intoxicating liquors.' 5Ve reaffirm the equal rights of all men before the law, and demand for all an hottest day's wages for au honest day's work, free from all legalized subservency of the irian that wields the hoe or hammer' to any other calling or profession 6 We demand of all men claiming our suffrages an acceptance 6f these declara tions, and invite ail that nre interested with us in the foregoing refornrs, to unite with ns in their accomplishment S. M. Yorak, JOHIC HoOV, A. C. Jenninos. DELEGATES TO STATU CONVENTION. The following persons were elected delejrates tn the SUte Convention; S M Yoran, C W vVashburu, A G Hovey, J M Shelly, Jasper Wilkins, John Kelly, JJ F Robinson, H R Kincaid, S H Friendly, Wm' Kelsey. STATE BENATOH. A J Zumwalt wtfs nominated by acclama tion. REPRESENTATIVE. The following pnms were placed fn nomi nation: J W Harpole, Rodney Scott, Wm I Kllard, E W Whipple, 8H Friendly, J M Dick, J H McClung. First Ballot-Harpole 40, Scott 60, Dillard 30, Whipple 27, Friendly 24, Dick 38, McClunir 49, Kelly J, Brattain 2, Church 1, Yoran 2, Washburne L J W Har pole, Rodney Scott. J M Dick and J H Mt Clung were declared the nominee. eoi'STT Jl'DOI. G S Washburne and J C Church were placed in nomination. 1 First ballot -Washburne 44, Church I& Wtshburne was declared the nominee. BRERirr. DC Bruce, J M Sloan and W R Walker were placed in nomination. First Ballot-Bruce 10. Sloan 29. Walker 31, Second ballot-Bruce 2, Sloan 33, Walker Thirri ballot-Sloan 20, Walker 41. W R Walker was declared the nominee. CLIRr. Joel Ware was nominated by acclamation. TREASURER. J G Grty was nominated by acclamation, commissioners;. B S Hvland. Jno Walker. J C Jennimrs. S Rigdon and D Thompson were placed in nomi nation. First ballot-Hvland 21. Walker 30. Uiif don 30. Jennimrs 40. Thomnson 6. JnO Walker and J C Jennings were de clared the nominees. ASSESSOR. Wm Simmens was declared the nominee by acclamation: SURVEYOR. Henry McClure was nominated by acclama tion. CORONER. W V Henderson was nomination b accla mation. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT J N Gol tra was nominated by acclamation. COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE. North Eugene, A G Hover; South Eureae, U ,11 J VI nil i UIIUVIIUU, V 1 11 MIIUUIUQ. Spriiiifflold, W B Penifra! Willamette, T J auelmn: Irving. A C Jennings: Pleasant Hill, S A Rigdon: Cresswell. J Bouy: Coyote. W I Coleman: Siuslaw, I J Stewart: Cottage Grove, E W Whipple; Fall Creek, Amos Hyland; AlcKonzie, U it Kenirew; spencer, R Jones: Cann) Creek. James Camubell: Florence, A K lluttolph; Lost Valley, Thos isarbree; Kiohaiuson, David Mcisee. AdjourneiL 1 Fern Ridge Item. April 21, 1SS4 Mr Audrew Gibson had returned home. Miss Bell Dushuell has been engaged to teach iu district 67. Miss Verona Peek, of Eugene, will teach in district No 47. Our loss is Smithfielii's gain; Mr B An drews has left us to teach in that far famed city. We wish him success. Trait will be plenty on the ridge if there is no more heavy frosts; also quite an abun dance of wild strawberry blooms; Mr Zimri Crabtree, who lately lost his wife in the East, is lying very ldw himself, and it is feared he will never sel his old home again. The many frieuds of Mrs W 3 Purkorsou will be pleased to learn that she is able to sit up a little, and is in a fair way to recover her lost health. Some emigrants from Kansas passed through our settlement the other day hunt ing for Long Tom. 1'lajHs f note will bo heard of m strange countries. We miss tho untiling f.u;o -f jolly Tom and Nat I'urkerson. Tli.-y have c u.r:ted make a larile number if shingles, ami iave taken tip their abode in Cedar canyon or that purpose. rKRN. Smithfield Items. April 21. I Sit. lieararo nuuicr'oiM neir Mr Can troll's ifoat ranch. Farmers nearly done Reudiiii; in this part of the county. Gueso all leaving. Pjruw.dl; hope, to see you again early this Fall.- S S Jones tniiL'l.t a larco croy wdf i:i a beaver trap last wueii. Mr Holland has m.iypd his family tn our luiet little town to resid". The hall i progressing Miiuly. liar I to eep the carpenters in lu nlier, Glass ball shooting here the 31 of Mir fur the ihaiupiuuship of tlm club. School commenced here Monday i'illi 31 scholars. Larue iii;r'jis riiuee h-a Wiii'cr, A man from Now Era has taken ciarue ot mercantile business here instead ot Mr Byers. Smithfield is going to have a fine Hag 2(J feet long, with a 100 font staff, uext week. Lift your hats boys when you come here to peak. KECIULAR. Upper Springfield Precinct Items. Springfield, April 23, 1884. Still it rains. The fruit is nearly a failitre up here. .School is progressing finery here with Miss Mnllie Brattain as teacher. Robt Vaughn has some very fine fall wheat. He also has a nice garden. Wm Williams wife of Waltwville died yes terday, and was burned to-day at Pleasant Hill. Forties and woman's rights is all the go; but tho latter don't go very far. J J Walton and John Campbell will get a good many Republi cans votes up here. Mrs F L Gray who has been visitinor rela tives in the southern part of the state, will re turn borne this week. More Anon. Qrand Jury Report. The grand jury made the following final re port for the April term of Cirenit Court: We have examined into and reported upon all committments and inquired into all crime that have been brought t our knowledge and have completed our work. We have inspected the county buildings and the various county offices and the manner in which said offices are conducted. The build ings are in good condition. We find the bonks of the Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer to be kept in apparent good order. J W Masterhon. Foreman grand jury Dextsr Items April 22, 1884; Farmers about done sowing grain. L Cruzan and family, of McKenzie, will soon become residents of this valley. Mrs Win Stoops, of Springfield, is visit ing relatives at this place. School commenced at this place last' Mon day with Miss Currie as teacher. Miss Rose Hunsaker will teach the Upper Lost Valley school, and Miss Ella Roney will teach at Lowell. Cubic New Store. We undentand that Mr S M Titus Intends opening a new store at Belknap Springs soon, where he will keep a general assortment of supplies. He will also have a fine billiard table, and intend preparing a tine croquet ground. Mr Titus deserves a liberal patronage. For tie East. Mr Chas Lauer and family started for the eastern states last Monday, to be gone several months on a visit Mr tj M Yoran will hare charge or his insurance business. Circuit Court. Circuit Court met at the Cmrt House in Eugene City, Mond iy, April 21, 18S4, at I p m. Offioera present Judge U S Bean, Deputy Prosecuting Attoruiy Washburne, Clerk Ware and Sheriff Campbell. The following bailiffs were appointed by the Court: Wm Bogart, A Lynch and J D Brown. The docket was disposed of as follows i State of Oregon vs J C Wooley; assault with dangerous weapon not true bill. State of Orogun vs J B Djai; obtaining property under false pretenses not a true bill. WS Humphrey vs J W Daughorty, et al; confirmation sale confirmed. Hovey, Humphrey & Co vs J W Daugher ty, et al; confirmation sale confirmed. L MoMurry vs M W MoMurray; sonSr- mation sale oonfirmcd. H L Chichester vs M W MoMurray; con firmationsale confirmed. S II Crow et al, vs L Salomon: suit for partition report of referee confirmed. Al 11 Harlow vs W A rotter; to recover money thirty days granted to tiio reply. New KuL'land Mortice Co vs G l Wliit ney; foreclosure removed to U S Court L N Maupm vs L L Maupin; divorce granted. w 11 Daber vs J J ISut'er et ux; to recover money dismissed at plaintiff cost. W o Met addon and Jane McLaughlin vs Ellen Murray; Suit for partition ordered that land be sold. F A Chonnweth vs Thos Murray, et al; foreclosure judgment and decree for $370. M U Kltohey et al vs J L'raig et al; suit for partition order of distribution made. W H Hayden et al vs W W Piper et al; suit for partition report of referee ooulirm ed. H W Murphy vs J U Bond and 0 DClark; to reoover money continued for service. May X benders vs n L Thompson; to re eover money error- Suit in County Court K V Howard vs Kratz Washburne; to reoover money judgment of non-suit Chas AlUrecht vs Urauville Pisheri to recover money jiidgmont by conseut of parties. (J bj Uhnsman vs li L Thompson and A Dunham; 1 1 recover money default and judgment of $412 aud order of sale. money default and ludcment of 9239 aud $25 attorney fees. Al lipton vs V Al Heed; to recover money dismissed at pllT's cost lioard of hcliool Land Commissioners vs W T Doak et ux; foreclosure dismissed at pi IPs costs. May a Menders vs A Dunham et ux; to reoover money default aud judgment for $oi)$ aud order of sale. J Honii: vs W H Harkin; to recover money settled. J E Holt vs H E Thompson et al; fore closuredecree of foreclosure. J E Holt ys II Ii lhoutnson et al; to re cover money dismissed at plff's costs. J 12 Holt vs 11 li ihompson et al; to recover money (Usiuisseu at pin s costs. S Lock wood vs A II and C R Brooks; to recover nloiiey default and judgment for 4 J 1 1 19 and order of sale. Kprinufleld Mill Co vs J Howard; to recover money continued. J B Michael vs Win Stiers; tn recover money judgment for $200 and iuturcft and rdr of sale. Manrarot Allison vs C II Miller: to sot aside leed decree as praryed for. Alary Uates vs Suu Hates; suit lor uivorce continued. M J Kankln vs F A Rankiil; suit for divorce granted. Mary I E Awbrey vs Jas vv Awbrey; suit for divorce granted. Addie llawley vs VV ii Jlawley; suit tor livorce continued. C E Byers; assignment -assignee ordered to pay costs. o Al Arin i'ir vs ueo Armour: sun lor in- vop-e urauK'u. M M Klli vs L J and S Z Paxton, forcclos r. dipiuiu'ed at pllT's costs. H E Gardner vs Wm Gardner; to modify eerne combined. Oi-' ' niiin Railway Govs L Mansfield; suit for ri,'V. of way default Damages $32. I) it .leans nt al vi J A Joans et al; suit lor irittuiri -nrderof sale and J r luman appoint ed ivfurec to make sale. K VV Whimile Bros vs J V Ihornton and J O Spray; to recover money dismissed at pllfs costs, E W Whipple & Bros i J C and Kate Spray; to recover money dismissed at pill's oosts. Stato of Oregon vs F Root; attempt of kill- not a true hill. O & C R R vs J Lawrence et al; appropria tion nf lands dismissed at plff's costs. M G McCarty vs P Runey; to recovery money judgment per stipulations, G Fisher vs Wm Montgomery; to recover money dismissed. W W Hinton v A Driskill; to recover money continued. R V Howard vs Kratz et al; to settle part nershipargued and submitted. W H Baber vs C W Holcomb; to recover moneyjudgment for 1804 30 and $80 attorney fees and interest A V Peters vs II E Gardner; oonfirmation sale confirmed. Geo M Cooper vs T A Million et al; confir mation sale confirmed. W R Drury et al vs John Drury et al; parti tionsale confirmed. Court adjourned Thunday evening; April 25, 1884. Direct from the East. Mr Chas Horn has just received direct from the manufac tures at the east a large invoice of baby car riages, small wagons,- and tricycles of all sizes. Htf also carries a large stock of fish ing tackle, etc. Give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere and price goods. Priceh Checked. Mr 8 H Friendly ic forms ns that the decline in wheat has been checked in the Liverpool market, and that a slight advance has taken place. This will be good news ta the farmers aud the publio geneially. Purchased. Dr T W Harris purchased last Saturday of Mr J B Harris, an eleven acre tract ef land lying on Fifth street, just outside of the city limits, paying the sum of f 1300 for the same. A good bargain. Contract Let. Mr James L Page has let the contract for building a new residence in the western portion of the city to Mr Geo II Parks, the contract price being $2, 100. Dissolved. The firm of Strahan k Bilyeu, in this city, has been dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr L Bilyeu retaining the business in this city. Mr Bilyeu is a good lawyer and de serves a fair share of the 1ck1 business. Arrested. Indian Jiui was arrested one day this week and taken to Portland by De puty U 8 Marshal Riley, upon the charge of selling liquor to Indians. Undoubtedly he will be fined a few dollars. Notice. A number of full-Mood Berkshire pigs for sale. Also several half-blood Short Horn bull calves. Inquire of B G Mulkey, , Irving, Lane county, Oregon. ' STATE UNIVERSITY. ) Anna FattkIson. . Editor The Lauroat elected new ottieers last ninht Turner Oliver has returned to his home in Eastern Oreti. New classes! were organized in all the rooms last Alonday. I Prof, Collier is preparing the new catalogue of the University for tins year, The senlon have commenced a book, enti tled " l he Koijtn ot Law, instead ot 'inter national Law." Mrs. Nellie McCornack, nee Condon, first oresideiitof theEutaxlans, is visiting her home in this plao W H Gore, Marian Davis and Lura Murch delivered ms iys and orations in the audito rium last Knday, Soma n :t books, the Encyclopedia of Sci ence and a Bible, have been lately received for lie library of the societies. The Laurean members nf the Livy class were in mourning lost week on aeceunt of the loss of the lady luemlwrs of the class. Among the old students who returned to the University last Monday we notice Lillie 1 orter, l.ctlia AlcCoriiaok end L) V Uass. Ella Vhiidiiyne, a former student who has been iu Eu-'eue for the last few mouths study ing music, returnej to her home at Coburg hut week. A certaiu "fatherly" Laurean has been kept quite busy during the week taking care that the FuUxiaiis are rovided with a sufficient number ot studies. Mark Bailey, Jr., gave a very pleasant party to his classmates at his home during vacation week, A most enjoyable time was spent by all present Minnie Porter, a graduate of lost year, com menced teaching lost week near Hulsey ; Flora Kinehart is teaching in Linn county; Viola (Jomegys will soon commence a school on Mo hawk, " Resolved, that the government should reg ulate by law the amount of laud held by any one peraon, will be debate J by the Laureaus next rridav eveuimr. li. n. Al enure ana Win. Shaw will support the affirmative; H. S, Johnson and U 1' Uoshow the negative. A certaiu Laurean wishes to iuforra the publio that the report that he is "mortgaged" to two Eutaxians, is a false and malicious untruth fabrication by jealous Laurean i, to spoil his prospects tor leap year "proposals. On account of the ether, considered by scientists to till all space, being charged with too much moisture and being condensed, the straw hats nf some of tho Laureaus were slightly damaged one day last week. Teachors as well as students enjoyed ploasnut rest last week. Prof Lambert spent his vacation visiting iu Linn county, Prof Spiller took t trip to Salem, visiting relatives aud friends. Prof Coudon eujoyod visit at Hood river, and rrof Gatitoubem spent the week at his home iu Portland. C K Hale, an alumnus of tho Uuivenity, has received the uomiuatiou for County Clerk on the Democratic ticket; . J N Ooltra, also an alumnus, has received the nonuuatiou for County School Superintendent ou the Republican ticket. We are pleased to see our graduates uomiuatcd to till respon sible positions like these. Yesterday afternoon the Eutaxians debated the question, "Roso'.vnd, That the fate of Sir Walter Raleigh was a desorved gne." Leader ou affirmative Ida Patterson, col leagues, Jessie MoClung, Annib Wooloy and Nettie Colemau; negative, ausie Moore, ool- luatiuo i, Nellie Browu, Dora Scott and Mag gie Stausbury. Three very tiorce looking individuals made their appearauce in ibo eastern part of town during vacation week. They were well armed, aud to the excited oyes of those who did not recognize them, they eveu seemed iu full war paint. They were finally dis covered to be three young Laureaus, who, having gone hunting and nut getting any game, were so disappointed and discouraged that eveu their best friends failed to recog nize them. If the chief object of the Laurean editor's is to make others happy, as he asserts, we would suL'L'ost that application of obnoxious names to ooutempoary editors is generally considered, neither a source of plessitre to any one nor conduct becoming a gentleman and an editor. If we can not uphold the credit of our respective societies in another manner and by a triundly exchange of greet ings and by refraining from unbecoming re marks in reference to each other, we think all communication between the columus should cease till such can be dose. The committees appointed sometime siuce by the societies, te make arrangements for the reuuion, have beon busy during tho past few weeks making out the programme and other necessary arrangements. Ihey have decided to hold the exercises id the audito rium of the University. The usual refresh ments will be served and exoellent musio provided for the oocasion. VV II Gore will deliver the address of welcome. In front of the University, on a block of lots reoeutly purchased by Mr Park, we no tice some handsome improvements begun in the way of tree planting. We loam that the owner intends to build him a fine resi dence here during tho present summer. This beautiful building site under the artis tio hand of its owner will doubtless become a tasty and valuable acquisition to the neigh borhood. It is said that other desirablo lo cations adjacent to the University grounds, are likely to be secured by parties who con template building and making ot':er Hand some improvements. The Laurean editor by a remarkable con lescensiou has concluded to make the lives of the Eutaxians happy and their peace per fecthe has assured them he will lift his hat to them when he passes. As he re sumes hit studies at the Uuivenity this week, we hope the walk to the Univenity will not be blockaded by young ladies desiring to secure this boon, and that the Oregon pa pen will not be tilled with acknowledge ments ot his Kindness. nai a grand no ble example he offers to posterity, the sacra- fice of his pleasure to that of a few benighted mortals, to whom he thus offers perfect bliss and enduring prosperity. May blessings, unnumbered, be showered npon him for his unselfish care for the hapnyness of othen, and may fate hold in store for him, a fitting reward for his uutireiug devotion to the cause of humanity. Communication. It is earnestly to be hoped by the many friends of the Oregon Ktate University, that, at the next regular meeting of the board of re Knts, the present arrangement for granting re duced rate tickits to students, will be modified, as to admit of some discretion in regard to the time of presenting the certificates, necessary for procuring such rates, As it now exists, these certificates must be presented to the asjents the very day they are dated, nr else they are void; not only Is the time nf presenting these certificates limited but even the time of issuing them is specified. The present arrangement virtually dnntrnvs Henry Villard s propnmition, and utterly fails to carry out the intentions either of that be nevolent benefactor,' or those of the present in cumbent A Victim. Latham Items. Latham, April 17, 1884. A book agent here Friday. Mn D 11 Harris returned Friday from Linn county. Mr Joseph Sharp went to Drain Saturday, returning Monday, , Allie Powell took a flying trip to Eugene and back Tuesday. Mr Fred Shultz came back Friday from Portland and Saturday went on South. Messn Joseph Taylor and George Kelly went to Siuslaw Saturday to the quarterly meeting, comimr back Monday. The mill was not sawing last week, but Mon day resumed business with a new man as awyer, who came up from Portland. ; Mr J W Vaughn has received the nomi nation of both political parties for justice again, thus showing his incumbent favor among all ' . April 23, 1884. Rainy weather continues. A rubber type nian was here Friday. Hon A J liabb gave us a call lost week. . i Sheriff Purdoih of Douglas county, passed South on Saturday evening's train. . i Mn Coffin of Eugene came up Saturday and is visitiug her sister, Mn Silas Lane. Mr Chanin has lost a tenant, as the Bilder back family has moved South. His gain Is some one's loss. A man distributing ads for the coming cln cus at Cottage Grove, May 7th, was here Tuesday. Save up your dollars. Mr ami Aln D in'l Baughman of Pleasant Hill came up Saturday, visiting relatives and friend on Coast Fork, returning Tuesday. Dr Hen fro and wife came up Saturday, visit ing their daughter, Mn Dick Burton, and' returned Monday, leaving a younger daughter here to attend school Dr J W Harris, who has for the present located at Oakland, came In Friday, going back on Monday. He intends ere long mov ing his family there, from Cottage Grove. , Several of our citizens went to Eugene Monj day to attend court and convention, Messrs Joseph Sharp, and Marion Al art in Jr roturoi ing 'iuesday, andJMessn ii W Taylor, Marion Martin and J M Martin, yesterday. 0, Letter List. Letten for the full owing penons were un; .... ... a: ' i v rn- called for at the April 20, 18B-I. Appleton, Miss M lllakely, Geo Hrehn, E O Broinbv. G Arnold, R Bush Miss Beattie, Miss L Bams, J K Courtner, Miss M - Cetchum, W Coo, S G Clapp, C F Donaldson, J N Fergeraon, W B Gray, J E , (Jeiger, L Hoffman, J S 3 Henderson, Mr llawley, F L Hinton, D Hyde, Mn E . Houston, G lwis, O W Kruuant, Miss M Menit, M i Ruly, Mn M Stafford, B Sparks, 1) Taylor, Chris. A 3 Patterson, P M. Cox, N 2 Clemns, W C Cameson, J Combs, J Perkins Deviue, J S Evans, Miss I B Colo, J N Gager, Wm Gettinge, S Homer, J 11 Heslmoys, Miss M Hayes. Mrs W Hamalton, A Hathaway, S 0 Landfun, J I:..-. i.. ir Mann, C A Parker, R H Rutler. W L Stoops, Wm Smith, Estelle Irving Items Irving, April 24, 1884. , The Anrll showen that forth Mav fhwere, does not please the farmen very well, at this day and date. The farman have a goodly amount of grain to sow yet, on the account of the inclement weather. ,x The people of Irving are somewhat elated over getting the nominee lor State Senator, Mr B F Bond, a reader of the Guard, leaves for Portland this morning to have his eves treated. They have improved very much. . as both parties have a good ticket in the field. and we would urge that our Democratic friends stick closely to their principles. , Mr J R Wiseman the blacksmith, who left here lost, fall for Missouri, is expected to ar rive daily. He says Oregon is good enough, for him, and he is ooining to locate perms nently. subscriber. Personal. Mr Sam llolloway returned from the East last Wednesday. He looks splendid. Eugene Rristow spent several days ia tow j this week, visitiug frionds and rela tives, R M Mulholland, of Junction City gave' this office a pleasant call last Weduesday.' He was in attendance upon Circuit Court, Mr Jas W Hamilton, the Democratic can didate for prosecuting attorney of this district, is in town visiting friends, Jimmy will re ceive at least 100 majority in Lane jounty. We acknowledge a pleasant call this wees from Mr. S (. Thompson, of Crook County. Mr Thompson has been nominated for. joint. Senator from Lako, Crook and Wasoo. He formerly resided iu this comity. Goinoto Leavb Us. Dr T W Harris,' long and favorably known as oue of the lead ing physicians nf this city, has sold bis prop erty to Dr J P Wallace, of Andersonvjlle,' Tennessee, and is goiug to move to Eugene City, where he will locate and practice his profession. Dr Harris had a lucrative prao-i tice iu this city, is considered a safe anuT able physician, and the community gener ally foul unwilling to have him leave. The citizens of Eugene City are fortunate in hav-. ing so reliable a physician come into their midst, Albany Herald. Dr Harris' profess ional card will be found in another column.' Tho doctor is well known in this city,' where he has a host of friends. We wel come him back to his old home. Leo Broken. While attending the funer-, nt Mrs Williams,' at Pleasant Hill, last' al Wednesday, Miss Mary Stoops, unfortunate ly broke one nf her legs below the knee, by. umpiug from a carriage; Both bones of the imb were brokeu. and one of them protrud ed through the flesh several inches. Dr.' Harris was called a id set the broken limb, ( and at last reports, the young lady wm rest ing easy, . Lioht Docket. -At the term ot court held here during the past week, there, was very little business, and we undentand, that . there were fewer cases tried than ever before known. Alt the business could have been transacted in two days if the curt had not' been compelled to await the action of the grand jury on several cases. Not a case was given to a jury. This speaks well for Laue county Grand Jirt. The following gentlemtn composed the craod jury nt the recent terra of, court: J W Masterson. P C Noland, Frank Smith, W R Walker, John Vandyne, W T Unburn and J W Majors. , A Noveltt. A woman tramp passed through Eugone last Tuesday, .northward, bound. This is the tint genuine femsle tramp that hi. ever passed through this' city. Fob Sale Cheap. A good piano. For par-' ticulan inquire at this office.