The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 26, 1884, Image 3

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Nancy V. Cnlbertson.
Umbrella, novelette and itbawl,
He carried one and carried all,
And gave the lady hia (ne baud
To help her down upon the saud.
The bug umbrella lent IU shade
' To grateful man and gracious maiu;
With all tbe world quite clone at band,
ITbey felt alone upon tbe sand.
Some flimsiest web that fiction weaves
iKhe read : Lb Idl v turned tbe leaves.
And so it hanneiied that their bandi
Touched now and then upon tbe sands.
Her (bawl wai fluttered by tbe breese,
And both essayed the fold to seize,
And so it happened that their bauds
Met once again upon the sand.
She did not mean it should be so,
.But be forgot to let her's go;
Vnd she forgot to claim her band,
Knd thus tbey sat, upon the sand.
Tbe book was closed, the shawl blew wide,
And as tbey sat there side by ttide
I i ney dow agreea 10 last iocs uaniu
Ana wallc togetner o'er lues nanus.
me weeks named bv. and both azaln
Were seated by the globing main:
A las I be held another's hands,
Another hers, upon the sand.
A Han Who Makes Ilia Living by
Keeping Ilia F.yea I'pon the rave,
New York Sun.
"If you can get that queer-looking duck to
talk, bo may give you a wrinkle," said a po
licemantoa reporter, pointing out a man
whom the reporter bad often seen loitering
around tbe newspaper offices as tbe lust of tbe
reporters, editors, and conipositoiu bend their
steps homeward. His age was probably about
45, although tbe weather-beaten look of his
' face made him seem older than he really was.
His slight tlsMire was bent forward at the
shoulders, and bis eyes were closely bent
upon the lavement as be walked slowly
" 1 don't waiTi no coinietitors in my biz,"
be said, " tbo' 'taint every one who'd have
the perseverance or the gifts to follow it. I'm
a iindor, thut's what I am, and I'm a mo
nopolist." u What is a finder!" asked the rejiorter.
" I'm a finder of things that are lost; that
is I hunts for 'em a good deal ofteuer thau I
finds 'em. You ain't no idea bow many
val'ble things is lost every day iu this city
jewels, watches, purses, rolls of money, dogs
and children. Not half the folks who loses
thinks to advertise, but some does. They
rush to the newspaper offices, and I waits
here to get the earliest copies uud read the
"Is it possible you find things that have
been lost so many hours beforef"
"Sometimes, but not often. If I makes a
good hit once in two weeks I'm satisfied.
Just as often I don't make one in a mouth.
You see, the ad. says very gen'lly, 'lost
'tween somewhere and somewhere.' Well I
goes and I paces that district, and my eyes
has got so sharp that they cau tell the glint
of a di'mond or any stone from a bit of
broken glass on the darkest nibt. Why,
you and a lots of people walks over lost
things evory day and never sets 'em. You
walks with your eyes in the air a fixed on
the folks and the windows, - or
the pavement 100 feet ahead of you. Mine
is always close to my own feet, aud I walk
mighty slow. The gutters is the great place
for lost things; tbey get dropped there by
women who are alius iu a hurry crossing
roads, or they got knocked in by feet or
dresses. Only the other day I was crossing
a street and taw a muddy bit of cardboard
lying iu the gutter. Ten thousand peoplo
'would have passed' it by, but I saw what
looked like a piu sticking iu it. I grablied its
turned it over, and there, sure enough, was a
a gold breastpin ret with pearls -stunners
4en. Kherman'n Wimple Campaign
E. V. Smalley iu The Century.
Sherman's habits during his camimigns
were of the simplest. He rose early iu the
morning, and was .ip late at night. In
the face of the enemy, five hours' sleep
suflicied him. Before the reveille sounded,
be was often in the saddle and out on the
most exposed part of his line. The orders
were always to arouse bim at any
hour of the night, if reports came
in. During the Atlanta campaign he set the
example, to bis troops of discarding tents and
reducing baggage to a minimum. There was
but one tent attached to his headquarters,
and that war used by bis adjutant general
and his clerks. With his staff he slept on the
ground under a tent fly, which was stretched
at night over a pole resting in the cmtches of
gome convenient saplings. It used to be said
that bis headquarters were in a candle-box,
because one or two small boxes, emptied of
the caudles they originally bad contained,
served to transport his papers.
The soldiers called him "Old Tecum" and
'Uncle Billy," tub latter nickname coming
into general use in the army during the
march to the sea. At his headquarters a
single sentry stood guard; but nobody,
whether officer or private soldier, who
wanted to speak to the general, was stopped.
He always bad a cordial and encouraging
word for" the soldiers when bo rode along
tbo lines in front of the e neiny or passed a
marching column. For the details of military
etiquette and cereuwuy he cared nothing;
but for sturdiness in action aud endurance in
hard marching, he had a quick eye and a
ready word of praise. He was unusually
comraunicativo and outspoken, unless bis
plans demanded secrecy.
Sometimes his frankness decoived the
enemy more than concealment would have
done. After he captured Kavaunah, be sent
a flag-of -truce boat to Charleston and gave
jwrmission to go upon it to the families of
Confederate ofilcers who wished to get in
side the Confederate lines. Anions the ap
plicants for passes was the wife of a Con
federate surgeon, who told the general
the wanted to o to Columbia, South
Carolina, to join her husband. "Don't go to
i '..ii.n.lim mnlnm" exclaimed Sherman. "I
tuall be there myself iu a few days with my
whole army. V ou are at noerty to iii mat
. - . . . ..,.. in.
whole army. ou i
C1 friend
rala.Ha0 tha Conf
C V J-i.-ion as soon i
j friends in i uariesum. iue
communicate th.s uifor-
Confederate commanders in
iu she arrived: but all
. lwwi tlmt if Sherman actually meant to
nWch to Columbia, b would never have
said no. His advance reached Columbia a
day alter tbe surgeon's wife arrived.
Halrrataa far Bad Meat.
Chicago Herald.
Over forty tons of poultry in thehandiof
Boston dealers wired during Thanksgiving
week, aud three-quarters of it was purchased
far canning houses, who claim that, although
it woaltil keep for many hours an1 was
tberefiinsaUble in the retail market, it
wasM as good as the dryest an 1 freshest
after being treated to a salenftus bath.
A gambler to poor health killed hinwlf in
Galveston, leaving a note saying: ' I take
this means of getting- well A plain box is
all I want,"
Opto P. It -a I In Nw York M"rcurj!l
In general the negroes have gn-atly
changed since tbe war. for many of them
have gone to tbe ci iesand towns, or have
become small farm irs, but on some of the
large plantations of the south, where no
social In novations have been introduced, Ihey
are very much the same, in dress and peculiar
characteristics, as they were years ago when
tbe tap of the overseer's bell was an orser
imperative. These people preserve their
quaint traditions, moral dialogues between
animals, in which the rabbit is always tlie
Socrates. Tbey have a song for each kind of
work, whose author Is unknown, but with
whose words and tune all are familiar. The
following is the corn gathering song. It is
impossible to give an Idea of tbe effect with
which it is rendered, and the semi-weird tune,
I am convinced, could not be written by tke
most accomplished composer:) 1
Come er bitch up de wagln an' dribo la de
flel', i
Time fer tor geder de co'n ;
We'se boun' fur ter bab sum ash-cake meal
Time fur ter geder de co'n.
De ysller man grabs wid mighty light ban',
Time fur ter geder de co'n;
But de ole Guinea nigger am da be' in de
Time fur ter geder de co'n.
An' ar take off de rough shucks, pile up d
Jurangy bo, jis' er talkin' like er doan'
We'se er gwinter hab sum fun heah as sho'
yer am bo'n,
Juraugy bo, so early in do day.
De mules bites de co'n as we dribe er long de
Time fur ter geder de co'n;
How much da ken eat uobo ly nobber knows,
Time fur tor geder de co'n.
De young boun' pup snuffs de ar as we pass,
Time fer ter geder de co'n;
An' he barks at de rabbit what bides in do
Time fer ter geder de co'n.
An' er dribe ter de co'n crib an' open up
de do',
Jurangy ho, jis' er talkin' lika er doan'
We'se got ter git dun 'fore de col' win's
Jurangy ho, so early in de day.
Cabin, the Sovellnt.
New York Cor. Chicago Herald.
A self-exhibitor now in New York is Cable,
the highly successful writer of novels on the
Iheme of Creole life in New Orleans. He has
bit a now and rich vein in fiction, and is work
ing it with much ability. But I think be is
making a mistake in coining north in quest of
personal adulation. Ho went at first to Bos
ton, where there is a circle of mutual admir
ers, to whom be revealed himself as a reader
of his own sketches. Tbey gave him the
right hand of fellowship. That was as far as
be ought to have gone. But he is trying Now
York. We, too, have a clique of self-chosen
literary people, probably as numerous and
unproductive as Boston's, but they don't
count for much in this big city. Tbey have
rapturously taken Cable in; but he is already
finding out that their sponsorship is rather
a damage than otherwise with the many
thousands of cultured people who have ap
preciatively read his works.
The tendency hero is strong to make sport
of pretentiousness, aud that is why, by los
ing without a good excuse for it, he is in
dauger of.b?ing populaely underestimated.
He is a pleasant euougb fellow to look at,
reads with a fair mastery of the peculiar
Creole dialect, sings some Creole songs in a
nasal falsetto that would insura ridicule be
fore a promiscuous assemblug , on 1 affects
the Byronic style of dross. He is tho present
Bunthoruo of our te-thetic women and almost
as feuiin n ) men. But he Is a genius, after
all is said, and ho has an observing eye. "Do
you know the oddest thing that has struck
me iu New Yorkf he said to ma. "It was an
undertaker's wago.i, all sombre and black,
but drawn by a sputtal, calf-skin horse, like
a circus stued." What he thus described has
for several years b.-eu a metropolitan in
congruity. Where Uotliaui'K Italian Congre
gate. New York Letter in Chicago News.
The Mulbory street colony numbers ubout
six thousand souls, and they live in quarters
not large enough for six hundred decent peo
ple. It is a province to itself. Tho careless
stranger never wanders into it a second time.
Twenty-three stores and restaurants do the
principal business, but there are also three
hotels (f), and two banks, two printing
offices, four butcher shops and four bakeries,
to say nothing of the steamship agencies. Four
Italian physicians aud two Italian lawyers
fling their shingles to tho breeze, while an
Italian newspaper retails the gossip of the
colony and reprints Italian news from the
daily papers.
During the day all is garlic and business,
and tbe odors of both bang heavy about tho
streets. At night the place is us secure
from intrusion as if fenced in by a giant wall.
Men have gone into that quarter after dark
and have boon beard from never more. A
policeman will not venture there, and
when an arrest Is to be nnde a patrol wagou
with a squad of husky officers, is sent down.
It is as much as a man's life is worth to go
within a block of the quarter's boundary.
What do these people do for a living I Well,
they are tbe bootblacks, match-peddlers,
fruit-vendors, chestnut-roasters and rag
pickers of New York, and many of them
keep cigar stands.
Like Her 4reat-4reat-4randmolher.
Buffalo Courier.
A few days ago Miss Jennie, Hazen, of
Angola township, was passing a second band
picture dealer's store in Buffalo when she
noticed among some old paintings a picture
that was a striking likeness of herself. Look
ing at tbe reflection of herself in the window
and then upon the old aiming, the resem
blance was wonderful. The young lady, who
is only 16 yearsold, relumed borne to Angola
full of her discovery, insisting that some one
had been painting her picture and arranging
her as a fright (the girl of the painting was
dressed in the style of the last century). In
cited by curiosity some of the family went to
Buffalo and upon seeing the picture were as
amazed as Miss Jennie.
Their bewilderment was increased by de
ciphering the name Jennie on the back of the
painting. It also bore the name of the artist,
"Richardson, 1'bila lelphia." The painting
was bought for t3 5.1, and was sent to tho
young lady's grandmother in Erie, Mrs. Dr.
M. J. Clark, who recognized it as the lortrnit
of her gran Imother, Jennie KliziU-tn Mc
Michael, an intrepid Philadelphia girl, whose
adventures during the revolutionary period
were told at hundreds of firesides by tbo
grandfathers and grandmothers of the pres
ent generation.
Two Bright One.
Inter Ocean "Curbstone Crayons."
"My bttle 2-year old girt went down to the
lake for tbe first time but summer. As the
waves came rippling in over the white sand
she clapped ber hands and said, 'See the lake
laughing!" I had never thought of the
hiug in thit c mnx-tion, hut it does laugh,
you know. Tbe same night my 5-year-old
boy, watchinj the lamp-lighter light the
lamps in front of tbe bouse, turned to me
with 'Papa, who lights the starrf "
New York Palladium: Honor and profit
do uot stay long in the same sack.
Mwt Mlxteea" a Mae .pprei In
a niMoarl tag Cabin In Wur.
A. O. Manhall in "Amy Life."
, One day I stopped to give one of tha
boys of oar mess his breskfeast. He
bad been on rear picket the night be
fore and consequently would be with
the rear guard of the army that day.
Our regiment having the advauoe,
made an early start and I did
not exp vt to rejoin it until a
late hour at night After find
ing our comrade and giving him his
morning colToe, I pushed forward. In
course of the day, wishing to rest a
short time. I ventured to call at a dwell
ing by the roadside. The house was
simply a log hut like all others in the
backwoods of that part of Missouri.
Entering I found it had but ono room
and that furnished in the plain, rough
style common to such localities.
In one part of the room sat what
shall I rail her? How shall 1 describe
the charming creature who sat before
me? A woman; an angel beautiful as
day; fairer than the fairest; in age just
passod bnyond charming sweet sixteen
to lovely womanhood. No, I will not
attempt to describe this most beautiful
one. Let it aulliue that my highest
ideal of angelic perfection was more
than renli.ud in the person of
the lovely being before me.
Being a young and enthusiastic
volunteer, such a feast of beauty com
pletely captivated me. Numerous re
membrances of stories where I had read
of princesses of boauty being fonn J else
where by some singularly fortune
favored knight flushed through my
broin. All my faith in love at first
sight returned with double force. Al
though enrapt I had not yet heard hor
speak; had not heard the enchanting
tones of hor tweet voice.
Her mother could it be? Was it
possible that this plain, course woman
was the mother of one so divine? No!
I would not believe it. I would believe
that sho was the child of love- a being
of heavenly, not of earthly origin, and
I almost trembled for fear she would
suddenly vanish from my sight and soar
to hor far-off home above. Her mother
went to the door and called : " ilium,
come here; your sister wants to
see you." Her brother would come, she
would Bpeak to him. Then, oh, then ! I
should hear tho delicious music from
that sweet angel's tongue. Tho lnre
anticipation intoxicated me. What,
then, would tho sweet reality b-i?
Would it then be possible for me to
control myself? Could I then refrain
from throwing myself at her feot and
praying to be her slave forewr? She
rises to speak to her brother. Oh ! sweet
anticipation! One moment now is an
age of bliss. She opens her mouth.
Oh! sweet, charming, del ght -what?
Tho words sho spoko were: "J Jill, you
little cuss, give me a chew of tobacco."
Thrusting his dirty hand down into his
greasy pocket he brought forth a filthy
piece of tho vile weed, and words are
worthless the romance was "bu-ded."
Kerne In I'aNteur'M Workxhop.
Pall Mall Gazette.)
Tho following Komewhat gruesome
description of M. Tastoiir's laboratory,
taken from a roeeiitiy-published vol
ume entitled "L' d'nn Snvunt
par un Ignorant," gives a very striking
picture of the modern' physiological
workshop: "All the niiiniulH iu tlie
laboratory, from tho little white mice
hiding under a bundle of cotton wool to
tho dogs b.irking furiously from behind
their iron-railed kennels, are doomed to
death. Theso inhabitants of the labora
tory,, which aro marched out day after
day in order to be subjected to opera
tions or other experiments, share the
space with ntill more ghastly objects.
1- rom all parts of Franco hampers ar
rive containing fowls which have d'ed
of cholera or some other disease. Hire
is an enormous basket bound with
straw ; it contains the body of a pig
which died of fover. A fragment of
lung, forwarded in a tin box, is from a
cow dying of pneumonia.
"Other goods aro still moro precious.
Sinco M. l'usteur, two years ago, went
to l'auillue to await the arrival of a
bout which brought yellow fever pa
tients, ho recoivc 1 now and then fioui
far-off countries a bottle of voaiito
negro. Tubes filled with bloo I aro
lying about, and smallor plates con
taining drops of blood may be seen
everywhere on tho work-tables. In
special stores bottlo-liko bladders ara
ranged resembling small liquor bottles.
The prick of a pin into ono of theie
bladders would bring death t any
man. Inclosed in glass prisons mill
ions and millions of microbes live and
multiply." M. l'astour's views on vivi
section aro known well enough. HU
own words on the subject are: "Never
shuuld I havo the courage to kill a bird
for sport, but when it comes to experi
ments I have never been troubled oy
the slightest scruple. Science in that
case has tlie right of pleading the sover
eignty of the purpose."
IteMtleNM Han t'ranriNPo.
San Francisco Chronicle.
There can hardly be any question of
the climatic causes of nervousness and
restlessness here. Men can never rest
anywhere. Thoy are restless duiinir
business; they drop into saloons and
driuk; they rrsh home; they are hardly
there buforo they want to bo nil' some
where; a quiet, pleasant evening is out
of tt e question. J have noticed fiom
the experience of niuny people 1 know
that tiiere is some atrunge diniutio
cause fo. th's. A Irieud of mine went
up north, and on his return noted the
most extraordinary change. While
awa? ho had felt quite inclined to rest.
He did his business very quietly ai d
enjoyed himself. As soon as he landed
in San Francisco the old nervous spirit
appeared. He hurried home. He felt
that he could not settle anywhere, and
he hurries no everywhere and is for
ever restless.
Cassell's Cyclopiedia : A falling rain
drop descends with a velocity which
increases until the acceleration is bal
anced bv the resistance of the air. after
which ilu drop descends with uniform
A novel is being written in England
by nine different persons, tho object
being to give individuality to each
Admiral Dacres, of London, Is dead.
The German Itoichstair opened oh the
6th lust.
An Austrian Dollce man haa been mur
dered by anarchists.
William IJIanchard Jerrold. the well
known writer, is dead.
Malta Is mentioned as the place of the
Pope's future residence.
Tsena. Chines Embassador, has been or-
dered to reUrn to France.
The Lancrt advises Gladstone to accept
a peerage In the Commons.
Mr. Smirueon. the eminent Haptlst di
vine, haa fallen heir to a large fortune.
The Enulish House of Lords rejected
the motion to open museums on Sunday.
Matthew Arnold savs that under no cir
cumstances will he write a book on Amer
ica. '
The treaty of peace with Chile has been
ratified by the Continent Assembly ef
Prime Minister Ferrv proposes to send
to Madagascar (5,000 French troops now in
A writ has been served uoon Mr. Brad-
laugh for illegally voting iu the House of
At the coimUtorv In Rome last week, the
Pope created two cardinals and twenty-
one bishops.
Nellis. who professed to know the mur
derers of Karl Leltrim. has been sent to
the mad-house.
The Prussian Landtag rejected a motion
to repeal the law abolishing the salaries of
Catholic prisste.
The brlir Eagle, from Naples for Jersey,
Is ashore tt Capo Merler. The loss of the
cargo is Inevitable.
Tbe Enirllsli Parliament was asked re
cently for 100,000 to cover the cost of the
Soudan expedition.
Mr. Snursreon's lares fortune comes to
him through the death of Mr. Joseph
Poole, of Leicester.
Tho murder of the policemen at Grunn,
capital of Moravia, is announced to be the
worK ot Auarcnists.
The Imperial Parliament rejected Mr.
Parnell's bill amending the Irish land act,
by a vote of !5 to 72.
General Neirrier was in the receut pur
suit ef the defeated Chinese on the loth,
Kith and Mil instants.
The Grand Duke Alexis of Russia will
reach England in May, ou a visit to the
Duchess of Kdluburgli.
Tho vacant ribbon of St. Patrick will be
bestowed on the Earl of llowth, in room
of the late Lord Donegal.
Tho Italian government has asked for a
credit of 30,000,000 francs (or the purpose
of strengthening the navy.
Seventy picked London policcmeu have
been instructed in a system of espionage
ou tho dynamite conspirators.
TLa Aaltln Jluniait KIM mniHfwl ft UOfnild
AllO n V l U .no. i.iiij u... ....... .. w
reading in the English House of Com
mons without a division recently.
The French government is delisting the
Chinese indemnity question. Tho lewest
figure proposed Is 150,000,000 francs.
TKa Qiimv u-fltt an ileen on one branch of
the Canadian l"uci!ic recently that no train
arrived at Montreal for eigbtceu days.
Tim Tlinvinnau TtiirHott.PniitlR. President
of the British HookkeeMrs' Association,
recently presiueu at lis annum uicciing.
Lord Uioon will return homo from India
In a few months, aud Truth thinks that
Lord Lome will lie his successor as ice-
The City of Montreal, arrived at Quecns-
tnu'n riu.itiiilv niwl rMmirtefl Lbat she.
passed an iceberg iOO feet high aad 400
Mr. Ilerliert Spencer hos been asked to
uu a l.llu. ml rmiilhliitn for the En
glish Parliament, but be declines to enter
It Is understood the Grand izier of
Turkey lias complained to the United
States government of Minister Wallace's
Tim ulaiilillT Aiwiml of the Anchor
line, made a trial trip on the Clyde last
week, and attained a spoon oi seveuieen
knots per hour.
rn,iuiw, Wlllimn tubi'it crrent interest
In General Graham's operations, and fol
lows every niovenicui oi uie troops wiui
sincere sympathy.
An l.,il,,,nlnl ilnmilntion from Ireland
AU Illllu. mim ii..,...v.. -
urnitnil nil 1 1 1 II f I ut 111 1 1" IfUlt. WUhk tO ITU0 Bit
extension oi tune lor me repayment oi
government loans.
Sir Moses Monteflore, at 09, Is England's
oldest baronet, and Sir iioorgo ivose oar
torious, Admiral of the Fleet, at the age
of Ut). is senior kniuht.
A number of Important Nihilist arrests
have been made at men, nussia, aim one
jten d'arme was mortally wounded while
assisting to make arrests.
It has lieen discovered that Prince Al
bert, besides his income of i'.'W.OOO, drew
1,11 yearly as Governor of Windsor Cas
tle to the day of his death.
Tt iu iriniiirnllv pvtin-teil In the High
lands that a peerage will bo offered to Sir
Alexander Matheson, on his retirement
from the House of Commons.
A boy named Lamont was fatally shot
by another scholar named New with a toy
pistol at Wellesby school, Toronto, re
cently, ftew lias ooen arresieu.
Afrcesh Bay Shilook, the negro whom
n.xinriil Conlnn made commandant of the
troops at Khartoum, won the Legion of
Honor under Dazaine in lueiicu.
Ti.Mf riwilmm ImvB linen sent to the Col
lector of Customs at Victoria, from Ot
tawa, instructing mat omciui to em,cr aim
clear vessels at the outer naroor.
It Is said to bo In contemplation to our
fer the Freedom of the City of Lonon up-
i.nrd Sbiifteshurv. in recognition of bis
life-long labors as a philanthropist.
Cavalry mado a reconnolsance, recently,
In various directions near Suakem, with
out finding any rebels. Sheik Morghani
held a conference with friendly sheiks.
United States Minister Wallace has had
an audience with the Sultan, in the course
nf wn eh he oomti la nea oi uiu urauu
Vizier's conduct iu refusitiK to see him,
In an affray recently at Prena, In Italy,
between railway laborers and the village
inhabitants, carbineers interfered and
killed eight and wounded fourteen vil
U,i-Vam la un lumlthv. and it Is nronosed
to leave 400 English soldiers there, to be
relieved- every lorinijtm, aim eianuu mo
remainder cl tlie iroous at iioaiuiicr
ootntfl. .
Catholic circles In England are excited
by the report that Dr. Herbert vaugnan,
Bishop of Salford. lias been appointed co
adjutor to Cardinal Manning w ith right of
Another suicide owing to gambling
losses bas occurred at Monte carlo, maa
ln 1.a nln.laf.nth lhi VHHT. Tll DtWt
papers demand that France shall suppress
the scandal.
in .llllnn In nA InvltAllnfl til Hlllff
with Bismarck, In honor of the Emperor's
Kllfl DirUlday, Minister oarncut, uon
cepted an Invitation to a soiree to be given
in tha Dklace.
It Is stated that the Queen has expressed
. . .. . 1 rr..
an eager intention to comer uu nuru tn
ntuin tha rr rlvT af Lhlt Hrt fair ODDOftUn
ity. lis will be the first poet who wore
the blue ribbon.
Blshon Roberllll. Uuiknou, of Omaha,
Is dead.
The Boston Seriate has passed the civil
service reform bil.
Eleven hundred rluar makers are on a
strike at Cincinnati.
It Is now rumored that Blaine wrote
"The Bread Winders."
Collector Itobertson says that be believes
Blaine can carrv New York.
Hoamer and Hamm have arranged a
three-mile race, to place not later than
July 20th.
In tha fast mall service between New
York and San Francisco, a w hole day has
been gained. 1
McKeo Rankin has rented the Union
Square for the sprlna season. He goes to
San Francisco iu May.
Mark Twain says it is probable that he
will attend the international copyright
oonveutlon at Berne In August.
Peter SramltJ. held at Chlcauo on the
charge of having choked his wife t death,
committed suicide by haagiug last week.
The Gill Car Manufacturing Company,
of Columbus, 0., made an assignment last
week. Assets estimated at about f 100,000;
liabilities, f 2110,000.
The New York Coffee Exchange Is ex
cited over the refusal to readmit the Bra
siliaan firm of Wolf & Selequeburg, who
suspended last week.
liiidohm Chamn and FlUnatrirk were
hung a few days ago at Columbia, Ky for
the brutal murder of miner Brewster ami
Neatsville, August 6. 1HSI.
Postmaster Tiffany, of Bennington, v t,
fled while the government officers were
making an examination of his books at
the request of his bondsman.
A . , & f. 1 f ...... P.. ...n fh
1Mb DUIHiay, UWIKn v-injicn, ",
with George Humphrey Noyos, founded
the Oneida Community In 1H4H, was found
dead in bis bed at Unelda, IN. X.
The bouse committee on Dntents has do
elded unanimously to report adversely
Kenrcsentatlve Andersons bill to limit
tho lifetime of a patent to live years.
T..I. .. T .. PI.MI a ivntl Irnmvn Vaw
Y'ork banker, died last week of liver com
.iiiiiii uu, i" .., . ..- .......
nlnlnt. nired TO. He was Assistant Ireas
urea of the United Slates during the civil
.Unum J. Roonev. John Roonev. his son.
and Andrew McNamara were arrested re
cently on a charge of robbing brewers of
;nbw lorK cuv oi aio oarruis auu ocer
Tho Loncfellow Memorial Association
of Cambridge, Mass., has received nearly
812.000. It holds land lor a monument
worth 75,000 aud KiX.UOO additional is do
The Twcntv third Sinn Theater at New
York was sold at auction recently. Alfred
11 Darliim bomiht it for J1II.UK. It will
probably become part or me nun Avenue
The meeting of the ex-Confederate sol-
diem, called bv General J. B. Gordon in
New Y'ork last week, was attended by
largo delegations from that and neighbor
ing cities.
Cantaln Howell and Lieutenant Marke,
who have inspected the Chicago police
patrol system, sav that its Introduction in
I'liiladiliihia would cause a saving of
nearly flo per cent.
Daniel It. Hopkins, Journalist and the
atrical agent, died of llright's disease at
TaiiiDiithi. N. Y.. recently, lie bad been
gent for Jiurnuin, Aiiocy, iiavcny, jonn
A. Stevens and others. ,
Nathan P. Pratt, aged 7H. and formerly
treasurer of the Heading (Mass,) Savings
Hunk, reccutlv convlctod of embezzling
tlUU.UM', was seineiiceii 10 lour jrcnm uu
prisoniucnt at mint iitosr.
There bas been considerable excitement
on the produce exchange, la New lorK, in
cniiHenuenao of 1). J. Andradc. a broker,
challenging H. Burllnger. The challenge
was banded to the police.
Mitnlcsos. of Hor Ma.estvs
Onera. ConmaliV. Wits found guilty lost
week, at Sun Francisco, of violating the
city tire oriilnanco In blocking the aisles
of the Grand Opera House.
The boiler of BafniKii's sawmill, six
mlli.H from Aiicusta. Ark., exploded re
rently, killing the foreman and three
children. Tho sawyer was blown forty
feet, but was only slightly hurt.
Tim r I trld to the Liurhthall lmtent for
cable tramways lor 1' ranee lias neen soiu
to II. Woodrow, orineriy ot uinnnnau,
who will short v leave for Paris to in
troduce the cable Btreet railway system
Adoliib Stlen. aired 17. of the selioolshlp
St. Marys, visiting his home at Holioken,
N. . .. on a snort iiiriougu, iiouueu ins
niniiinr'u ilrcHM and hiinued himself. A
quick return to tho ship Is the alleged
Hun of the cable cars on the State-street
line. Chicago, while crossing the track of
the Illinois Central Railroad recently, was
run Into by an engine, and two street car
niuiHenirers were injured, but it is not
Uiougiii sunousiy.
An emlosfon of suluhur in the Enter
prise colliery, in Mount Carmel, Pa., last
week, insianiiy aineu i.n lumiuiiun.;,
'.. Imrluli HerrluiH'r and Peter Jupolos-
key. The brattice work and timber in the
mines are badly shattered.
Scats for the extra week of the Mapleson
Opera In San Francisco, Patti and iierster
alternating throughout the wcck, were
sold at public auction. Every scat com-
niitnded anrcm urn. Manleson tias neueo
by the sale over 111.000 in premiums
Tha statement Is made that George L.
T.iirillnrH will retire from the turf, ami sell
his country seat at Westbrook, with his
training stables, track aud thoroughbreds
at Isliw, L. I. His reason for selling is his
health, which has lieen poor for many
The Sanitary Inspector, accompanied by
a o Md of notice, made an unexpected
raid last week on express wagons that
carry meat into new iora irom new
.lerscv. One hundred and fifty carcasses
of "Bob" calves were seized and sent off
the dock.
At. TTnner Pot tsorro ve. Pa., last week
Mm. Woodward Kirklaff. crazed with ma
larial fever, left hor bed and deliberately
set her clothing on nre. tne iougnt aes
nnrntolv with those who tried tO BXtlU
guish the llames, and was slowly burned
to deatn.
Witter has barked un through the rail
rnni culverts in Vickshurg. Miss., and Is
flood imr houses on Front street. The
invaeit at Slilnn's barou and Point Pleas
ant will be broken. A steamer Is busy
now sending stock from the overflowed
Tlnnrsn C. Ross last week sent to Rich
rd K. Fox. of New York, articles of
irrceniaiit. for the signatures of John L.
Sullivan and Mervlne Thompson, to fight
under the priie ring rules. Accompanying
this was $2,500 guaranteeing Thompson's
Michael Toner, aged 16. 'was arrested
at Mount Carmel, I'a in the act of chang
ing a switch for the purpose of wrecking
an approaching train. On one occasion he
asked Disassociates to assist bim to wreck
a train and then plunder the wounded
Judge Dixon, ot the United States Dis
trict Court, recently appointed L. Love, of
New York, receiver of the Yellowstone
Park Improvement Company, Rufus
Hatch states that ha has put $120,000 in
the company, and that its liabilities are
f 00,000 besides.
BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll. K IT...
40c; Interior, grude, ttXg,oc; pickled, 'Hm
CHKESK-Callfornla. 17. 10c: Oregon
large, choice. HAlttte. small, none.
KGlttJsV doi., IMc.
FISH Extra Pacitle codfish, whole. In
e., 7Jc, boneless, in bis., fc If lb.: domntts
salmon, hf bbls., fd.004,7.00, bbls.. 11.00,
l ib. oans, y dot., 1.4A; mackerel, No. 1, f
kit, 1.75(Ji2.00, No. 2, fl.WKa.1.75, No. 1,
hf bbls., 110.00, No. i, f4.n0; herrings,
salted, hf bbls., , dried, 10-tb bxs 7.
FLULH fancy extra, V tw, o.wi;
bakers' extra, : country, tt.OOtesiJO;
superfine, $3.5.
FEED, ETC.-Corn meal, If 100 lbs., 7
(0.3.1)0: buckwheat, 15.50; oat meal. flOUt; cracked wheat, 93.25($.'i.50; bran,
ton llH.(.a; shorts, fw; nilddungs,
One, feiMiOCaJtO.llO; hay, baled, ilH.OUS J0.U0;
chop, r.A0(a.&r.00.
runes. Hungarian, tff 1UA
15c: raisins (newi. nx.. t2.ouYai2.75. hf
bis., $2.75(0.3.00, qr bxs., $U.25(ula..'i5. tfth
bxs., f'l.&Va.ftO; currant, Zante, f lb.
in bxs., 10c; citron, If lb. In drums, J&tye;
almonds, Marseilles, If lb., lH(n.20c, Iavne,
20c; walnuts, Chili, llUJc, California,
WHKAT Good to choice, V ISO D.,
tl.50(itl.55, good valley; Walla Walla and
Eastern Oregon, $1.40(a;1.47i.
OATS Choice milling, nominal; good
feed, 65c; ordinary feed, oOfaJKlc.
BARLEY Brewine. If 100 lbs., nsmlaal
feed, nominal
BUCKWHEAT Nominal, f 1.502.00.
CORN-No demand.
RYK Nominal, tf 100 lbs., nominal
iiiuus AINU HAUS iiioes, ary, over
IS lb.. lb.. 14c; Murrain hides, two-thlrda
off; hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., If lb.,
fe.7c (one-third less for light weights, dam
aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts,
shearling, l0cfci$1.00; deer skins, wiutev,
WHLn. Vaut.n I Ihi im 9l anmniAf. U
AMl.AIM., UWI.III v.'"", , v.. .... I
(., lH(g 20c, valley, 26MU1; burlaps, 40 In.,
8Jc, 45 in., i'Jc, 00 in., 15c; twine, flour, 390
40c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 12$13c; gunniee,
lHc; wheat sacks, 7(:7jfc;
HONEY In comb, If 22(?25c;
strained in 5 gal.. 11c lb.; 1-gal. tins, V
ox, $14.00r l5.00, halt gal., $7.50.
HOPS lb., l5(a.2U;
PKOVISIONS-Bacon, ll12Jc; hams.
country, If lb,, loXjUoc, butcher, scarce;
shoulders, Illy. lie.
LAUD Kegs, V lb., 12c; Eastern,
pails, 12fa)12Jc: Oregon, tins, 12&12!c; Cali
fornia, Id-It i. tius, none
GREEN FRUl'l'S-Appls.Jrbx.. $1.50
2.00; lemons, California, $i.00(a,5.00, Sicily,
$12.00CVl).00; oranges, tf Ox., f I.OUtatf.&u:
limes, f 100, $1.5tK.u,2.00
V EG ETA BLEo Potatoes, V bu., 80
55c, according to variety; cabbage, If th,.
2Jc; turnips, (i sck., $1.25; carrots, $1.H5;
beets, $1.25; onions (new), If lb., 14; pars
nips, He.
WOOIr-Valley, 14loc; Eastern Ore
gon. H(a,loc.
POULTRY- -Chickens, If dot., spring,
$4.UKi5.50. old. $7.50: ducks. 810.U0taUi.tJ0;
geese. $8.00(a. 10.00: turkeys, If lb., 12al4c.
RICE-Sandwlch Islands, No. 1, tt.,
5Jc; China mixed, 4j(o,5c; China No. 1,
none; Rangoon, 64c,
PEAS. SEEDS. Etc. Beans. If lb., nea.
4Jc, s. w., 6jc, lg. w., 4Jc, oayou, 4Jc, pink.
jt. llmaa. oc; peas, Held, zhoc. sweet,
lrwn '.lk" linioiliv Bi-ed. KlJdi li'. red clover.
22(a.25c, white clover, 40(uo0c, alfalfa, ltSQ
20e. hungarian gross, H(pil0c, millet, Halite,
orchard gross, lC"20c, rye gross, 20(o25c,
red top. l.Va.le, blue gross, lt-oc, mes-
quite grass, 10(o. 12Ac. a
SUGAltS Golden u, in unis., f in., we.
In hf bbls., Ic; refined 1), bbls., 8Jc, hf
bbls., Wc: dry granulated, bbls., lojc, hf
bbls., lOJc; crushed, bbls., 104c; Una
crushed, bbls., 111c, hf bbls;, 1 lie; cube,
bbls., 11c, hf bbls, llic; lslauds, No. 1, kgs
8i(oye. bgs.,
1 AU.UW-liood to cnoice renuereu, n
74c; refined, 0(o lJc If lb.
HOPS- Quotable at 17( lite, If lb. for fair
to medium, and 2lKi22c jor good to choice.
APPLES-Oregon, V bx., $1.50, $2.25.
HIDES Dry, V IK usual selection, 18a;
dry kip, lc; drj calf, lt(,21c; prime hair
goatskins, iijj(h (oc.
LARD Eastern re lined, 3 to 10-Ib. tins,
VM; i:i4c. Other provisions unchanged.
HONEY-Extraetcd, fk-, He, If It..; extra
white comb, lHc, 2tc; w hite, Ilk-, Wc; dork,
Oc, 12c.
DRIED FRUITS-Bleached, 14 15c;
apples, machine-cured, If lb., lofallUc, sun
cured, iXiy 10c; peaches, machine-cured, In
boxes, l.'ku.Hc; Gcrmait, In boxes, If lb., 10
(i,llc; plums, Sim-cured, pitless, l.VffliOc,
uiacddiie-cured, llrtc; pears, mocTilne
cured, 10(al2c, sun-cured, 10(u;llc; llgs,
California. 25-b. bx., 0c; Smyrna, 2l25c.
RECEIPTS-Wheat, 42,000 ctls.; Ilcur,
:iH,000 or. sks.; oata, 700 ctls.; potatoes, 3,-
500 sks.; eggs, Ki.OOOdoz.
FLOUR San Francisco extra are joo-
blng at $5.25((i,5.(l5; superfine $3.50(4.60:
inferior brands, $5.005.50 for extra, and
$:i.50(o4.00 for superfine
WHEAT lwtra cnoico, er cti.,
Buyer season-100, $1.83.; 100, $1.U2;
3O0.$l.R2i; 200. $1.K!.
BARLEY Feed. If ctl., $1.12J1.071;
brewing No. 1, $l.l24ail.l3, No. U, $1.0564
1.10: bay chevalier, si.wtsi.iw; coast uo,
OATS-Black, 81.45ffll.50; white. 81.50
1.05: for common. $1.70(ajl.ts0 for fair to
good, and $1.70(1.75 for extra choice
CORN Choice nry yeliow, sl.00; white.
choice dry, $1.40(0.1.50; common, $1.37
1.45; Nebraska, $1.45. -BRAN
Quiet and unchanged at $17.80
lH.(ie tf ton
MiHULiiua ateaay at fu.owa.iu.uu v
ton. . '
HAY-Wheat, 81Z.0014.50; wUd oat,
$12.00a.ll.50; barley, $.(KK(i,11.00; stable,
$13.0OCo14.00; cow, $10.0O(ftl2.e0; alfalfa,
SO.OOCiill.ou V ton.
STRAW Quotable at 6000c If bale.
BUCKWHEAT Quotable at $3.25(3.50
t? cM
MILLSTUFFS Ground barley. $24.00
,25.(X) If ton; oil cake meal, old process.
$30.00, new process, $20.50; rye flour. $0.00
If bbl.; rye meal, $5.50; buck-wheat flour,
If tb 6c; pearl barley, 4(ai5c; graham flour,
39c: oatmeal, 5Jc; Eastern oat meal, bbl.,
$0.75. net cash; cracked wheat, V lb.. 4c.
DRIED PEAS-Grcen, $4.57; niles, $3.50;
blackeye. $3.50 If ctl.
BEESWAX-Quotable at 2028c, f ft.
POTATOES New sell, according to
quality, as follows: Small, 2c; medium,
24c: large choice, 34c If It). Sweets. $2.75
8.00; Cuffey Coves. 75c; Jcrsey oiues,
ofKj,75c: Humboldts, 75c; Petalumas,
70c; Tomales, 70c; early goodrich,
$1.2.'hffil.374; early rose, 00c; river reds 45c;
peerless. DOc,
SEEDS Brown mustard, $3,00 3.50,
yellow. $3.00 Flax, $2.50(o;2.73. If ctl.: can
ary, 6f'5Jc: alfalfa, IKpOcj rape, StHie.
hemp. 3444c; timoUiy, l(gHc, lb. for im
ported. BUTTER Good to choice roll, f ft.,
324o.:i5c; fair, 30&32c; firkin, 22,25c: west
ern, lHCa.20c
CHEEBE Callfonila, 1718c; Eastern
creamery. ltVajlltc; Western. 15lc, If lb.
POULTRY Dressed turkeys, 2-l(ai26c
live, 225c, If lb., for hens, and 23(a)25c for
....... . ixc-il 71 it ..!.
ll.otXo.14.00 if do Ji.; hens, $8.01X.50;
rosters, young, 8K.60fff9.50, old do, $7.50(4
8.00f broilers, $5.00t&6.00, according to
SALMON Oregon, 1-ft cans, 4 doz.,
f. o. b., $1.20. $1,224.
EGGS 1 doz.. 'MZie.
WOOL-Mendoclno. Vie, 15c, If ft.;
Humboldt, 12c. 17c; San Joaquin, 8c, 10c;
coast, 8c, 11c; Red Bloff and Colusa, etc.,
BEANS We quote as follows: Pea and
small white, $3,124, ? cU.; bayos.
(0; pinks, $4.40; red jobbing at
.50; llmaa, $3.153.20; batter, $3.50(4