The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 26, 1884, Image 2

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I. L. CAMPBELL, . Preprleter.
Danger from the Mani-Mtorled Kalld
Ins of the JlntropollM.;
Chicago Tiimne.
tlablfs and Ilaanta or Mpare-Writers
. Mharp Practices of Metropalltaa
London Cor. Philadelphia Proa.
In describing tba London newspaper
press of to-day it is no inappropriate
beginning, 1 Lope, to descend to the
lowest round of the ladder, and to in
troduce your readers forthwith to the
"penny-a-liner." He still exists poor
The Danger of Jadzlng by Appear
Ronton Transcript,
Do not chide Hie young man who
11 HAS ,efii riifw in tlia iLinanmui rif
w , ,.,,,, .1 . I iiu.i.Hi.i ... .iiw u.?uiivu w.
ii a wii ciiy nouss mat rise., more iadiP,. J6 i, undoubtedly ashamed of
iew xorK pian. naT reoontiy ho.n ii ,....... f J.nm
),, m t At a i - . - a at inn bp nu ajsgaia a yy asuiu
imi K.l fi tlwa li.tiLitn, MAn..Hi 1 I . ....
, u uruimiu everybody speaks ill. , Ha moy
. " V. . .".?."u w,,u:u wm ue marriod to a woman with
i 104 imps Higu. J i wi l tie nrmoanted mi,l 0f her own, or p nhnps his neigh
V v . ..v .wkl..K.iri. Alia rum- j0r keeps IHng
f.l 41. A A..M ..A .. ..... ...... . f 1.".. I. . I .
u biiv ui'iivDiiivuirrn ui nub lliu IIU
io not tiunk, because a man snaps
yon up every time you speak to him,
that lie has not an agreeable disuosi
tion. It may be that he has a bad
If the salesman is somewhat brusque,
refloat that ho may have jmt spent an
hour showing goods to the woman who
stimulated the erection of these lofty
buildings in New Yorl until tho safety
and health of tho city aro threatened,
Capitalists, in pumuance of their
inalienable right to do as they w ill with
their own so lunx as they keep within
the laws, are coiner ahead to multiply
!- " 1 . . . . .1 1.. 1!-- !. a . I " """""'X K"U
lenow-ana as times piays an import- u . uu, ira-. iviimg traps oniy wallte(1 10 g(Jcure a ft,W8aln.llw) or
nut, in 1.a ...... a : 1 I llnt.1l lllllllll ,WlI,..V I 1 I tint ...i..-,.,. i '
uuv jiui v iu tuo I'uua ui uiuijr juuruai- - ..-.... .no ul i iier crazy tinilt
ism. Indeed, with a clear run of luck. '" o'iU lea ling citizens, has been ii ' l,;ni.
unvcii io renionscruie ami lonn an or
ganization to change tin) luw, since it is
only tho law that will reslrain the
spirit of nionoy-niaking,
llieso citizens have prnpnrod an act
I venture to state that the ".liner" is the
most read man of the day, and when be
has chanced to fall on great sensa
tion, and is successful in retaining the
monopoly, his readers are to be num
bered by millions, and are limited only
by tho united circulation of the sevoral
prints publishing his "copy." Vet the
author is doomed to blush unseen while
wasting his sweetness in some gin-shop.
'lhe "liner," then, is "the pieker-up
oi unconsidered trilles tne scavenger
of the press. As such he is attached to
no one paper, but contributes to all.
He belongs to uo stall' and acknowl
edges no superior. 11 is dudy work de
pends entirely upon his own selection,
and his anxiety at all hours is for new s.
AVhen his search is successful, he pro
ceeds to use his "blacks," a carbonized
paper, his stylus, and his wits, in order
to produce some six or eight "flimsies,"
which he afterward drops into the, re
spective "editor's" boxes of Fleet street,
in the hope that one, two, three, or even
more of the journals of the following
day will contain his item of intelli
gence. The liner is paid by the line
for what is used only, and hence his in
come is a most precarious one. Tor
chance some windfall may put a heap
of gold ia his way, at rare intervals,
but in the ordinary course his "llimsios"
are thrown into tho waste baskot as
soon as received.
Bub-editors are but human, and
badly-written, almost illegiblo, horribly
speneu, and jranticnily ungrammatical
expressions on commonplace subjects
are liable to try their putionce unduly.
"Iioil it down" is a rule which is not to
the "liner's" interest to observe. On
the other hand, ono of tho chief quali
fications of his craft is to enlurgo, ex
pand, distend, dilate the most matter-of-fact
circuniHtauces. Artful "liners"
write a small, cramped hand, and leave
no margins for corrections or space be
tween the lines.
if so fortunate as to secure some sort
of engagement by one of tho morning
or eveuiug papers, tho "liner" has a
stimulus to labor honestly, which
most of his fraternity are with
out. There is every reason
to suppose that low-class "liners"
make the major part of their incomes
out of the dout iers they receive for sup
pressing reports. 1'iovi.leJ tliore be a
i-uiiiuiuuwuu among moil, nicy cuu
safoly promise to "keep it out of the
papers," and they are sometimes bribed
to hush np what probably never w ould
have appeared at all; for it is tho
ignorant man who magnilles his per
eon al affairs that is most desirous of
paving himli money.
'f he feeling of rivalry is so strong
among "liums" that they do nut hesitate
to betray each other when it serves
their juirposn. An amusing incident is
related by Mr. .lames (J rant, formerly
rditor of The Morning Advertiser. A
"liner," who, in those days, wasallowod
access to the sub editor's room, placed
on the table a repoit of the ronmntio
elojiement of a rich beauty with a
stable-boy. Tho sub-editor w'a absent,
and before he returned another
"liner" entered the room, saw
the hoadiug of tho copy and
purloined tho news. Mum, he
set to work to rewrite the statement,
w hich was a most interesting one, and,
nuder his own name, took it back to
the office. The aecouut duly appeared.
Hoth "liners" sent in the''- bills, an.l
the dishouest one was llrst at the cash
ier's counter, aud went his way with his
ill-gotten gains. On the arrival of the
real author a scene onsuod.and the sub
editor was called upou to produce the
MSS. On his doing so the victimized
"liner" was bewildered to find that it
was Lis rival's handwriting. A collision
subsequently took place, in the sub
editor! iiresonce, between the two
ponny-a-liuers," and by and by the re
criminations reached so great a height
that the real author, determined to be
revenged on his enemy at all hazards,
broke out with great energy in these
words : "Sir, the article is mine. That
man must have stolon the c py I loft on
your desk, for there is not a word of
truth in the story. It was a pure inven
tion of mino from beginning to end.
think the conductor a surly
leiiow because ho answers your ones'
tion somewhat surlily, lteiuombcr thut
you are probably tho l!)l)th person who
iios muiio tne same inquiry.
1 oisiPly it is not bocunsii of mgrati
l .ll - . m At . ...
r.;;. . ""Tin LT ivrT tdthat the young lady does not ro-
Xu .V i. ...ii '. " " .. B.e , turn thanks for the gentleman b cour
,. '?mV: i'r' "V," tej. Hho may be just from the
I .1 - ai l - " . ' dentist's, where she 1ms loft her toetu
"' ' '" curium ruiuii oi n,l m.u.. f. :.i;..a i
the extravagant height of moJeru nut
houses are set forth in the most con
vincing style. The chief of tho New
York tire department states that
seventy-five foet is the maximum point
at which men can get practical control
of a fire. Within two years there have
been erected in that city more than lO.'i
buildings the lowest of which is five
foet higher than this maximum, and of
these sixty-six are intended for the
Do not find fault with thri man who
persistently keeps to tho left on the
sidewalk. How do vou know butllie has
been ondeavoring for the lust hour to
pass people to the right, an 1 Las finally
given over the attempt in desjioir?
Do not think the editorial writer
who slashes right and loft is a particu
larly brave man. We have seen a boy,
not all at couroxeous. who would fear
lessly throw stones at the boys in tho
f.e,.1L" T.? '"K Wh.are street when he was behind a thick
board fence where nobody could see
him or get at him.
iiiereoy expowu 10 tne dangers oi a
most horriblo death. It is not in the
buildings a'ona that life is in danger.
If one of tlane enormous structures
ever t ikes fire "no living man," says
tne board or underwriters, can stay in
Better Than a Law unit.
Peck's Sun.
Not many months azo a man felt
the street dividing these buildings; if ho aggrieved at something that appearod
should attempt it he would promptly in Tho Sun, and after blowing around
cease to lie a living man." for a day or two he cume to tin ollice to
TIipso aro the objections of accidont, interview tho editor. He explained his
but there aro others which, though less griovanoo, and wound up by saying that
catastrophic, are not low productive of his lawyer ha 1 told him that the orti
misory, and perhaps tlu-juh disoasi do was" libelous, and that ho could" re
cuuso as much loss of life. A building cover damages. 1 ha editor novur had
li)5 feet high oil a sixty-foot htroet a lawsuit, and never wanted one, and he
th.-ows a shadow at noon 110 feot high said to tho man, "I'artnor, a lawsuit is
on the opposite building; 142 feet in a foolish way to enjoy roligion. Now,
height throws a shadow ninety-eight I'll toll you what to do. You go to the
feet, and so on. Residences in the president of tho Merchants' association,
vicinity of one of tho monster modem of which you are a member and I am
flats get but very littln sunshine even not. Have tho president appoint a coin
in tho longest summer day. They be- mit toe of five men from tho association
come gloomy an. I unhealthy. "The to hear vour statement. Yon ti tha
street iu front remain i damp. and. do
prived of tho disinfecting help of nun
shine, gets to In a nid'is of dweasn.
So thoroughly is this und'rs ood, srt .s
tho r -port, iu Italian cities, when tho
streets ore mostly narrow, that tlin
better classes seek the higher rooms
for residences. Travelers know full
well, from sad experience, tha, what
we regard us tho most dosirable rooms
have been tho foyers of pernicious
fevers; tint, too, in a climate where
th ro ii fur morj sundiim) tli.ui wo
here enjoy.
I'aris, which has the best aivirtment-
houses in the world, regulate the
height of these build ngs iu the strictest
manner. The free admission of light,
sunshine, and a r to all purls of the
capital i on j of the objects of its build
ing laws. On tin widest avenues of
l uris tho niaximii.n height permitted is
but sixty-live feet seven inches, while
on our Mxty-foot streits buildings have
b 'cu erected twico and almost throe
times as bi,;h. The tim. h is come for
regulation of a similar Kind iu New
York, and accordingly it is proposed
thut no apartmcnt-honso shall be more
than eighty feet in height, and that the
maximum on streets not in mh than
sixty feet wido shall bo seventy feot.
l ode K.rk' U'IsUjiii.
A very stubborn man is ofteu wrenj,
but seldom dishonest.
a crauK is a iooi, wiin more uncus
than ho knows want to do with.
paper containing the obnoxious article to
them, and stato vour case, just as strong
as you can. 1 will not make any
defense. Whatever amount they say
you have been damaged I will eive vou
a check for, and we will shake hands
and be friends, and go to the same
church as usual, and listen to the same
minister preach the gospel. If I have
damaged you, you must hnvo your
money, but we dou't want to spend" the
balance of our lives in a liiw.siut." The
man stopped and thought a minute, mid
said: "That is the fairest proposition I
ever heard, oud you don't owo mo a
cent, and tho matter shall drop from
this moment." If people would never
go into a lawsuit until tiiey couldn't go
into anything else, there would bu fewer
men with enemies nil around, and while
lawyers might get tired silting around,
it would do them good iu the end.
letter Dwelling for tile Pjor.
Tho I'lii-rent.
Nearly all the F.nglish newspapers
and periodicals nre dismissing plans for
furnishing better dwellings to tiie poor.
OUicial inquiry has revealed a revolting
sanitary condition of rented tene
ments, although much money has been
spent during the last twenty years,
building largo blocks of houses for
renting purposes. In England (mean
ing England proper) nearly two-thirds
of tho people live in cities und towns;
and, consequently, the subject of public
health is a matter of grave importance,
as it should bo, in fact, in this country,
comparatively new as it is.
In .London, which seems to be ah-
Tho man who is alwavs anxious to
take th chances, invariably takos one sorbing tho population of the united
chance too many. kingdom, blocks of wretched buildings
lake ail tno luck there is in tho Bre toiind wiiere lour families are hud
world, aud you couldn't make a halt together in one room. 1'eoplo
dozen geuuine s icoosses out of it. 'lavo been discovered so degraded that
Thoro are plenty of people who know tho? )ro;er to live tmis 0I,5 doeline to
how to make ino.iev, and how to wasto K 1,1,0 1,10 now m0tll!1 tenements, where
it, but few who kiiow how to spend it ? 1'?r 1"t 18 cl,ar8l1- The tenement
,,, . , .. . , . buildings erected by the Peabodv
J"i'""' ' l "ee ana lazi trustees paid a net gain from rents and
new are so near aliico that it would iuterest last year of $125,000. The
bother many people to tell which dis; enormous surplus wealth iu England
. . j ... ... W1. could lie prohtabiy employed ameho-
There is nothinar that shows stroncth rating the condition of theiioor. In our
of character more than oocontricity if it own largo cities there is a growing do
On-f the 4rrat Frraka of Satnr--
Climbing I'p to the Mountain Top.
NabyV Eurnpran Letter.
It is not the greatest wonder in
F.nroTie. looked at siniolv as one of th
great freaks of nature, for everything
ureal is a ireaa, wueiucr it is a moan
tain or a man. The regulur thing is
dead level, and anything which dial
lenaes attention and holds it, is
freak. The average is the natural, any
thing bevond is abnormal.
A eauvius is by uo means as impos'
ing. considered merely as a mountain,
as scores of others, nor does it impress
the observer. Mount Jilanc, lifting its
snow-crowned summit into the skies, is
a greater and a grander object, and so
is the Jungfrau. An I so likewise are
scores of mountain peaks in tho Sierras.
esiivius is a mountain of no extra
ordinary height, clad with vines at the
base and above to its very crow.i, as
ul'Iv at sin when you are near enou
to it. There is always a column of
smoke rising from its summit, which is
beuut.ful at a distance, but in and of it
self does not either awe or inspire. As
a part of a picture the mountain is
wonderfully beautiful. It is a, proper
finish to the magnificent bay atitsbusn,
and the islands that dot the biv would
lose half their beauty but for this giant
among them that makes always a great
back-ground. 1V itself it is only to so
as a part of a magni'icont whole it is
wonderful, because it is exactly what is
necessary to the re .t. Nature always
finishes up everything.
To get up to tne crater tliore are two
ways, ingiisn capitalists, wno are
argus-eyed, saw that the whole world
had to go up Vesuvius, and they imme
diately set about making profit out of
it. A company built a railroad Irora
the foot of the mountain almost to its
summit, straight up the side, the same
as the one to the top of Mount Wash'
ington. This road ia extended in al
most to the edge of the crater and you
go that way if you choose.
I p the mountain you climb, r or
few miles vou ride through vineyards,
olive and mulborry orchards, through
little lanes and by villages all crowded
with beggars. Then you come into
vast fields of c'liders, through which
you toil painfully, until finally worn
out aud with a secret amnrgation at
the necessity that compelled you to the
toil, vou reach tne lower edge of the
lava fields.
The crater is simply a vast bottom
less gulf, but with the breuth of the
fires in the earth s center, which cannot
be describt d. From the gulf ascends
forever the smoke of nature s torment.
It is as near an approach to the old
orthodox idea of a hell as can be well
imagined. It is a gulf with fire in its
interior, a fire that is never quenched,
but burns on forever and forever.
V hat feeds it? Who knows? Science
stops short at this point, as it does at
ma y others. Conjectures nre as plent
(is blackberries, but as to certiiu.'ies, it
is, mid that is all that is known of it or
'evt r will bo. o one can ever go down
into the devil's kitchen to find out. and
it doesn't make much difference whethor
it is ever known.
Like a great, many other things
Vesuvius is ut its In st nt a distance.
Distance foftens the horrors of tha
cinder und lava fields. Across the bay
you cannot see that horrid cavern, the
crater, the unoke that ascends forever
is suit und feathery, i;ot angry a id
tierce as w hen close to it, tho horrible
pn eipiees and ugly jagged rocks ore
s ifteiicd in their outlines, and the ha.o
of the atmosphere sol'teus and blends
what is really fearful, close at hand,
into something beautiful.
esnvius is beautiful from the Naples
side it up terror when you are actually
upon it. ' "
Tear of Hlo-4.
Cbloauo HwaUlJ
The phrase "tear of blood" Las
often been used in a metaphorical
sense, but it appears to be a well provod
fact that blood may drop from the eyes.
There seems to lio no eye dixeaso in
thert cases, any nu ro than iu that of
Louise Lateati.tho Helgian "stigmatai,"
was there any disi ase of tho skiu whore
toe bleeding mark of the so called
"crown of thorn a" were seen. The
"bleeding tears" occur, as a rule, in
tirrvous, hysterical young women; but
we may readily see how, in such canea,
the addition oi a little religious mania
or anperstitiou would asily convert a
phyriulogical curiosity into a "modern
A 1'opnlar Mtata.
(bnlldtin FiglUM.
Of all tha clussia Ycnnae known to
na m uiouotn times, this euus of Milo
i certainly the niot iopu!nr. It is
calculated that every year some fco.OtH)
rcprjdutious of it in niarbii. plaster,
lerra-eotta, etc., are sold in Europe;
while for iu photographs it can claim a
greater sa'.e than Mrs. Laugtrv or Mil
Mary Anderson in the xeuitu of her
famo. Id the recent inventory of stato
property made by the French covarn.
meut this matchleM atatue wib com
puted to bo aorta 1,500,000 fraucs, or
is natural, and nothing thut
weakness more if it is artificial.
What tho country wants the most
just now is less rolig.on and more piety,
loss odvico aud more example, less poli
tics aud moro patriotism, aud loss pedi
gree aud more pluck.
The hlnran in Mexico.
U'uicNW.1 Hv-nl .
mind for similar investments and for
the largest employment of sauitary en
A Mule lleretlr.
Inter Ocean "Curbstone Crayons. "J
"lhat reminds me," said a firm
stopper, who came in from Aun street,
"that there is a little story about a
ministers daughter that ought to got
into print. She is a bright littlo miss.
Mexico w ill soon have uu opportunity " or 8 years old, and has a sister two or
of wrestling with tho Chines question", lT years younger. The younger
iur mis auvieos siaie inai me almond- K" enlarging upon me, to lier,
eyed Celestials are swarming into tho newly discovered fact that Ood created
land of the Montozumas along the rail- a" things, when the older sister broke
road lines. At present, however, thev in with, 'Do you believe that? Well, I
are a neoesity. No hotel can ba run upp I did when I was littlo like yon,
without Chinese, for there aro no Mexi- but I know better now. He couldn't
can cooks, and the hotels are too small d it- one person could make so
to employ American cooks nt wages de- many nmsquitoos and worms And lions
uiauded. As et they have not Ull elephant aud people. , I have
gone to work in railroad building n.n- found that out. Imagine the fiorror of
into the great mining camps, except as learned doctor owr tin little
restaurant koemns and luundrv
1 be working classus of the country
have not felt their competition, but
thero is likely to bo bloodshed when
they do. Thcro is a demand at
the capital for legislation restricting
Chines i imm-'gration by overland routes
and absolutely prohib.ting it iutj seaport.
.1 Late hut Pertinent (taratloa.
Exchange J
Subscriber asks : "Is it proper to eat
corn from the cob, and if so. jdinuid it
be eaten from the left to thilritrht. or
rice vena?" You are late ib the sea
son for such iuformation. Yes. it is
proper to eat eoru from the coh. an,! at
Mhakixtprare'n Aalaxraph. a boardine-house table it ia nnt -n.i.l.
It may I oof interest to those who erod bad form by the hindl.1;f ,i
make the subjoct a study to know that sat the cob as "well. Toui-hin "tho
there are only Jlvo geuuine' signatures proper direction to take, it ij purely a
of bhakespeaie known to lie in exist- matter of individual choice. If there
ence. Ono is iu the London libmrr are bnt few
iL . 1 1 At . . . .
i ue uumr in me iTKisn museum, oue
attached to his will at Doctor's Com
mon, and two in posciiu of private
way ia to eat from left to right and then
from right to loft Ily these means the
time required jumpiug from rne end of
the ear to the other is saved. ,
Nnperstltloii of a Ily-Uonn A sr.
Atlantic Hook Reviewer.
What more plausible historical argu
ment could a modern pessimist adduce
for his opinions than the dispropor. ion-
ate number of evil beings which were
conjured out of tin north o.'old. the tin-
umonai liau.iation oi tieuions, as may
still be noticed in Milton? They
uirtfiigo.i tne witches' tsabiiatli; th
rode howling down the winds in the
pack of the spectral hunter; the as'
s.imed all disguises corroreal or ghostl v.
ugly or fa r, strange or ordinary, human
or beastly A maimon, whom tilen
dower gave the bastinado. J Urbason.
Malm, the chief dicta'or of hell, and the
whole unloose ! logion. Nor did they
oniy walk tne e.irtn in "all shapes that
man goes up and down in ; their shad
owy influence was felt in many a ludi
crous conceit or cruel custom. The
go it still wout to the dovil every twenty
lour hours to have his beard comlrnd ; a
tailless cat would empty a room like tho
pestilence; the stool aud stake were at
hand for the trial aud execution of any
withered, crooked, mumbling old crone.
The supernatural w as as usual then
as scientific experiments are now. The
moon shed insanity, engendered the
abortive moon-calf, touched herbs with
medicinal virtue; the tlmiuloi stone fell;
the !?cotoh baruaclo blossomed into
geese; the owl shrieked, tho basilisk
fascinated ; the ph i uix, dragon and uni
corn were names of weird meaning, and
rats were rhymed to death iu Ireland.
Similarly, tha plants, flowers, insects,
reptiles, had curious properties ami
strange histories. In medieiue next
to religi:n the great field of nnreasou
alchemists distilled potable gold,
witches made muniniv for Othello
handkerchiefs, and quacks sold drugs
against the malign influence of the sun s
aud moon's ellipses. To a truly scien
tific mind, how almost out of nature
must it seem that the sanest mind in all
literature was "evolved during the
prevalence of such a view of natural
The roasting Ked Hanaet Phenomena
Prof. Dsnlwl Kirkwood.
Xo recent nhenomona has more ptiz
zled astronomers than the remarkable
appearance of the atmospnere as ob
served after sunset and before sunrise
during the lost five mouths. Ihes
bri'liant glows have been seen in all
parts of tho habitable world. They were
tint noticed on the 2Mth of August, and
tiny may still bj seen, both morning
and evening, when the state of the at
nusphere is favorable It is well known,
in fact, tliar. on any clear uay uie mat
tar by which the appe mince is pro
diced may be seen oroiind the sun, ex-
trtidintr to a distance of twenty or
ttirtv degrees. The phouomena have
b'ou ascrile l:
1. To watery vapor in the atmos
2. To meteoric matter through
vhich the ea th has been stippoied to
le passing ; and
3. :To the volcauic eruptions of Java
md Alaska.
The first conjocture has been dis
proved by th j spectroscope. The sec
ind may be said to be rendered ex
;remclv" improbable bv tho long con
tinuunco of the clows. lhe earth
crosses the met joric streams of August
and November in a few days at most,
but the present phenomeua have at
ready lasted mire than five months,
The volcanic hypothesis if received with
most favor, and we must either accept
it or admit th it the true explanation re
mains to bj discovered. In the lost
number of The Sidereal Messenger, I
have briefly stated some objections to
this theory, as follows: .No similar
results at least to any greit extent
had been known to follow volcanio
eruptions. If the matter started from
Java on the 2lith of August, its rate of
motion through the atmosphere till its
appearance in was 10'J miles an
hour. Or, if we assume that the ap
pearance in South America was derived
from the Alaska outburst, we have the
additional improbability that results of
character before unknown follow
vjlcanio erupt.ons in opposite hemis
pheres at nearly the same time. Again,
what forco could have maintained this
volcauic matter at bo great an elevation
during a period of several months?''
In short, no explanation yet ottered
is free from serious dilliculties.
Intellectual Pare.
Cor. Now Orleans Tiines-Dtmocrat
Just why a person cannot be intellectual
aud handsome at the sama time, is one of the
trails secret of nature quit" beyond the
reach of the ordinary comprehension. I never
become one of a cu.tuivd audience that the
fact, the hard, persistent fact does not aimear
and refuse solution. Why the low forehead.
large eyes and small straight nose of beauty
cannot front a crisp brain, is unfathomable.
Tho observer discovers here that stroug pro
tile, such us wus worn by Dante, Savonarola,
Cardinal Newman and (Seore Eliot, every
where present intellect mo.lilied in the
ratio of tile iniHlillcation uf brain power.
1 lie extra width of forehead and thi) IHght
admit of brea ler physical deviloimieut of
brain lubes, lint the ikm) that is the puzzle.
And theeye is a problem; a lure, full eye
should see duller than tno small, half-shut
oxes of great thinkers. Though ona may say
with hall-s uit eyes one s.t-s le-uof the outer
goiugs-uii an I lurthor into tho inner world.
tlunrr Thing in Thin World.
Pittsburg Telenanli-f.'liicciicle.
Tho woild is chock full of inconjrui
ies. There is, for instance, the b.g
bearded limn with n vo ce like the bull
of iasluiM. lie comes before tho audi
cin e iiinl sings "1 Fear No Foe" in br.i-.
urn stxle, and in a v.iv that droos bits
of plaster from the ceiling. And in two
lours thereafter thut man will be 1.0.11 '
stairs in his stocking feet le t Ii"
wuke a 110-pound wif. And next
morning ho gets up meekly and k'udlo
hoc nres.
We call attention to a new Vitalizing
rentment w h ch is taken bv s inn 0 inha
lation, and which nets directly upon the
weakened nerve-centers and vital organs.
retaormg uiein 10 their normal activity.
its operations are nil in the hue of n ivsi-
olojiicat laws and forces, and it cures by
giving 10 liiuure ner irue ana neaitny con
trol in the human organism. Tlrnusnnds
of the most wonderful cures have been
made during the last thirteen years. If
you are in need of such a treatment, write
to l)rs. Starkey & Polen. llOU Girard street,
Philadelphia, to send you such documents
and reports of rases as will enable vou to
judge for yourself as to its efficacy in your
u it wise. -
All orders for the Compound Oxygen
iiwuiD jieaiiiirui uirecieu mj 11. r.. ma
thews. fiOH Alontmniierv street. Sun Fran.
cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if
sent directly to us in Philadelphia.
- i.ove is an internal transport, savs a
writer. Ah, yes; so is a dumb waiter.
The short, hacking cough, which leads
10 consumption, Is cured by l'iso s Cure.
The busy work of booming candidates
lor tne 1 residency goes merrily on.
Dr. T. A. Smnrr nttnu-a 111 .-
"Hrown's Iron Hitters civ ft tMitiri. KAfist.
Tho fact that trood WIM.. Hi mil IT IIII1B.
cles and stronu nerves are at iiunnhl
should encourage every invalid to an ear
nest enueavor in tne right direction. He
member all disease owes Its origin more
or less to a lack of iron in tlie blood.
Iron in the blood moans health, strength
and vigor. Analyze the blood of an in
valid and little or no iron will be found.
Healthy men's blood is full of iron. The
best method of supplying this lack of iron
ia by using Hrown's Iron Hitters, a sure
cure for dyspepsia, general dobtlity, weak
ness and all wasting diseases.
"Roron om Cornns." IV . ka .
DrugjrfsUi. Complete cure Coughs ' Iloara
nesti, bore Throat.
We call attention to thn n.lrnrt ;.mr,t
of the Chicago Magnetic Shield Company
in another column.
From John Kulin, Lafayette. Ind., who an
nounces that he is now in "perfect health." w
have the following-: 'One year ago I was, to all
appearance, in tho last sUures of Consu uptlon.
Our best physicians gave mjr case up. I Anally
got so low that our doctor said I could only live
twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased 1
a bottle of DR. WM, HALL'S BALSAM KOItf'
THE LUNGS, which considerably bencfltedl
me. I continued until I took .nlna bottles, and (
I am now in perfect health." "" v
The People's Remedy for Biliousness,
Constipation, Piles, Kick Headache, Jaun
dice, etc., is Allen's ill I lens Physic, a
purely vegetable liquid remedy; large bot
tle, ' cents. At all druggists. Reding
ton, Woodford & Co., Agentu,
We heard a prominent physician say
few days ago that he thought it was thtv
duty of the proprietor of Ammen's
Cough Syrup to give the formula to the
medical faculty, . so they could prescribe ,
and use it without violating tne rules
of the profession, for, said he, "so many.
of my patients naise it to the skies, an
cases have come under my observation
where it has been remarkably beneficial,
that I know it must indeed lie a wonderful
discovery in medical science." This medi
cine is for sale by respectable druggists
and dealers in medicine everywhere.
"Mother Swan's Worm Syrup," for
feverlshness, restlessness, werms, consti
pation, tasteless. 25 cents.
Among the stable dividend banks of San
Francisco, the Pacific Bank, corner of Pine
and Sansome streets, has long held a lead
ing position. The last vear's operations
place it still more to the front, having
been the most successful of its very suc
cessful career. It sow starts on its nine
teenth year with more brilliant prospects
than ever before. Its success is the result
of judicious and intelligent management,
combining enterprise with a rigid adher
ence to sound business principles. Con
tinuing under the' same management,
with ample resources and unsurpassed
facilities for doing a general banking bus
iness, its future is assured.
BUeves aod cures
Sciatica, Lumbago,
Sorentsi, Cult, Bruises,
And all othr bodily aches
and palua.
Mdbyall Dmmjlsta and
Dealer. Directions u U
loiites. 2(J
The Charles A. Vsgeler Co.
m tooilu a 00.)
and MALARIA. , .
From tlioat) sources Miae tluee fourtlis ot
tie discuses of the liuninn ruco. Tuesa
eyinptomslmlicate Uioircxistciicc : 1a (
Appetite, Ilowcla coative, Hick Head
. ache, fuUnene alter, aversion to
eiertion of body or mind, Eructation
of foody Irritability of temper, Low
aplrita, A feeling of having neglected
aome dutf. IMxziueaa, Fluttering at tha
Heart, Oots before the eyei,highl7eol
ored trine, t OBSTIPATION, and do
mand t-lie use of a remedy that acts directly
on tho Liver. AsaLlvurniedtolnoTUTT'S
PILLS hare no eaual. Tlielr aotlonon tha
Kidneys und Skin is also prompt; removing
all impurities through these three "scar
engera of the syitm," producing ffppe
tite, sound dlgesuon, n-gulur stools, a clear
skiiiandavlgorousbodv. IVTT'H PI1.I.S
ennse no nausea or griping not Interfere
with dully work and aro a perfect
Bold arery where, arte, (mi, 44 Murroy St.,N.Y.
Gray IIaib or Whiskers changed in.
stantly to a Ulosst Black by a single ap
plication of this Dra. Bold by Druggists,
or sent by express on receipt of SI.
Office, 44 Murray Strwt, New York.
A Great Medical Wort on Manboocl.
ElhaiuUd VIUlltT. Kerroiu uid Pht.lnal Dehlllt.
Premature Decline In niaii. Krnm of Youth, and the un
told miaerlea renultiug from iiidiacretioni or tKoeenee. A
book for OTery man, young mldilte-aned and old. It ood
taiua 125 lireAcriotloiii fitr all acute and chronic diaaaaea.
each one of which la invaluable. Ho found I7 the author,
wnoae exrenenoe itr ai yeara ia aucn a probably never
before fell to the lot of anr iihvrfcian. 300 naue. bound
In lieautiful French muiuin. eiuboreeil oovera, full gilt,
guaranteed to be a Oner work In every aenie mechaulaal,
literary aud profeational than any other work aold in thia
country lor so, or Uie money will ae refunded In every
uutaiioe. Price only SI 00 by mail, pout-paid Iiluatra
tlve aauinle 6 centa. Send now. Gold medal awarded
tlie author by the National Medical Aaaociatlon, to the
officers of which be refera.
The book aliould be read by the rouni for Initmotlon.
and by the alHicwd for relief. It alU benedt aU.-Loo-don
There ia no member of ociete to whom tliU honk will
not tie uaef ui het her vouth. narvut. manlimn ItutniMor
or alenryman. Tribune.
Addreaa the Pealwly Medical Iiurtltul or Dr. W. H.
Parker. No. 4 Bulltlnch Itreet. IVaiton. Hu whn me
be aouaulted 00 all dlaeaaea iwauiriug aldll and axpert-
euoe. (Tirootc and obatinate diaeam uw a m that
nave named the tkill of al other ohval. n tHI
peeiaiiy. pucn treatett auooeaa TU VPI
fulur without an initanceof failure. n 131
N. B Send moae bv Reouteerd 1
der. Uouka awn bo anil to any addmw on n J
vjw aa aaieiy a ai oome. lnceai-1 In lit
wrapjien neonna ouiy tne applicant 1 audreea 1
lO Or-
Merw. l'rnnria Newlierrv & Snn. Iin.
oon, Midland, estauiistu'tl lw years,
write: As a testimonial from one of the
oldest drug koiues in Urtvtt Uritain. re
siiectinir your housoliold remedy, will no
doulit lie of interest to von, we are p!ea-efl
to make the statement that we have sold.
Jacobs Oil, with aatisfactioa to the pub
lic, for several years, and that, owing to
the extraordinary merits of the article,
the demand is constinuallv increasing
and that we hare hoard of many favorable
renorta regarding iw irrsai rirtue as a
paia-curiuft retutdv.
For Cenclis and Th
rtmwh's IWhes. -Have never
rhanpfd my mind respecting them, except
I think beliorof that which 1 bepintliink-
in wen 01. Henry ard lleecher.
Sold only in boxes.
onng men or middle-aged ones, s'lfTor
Ing from rtervoiu debility and kindred
w-Hftknesees, should send three stamps for
Tart VII of World's Dispensary Dime Se
ries of books. Address World's Dispks.
a art ilkDiCAL Association, BuiTalo,
N. 1 .
Their prosperity has killed six member
ot the prevent, Congress.
Sy-!w- -wea er we'
Self -regulating
From tx up.
Pend fordawr-.p-tire
price list, eux
Poultry and Kanm
nni uroaway.
Ii w
- J
A. UJ. U,V
AbnlirXy ra-h hi to w
da, by ttr rm) PUra
MAtmmtlA Tlmmrut Tru.
Wameki ti onlv aieetrleTrwao
II Othen. Pel L. mtttm
wtth eaat aad emntwt MfluaDd day. Cure
DM MDraJ 1 1 J Mtf Wmim IfmmA
BislrHlotMWNe. 1110014
rtattrtMfb'l isww'BMaioo.