J i. i i! r ii; ESTABLISUEII FOR THE OISSEBimiflS OP DEMOCRATIC PBIXJIPLES. AMD TO EARN IS noXESTllFIXG BT TIIK SWEAT OP 018 BMW. VOL 18. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, APRIL 11), 1884. NO.. We GEN E ( my M A- flili V 1 i's, Aijuf (Sltit Ginrfl. I. L. OAMP3ELL, PaVAtirul Proprietor. w??l3lit t'n in'. 4li f Villtnaitt ItMitbiUiil Jjit'4 ml Kijlith Straats. TaaviijF3j3:upri). far Anirta... flit MmVii.... Tares Mints ..S2.ro .. I. '15 .. .7J 00 0X1. T RA.TB. OF AD VKKTrMIN-U. AdvsrtUnainti iniertel m follow 0 sti . I J H" "r 1 ,,n, iiMrti'n M : stok MSMtisat irti3 L Ch rvaird in 'i sue.-' 'fc'x' "l tfWwtslMrtuwrtwrtl bi e!nrrl t the M , ior rtMt -' ' ' , A Uatt iird thr m mt SO OH . ' " six nnnt'n H 00 " " , wr. IS Trastiss'. ntiMln lunl column, 23ents per j st tor etsh inHiriioii. A lrartiiini bilti will bsrenlered quarterly. All ah wjr'x ;n Ht ba faio fin n hklivebv. MOCIP.riKi. imif Loimik Sa It. A. t. and A, 31. VmW Brat and third W InesiUr la each month. HriHi-in norm TonnK No. 9 T. O. O.K. MeetseveryTuwIiiyi'eniniJ. ITimtKiu ENCturMKMT Nil. B. sets .o the IiU1 4th Weiiim liiys in nvli month. Eouexe L-iois, Nx 15. A. O. V. W. Mesti at Mifinic H tit ths second and fourth Friday 1b each month. I. M. Sloan. M. W. Kilpatrick- P ut. N. 41. U. A. U.-Meet t Mwinta Ii (11. t'.i SiMt an I third Fril.ivsof sachminth, Borl;r, Cohhaxoeh. .lanira ' n Ostium ' FlUKHM. Meets the nt and thirl Sittrdny t-voiiin.' at Mnonic HalL By nrhr of .1. .U. SLoii, I. u Bum Limit X ). 357. 1. 0. . T. Meets wry Sitirliy nii'V, l HI Fellow' H ill. E. O. P.iTttn, V. C. T. Ltimxi Spa Bamd of Hoir -Mneti nt tl.c ?. P. Church every a:m I iy aft-'ti-vin at S: J. K. Hit'.n Supt.: Mi U-rt'ia (!im'. As't 8it.: Ch. Hilt. iJio'y. M:4 H ttie Smith, I. irttAHA. ALDAN r. U BILYEl', EUOLNt. NTKAU V. & IULYKU, Attornjv v Ciuisellor at Law, K'J JUVK Oil'. ORKUOX. T)K n riO : IX Ll TH R O fi UTS OF JL thi Stnt Tli'.V ifive aix-cul attuutiitii eollecti 'iH an I nr.iVite m IUt. G3- B & 2:3. A. 0)1113, Attorneys an-l Counsellors-at-Law, s VY of tlie Sikma I .T it lii-UI Jiistrict anil iu Vi Suprem Ctrt f tliu St tt. 8pi;ul attjiiti'in given t.i vuMiictiaiH and aiatteri in nrn'iite C3D. S. Wash'j jrhe, Attorcy-atL:iw, ff.KX. CIl'V. - - 0!tK(JON Ofllce furmirly au;upiej by Thomson A Bean. jySm3 a GEO. M. MILLER, "Attarajy ail Cjaasilbr-at-LaT, and Real Estate Agent. UGBXECirV, - - -- OIJE30V. OFFI08-To (Ioiim mrth nf Piiit Q.fi J. E. FENTON, Attor2ir)-:il-I.tiur. KUGSNzarr - . oukgox. B(i iUtt an tl i i(iv -i U it j it Etit. Ytio tio. an I Abitrav'ti l 1'itle. Offici Jvar Orm Stira. Dr. Wm Osborne, ' 0.1icAJj)iii 3l Charles Hotel, - OB AT THE - 31)13 OP K 1723 asi LUJIET. Dlt. JOS WJ P. GILL, i CAX BE FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or r idenoe when not pnifewionally euya'eJ. OUScatthe . POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Ketid.nre en Ei0'ht!i itreet, opp'taiie Prfby rUa Church. DR. E. G.CLVRIC, Graduate of the PuiUlelphu DdnUl College.) Q DENTIST, EUGBXE CITV, OKEG'tX. flOLD FILLIX;54 A SPECIALTY". OT Artifiaal taeth mle tl orh-r. 'Teeth xtracUj without (taia. All witrk filly war ranted. OJ5. in briclc building over the Grange .tore JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. ' J. S. IUCXEY, CBALER IX ockj, Wacnjj, Chains, lewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. CaTAIIWark Warranted. 3 J. H. LU'IKKY, I lUsTMCth Cos Brick WillanaitU street MEW 1 B. DIM lllilil lilli A large assortment nf La dies and Childrens Hose at i.i l'i cts Good Dress Good sat llc- Best Corset in town for 60c An inn w use stock of New ami Seasonable (roods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. Xcw and Xohby styles in CLOT H IX G. Li be ral ' D i sco u n t fo i GASH. 3? WO EI3:C?ESS T J O-S: AM) C3R.23X2:31?4, i ATI!OXIZK THE M I.N WHO HELP T I5UILD YOUR BRIDGES.' ROADS AND l .SCH'JO!. Hul'.SK.-, whose iiileredto ar voiir intwrmiU ! Are pttruiiiiii-ntJy lovatt'd an' end tliuir .roliU at lioniu. Take notice thnt A. V. PETERS, Will ell jimhIh for CASH at ,n:atly reduced prices, aa low ah any other CASH STORE. Beat 1'riuU lu ami ldyrd. , SI 00 Best Brown and BL-Ached Munlinn, 7, 8, 'J, ami 10 of. Clarlo and Bronkn aimul cotton 75 ct per Doz. Plain and Milled FlrnneU, 25, 35: 45 and 50 cti. . V atar Prmi , cer.ta Fine White Sliirti, 75 ctn and $1. And a!l Other Coeds Also the Celelirtusii WHITIi: Rli AINO MACHINE I Jfdne bitter for 'ren ,'th, huo, mi l durability 1, At ifivatly reduced rate. 'I'., mv nl 1 PiKbrmin u-h.. .tiy.l hv me so 1 in or. I will continue to sell on same trinn as her:-tofore on tiin. but if at any time they wish to make CASH purchases, I will give all sni. a 'lthers. the full credit on my reduotion A. V. PETERS Goods sold as low as an House in Oregon, for Gash Or Credit - Highest Price paid' for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and See S. H. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IK yriotki, ) IVatrhrt and Jtwtlrj. Musical m.ii-uments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted North wes corner of Willamette and Eighth street. NEW MOCEti? STORE (One door aouth of Tost Office ) OUR gnoils are all new ant frenh and of first quality. AU goods nsi'ally found in a Irsl-clafa (inicerT StJire, kept on band. To hacro. and CKiAKS a specialty. Wa liny for ('h and sell for the same, giving the cus tomer tb aurantak'. of Uahh I'sirri. 8WIFTACO. I Oil IIDL Trimming S ilks nd Sat ins in all shades. Jloireantiqae Silks Velvets in Colors. Hie finest stock of French KID SHOES . ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES :nall grades. GIWLEHLES, of all descrivtions. Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 eta and ?1. . New Assortment Dress Gooda (No Trauh) 15, 20 and 25 cts. Men1 Undarwear. Shirti an I Drawers. 53 et Mens' Overshirts. 75 cts. and 81. Mens' Overall, 50, C5, 7b cts and 81. Embroideries and Edging at Fabulone Low Prioes. at Proportionate Rates. A. 0. HOrEf, U. C. kLMPHRET, W. T. PEET, Notary. Attorr.ey. Cashier. LANE CODJITi BANK. HOVEY, HUMPHREY Jt CO EIJOENE CITY, - - OR. Deposits received subject to check. Jxwns male on approved securities. Si.-ht Drafts drawn on PORTION D, RAX FRANCISCO AND VEW YORK. Exchange drawn on the principal Cities of Kurotie. Collections made on all points and a general Banking busiiwaa transacted on avorabU serma. ullti. CREDITS U W. C SEHLBREDE, Mirmr 13 NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED in Cottage (trove. He performs all oier. tlona in mechanical and surgical dentiHtry. All work warrnnted and mtinfacli.in gunranteed. A Marvelous Story ' T0U) IN TWO LETTtRS. FROM THE SON : "OetiUmtH: II y fnllier resides at (ilovsr, U 11 has been a great sufferer from kjoraf ttla, and the inclosed letter will toll you hat marvelous ettoct ;Ayers SarsapariUa hat kad In his ease. I think his blood must ' hare eontnined the humor for at least ten yean ; but It did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore ou the wrist, until about five years sjo. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, It gradually spread so at to eover his entire body, 1 assure you be was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whon be began using your medicine. Mow, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health aa he has. 1 could easily uame nlty persona who would testify to the facts In hi ease. Yours truly, Yi. M. PRlLUF." ROM THE FATHERS a duty for me to state to you tha benefit I have derived from the use of Ayef s SarsapariUa. Six months ago I was completely covered with terrible humor and scrofulous srrci. Tl.j humor caused an Incessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to causa the blood to flow in many places whenorer I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. 1 commenced the use of the Sarsaparilla In April last, aud have used It rogularly since Unit time. My condition begun to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well In every veipect being now able to do a good day't work, although 73 years of ago. Many Inquire what ha wrought such a cure In my ease, aud I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Aver' Sarsaparilla. Glover, Vt, Oet. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hisax I'uiLLirs." Ater'i Sarsaparilla cures Bcroful and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Edema, Bingworm, lllotehes, Boms, Bolls, Tumors, and ErnptUns of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aid digestion, stimulate the nctl in of the bowels, and thus restore vlUUliy and strengthens tho whole system. f ; prepared r v .Dr. J. C. Aycr A Co. , Lowell , Mm. " Bold by all nrncgisU; $1, six bottle for IV a1wa7 Carol and norer dleap Jioints, Xha worU'i croat Ptia" lellever for Blaa and Beast. Cheap, quiolt and reliable. PITCIIEK'3 CASTORIA ts not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers llkcr aud Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Dowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fcvcrlshncss, and dc itroys Worms. E3D WEI BE MEYETl'S CA TARRH Core, n Conrtitntlonal Amtldoto for this terriblo mala sly, by Adsorption. The mosi Important isoovory alnoo Vac" iaatiop. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh, this caret; at mj atago before Consumption eta la. HEALER 15 Crocerls t Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, Ciars, Candies, Candles, Moana, Notious. Green and Med Fruits, Wood and Willow War. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS- Which mean that Low Prices are Established Good dclirtrrd vithoot tharge to Enyti Ml KINOS OF PRODUCE WANTED which w will pay the highest mark it trie. JAR I.. PACK 11, 7 Susan li. Anthony. THE GREAT AGITATOR OF WOMAN'S RIGHT TO BE EQUAL WITH MAN AT THE DALLOT DOX. At the foot of tht; Grepii MonirtniiiK, South Aditnii, Mans, in 1 8'JO, waHltorn this wonmn who Iiah ho faithfully und dnvotwlly clmmpioncrl lhc fiauchixei of her sex fit tlm lutllot hox. Hit ingress into tlm ranks of llm Women's Rights cnuso "Hianati'il from hrr curly expe- rimico as a school tt ntlu-r, her com pensation lirin but eiht dollars n month, whili- men reccivi-i! fur tluisuinc si'rvicH from twenty-four to thirty dol lars. After KfitM'ii years of the chmeKt economy she Imd saved only (.100 out of her mender Kulury, whil, had she re ceived equal compensation fur equal service, her savings would have nj;re gated at least (2,000. Tim contrast aroused her conceptions of juntioe, and from 1852 she has been one the leading spirits in every Women's Rights Con vention held in America; was all these years, and still is, the Secretary of tho National Association. Miss Anthony ks a lino figure and large, weUb.upnd head. Tht! world a lis - her cross-grained and - angular. She has indeed her peculiar wnyr, hut they are only exterior. Her nature is a broul, penerous and sympathetic oile, though she never weeps or seMinmn tnlizes. Our likeness well portrays the strong character of Miss Anthony, and our readers can rely upon its lieinir n faithful reproduc'.ion of an excellent photograph veiy lately taken. Tne Sizr oi Althkii. Although Sitka and Alaska are synonymous with the North Pole to average minds iii the temperate zone, a comparison of maps shown that Sitka and St. Petersburg, in Rumin, are in the same latitude, and the mouth of the Chilrat is on a line with the south coast of Greenland. Tim extent of this Northwest territory and the vast dis tances lx:tween points are more than bewildering. Alaska itself in equal in area to all the United States easl of the Mississippi river. Counting in the Aleuthian chain, the Pirbyloll' groiip and the 1100 islands of the Alexander Archipelago, the total area of the Alaskan islands is 3 1,025 square miles. xhe island of the Attu, the last of the Aleutian chain, is as far west of San Francisco as Ikngor, Maine, U east of it, and the indented coast linn of Alas ka, measuring 25,01)0 miles, is even greater than the w hole coast line of the Atlantic and Pacific shores of the Unite States put together. Easter Ettos.Iu explanation of the custom of eating eggs in great num Iters on Easter, wh aro told that in the fourth century the church did not allow eggs fo le eaten during lent. Hence so iratiy of them accumulated during the forty days that people con sumed as many as possible on Eisti-r Sunday. The pretty caslom of dyeing ejfgs originated from tmvimmemoriul practice of coloring , I In'rn red in com niemoration of the blood shed on Cul vary. In the villages throughout southern Europe the young .nen liuve the privilede of kissing every woniun they meet on Bister day. One of tire ladies at Saratoga last season had a 400 dg, on which she placed a pair of $2o0o ear-rings, a col Ur studded with emeralds and pearls worth 13000, had a cot mado for it at a cost of 1250, aud several suits of dog clothes trimmed with real gold iruuiily Ni'iiiinmions. Linn Senator, J. K.Weatherford," Representatives, L If. Montailie, F. A. Watts, T. h Wat-k, H. Cyrus, a nd James Perry; Judge, J.J. Whit-' ney; Clerk, J. II. Gallirith; Sheriff, J. K. Sliarlton; Cnmi'iissioner, A.' Condra; Sihool Superintendent, D. W S. lieo I; Treasurer, If. Farwell; Sur veyor, H. J. Ctvcrill;' Assessor, E. E.' Hammock. Marion Representatives, J. W.' Taylor, T. L. Davidson, Ijewis Savage, A. ,Z. 'esrs, Henry Warren, and A hdrew -M illex; Shei iff, Dloir Forward," Clerk, W. R. Privett; Assessor, John Kennedy; Treasurer, J. A. Sellwood," Coroner, J. A. Roian; Commissioners, F. X. Mathieu anil Uriah Whitney; Surveyor, D. K. Miirphy.School Super intended!, W. M. Kaiser. Benton Representatives, W. G. Crawford, Allen Parker and E Skip ton; Clerk, C. Holgnle; Sheriff, Wm. . Mackey; Trensurer, Zel. Ilavis; Com missioners, John Harris and A. Ilarn iig; School Superintendent, E. A. Mil ner; Surveyor, A. J. Locke; Assessor, J. P. Alford. Clackamas Representatives, D. F. May, P. S. Moyer, R. Roth, and Wm. Ei'nns; Senator, W. II Yaughan; Sheriff, A. T. Schoeps; Clerk, II. L. Kelly; Treasurer, H. J. Harding; Com missioners, John Luelling and II, E. Hays; Assessor, W. Currin; Coroner, J.Cook. Umatilla Representatives, J. L. ; Morrow and L B. Cox; County Judge, T. J. Tracy; Commissioners, J. L Ful ler and F. M. Crockett; Sheriff, J. P. Kesler; Clerk, J. W. Rowland; Treas urer, G. W. Webb; Assessor, C. P. Davis; Surveyor, W. T. Chalk; 8chool Superintendent, J. Eddington; Coroner, J. B. Lin.lsey. Buker Representatives, G Chand ler and R. A. locket; Sheriff, J. T.- " Delay; Clerk, M.- D. Wisdom; Treas urer, Pat Campbell; Commissioners, A. J. Weather by and E P. Perkins; As sessor, T. Devine; School Superintedont, J. A. Pay ten; Surveyor, O. L Means; Coroner, J. W. Cleaver; Wasco County Judge, 0. A, Lcibe;' Clerk, O. H. Knags; Sheriff, J. P. CroHsen; Comniissioners, D. A. Turner -and A. Weitherford; Assessor, S. W. En erson; School Superintendent, E. C. Herren; Coroner, Dr. RoMdns. Wheat; The visible supply of wheat in the' United States and Canada at the close of the market Sut unlay, as reported from the leading grain centers, was 33,632,781 bushels. In addition to this, Western elevators are reported to be holding 2,852,611 bushels for ship ment, .These are distributed from Mil waukee to Kausis Cry, and would' make tlm visible supply (assuming that' the latter estimates are correct) close' -on to 37,000,0(10 bushels. This im provement over the showing of the previous week is regarded as a jfavorat bin indication of an active export trade in the near future. The, Mark Lane Express says: "During'lho lat ter part of April and the first of May an active American trade in bread stuffs may be looked for with certninty.- Tim English market is by no means so' fully supplied in American wheat as; has been given out." Iudtd the im pression is now gaming ground tliat the remut kable aud sudden falling off in the export trade was not, us repres ented, owing to Great Britain having drawn more largely upon India for' wheat than usual, but was rather to he v attributed to those, tricks of trudoiiv: which the American grain dealers arej such accomplished proficients. There" is now a general expectation of quick--eued tradii uud advancing prices.' S. ' F. Chronicle. "Well, how did you make" out in' Texas?" wuH usked of a theatrical mana i ger who IiuiJ jut iiiuil.i a trip through that Slate ,'Fiit rate," he replied. "Make plenty of inoueyl" "Oh, no; lost money." '-What do you mean, then, by say inn that you did lir.-tratel" "All but two of us escaped with our lives," An Italian woman in Boston recently gavtt birth to a child weighing 25 pouixja. The mother weighs 1 0 pounds,, 1 1 1 id 1 1 -I : ; : .ii"'. ii