THE EllQEHE CITY GUARD. 8ATUUDAY MAItCH 22, 1834. Democratic County Convention. A Democratic County Convention for the purpoM of nominating a full County ticket, to be voted for at the oomintf June election, and selecting leven delegate to the State Conven tion, U hereby called to meet at Kugene City, Frijay April 11, 1884, at 10 o'clock, a m. The following in the repreeeaUtion alio each pro duct, haned upon one delegate from each pre cinct and one deleRate for each 25 votea or majority fraction thereof cant for State Senator at the laat June election: North Euucne 4 Willamette 2 Houth Kugene HM.diawk 2 Junction fihpencer.... 8 Cottage Grove 7 Camp ( reek I Creaewell 4 Irving'... f 8prlnfield 4 Lot Valley I Kichardeon 4 Kali Creek. 1 Obeaher 2 Middle Fork 2 InifTom 3 McKenne 1 l'ieawnt Hill 2HzleDe!l 1 Hliulaw 2 Florence .1 (Jovote 2l ToUL 08 The committee would recommend thitt pri mary meetiugi he held Saturday, April 5, 1S81. Two new precinct! having been created, from the beet Information of the committee, li ha taken one delegate from the old preclncta and given the earn to the new preclncti In addition to their delegate at large. It 1). Cochran, Chairman. "Crito" Again Makes His Bow. Ei'okne, March 17, 1881. Good morning, Mr Editor, I am delighted to be with you again In the moat beautiful vil Jage-truly, the Queen of the Willamette. It'e auch a comfort and pleasure to And all my old companion! and friendi living and well. It inakei one fuel happy and homelike to aee you all ao neat and oozy. What wonderful im proveineut ilnce I greeted you laatt Prosier ity and thrift muat have been among you! May your ehailowe grow longer! Juat think, the flint to greet 'ne ai I landed from the cure waa that milling countenance and boon companion, Wealey, the Witty. A walk from the depot to the HtCharlei with our dear old friend, Wealey the Witty waa entfi dent to gather all the good newa about our companion! of the lloyal Star Clumber. All alive, and well, an yea," intd Wealey the Witty, "and hold ing big meeting, in the inner chamber." 'There,- Mid Wealey the Witty, pointing far down the itreet ai we moved along, "do you know him? the lone one near fie pumpT" "Certainly," laid I, that la truly llodiioy the Silent; fie lileut itateaman of a lonely atreet corner." "Yea," aaid Witty, "he la a big member of the etar chamber howl" "How ia that!" nuld I. "Oh!" responded Wealey the Witty, "you have not been here aince the reeurrectiuti ami treatyr "Keaurrectlon and treaty!" aaid I. . "Yea," aaid Wealey the Witty, "the reaur reotionof John of Springfield, and treaty ne gotiated by llodney the Silent, between Jim the (JlmUiter, of the lloyal Star Chamber, and John of Springfield." No," aaid I. Then you niuat be Informed,'' laid Wealey th Witty, "for a wonderful oomhinutiou haa been formed by Jim the Glmltter." ' "Howlathat'aaldl, "haa John of Spring field been outgeneraled ami vanipilahed by auch a nnall iuitniinelit?" "Vancpdahed!" auid Wealey the Witty, "he haa beeu captured and la now a priwuer in the Tower of the Royal Star Chamber. Jim the Gimleter ia the imarteat political general I evariaw, eioept ltill Watklna, and Hill la the beat in the whole State." "What la the combination for?" I aaked. "For," laid Wealey the Witty, "t. beat the people and elect John of Hippie. That itrute- getla move captured John of Springfield after the reaurreotion, and illenced the oppnaition of llodneythe Silent." "And then I am to underatand that the two great leaden have united to cheat the ieople, .and eleot John of Hippie either to Coiigrmie or he United Statea Senate." "Yea," aaid Wealey the Witty, "that la the Klnt of the treaty, ami the main object of the political battle now approaching. John of Springfield found tint he could m.t auoceed with, out the aid ol two or three trailing light on the other able, ao John of Sprlufield dispatched Mndney the ai'ent to the lloyal Star Cham ber to make a treaty with Jim the Uimleter and Ida chin. You mentioned a "reaurrfction," I don't aiaotly underatand the the meaning of tha1 terra." "Oh, yea," laid Wealey the Witty, "I muat tell you all about thai. There la aome thing wonderful connected with that reiur rectiun. It waa a oli'ical death and reaur notion. I foretold the whob thing, juat ai It happened." "Btrauge," aaid I, "How did you do that" "Well, laid Wealey the Witty, "I h.d a rophetto dream. It waa wonderful and true," The niadutn declared I waa aa dead for an hour, ami iutit have been entirely out of mv bodv. 1 1 will rwiuire more time than we can iare now, ao if you will walk with me lit it week I will tell you all." "With pleaeure," aaid I, an I an thia chap ter anda with the promlae of that prophetic dream next week. Cairo. An Eastern paper says that the Democrats of the Kant are suWi ihiug money to aid the. Oregon Democrats. The collector ii said to lie that emi nent Christian Statesman, Stephen ', Dorsey, who "saved Indiana" iu 1880 at an expense of 3()0,000. W hope that in (he transmission that it may not lie aim I amiss, as the lleputdicau of this state have always had a lrrel with which to "aiJ Oregon Democrats," so called. We have h"ard the name of Senator W. R. Oilyeu, of Linn county, authrr of the Mortgage Tax Law, mentioned quite frequently in connection with the nomination for Congreaa, He po. aesses the confidence of the people tnd would poll a large vote in the interior oounties. Democrats should t remeiuW that the priicary n eetings will take place April 5th. Let there he a large attendance. Ill this itwuo will be found t0' coiiitnunicatioiiR in relation to the ac tion of Uih City Council awarding Maralml AttoWy $242 extra for serviced rendered during the pant elev en month. While, we do not agree wlully with the virwn of our coirea 1 pondentH, w still think that it U a bad precedent, and one that is not juat tn tlm citv. If the Council thought the Mulury too low, it might, with all cotiHiKtHiicy, liave hxei! tliii aalary lor tlm miHuinL' vear. But to award any ollicer hack-pay mnackH, to say the least, of fuvontiHin. It is admitted mat mr. AtteUy has niacin a good Marshal, hut when Im was elected, he was aware of the compensation allowed. We have reliable information that Hon. W. D. Fcnton will not he a can didate heforo the State Convention for Congressman. If the Convention should nominate him for Supreme Judge, however, he will accept the nomination. Mr. Fcnton is one of Oregon's first lawyers, and would make fn able iudse, ii 9 A. woman doesn't consistently use profane language, hut the way she says "gracious!" when she Blips down is full of suhtile meaning and inherent forco. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS To Stock Raisers! YOUNG SAMPSON. Thia fine horao will lie allowed to aerve marea the enauing aeaann, coiniuuncing April 4th an 1 emlinir J ill V 4th. fiw4. ul ntewarti itnme in Kugene, and at Crew well, Uregnn, ou the following term: ninglu nervice, SlU; oeaion, 9l!; Innuiniice, e.n. Lean, navulilu when wrvire ia rendered; Sea ion, at thueuil of Seaaon, luHiiraiice, when the mure la known to lie with foul, or it aolil or traded before thia ia known, the insurance ia forfeited. Care ia taken to prevent accident, but reepnnxilile fur none tlmt may occur. Murei can be poatured on reasonable tenua, Ilf.HCItlrriOX AND PKI.KJRKK. Snmiiaon la a beautiful bay, 6 years old. April 20, IM; weighe alwut 1H40 lua; ia 18 Manila lilgn; la well proportioned in every re- aiiect. anil la conaulered by inoot men tl nt aee lilin ai lielng one among t e uncut lioraei in tne ntnte of lua ai;e. lie won anvil liy Adventure, he by hmperor, the hrat thoroughbreil ( lyitea dale ever imitorted to Orruon. Adventure 'i dam waa a fine Henry mare. Sampann'i tlum ia well known in M imi co'inty, being former ly owned by Mr .lohn Orchard, and ne a fine mare nnd bimhI breeder, hiw but few if any au wriora in the State. For further imrticuUn empiire of the owner. Owner and Keeper. Northern Pacific Express IS 11E11E TO STAY AND KVKIiY AND all focilitiea pie ged by NV'ellx, Kario & Co will te given the iiatrona of the N 1 Kxpreaa. The Hipular ili-uymun, K .1 McClitiiulian, will rare for Your gooda and deliver them free of charge. It you don't believe it k L (J Aihiir, at the iliHit, ried A loner, up town, or Aid IniiHliiin, all annum. Summons. Iu the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for tho t'nuuty of l.ane.. Mary L Hats, plir, "i Suit in eijuity for va divorce and the cua- Suul Data, dul't ) tody of minor child I'o Sue! Iluta, deft I TN THK NAME OK THE STATE OK 1 Oregon, you are hereby aumuioned to an pear iu auid Court, oh or btforo the lirat day of the next term ti.ereol, to be begun and held at Kugene City, Ijne County, Oregon, on the third Monday of April, lfvS4, ami t' eu and thur.i anwer the complaint lilud therein agniuat you, or judgment and decree will be taken agaiuat you for want thereof lor the ruliuf prayed for in vnimilaiut, namelyi a decree diaanlving tho mirriuu contract ex iating between you uud the plainliir. snd according, cutoly of the minor child of aaid inarriiigo to the plaintiff, H id for inch other and lurtlier rolief Ka in the Court may aeein eiiiitulil j and jut, and for the coate and diaburaeinelita of lint. And it ia or dered by the Court that aervire of thia iil.n inoiis be madu on vu by publiintion thereof in the Kiigenw City (Uukh. a iiewnpjxir publiahed in aaid County weekly, for lis con aeeutive weeki. liutid March .1, 1 SS4 . O. It. Dour i. Atfy for ITfT. J. W. MATLOCK. J. P, MATLOCK. EVIATLOGK BROS, Hui'i'eaaora to T. G, Hendricks. n AVISO PURCHASED THE STOKE formerly owned bv T. U. Hendricka, we take plraaiir in informing the public that we will keep a well aelet-ted atiK'k of Koneral Merchandise, Conaiating of Dry goods, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Nails, Crockery, and Tobaccos. In fact our itork will be. f.mnd to be complete. By honrat and fair draling we hoi tn be able V aecure a liberal ahare of the l'ublic ratronu-o. Call and examine our ittn-k and prior, before pnrchaaing le where. We can alwayi be found at the Old Haul ricks Corner, Where we will take all kindi of PKOM'CR in eichange for rooda, I MATLOCK BROS. r.-ii ?, ifH ; &1SB Real Estate Agents, WALTON'S BRICK, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Improved Farms and on easy terms. t2TALSO-J f FLOURING MILLS, PARTIES wUhlngto locate, by Pre-emption or Homeatead, upon Oovernment Land, or to pnrehaae Hchool or Kailioad Ijinda, will do well to call upon or addreaa ua, as we art thor oughly acquainted with auch landi throughout the entire Willamette Valley, on either side of the river, and can ahow partiei the mot valuable hnda and ileairable locatio:i, fnun 40 to IXtt acre! in a Imdy. liilarmatmn periaining to lauua for circuhir. Addreai or call on A. lend E. E. Luckey & Co .DEALERS LY.. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep and sell at living PRESCRIPTION In hands of a competent druggist. SUCCESSORS To Luckcu tV- Eristnwot the old Ellsworth AVorff. Joshua J. Walton, ii Ol IM'V-Zlt-I.iillV. ailVIIUJ aa ajaivve EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Arii., rnArncE in all ran y Courta of the State. Siecialnttlitinn given to Real Estate. Col lecting; Probate mattera, Collecting all kin. la of cluiine agaiuat the United Statea Government. Ollic) in Wnlton'a hrick Moma 7 and S. "I ai'CVaVlHuHl TO Tll- Lane Co. Mercantile As sociation, Wo woidd announce to the citfoonaof ihl" county that having purchaaed the eutira I took of merchi.udise ol the Lane County Menwiutile Aaao'iatiin considerably Kdow the original coat, and having added largely thereto by re cent purchaaea lor cikah, our atock ia now COMPL.TUT15 And $contl to Ione! In thia county. We cordially invite a careful examination of our stork, aa we know we can give yvi aittUUcUon both iu good, and pricei Our Aim is to Sell tne Best Goods for the . Least Money. ' Cal . nd examine our gtodi and le convinced, even you do not wish to purchaae. We al waya take pleasure in ahowing gixala and giv ing priww. All kiudt of prixluce taken at highest mar ket ratea. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. Don't Read This! iLUivsmor) v H" n A!; rfUA.iu u uu Xire nvii aioiu Ainl um J 'pu.tu- uiu) i joj J.pJo ue .1unu -aoup wij iJt'uuo,) j) apuj u joj Ail i j HKVA u.l u MujCua um jMlejqs a ( H !HAV 'aav. Ao'ni.tuxv xaaoo.w'aavAv ssyio 'AuaM.Hjaj Viian.ioan 1 aH llnJ di( j aoivJ"dojl U tHnJI Mit() CI ("J! Ul oa xofl 01 tnui y nt.) 00 I iiaqvi 00 1 n)lat Ml 01 00 I i.j.o sutu ol 00 li wil-iKH I V5 CS ""WW 'Jt lrt)'MS VJl ''"J JonS lu ndnj noioiasmmi ft for Sale Cheap SAW MILLS, ETC. inrnnneo gram, rur r""i STINIl' & CO., Eugene City, Oregon. a full assortment figures. DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -VTOTICEIS HE UK BY GIVEN THAT I jLl ''.V virtue of nn order of the County , t'.mrt of Lane County, Oreg in the matter .Mill. I', l.IIU . .'.jj.'ll, II. n. I of the entile of Iwmc Stud Swcaringeii, de- i , .. i .. .... i .. I... ....i.. reeu, mo iinileiKiu'imi niw oeei, only i pointed administratrix or aaid eatute. All tier Iiuvit... ..L.i.n. d.r .iiiut mui.I HMfntt. U'ill lll-M ai ut the Biiuie tit me ut the law o'tire of Geo h Waxlihiirue, Ml Kugene Citv. within aix montha fnuu lli, the H.fcl day ol reiiruary, livvi. Kv.m.i.vk SwK.viilNdKN, Aduiiuittrati-lx. CiKo. 8. Washui'IINK, Attoruey. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Sarah M Armour, Plaiutilf, ve George Ar mour. Defendant - To (ieorue Armour. IWendantsbove named INT1IE NAME OK THE STATE OK L Ortgon you are hertby vumraoned and re uuireii to aiuiear and anawer the plaintitf'i complaint now on file againat you in the above entitled an it with the clerk of aaid court, on or lx fore th' '21st day of April, lWtM, it being the Hrat day of the next regular term of laid court to be holilen In audi county at tne court Mouse in the Citv of Emrene. Oregon. And vou are notifi.d that if vou fail to amiear an I answer aaid com'ihiiiiU aa herein retiuired the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in laid complaint, to wit:, for a decree of aaid court ilisaolving the the marri ige mntroct now existing lietween plulntitf and defendant and that plaintiff have the custody and control of Henry (1 Armour, the minor on of plaintiff and defendant, for the coeti and disbursement! of aaid auit, Published in the Kugene City Gl'akb newa paper for ix cnecutive and iucceaive weeki by nnler of Hon K S (lean. Judge of aid court which oider ia dated the Hth day of February, 18M. Strahan & Bavif, Attyi for Plaintiff T. U. Hkmirkkh, S. B. Kakix, Jr. HENDRICKS 6 EAKIN, Eugene City - - Oregon, Slwht drafta on NEW YOKK, SAN FRAN CISCO and 1VKTLAND, OKKUOX. All Cidlection'a entrusted to ui will receive pedal attention. Pepoaiti re-wived inbject to check. Loans nude on approved eecunty. and a general Banking hiiiinw dune on reaaonable terma. PRITCIIETT BROS. Prop's. UTE ARK VOW PRKPARED TO y furnuh all klmU of lumber, drewed or ' Reasonable Hates. A fair ahare of the public patronage ia m- ticite.1. Any perwn deeiroua of a Iarve quantity of liinilier fr the Summer trade, cm make aiwcial rate by haudini: their billa in iionnetlutelv. F1U IVHEIT liKOS. PO Addren, Hobiaann, Ine tV, Oregon. ue w m, Clearance SALE Ftr Ut U 1 Goods MUST be Smitti and Cox GENERAL Affricultura We intend keeping a full line of flrst-classFarmingImplements,con-sisting of D. M. OSBORNE k CO.'S CELEBRATED TWINE BINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; JOHN DODD'SOLD RELIABLE, lIOLLINGSWORTIfS, REINDEER AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCH UM WAGON; MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., ETC. It is our intention of staying here and we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any hi in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite the Guard Office. Pass books, butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., nf nil kinds. Orders taken for special sizes. School and Miscellaneous Books. All the standard authors ly the volume and is sets.. Juvenile books, Seaside and Waverly Library, Harpers Magazines, ete. Bible Depository For Lane County. We havo been getting a large slock of new goods and we have everything found in a first-class Book btore. We also have a full stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! McCORNACK & COLLIER. Successors to CALLISQN. tt m jDLaniiJSS onup : H AVIXG OPENED A NEW SADDLE west of I ram Uiue ., I am now prepareil LOWEST The Competent Workmen Are rmploywl, nnd I will 'iiJiavor to give satisfaction to all all j nia farcr iiih with aoall. A. . CIJIII.IE. Notice. IHAV THIS DAY SOLD MY OE.V. era! n-erchandi" atore t Meewa Matlock Bnav an.l I iMwpeak for tnem a an are 1.1 me patmnatre of the puldic, whii-h haa heen lib erally extei'ilel W me wiring me i m.nij--ai yearn. They will continue the biutinewat tbeoldaUnd. To the holdini; rlaima aeainat me, I wouhl aak that thev present ti.eni at one, awl th.e inilelite.1 w nia I rwiwitnlly ak t call and aettle either b cah or IHte. aa I deire t tUt my hnoke. I ran alwaya be f.-in.l dnri i j boai nem hour, at D.r new plr of huaiuoM, tie Bank of Htndricka t Eakin. T. G. Htspaicia. En;trerUy.Fcb,lM. 17 Mil at is EUGENE CITY Sold at any Price DEALERS IN- Implements AND HA KSP.FS f HOP 0 8tk STBS to furnish everything in that una at tha Most AT ALL HOURS 25 csriTs. Chris Marx, - - Prop., BARBER SHOP AND MATH TvOOMS, Willamette Street, two donra anrth of tha St Chalice Hotel, Eiigrne, Orejfon. BATHS