The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1884, Image 7

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i Snow.
Good sleighing.
Bead sberiJ's sals in another eolumn.
OM Java and M'cli "H
Sec th I X L Store's new ' uuther
Snesd Wallis bad Uw breaking lee e
day tbii week.
The Boo Bon party has been postponed till
thethettd Inst
Dry goods enmeshing " Call ni see
iktm at Friendly s.
rhetographs finished n1' ami rtis.
tioally et Winter'.
The fioAKU ha the Urgent dentation ?
ay paper in Lane county.
The highest cvih prl will be pai.l f fur
ad hide at the I X L St-re.
1 fine line nf silk pluhes in all shade
ad gredea t F B Dunn's.
A full awortuBnt f U lies, ise and cbil
dtea onderware at Betttnan.a.
Foster aa I Co of AlUnv, millers, failed m
slay thia week. Liabilities, 1 185,000.
Eugene Engine (' Si I meet at tlsir
their Hall next Thurndatt eveni'i.
Xveryhn 1y wan at tH le i -I l the Unit part
of the week, having Iota f five nkating.
, If yn want a gun. I sewiuj Wiiue at ra
enable price, call mi IS II Lackey & 'J.
Coasting 1 in lu'i- l in by many of the
boys lat S iid ly . I "P1"'1 'i I "P"'--
The tbemntnHrhn rang! from 11 tn 3S.
degress bslnw cent Bant ef the Mountain this :
Obituary n itiee trvn Crew veil will appear
next week. It win re-rued tw late fur iw
irtinn thi ism
The lrgt -i I Hint lot f g"'. 1V
and youths eluthin:; audfcin.l.a-wear, ju t
received at Friendly'.
MrS II KrienJlvh.l't ntiivtX th- bir.
geet larfniei ( c.rp-t ef t brmjht U E ig'.-ae
City. (Jio hi a e il'.
The uvie (.' itv P a t ''
meet with tin Siricfii'h. iiri: iH 1
Saturday in Pchrti try.
Thsganl hn iwi;V hit imr h i bean
merely tried thin week, k j the fleet's . nf tinu
many housi plmU.
The re pilar msiiiti j, f fie V C T T r;ll
lie hel I mi next Ve lie Uy :tt 1 P M. iu the
baaemint nf the Pretliytxri.ui church.
On every graJe nir. enthnr Viv the
fraaad or barrel, pii are rednrei thin dy.
Su irT Cuat
A aleiith neir thu CTnivennty Ut Vd
neiday anl the nesi iuti were llimwa t the
Kroaad, but fiirtna tte!y kk e u hurt
Coenanut Tairy, Janible Wmfrr -Kii,
IUnana Cftke-s l"Ui-e (4kv, ltn n I'.i-cai ,
nd all lud irt-'kei" at S i(t t Ct'tnU.
Read the in i;ri u J fail. Ifaiynf oar
friend have luen nui.'4 we will a I I U;i L
name apim their calliuf our attoatiuktu thi
Mr B It Jamei hn purehaeed the tin alH
formerly balounuii tu Mr V McFarlaaiL M'
Jai&ea if entitled tu a ehareuf the jiulJie pat
ronage. Mr U F Baker h w t irte.l a tnlor -bp in
Iakin'iGvdry Htakle. He lint a full line nf
ample of Cashmere, lVus beavera. etc
All work warranted. Call aud eianiaa said
plea and prices,
A an article fr the tuilet Ay era Hair
Vignr atamla unrivalled. It clenee the
calp and prenerves it from ecu if and clan
4rnflT, ou e itching and liuiiior, retire
faded or gray Imir tu it nai.erai Wark enln;
nd promote it growth.
The ditfigurin sraption mt the faoe, the
eunkeu eye, t e j alHil cwmilexM, indicatu
that there in t iinetUio wrn K""K ,
within. Expel the lurkiu Urn to hualtli.
Ayer'a 8araparilla wa devixed tut that
purpete, am) due it. f
Lost Valley herns.
F(i. 1 1, 1864. '
Snew five inehe doep.
Mr Ptrwlef wa kere lent week buying
calve. He paid $13 per liend.
Mr U. WiUiami haa Unt aeveral youiitf
goata en ac nt ujd w at her.
Mr J l'arvlu ha n-Uimed liituir from l'rt
land, where lie ha beeu acting u the 1 S
Grand Jury.
Mr Mary Hnaker lie returned hunie
iter au abeuce f alnuit four week at Eh
gee, where ahu haa Im p in attendance apiin
her daaifhU-r, Mri Wia IVentun, wIki hu
been qaite ill.
Eelknaj Springs.
Tub and va;mr or hilh given; tern-
peratare nf wa'er, 115 deir etn. Konrd an i
(edging gtv?n when w.utetL The water of
theea celebrated apring care rheumanm.
crofula, dyniujui, citarrh and all kind o
kin dinease. J .V ll Xu.
8tia?ko. - Fmm TJ IMtal'. ranch it,
Notie valley, a'mut i-Vliritary 2 1, a Iny ninr
branded ni the left n'.oal.ler with dia n-n.l
"3"; ahnnt S year mil t'lforoitiiuu ..ay h.
left at thi titfice, r ad treved to (.'eu
land, Eugei e City, Oieg..
MtaRizn. At Mui.tnoth, K.-h tith, K
W Kenton -nf McMiniiville. and Mi I'ilh v
Batter of MuH'iwintli. The many friend -
Frank here, wil join in wiahi g him l.i
aeoompliahej bri le, I apiine and pro-peii
MaIRIEO. At fie reni leue of
II C Huu
ter. Bear Cree'l, Feb 14. 1841,
by H
C ;'
uaavar, e r, ,ur "J "
Sarah E Jam ; all of Lane county. I
. ,., , j
ClTT COONHI The iiannUmnf tl.eCoan-
cii met at the City Hall Monday eveuing, '
and a-lj mrued t Satur.l iy eveuing, withoot
transacting any buuws. I
I7...1 r n ir. u,'..a. n i.a '
Cottage Grove Items.
Feb. 13, ISSt.
To-morrow 1 Valentine day.
Quite a number of our citiaeiil were at Ku
geu Monday
Ice plentiful; so are akatera, Some with
Matti Carey I (lightly better it I thought,
but Mr lUrey i no better.
Mim Surpliina Wallace ha been ick for
aume time but U hrttrr a.'aJn.
Snow fell to the dejith nf right iuchea Satur
day uight and Nuuday iuiriiiug.
A aleigb wa hi town TuenJcy from SluaUw.
ilr VV N I row wa the driver thereof.
.Air King lecture J hare Fri lay evening on
teuipenuiue. Quit au audience Wa preaeut
W thought we were to have a law-
uit in town tor a change, but wa prevented
by a couiurouiue.
MrZ TColliu arrived here from The Dalle
hut Stnrd.iy. He Lit with hU family but
'priug for Colfax.
Have been having uniunally cold weather
for VVelitVot ever iuoe Suudiiy. Alou.Uy aud
'1'uedUy nlghu were very ooM
A coyote e one iuto the fiild wh-rt Mr R H
H.aleUMi wa plowing a few day agi an I w.ia
catching mice. Mr H fir.'d a ahot at it, but
uaeaed tue v-irma u J U ug it
The Puxzie, Etc.
I'LCvaAwr Hill, F..I.I.1, ISS4.
K017.1R i:'akii: -Vour 64-t'A puzzle i
frnad. I lielifii. It iriifinatl with the L U
villr I'-'u Hi-r J nri I ah at a yeir a . and
the Fn''o lv 1 4 miner oouiwl it. ami it wa
readily d:p-d of. A tnrfiide ox 1.1 can't lie
cur vol liid tclher aa to form a rquare
j 8x8 ihcIkm. It will be 8 and I 1.1 iuchee
"li wav, lee Mi ti oi nf thn-e iii-'im at
one e.iroer wIikU wii be j i-t S inchf.,
X w thr h fro' ixt.ena id 1 liirtien rv
m dm, .Ti l n il I I.I . qiiU I. nd led to 8
xSripiilnti . W I don't write thin
f irpoh'i .3ii in. 1il1 if n i una eUe ha an.
w rel ii tley n cum make note uf
U'i 'ol.-kvner.lay m .mi i. tin-fury
t...l...rvi-'-!ir..-.r:H lvr..H li-
In;, li-ii nig 31 ilogrue In-I
,, , , ,
Zi 4. "t. 1 f't w ZM Inluroal
i ( I
Si H u. 7 Wit tn ter .to d
s. U i..l iyr.-. llloloW ffrZ
I L':t-tsr 'Iii.i.
T .o C jJ .Vive.
.m A m ' it io I here to the extent of
about Svi iuob.-. mid llt dig', t tuinrd quite
ool L Won lav tu niiin,' the-thermometer in
liic.tUil 0 ilegrue Iw-low zero; 'I iiUy morning,
0 ilegive belnw. the oddtwt weather exper
ienced Leie fic yearn. WedaeaiUy nioiniiu
the uitctiry ha rine n t 2 d.yree a'mve len
aud riiumday nie. niog at i e'cliick foiiiid tti
tiiatwoiiii-ter Kt-iudiug at 22 ilegreea, whiidi
rained duriug the ibiy to 4C To-ilay, Friili.
jt iiiu,'. aud at the prenent writing tliere
ia niout five inclu-n of mii.iw on the hTouu.l.
Luelily, diiriiithe preneut '(41 npell. the
groiiud b.ui Iimu covered with nnow to a depth
thitaa.-i prnti-U-d grain from aay injury what
eruc - he wetlier 1 ua atock, aa litlie
(.rui'Mnu inula l i'H their protection or iiiuin-t-
kiuice, hut null they aie ut l.iir condition. It
heugHu lute iu the nsMu ttie B il l Weather
tt'Ul uc only a few day, uud the loan iu Lane
ouity tbereoy will be rery iu.UL
Laiiam Items.
Latham, Feb 14, m.
St Valentine' dy.
Uld resideiiji nay thin i the eoldett weather
for year.
MraFraik Oolvic. fri Draia.i viniting
her mother, .Mr Laue.
Thi cotd weather i pmvtiig d:leteriou to
MrAiexTayWa nheeji raiding.
Mr .John Taylor who ha been attending the
Unit'crxily returned home i.wt wek.
Mr il U ('nUinoii of Eagejia p.iid the citlz--ne
of fount Frk viitlMt Jacurdiy and Sun
Mr Shermaa Shoitride haa i furled bin
independence and emoarkd ou til eA of life
for bim.elf.
Mr Eugeae Finnan aad Usury Taylor bad
a pugilintie encounter hut .Saturday. So ar-
renLn, beuce ao fine. "
Dutte Lmlge, nf thi place, I 0 G T. atill
keel in the lja 1 with Vi inetatlirra. Tueii
ollioer were iunUlled lant Satimlay evening,
by E O Potter, Ij 0., an follow:
W I Vawler, W t? I";
M-ry Potter, 11 H S; v
Kiie liji u, li 11 i;
Mattie fjinv-, W V T,
Martwu Uavin, See;
LU liH-i. A S;
J K llounv.ui, K S;
A It liwdmi, rrea;
N J Norris U
ituna lnr, M;
Nan klii tliug, U L
A ure U i II .iuee. I U;
L .1 li iwuiud, O li.
PUHCHMB.l. Mennr J W aad J I) Maluck
iuve purclia-ied the dry it ire of .tlr 1' 0
tUutlric', au I a e, at thi writiug, KriiUy
evMiiug, buy inv.ormg tuent i.!;. , Mr II u
i!r i! i'- bjeii In til: dry I b imu a h.-re
, r iu my y -era, am I it u u v .y - u 1 1 a ver
jriti-e ;' t is on i) ,iiSnii. but now
mteu I le'ntiog hi. 'U ti n.- to the b.,uk
mg k.iMiiien, n j reAn m oin g m I ,uije
mi becu Uie ,ij r j1 inaol U ouiity p.u-.-r
in It ling thi people in' ritt wli be
u.i-l for imI.', beuce we regret liin r-tirem -ut
J'he .ilemr Mitlict have I'eeu rmi ienU ut
I joe count) rine' a iny early day. and are
aiiuwu t-i oi l i our citiArua, au I r9 men i d
healtn mi ent rpr.'. We u-nk-aa far loin
A liOk-ral niiaie ot the . uiilio mUuu ge,
uoiio ImUuu kge, au-i
weioo.n-f tnem to
our tair city.
tJ k iniu.-nn turj.e M
AociOKiir. Mr Jo!iU Btftn'nw Unt M iu- I
d..y while liuntiug ou tue lieloa 1
t-mu attempteil to about tuf duckn, when
I the breecU pin nf hi nh-il guu blew out which
g.Aie-l the .4 . ut hi fo s.uuuiug bun- Abut
a lulf ho ir .fter tue audJeut he foun I
Ivin it the iio a-uneieM, hut nem re-
vive t au I tu h.n. Fortunately th
wound were kiigtit and in a few hour be was
abl to lie alnnit-
, Foa SiKHKa. Ruf Itubina-m lja put up nn h m ired tun of ice for humour,
It i about five Inches thick.
Eugene Matrimonial Market.
Thi i leap year. Duxhii of pretty girl,
and doxen nt ugly one, are looking around
for a amiable youiiK man for a life partner,
in puDimmr oi tlie IiUahd in eoinewhat m
tervnted in neting every eligible young man
led to the altar during tiiia ytai. For that
reuon, iluigning y.mng Indira will Hod up
peinled 'il uf the marriageable young men
in thi liHiiilct. It ha been prnpareil nare
fully, at great outlay of time ami ex peine,
and we hope the gender sex will appreciate
our kiudiie, and well, we are unmarried:
A Ahrama, Jan. A d 29. Iinienne o ru
juice anil owmawell ent.tlilihed bunineu
alilo to aupport a wife handmely. Don't
think be would rrfone.
Alexander, Win. Aged 27. Minipnlatnr
of a j:k pUue. Would make a No 1 bunlund.
II. Hock with, I. I a Jolly widower and a
leading inemlier of 1 0 0 I'. A apecUl fuvoriie
with the gentler Hex. Left Ewt Porthmd to
keep from refuniin; a number of young bvlie
who had Ueaignn iiHn him. I a beautiful
blonde. Aged about . SO. Wou't refuae auy
lirint.iw, Dirwin. One nf the handanmet
gent in Eugene. Hold the boior:ihle xwitinn
of Secn tnry E II A L Co. A mimtacbe thut
parnlyzen the ijirla, . In more tbau willing to re
ceive pmmi.a1. Aged il year.
11 ix tor, Huury. A, e l 31. Il iuilmme h.m
nette. Slingn the yard (tick In Peter' "ton ,
Alway wear aim lie. Sure to uinke au ev
Oeilelit buithaii.l.
'. CauiiU.-ll, J R. SherilT. Would wil
lingly aerve m ittaolunelitioi one of the fair vx,
if asked. Aged 29.
t'Miiur, Gjo. Elegant vi iliuiit. Would lie
willing tJ let hin wifo run the conoern. Agml
t'am;jbell, W T. Aged 31. Owner of ma
chine nlmpn au I p w-w-nor of a very neat dwell
ing. I very tiini I wh-ll ahoilt the njip.w.te
if. ... .
nex. Ill m.iit Ii.iv - the n mliH.-a.i.iiu nl
Mtti able to C Ki'i A io,i I mul.
'hiri.itUu, John. I'l iyi a cornet a Imir ibly.
Kwadirliu; iu intaoli". I N P Kqirviu
ag-nt. t oul I not unmur courage to a.ty "no.
Colli r, (ieo. Sclln all ..In 1 of boo': t.i-
tiiMnry, ft.-, .10 1 i g.y, fi-stive nn I d.ihiuM
I vJ"' ''" "' mJ't'che. Girl who
I PeiJt l" vt lveche oed hot npply.
A;el Zi
1raer, Cii f. ! ( tn 11 h t!u y ! atio's. At-
ten in c!i..'c!i re til trly, nil I w i b -li-ve woul.l
build ti.en .if iu iniiiig. tie will not ay no,
OU-a.e.-, I. Uiydry goolncL-rk,
anion ad uin r of wo.neu geu roily. Ik-i-ictive
.in I en rL-tio and will in ik-a inmle,
ii.wo.iiid-W.1.-11 hi wiie in arouul. A..-il
ulmut 2-1.
t!.hi.;, A 15. Very nhy; never spoke to a
ffomitu hut unce, nod tln n fali.ted. Would
in.ike a loving bcnudiL-t Aged 23.
I'Kik, J W. In till uud kaiidnoine, enpecial
ly when .Irenned with reguUtion dude cap
Uwun a tnick. Not t lie unu ti Want a young
IaiIv' prwpectn by a refuuiL
Ciclu an, Vulter. Ab.tut 20 ye in- ol I. Han
h.uidmiuie blondo o iin.ili'Xl'i'i. IIn; acted an
0 p Ity StierilT. In I Ui;liU illy tl u -lancer,
ll.w aKpiiut'nun to Iu the di r.y foreman nf the
i'lujiiid ! ini.Ji.iy. V I like n ptriimueut
eligagemeiit before the clone o. '8i.
Oiniij, John Itook ke.ier for F R Dunn.
Ha it njilcndi I looking bjir l. tver grumble
and in:t pleun;ut a an angel. Alwny han a
kind worii fur the fair i-x.
Col. m iu, l'Vunk. Age unknown; he don't it. Hm sever d f.inni. A widow
il it older th iu 09 pruferre L
1). Day, R M. Aged SO. Owner uf a
furniture factory, dust the right age to get
married. Miuda hin otvu buniiien, ho I would
1 ive hi own wife better thaii aome other
Dunn. Frank. I one uf the linndaomeit
young men iu tntvu. Hurdly oi.l enough, but
if the right one hould pnione would emigrate
to Vaucmver.
K. Eakin. Herbert 11 a aeeti 'me 26
ouninicin pita, gently over bin bead. Sell dry
gooil9. Hna a 'brling inont ie, and in finun
ciolly able to support a ''liett'jr half." Exceed
iiuly hundno'iie.
F. Finlu-r, Geo. Owner nf a meat murkct.
In prouder nf bin muntuche than any young
iihii in town. An admirable catch for wine
gmtd true hiving gbL
O. Uulilemith, Alte. Alh ged age 40 yean.
Own a well entuhlinhed ligar store. Indua
trioua and said to be old enough. In a. xiounly
awaiting some young lady (not over 45) to pro
(Jolra, N;don. Aged 30. Mixer of Idrugn.
.Sing iu the choir and attend Sunday School
regularly; hm fine golden Imir but no iniiHtnche.
In thought to Im a literary geniun. He ting
"X.nv or never- for long eara.'
(Jniy, John. Aged 27. A tooth extractor.
I unt the right age to becoiue a huabund, ami
1881 will capture biiu nure. Hah an exce lent
10- ikiu niuntachi'.
(lill, (ieo. Nearly 28 yearn ol.l. Tlnys enr-u-t
and in a iro in I iciun. I "mortLiigeil''
if all account be true. If J built hiuiaelf a
handnome dwelling
(i.ddnmitb, Juliun. Partnar In firm uf 0..1.'..
ntuittl & Kitther. A'falde, a.tcuiiHNlatiug anil
gentle. 11 m a aweet little inuntache when
exnined to the micronoope. Waiting to be
G .inn, Pmf H. In one nf the finent muni jinn,
in Oregon. I 'ali't give x wit agr, but in (.lent)
old enough to comply with the Iaw. Giim,
give him a cull.
GjlilMit, J.ick. Age unknown. A nuoc-nn.
lull rnixa. nf iloolij driu :, with he rt a
nU ua b.-er ling, til l A .tiiti i.M iy an oilier
mw. Old eu ig i, mi l w ul I not refuw f-1
II. Humphrey. II C. Agi-I 2. A pin-
11- r in the kintiiig firm of llnvey, H.itii
phr y A Co. vVi.irn nl l.m.itig nlieburnn,
liv ndiil rei aud ban a npKtif. Thr
i..uel.o. 1 will alwayn Ije nupplieii with wild
game An hi i t d tiling hot, iil b ripe lie
lore the a an-.n i over.
II. li lern-m, Di V V. In a luccmnfnl rou
p oin ler of tinct ire mid in ii.-, n Well a li
ing a tmth e triK-nt-.-r. lla the llu- nt beard ui
any yuiing ni.ui I.. town. .SupMMed io tie in
the neigbb.iriio.l of 30. PropowtU thaukfull)
H .yen, R 1. I a miccennf .1 cmiiinnder u(
m x I drink. A nn at m mj; gmtU-r
. In fiu.tiici.dly able to care fur a tamily ot
I ..illy a lug to be a-koL Supinmeil
nul to he over 'i'l stir uf aire.
Hill. Geo. Age. 2. A n'.tident of t!ie
SLaU i'liiveniitv mi.l hn Lhe liirch
never, I Wrnin. Sai l to lie ta.lying fur the
miniiry au'l thrvf ire will wut beliuiat in
bU k're-4 w.irk. I-" .nxl louring. A""'"4"'
'awaiting a etiance to nay yes.
HnJ;ron, E K. Aed (private). In band
vorna bruiiette, and Juat to Ane for anything.
Bulnena-Deputy U S Surveyor. Han a fond'
new for widow. Would not aay no, if aked.
Hud lletton, Hanrv. A well Jlted fainer;
tall, fin look in j and mnaoled. Kaa fin muv
j tach and ni.lehurn. Don't think be could re
fune. Aged 28.
Ilickathier, Gun. A goo I natiired son of
Gerinmy. In ateady, iu liintiioun, aud worth
winning. Would milk th cow and 'tend the
bnby. Aged 32.
Hii.Tinnti, ('ha. A good looking teniieriite
youug nuu. A photographer by pnifennion.
An admirer of- th I opponit sex. Would like a
promition before July 4th.
L. Lkiu. O.-o. Agvl 21. Part owner In
livery nUlile. H.u lot of lai.y Wen. In, and
will get nahlwd before the ond of th year.
H. Miljely, Oe 0-vuer of a planing inilL
fall and good looking. In a great talker when
iu company with the Indie. Ha a lot in the
uorth.-rn part of th city. Would b an ad
mirable catch.
Moure, Win. A printer by trade, I a
ynuug m.m of the . and Justify and lock
up a f.-niu I anxi.iunly waiting a pmuiMition
of n.Urimouy. Aged 27.
Miller, Geo M- Aged 30. Ing and tall.
I a ilintrenniugly h.tudnnme liloii le with a
ni:lnw voice aud no'liAil habit. Owunnevir!
houncn. A very eligible partner.
McClure, Henry. Aged 2J. One of Kve't
fair daughter's can ntri . a rich bargain by
pniKtninx 1 1 Henry.
.Y Nul iu I, Jamen. Mixes pill and sell
pitent luediciue; knows iiijx King from vox
npiill. I a good looking, a.hlute young man.
In very baaliful, but oanunt in Jter courage to
nay nay.
N-ville, J M. "Mortgaged." in the watch
word among the f tir ix. Breaking heart
d illy, but r m dim true t i hinlii nivortho
lean. Aged ab nit 31
O. Onluirn, (' D. Qiiet, retervel, and in
ntudying medicine. Alwayc th fri-u I of th
npiniti sex. Wh- n thj right out aik C.irran
will la'igh an I s ty "you bet."
O-diotiie, Dr Win. A uojenf il petitioner
of m.' liciue. i' io liAhf ul toprnpmn. Iudio-
trioiin an l o I-1 enough., Gr.inU V'vitraal In king mil.
t whe. Steitdy, iuduntriuua and worth win
ning. I ano a niiprem iy Formerly b.dmiged
to Elgene lil,e IlKl r.
P. l'a;e, .I.k L. Pr p net ir of a well pay
ing gno-ry nto.e. A healthy widowe of 35,
Uu lernt:uil 'he duties 'if a beiudict No dan
ger wh.tti-ver of hi n wiylug nn.
Pratt. U ibt. A h.trdy ami of Vulcan. A
greuU-r "nianhvr" of wiutn th in irou. A fin
tu.tcliinixt .ui I vu.:iu:er, nn I a I young
in in. Hi wo d 1 bj h ulmut the kitchen,
Aged 27.
K. Kiite, D K A .Ht c!an intolmnia
One nf the lunt. n'o. y tel em in tnwu. UihmI
lip for iiiunttch but no hair. Fine ilnno.-r.
Auo-I len than 40.
liumnry, J U A de'i ity IT S S rveynr.
Form rly had a reputiti.ui, but it hiu ie
cently lieeu bl.wted by b.t-l cniupiuy. The
right kind of a ynuug lady might be nbla tn re
form, him. Hi motto i: "'Auk, and
thii i thalt receive." Aed 3J.
Ueanoner, rt F. s't'i lying for the mimntry.
II w never :nile I niu tu lii In town.
Would m t'c- it firnt -jI ih h'1-.btn l.
N. Swift, Umi. .S ;iln all kind of groceries.
Haa s aA-eet little inu-twhd mid very flue side
buriin. Only one oJ.jectiou, I e, belong to
several lodge, and therefore wi ul-1 have to
sHtii! many evening out l'mb-ttily the mont
aJitble young iu town. A,-e.l 2'i.
S.ielton, Kob -rt. Play the violin an I
b:uijo. D.uiu - gracefully. Drenne In the bent
nf style. Would let Id wife be boa. Did
fmith, Geo. In a devotee of the mpiare and
saw. H.iid to b) one of the bjt d.insers iu
town. Would split the kindling wood and
build ihi fire in the morning. Aged 22.
Sn.ith, f JeT. I little but oh no happy,
ll.w been almltted to the h ir and in famnu for making. Hi plenty t aUniM. A go. I
32. The wnnl "ho" is foreign to hi vocabu
lary. Sinter, Woodson, Principal public school
Rather plclinant looking; hi mire than averl
age muntache, and among the fimt to register
bi name on the '"ut" lint. I twn
per te and Hnenes a Hue bits voice. Aged
Maw, Wm. In at prenent a desclple f Hope in tl 6 sweet bye aud bye
to be up iu the divorce buninens, if it should
ever brcume necenaary. He is handsome and
would be t'onnidered a g od ctttch by any f:iir
maiden. l'r.i)onition reueiveil for 10 months.
Aged 23.
Schmidt, John. Proprietor "OwK" He baf
der pijgr.nt nul hhi un I der pent drink uf any
blace in der city. Sjhinl It don't got nome
fntu uud in badly iu need of a wife.
T. Taylor, W C. Think he In Just too
tweet for anything. He in ulwitys Happy.
Induntrious and ntenly habit. Will make a
ukhIhI h unhand. Aged 20.
IV. Won Icock, A C. II. .Mn a nn pneition
in the Univernity. Iow, but rather pi 'annul
tin a kilting iilne-on-a-nide uumtache, and
wont titke water when tlie rl ,ht girl anks.
Aged 26.
Wheeler, LD. Aged 27. Deputy US Sur
veyor. Hon nil the quiiliricutiou to nuik a
firnt'clan bunband. A wife could freely une
the hriNim, liKudle and be would not grumble.
In itw thing .t bid.
Withnw, John. Is a graceful young man.
DAltisen finely. Aged 27.
McGhee, Wid. Young and handnnme.
iVouhl gllly Aunwer all prunoiitimis received
.hiring the year. Aji'd27.
Mno.v, Jjiiic-. Aged uO y-ar. Digiiitied
-tn-l t n ler beartu ;. Wo .Id make a' go nl bus
Smith, Wm, Jr. Aged 24. A sun uf a well
to do f.tnner. ll.w beaiidful red.linh Imir. A
gmiliUncer. Would carry all the w.m. and
wovr without a murmur.
V., due. Aged 20. Proprietor of
brewert.' Wuuid niAke a firt-cl urn bene. lift.
Give ti i in a chance; he t deiertiug,
'. Witllm. M S. Aged 2 Occupation
iteitnp. One f tlie linuUuu
-urms in to- c'.l,. il i.ttty aiplrAti uis au I at
one time would l.uietili elcCtidHnrveynrif hi
iippurtir l.ud tln.d to the racket Ha
.iiiali-d the iu ii.tntiuun uf aeveral
flhef.iir ex. Don lk-liev he would nav
"yi-i" to any -ung laity in the bind, "li fm
i ', a lie in riie ami hiti. le picke.1.
V.trliu r, lco . in mteret in a
dry g.ev ntme. ll.m a darling litnnlach and
i year nf ur. Will o.e.t the fimt nller.
W aralnturr, ll.ury. All the uuu as broth r
Jake excrit 4 ye. iS younger.
vintei,C. it. tlier y.mng, Uit willinj to
make t)i lett. l.V ur, tin- only real "ibide"
nut in the titv. A iiimv.- si.her.
: Wrltnn. lienry. Agml 7. The '"Im" at
i ti-wnrl' livny toble. Im ustrioiis aud OApa.
I tie of nnpportmg a fmi').
A eolumn devoted to the Interent of tit
Laurean and Eutaxian Literary Societies, and
uie state univernity.
Anna I'aitkk-ix
Brief Items.
Did you gut a valentine!
The Senior lnss hive held their fimt
The Lsuresus sleeted new officers lant
Two nf the Itegsutt visited the University
lent Weak.
Minnie Train paid Eugene a flying vinit a
few day ago.
Several new member signed the eomtitu
tiou at the lant menti'.g of thenociety.
The cUes In the French and Gernisn
grsuiiiiais will coiuineuce the leader next
Hat tie Smith's turns w.t pn.poned for
memlwmhip in the Eutaxian society at their
lant meeting.
"Propbylatio," remarked a certain Lsnrran
one iloy la.t week when found dining upon
"How t write clearly," I the tille of a
little work which the Juniors and .Vplm
tnoru have emu neooeduudor tha iiutrUctioo
o Pmf Ltinbert,
The i laas in Solit! fleomatry have panned
their examination and commenced Trigoii in
etry laat week.
Nellie Ci'lemaii fatored the snciuty with a
cumin reading last Friday, which was very
much enjoyed by all pieneut.
A c-oniiiittee uf three from each stK-iety
hsv b.-en apMiinteil to select a npeaker to
addren their ain-ietiva C-innnuiicemeiit week.
New blind ore amiu to be put up in the
m.uih r.Mini uf the hud liiig, which will
greatly add tn thtir comfort aud improve
ment Lena MuJoA'ii, Su-geiut-at-Ariiis nf the
Eut.xiau s-Hiity, ban reiuni I 'root her home
in Oregon City, where she has been fur
nine day.
Pmf J.ihunun's clans in Political Economy
ilium ratu their lun.un, by prtutioalex tuiplca,
E.ieciallv well illu r.ited have been the
niihj.-cl, "Muuiipnly." 'Free Trade" ami
'i'mteuti "
The ninny friend uf Kiilue Spilltr will be
plvaied to luaru that die ban become quite
pmriciuiii in the art uf punting Her mother
ha lately removed a piece uf her work which
peak highly of her abilitiu.
We nudemtaiid ilia a certain student ii
tend applying fur a pr-.fenurahiu immediate
ly npi'll receiving in degree. Wa think that
it would be a in t excellent selection, and
liopn that the Kegent will avail themselves
uf hi ili.tiliguihed abilitiee.
.The average Senior is now to Its seen
going nr.. uud with an abstract air and a
brow lurrowed as l.i deep thought. On care
ful niijuiry we have le true 1 that the cnune
of all this abntrautmii and melaiuholly, i
that they ate (electing subject for their
graduating enaay.
"Ilenulved, That N.tpoleou did more for
France than tanliiugtoii did for America,"
will be debated by the Kiltaxi.ios uext
Friday evening, Leader mi the affirmative,
Mary liabb; colleague, Fannie MoDaniel,
Etta Moore and May lioiiuett. Leadei on
negative, Lulu Skagg; oollenguos, Bettie
Shuw, Maud Tnlf and M try Putter.
The senior clans ha been increaaeil by the
entrance of mother y..ung lady into its
rank, making iu all three yuing lady
Senior. Tu nay thut the lady members uf
the clans are happy in t ie entrance uf this
new member i but mildly exiwuniug it, ami
many are the wiles and aliarp the rivalry
mining the gentlemen to gain a kindly glance
from her "Imnuiu bine eyes."
The following i the programme of the
open nenni.ui to be given liy the Laurean
S.ndety, Saturday evening, Feb Kith t Debate
"Ilnnulvtii, That the church is a greater
uivilizer than the law." The sprakera on
the aliirmativii are II S .lohnnnii, F L Moure,
and 0 P ('iwhaw; those mi the negative are
1! S Hendricks. L J I'avin ami Win Miller
Ithetoricaln; K'ay, (Soorge Sbinn; declama
tion, Turner Oliver.
Tlie following in the prugrainme ol laat
week' rlietnricals.
L Hull call.
2. Eny -"Physical Culturf," Co.. W
Eway -"Protection uf Forests," But.
tie 3haw.
i. .ientlonien exeunt (Ladies exeunt
'ater. )
The enld weather fur the past week has
ilbinleit cuiat)eriililu ainueoient to nuine of
the students. A certain nub frenhmaii en-
chideil one day thin week to enjoy an honr's
katiog before nchiml. Slid so joyfully nought
1 1 mill raov llntalunl to bis sorrow, be
iiuud that hi lot, iuntrud uf bin coyeted
imu.Siiieut wan a bath in the "nl.1 water, ami
a Ivan he c ne to nuhmd an hour later with a
'anltlena toilet, hi. fellow ntudeuts came tn
:he i.iiiicIihiuii 'hat the wings which he has
the reputation fur ni.nui.ii.g were not so
elticient a has for nine timu been suppuneil.
Ycsier.biy afterniH.ii the Kutaxian give
i ..pen st!-i"l to which the UUal guent
were invileil. - Their suhje. t fur debate wa-1
"Ueeidved. That I'mhibilinii i the b t
uieAos ut rratrictiiig the liU r traili '
leader ihi the iilfirmativu, I let lie Shaw; cl
oa;i', Kimiia Ke.tu, Jennie McC'lure and
Kniiia Wright, lender nn the negative,
F-tiioie .McDauiel; dlltague. Ida Patter. n,
Nellie KruAii and Emily Krintul. Etta and , Muggie Stansbury favored the
wirty with recitation.
We ntice the following toswer given by
the few York rrilmue to tlie qiieatimi,
"tVhy are the cbming eeroiM of cidle)
called CiuiiiiiHiceineiit?" For the siiaple
rennoa that the collegiate year begins at that
time. AppliuanU for admisniua to Uie frenh
man clan are then exaiiiiued.aiiil ii apyruveil
ere the . aduiitted; th lata frebuian then
beooroe Sophomores, the Ut Snphomotef
(hen become Juniors, and the lata Juniors?
thn beeiaire Seniors, The mid ity of the
eae is thst the principal vacation of the year
itifmedhtttly follows its commencement aa4
pontpuiivs the beginning of study."
New Books.
The Trustees of the Cnrporstioa of the
Societies hsve been quite buy for the past
few weeks selecting books for the library,
wnns two hundred dollars being on hand foe
that purMie. The library already smUraoeS
over three hundred folilmes. When this
new selection is ad led Its talfle id faritty
and number will be greatly enhanoed.
Complaint haa been made at varinoi timet
hereto ore that the book are not properly
taken care of, nut promptly returned, and in
noma itiataiiuee nut returned at all. This,
to say the leant, is unfortunate, and if al
lowed to continue will lead to loss and da, which will be regretted. Here
we have commenced the founding of s library
which may beuuine important in the future,
We cheerfully piy in our dues and contriba.
timia to enlarge it. Every member is proud
of it ami should take an individual care ol
Mr T Jed Smith returned home from Port'
laud Tuemlay.
Rev J S McCain ut Dallas was In town sev
eral days this week.
Gen Millican, nf "alem, has been here ev
eral days this wsek.
lion R S Strahan paid Eugene a profsssioa
at vinlt mi" day thin week.
Dr E 0 Clark returned fmm a visit tt
Albany and Purlin. d Tuenday.
M- Fin ) t'e. of U u it 1' t count, Is visit
Ing rlitivei and trlen I heir.
Mr John Sloan paid the metropolis a -visit
this week. He returned yenterday.
Mr Al (I'Hil ua f Iud-tpetidence, paid
his many L.n county friends a pleaaaok
vint thi week.
Mr Charles Lsuer and tamily wilt in
e nip! of months. Isavs foi a year's visit to
the Em-torn S ates.
Mr II I' Humphrey will leave for ths Coeur
d'Aleue mine about Wednesday, to bs absent
aeveral week. He has an interest iu a quarts
ledge there.
Mr T S Rid II left lant SUurlay morning
for a bui.rtn trip, combined with pleasure to
Oenne se, Il.iuoln. I le will he abnent several
month. Hi miny friend her wlh hin .a
phanant t lp and a safe return..
Mr J W Hixnon, proprietor of the Bslknap
Springs, gave thin offlje a pleasant call
one day this week. He brought down a
quantity of the water from tho springs, which
he loft with Pn.f Collier to aual)ie. As soon
as the tent in made we shallpublish ths full ane).
yi iu the Guarp,
Mr Palmer Ayers returned laat week from
Ditytun, W T, where he has been visiting
hi brother whu lives near that place. He
telt a sample of the best Diyton wheat at
thin nlHue, w'li.'h he procured while there.
It lines not compare with Willamette valley
Estimate of the Wheat Crop of 1883.
Editor Guard. The fields of Ohio, Indi
ana and Illinois were stricken with great
severity by freezing, and even the Southern
States siidered much by ice and sleet. The
whole area shows a depreciation of nearly'
uni-sixth. The December report is a short
age of front eighty to ninety million bushel
io the Winter crop, ami a pniba'jla deficiency
nf seventy ti eighty million bushels in the
aggregate Winter and Spring varieties cou-
hined. The product nf the year shows the
yield per acre of. all the State to be about -
one-half bushel per acre lens than ac average
ump, and the average yield per acre, eleven
bushels aud a fifth. The average for the"
State of Oregon is sixteeu and a fifth bushel
per acre. Toe report shows only five State
ami Territories with a higher yield, Colorado-
being the highunt. which is twenty-one bush-
el-, and Misnicippi lownnt, with only five,
The total wheat orop is 420,134,300 bushels
Gko. Hkubaw.
IsTmnuciD. W clip the following fmar
the seuato pructedinga of lust Wednesday;
"Senator Slater introduced in th senate thi
morning a petition from citisens of Lear
county, Orejou, praying f.w aa appropriation
of $40,000 for the purinme of a suivey, and
putting in a niiutll ietty and buoying ths cbaa
n 1 of tho Slimlaw river In Lane county."
Notice. E uhty-fite bsd of tool stock
sheen for al by Robt Vaughsn, six and ons--
half miles eantuf Springfield, Oregon, frios,-
f2 per head
In th Circuit Court of the Stat' of Orefoar
for lane County..
Sirah M Armour, Plalutitf, vs George Ar
Biour, Defeliiliilit
I'n Grorg Armour, Defendant above naml::
Urtgnu you are hereby summoned end re
quired to appear and atmaer the plaintiff's)
c mplaiiit now on til a,'Ai-mt you in the sbov
entitled suit with the clerk of aid court, na or
b for the 21.t ilay of April, 1881, it being th
fimt day ! the uext regular term uf said court
tn be hold m in nui.l county at the Ciuirt Hoi we
in th City ol Eugene, Oregon. Aa l yoa as
ootid d that if you fail to apfiear aad answer
said ooiii'.Uiuu a Uen ili ntninwl the plaintirl
will apply tu the coa. t for tue re lid deuia&deib
in Ail. I complaint, to wit- for a decree of said
court ' Inci.ving the the umrrim mntract nown
exiain: betweeii ik-feu.Utut aud that plnintifl
have the onntmly and coutn4 i4 Hi-nr ' O Ar
ui nir, the minor nun 4 pJaiutilf ami ilefemhinty
lor the cmU an I (bruirn uieuta of nakl iiiit
Publinhxi iu the Kugeue City Guard news'
paper fi rnlx oieinecutive and succennivs weeka
by ur.h r uf Hon It S Pwitii, Ju.l of mid onart
which older in lUtWd ti. 14th day of February,
St a a ii ah ft UiLYif, Atty for Ftsintif.
Tax Notice.
wg j; (ai,.wiug iersons sre an
L .e"stt?T irfacu'P- for taxes:
( V--viiiict , Luug tout ana niuhantsoei
t H Haber.
l?rMau-Hll -taHOroM I. tilltrT-
i'nttu:s tirovs Loroh rin
rh.rilfai.d Tax Cnllsctor,
rutcd Jan irl8V