The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 02, 1884, Image 5

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Butiful winter.
party will bt givn t Lant't Hall, Febru
ary 14th.
Dry goods something new. Call ud see
them et Friendly'.
Phetographs Gitialiatl neatly and artis
tieally at Winter's.
Mr Henry Kissinger U reported ehk with
the jnumps at Irving.
A fin lias of (ilk plushes in all shade
ad grade at F B Duuu'.
A fall auortment of ladies, misse anil cliil
diet ndrwar at Brttman.a.
Eagen Hook k Ladder Co No I meet
t their hall next Monday evening.
The Priueville Naws hs again made its
appearance. It is a splendid paper.
Frehtand fluent groceries, cigar and
aedies at Swift k Cu'i. Trythein.
If yo want a good eewing machine at n-a-enable
pricei, call on K R Lackey k Co.
The largest end finest lot of genti, boy
aid youths clothing and underwear, just
teeeived at Friendly'.
Mr 8 H Friendly hoi just received the lnr.
feet iavoioe of carpet ever brought to Eiiirene
City. Ghst him a call.
G the Star Hotel, F.ugene City, Oregon,
to get a good square meal fur 25 ets, J P Al
lison, proprietor.
S3d J W Webb, of Australia, will preach
at the Christian Church, in Eugene, Sunday
morning, Feb 3d.
. W are glad to aninunce that Mr Win.
Preston's health is much improved, and all
danger is thought to be passeiL
Portland was treated to a fall of nearly
fonr inches of nw list Saturday. None
fell in thi portion of the valley.
The regular mating, of the W C T V will
ht hel I on next Ve In I v at 3 P M. in the
baaement of the Presbyterian church.
A gentleman resi ling on the Middle Fork
Sad a pet deer in town one day this week try
ing to sell it, but could fin I no purchaser.
The suit between Mr Bain-hman, of Pleas
ant Hill and Mr K Callin ha liceo ccunn -tnised
by the former paying the latter $100.
Samii beautiful town lots nicely In 'ate I
or sale cheap. Call early ami gut a bargain.
Geo M. Mili.eii,
Real Estate Aent.
Mr F M Wil'tiiii has just received from the
factory a Matheu-diek parlor grand piano.
Those wishing instruments would do well to
consult him.
If you want anything in the hardware line
it will pay you to cail at the ttre of Smith
A Cox They sell i;ood in their line cheaper
than anv other house i i t'W".
W received a cnmn'micition this wiek
headed "Eugene Sifting." No co'innnica
tions a- p ihl:s'id by this papr unless t V
Kant of the author i kn uv i to t.V litne.
M-no the above communi stion U enn ,-uu I
to the v. t bosket.
Dan W Base I as aim st re nvore I from
bis sickness und rvlipse. He was o:i the
trees again yeoter lay, and U now wonder
in how oii! it will be before the lr. will
permit him to ri-Mirn tn the University at
Enzenr. Salem S iiteaman.
Lvt Sun lav a V ! gentlem in was arrest
ed fir disturbing l.'ie services ut the
M K Church, and M m lay w.i tine I $10
a I cuts by Re-orl r Callismi. Th yo'inj
man in q isttio.i h u always b.irnn a g d name
nd thi bain his first arr'jt, ws wit i 41 hit
name from pnblication.
The trustees of Spencer Butte Lodge, I () O
F, ef this city, h ive lurg iln-id for the James
Humphrey property on Wdlamitte street tor
the sum of $2,00). The props-ty has a front
g of 3) fit Oni of the trustee has also
bargained for the fourteen fo it lot jut north
forth su u of $jV), It is thi intention ol the
lodge, we learn, to h ild the property until
uch time as thev dedr-' tu b aid a new hall
Died, near Junction i'iiy, Jan 20, 1K31,
C, on of H 8 and M J Meek, aed 6 years, 3 1
. .1 J n J
months and 9 days.
Sweet hud of promise snatched away,
In life's first opening lilnmn;
Just tasted of earth's hitter cup,
Then shrouded for the tomb.
Those eyes are closed in death's lant sleep,
And iu that dreamless bed,
They laid him to his quiet rust
With the unnumbered dead.
Fond parents on that marble brow,
Imprint thi long last kiss:
Ah, yes, but ho's an aiile now,
In a brighter land than this.
That child-like voice is heard no more
At the parental hearth,
Aad yon who loved him well, have felt
How frail are joy of earth.
He's with the Savior, who hath shed,
' For him his precious blood;
Who ha le him join the infant train,
And took him home t God.
A Friend.
To Astoria. We understand that Messrs
tie Noland, late of Prinevillt, and Geo A
Dorris, of thi city, hare form el a partner
ahip, and will leave Monday muring for As
toria, where they intend permanently locating
in the ractice of law. The yourg men pos.
a good knowledge of the law and are ac
tive, energetic and reliable. We commend
them to the business men of Asti.ria. We
wish them all the success imtginable in their
new home.
Fikid. lhe p.i,iriet rs of the two China
wash houses were arrested Wednesday and
ined $40 and cost eaoh for giving whisky to
minors but Sunday China New Year. The
Chinamen have appealed the cue to the Cir
cuit Court It is sa I, in le id, to see boys from
10 to 12 year of a'j staggering with drunken
ness through our street, which has beet, the
the ease numerous times during the past few
Sonncx DiurH. AlrF .Vmiinreid die I sud
denly at his houn n-fir Creiwell from heart
disease Ust TnuriJay. He wo about 21 year
Hors Puariisa. .lr S H Friea lly, dur
ing th w has p archived about 301 bale of
hop. Tae pricj iai I was 17 eeuts per suniL
Fl!ED. A young man named Hay was sen -
tenced to ei,'ht days in the city jail, one day
thi week, lit assaulting a C.iinaman.
Crow, Lane Co. Oregon, Jso S7, I884.
Kditob (.laku. It may l interesting to
om of tha reader of yoar valaabl aH.r
to liaro that the Winter term ot schmd in
district No 31. ably conducted by Prof (' II
Hale, was closed on the 23th inst. Th
cloiiog ceremonies were witnessed by quite a
number of tuectator. There were thirty,
live scholar enrolled, the average attendance
being good, lieit spellers, first class, Misso
Caroline Kurge and Loretta .Stove. is a tie;
best speller in 21 vlast, Kddy Holland; best
speller in 3d claes, Samuel Holland. A'
were suitably rewarded by the teacher.
Recitation and dialogues, both amusing
and sentimental, to the number of ab ut
tweuty-Kve, were recited with credit to the
s eakers and actors, followed by an able ad
dress ou Education, delivered by the teacher.
A few friendly remark and highly coinp i
uientary and deserving resolutions were
offered by Mi Josie Holland, a follow:
ViiKHK.i, All the clause have done well,
and some of the tcholar have learned f-st;
Therefore be it
Hksolvki), That much praise is due our
teacher for the able and impartial manner
in which he has conducted this school, ami
we heartily tender him our thanks for hi
kind aud patient attentiou during the term.
Upon motion of Willie Jones, the above
resolution was adopted, and was gracefully
accepted by the teacher with appropriate re
marks. Prof Hale ha taught three or four tenus
of school in thi district, and is justly en
titled (o this mark of repect tendered him
by his pupil.
To Mr George Belshaw.
Editor GfAiti), Sir: -I will make one more
proposition to Mr UeUhaw for a wheat and
flour contest We may learn from Mr lietshaw'a
letter in the (iL'Alti) that he will have nothing
to fear in thu content that I prnpiie, I well
know that he ha expeiiiuented largely with
many varieties of of wheat, and ha been the
winner iu numerous tests, if not in all cases
where he has offered or accepted them. One
reason why I wish for a wheat and fl ur con
tent with him is to try to raise the grade of
wheat and flour by a coinpuri nn of the same
with his. I Would use in such couipaiisou a
variety of wheat I obtained of him, and one
that 1 think is much superior to the little club
t'clu-rally grown east of the Cascade mountain.
I am quite sure Mr lielnhaw wi'l aooept my
proposition, and if iu Join,' so we cm rai-e the
grade of our wheat, II the honor shall hi
awarded to him. I uj.vpt the 'u points to lie
pused iihiii by t te j.l 1,'c.h of t'M wlmtt, and
will add an additional one, viz, weight per
tiushct. My proposition to Mr ticUlimv i, 1
will contract and hi; a car hud of wiieat, of
one variety an I of my own roion;, t'i the
alilwa.ikn null" or the Oregon City mills, nn I
.Mr iiel.Hii i cju da the same and I giant him
the privilege o( naiuiu,' the mills. If Ratis-In.-.-'ry.
tue iu;ll r can he one of the j ld,'es,
-it IJ :U t i v iu ly s' 1 -.-t one and 1 wd
4' le. t!l- tiiird; ail tliree to c i upris.i a boaril
1 1 -le -I le Ui "I o nil ni aLr'e in irits ol t ie
wheat in competition f r Ik-( q iaiiti.-s. F u
the flour contest, I propine t!i:it we send "lie
b.tnel of il mr eajli, mnauutin to t-v.i hirrels
to the ba'ter at IWtlan 1 wlioin we may select
to ttst and de.'ide upon the two varieties, us to
which is the and moatdenira le for making
into bread.
Very respectfully yours,
,f. W. Dl'NCAX.
Lost Valley Items.
Jan 2S, 1884.
Mr It hinder started for Pendleton last
I'hurxdiiy on Im-iinoss.
Mr ) S lluuaker talks of going to the
t'neur d'Alooe mine iu the Spring.
We are sorry to hear that Undo Thomas
I'oiicy is talking of selling out and returning
to Missouri.
We are pained to Ilea-that Mr and Mrs
Preston of Kugouu, lost their child by that
dread disease, scarlet lev r. They have the
heartfelt ympathy of their many friend iu
this valley.
We understand that Mr lieu Ward in-
, , . ,.elllletm,
There i considerable talk of building a
biiilge across Lont Creek at tho ford. It is
badly needed during the Winter month.
S think the county ought to help build it.
Fisticuff at Cottage Grove.
Cottaok .tRnVK, Jan 27, 1331 .
Editor Guard. Please publish the fob
lowing; "A little listiculT took place in this
town last Saturday between John Spray of
thi place, and Mr Geo S Washburne of
Eugene City, which resulted in Spray get
ting hi proboscis considerably bruised. We
must say, that while we do not admire such
action, yet we must say, "bully" for Wash
burue. Come again and do s good, and we
will furuisb board while you itay in these
A Cottage Gr ive Citizen.
Transfkhrko. John F Hemeuway, of
the Signal Corpse, United State Army, who
was recently stationed at Spvkaue Fall, is
now in the city. He ha been transferred
from the Spokane Falls station to Fort
Cauby, and will leave in a day or two for
hi new home. Mr Hemeuway is a young
man possessed of m re than ordinary talent,
and can claim a large number of friends
Portland News. Johnny was a student in
the Slate' University at one time, and is
deserving of sui-ces-.
ExciianukI). In lg' I'hiniipson has traded
is ranches ou Hay creek t; A Dunham for a
faun iu Line county. Mr D ha bought
the Judge' pi use, and will soon move to this
county to reside, He has been one of the
most successful fanner of the valley, and
will become one o' our substantial uitueus.
Prineville Nr.
RETmxE. -"Miss A,'uas M.-Crac'c re
turn! to Eugene Tuesday, from her trip to
Sa Francisco with her brother to visit rel.i-
1 lives. Johnnie remained, and is now a disci-
ide of llryant k Strattou in Ueald's Busiuc s
; College, San Franc'ico.
Cottage Grove Items.
rnosi ocr spkcialcorhkkpondknt.
Jan. 30, I8S4.
Mr Dr Whiteaker is quit ill.
Mi Mattie Carey is quite tick.
Mr Whit iowdy visited Eugene last wek.
Mr Thornton ha been very tick but i
somewhat better,
Mr J .M Medley ha been tick fol several
day with pneumonia.
Mr Wharton of Eugene, came up to visit
his old home this wek.
Messrs Geo Washburne, E R Luckey and
Sheriff Campbell of Eugene, were in our city
U-t week.
Mr A J Uabb ha beeu absent from our
city for several day but will be back toon,
we Are glad to learu.
Mr R W Veatch had hi (boulder dislo
cated one day last week by a limb falling
from a treo he w chopping.
Mr James McFarland' little girl had her
hand badly cut by an ax in the hand of
another little girl, htr cousin.
Mr George Washburne aud Mr John Spray
had a slight altercation here Saturday, which
resulted in Mr Washburne having to pay a
line of $2 aud cost.
Mr Robert Carey has actually traded his
ranch ntT thi time to Mr J S Martin for hi
blacksmith shop and other town property.
Mr Willisrd Martiu traded for the farm of
MrJS Martin.
A sail accident occurred a few mile west
of here lost Saturday. It appear that two
brothers, Nathan and Isaac Domewood, were
iu the mountains buntiug and were to meet
at a certain point. Isaac got. there aud sig
naled. Nathan just then aw a deer and
failed to answer thinking to ahoot, but Isaao
aw the same deer; he saw also, soon after,
N'atham' leg, and thinking they were the
deer liind, the ball passing through both
legs below the knees. Isaao had to leave
his wounded brother and eek aid to carry
him in, the oearot, being hi relative, about
three miles distant The wounded man
crawled about half a mile while hi brother
was gone, s he bjovne very cold. The
wounds are doing well.
A rex.
Pull Down the Blind.
Tney were sitting al -lie in a parlor iu
Eu.'eue when she sweetly rem irked:
"Gouge, dear, can you tell me why it is
that tiie inuri-e of true love UeVer runs
"It does run smoothly, darlinir," said
tienrge, panioiiately. "What niuld be more
nionlli than our true I ivh?''
"And love is blind, is it not?" she went
"Ves, it is said to be blind," replied
Gerge, wondering what be was trying to
get a:.
"Weil, I tell you why trno love never
runs sin Hitiily," and aim loo ted at the'
nt his cat as if sue. would I ke to go to sleep
there. "1. ive is Mind, an I instead of help
iug the blind it is considered the proper
thiol! to pull down the blind."
(ieorte acted upon tot. blot an I pulled
town the blind.
Irving Items.
Jan 31,188'.
Subscription papers ire in iru plenty than
money here of lute.
T t Clear Lake neighborhood propose to
build a new church and school house. Good
for tl em.
A certain man in thi J village sucked eigh
teen ejigs, after, which a collection was taken
up and a new cap was bought for him.
Glass ball shooting is the source of nn
little amount of sport among the boys hors of
late. They (boot every Saturday afternoon,
Lkcturk To-Nkiht James W Webb, of
Australia, and mure recently of California,
w II deliver a lecture at the Court House
to-night (Saturday), on the subject of tem
perance, instead of Friday as announced last
week, the change having been made to
allow him to deliver an addresa before the
Itlue Ribbon Club at Albany by special re
quest. He will speak at the Christian Church
on Sunday at II o'clock, at the C P Church
to the I'aml of Hope at 4 o'clock, and again
at night at the Presbyterian Church. We
bespeak for hi.n a good hearing a he come
highly recommended a a public speaker.
Fifty Cknts a Letter. It cot 50 cts
each for every leltor brought in or taken out
of the Covur d'Alene mine. Thi tariff is
assessed by theca rier who vibrate between
Eagle and Cur d'Alene citie respectively.
It i stated that the boy write ou tissue
paper, wheu they can get it, iu order to tend
as much a possible. Many in the mine
deem t emselves fortunate, however, to get
any tort of paper to write on.
Died. At the residence of Mr H C Per
kins, near thij city, Jan 27, 1 83.1, of brain
fever, James Stewart, aged 21 year. He
came to this county about the 14th of JSov,
and had been working for Mr Perkins since
that date. I'.efore he died he stated that he
had a brother living at Iowa City, Iowa, aud
another at Visalia, California.
" Notice. Simple death announcements
wil be published in the Guard free of
charge. Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at the A'ate o
live cent per line. No deviation from thi)
rule in the future.
. Nkw Saw Mill. See the advertisement
of the MeMsr Pritchttt Bro. proprietors of
the Coyote saw mill. They are prepared to
furnish a'l kimL) of lumber at reasonable
rates, Contractor eiecially should get
figure nu large order.
"Ma ix a Maze" Combijatio. Thi
trmpe played at Laue's Hall last Monday
1 aud Tuesday evenings. The tint night a
I large audience was present bat o the second
eveuiig only about fifty attended. The
trnpe is considered (air.
Real Ejtata Transitions to." January
J C Wallace to W D Wallace, I'.W acres;
consideration 1147.
Marion Wallace to J C Wallace, 201 acre;
con $100.
W H Hayden to -I K Davis, land; eon $S9&
T W Sheltoi to M M Gillespie, lots in I'.ir
gem; en SIO.
M A Bounds to P A Bounds, 210 acres; con
Amelia R Comb and Phoebe R Kinsey to
Chester D Combs, lot iu Eugene; con $2.V).
M J Hellcfar to N A W Howe, land; coa
Frank M Coleman to II C Owens, lot in
Eugene; con $2900.
S B Knox to S L Knox, lot in Cottage
Grove; con II.
Win Shields to S I) Knox, lots In Cottage
Grove; con $100.
Wm Shields to M J Vatch, lota in Cottage
Grove; con $100.
E and Amos Dunham, to J a Holt, lot in
Springfield; con $1200.
R II Haztelon to Scott Chrisman, lot in
Cottage Grove; con $133.
L Cruzan to M D Wood, 3 acre; con $516.
Geo Humphrey and wife to J as Humphrey,
100 acre; con $1.
Joel McOoinack to J J Riffle, lot in Eu
gene; con $250.
C II Sslwell to John Reel, 133 acre; con
P ,T Baughmau to D C Baughman, 80 acre;
con til).
J H Moore to T C Judkins, 83 acres; con
5C5. ;
' J H D Henderson to Geo M Milter, lot in
Eugene, cod $125.
S Renlrn to H H Uazleton, lot in Cot tag
Grove; con $250.
P Mossey and wife to W A Kelley, 1C0
acre; con
M Kelly to W A Kelly, 60 acre; con 150.
H R Kineaid et al to Ella M Gale, land; con
N L Packard et al to T W Shelton, lot in
Eugene; con $1.
T G Childer to E L Maupin, 100 acres) con
S Z and L J Paxton to B C Dunn, 334 acre;
con $3509.
Jesse Simmons and M L Wilnint to Geo E
Lyne, lot in Spriiuftjld; con $CM.
Jacob Gillespie to Tho Belshaw, 118 acres;
con $000.
M L Hendricks to Jas Wilhelm, 19 acres;
con $250.
Chas McFarland to J Han Isaker, laud; con
I and Geo Smith to Henry Spores, 1 aero;
con &i3.
Jacob Wortman to W II !.k, 80 acres, con
E K Haft to E K nn I W V Henderson, lot
in Ku,'ene; con $lui).
Roht Oallison and W II Btughmin to R M
Callison, laud; con $1.
U S to Jits Job; patent
O '5 R R to J S 0.m-nt, 32 acres; eon
V S to T S Riddle, 30 aores; patsnt.
N Hull to JO lliebj, lot in S;irin,'lield; eon
U8hi Wm G.illiford: patent.
If S fr A L II itnphrey, patent
l n to M u t i'lit; patent
( ! il It to I' II Kl ler, 4 acre; con $0).
H.ivev & .1 imphrey toO & C It R, right of
Way; con .U0J.
Hovey .It Humphrey, riirht f way; con $125.
II 11 luinui 1 et ut to Geo S Kineaid, 3 acres;
con 1,
li U Kincaiil et al to Nancy Riddle, 3 acres;
enn $1.
Several different parties to M A Bounds,
laud; cn (I.
Amelia K Com In to J W II irrii. land; con
T Belknap 1 1 h I'i h.u jrson, lot in Eugene;
con $10.).
If Sartz t 0 ' li it, ru .t of way; con
S Norman to OU I. II, right of way; con
H Swart to 0 A C II 11, right of way; con
M I'arley to O & C II H, right of way; con
C W Washburne to O C R R,ri;;htof way;
con $31.
Jas Howard to 0 4 C R U, right of way;
con 2)0.
U S to ('has Belihtw; patent
M M Ellis to L J Paiton, land; con $4,-
U S to M I. Bates; patent
St John Skinner to O and C R R, right of
way; con $200.
E P Coleman to 0 and C R R, right of
way; con $1.
J B Underwood et al to 0 and C R R,
right of way; con $3000.
U S to Byron Ellinaker; patent
U S to J I, Jameson; patent
A Wachenheimer per Sherd to Joseph
Sternberg, iand; con $112.
Junction City Items.
Jan 31, 1884.
We expect to have a new restaurant soon.
W 11 Baber talks of building a new ware
house next Summer.
Some one hod the kindness to label our mar
shal one day this week by putting a large
placard on his back.
J W Webb delivered two splendid temper
ance lecture here on Wednesday and Thurs
day evening.
The party of young folk that gathered at
W M Houston's residence lost Suuday to wit
ness a marriage ceremony, were disappointed,
They "got left"
Two of the town boy had a Sght last Tue-
day night which ended rathei seriously. Th
boys, Roacoe Hendricks and Dan Caldwell,
have been "at out" for some time. It appears
that at first Dan got the worst of the row, but
Rooe turning round, Dan came up behind
him and itabbe I hiiu in the back with a pocket
knife. The wound is a very serious but not
fatal one. Nothinj has been done with Dan.
Mr Randall and Mis Hood were married at
the residence of Mr Tom MofTut, iu thi city
List Sunday. Rev Mr Houston tied the knot.
May happiness and prosperity attend them
through the journey of life.
G. H.
Lecture Appointments.
Will C Kiiu, G A Counselor and Grand
Lecturer, I 0 G T, will speak at th following
plaoe in this county as follows: Siuslaw
' Crow school house, Feb 6th and 7th; Cottage
Grovt, 8th; Cressw-11, Uih an I 10th; Pleasant
Hill, 11th and 12th; SpriiuSsld, 13th; Camp
i Creek, 14th an I 15ih; Mabel, 10th; Mohawk,
! 17th.
' Watch Psesemation. A Kugme f.-iend of
A N.dtner, editor of the Standard, presented
bins Thursday with a handsome and viluabl
gold wateh as a token of ctcem. It is a tmal
time ider. hut Is accurate anlre.-y envtftient
,to eirry. - Suodird.
A oolumn devotrtI to the interest of the
Laurean and EutaaiiMl Literary rfovieties, ami
the State University.
Anna Patterson Editor".
Brief Items.
The F.utaxian will give an open session
toon, riiit is not a "false alarm."
Lizzie Kanoff nee Cogswell, an old time
Eutaxiau, i quite sick at present iu thi
The Truiteo of the Corporation held a
meeting last week for the purpose of select
ing book.
Charlotte Roberta, a former student and
Eutaxiau, visited the tociety two week
The latest style of "cook apron" is now
displayed at Hendricks k Brattaiu' estab
lishment If you know how to spend les than you
get, you have the "philosopher' stoue."
Sarah Chrisman, one of the Normal gradu
ate of last year, is teaching s-diool at the
Cove, Union county.
Geo Williams, a former student of the
University, has left for Norwark, Conn, to
finish his college course.
"Four things come not back- The spoken
word, the, sped arrow, the past life and the
neglected opportunity."
The names of Leona Edward, Rena Mo
Phorson and Anna Wooley were proposed
for membership in the society last week.
Will wonders never cease? A member of
the Greek class lately discovered that bis
name is derived from a Greek verb. What
will happen next?
The question, "Resolved, that our army
and navy ought to be increased," will be de
bated by the Liurean next week, Leaden'
J H Barkdoll ami A 8 Mulligan.
Nannie Tiy lor, an old student who ha
beeu teaching for some tiin,, i at present in
Eugeue visiting her sister and brother who
are attending the Uuivoraity.
(ieo Nolaod, a graduate of the clas of '80,
who hu beeu engaged iu the practice of law
at Prinovill for the past year, has returned
to Eugene to visit his numerous friend and
The question, "Resolved, that the State
ought to provide for the free educatiou of
all children within it borders," will be de
bated by tho Eutaxiau next week. Lead
ers, Anna Midgely and Kate Powell.
"The harp his sole remaining joy,"
U as dearer to him fiau t'b tstma toy;
Study no more distressed hi brain,
When woke the wild, enchanting strain.
"The harp his sole remaining joy,"
Wm stolen by a hoodlum boy;
How will he wake the toft refrain?
How will be soothe hi wearied brain?
Now is the time when the student avoid
that part of the hull where the bulletin
board stands, and if obliged to pass it, turn
their head iu the opposite direction for fear
they may see their names announced for
rhetoncals iu the auditorium on tome uear
The question, "Resolved, That at civiliza
tion a Ivan :cs man becomes more selfish,",
was debated' by the Eutaxiuut last week.
The allirmatiye was lead by Emma Beau and
the negative by Oiie Walton, and after quite
an interesting discuuion the decision was
rendered by President Moor iu favor of
the negative,
A phantom professor i the latest novelty
at the University. N i toouer does one of
the professors leave hit roo n a moment, than
this ghostly pursonage takes his place aud
carries on the lecita'ious until the professor
returns, when it iinmodiatuly fade into air
and disappears.
A certain freshman of the geometry class
i the proprietor of a bewitched geomttry
Thi book possesses the property of stating
one tiling while the owner is studying it,
but, when after hours of patient study he
memorizes the proposition and puts it on the
board, n investigation always disclose that
it ha changed and states something entirely
different. There is talk of placing thi book
among the "Seven wonders of the world,"
One day last week invitations were issued
by the President to about twenty students
to visit hiin at hit room at half past one
o'clock the tame day. All invited promptly
obeyed the summons, aud those uuiuyited
toirowed (?) and wondered why they had
been slighted. After being eutertained for
tame time the meeting broke up and they all
left with the determination to begin their
third study early the next morning.
An Unfortunate Benefactor.
Much regret is expressed by student of the
University for the financial misfortunes of Mr
Villard. He will long be held in grateful re
memberauce for hi many act of kindness and
bis generosity towards us. His helping band
relieved, at a critical moment, an indebted
nesa which endangered the existence of our
college, lie pam me exi'nuse oi aiiwioiuoiuu
(. WW . !,.! J.ll.l I
profearship, which now should bear his name.
He kindly furnished money to be divided
among worthy students, at a atimilustostu ly.
He donated liberally for the purchase of books
wherewith to fjiund a Uuiversity library. For
thtaj and other kind and U-nevoleut acts, he i
duly reinrniliered. And now tlust his financial
embarrassment have stripped him of bis
wealth, we should remember and honor him
the mort.
Shade Trees.
Now when the subject of planting out shade
trees in the Uuiversity campus is again agita
ted, we hop the opportiuiity uf the incoming
Spring will not be allowed to pass unimproved.
Thi l-eaiitiful site might be made vastly in ire
beautiful with a little attention iu this way.
After a few year uf decorative growth, how
ii viting might become the geu rol appearance
of the whole graia b.
If citizens fail to comply with thit request
at now given, another year should not be al
low to pa- witfcout an outlay of tome rn.-r.ey
by those iu charge, to secure this much needed
A Popular Demand.
A waut of the old "four year' oours" I be''
ooniing more and more apparent A large
numlier of student now in attendant, will
never take tho six year term, which is st
present reojulred, and a there ut no shorter
course, Will consequently withdraw to graduate
elsewhere, This will be a lots to the Univers
ity which It can poorly afford. While it it
plant tlmt tlie old conrto should again be
adojited RAil probably, also, aft English on of
like duration, we would not disturb the six
years term", but leave It for those who prefer to'
take It A fef may wish to prepare for pol-'
tions requiring an exteuded preparation, snd
this oprsrrtunitv will thereby remain to them.
But the many with other prisjptct iff life be
fore them want no such attainment To them
it is a ("ead lists of time, energy and meansy
Therefore, let us have the "old four year
cnurse" again; also, s p"(rely En-lish courts
of like length of time. They are greatly needed
to meet the wants of the publio at Urge,
Under such reconstruction, it is plain our
State University can soon become popular and
prosperous the pride uf the State and the
favorite of the people.
Hunting Expedition.
Several of our enterprising citizens conclud
ed lost Wednesday that the market of thi
city should have a supply of game, so after
making several contract to supply different
parties, preparations wer mail for a trip'' to
the raging waters of the Long Tom. Humph
rey, a banker of renown, aud Mark, the bar
ber and equestrian, procured a couple of fiery
steeds and also filled the larder uf th compa
ny with a full supply of nsuessary edibles, to,
etc, eta After having th home hitched up
Humphrey mounted the seat and with all the
style of a '58 stage driver requested the person
who gave the "Eipiine Marxadox" entertain
ment to take the seat beside hiia. Doth were
dressed in regulation hunting suit, and
wore the new style of dud hat. The banker
commanded the hotses So go, at the same time
giving them a push on the Hum, but they
would not budge an Inch. Aftsr a tiia the
burses began rearing and jumping, when the
barber commenced exclaiming, "for God'
sake, don't let them get ia the shop," as
he had gone out of the show busiotss. At
about this juncture the barber said he wanted
1 1 tee a man down th street and he deserted
his friends. After nuotbtr trial at pushing
the steeds the banker remeinliereJ that he
hadn't made his will aud to he retired, a wiser,
but not prouder man. Luckily for th beyt that
admirable jehu, Mr Ed MoClanahan happen-
peued along and took aaarge of the team and
drove them aliout the streets, whea said yaung
men's bravery returned and they took charge
aud managed to start after several hour hard
labor. They arrived at their destinatiuation
iu due time, and after partakiug pleutifully of
a sumptuous repast, seasoned with a quantity
of "cold tea," proceeded to hunt for lotnsthing
tokllL l he banker mjved cautiously sway
aud planed a lot of decoys in th creek, unbe
known to the hair dresser, In a short time th '
barber espied them, anil after creeping hun
dred yards throuith the mud he discharged the '
content of the gun into the decoy. - (The
gun wo loaded with blank cartridges. The
blocks of wood not taking to their wing he
reloaded and fired two more charge, but
without alarming thtm. Then he waded into
the creek, thinking that he had wounded
them, when lo and behold he discovered the
trick, The following Is the score of the parties
as reported:
1 blue jay.
2 Jugs "beef tea" (empty). m
1 crow (found dead).
1 empty cigar box.
5 wooden decoy.
3 can "cold tea" (empty). '
1 "mud lark" (hog).
The boys arrived horns Thursday miming
bringing a new horse, It li supposed that
tney killed one of the original animals, and
aud hired another.
A farmer bos just left a notice at this office
of s horse having been stolen from' hi barn
Wednesday night and offering $25 reward for
th conviction of the partie. .
Latham Items.
Lathah, January 31, 1884. .
Mr Comstock has been running hi mill a.
few day.
Wad Martin baa rented and moved to the
Alex Spare farm.
Sheriff Campbell and Geo Washburne wre
in Latham this week.
W W Shortildg ha damage repalted to.
dam ami 1 tawing again.
The Winter' freshets hrve dons i consider'
ble damage to J P Taylor' farm.
Our enterprising citizen, J B Rouse, of th .
firm of Rouse Bros, was in Latham recently. .
The three mills above Latham on Coast.
Fork are cutting tie for Whipple Bros.
Th wild or domestic animal have made a .
raid ou D B and W J White' sheep.
Widow Powell and three children . left u.
thi week to become resident of Fleuaut.
HilL Congratulations are now in order.
Judging from the past it will b necessary in.
serve u injunction ot. mill men to prevent
them from throwing slalx in the stream, a,
they have much to do iu forming liars snd in.
changing currents of the stream, thereby dam-
aging farms tlirougn wmcn it, passe.
Mr II Lee Wallit. who bat bee attending,
the Portland rliisineas College, for everal.
mouth past, returned b one last Saturday,
We acknowledge a pleasant call Thmrdsy
from Mr A S Dunniway, editress erf the New
Northwest Mr D w.t returning, home from,
atrip to .southern Or Jgon where the had been,
in theintere-'t of the Suffrage Amendment,.
Mr Win Stoops, of Springlield, left lor the
Cotur d'Alene mines last Wednesday. Mr
.John Laird left for the tame place Thuraday..
Wo hope both the ger tleinen will ttrtke it
rich in Uio uew "diggings."
Change in Fir -Mr Geo Craw ha sold
his interest in the firm of Swift k Co lo Messrs
CD Comb and Geo Swift and the firm nam
changed to CmoU Swift Th firm
i cominsed of exiwri-nced businea men and
deserve a liberal thare U tha publio patron-
J aire. Mr Craw still reta ils the agenej et
tW-l's, Ksrg,i L