THE EU3EMI CITY GUARD. 8ATUKDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1854. Dcmirraiic S'.tU Ctitral CommiUee. A meriting of tho Dmotrat StaUj Ceutral Cotnmittw of the State of Ore- gon i hwbjr called to l lit'ld t the Citjr of Portland, on Tlia radar, February H, 1884 at 2 o'clock P. M. A full tendance ia earnpatly rwtjueateJ. AL. ZIEBEIt, Chairman, at' Tne Holt Cut. Thf acquittal of young Nutt for the killing of Dukea, hii awter'a Ix-trair And hia father'a murdirer, in Pitniwyl vania, will meet th cordial approval of nearly every one familiar with the fact. 1 he deed waa lifted out of the pale of ordinary hoiuicidi and vin dicated a moral law higher than any atatutory ordinnaee. It doea not mat ter whether the acquittal was procured through a plea of innanity or one of jua'.ification. Tho object to I reached was the freedom of the accused. Duke had Itoaated of adducing Nutt'a water had told her father to hia face that he had done ao and adviaod hint to 'Vnd her out of town;" and when the in sulted paent struck Dukea for the out rage, the old gray-haird man wan eliot down; and yet Dukea, after the per petration of thfHo crimes was turned loose upon society The law of Pmii sylvania was not strong enough to punier! a rich seducer and a wealthy murderer. , Ought it to have lieen strong enough to punish the hoy, who smarting under the outrage inflicted upon his family, took the law into his own hands and killed the wretch whom the law had failed to puniidit In do ing so he may have violated the mu nicipal law of lYansyl vania, lut lie vindicated a sentiment of universal humanity, and the conscience of the country will any that the deed was .just The person who is unaMe to ,percieve the distinction between a i homicide committed under such cir- cumstances and those which are the re i.avlt of lawless courses and turbulent ', lives, is scarcely lit, mentally or oth erwise, to pass upon the issues of life r and death. The law is possessed of i sufficient flexibility to let the rich niur doVrer loose, although his soul wa- atuined with a woman' ruined honor and an old man's Mood. We hold i that it will not wear upon the con inanity that it has been found sufli .cieiitly elastic for the boy who avenged those crimes to escape its meidies. A law 'that would acquit Dukes and hang young Nutt would not iu popu .Jan jn a country inhabited by men of ihanor and intelligence, S. P. Exivni itner. Our journalistic brethern are of the .opinion that a IVm Association should ,ta formed in this State. Why not ftftouie paper suggest the date and place f jnoetin'ri Northern Pacific slocks are again advancing rapidly. Dealing in stocks its a worse system of jfvnblinr than tfaro or card playing. Property in and around Portland on rthe "WalUmet" has decreased ill val- ue at least 23 per cent, since Septem iler. The Indians of Yakima valley gathered in $3031) for cattle sold to the butcher during the last season. Couuty politics will soon commence 'boomio;. Candidates are aaid to be plentiful To School District Clerks. Orru x School Si rxsiMTitnixr. 1 EruiM I'iry, Ou, Jar. , lsi I Clark of H hd IHatrh'U failing to receive Idaika for inkins( annual report ran obtain tk'i by calling or aindiag V th office for the ef. It tUKj U Wfll to remind a'l of tb im.w taeci4 a (all a t clear tvmrt to b male irir to tb lt of Mrvb, iu order tn aerur (Jet ipporlJoDUjuU of lb' uMic money. A, W, pATrKBaoS, t'ounty 8npt. H iiu Utely imvl a eircitiar 4n4 v of Lwijou'ity of i.0H eopiee, aa furniah th.4ia fr.9 1 1 ptrtita wU'jili; to rt I tUfiu EiU 1 1 fri U Tb.y fitrui'b wore jufur m tl"tt, taoH a tt iiatoltfraut waat, tkaa ywu ulj writ is a but of 21 pae. I aia alao upti with E. J. U tight 4 Ca, of PoK Vt U-vKt. tli njvit ativ, er,tUe aad iVawuU irtiwd 6na oa th Pacific Ck larti luviag real eaUU to aell il tad U t tlwir alvjiit.e to J t the in urhanda, I aw constantly iaoraaainx my adveiaiaeuiaola, and U1 fudv df rt&iljed Uial Lan county aliajl bat her lir o h iwaii gratioa bound weataard. !, M. MltUS, Hall's YejjrUblt Micilian Hair Raoawer imparts a flu gbtaa auJ frahauUi tluj hair, and i highly reconuiaudjul by phyaniane, Clergynita and acwutiata, aa. a preparatioo aceixupliahing wonderful rrault. It is a a i 1 MIHAllvfii" ilH.lm ff Ma.V'.Bk. , , , , . " i . " ! the .oalp wbiU and , cW. and rwtunpg gray hair to it votjthftil color, Brevities. For food deutistry go to Clark. Bring1 your chickens to Bettman a, Swift t Co. will pay the highest market price for chickens. Go to Swift Ca'a lor (reh Califoraia candies, crackers, to. ' The largest atock of carpet, oil cloth and matting juat received at Friendly'. Swift c Co 'ig'Kxlt are all uew and bought for caah, and are mid cheap for cash. Swift S Co. aril canned (foods, put op tliii rear, a cheap a ca'i be Uiuglit in town, Mr 8 H r'riendly will pay the bigheat aah market urice for wheat. Give him a vail hefore telling your raiu elaewhere. To CariMTOR.-Xoti' la k-iven that all ac counts owing' n Diiut b setthd by rb I, m, aa I intend closing- out my budneaa. All account unsettled at that time will Ugirea attorney for collection. J. W. Matlock. A CAHD. To all who are Buffering from the error and imliacretiona of Youth. nervous weakneM, early decay, lof manhood, Ac I willa-n-l areciiw that will cure you, KKKE OK CHARGE. Thla great remedy was liaooverel by a mis amnarv In Houth America. Send a self. ad' dreeaed enrol e to the Ur.V. Jon Km T. IXNAX, SUtln V. ew YorkUty. NEW ADVEKTISKMENTS COYOTE Si 1 'I PRITCIIETT BItOS. Prop's. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO fimiiah all kiwis of luiuber. dressed or liodrtwed, on th shortest notice at Reasonable Hates. A t.tir .hare of the puulio patronage ia o- lid'ed. Any person desirous f a luriie quantity of lumber for the Hummer trade, can makeaiK-ciul rate by banding' their liilla ill immediately. puircnEn' uuos. P 0 Addresa, Robinaon, lane Co, Oreon. Joshua J. Walton, Attoi iir) -at-LiMV. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. AirHii PRACTICE IN ALL THE M Co. urt of the State. Kiteciul attention iriven to Real Estate. Col- lictinx; Probate matter. C"llwtln all kind of cluiiue against the UlilU-il Mate li vrrinneiit. Ollioj in Walton' hrirk room 7 and 8. Sheriff's Sale. VTOTICE IS HERKHY CIVEN Til ll by virtue of an vx iuntiou duly iia. out of the tiniuit unirt, of tho hUte of tire gnu, for the County ol llenton, by the Clerk thereof, ami to ma ilireutinl mi to-it: Janu ary 17, IS84, upon a judgineot rendered in aid Court, November lit, ISH.'t, in favor of A Cautliorn and Thus K Cuutlioni, partnero loing buone umler the hrui name of (au. horn & non, ulaiiitillj, atil agmuat III. unit ntarin ami It M M.irn, ileteuilanU, fur the kuiii of four hundred and tiiree (ft(3 00) dollar, U 8 iod coin, and th luither uin of tliirty-niiia .VI KM (-WI'iO) dollar, ikU, an attorney fee of fifty 00) dollar! with accruing coati and Hxueii of le, coin.iriiiiliui( ma to levy uimii aol vll the real nrojieriy herein after ile.crihud, lit-ing the Mine prowrty heruttifore attached in tin action, a follow, to-wits The 3 K i of N W . the E i of the S W 1 of the N J, and S W 1 ol the N K J, and the N iV 1 of the S E . and the N K 1 of the S W . and tho K J of the N W I of the S ol .Sec 10, I l.i ,S, It 5 ent, con taiuiiig JJlHI acre of land, in l.mie County, Oregon, to mtiify aaid jildKiuent, with inter eat thereon at the r.ite ol i per cent (tor annum front the Itftli day of .November, IS3, ooit, attorney fee, and voniuiij cut. Now, therefore, by virtue of laid execu tion I did on the '.".'d dny of January, 1831, levy upon the alxive deaurib d real property, in l.ane Couniy, 0ngon, and to tatiafy (aid judKiiiont, iutervtt, coata, attorney fei and accruing eoiti, I will tell the bove deacribed real pMiierty at publie auction, to the hikh eat bidder, for caah in hand, at the Court Hniiae diMir iu Eugene City, Lane Couuty, liregoii, ou Taenday, the 2th dy of lbr ry nsi, at the hour of 2 o'clock p in of aaid day. J. It. CAMPIiELL, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, Dated Jan '.'li. IS84. , Tax Notice. rilAX PAYERS AliE HEREBY N0TI X lied thai the fallowing penoui are au thoriaed to receive and receipt for taie: r r Junction, Long loin and Kichardaon -W lUber. Creuwell tieore LOilfry. Cottage (inive Lurch Bro. J K. CAMPBELL, Sheriff and Tax Colla tor . Dito.1 Jan 19, ISM. NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT. VuTICEH HERE11Y (5 IV EN THAT ll That R It Hut, almlnUtruti.rof th tale of IbaH-a StH,helia ilecetawl, haa 6lel hia final account of the a.lniiiiitrti.n of aaid -tate; and that Monday, the 3d day of March, lS4 ha been act hv nnlr nf tha nxinli oaurt, of I Mt county, Orevim, for hearing the am a. lUd thi 9th d.iy .if January. ISM. It. II. HAYS. AdminUtrator, Gtu II t Uso. A. l)RKia, Att.Tieva. AT ALL HOUES Chris Marx, Prop. JAKrlKR SHOP AM) HATH ROOM, J5 nt, Mtrt. two. I . ortk,ei Lb. l, CUrle H.4k Eugtn. Orv BATHS Tr4i '"t a Oa r; (WIIU ISE3T-T0NIC- :.t::: ;c:.'::?stjr:skkiio it. -.V.n. .o tna with pnt a rlmx'.'-e-hl !. .H u.VWmm. Ia-iu. kill ... itiif w.u euuipwuiy It a li:.j..u.u. rUuMi. l-'V ot ttl T. i! .:it I :i r , ...... II atr -nn u 1 1 n.uacu-, auu Iff I) jmr.c. , It. j: 4 t"-r-.rv ra a. iou,wuuui- 1I..'U'' .:. I..U lb.ia.-u.ia, .nuiiuiu- . ail a i '. "i'"- , , ill. u.i .aMiao.a f..r of women. : I r II i:-i'ia ImiIiii -ililai !!. I(.jiii : i-Oiire tie titl'i. aau r I.I a.optri II !l. -"ai'ia.-tf- ifati... i i. . Ot r..-.rf:ir.aid Ih.-aiartnillaUf'i' -A InA. ' and lklUiUi. nk :r"1'.i' illlllir'll'l0''tl"'. .... 1-hya .-una aii I ruMl taal-nracnminaiiil Itlcr IiUnnitu-nt few.. Wa"t af imU-. of; tr.-:i.-l!i, Im W V ' cr"Te rnn'nt ra ahiva tra'l mark r l . r.-A iv.l iuia'nrai:r. 'lalan ouer. W ;4 't ty r.l'Q" l lirin GILLESPIE kO3KW03D, PRO'S. 11 TILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON Y a full aupply of Beef, Mutton, Pork & l" ' "Veal Which they will aell at the loweat market price. . A fair hare of the public patronage ia aolii-ited. TO THE FAUMERS:-- We will nav the liL'ht market price for fnt i-jttle. Iiivja and aheen. Shop on WilUmett street, Euvene City. . Oreiron, ' ,lulli.1 f. anv li.irt ill tha rltV flee ' of char -e. MICE TO CREDITORS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t 'liarl.-a K Hyera liaa made an aii;ii meut of hia f"p.-rty to Aaron Lurch, for 'lie iM iielit of hie creditor. Ail p.-raone are hereby notiliod to preaent their cl.ini", under oath, to the uudcraiued aaainee within three niiMitha troni tha date of tliia notice, at hi) (tore in Cottage lirove, (jine Couuty, Urt'K ui. Aaiiom I (i it. 'if. Aa-ignoe. Dated this 20tli day of Deo., 183.1. SI'CCtasoM TO THE Lane Co. Mercantile As sociation. We wnulil announce tn the citirens of tliU county that havinit pur- h i-i'd the entire i bh'k of iiierxrluudine of tne Lane Co tnty Mercin'.iK Auici:ition couaideralily Mnw the iri'in.i cMt. and ImviiiK' ahled hir.vly thereto by re cent purchaaea lor caah, our atock ia Dow COMPLETE Anii Second to None! In t'da county. We corlially invite a careful examination of our 'tuck, aa we know we can give you atiafaction b V.i ic gitoda and pricei Our Aim is to Sell tne Best Goods hr the Least Money. Cal nd examine our g nda and lie convinced, even you do not wish to purchase. Weal waya take pleaaure in ahowin giiodi and giv inir pricea All kimla of produce taken at highest mar ket rate a. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. f a l E. E. Luekey & Co DRiLtRS IX.- DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, a Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures, PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. , SUCCESSORS To Lucket $ Bristow at the old Ellsworth Store. TOT , t,r. . FILLS TORPJD R3WEL3, DISORDERED LVERf and MALARIA. . Oiaae aOUTCC-a UW Lttiv lOUrtllS 01 C Uiae- of lha tuuiaa race. Tbeo T..r..,.i,..iiiuttbolriutcncj:lVoaj)' , . .1 a.1,1 ,obU eVo.f, 1Meu.m, k-luuri at Ua . .- A CallMaf, Doll iMiin rn" tb ua ofarvmeUytbAt at-U ol rect ly Sn'LheUeee. AJaUurmeUclueTCrri rilXibnoe.jiiL Xbeiractionoatbe K l.luey andSklnUalao prompt j remoTlna; iU lmpuritlea tbrouh the three " enaer trfm." prortuclnf app. tlte.aounO aiireailon, '522'"' aklaaudavifc-oroiubodv. TCTTM PILU chu.8 no nauH. or griptn nor lnterfra with dally work and are a pe rfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. KiaTerriH.a Se. Marr.yeu.N.V. TUTTS HAIR UYE. Gray IUib oa UHiaKKtt eU.ngea In tantly toaUUST Black by a Jingle ap. pacatfon of tbla 1tk. Sold by DruKgUta, ot sent by einre on receipt of 81 . Offl. i. 44 Sturray Bti eat, w York. TtiTT-l MiHUAl Of UStrUL BtCEIPTS fBEL SPORTSSViEN. 5 IFYOLMVANTACHE.VP SHOT GUN or RiHe, come tn Junction City. The un ileri,Tifi can aell you pina from five dollar U two hundred, or to auit the hanl time, AUo all kiuil of AMMUNITION. MIELI S, WADS, CAPS, PRIMERS, CATUIDGES, PELTS. FLASKS, ETC. Come to the near lower end of Junction and aee for yniinwlve. Alao a No 1 cheap farm engine and feed mi'L ' II. F. HEN'DRIf'KS. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oe gun for the County of Ijtue. Oregoniau Railway Coinpa liy, Limited. 1'llf. Action at In" vs. to apprnpiiitie Laura Mnnalii'M, minor, by land lor rilit J W (iriine, yu, j of way. Del. ) To lAiira AlanaKrl.l nod J (Iriinea, Dcft'a. IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OK Ort-g ui yon are hereby euuiinnncd to np liciir in anid CiMirl and anrr the cmiiphiini ot tne id.iiu:iir. 'ilx.l therein on or hefore the lirat il.iy nf the next torin of aiiid Court, to k-t!UU nu I held at Eui-iie City, iu Lun County, St.tfe of Oivijiin, on n it: th. Jlnt day of April, lSSl, j.l.ti nt itl" will t.iKt iuiluineiit for uimt ol un anawt-r, fur the ie- iiuf pruyeil for in the onii.l nut, tnunely: To appropiialu the land iluiciila d in uoinplniut for right of way. It wa onlered hy ilie Jlldife at. the NoVciulier term ol anid Colli'!, ISS.'I, that aervicu ol thia nunini"iia lit- mnli nu the defendant, ltuia .M.-irahi hl, by Kili llCiitloli In tile Kudiie I I'AUH, a neu'nmpi-r iuliliiliei in Mtid county ae. kly, tor aixa-on aecutiva wcrka. v..&u. a. Dociiis. I'lll'a A'torneV. ADMIKISTRATCuS SALE. X' TOTICE H IIEIlEliY fllVEN THAT lii.ilw-r n'ld by virtuiv nf nil irder ol tm-1' mii'y C 'Hi t of lau- County, Oieyou, at ine mcuhir .1 iiiiHry t- no tn red. I V1, in the ii a't-r nf Mir ct.iv "I S inoel II N" artt, dni-ra-a I, tile nil b-iii!iied ii'hiiiiutrn tor nl -.aid entitle, u ill . 1 J . r fur aalr at imhlic anct I at the C.'Ui'l H.uHe ilmir in Eugene City, Oregon, between thu limira of !l o'clia k a in ami 4 o'cloi'k p in, on Mnudiv, the IStli day of I'Vliruary, ISS4. the fullnwiii); de acnlied real property bcloiigiuj; toaaideatate, to-wit: Au iitidividud one-half interest iu and to the lollowinj; descrilicil real prnperty, to wit: ('oiiinienuiiio at tliu S K corner of Sec 2.1. Tlu'S, it 2 W, thenco runniou norl 13.70 elm to si -lit h lineoi Alfred AHeu'adoiia tion claim, tlit-inw W (i .'f'J oln tn E line of Wm Allen' donation claim, thence S to S E corner of aaid claim, thence W on amnh line of aaid claim 2VS." cha, thence N 4V W. to K line of N W i of S W J of bio '.'.'I, thence 8 to S E corner of N W 1 nf 8 W J of aeo '.'.'I, thence W 20.00 clia. thence S to N line of W S Hurley ' donation claim, then ;a E on laid line to N E cor nf aaid claim, thence S 2" 7- ch, thence E tn . W cor of N E I of N K J of ae,. 'Jti, thence X 20. (X) cha, and thencu E 20.00 clu to place of Iw.iiiniiiH, excepting one acre deeded to Scniail District No 42, coiitaiuino 127 acres, mora or less, in Ijine Couuty, Oregon. Terms of aide ranh. K. M. Jackson, Administrator. (5ko. S. Washri'HNK, Attorney. llu, ikw.Ii coetlv. Wek HmA- -r . .i ...nUa tat f a4, XrrttaWUt Of tef fr, JU Smith and Cox, GENERAL DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements. We intend keeping a full lind of first-classFarmingImplements,con- sistingof D. 31. OSBORNE k CO.'S CELEDRATED TWINE BINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; JOHN D0DDS0LD RELIABLE, HOLLINGSWORTH'S, REINDIIlt AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCHUM WAGON; .. . MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., ETC, . . It is our intention of staying here and we guarantee give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal the Northwest. rVarerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite the Guard Office. Pass books, butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Orders taken for special sizes. fclioal and Miscellaneous Baaks. All the st.iinW-l authors ry the volume find is sets Juvenile hooks, SwuMrt an Waverly l.ilrary, Harper M;U::iZlllfS, ttt'. Bible Depository For Lane County. .- Tt! liav. l)i'(Ni irHtinu' i liri't slock of new gotxln anil we have i everything foini'l in a fiivt-class Book Mora. We also have a full slock of GROCERIES APID PROVISIONS! SuccssorH to CALLIS0N. Harness Shop H AVING OPENED A XKW RADDLE went of C rain lUm ., I am now prepared Competent Workmen Aro rniploynd, nnd I will enJeavor to give satisfaction to all aha ma fayoi inn witli a call. A. S. CUIU1IE. FINAL SETTLEMENT. "V-OTICE IS 1IEKEUY GIVEN THAT the UKternii;ned adminiatnttor of the es tate of A. L. Wyim, ileceaaeil, lao mliiiiuiatra turof the pvrtner.iliip eUUo A. L Wvnuand H. Wriitht (Wyna A Wpi-ht), h. filed hia ac oHinta for riiial setth meiit in each .( the alxive named eaialvs in the County Court of l.ane County, I hv-,nn, and Monday, the 3d day of March, J3S4, at the hoar ot" 10 iVIiK-k iii the forenoon of bild day haa been fixed by said Court for the hearing oi olijevtioii to anid ac counts and for the final settlement thereof. Dated this Stli dav f ,I,,u., IS'vl. J PCL'RUIX, Administrator. L I ILVKU. Att-r-M-y PATENTS mm k CO., of the rVmrrtfTr AotRir!, eon llnaeloaet a8.lleirra fw I .irula, i'omi. Trad rts. C.jTrtshta. fi the Unite I 8:au-s Canada. Kiieuuid. rnuiee. Git-man , aa IIuhI Book about Vmiu sent free. Thin. ri jtmr? ei iwrlenoe. PMentanMalnfal thr-men ML' N Y). are DoUerd raUufk-llvrinc AmHirAV. luo sarest. heat. and Weela. BiHVmtia enarriTlnrs a- dlnttstln In. fonM. bpmi of t pv-leaiiae im-r. Auranua uffloa. aj Bnaiiair, Kew lurt. """"aaaBBBB,a-.,BBBBBB CimLxaur JixcnoN'-Mr li M Mmh.d laad haa returned to .lun.-tion and openetl hia at. erith a ery 6nr stick of near (lnu;. t;irt hia a call aad examina his sVx-k. all goods sold to as any nfvsr in McCORNACK &. COLLIER. AND HARNESS SHOP ON 8th STRK to furnish everything in that line at tha T. G. Hexdricks. &B.Eaki,Je, HENDRICKS U EAEHl, BANKERS, Eugene City - - Oregon. Pinht draft, on NEW YORK. SAX FRAK CISCO and PORTLAND, OREGON. AH collections entrusted to ui will special attention. Ilieiu re-eive.1 anhject to check. Loaa mvle on approved security, aad a teaaral Hanking bm-iuesa done oa reasonable terms. NOTICE OF nHALSETTLEKEn.-' NOTICE IS HEEEBV GIVEN THAT Ilea B Jean., executor of tbeeaUU af il l in Jeans, deceie.l, haa filed bis scream !'i!f ,.J l'1 "" tau, aad Unadar the 11 day . I March, haa Kara mt for hearing the sant by order of tha Court r n a ... KE!Jias,EeBtnr. G. B. A G, A JOoispi, AUy s fot Eatata i