THE EUQZNE C3TY GUARD. Tt i-.v T!-gfrt y 8ATUKDAY ..JANUARY 2C, 184 i j' .. - i Grnrial Dancotk'tOiiiiia. . St. Loow, Jan 23.--Qmierol Han cjcIc, on hi return fiom California and .tha southwest, nays: "I havn had a delightful lour among the iolilinr of the eoutliwpat, and I find tint army in aplendid condition. Do I think th tha nxt president will I a Democrat rTfainly Jo, unlew the part); com rtiU greater lilnndcr than can pnwiiUy 1 anticidated. The tariff qui-Htimi in naturally coining up agiin, and it d iignnd to cut a lirnad figure in tin com ing political campaign. I think Car liale ii going to ma'tn hiiwwdf the great- eat speaker of the liouwt, and hi tariff ' Viewa will undoubtedly liecomn the Democratic party platform. Yea, lv r ia every reason to Imlieve that we will win the race. Preparation for the taefth annual convention of the twelfth annual con vention of the Oregon Statn Woman Suffrage Association are going forward rapidly. Th meeting will commence on the 1 2lh of February and will con tinue through two day and evening, and in view ' of the pending lufl'rae amendment it in regarded as the most important meeting ever held hy advo cates of equal nghta in Oregon. A large delegation i expecti-d from var ioui localitiea in the state and a vigor ous campaign will lie planned. The araeions, will, without doubt, he an in teresting as enthusiastic wnrkeis tun make them. Evening Telegram. The metroKilitan journals are trying to force Mr. W, II. Wat kins, the Chief Af Police, to resign his office. Dill raays ho will not ri'higii and dures the Council to remove him, as he will ex poee the whole "moli." Watkinds hns 1 Dtade the hest Chief of Police that Portland lias ever had, and is trying to root out the thousand and one evils bf the metropolis. During a recent trip to Portland we heard a prominent business ihuu of that city say that the Veasou the city pri im was hounding him was Wausn "he w:ts the only lioneiit cfliciul in the city." About correct. Congratulatory ihuilrhi's from all "qonrtvrs pour in upon Mrx. Nutt mid Miss Lhzia Nutt, the suirering mother hud hNteV of Jainea Nutt, on amnint 'rional ' liu.Hn1ty" was the plea upon a which the desman was liaswl, and sun )1y if outrage aVnil wrong and insult " combined could produro ruch a condi tion of mind ttey had auplii scope in the' case of tire young man just tried for his life at Pittsburg. The RcpvMieaii journals are com plaining Leciuse the D n.o.iary of Ohio.sia-vn elected a rich mnn lo the United 8tal Semite. However they ro.ilwtt altout such rich Ki'puhlirnn .Senator as Wood Fulp Miller, Fur Miller, Jones, Halo, Sabin, Saw vyer, Palmer, Plumh, Uowen, Sherman, Cameroi, Hill, Sewall, Mahono and several others. The people of Lane county should wV:liNuril liberally to thfl stock of the lLane County Agricultural Asaociatiuii, i-as it will not only prove a pnyiug in vestment, hut it w ill do much to en courage our tinners to improve in their present methods of furu iug and latocY raising. Eugene City, alone, "kld Uko 3,000 of the capital stock. It is said by the knowing ones that Mitchell and his friends are eii"a"t'd in selecting proier legislative csndi dstes for the coming June I'Wtion. W4o will le the men selected for cru oi fix ion in Lane. One by one the bolters of Marion county are Is-ing appointed to Federal otfioea. lUdon is the last reoeiving a fat position froai Dolph for deserting Mitchell Hon. V. D. Fenton, of Yamhill and W R Ddyeu, of Linn, are spoken of in connection with the Democratic nomination for Congress on the Dt m ocratio ticket, tTcgene City is the most pioiperous ami growing town in the interior of Oregon. Its busineaa men aro tlmr- eagbly reliable. Hnator SlsU r's revriit letter to the wool growers of Oregon is a very aUn doouroeat V hope to reproduce the letter in the near future. Thare are nearly 2,000 id's men in Portland, ajid at least 1,030 of them ara "iMroke." Tramps will le plenti ful in the valley soon. I.. They call it now the "Oregon TransconGJeutial," in Portland. A destructive fire ocsuimd ot Piine villi-at about 1 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The merchandise store of Selling A Ilinctlcr, a vacant building adjoin ing Kelly's saloon, J. T. Bushnell s har ness shop, an unoccupied building in (dose proximity, S. Wilwm's saloon and Till Glaze's livery stable were soon a a mass of black and smoking ruins. Here the flumes were stopped in their mad career by an open space. The loss is estimated at $10,1100; iusui $3300. The tint wan undoubtedly the work of mi incendiary. During the year 1883, we hud ac counts of 1494 murders in this coun try. 80 wives were killed by their husbands, 39 children by parents, 10 hunhunds by wives. Ohio is credited with 116 murders. In New York there were 4, a'id 104 in the Slate. It is still a peg or two to the milieu iu tn. Lane county tins .-! re sources than any other iu Oregon. In lending immigrants hI.ik.KI make a note of this fact. The next Democratic State Conven tion wil! meet at The Dulles. A OAUD- To all who are uttering from the errors anil iinlucrvtiium of ynuth, nervous Wfaknc-ui, early ilt-cay, lisof luanliiHxt, &c, I willscn'lsrei-ii that will cum Jim, KKKE OK CHAUUK. This reim-ily wiw iliscm ereil by a mis sionary in Hiuith Aini'rica, Semi self-ail-ilrtsaed Hive . lo the litT. JuhKrHT. I.VJtA.', .Station II, New VnrkCity. NEW AUVEUTI.SKMENXS Joshua J. Walton, Altoi ncyat-L:nv. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. rn.n ritAcnci: is all the Cniirts nf tli Stiite. Sirciul attciitiuu kIwii to Hi-id Estate. Col h niin,'; I'ruhute mnl tfre. Cnllfctliik' all kiii'h) nf cluimt against the Unitoil Stnteti (Ii Vermnrnt Ollico in WHlton'it hrick rooinn 7 smi 8. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT llt'D U .lixill-, xcntnr of the Mtattt til illiinn ..iu, ih'i'euKi-il, Iiuh liluii hix Koomnt for X'ltli iiirtit nf ai I oHtittv, miJ tMiimlay the ;l ilny t AUirli, 11, I,;im li-u m't fur hi-uriiin' the aaiiie hy nnh r of the Cnurt, l'.i:v Jkans, Kxi'cntiir. G. 11. & G. A. lliiiiuiH, Atty'ii inr Ktut. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE H IIE.JKKY GIVKX THAT by virtue nf an ux iniitinii du y iasiit-il nut nf the I'iri'ilit t'mirt, nf the St.u n (lie (mi, fur the I'nunty nl Ilciit"ii, by the t'leik tlmreof, suit tn me ilirrrtnl mi t-- it : .liiiui- ary 17, INS4, uumi j mly t ri-mb-reil in taul Cnurt, Nnvellilh-r l!l, ISli, in fuv.r nl A I'mitlmrn ami I'lm. E i'iiikIihiii, iiriiifiK ilnill); lilliliOH uii.Iit the linn inline nl A t'authnrn A Sun, lan:iH. ami niiust Thiiin-io Sleriit mi'l It M Stern'. :) ml int, fur the wis its nf four hu.i..,il ami tlirtsi ($403 IK)) ili.ll.irn. (7 S G..I I ami 1 1 1 tinther aum nf "ill HHI( .Oil ,j(; iliillitr, fln, an atinrm'y fi nf luiy (f.VI.(Ml) il.'llnri tiijjvt.n r with nccruiii ensta and cichn'' nt mihi, onni.ii unlini; me to levy iiimii anil ei-ll the real irnitrty hirnn after iIi'bi rilml, lirin the irniurty livrt'tnfnri) ttt'.Llic in thia ai''.inii, an t'ldlitwv, to-wit: The S E J t N W . the E J nf tint S W i of the N U- J, and S V the K J nil I the N IV nl thu S E j. nml the N E j nf the S W J, ami the K of the W j nl the S E 1 nf Seo 10, T 15 S. I! H .t, e n tinii. '.'(HI a c roi of I ui.l, in bine I'nnnly, Ori'p.ii, In natinfy kii.I jii.ljintiiit, u it i inter est therenii at the rie of i .t cent mt miiiiumi fiimi the tilth day nf X.vt'inher,IS83, cu t', uttoini'V f. e, un. I H.rniiii I'liatu, Nn'. theri'l', by virtue nf axi.l exe u tin ii I iliil nu the V''.M ibiy nf January, I S.S 4 levy up.itl the ub.ive iloscnh il real ir(iK'ilv. in Lane t'liuuiy, Ortnn, and to :iti-.fy xaiil juilxment, inti-reat, cnat, ntti.nii'y f,n ami anc'illliiK viwta, I will Hell the tlinva ib-si-rihcd real rorty st pnlilio suutimi, to the liih sit bidiltir, lor raih in' lian.l, nt the C nut Hnno ibir in Eug.'iie I'ity, I.ue I'ouuty. Ore .mmi, mi Tuesduy, the 3Glh Uy of lbri airy 1MMI. at the hour nf 2 oMm-k p in of iil .l.iy. J. It. . AMI'ltl'.LL Sherilfnf Ine Cnauty, Oivjj'.u. Palnl .Ian '.'Ii, ISS4. Tax Notice. m.VX PAYERS ACE HEREBY NOT! .1. lin.l thai the f.illoK'ing (lersons are an tlmrisiil to receive ami ivoeit for taxes: t -r -In n.'t ion, Louif lorn anil liichanlsou -W H Balwr. Crvsswvll (ieorfc'e Lfiilfry. Cottage lihv Lnrvli Hros, J K. CAMIT.ELU Sheriff a4 Ta Collectnr. D.itcl Jin 19, IvSt. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. OTICEIS HEREIlY GIVEN THAT 11 'Unit llltll ivs. a linini'tr.iti r rf the ra- late of 11. Ufa St ilci-essc.l, has filit his linal account of the a lininitrti..n of saiil es tat; and that .M.m.Ky, the l day of March, IWt lias Iwn m-l hv onlc-r of ths countv court, of Lanecniiuty, tlnym, for hearing the ..line. late.l this 9th ilar of January. 1S!M. L K HAYS, Alminilrstnr, GiA 11 1 Op i. A. ISitiHia. Atturnevs. AT ALL HOURS Chris larx, - - Prop., BARBER SHOP AND HATH Ri0M3. illaniott Strert, tsro doors nonh el the SW CUarlrt Hotol Eufrne, Ortvu. ATMS TILL! ons. In ths Circuit dart f the 8tte nf Or gnu fur tli County of laua. Oreioiiiau I'.siUay Conn i,y. LimiUil. Dir. Action st law to appmpriata land Inr right of way. Laura Msnnlicld, minor, by J W Grime, guinliau, Def. To Laura Jlaimfield and J W Orirnes, Deft's. LN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF On g.ui yuo are hereby luininoiied to ap pear iu aid Court and answer the complaint nf the plaiiitiir, filed therein on nr before tin; tirat day of the next term of aaid Court, to l-fguii and held st Eugena City, in Lane County, Mute of Oregon, on to-wit: th lUt day nf April, 1884, plaintiff's will take iuik'uieut fr want of an anawer, for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, namely: To appmpiiats the land deauribvd iu complaint for riijhl of way. It was ordered ry the -ludce at the Nuvuuiber term of aahl Court, I SSJ. that aervice of thia anmmnua be inmle on the ilefendant, Laura Maiiifield, by pub- iioati"ii in the Eugene ( l'Rt. a newpapr.r puliluheil in said county weekly, lor sis cou aevtltiva weeks. G. B. AO. a. Dorris. PllTs Attorney. CmzEjrsor JfBtTios! Mr II M Mulbol-'1 haa returned to Junction and opened hia tore with a very one stock of new drugs. Give bun a call an. I exi.nme u.a t i:c GILLESPIE &LO:KW00D, PRO'S. WIL'L K1:F-P constantly on y a full supply of Beef, Mutton, Pork & i Which they -will sell at the lnweat market puces. A fair share of the public patronage ia Miuiieii. TO THE FAUMER8: We will iay the Llchrat market pries for fat cattle, bnu ami sheep. .Simp on Willamette atreet, Euirens City. Ori-Kon, Meat il.-livrred t-i any p.irt of the rlty free of char.'e. fl3T!5E TO CREDITORS- NOTICE H 1IKHK1JY RIVEN THAT f hailcs K Ityers has tintde an aasin uid it of his propi-rty to Aarmi l.uroh, fur Hi Ihj.ietit of his creditors. Ail persons arc h rehy uotllied to present their ulinii", uil lur oath, tit the umlcr-ijjne.l nxnignee within tluvu iii iiitlM fro.ii the date of thia in ti , at his atora nt Ctt.tipj tirnve, Line tVuiuy, Oii(j hi. A AR'lS f IK II. Aiijjiicc. IhU.'-t this 2Dch day nf Dec, 1SS1 T. U. llK.iiMiirm. S. R. Eakin, Jr. 3END3IGKS ts EAKIn! Oi E jgene City - - Oregon. Siht drnfta nn NEW YO"K. SAN KUAN CISl'll mi l l'OKTLAND. OliEtitlN. All cnlh'i'tinna eutriiattsl to us will receive ape.-iul attention. li'piita re-wived sutijart tn check. Loans mi.ln on appmved security, ami a eencral Uaiikiin; huiinewi done on reasnnahle terms. PATENTS ' Kl'.V a CO., of the Srimtnp AmmrrAS', eoo. j lliiuolom-t n.H illcllors tor I ileitis, Oiveats, Trade ?.iraa. inpTnsnia, inr ins viiue-i piair, lansaa, .island, Kranm. ticrmsnr, et& Hand Bnnk about tit'iits ai Ireo. Tlnri j-","n JenrV eamlenos. isiniaoMalnid thnm-h MUNN (X). an-noticed ,B thohi-ncxTinc AMkKlCAV. His laivest. beat, and hioal wldel? circulated st'ientlflo parn-r. SlWa year. Weekl. FplMi.lId .nsruflnpa a. it Intwmlns In. formation. Specimen co!. of I i r-rlral trie A iwr. Ic-nn xnlftiA A.MrwiMllNII A CO.. r-i IfSliriQ A Mtuic.iK OJloa, IU liruadwar, Km York. Su: I E. Luckey & Co .DRiLERS DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep and sell at living PRESCRIPTION Tn VinnHR Of fl. Onmnfitfint. drilPmQf. u, uvwmmm " w SUCCESSOKS Luckvt Bristoic at. ths dd Ellsworth Store. To FINAL SETTLEMENT. vrOTlCE 13 HEREBY OIVEN THAT ll D M Riadon an I Eliia Ann Humi.hrey, executors of the will and ti-Utu of A L Humph rey, decraard, hv tiled stateiuent and their dual account in the Cnunty Court of Lane County, Urt-tfim, and Mnuday, ths 7th day of January ltW, lias Wii set by ord.-r of ths Court, lUtnl nv .T, lor ufariDj,' ul oD jectimis aud setteue-nt thereof. D. M. lllHIKIX, Eliza Ax.i Its rHBtT. Exwitnrs. y ir L t. TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tiieeo sources wtao three loan ns or U.0 diseases of tlio human race The j-nipuinln(licat Uielrexistence : lVoas of rrttl". Uowtli costive, Mek Uoail i.cUe, foUness B fter eutlnf, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructotlon of food, IrrllabUltr of tenper, to" spirits, A feellna; ofhuTlBS; ncfflecied sitna dotf, llzluess,FIutUrlisa; t Heart, IKits before the eyes.hlgnlr .col ored t'rtuo, COJiaTlPATIO., and da. tr.and the use of a remedy thnt at U id l rjet r on the l iver. AsaUvermcillcineTCTT'tl 1'Il.Lailiarenoe.iuuL Their action onthe Kt-lneysani Skin is also prompt ; removing all Impurities throuBD tlicso throe "soav rnirers of the evstam," proiluclns; appe. t!K, sound dloatton, niralnr stools, a clear kwandaYlRorouabodv. TCTT'l PILLS iuo do nauwa or grlplnii nor lutcrlere with dully work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, TirrrsHflia dye. GraT lUlB OH WitiSKF.M changed In. stantly toaGlxwST Blsck by a single isp pUcatfonofthlaUra. Bold by Dru((lsu, or sent by express on receipt or sji . Omi,44MiirflVtiwt,Newyorlr. TiJTT'a MinU 0 HSEr'UL RECEIPTS FBtl. SPORTSiEN. IF YOU WANT A CHEAP SHOT GUN or ItiHe, come to Junction City. The un lersineil can acll you Kims frmu five ilnllnrs t two hundred, or to -uit the ban I times. Also all kinds nf AMMUNITION. hHEUS, WADS, CAl'S.PIIIMEns, CATitlDUE-i, BET.Td. FLASKS. ETC. Come to the simp neir lowpr end nf Junction ami see fur yourselves. 'Also a No 1 cheap farm engine and feed mill. H. F. HENDRICKS. FIJAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEitKDY CIVEN THAT the i..ti.Ti','iitfd a-iu.iiitr.itor of the es tate of A. 1 NV'viiii. l. iili silministra- tor of t!i i p sr'.n r.!iii ("ViSe it A. I Wynu and II. Wri,'ht(Vvnn .V Wright), Ii.ji filed his ac counts for final scttleiu -nt in aai -if tlu nlmve n iuilnI estitlus in the ('oitntv Court t I, .mo (!nuuty, Oregon, nnrl Monday, the 31 ilay of MuruX, ISS4, nl tiie lioiir.-l III nM.i.k in the ii nf aniil ilay Imi hecn tixed liy said Court lor the iti.r oi nlijiction to aai'l uc cnuotH and for tin. Mu:il "tilciii.-nt. thereof. D.Hud this d.iV of .I ni., 1H.SI. .1 I' CUKltlX, Administrator. L I ILYK17, Attorimy AOffllSISTl.ATOi.'S SALE. "VTOTICE IS UE iEI'.Y CIVEN" THAT XI Rinler and by vtmm m' mi inter of tin- County C nirt of I. m i C I'l'ity, l), at tne regular Jamury t",, tli roof, 1SS4, i'l the inattnr of the eitatu of S nm-il II N'oa sett, dni easwl, the uu lei'-ii.'ned a lMiiiiitra tor of aniil eiUte, will otf.-r for sale ar uuliliu auction, at the Court Hume door iu Eitoene City, Oreumi, lietveu the hours of 9 o'clock s m and 4 o'clock p in, mi Monday, tlio ISth day of b'eliru.iry, ISS4. th follnwio acnlied real pioperty lcloiiiij; toaaid estate, to-it: An ttudiviileil ruts-half interest in and to the tollnwiiiK iles-iribeit nal prnHrry, to writ: Coinineiiiiinii at the S E en. it of Sec 2.i, Tlli S, It 2 VV, thence riinniiiK nnr'h 15.70 chs to south lineof Alfred Allen's dona tnxi claim, thence W 6 32 chs to E line nl Wm Allen's donation, claim, thence S to S E copier of said claim, thence W on south line of said claim 2"..S-" chs, thence N 4-V V. to E line f N W J of S V J of ate 2S (hence 8 to S E corner of N W J nf S W j -f aH 2.1, thence W 20.00 chs, thence 8 to V line of W S Hurley's donation claim. H eme E on s iiil line to N E cor nf said claim, thence S 21 72 chs, thence E to . W or of N E i of N E J nf sec 26, thence N 20 0 chs, ami thence E 20.00 chs to place of bt inning, exceptant; one acre deeded to School Di-tnut. No 42, contaiiiiui; 127 acres, ni'ire or lens, in Line County, Oregon. Terms of sale raih. K M. J.u khon, Administrator. Gao. S Washriminr, Attorney a full assortment figures,. DEPARTMENT x' " - 004WI" xna H I P u R5r:li U 1 Smitli and Cox, GENERAL DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements. We intend keeping a full line of first-classFarmingImplementfl,con- sisting of 4 D. M. OSBORNE & CO.-fJ CELEBRATED TWINE BINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS; ( STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; ' JOHN DODDSOLD RELIABLE, HOLLINGSWORTH'S, REINDEBR AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCHUM WAGON; MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., ETC. It is our intention of staying here and we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any hcur in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willemette Street, Opposite the Guard Office. Pass books, butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Order3 taken for special sizes. Tchool and Miscellaneous Books. All the st.-imliinl authors ly tlio volume and is sets Juvenile books, Seasidn an 1' Waverly Library, Harpers Magazines, ete. Bible Depository For Lane County. We havj biicii getting a larn slock of new goods and we have everything tbuud iu a fiiyt-chws Book htor. We also have a full stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! McCORNACK &. COLLIER. Successors to CALLISON. lamess Shop HAVIXG OPENED A NEW RADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8th 8TR X west of Crain llios'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that lint at ths Tlie Competent Workmen Are rmpWd, and I will -nJi-avor to give satisfaction to all hj tn faror ihh with a call. A. M. CUIIIII. ALL I Is tfmt you do yourself justice Sy Imyiiij I inwnd to strictly udliere to VERY LOW PRICES in ewuhinr I offer for sale, and iu DRESS k FAM.Y GOODS. Cliini, Boots and lki Furnishing Goods, i I ame gnoda hay eer liwn otfervd u thia IPU-usf to call and price the goods Ther id',u,'torqaMion hot Ihallll them rery moch lowrt than tbe Most A S K! coodn whore vtrn can mt tKpm thm market and you will that I m in earnest. G. BETTMAN.