CITY AND COUNTY, BRIEF .HKVriOX. 1SS4. Leap year. Regular Webfot weather, Hee ue advertiieiueuttiu aunthercolumn. Net .many New Year' call male thi yr. Eugen Eagin Company gave a drill New Yean day. llor shelving 1 being pot Into Wilkin' drug store. The btcycliiU (ailed to put in a appearance latt Saturday. E H k L Co will meet lo their liall next Monday evening. Job work executed with dispatch at the Odabd office. Dry ioraethii(j4ievr. Call an I I) them at Friendly'. McCornack k Collier have had a neat how window erected. There i full et of Mre Holme' novel t MoCoroack k Collier'. A Hoe line of silk pluthe in all thade and grade at F B Dunn'. The only place where you can always tell year chicken b at Bettmaa'. A full assortment of ladle, misses and cbil drtnuadsrwar at Bettraan,. A postoffloe key lost .Will the finder plea leave the (anie at this office. Freshest and finest groceries, cigar nd eaodiee at Swift k Co'. Try them j Prepare for rainy Sunday by getting good itory at McCornack k CullierV . Mr-NJ Taylor, the dentist ha moved into hie sew room iu Walton' brick. If you want g"od tewing machine at re, enable price, call on K R Luokey k Co. McCornack And Collier have just received a arge invoice of tchnol book nd school sup plle. The eiroulati in of the Gcakd i rapidly increasing. Advertiser thould make a note of this. Mr Garrett Bogart ww the onlr charter member nf Spencer liutte Lodge present, at the installation, The largest and finest lot of gont, Uy Aid entli clothing and underwear, just received at Friendly'. Mr 8 H Friendlv liao Jos, received the lnr. (rut invoice of carpets ever brought to Eiweue Citv. Give him a cull. Mr Henry Mulkcy hn returned to Ores. .ntCitv, but intends telling bis interest there and moving to this ennntv. limn l-eautiful t w 'nt nice'v located . er Male cheap. Call early and get a bargain. , Geo M. Miller,. Real Estate Agent. . The Gi'ard office intend adding etcam and power press by .Tanua-y 1. '885. " hop all our subscribers will respond promptly thi year, to that ir will b able to buy the needed machinery and pay the cavdi therefor. A vers Chnrry i reim-nnie'id ' bv physicians of the ifieateat rniini'm,e oh lit' id of the Atlantid. thi !- ridi-ih'M remedy for cold and coiikhs, and nil im' monary disorders. If affords prompt r"ti in every esse. No family should ever Ik without it Health il impossible when fie bln'wl i impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. Under such 'Au ditions boils, pimples, headaches, reuralgii, rheumatism, and one disease after another i developed. Take Ayer Sarsiniri'l, and it will make the blooj pure, rich, warn and vitalizing. ' Having latsly issued a circular desenpt v of Lane county of 15,0X1 onpie,i, I can furnish the tame free to parties wishing to lend them East to friends. They furnish more informa tion, such a the immigrant wants, than you could write in a letter of 20 page. I am also operating with E. J. Haight & Co., of Port and, Oregon, the moat active, energetio und thoroughly advertised firms on the Pacific Coast Parties having real estate to sell still find it to their advantage to place the same in my handt, at I am constantly Increasing my advertisements, and am fully determined that Lane county thai) have her iliare of the immi gration bound westward. Gko. M. Miller. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Ecok-xi, Dec.28 , 1883. Wheat-91 to 92 ct on txwnl ear. Oat 50 cU nett Hops-18 ct per lb. Side-lfrai2i. Hamt-t2(S)14. Shoulders- 8 'jl0. Lard-10rf11 Butter 3.VS.4a Eggt 40 ct per do. Pen anal. Mr J L Karoey U in town! Mr Geo Thaatoa paid Eugene a visit on day thi week. Mi Irene Dunn ha been visiting rela tive and friend in thi city during the past week. -... Mist Laura Goltra, of McMInnville, passed New Year in this city visiting relative and friend. Brevities. For good dentistry go to Clark . Bring your chicken to Bettroan'a. Swift k Co. will pay the highest market price for chicken. Go to Swift k Co.' for frah California candies, crackers, to. The largest stock of carpet, oil cloth and matting jast received at Friendly'. Married. In thi city, at the residence of " " Walton, Jr. Jaa Z, 1884, by Ker WG Simpton, Mr Chta Cole, of Portland and Mis , Iula Walton, of Engene. A large auinber of ' the bride' relatites were present After the ; Barriag eerrmny was perfumed the Lvpy ! couple left a t'ie north bonnd train for Port. 1 land, where they will hereafter reside. We wish the yonng couple a Ion; and pleasint matrimonial lift. Cmolimmti received ' Masquerade Ball. The masquerade ball given by the KnigliU of Pythias, of thi city, Monduy evening, was largely attended, and proved a very en joyable atfair. The following i list of the :naKri LADIE-V Mr Melson Biddy , Slur Kquestriau Fanny Croner ny i 0 L Johnson A Withrow : ,. Belle Steven Lenna Mornt L KCook K Huff N Luukey Hattie Sloan Alice Davit 0 A Forrest I Cheshire., ..... . . , , Hattie Parlous Clara Seavey Maggie Jrtiir . . . . . Cena .loldsniith A O'Brien E A Coleman Lillie iVyatt M K Gray Nellie T unpkina Old Lady Night White Page America Circassian Girl , ., Domino . . ...lanilH-urtne Girl Tainbourine Girl Sailor Girl Fire Girl Queen id Rose , Moonlight , . . . . Dniiiiiio I lllillll , Domino Witch ...Red, White and Blue Huntress Doiniuo , School Girl Fireman . .Bed, White aud blue I rost Uirbara Hyinau Minnie Duraot. J Hum Minnie Moore .", 'Kitchen Girl Lucy Long .Schisil Girl Mr Onincr. Domino Louise Gray Circus Girl L K Hay field... Evening Star Altia Hick .' Cousin Tilda (J W Nelson.... Ballet Girl Belle Hainmett tiaiety L Luukey Fannie Huitt Ella Gray Hattie Johnson M. it tie Dickenson. . . It D.ivts... Haiti Smith Spanish Princess SiH'Wtbike Doniino .....Indian I'rinciS'. Belle if the -Hull Sch'xd Girl Peasant Girl Butterfly Arjui'lnOotsvio Domino Queen of Clubs Folly School (iirl S Kenshaw Liildi t MuMhee .1 H i'.hiitehirt Minnie Abram Karirer Or McCary Julia Simmon. . , . ..School Girl Allie Norumn Old Woman Emm Hemlirei.. Ilat'io Dickenson. Old Wumau .Queen of Diamonds , Old Lady Ivy Witch S 0 Tavlor Klint It-own L Kinciid Osie Walton Peu Wiper CSKSTLKMKX. Jus Ahrams. . . I Kli.ce (i S Kincaid. . Kit Lu key.. .1 S I. ii 'key... V Sioiili . . . . . lurry Horn.. . it s Hicks... r'.mik Stow.irt ' it Day. . K Uiiver CI at N'.dflou. . , Frank Di li.. .1 W Chirk.... ........Chinaman , Demon Domino D-'iniiin . . Hrothur Johns n Negro ' Wnnil.o Boot Black ..Domino ...Mulligan Dude Stage Driver , Soldier Dude ( 'has Brady Domino W 11 Alennd.r Ni gni S mi Guliliimtli. Aaron l.iircli . . . I'll.. l.nckry... A P Churchill. W McGlie.i I . . i . V (! S.iavt-y. . . . Hu Da.. Linton. , . . Lewis IU'IhIhiw. It. .lit IHoll . , ir.iut O-litii'ii... .Domino Domino Ff reman I'aiglish I'naclimaii Negro Bae lial.'ist SIuh.Hv E li & I. Co Nihill Dandy Negro Chris Ivaeule , Domino I No's lioiuiy .1 I. W ill kins. , J. din lumclma' II Korrut 'I C tin upl.i-ry V II I'HiSoim V K Bi'lshaw r .) Smith A'altur Brown tiro Siuitti. . Kuuune Dude Cliff Cleaver. . . ..Mulltgnti Dude las Hhhii , .Mulligan Dude ien Melsou Old Man I 0 Fletcher SpaiiHh Desperado W V Hei.d. rsi Haji Ali It Wvntt .Fireman M S Walli :.Dud .1 D Kenton ' Eugeue Guard Jus Mol'laren Visitor Jot Nolaud Summer Coon C L Winter English Couchnrw Cottage Grove Items. FROM OUR XPKUIAL CORRsXPO.tDKNT. Jau. 2, 1 884. Happy New Year to all. The coyotes are (till killing thenp west o' here. There .were qnite a number 'of Crestwdl folk here Christmas. The ball was largely attended Christmas night, to we are informed. Mr J A Babb lectured here Tuesday and Wednesday last, in the evening. Mr C E Byar Wat yititing friend in Siuslaw during the holidays, Mr J M Medley it down near SpringKeld hewing railroad ties for Whipple Brot. The Water was at it highest the 23th, the railroad track being washed out below bore. Mr E W Whipple hi been confined to bi room for teverat days on account of ill health. 1 The high water brought the salmon up. and quite a number have been canght by qur citizens. . The e was a prty at Mr E.I Cathcart't Monday night to ease out the old year and welcome the new. Mr C B Allen arrived here from The Dalle list week. He left The Dalle at midnight and arrived here at 3 o'clock the following afternoon. i Jtrzx. Christmas Tree. A Christjga tree was presented at the Spencer Creek school house. It it said that the tree contained about $300 worth of present. Mr J P Calloway acted as Santa Claila, A very pleasant evening was tpent To Creditor. Notice it hdvea that all ac counts owing me oiutt be tetthd by Kebl, 1884, at I intend closing out my bnriilete. All account unsettled at that time will be given an attorney for collection. J. W. Matloce. U Married. At the residues of the brid.1. narents. neir Euiene Citv. Da SO. 1W3. k Wm Houston, Mr Joseph Wooley and Mist Minnie Heiulire. . . . . To Salem. County Treasurer Gray took to Salem last Thursday flfi.OOO to pay on i '" county' taxee due the State, leaving but $3,500 due. To if. W Dun.ari. Tear Sir: Your proposal for a contett of which r.iset the best wheat, yl r my self, is tluwis .ami too inooh cmipiicated with HiilleM nU I bat sis to etcr make a true and satisfactory contest to both parties Per mit me to rxplaiu wh it would betni In the first place one of tht flouting mills might have a large percentage over the Other by having more new and Improyed machinery aud lwter ftcilitlei throughout (of making better flour, hencf jfiU will tee at once the test f the wheat in that ease wuuld not be equal. Further, it world be tery doubtfu1 if a Portland biker onttld be engaged to take that trouble Without considerable pay. Now thi contoat nf which h the b-st wheat can be made very lirfd All expert a judges and buyer of wheat most understand the beet grades; therefore the flouring process naturally belong to (he miller god the bread making to the baker, hence whenever expert buy whest of llrft quality, they con aider it the bett wheat for all flouring pur poeea. Now if yopr wheat wat considered as good for flouring purpose a the Wil lamette valley whett, Portland buyer would pay as much for it, but wt frequently see it quoted in the Portland psper at from even to eight cent per cental lower than the Willamette valley whMt, which prove it once that it it not to cohtidered and that i where the shoe pinchet the most No, if yon are willing at the present time to make a fair and sqnar exhibit against my woeat, I am ready and willing at any hourr and I will give you a much greater privilege- than you allow .ne, U t yon tajr In yok? ceterauni cation that the wheat most be gruwtl by me; while I will aay to you, if yob belief that your owu raising it nut good enough fof the contest, I will give you the privilege of get ting it from any part of the world, fof 1 am well aware that you bave ioue in your county lit for the contest, for I hare never seen what I would tall a good lamp's o' wheat raised east of the Cascade monhttlna. I am aware thi it laying a good deal, but I mean just what' I say, and if you believe you have wheat on baud now (the amount for the contest), or can get it, I have a peck already deposited at the Gcakd office, in Eugene City, which 1 intend thall Itaud there as the bent wheat agaiint your and against all nations; and I propose the con' test shall be as follows; Whitest in color, inside and out; thinost bran, largest grains, more even in size and better filled it takes these Nix qualities to make No 1 wheat and limit be so considered by the examining committee, and the sample having the great est number nf tliesn six qualities (hall bo i misidercd theliest wheat, and 1 am willing on my part of choosing but one of the judge and giving yon the privilege of choosing tho other two, and yon may choose your father-iu-liiM', Mr U'allot, if you wish, or any other f inner you in ay deeubeit, provided they are exmru m tliu U.Hineix. Ifyoa are tint prciimvd to in ike th contest at the present time, t will incut ).u at toe Ortgon State Fair next Fall with one-loilf of a IiuhIicI, to decided up ni by t'i-CoinmitleappoiiitOl for that pnrp we, niid.r the same lulingl as above iilciiiioneil, nud the committee must put their kigmiture to whatever Aheia decis ion may be, nt ejthcr lace of ccntett. If you will make the contest at the present time in Kitgone City, nt the Guard office where my wheat is deposit jd, I will pay the freight bill on yours so that it (hall not coat you a cent; and if in your opinion your when tot last year is not go enougn lor tue present contest, I will give you the privi lege of uotMiig jt anywhere in your owu county, and if you wish more scope, 1 will give you all the latitude eatt of the Cascade you waut. but you mut tay where it wa grown. Now, Mr Dilncaii, i mean business, and thit is a fair a propitsition at I oau inakei if it due not suit you we will say nothing further in regard to ti.e matter. Very Respectfully, Geo. Belshaw. Correspondence. J i' notion City, Or., Jan. 1, 1884. Editor Guard: A the time is near at hand when we will again be called upou to select our county officers, we thould begin to look around for tuitable persons to till the various itutions. If candidate! for the different placet could be pointed out and an examination of their qualificationiand record made in time, unworthy aspirants would sel dom, if ever, be brought out With tbit short introduction, permit me to present for thn consideration of the people and the Dera. ocratio convention, for the office of Couuty Commissioner your distinguished follow townsman, Dr Abram Sharpie. Heiiunque' tionably man of broad intellect and wide information, and a thornughtly potted ou the question nf political economy at any man f knowledge V Idle not partisan, in the strict tense of the term, yet he it in hearty accord with the Democracy on all national question!. Independent of all citizeoe Mid of all politic, to a certain extent, ha Would iu the office of commisaioner be the right man in the right place. Firm and reanldte in the practice of equity ami right, he is broadminded enough to do exact justice to friend and foe. The hitherto' prevailing upinion that the en nmisd niers should life in the country is nonsense and bosh. Men of capability who have interests at ttake ate the men we want, no matter where they are domiciled. At a financier, the Doctor raukt among the first men of the county, and with anch men in position! of honor and trust the taxpayer may feel assured that the hard earnril money wrung from them in the way of taxe will not be squandered for partisan pupose. 1AZPAYEH. The MuRTGAfti Tax ww.-The Dundee Mortgage Trust and Investment Company ha entered suit iu the United State Circuit Court against school district number one and eighteen, Multnomah county, aud the Sheriffs of Multnomah, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Douglas. Lane, Linn, Marion, Polk, Umatilla, Union, Washing ton and Yamhill cnuutiej, to restrain them from collecting ali taxes on mortiraires nnder the new mortgage tax law. The defendant are also ordered to show cause why a per t petnal injunction ihnold not be granted. 8mlthfield Items. .SMmii iKi.u. Due 31, m.l Free7.lii! coinlilrlioed. Danes nt Am KicUurdsoit Chrls!iu wa a pleasant aftdf as uuul. Mr Dwight Carliu of Fern Kidge cut hi tout vry bad with an axe; wuod scarce. The glass 111 contest lirt ou the 2Dth Instr wa a livaly affair; tners wire KfUen contest ant for th three prizes. Each contestant plaotd on dollar in the bx aud priie were divided as follows) Oue balf of all to the beat shot or lata breaking the orratest number of holla; two-thirds of bWuu to the next and balance to the last S W H and Cha Bale tied es second aud thirl; th tie wa (hot off, Bait Winning second prix, Tho Duckworth, Isaes Kent and Tho Gil won were chosen a referee. T M Gibson alio acted a scorer; i'm Bryan trap puller and a good on too; Henry Bale trap loader. Several bet of cola were made that no person would break ten balls In succession. All being re ly th scorer called the first man to th score and the eoutest began witness! by many of th citiien of thi vlolnlty and by a good number of ladle. AUtbe dog in tb neighborhood I think wr there; if there are any more bring thsra next time, boy. Beth Harpol 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-7 Frank Prate 0 0 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 0 -6 Jaiue Bales 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 1-5 Geo Gilon 0 01100111 l- J A Gibson 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 Andrew A Gibson 001001011 1-5 Jaa ni.hsrdsoa 0 10101111 0-6 Nat Purkrson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-2 Louis W Gibson 1 11111111 1-10 Henry T Smith ..0 101001010-4 C W Bale 1 10 1110 10 1-7 Polk Harpol 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-4 Dal Lingo 0 01100001 0-1 Geo Beck 1 00000000 0-1 Jason Uichardson 0 101001010-4 Beuvlar. Dexter Items. Dexter, Deo. 27, 1883. The Misiei Handtaktr'a are at home from school enjoying the holiday. Mr Thorn Barbre ba betu quite tick, but i recovering. Uncle Din Hunsaker raised the two "bo'' cabbage head thi season. Mr H LHannaaud wife, of Th Dalles, are Waiting frieodt here. Our Christina wm rather moist, but the grata and grain is growing almost like Spring. Tne Christina tree wa a luocei. Be sidet the many present for old aud young, with which the tree wa loaded, we had vocal aud instrumental music, reading nf the Christmas Banner, by th editor, Mr Tho Hunsaker, which wa entertaining and amusing. Died, on Sunday, Deo 24. 1883, of quick consumption, Mr Anna Wilson, wile of E L Wilson, youngest daughter of Unci Thomas and Aunt Eliza Matthew, egad 32 year, Only a few short weekt ago your correspond ent hotioed their nuptial iu the Guaiid. She wu beloyed by all. M. A. S. Latham Items. Latham, January 2, 1881. 1SH Happy .New Year. Cold weather tint week, An oyster supper at Mr Jerry Taylor'i lust Friday evoning. iter Miller, of Drain, preached at the Ilebrou church lost Sunday. Mr Leonard Perkins aii'l wife tpent their Christmas at Drain, visiting friendt. Old Mr Garoutte, nf upper Coast Fork, i quite tick. Sent to Oakland fur Dr Sham brook. Mr 0 R Bean and little Stella, of Eugene, have been visiting at Mr Sharp'. They re turned Tuesday. Mr G E Wagner and family, relative of Mr Henry Brown, ttarted Tuetday morning for The Dalle. - Mine Elzina Taylor, Ida Taylor and Tillie Powell, left Tuesday morning for Eugene to attend tchooL Meisrt Elmer Emerson, John Taylor, Johnny P well and a Mr Barklow, who haye been ipeudiug their vacation among ui, returued tbii week to their toholaitio duties, . O. Walterville Items. Dee 25, 1884. A happy New Year to all. Plenty of rain, and mud, and snow. Mr Smeed hat moved into hi ow dwell ing houte, and feel quite comfortable. Mr Eugene Finn ia improving fast, end will be able to be around in a few day. Mr and Mr Wilcox, of Camp Creek, was on the McKemie visiting a few day ago. Mr D J Cotxmhaver. who ha been quite iok) for torn time, i (till confined to hi bed bat i improving slowly. Snow Drop. Elected and Inhtlled. The following officer were duly elected and installed by P M, J 0 Campbell, a officer of Junction City Lodge, No 58, A F k A M, oo the 27th iutt, a follow; T A Milliorn, W Mj E Van Vrankiu, L W; R M Mulhollaod; J Wortmau, Tree; J C Campbell, Sec; W L Lee, L Df J J Butler, J D; J T Kirk, 8 8; Henry Moore, J S; It H K tward, Tyler. Valce or ADVERTiama: In the issue of the Guard of DeesrabeJ 29th, two estrar no. tics wen published, and before a week bad elapsed wonl wa left at this office that th horse described had been found. On of th horse had strayed nearly ten aiile east, while th other had wandered nerrly twelve mile northwest. Who says that tb Guard is not a valuable advertising medium. . Thanks Th committee on entertainment from the Engine Company desire to express their thank to Prof Gonu, Mr Clark ) SpringKeld, and the quartette, who to kind ly assisted in the entertainment on Thar- day evening. Died. In Imt Val'cy at the reeilcwo of her father, T Matthews, Darcraher 23, 13, Mr Anni Wil in, aged 'fi year ami on smth. STATE UNIVERSITY. A column devoted to' the fnterMt of the Lmirwtii and K.itaxian Literary Sodetit, and t!w Sftt University. AXt I'AffVK!.. . KiiiT'.a. Initiatory. By (bO recent election of th Eutaxlan the honor iff editlhg tH column ha been be itowed upm us. In assuming id duXiet w ennteat it is tkt without tome mtagitlftgs, at thit it our loiMulory ttep. To enUrtlti read ers with iWms of Ifrtemt, peruWrtf to-the University, may rstjillf other abilities than w posset. But w will ttf wtliht aJtaWlrtg the effort, it wlllb our alifltx bl al getteral a possible and a generous al ftttf bei Mhcb naturally come within th tooptt The growing proierity of our Stat institution, the able dlschsiy of duties by It professors, attd not th least the exemplary deportment of those in atteudanc. W conceive ourselvee to be a little army of oo laborers in the fond pursuit of an education, immersed in our care and our sympathies, our hops and our responsibilities. Wthave our reciutloni t prepare, our reviewt to make and other duties to perform, not without dne interest and profit to all. Thta w hare our varied rela tion tnd usual Incident connected with our ocietisa, our sham trial and eur regular de bate, our slsctioDS and our reunion. All In all, are we not truly a little republic, isolated from th busy world around, and not unlik It, chmidcl our vuts and prtpar th newsy column for reader. These are soma of th viswt ntertaiued, and In conjunction with the Laurean Editor, aome of tb duties that seem to devolve upon us. With due courage and oonaiitent car, w inter upon them with a hop to Interest all, while w receive th usual Kind indulgence of reader. Brief Items. What did Santa Claut bring you? Carrie Walker hat finished hsr sohool and returned to her home in Springfield. Debate wa postponed at the last meeting ol tb cociety on account of election. Edgar MoClure, principal of th Junction school, visited his home during th wek. W notice th marriage of l)r J C Whltea ktr of the clan of 78, to Mis Fanny Reeves, of Jefferson. Lena Holt and Eva Shtnn signed' th con stitution at the last meeting of th Eutaxlan. Prof Lambert's resignation wa not accepted by th Board of Regent. H continue as before. The Eutaxlan have a membership nf forty fiv and a regular attendance of thirty mem ber. Mary Wallla, who went on th Pioneer' excursion, stopped on her way horn, at Berke ley, California, to take a course in imtiio. Albert Wright an old time student spent the holidays Iu Euirene visiting hie sisters, who are attending the Uuivenlty. We accept the olive branch of pesos extended ut so kindly by th Laurean Editor, and would return him our sympathy if w thought he needed It W II McGhee, a prominent member of the Junior class, ha been obliged to give up hi studies on account of ill hsalth, ahvl ha re. turned to Th Dalle. ' William Shaw ha returned from California where he has been attending a business College for the past year. He will toon inter the law office of Geo S Washburne. Among those who cam to Eugene to tpend the holidays we ntl ie tffe face of 8W Con don, Wallace Mouut, Johnn Fletcher,' Stella Whiteaker and Elina Lock wood. A S MoClain, a graduate of the alas of '80, paid Eugene a visit during laat week. Won- dor it th fcport that a oertaln former Eutax lan was th cause of (jt visit, Is true. A candy pulling, which afforded much amusement, wa held during th holiday at the residence of Mr J McCornack, An un usually pleasant evening wa (pent by all present Emm Cornelius, a graduate nf laat year's class, having completed the eours at the business college in Portland, hai been offered a position in that college. She I at present ngaged as book-keeper In the firm of Beck k Son . The watch-party given by Prof and Mr Bailey Wat largely attended, and a vary pleasant time was had. Th departure of the old year wa duly noted, and th aew on joy ously welcomed a Leap Year. The young gentleman who lost th young lady whom he wa escorting home from a octal gathering last week, ha (applied him self with a lantern, ao that he will not again In another lik emsrgency be obliged to strike match to find ber. Th College Preparatory student bald their first exercise in th auditorium Just before vacation, Thty all aoqultttd thmttlve cred itably, and the nereis war an improvement on those of the higher class, being very short and unusually Interesting. A very pleasant social gatbring wa hsld last weak th residence of Prof Straub, The genial recaption extended by Prof and Mr Straub, made it one of the most pleasant affair of th holidays. Th lighting of a beautifully decorated Christina tree wm on of th fature of th evening. Prof A Gantenbeiu, ton of IUv GanUnbeln of Portland,!) been elected to fill th vacftftcy cause J by the death of Prof Bitrk. After a college course In this country, he Went to Europe and graduated also at Stuttgart H reeided for torn time in Pari to ewnpUt a oour in French, and eooies highly reeom mended as a scholar. He enter upon th dis charge of his duties at th beginning of Ibis term. Election. At their last meeting th Kutaxian sleeted the fiillmviiaj offWre to s-rvs the next te m: PresiiWat, Susie Mfvf Vld) President lillie Porter; Secretary, Lr Mitrch: Treasurer, Mary Potter; Marshal, Lena MoCoa-a; Editor, Anna Patterson. Vacation. Friday Denmbe 21st, studies were tue peodrd at th University until after th boli dsys. Most all th itudent cot living in Eugen skirted th n-'Xt day for their respec tive home Jau 3d studio Wei resumed and new classes were organized, and the student bas no ptnspect of another vacation until next AprP. i. a a . . The public installation aud supper given i Sencer Butte lxlge wa out of th most jnyubl entertainment of th kind fur mtj year. There wa nothing occurred te aj th harmony, and every thing wa a parfet a it could possibly be mad under th L cumatance. There Is only on thing w i tioed that w would hav different and th was a larger hall to accomodate the brother and their gunts. 1 here were about two hu dred persons present and the hall cannot ao. cbro'modat mor than 150 and seat thta eoei forubly. It wa patent to all present that' Speifc'er Butt Lodg ha outgrown th eapao l.v of their nstt and piesent littl hall, aadth sugrftwifcin naturally present iUelf to (Uurfno', oiif gnvid brethern must arouse thmslvt and build a more commodious Mil After the audi e)rtc bad assembled tb Eugen City String Band discWlfwd some most excellent music At th pnrjwtlme the installing officer were ad' mltted) Wed th officers of the lodge Were Ally installed Irttrt fespe'ctlv cbatr accordlag ta tb usae of the order Tb o1nm, lafprca iv oral inatructlve Installation osremony wg performed in a very creditable mannr bow ing that th brother of Spencer Butte Ldg er well up In the work. At the eoBolusioei of th Installation osramoa' th audisao wm regaled with a most beautiful song, by th choir selected f th occasion sophrano Vy Mis Andrew and Mia Andrew and Mia Mae Uaderwood; alto by Mi Ireae Duaa and Mia May Tot; tenor by Mr h O Adair and baa by Mr Gore and Mr Xakia. An address wa then delivered by W O Simp, ton, on Odd Fellowship, and w mutt eay it wa oat of that gentljman' happiest fforta. It wat short, compact, ohast In Ian Ktiage, elotpient and to th point At the ooe elusion of th address Mis Mary Test tang ft most beautiful solo, which wa immediately followed by a charming doubl quartette by the choir. 8upperwa then announced ead about on-third of th audience wa marshal! to th St Chart, whir one the finest lua cheoni wa ipraad that w bar ever witaa4 in Eugen. Tb participant did ampl justice to th dellolnu viafVit Juat a the firtt sev enty foutd that it wu impossibl for thm te carry away all before them of the good thing in their liuiiWd stomach capacity, tb chair man announced a toast Mr Sam Friendly eras first called on to give a suitable toast. Sam wat almost too full for utterance, with eye starting from their sockets, for want of room (la that little body) aud beaming with klndn and bonhominie in a neat and well timed In traduction proposed "Friendship" the first link in the triple liuki of the order, tit GW A Dorri wa called on to respond, which he did in a most hapj y manner. "Llttls" George ha a most folicitout way of deceiving people both at th table and delivering yeeeb We ran remember only one saying that will convey a proper idea of both capacities and that is, multum in parvo. Mr Ben Dorrli wat next oalled on to give ft toast Ben baa a reputation of having tb) biggest inside capacity in proportion to hat leugth and heart, of any member of Sptaear Butt Lodge. But be assured that h I not all hollow, which wa clearly manifest by th beautiful remarks he mad In introducing tb second toast "I-ov," th second link In the chain. It wai truly a gem. Mr J X Goltra was called on to respond. And, although being a young man, modest and fair, and being seated at th table with a beautiful young lady, yet he bandied fhe tender wmd ami subject decidedly well Nelson clearly manifested ene mcst desirable faculty of the mind, and that ia to quote Sorlpture. lion J 0 Chufcff waa called on next and laat to offer a toast but while th other totati and response wr being delivered, John wa engaged with oommeude. Ms teal Iu trying to fill a larg vacum, a thing that the laws of nature revolt at and by th time he got on hi feet it was too manifest that he had succeeded, for then wa not even root for him to apeak. tU succeeded fcswevetm suggesting"! ruth," being the but link la th mystic tyrabol of th order. Immediately aros th tall, graceful form, with a rippling mile playing over the beaming countenance el George Washburn, to respond. The two tub jecti, George and "Truth," being so hannanl. oualy blended, th entire auditnc amIldMtk delight George told the atory of the "littl hatchet," and gracefully aoqultted fcrffcelf. The second and third table wr marched down upon and chaiyed on the rampart el delicate viand prepared by mln kot, Mr Watkln. with aU th vim of Napoleon' Old Guards, but they were compelled kl fall back a . i i i .1. . . overcome. After spendinit an hoar in eoil talk and listening to moat excellent mnaic, th crowd dispersed, feeling that lift had lgtbn4 out many davt longer. Brother of Spencer Butte Ixvlye, may yew (hadnw grow longer, and your live fill np far another "feast o( reason and flow of muL A MiMiia, f tigno Engint Company. ii This organization gava very pleasant -' oial MitertainiMnt at their ball Thdy . abf , which wa atUadsd by tb meaher ef E H- k L Co Ne 1, and aoda large aaabar of Invi ed guett - The addra of welcota. waa delivered by Mr Geo 8 Washburn, and responded to by Mr Go A Dorri. Mr L Btlyea proposed a toast to the "K F D," which wa responded to by Mr 8 H Friendly ; Mr Henry Day proposed the toast, "Eugeae Engine Company," which Mr J II Campbell responded to; the toast, "E H and L Co" wa proposed by Mr B F Dorri and th response wa delivered by Mr W T Campbell. Short speeches were load by Meter S M Yoraa K B Cochran, G B Dorri and Mayor T It Dunn. Th instruinsntal muaio for tke o cation wu furnished by Mr J H Mcduag'a lrohsstra and waa almirabl. ITie elaigiaf of a quartette preaent wa splendid. But th feature of the evening sntertalnroent WW furnished in th oomie aonv 4 Mr R II Clark , of Springfield, who ia realry a star ka that Uaav In the wonl of an Enghie cwtwpany Drmhr, "h U immeusa." A Sfilenilkl luuch wa set in tl Council Cbaiu'ter. Th entortaanmet wa on of th ntt suovessfoj tociol iu ever given iu the city, which is due nn gftwt part to th lab i 4 the eonnaittee of amage menti, Meuf Walter Cochran, Duacea Sloe and N J TyV. AcriiiE.'sl. We are iuforunxl that Mrs S P Hinder, of thie cty who kae hel visiting her daoglrter, Mr G H Thorite-, el Portland, received a fall n the 23d alt, breaking ber right arm near the wrist Her friend will be glad to hear that h i doing st well as could be expected, and hste be able to return home within a week ? t day.