The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 29, 1883, Image 7

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t th trftucftl huh wuwii olulianlc awea
Tr. from nor snlrit's ne-rll. rose sweet
Came forth to m hup royal wi-l of fate,
yiJ he iK"". "Yin," and lrM upon my
. - IIIYItHtl
While nxirt.t our rapture, dumb, ftxcd, uurx-
Pv ti'' "-'ii senses, did there fluctuate
i-Iia iilniiiti v mirin of our mortal state,
f omimring the poignant ecstasy loo blest.
Do I wake Into a ilmtm, or have we twain,
Lured by oft wiles to some nnooiun.'ioui
Pared joys forbid to irmnt 0 Light Supreme,
L'pon our brown tranlt,;tiriin( glory rein
Hot let the sword of Thy just angel gleam
Ou two Who euloivd Heaven before, their
tini: i
Andrew Jarknonit Hour in
White House.
The "Maaaarre of Wvoaaini
How many strange, old-new stone
one finds down hero among these on
cifiit people! Ami how many -.r.oii
relics of tiava ''Is'toro tliu war, sab."
In tht liiKt month of President Jack
sons administration, lie canon in u
voting artist, whom 1 am not permitted
to name row, to do u miniature of lus
deceased wife on ivory,
man was lint 1'.), and thn
seems to have taken him quite
heart, from the letters and otho
lio has preserved. The last few
of Jackson's administration
kept tlio artlnt constantly
It was eurlv
pilgrims were
of horse maim
At one of the
Ht.ll0tl th
niull knot
", mount
ore a b--
. vr an
This you.m- T" "TniiHi
old soldio ' ''-"MAtend,
Uite to hi ol.j,vt
him ami at work on the miiiiatijirv
II n.
B stom
rs bus re
he m8t
! inilorae
m pniiiieiit
us mid
The fifYther we. Ret from tli inci
dents' of the devolution the morel philo-
. .11 - i.l... !.... TA.
civil war niadaS a mora rutioijlal pco
plo to judge our Revolutionary fore
fathers. ,
A committee was appointed frotn the
descendants of tho Revolutionary men
ofSv joining, on the one hundreth anni
versary of that battle, to prepare a me
morial volume. Mr. Johnson, who ac
companied mo riding, was one of that
committee, and he gave mo the memo
rial book, of which 1 read a portion tho
same night.
There it is conceded that tho British
liehaved very respectably and protected
those who could come in. Tho British
commander was a regular officer, named
Butler. Ho allowed the people after
the battle to surronder, and politely
nJted their clergyman to act as secre
tary of the coin ention. which he did,
and this man wrote out the cartel, which
was iaitMully kept.
Tho American Bottlers wero allowed
to stay upon their farms and enjov their
property on condition of not enlisting
against the British government. Tho
valley was evacuated by Butler and his
command, and was not again invaded
by them.
Ail this is put down in the sober
second thought of a hundred years. If
you sleep on any thing a hundred vears,
except lobster salad, you will change
your mind.
Again, the Wyoming Memorial com
mittee discreetly says that the probable
cause of any invasion was the intoler
ance of our patriots, who began the war
by driving off their inoffensive mid nu
merically weaker Tory neighbors. To
reiustate those poor people tho British, not unexpectedly, hauled by
some of the same savage Iroquois wo
had nst d for a hundred years to invade
and murder the Trench in Canada. Our
patriotic forefathers knew all abcut tho
nature of their warfare, and inertly re
ceived sonio of its consequences.
The memorial report asserts that not
one woman was cither killed or abused
by tho victors at Wyoming.
Hint- to Talkers.
If the ministry were iretter v?rsed in
;he art of elocution they wuld un
ioubtedly make more converts. Writers
oi that art hold that, the end of
oiatorv is to persuade, nnd thai in or-
ikr to persuado ouo must bo clearly
uruerstood. lias refers to a cltr enun-
. tution of siftceh. There is iierhaps
n't ono minister m hfty. even in cities,
wiere they have all advantares, who
sieak clearly and distinctly ennigh to
b understood by even thei' nearest
mditors. They may speak loudenougli,
bt the articulation being inlistiuct,
tb meaning is lost m tho goun(
Asido from the prevalent Libit of
"jnting," consequent upon enotion, a
gsat many ministers really do nit seem
tnnulerstanu that it is necesiary to
opn their mouths to any exteit, but
aop oil their words in thei: grent
twto to emit the next, llin rapid
faking or "tju3oaujiiy" words makes
ivery nour me nero oi .ew mutant
would come and look over his sl.enlkler
in his deep concern about the prog j .
of tho work. The room occupied, UH:
was the general's private oltice it the
time, was the one on the right, i medi
ately at the head of tho main st.nityay.
Tho artist now a gray, old Virginian,
anil eminent in quite another walk of
life says tin , , these last few davs
tho president l,.ft quite alone. The
(lies that buzz alnvt to suck the sweets
of otlice had flown to w auccotwor. The
king is dead ; long live the king, l'resi
dent Jackson had nothing more to be
stow, and so was left in almost en
tire solitude. The general would
not let tho artist go away, but
kept him at his side in the private
oftice, even to the hist hour, while he
looked over and destroyed his papers.
tie came to me last ono he cl.m I
at it, let it fall in his hand heavily for a
moment, then raised it up, lore it in
two and threw it on the tlxr, where
bits of paper already lav mtnv im-li...
deep. Then springing up tie "old imm
threw his two hands out. biniicd them
l'r lus !,-(;, frV hm hips
f whii-h it iii!cmh1
lliln frum t-uin n.l
Hl Ulltf ll L L ... I it I... - t Al.-
L , ni II Jltuwil'l IUO
"tr io, s,,,.,.,, mmi, ntlBr Bit , .n(1.
"nth- respond.,1 tlmt ).. did uoL-that
nM a cowboy.
n f f I"1 ' -V0U IttHS0 tl,Ht foyr v
Huh! Tliafs nothin'! Tho bov
iild skin niv lu-a.1 "
"Then I I't 11.4 klWI'..
b . . . -vM-nnm ii i hi- ll nui.
i " iiiiom a word the
urge.1 to the other
anil, as the
little pony was
side of the track.
tr.lill aturl.i.l I...-.. .... 1
i.l.. , . "-""I "-i- llllll
.u.-r inline a nasi,, BinR ahead of the
train, (ir.idually as the train got un
der way it upon its opponent
until jt and the horse stood "neck and
nwk. Then, ai if to tempt tho rider
to Ins fate, oiara wero held to him
from the car windows. Without a
moments hesitation the little lonv was
headed for tho road-bed. whii-h it
reached bv a plunge from the higher
ground. The train increased in speed,
and the cow-boy, being intent on tho
prizes offered him, gave tho rein to tho
1;ny and his attention to taking the
cigars from the hands of tli.wn
the cars. Over u-nshnnt nnd m. .,
ground, through cuts and over eleva
tions the animal dashed, and so close
to the train that the rider's feet came
in contact with it. Tho animal was
left entirely to itself, and ono misstep
There, thaik !od H,f ! ' " """" "' n "'e thrown Dotli
iH the last of it, the very la, of it and fi f -
1- ....... .j.i.i. u iiiiiu lliu
down and said :
now I am going home to spend the re
mainder of my days at niv dear Hermit
age. Saying this he walkel across the
room, took a cob pipe, tilled it and sat
down, smoking a long time in silence.
The artist also made ot tho time a
miniature on ivory of Jnison, which
he still has in his possession. The face
is heavier, fuller, than we aro accus
tomed to see in steel cuts nail paintings.
Tho chin is prominent, massive,
double; tho hair is very thick, bristling,
and liko suow.
Mower In- r-.-.rla.
raco was kept tip, and at tho end of it
the daring rider was greeted with
shouts, which ho acknowledged by a
wave of his hat as tho horse mounted
tho embankment.
goes for a breath of fresh mr, to the
tlower pot in his little room, which ho
waters every night or morning, there is
but a step, so to speak, ind, moreover,
one may find flower markets in all parts
of tho wonderful citv, nut to mention
tho elegant shops, like that which I
have already named, nnd the hand-carts
which ugly old women push beforo
them in every street nnd avenue. Tho
Quai anx Fleures, tho Madeleine, tho
place do la llepubliqne and certain
parts oi mo outer uouievnMs nre so
many open nir markets where the flag
stones and nsphaltuni have been car
petod with verdure and enameled with
roses, geraniums, camellias, ' dahlias,
aznlias and other lovely gifts of tho
goddess Flora.
It was Cato, I think, who wished to
make it obligatory on every liyman
citizen to have a llowerinq plant to look
after and tho Par.'sinn of to-day would
seem to have adopted his principles.
Tho average Parisian, it is true, does
not go beyond the fortifications, but it
does not require mud in order to give
him the sensation of tho country, tho
odor of the tlower and the shadow of
love. A lilac bush which will soou
burst into blossom ami which stands in
nn Li. .J,.,, a ...ill.
aviation impossible, to say "otl-iUjs of l-thorns that ho
,mti,,,i irrw.'iseif along mo ancient
The t rash or World.
If ever two great worlds do moot in
this way it is possible to predict sonio
of tho consequences. To use tho tech
nical language of science, "their energy
of solar motion will bo converted into
various forms of molecular nnd poten
tial energy;" which, translated into the
vernacular, means that there will bo ev
olution of heat and light, while nt tho
flowers i tl,an ,,l,li .!.. " " I . ' 'V. "mo .u' m 1'''" "0
: : ; "i"" ' vnoiiv
I must confess tiie piission ror flowers
is highly developed in Palis. From the I
alio chopping otl" process, which
lvents the speaker from being under-
no matter how slow ho might
sk. To be heard is not always to be
nersfood, and- tliere oan be no persna
si or conviction unless the auditor
ni'ivstands what tho minister is say-
AOuMernted Tea,
lg Ti
Wuilo engaged in
ioir nor res with a cup
litioiis ol
uuu-h. liver
,. ,.u mill a
live of nial
leases arc no
ule by I'mK
iul lXiders.
., nimly fr
ter's All'
eptie Fti,
w, FaUlnK
ess, Convul
..lcohollam, i all
Literary Men,
nd all hosa
"Jervous Pros
xd, stomach,
squire a erva
G V r I
i all.
v. ,rnd f up
specially pr
xri. Delivers
ibclwMjrS IS
J5 torts: 75
E a HindBC'
' ; i..... n,t...n .... n .- 1
y lillli.lliu imy uin ill llf I, 111 MI-
,.ed charcoal, borie-Tifufi, clay, terra
.. pulverized soap-stone, talc, Prus-
blue, gravel, and other iimliwirablo
:iedities. Such is the stuff scion-
exjierts employed by the New York
il of health have fonml m the green
i6'.d in that city. Tho best grades
i"k teas nri pronounced the safost,
the verdict is rendered that "none
e green teas are pure."
. lid n.:i In the Xew llebrldcft.
long letter from .the New Hebrides
that this is a dry season, two tons
aize per hectare ( twe and a half
Rout tho immense number of wild
makes cultivation impractieablo
int pigvproof fences. l!y one shot
4t tlirty at least wero put to
V pasting almost between the
'tei's legs, who was o dazed that
nt uinml ulwf. TIlA pnr.lltrv
i-nbed as fabulously fertile, well
.tt and apecially adapted for p'Ow-
?r cane.
Klrh Deposit.
" tndLtr ofacreat belt of phos-
ajrtli Carolina is anuouiceu
.75Uiiieatiou to Briulstrjots,
vlias been traced a disance
V nnd an observer believes
.. I distance of Thirty or forty
' sjdo o the uorticaat
Fear river.
alior'H Way. .
wells ii quoted as say
i lr.s manuscript MX
v. t ; i . . t
-iiu .m,.n 7.reatze nu mens oi a
terrestrial paradisk MiralK-au said
ono day when ho ,V ,mv"lg
garden to Argcntenfl:! ' ' l"wprs aro
the iioetry of gardens : m J,,",,
Claretie has improvesi hem by
calling tlicm "the pootry t V I'ns-
TooKweet for Anyi'ii-i V
A tiny very tr.iv tug was served u
a fashionable dinner the other evening;
and w hen he was placed on tho table a
howl went up from the assembled rank
and fashion surrounding him. Tho lit
tlo beast stood on his own hoofs in tho
midst of a bed of Marshal Neil roses; in
his rosy snout was the customary lemou,
and twisted in his small tail was a blue
or in part liiiuctied. the liotiids
vaporized, and tho vapors and gases
rarelied and expanded. Tho intensity
of the action will depend, of course,
mainly lipon the mnss and swiftness of
the colliding bodies; but an easy calcu
lation shows that if our earth were ever
to meet another globe liko herself, and
meeting with the same velocity, heat
enough would bo generated by tho
shock to transform them both into a
hugo ball of vapor; unless, indeed, tho
central core of the earth is much colder
and more refractory than is usually sup
posed. At any rate, tho quantity of
heat developed would lie sullicielit to
lnelt, boil, and completely vaporize a
ma: of ieo fully 701) times that of both
the colliding worlds an ice planet 150,
0011 miles in diameter.
If, however, tho impinging masses
were, to begin with, mainly gaseous (as
tho sun seems to be) thn effect might
bo curiously different. Heat would, of
course, be generated, just as in tho case
of solid bodies; but as a consequence,
apparently most paradoxical, the result
ing nebula might actually bo cooler
than either of tho bodies before tho en
counter; of courso it would be vastly
expanded in volume. Just as a gaseous
mass contracting under its own gravity
from loss of heat by radiation at its sur
face, continually rises in temperature.
so a similar mass, expanding against its
own gravity from accession of heat
within, may fall in temperature, nay,
must fall, if tho body is composed of
"perfect" gas. Of course, immediately
after tho collision, and liofore the ulti
mate expansion bulk was attained, tho
temperature and brilliance of thn mass
would bo for a time vastly increased,
but tho final result would be as stated.
An t'nluuked-t r i:ireainii of r eel-
insrom an Old African 4 hlrt
Seeing their perplexity l.ieut. Orhan
roluuUvrcd to the off a round of
twenty cartridges from his Winches
ter." The chief and people icre de
lighted. 1'imld there be greater honor
for the deceased than to receive Li
farewell salule ut the hands of a white
man. with his wonderful gun from
Mqnto the mysterious region U'vond
the sea ihel'nknown perhaps Heaven
itself? i for are not these white men
sons of Heaven?! So thought tho old
chief ns he led us to seo tho corpse.
With uu earnest, pleading tone he took
cur hands in Ins and suid : "U you,
ho are going home !" and ho poititvd
to the pale and jieaoefiil evening skv.
will send him back to us, will vou
not? You will tell him his hut is
waiting for him, his wives will prepare
his manioc white as cotton cloth, and
there shall be Malafu in plenty and a
goat killed? You will send him back,
will you not?"
This expression of feeling quite took
us by surprise. Ordinarily tho African
is so stolid, so thoroughly 'material, that
ono never expects from him auvthing
like sentiment or poetic ideas. We
tried as gently as possible for ho ap
pealed to Itotii of ns in his distress to
explain at once our utter inability to re
animate this hideous corpse with the
breath of life and to encourage him
with voguo hopes that all was not in
vain, but he shook his aged, grizzled
head sadly ot tho confession of our
pottorlessness face to face with death.
The dead man had been placed in his
grave in a sitting posture, many layers
of native cloth lying under him, and
ready to cover him up on the top were
piles of cotton stuffs, received in trade
from tho far off coast, and rep
resenting to these natives a con
siderable amount of wealth. In
the vague, half-determined notions
which tho people hero have conceived
as to a future existence, everything in
tho spirit world is supposed to bo a pale
copy of things existing on the earth, ho
that for this eason they put cloth, ves
sels of pottery, and, in the case of a
chief, dead slaves into the graves, in or
der that tho deceased on arriving in tho
land of shades may not appear unpro
vided with tho necessary mentis of mak
ing a fresh start in a'now life. Tho
grave iu which this man was buried had
been dug in a hut, and tho head of tho
corpse was not much more than two
feet la-low tho surface. We could not
ascertain whether tho hut, or rather
house-for it wasa substantial building
of poles ami thatch would bo aban
doned or not. 1 fancy not, as it is only
iu the case of a chief that this is done;
and tho man that was dead, although
rich and influential, was, sltcr all, only
tho favorito slave of tho chief.
iviim loca History Tear ht
It is not our intention to decry tho
study of history, if wo really have any
thing worthy of the name. Wo recog
nize it as one of tho ornamental branches
necessary to a "finished education."
But what is its comparative practical
value? To w hat real aeeoutit can ono
young man in a million turn his knowl
edge of Pompey's battles, Casar's con
quests, tho triumphs of Alexander, or
the brilliant victories of Napoleon, ad
mitting that ho is familiar with all that
has ever been written concerning them?
What lessons of practical w isdom enn
the girlderivo from studying the lives of
Dido, Cleopatra, Elizabeth or Catha
rine, as they aro presented by tho ancient
or modern historian ? Wo do not ap
prehend any danger from too much at
tention being given to this branch of
study by the youth of either sex.whether
it is as tlio elder Wal pole thought,
"nothing but lies," or as Macauley. de
fined it, "philosophy teaching by ex
ample. " It is a great deal moro ex
tolled than read, and much moro com
mended thau studied, and it is likely so
to continue.
Hoothin-c the Victims.
jlanvood.thetnglisli hangman, used
to H0th8 his victims by whispering
words f encouragement to them.
"Conion now," he would say kindly.
ovi r in a minute.. It will bo all right.
Aio it to mo." A well known
pond lily. Ho was pronounced too g,rjrjU Arkansaw is equally as kind.
sweet fcr anything, was uiiiy cut up ana i imie ago ho entered tho coll of a
1 l-l. 1 lil e il
man w' wss 10 00 uangeii tuo loiiow-
. . lor.,1 .al l. -TI... lilll,. '..;.
tasted, nnd the health of tho Clnneso
cook was duly drunk in champagne.
A IVructual look.
A perpetual clock was started at
Brussels a little over a yo r ago. An
up draft is obtained in a tube or shaft
by exposing it to tho sun ; this draft
turns n fan, which winds up the weight
of the clock until it reaches tho top,
when it actuates a brake that stops tho
fan, but leaves it free to start again
after the weight has gone down a little.
At the last of June tho clock was run
ning perfectly, after having been iu
motion for nine consecutive mouths.
Queer Oil irin'.
ing day U(1 tn1 '"Thut little affair of
ours ci'P" to-morrow, you know,
and I Lfi that yen will bo quite ready
for th perforon.M'0. Hold yourself
pretty fctiff when ti. cap is drawn.
Then)'0'1 R down straight and
won't; dangle. It's very uncomfortable
to ,lm lis iiinl vou will find tho stiff
iieU'"' preferable."
1'rUou Morality.
man who was convicted of theft
sentenced to tho stuto prison in
adolphia the other day astonished
ht judge by making these pointed re-
m:.J s in court: ''I wi rked three years
your state prison making
ea. and I know us much
,t t' l -iboi t maKinc simcs as i no
larJ. .uV'1 t watches.
"Venezuela Iris boiling oil ppringr
-..I.- I. nn rrr on r surim' t
,"".,':' t i,. i .1 rf. J V.t watches. They taught mo to
he moon, and Wyoming has oil ift lie .!.o,u;st. My principal work was
l,Varo th,.irow.'. storage tanks, .U U ''f1'" V" to-
P s -o Vm all," said Ca,t. J grfher to make a thick ... lo t, niq.-so
Flower, of Venango county, i " J
Aster honso rotunda. He !i:u ji.t1 r'
turned fnm two years' t-.o o(
titration t uU .-'i d oil fields r.
A ,i, i. f tl... "'aeiik
a!-ad of the time for other :.. -J- " Uut 1 '""
is ' nervous disposition . t' t r -ij "'
.1,1 for him to';ar.i.l ' .. . A No"" York i:n r-liant sppnTjng
K.ti.-e? . "V V o rot: inat -f a cmrxle ho ju.t
- ' L j , , it .n-iii in- y i a vile of , UT,l a third wii-J. I can t urid-r-
f2aiine-. Orli.a. ' .kl t ? ' t ntan in , . , . Jonu , ., ..T , wi,Jow,.r
- ' ,"&!lJ- '.,;:if.bnt mridea h alway, Wn
feige ofTrUitV ill urany. t Arwn than ., ; , i a m;ins fir-t wife muted him, he
a substitute Lt h ;tc ;. "Y. '-rf3 . n,.r,. 'wronger :."uUi,iu't cxs--t that another could till
vfrual in the pro. rhor. 1 Tommy. L 1 , . ar it duwa .i., and if sh i did not suit hiru,
than i, lb
HaiiKt'i- of TolMiennnlng.
The Iiouisvillo Commereiars reporter
got mi interview with the city solicitor
of Toronto nt tho exposition, Tho so
licitor said: "Toboganning is great
sport. My friend Smith had a valuable
horse that once made a mile in ten sec
onds on a toboggan. Tho animal lost
its sight, however, tlio needles
having cut its eyes out of its head as it
flow (town hill. Tho horse had incau
tiously strayed to a toboggan hill in tho
night, and had uceideiitly stopped on
one of the slippery things, and away ho
went. There was a slender, long-necked
boy wiio was tho most skillful tobog
ganer in western Canada; but ho met
with a painful accident thut w inter that
put a stop to his favorite sport forever.
As ho was goingdown hill one afternoon
lie carelessly turned his face to ono
side, ami tho wind twisted his whole
head nquaro round, so that tlio eyes
looked down the buck of his neck, and,
lingering for several yours in a rctro
sctivo way, ho died insane his brain
was turned.
th lf.n the i.ublic. Tins man who had tho
i r. Jr ntract was a Christian, a member of
in'.. .' J(. church, at'd at the tune I called his
ajatU' attention to tin- .a-tcl.ard business ho
ad iu w.:s f..r -iii;ui of tho grr.nd jury.
L' ' '
no-J . v
A QnrHtlon of Frefdora.
" I fought for your freedom," said a
gentleman whom a negro policeman
was conducting to tho lock-up.
"You needn't try ter fight fur yourn,
cap'n, fur if yor does I'll hit yer."
"Ain't you got no respect for a man
who helped to free yon?"
"J ain't steadyiu' 'lwiut chit, cap'n. F.f
yer had enilff sense to fight fur my free
dom yer uughter hub enuff t-r 'halm
yerse'f airter !' freed, lio.-m pull vv iv. I'll friii yer a lick fust
tiling . r know dat'll ring so loud nut
de hri! engines w ill come out. Yer ow n
freedom se ins t..r boihb r yer much
mol e dell I'lilie. "
Y rut to tlir Mio;.
The china toilet vt of t!n hito Ad-laid.-
Neilson, .-very piece paint.-d with
he r i:.':;("'ra!n, i-in-ire! d with wreaths
ol ros s, U rin'-1 fur a h i:-; time the
chief oi naiiient of a I l ie r. i ; ac shiei i n
the P.ue du Septombre. i'i Paris.
Arkansaw Traveler: A piisson what
ain't (.'i,t no iiuissy fur a ummal ain't
f-ot mine fur a miiii. an' is only k. ii'.'ii ni
bcatii,' a man 'case he's a cn,.rd.
Slolrtlni Planter Cant.
Where do I get mv molds and first
easts? The best of tlieiu aro made in
Itonie: now and then 1 get a fine thing
from Paris. I don't import my molds.
I get the best casts from abroad and
make tho molds hero. Tho making of
a gisul mold is a very serious matter.
Look at this one of the Helvidere Apollo.
The figure is but twenty-two inches
high, yet tho mold is composed of
seventy or eighty pieces, and each piece
must tit with perhvt a.vuracy. Tho
mold for that onus of Melos is' in moro
than a hundred pieces. Tho mold, not
the labor expended, is w hat makes a
good cast exjHMisive, for we can make
on ordinary cost in a day. We first tie
ad tho pieces together and then pour in
the plaster. If tho mold was not in
many pieces how could wo get tho
statue out? It would lo like going to
work to undress a man by taking hold
of his head and trying to pull him out
of his clothing. Here is a little cast of
a pear; it is in flvo parts, two for top
and bottom and three for the sides.
"We judge of a good cast by the lines.
Look- ut this bust of Niolio; you see
that tho lines caused by the mold are
narrow and tine; in a 'poor cast ther
would lo coarse and heavy, Ik'cuuso tho
mold had become worn at its edges.
And the corners must eomo evenly and
closely together; ono pioeo must not
fall Mow tho level of the others. Tho
reason that an artist prefers a cast
which lias tho mold marks intact is not
Ih-cuuko of tho assistance tho lines give
in drawing the figures, but because ho
knows by means of them just how good
the original was, and that tho workman
has not, in scraping off tho marks, hurt
the form of the figure. Common work
men in plaster not only chisel off tho
marks carelessly, but even smooth off
the surface of tho cast with sand
laper." The Church and the Mtase.
While orthodox Christians iu this
country generally frown ou the stage and
all its belongings, it is not to lie dis
guised that tho prejudice against actors
and theatres is not us marked as it was,
say, twenty years ago. ( )ne of the most
beautiful and successful theatres in New
York is owned by a couple of clergy
men, who nre also tho proprietors of
Tho Churchman, the ollicial organ of
the F.piscopal denomination. The Her.
KoWrt Collyer, and other lils-ral, as
well as F.piscopal, clergymen openly
visit tho Now York theatres nnd no
scandal is mused thereby. In Kngland
tho bishop and clergymen of tho na
tional church attend operas and the
atres tho samo us other peoplo; but
more remarkable than all, The Christian
World, tho leading London organ of
tho Nonconformists, recently contained
a leading editorial, giving Mr. Henry
Irving a "God speed," apropos of his
departure to America. Mr. (leorgo
Macdonald, tho English novelist, is a
clergyman, yet he frequently appears as
an auiutenr actor on Bemi-publio occa
sions. Tho theatre is growing in popu
larity in this country. A largo space is
given to dramatic news iu all our jour
nals. It is for Christian people to say
what course they shall pursue in the fu
ture. It is idle to ignore the stago or to
condemn it by wholesale. After all,
why not try and moralize it and freo it
from objectionable associations?
Take a Kood Itest.
Y'on arc wearing out tho vital forces
faster thnn there is any need, and in
this way subtracting years from tho
sum total of your life. This rush and
worry, day alter day this restless anx
iety for something you have not is liko
peiible-stoncs in machinery, they grato
ami grind the life out of you. You have
useless burdens; throw them off. You
have a grent load of useless euro; dump
it. Pull in the strings; compact your
business; take time for thought of bet
ter things, (lo out into tho air ami let
(lod's sun shine down upon your busy
Stop thinking of business and profit ;
stop grumbling at adverse providences.
You will jirohuhly never seo much bet
ter times in this doonod world; and
your most opportune season is now;
your happiest day is to-day. Calmly do
your duty, and let God take cure of His
ou ii world. Ho is still alivo and is the
King. Do not imagine that things will
go to everlasting smash when you dis
appear from this mortal stage. Io not
fancy that tho curse of heaven, in tho
vast task of righting up a disjointed
earth, is imposed upon you. Cease to
fret and fume; ceuso to jump and worry
early and late. The good time is com
ing, but vou will never bring it; God
cun, ami will; take breath, sir; sit
down and rest, and take a long breath.
Then go calmly to tho tasks of life, and
do your work well.
itapolcon'e Own Ilorowcope.
While Napoleon was retreating from
Moscow he lost an old manuscript,
which w as afterward proved to be over
five hundred years old. With this he
hod cast his own horoscope. The ques
tions and answers were in his ow hand
writing, and written while ho was a
subaltern. Of these questions and an
swers only ono is given horo, although
tho majority of them wero remarkably
correct as to his after life.
Question H. Khali I bo eminent and
meet with preferment in my pursuits?
Answer. (Hieroglyph of tho Pyramid)
definition: "Thou shalt meet with
many obstacles, but at length thou
shult attain tho highest earthly power
and honor."
; Tomb ot I'rrHlilrnt Lincoln's t.rnnd-
John Leach, of Yarmouth, I!nglaud,
s.'ivs The Loudon Atliemeiim, has had
i the inscription over tho tomb of tho
grandfather of Al.r.iliam Lincoln, ut
I Norwich, photographed for friend of
i the family. Tho inscription is as fol-
; "In memory of Mr. Abraham Lincolno,
: of this parisfi, who died July l.'l, 17'.,
I aged seveiity-ninii years; and Hannah,
bis daughter, who died Sepu-mbu 'I'i,
ITi'.'.i, aged six years."
"From Thee, great God, we spring,
to Thee wo tend,
Path, motive, guide, origin, and
A llailroad I'.nglnrer Mve III K.
"A fortnight or so ago i was on mr
ay to the far west, traveling on a fust
through llaltimore Ohio express. On
a bright Sunday morning I awoke iu
my lierth and realized that tho train
was stui ding still. I raised the curtain
uuu pcepeu out. I lie sun was w ell up
in the heaven", and the train stood in a
dense wood, away from any living
creuture. It did not move for sonio
time, and I arose, made my toilet, and
went outside. The train stood partially
on a loug trestle-work or open bridge,
and 1 could seo smoko rising from tho
end of tho structure furthest from ns.
1 walked out past tho locomotive and
on tho bridge, wheio I met a number of
gentlemen talking.
'"What's the matter?' I inquired of
"'Oh, a section of tho bridge has
burned,' replied tho gentleman.
" 'Lucky the engineer saw tho lire iu
time to save us,' I remarked, gazing
down into the water below, and shud
dering at tho thought of Wing piled
up, in a sleeping-car, in tho chasm that
yawned for me.
" 'Hut the engineer says ho didn't see
any fire when ho stopped,' exclaimed
"'No, taid the engineer who stood
hard by, 'I saw no tiro. I had a pre
sentiment us I approached tho bridge.
Something seemed to warn me that it
would not bo snfo to cross tho bridge,
and it eaiuo upon me so strongly that
I just stopped tho train and got out of
tlio cab, and I hadn't walked twentr
steps beforo I saw that tho act hail
saved many lives, for tho wholo train
would have gone down that hole, al
though it is but tho length of two rails.
Tho fire didn't show up much above
the ties, as it was routined mostly to the
timWrs Wlow. liight there in that lit
tle shed a watchman sleeps, said the
engineer, pointing to a diminutive
dwelling a half dozen rods away,
'and it wns his duty, and
it V has been for years' ti xi
out hero, and to pass over the bridge
just beforo and after us ; but somehow I
felt that he was not faithful, that ho
might be asleep, and I could seo iu my
mind, as I approached tho bridge, tho
whole train going down to death, and
could hear theories of the dying, and
so I just stopped, as I said. The watch-,
man, sure enough, was asleep. Oh, you
needn't laugh, for this is no5 tho first
time presentiments huvo saved lives
when my hand was ut tho throttle. No,
I've been in just thin position before,'
said he, blushing to the tips of his fin
gers, us two or three gentlemen smiled
and whistled n bit.
" 'No,' suid he, 'I had a foreboding of
danger stronger than this a few years
ago. I was running then on a "division
of tho Sandusky. There is a little sta
tion ou that road w!:ero tho passenger
trains seldom stop, it has a siding for
freights, however, and there was nearly
always a freight train side-tracked as t
passed through on tho fast express.
Phut little place is on a long stretch of
splendid truck, and for years the en
gineers hud that as a racing ground,
and I tell you sonio mighty good
timo has been made there. At
tho timo 1 hud this presentiment the
rivalry among tho engineers on that
stretch of track was at its height. It
was a sharp winter night thnt I ap
proached tho station, on tho down
trip. It was foggy, and a florco wind
blew. I hadn't stooped thero for
three months, and os I went into that
good track with a dash, and approuohed
tho village at a terrible speed, I never
thought of stopping. My locomotive
was tho Hoetest on tho road, and I vyas
congratulating myself, as tho fireman
drow his watch that I was making Die
Wst timo on record, and was thinking -to
myself how I would appal tho train
men side-tracked as I ilushed through.
When a quarter of a milo from tho sta
tion something whispered to me to stop.
I didn't want to stop, and reflecting
how chagrined I would bo if I would
huvo to. atop when iu tho heat of a suc
cessful race, I toscod my head, opened
the throttle a little moro, and oh, how
wo flow 1 Seems to mo I never saw a
train como so near Hying, und yet sho just
lay as closo to and smoothly on tho
truck as could bo. Quick as thought I
was commanded by an inner Imiug to
stop, or it would make a run to death;
and, without effort, my hands reversed
(lie engine nnd applied the air. There
was no signal, no whistle nor bell
sounded, and tho fireman was astonished
to seo my frantic movements. Tho
train lay still a few feet past tho depot,
and as I jumped from mv engine I felt
so embarrassed thut I almost burned.
I could inuko no explanation to the con
ductor or tho trainmen who came about
mo. I looked all over the engino.
Kvorvthinir was nil riirlit T ra.t mv
eyes along tho train. Nothing appeared
wrong. Then I walked down the track
in front of tho engino. W hen I I
gone lots than a hundred feet, and
yond tho rays of tho headlicht I :
against a box car! It stood right out
in front of tho engine, full on the track.
Tho snitch had been loft 0en and the
wind hol skewed it out. It was loaded
with carbon oil. Had I not seen it,
score of persons would have been killed
and burned.
I ran
Want It "Hone Itrown.-
Flood, tho Californf millionaire, is
going to ship brow nstoiio all the way
from New York for his new San FrarV
risco palace. This will bo an intior ,
tion in which health and comfort idv -'
to bo sacrificed to stlo. Uriclr y,
Mono houses in San l '-m e,i'"nre .
simply utinhabitablo btit .rs-.i of t'ocir
coldness and dampnesa, but Mf-JW J f
believes that brown strii ai' Citi
give the solidity and V-.r.-.f ? ty
to such a pahw i h-i ti!.-;i fci build.
hoal.l rw Kr-tten
u i, liar. ' tastes
are. tlu relore.j nn'i-J ero-ed aud
Orthotic. v '
, . ' ,
A Point ti'e .
Itisr. pcrted tV- ' u T i'l be
wado next season 'T-'---' p ; uts on
land that ctn ! ''' 'h croo
was a fail'1-' " muTl? vuf ntliit south
this vec oa ftt'r"uat A t e rirjjLt.
l!v the way, it
that Mr. Flo., J
and utte!:'! hi,.