TKE mini CITY GUARD. SATURDAY DKCEMHBIl 2!), 1833. to 8mithfield Item. 8niTimi!i.i, Deu 22, 188.1. Joseph, Caatrell, of njiencvr, is lier visit ing relative. Born, to the wife nf James I' Union, I)o 10th, ton, Horn,' to tli wifu of I! II .leant. Deo Ntli, danglitcr. A' rifle match will lie liM New Vear for beef. Miss Kile Mct'ornac, of Alsen, in vi.iting her sister, Mrs Hales, of tins e. Amos Richardson itiyea a jtran.l hall Christmas: pleasant time will bo hud. j M Csntrull ami family have arriv from Wasco county, ami report very on! weather. Coyotes still continue- to kit' sheep in this vicinity. . Catch them Imys ami c to oth lUrpoU awl get your reward. The citizens here have organised C:y Club, with the following ImiiwUriesi North, hounded by Owen's creek j went by ihu Hold, eon fork of the Long Tom, south and east by the main Lung Tom. A reward of $.'i will be paid for each coyote killed during the year 1884 except those poiioue'J. The following score was made by the mem bers of the Smithfltld Club, Dec 22, 188.1: Beth Hurpole 011II0!!!!5 Frank Elites 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1-5 James Bale. 1 I 0 1 I 1 1 1 0 1 1 -8 Oeo Oll-on 0 1111 1- II J A Oihsnn 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0-5 Ben U Jeans 10011 0111 1-7 Andrew A lilln 0 1 10 1 0 1 1 1 0-tl Jas Jtii hanLon 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -3 NaU I'urkesoii 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1-5 Louis WtJihson 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0-4 Henry THmith. .1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1-7 Polk Handle, (Jeo Beck and (.'has Dales absent Chris Crone and Joe Cantrell acted ae referees, and they have the thanks of the club for their correctness of decision and atten. tloo to their business. S V Iluriole, 1! H Jeanes aud O W Gibson acted as scorer-; Kd Sherman and .1 W Kiolinrilsoii acted as trap pullers. The contest was one of the livelier ever had by this club. Another content will b had on the 20th, when a man tan linve a chance to squander some of his loose half dol lars, as J A (Jihiion incises to wager 820 that no man breaks ten straight balk Also three coin prizes are at stake. . IiKlil'I.AK. Soinii beautiful town Ms nicely located or sale cheap. Call early ami gi t bargain. (iKO. M. Millkr, Real Estate AKeiit. NEW ADVEUTISKMENTS T. (1. Hl.lDKItK H. B. KaKiK.Ja. W. C.T. U. u .. Kuhknk, Duu. 2.1, 1SS.1. ' The anniversary exercise bivuu by the V C T U, last Sabbath evening, were ably con ' ducted by Mrs I'mf Condon. The spirit and determination w.iiuli was shown by the .'President ar.d every member who took port, :lmparted a charm to the meeting which was .felt by all. The old trnsado hy.nn, "(iiye to the winds thy fears," seemed to give the key note of the meeting. . Tho Bund i f Hope exercises by Emma Test, Howard How land and Frank MuCallister were g oil. The reading of the crusade psalm by .lUs deary was quite impressive. Mrs Prof Collier in her "Clmco at the W CTU,"gavu many very interesting facts concerning the same, and awakened a new iuterest in the work. Itev K V Henderson, Judge Walton and SI ' .1 ..I .1.1 a... I .l...m f.-illillt. lilt Vrain, shohh "' .-'i' the temperance subject in thuir live minute upeeches. While listening to Miss Andrews' olo, the thought cimei "What can bo more pleasant than to siug one's way into the hearts of the people." liuv W ( Simpum delivered the anniversary address. By his smooth, elegant manner he g lined the ear; by the depth of fueling exprttu'd he gained the heart; by tho plain spoken, "home tern- , peranoo" talk, the earnest appeal aud fear lessness in supporting this came, he ihor. uglily aroused the audience. Miss An- ( drewi read distinctly and touchiiigly the poem, "Only Sixteen " The exercises closed with a quartette, "Living Waters," by Messrs W II (lore, Walter Eakin, Hubert Collier and W 8 (lore, which was highly ap preciated. The decorations, with pictures, a ' map of the United Status and the American (lag, were quite pretty. Tho W C T U Banner, which was designed and painted by Mr Bhinehart, show rare and cultivated taste and was really beautiful. Visitor. IF YOU WANT A CHEAP SHOT UUA or Kifle, come to Junction City. The tin .i n..i. ...II mi muni fi-otii five ilol!ars IIOIBI(inni wnn... .1-. - - tu two hundred, or tuit the nan I times. Also all liillllrt of AMMUNITION, hUK.l.lS, AU.s, CAI'S.I'UI.MKKS, CATUIDGES, BELTS, FLASKS, ETC. Come to the shop near lower end of Junction ana see lor yourselves. Also a No 1 cheap farm encino and feed mill. ,.,. li. 1'. Illv.MUili Kn. Costly Animals. t'Mt'Ai.o, Peo. 13. .Mr W II Mams, Oj -this city, manager aud owner id the cvle. brated Nickle Plate Shows, now wintering ' in Oregon, has recently purchased the lineal deu of performing lions owned by any circus tnausger in America, including the celebrated limit "Sultan" aud ' Prince," said to bo the best performing and !argct lions in eaptivi ty, and hare been known throughout Eurow as tho "Uatieuroaoh fi(),(KK) Den." In ad dition to this purchase ho has alo Ix-ught the famous trick elephant "dyiisv. lln-se, with a large ainonut A other show properly. Mill be shipped to Orrg mi in theeaily rpnug lor the great .Mcklo I Into Minus, DiMN.illKlT4ttT Nonce. The attention of our readers is resjiectfully called to the adver -ntrnt, lu another colnuiu, of D M Ferry & Co., Dvtrnit, Mieh, the celebrated seeUnii-n, They dn-tbe largest busines in their line in the United States; raise the bulk of their M-rd rn their own farms, by the mint approved methods, and have obtained a world wills rep utation for the quality and variety of the seed tner put UiQ the market, and their integrity in Hlluiir nnlem entnute.1 to them. Their beau tiful Seed Ani.nsl for Wli sunt free to all who ' iply tr it, will be found of practical value '1 who desire to imrWiiu-j aeeits true to Vndrews, overseer of the Lowell -ation, was for over twenty years val to L.iwll, afflicted with vort form. Iu uluetations e than half tit surface of 'U was rntirrly cured by certificate in Ayer 'nt emeiveniMs y family, A v 'ot dewud- it iu la S etc, 'rkeet 1 HENDRICKS Ei EAKIH, BANKERS, Eugene City --OrcgtJfl. Sight draft" on NEW YORK, SAN FItAX CISCO and PORTLAND, OREGON'. All collections entrusted to us will receive special attention. I )eMwiU re-el veil subject to check. Loans mtile on approveil securuy. ami 'iii Banking business done on reasonable terms. BATHS AT AT HOU21S 25 OEBira.' Chris Marx, - - Prop., RARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS. U'.M..... .... Ui.u..f u'A ilmtnt nnrtli nf tht f 1 IIIMIWr VW W w" v ' -------- St. Clmrlee Hoti'l, Eugene, Oregon. Strayed. FROM THE DUNN RANCH. .3 V miles snntheaat of Eugene, about six M" .1 I' 'I 1.uuM ..I.I 11,1.1 WCCH HgO, miirn V J - !... .t. i.Iih other nuite tall with two small white spots on rump. .... 1 aray horse two yearn oio, on the rump. , i . 1 bay hlly, I yearoiu, diihi ice nun iim legs. 1 hbu k 611v. 1 vear okl, with white siml on right hind lieel. 1 sorrel horse, 1 year oin, miner n.avy w-v. ......... ..,,,1,1.. n.u'iir.1 u ill Im imid for illfnr- rf ,c.-..n. 1 tuation conceining the swum. Address vi M. .iioMuonr.iti, j. 1. 1 l.iiiu I'.i lie. Or information may le left at this nlhVe. SPORTSEVIEN. A 5K Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Kine. Oregon Railway Company, Limited. nil. I Action nt law v ! to kiinroiniate Laura Manslield, minor, by land lor right J V Grimes, gu, in way. Del. ) To Laura ,lautield and J W Grimes, DWt's. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I lln-ifiiii vnu are hercbv sunimoued to mi- pear iu raid Court and answer the complaint it the planum s, :ueil inerein on or uciore the lirst day of tho next teim of snid Court, to bcLiun and held nt Eugene City, iu bine County, Slate of Oregon, on to w it: tile '.'1st day ol April, ISM, pluiutilt s will tulio judgment for want ol an auxuur, for the le licf uraved for iu the coiniilaiot, nnmelv: T" appropiiale the land described in complaint for right ot way. It was oMcrcii ly tnu Judge at the November term of said Court, IHS:!, that service of this summons be niadu on the ileleoihint, l.auia Manslield, by pub lication in thu Kugjiie ( t'Aitli, a newspaper publisheil iu said county weekly, for aix cm.. seculive weeks. (!. B. 4 (J. 'a., Plir's Attorney. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ljine. In the matter of the estate of Samuel II Nosst'O, deceased; Citati To Rebecca II Jackson and David W Noett and all others, interested iu Slid etale, L'leeting: " IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you aro hereby citeit ami re quired to appear in the County Court ut the State of Oregon, for the county nf Line nt the Court room thereof at Eugene City, in the County nf Lane on Mummy, the 7th -day of January, 1SS4, at 10 ii'cIik k iu the forenoon nf that day, then ami there to show cause, if any there Ite.why an order should not be made by said Court suthoriiiug the sale nf tho following de serried real property, talonging to said e t ite, to-wit: n uinlivide.l one-half interest in to the following decrilieit premise) to-wit: Commeiiciiig ut S E comer of See 23, T K S, 2 W, thence running as follows: N l.VTOch t.iS linn nf A Allen's donation land claim, W 6.32 ths to E line of Wm Allen's donation land claim, S to S E comer of said claim, West '.'.I S3 clis, N 43 degrees, W to K line of N W nf S W sec 23, X to S E corner of N W i nf S W i sec 23, W 2J 00 chs, S to N line nf W S llarlay's dona, li'.u land flsiin, E to X K C"nier uf aaid elaim, f 2V72 chs, E to S W corner of X E i of X E I see 2(5. X 20.00 chs, ami thenee E 20 IK) chs to plate of liegiiiuing, contain. lug 127 acres more or les, excepting one acre ilenleil to jMinol Distiict No 42, in Lane County, Oregon. Let Da id W N. tt an 1 all nmknnwn bir be servml by publication for 4 weks in the Eugene City GtakU Witiiru, the Hon J- C. Cm arH, Judge nf the Coantv Court n the State nf Oregon, for the SEAL County nf Une, with the Ptal nf said t'onrt altix.-d. this ZK dsy nf Nov, A D. 1SS3. ArnT: Joil Wakk, CWrk. Gio, S. WasiiBi aiK, Att'y for Admioittrstor. Money to Loan, 1 ' Ou sasy terms, on approved seourity. Insur ance f il'ecti d on all kinds of property, iu the besitf oomjauiica, . Officii In til building formerly occupied by Hovey k Humi hrtT. Chab. Laiku. XoT Lost. It was all a mistaKe uus my KimmIs being thrown overboard, but the fact s, 1 have more b'kxU than I " '", aud I invite yonr atUntim toth sargeet and most desirable stock cf gioda rer brought to Eugene. GikmU are cheaf), bee ing is believing. Come ami " K. B. Vvhs. E.R.Luckey&Co .DEALERS IX" DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, . Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures, i. i PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. ......SUCCESSORS To Lackey $ Bristow at the old Ellsworth Store. Posfthnnks. butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Orders tanen tor special sizes. Tchoal and MiscallaneDUs BddIh. All the stan.lanl authors !v tlx' volume and is Juvenile 1 woks, Seaside an 1 WWi ly l.ihrary, llariwra Magazines, ttf. Bible Depository For Lane County. ,Vt! Iiavo lu-en a l'U'g Mwk of ucw goods and wo have '""tfverythiiig found in a fiivt-chws Hook htor1. We also have a tull .stock of CBOCERIES MID PROVISIONS! McCORNACK & COLLIER. Kutrrtwor.1 to OALLISON. 1. $25,000 STOCK OFGOODS For sale chsxper Vzti evar o3bred before in this market. j Tliosi' wishing to purcliaap il do well to call Upon um In-fore making their si'li-i'tiniis. i To tn v line "f LADIES' DfM'XS GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, ami GEN iTLEMENVS CLOTHING,. I call your spc-cial attention. I expect to rctiiv from tint incroaiitilt!, and my g-xwls be toll within the next 90 days. Hotiiiij to 8,inply all vour want-i, I solicit an early call. ' 1X3 ' . . T. G. HENDRICKS. ALL I A SK! Smith and1 Cox CENERAL DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements. We intend keeping a full line of first-class Farming Implementson sisting of D. M. OBBORNK Jk CO.'S CELECUATED TWINE BINDERS, RSAp EllS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; JOHN DODD'SOLD RELIABLE, IIOLLINGSWORTII'8, REINDEER AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCH UM WAGON; ill! iUllll-iLiO iiiiuu.i.j, ...a.... , uiV, aij. TJ ' A. A.. .4.' 1 lLis our mienuuii ui bttiyiiiaere and we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any hr in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite the Guard Office. A DESERVING APPLAUSE From the Inhabitants of Eugene City andSur rounding Country. ins in mm NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Are Now Open for Your Inspection. 14 var.1. lUenclied Muslin only 1.00 .'6 yanls Ciilicn only 1.00 li yanli MurtiiiK nuiy ti.w 3 yiinls Huinul .Shining m.Iy $1.01 Hi yards l-iim-n '1'iineliii.,' ouiy 1.0 li mil Imveln, 0 Hs, 4x10 Heavy White IU nlfets only S2.M 1 lJoiililc -width Tiil'le Linen 25 cU fvt jsnl '.''i ct'iit floss only 12 cts cent Hiiilkt-ruhiefs nnly 12 cts I tfiwr ltoil spreads nnly 1$ cts Linm Napkei.s per A dux 75 cts. V qsaote price! on :i lew aitielc only Our assortment Comprising many 1 liousaiuis. . . - c."iry n hvu stock of Silks ami Satins. All colors j. (.'asliincivs and American Drew JJootls. Our stock of Cloaks and Wrappers is ihe largest South of Portland, at Pedrock Prices. M.-ii nml Doys Clothing $2 SO p,-r unit nnrl upwards. Bootn anil Show at Faliulous low rrii-fs. A WORD TO TIII0"PKOPLE OF OPvEGON. Pfiliups ( nny Ir alilc to induif you to almndon th old beaten patlnof nUKDIT AND DISASTEB And lien-utter travel tho road whero the Sign Jionrd ia marked, L STORE I All our patrons get Wealthy. Come and we w. 11 H Harness Shop AVIXG OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8th STB I west of Craln Lios',, 1 am now prcjiaied to furnish eythinR in that line IsO WiSST RATES. The. Jlost Is that you do yourself justice Sy luy ing gouls where you can g; t lliem tlx? .ripniv I i.,i....l tn ru-tlv adhere to VERY LOW PRICES in every tliini! 1 oiler inn with a call. for wile, and in DRESS k FANC Y GOODS. Ming, Book andTnes, Furnishing Goods, Comoetent Work m c JL Are finployed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all whj nia fc a. s. cuniW ETC., ETC. Useful in the Family. S't Usually leave it tn nVi tnrs t recom menj n.eiliunes, lint I'.uktiV l.iryer Tonic Iim been su On-ful in our family in relieving sickness imi sutlering that Me cannot say too much in its praise. Salmi Argns. .A CA11D- Them in no douht or qnrsl ion hut I shall hell them ery much lower than the : . To all hn are suffering from th errors ai4 ii i ,r . i :. ,i,;. ,,u inliscretinns of vouth, nervont weakness, arlr name e,U have ever ls-.-i. offered u tlna market ,W, lo,of manhoo.1, Ac. I will-n.1 are ir Jiyriciusf to cull an. I p-ice tli e gootta and youwill bee that I am in earnest, that will cure vnu, FKEE OF CHAKufc , This sreat n-meily was discovered by a mi- Gw-nmmn r m t- i sinnarv in South America. Send a self a.1- K K I I M A IV envelope t-. t Kit. JohephT. Inm.!. AUCXXI . utinn j:ew Y ,tkCity ho beautifully lose as f. 4 istant iicridj thrir L tinction w ithmie hop, si. Drops are sufcsti! kinfuls.and efTerviK-anf; iiraniit of RtdLLlacJi, D whilom bolua. mnn.J 'Uti'-tinpss, is na extinr sVsiwliitt iiillsfcij; . orni (Kvpr thef . ;rkd hue, or he seductive F -J - A