rm T-lf f r TTl H H pfb Uil !M-mtig ESTABLISUED PUB THE D1SSE1MTI0J bWlOl'UTlC PRIXCirLES, AXD TO EUS H UESTHVIXC BT THE SWEAT OF Ol'R BROW. VOL. 16. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY DECEMBER 29, 1883. NO.IO, 1 L. CAMPBELL, FtrtUsher ari l Proprietor. V flCS -On th EtU f Willamette lUniV S.v.nth and Eighth Streets. TBRM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION'. Tm Assam 2 NxMaath 1.3 Btre Month --r ; , OTJROSLT 4TB1 OF ADVKUTW1XG. Aifwtii.ia.iU Inserted as follow : Cash required in square, 10 liaea or leas, uu. insertion 13 j . eebteient Insertlos l . J aril) h ftk&rfrail &t the ful. . v i - - t en nn eae seatr wre mm " " " fix m.nth... 8 00 ' ' Sue year 12 00 Trwetlsai antic in local column, 20 cent per m. far each ias.rtion. , . Aeertisia? bill will b rendered quarterly. All fab aftfrW mit he run for om demv'Srv. OCIEriE. .twi Wn II A P nrl A U ,H Mtc trst sal third W.laeadaye In .arh Mitt..!.. Intni Bon Toon No. 9 1. 0. iO.T. Meets every Tweaday evening. WtuiMiLi EtfcmryaaT No. m ea tk U ape 4th Wednesdays ia each month. avuss Lonng, No. 15, A. O. V. W. Meeei it Masonic Hill the sacnud and fourth fiUayt ia each month. w J. M. Sloas. M. W. XtlPATElCK PoiT, Nn. 40, 0. A. It. -Meet t Msseni Hall, tha tint and third Friday of Mb aaaatli. By order, Commaniiek. e)asa er Osnsi!! FRiKxiw.-Mi.ftn the vet sal third Saturday eveiiiiu's at Masonic all. By or.lr of J. M. sloah, u i . Bsrri Ljoqi No. 357. I. 0. O. T. -M.wts every 31 k Jy nljlit in O 1 1 Fo'.biws' H ill. ' E. 0. Potter, W. C. T. liimi PrAn Biwor H ipp. -Meets at the J. t. Chwuh every Sin I iv aftcrn Min at 3:30. J. I. HvutMi. S'ipt.: Mi B'rt'iaCiok. An t aak; C. Hill, 3C!, Mi4 liattio Smith, 9tt)lia. Tiaitors rat i welcomw. J. B. & F. W. Featon, Attariify-'at-La;v. BU lUta CITY '- - - )KKU0N. t.eati'i irlv-n t Ro il Kit.it Pia' bx aad Abitract of I'itle. rtiai Over Grans Store. ;,. t. aTRAIAiC, ALIANT. I. KII.YKt:, EOllKNI. STItAHA.N Si Hi I A' till, Attirneys and Counsellors at La-v, BITGEN'B CITV, OREGON. PBACil'lCii IN ALL THIS ('01 It TS OF tbis 'State. ' 1'iiey (jive KjircUl atU-ntinu aalUotion an I proj-tW nuttm. riQi - V. V. i, U.' E;:irjs oil mmmtHtmmi r.B. BUM'S. 5" A GENERAL i nn mini III ll HI. A large assortment of La dies and Childrcns Hose at 12 hi ds. Good Dress Goods at Hie- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. Xew and Nobby styles in CL01HLXG. Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES 'nail grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. C:3- B- & 2:3. A. DJM13. Attorneys ani Connsellors ' " at-Law, WILT' PBACl'ICK IN' HIE OUltTS YY of tha Saoud Ju lici il Di.tcrict and in lb. ftuprama C.mrt of tliit SUte. Ip..ial attjnti.iu given to. collections and matter ia urclata Ceo. 8. W a 3h b J rne, Attoriicy-atl.nw, GQKNS CITY, - - UKW-ws ntffiae farmarly ocjiipiei by Thorapwn k a- aaaa. jynil 1 c " ' CEO: M. MILLER, LVuniy and'Csnnsallor-at-Law, ani Real1 Estate Agent. ICGBXE CITx, ' - - - OREGON. OFFICH-Turo dsor nrth of Pont O.fi ia. Dr. 5Wm Osborne, J-.: J., : ... 0.1i:oA.ij)iiiisSt-' Charles Hotel, - OR AT THE TIT 8T32E OP HATES al LUCKY. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, Ian be found at his office or p- id.aoa t,iD not profeiaionaUy engaged. OSea at tk. S post office drug store. Karidaaca aa Eighth treet, oppoiU Preby Lhnrca. DR. E. G. CLARK, , Crduat6f tue Philadelphia Dental College.) DENTIST, -x.-tfCT!fgt,ITT.r". ' - " OREUuN. pfcOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. VJ" ' Artificial teeth made ti onler. Teeth e-.taoteJrkh.iut pain. All work fully war- JteL O.tija iu brick buildiu over th. ag . tnr 1 WLRV ESTABLISHMENT. j. S. LUCXEf, Liberal Discount for CASH. i - j .... . New Departure ! ! pAPIlONIZK I'HK MEN WHO HELP T lil'ILI) Vul'R HIIIIKiES. ROADS AND 1. SCHOOL HOUSES, whose intereitt arj ymir iuterent I Ar permanently l.iiaUd ant ,.cilil lueli' pni.u ..u.ue. J ant- nonce tu.ll. A. V. PETERS tVill nell i'uo.ln for CASH at greatly reduced price, a low as any other CASH STORE. Beit IViiiti lb an I U yards. . . : 1 00 Hue Cheviot Shirts. ,W, 73 ct and 51. Ueiit llrown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and ' New Assortment Dre Good (No Trash) 15, 20 niwi .'.') uts. Mens' trnd-rwiMr. S'urts and Drawer. f0 ct Mens' Overshirts, 73 cts. and II. Mem' Overalls, 50, C.'i, 73 cts and SI. Embroideries and Kdglns at Fabulou Lo Prices. 10 cf. Clarks an I Brooks siiool cotton 73 cts per Dor. Plain sn l Milled Flrnnels, 23, 35; and 30 cts. WatJr Proo , cents , Fino White Shirts, 75 cts and f 1. And a!l Other Coeds at Proportionate Rates. Also the 'eluliraieo WHITE SE V NG MAOHNEI Nme bitter f ir 'ran,'th, size, am 1 diinibilityl, At greatly reduced rates. TTomy oi l Custome-s, who have stKl by me so I mi, I will contintt. t-i sell on sania tr:n as h Titofore on tims, but if at any time they wuU to make UA.-m purciiam-s, I win fir. all sin. as -ithers. tlie full credit on inv reduction A. v. livitiwi tw ra Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Gall and see S. H. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. ALEItS DfALEI IX .iiu.,...,t-i i. v . ttt. ... I VeclAC'L ) strett. - V o -v. Walrhfi and Jewelry, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, n.Ks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwe corner of Willamette and Eiubth strata. NEW GROCERY STORE (On. door outh of Post Office ) OUR c -vl are all new ani fresh aad of first qnalitr. All irnla nsnally found in a Iflrst Jla.rnrj.rr u.re, a-,-. Uros and ClG.AIiS a speculty. "r ' f..r Cah and sell for the same mvinif the en trmer th. advantag. of t"WH8P.'Ir. 4 co A. O. HOVET, II. C. Ml MPHRIT, W. T. PEET, Notary. Attorr.ty. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO EIJOENBICITY, OR. Deposits received ubject to checM Ixan mi ! on iprrved securities Si,-bt lrfu drawn cm P JUTLAND,! SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Ei' hn,-e drwn on th principal .Citie. of F.up'i".. , I mile on all p- tnU aad t'eneral JUnliiiu' b.isines. transactad on aorahle trms. DR. W. CSEHLB.lEOEi Mwmr, I I NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED ia Cntta Grove. H. irform all opera tion, la cuachanical aad (invital d.utislry. All work warranted and satisfaction iiuaranUed. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No ntb.r eoniilaintf are to lutldlons In tbalf fcitaek aatbaaealfeediif the throat and lunp: Dona to trilled wilh by th. majority of sutler, art. Tba ordluary aough or cold, retultlng prbp from a trldlng or uiieonselou poaura, ia ottea but tha beginning of a fatal (fckaaaa. Avkr'i Chirry Pectoral has ' wall yroT.ii lu efficacy In a forty year.' fight ' with throat and lung diseases, aud should ba lak.ii lu all ease without delay. A Terrible rough Cured. "In I.i;i tKik aef.reeold,wlilcbarfeeted my lungs. I bail a terrible rough, and paiwed night alter uight without sleep 'l li. doctor gave ma up. 1 tried Avi K's CiiHiHV Pti . toral, wblrh rellived my lungs, lnduce.l tleep. and alforded tne the rest necessary for tha recovery of mr strength. 1 1 t tlia ontiiined lite of the 1'mtiiral .a perma nent cura was etleetrd. I am now fi year old, bale and bearlv, and am satisfied your L'llKMKY I'KITURAI.' ssve.1 ma. IIOIUCK KAIRnoTHRU." Rockingham, Vl., July IS, Iwi. Croup. A Mother'. Tribute. u While In the country last winter my little) boy, three yearsold, was taken III with croup; It teemed as if be would die from strangu lation, due of the family suggested the use of A V Kit's CHKMRY I'M TIIHAI., a bottle of Wblrh was always kept ll the house. This i tried hi small and freiiieut doses, and to our delight In less than half au hour th littlo patient was breathing easily. 'I lie doe tor said that the t numv 1'HToHAI. bad sarel inv darling's hie. Can you womler at our gratitude'.' sincerely xnirs, .Una. l m m a (iri5rtv." 1W West l.'Slh St., New York, Slay 18, Ift2. 'I have nnl Avrn's CiiKiiHY Ppitoral In in v family for several yeai-s, aud do not hesitate to prouoiiure it the most ell eel list remedy for coughs and cohlswe bate rter tried. A. .1. CliANK." ljke Crystal, Minn., Mnicli III, ls:. 'I siilfered forrllit yenrsfiom lli'onrlillis, and alter trying miinv remedtes with no suc cess, I was cured by the use of Avrn's 1 Hm MV I'M TOIU1.. .InsKI'U WaLUK.V." Ilylmlia, Miss., April 5, IM:. "I esiiuot sv enough in praise of Avrit' riiKitiiv I'w ro It A I., believing at I do that but fr Its use should lung since have died from lung troubles K. IH.auIhi.v." ralvstlue, 'Idas, April 23, If.'. No case of an nlTeetloii of the throat or bingt exists H Inch cannot be greatly relief ad by the nto of Avrn'a ( MKHKV l f.i fuliAL, and it will iimyi.i rare when tba diteal 1 not already beyond the control of luediciu, PRKPARCD V Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Masi. Sold by all DruggltU. , tmmm SENATOR ANTHONY, aJway. Core aad aorar dl.aa aolaU. Tlia worU'a a;rat Faim Halierar for Maa aaA Baaai. Cbaap, falk aad rallabla. PITCHER'S CASTOBIA ts not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOItiA. Itregalatcstho Dowel, caret Wind Colic, allays Fevertahnesa, and tle ttroys 'Worms. WEI DE MEYER'! CA TARRH Car, a CoaatltnUoaai AatldaU for tala tarribla aaala tj, hy Absorption. Tfca moit laaportaat Dlaoorary alnoa Vaa alaatloa. Other ramadlaa aiay raUawa Catarrh, tUa onraa at a ataga befera Coaaaatptloa acta la. Ill ml nEr.ER in j Groceries a"ii Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Grooerius, Provision, Curail Meats, Toliacco, CU;art, Candies, Candle, Koaia, Notion. Green and IrieJ FniiU, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc Business will b oondui'tnl on a CASH HASIS. Which mean that Low Prices are Established Coodi dellTered wilhoot charge ti tnyri ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE VVANTLt J OF RHODE ISLAND, THE PRO- DA RLE SUCCESSOR OF SENA TOR EDMUNDS AS PRES.. DENT OF THE SENATE. A SKETCh HIS LIFE. Upon tlm accftwiion of VLn Proai- duiit Arthur to the Pri'Mitoncy in St'p tcinW, 1881, the Sonatfi at its noxt Kt-hion t'loctt'il an it PrcHidnnt wo tern. imre David Davis of Illinois, whom tf rm of olhVo hh S"imtor expiri'tl nn the 3d of March, 1883. Just More the expiration of his term Mr. Davis re signed tlio PniRidenry of the Senate, and Gforgo F, EiIiihiiuIh, Snimtor front Verinont, was fleeted as his HUMfnaor, Mr. Edmund' Soimtoriul term not ex piring until 1887. This procedure 8 neocsKury in order thrtt the Presi dency of tlm Senate should not le va cant during thu interim lietwnen ths Forty-seventh and Forty-night Con- gret'H. Had Mr. Davis not rosigned, the expirttion of his Senatorial term would have left tlmuruntry without a legtl Nuccebsor to President Aithur inl ease tint latter had died In-for the Sen ate of the Forty eight Congress had elected a presiding ollicer pro km. Mr. Edmunds therefore was practically made Vice President of Mid United States, and will remain tuoh until the present Senate elects a successor. It is now well known in oll'u'ial cir cles thut Senator Edmunds does not wish to continue in his present posit ion as presiding oll'u'o of the Senate, it lsMng his desire to accompany his fami ly to the Bermudas for the. health of his wife. The Republican majority hava therefore indicate.! a disposition to choose the subject of our illustration as Mr. Edmunds successor, and this event seemed only to await tha re covery of Senator Anthony from his late illness and his appearand) upon the floor of the Senate. sKNATOft Anthony's kkcord. Henry R Anthony, of Providence, Rhode Island, was born in Coventry, that Bute, April 1st, 1815, of Quaker ancsstry. He graduated at Rrown Uni versity in 1833,and in 1838 hu assumed tho editorial charge of tho Providence Journal, which he retained until called to a seat in thu United States Sen ate. He was elected Governor of his native State in 1849, was reelected in 1850, and thereafter declined to ac cept the candidacy for another term. He was elected to the United States Senate as a Union Republican, to sue ceed Philip Allen, Democrat, and took his seat in 1859, his term expiring m 18G5. During this term he served as chairman of the Committee on Print ing. Mr. Anthony has returned as his own successor each expering term ever since, his preeent term ending March 3d, 1889. He was electee Prt si Jnt of the Senate pro tern Mar;h J3d, 1869, and was re-elected March 10th, 1871. BnnakT Anthony was a member of the National Committee, ppoint-d to accompany the remains of President Lincoln to Illinois, and was one f the Senators designated by the Senate to attend thi funeral of Oreral Scott, in I860, and was also a delegate to the Philadelphia Loyalist's Convention, t 1 .1 1 .. !.. It., lu mi nf lit. Iieiu in mm jrm. i m i .... l s. Urr nn , i u . wastrviiigtouv t nf tie. to UIT7 "P most popular metnlieig of tlie Senate, , , , H . . ... , , , i, i tUuinT tne Oilier Oaji aaseu and his elevation to thi Presidency a; " third time is at Present stroii!f:T iiuli- - a ww cated. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. The gorernment has made 8pokan Falls a Use of supply. A rather serious catting affray curred in Astoria on Sunday. All the towns In Southern Oreftw have passed tramp ordinances. At Dayton, W. T., 2300 torn U wheat are awaiting transportation.' The Krown block, at Spokane fall; W. T., narrowly escaped destruction f fire last Tuesday. '' : There are two women on the Skigit . county grand jury; Mrs. Bradley 'and Mrs. Anderson. So says th Seattle Herald. The Dalle,' Oregon, will bar 5 ti ' refrigerator esublishrnent after all,' tJxr money having boen subscribed for tbt purchase of the land by tho paeplaj ' During November the progress mad iu the Siskiyou tunnel was 384 feety which is an averaije of over twslv feel per day. If this rate ia kept up, tk tunnel will be comploted by July next Some idea . of tho rough country through which the Central Pacific ex-' tension must lie built may be gathered from the information that it cost $750,- 000 to construct the first ten mile out of ReddittL', . i ' Asks the Helena, Montana, "Inde pendent: Is the city of Helena going to adopt the new railroad tims-V-i the question. At present we have to many dill'urent kind of time, night lime and a high old time generally. The 0. .t C. R. R. Co, ha attached a Pullman sleeping car to one of their trains running k-tween Portland an4 Grant's Pass. If this enterprise pay they will put thsui ou all paMngr trains between those places. This wiP be much of an improvement. If. L Cutter has in his acWssIon two magnifiuimit specimen of th gold products of the Coeur d'Alen mine that would turn the heads of bid prce pectors, to say nothing of novices in search of tho metal, say the Spokane Full Review, One i a solid clunk of irregular formation, that look a though it had been turned into' watr in th melted state, and thu suddenly hardened into the peculiar ahap. It Is valued at lietween $40 and $50. tha other is a huge mass of iton and jjold, th latter predominating. Oil one side of th rock the gold is spread over' in a thick mass, while portions of the tnetal run entirely through the specimen.'. It is worth $100, III ttinltd i Cut fir Twi A few days ago a man with a meek and humble expression and wearing Summer suit of clothes, applied to on of the railroad passenger agent for a dead head pass to Toledo. "Why do you want to go to Toledo." "To git nmrrisd," "And you haven't any money!" "Not above twenty-five cants." "Hadn't you better be worth your fare to Toledo before you tske wife to supportf "You don't understand th case," protested the man. "I'm going to mar ry a widow worth at least $5,000, and the first thing I shall do will U to re mit you the j rice of th ticket, I'm poor and the widow know it, bat site marries me for love."- He protested so long and earnestly that he was iintlly passed over th road. Two days elapsed and tae a letf-r was received from him-, saying: "Heaven blntayowfor yoar kind ness! Reached here all right, and mar ried the widow socordii.g to pro gramme. It tarns out she isn't worth a copper. In this emergency, may I tak you to pass us both to Detroit, whew I have hopes of striking a joM" flow Be Harried DiDtti- Hartwell,Us.San.t A petulant Hartwell huaU ho ti I 1 j iT'W which w will ty t- hiilimirliet pure. .'A I- HA'.E 0 The Victoria, 15. C. Post ami Stan dard have wrnin to verlal Uowa, and we shall gel no more news from that ! quarter until. th "mist has chared ' away." 'aVfJ 111- - X -Ci-f.. """""""st-HV ' . r. r - "Did you ever see a so' 'Ye" ' -'. "Wherer 'In the road." -Well, Ml bety' T"' Whyf p aitlait 7" F I