i 5 1 til 1 1LJ CTY G TT T AM ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSESIJIAT10S OP DEMOCRATIC PalSClTlBS, M TO I1U 11 HONEST MUM BT TDK SWEAT OP QUI BROW. VOL.1G. ; EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1883. C&r ($agenr (City iiarfl. I. L. CAMPBELL, rublishttr aril Proprietor. rnoa -J ti Btitiiu or wiiimtw between Seventh and Eighth Streets. TERMS OF 3UI8C3IPTI0N. Tm Aaaim... Ms Mentha.... Mai tlx. 12.5 1.3 7 ODK OXLY CA.TE3 OF ADVEKTISINQ. . Alrartlsam.Bta inserted M follow : ' eaJ Stuart. 10 line or less, one insertion f3 ; iMk nbHiiitl insertion f l. two required in Tfc. xlnfrtiier will be charged at th fol wtag vases i ' ; SHe nun three moat as wt t l.- mnnths 8 W au year. 12 00 fswatiaat antic in local oolamn, 20 cents per M fat eewh insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. 11 tab work must be faiii rot nit nsLivisr. M-MMMMBM WWWBM .IS. U to o wet aa tke Res as a IOD no li, a. r. ana a. m. Jtseta Srst aai taire VYeleesdaye la eark mate. MaHftM ftnwa TilMI Ma. ) T. O. O. F. MeeUeverr Tuesday wealDf. JUT... at. A tttfnaWWtfSMV Nil. A. aa tke Meat h Wednesdays ia aeeb asoatk. Iai5ii Limn, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Vsas at Mvt-mio Halt the second and fourth Vidaya ia each month. . J. M. Sloan. M. W. tierATBlcK Post, Nx 40, O. A. R.-Meets . afasonio HU, the lint and third FiiUys of taenia. By order, Couhandek. o)sa or Chosm FsiExn. Meets the aB 1. .1 1 ft I... l I, IMU. (aim ntt.urut-y eve mi . M-ll it.... A T M Mi.n&K. (!(.'. JBS MM. f XMJ VIXBI VI W -' " Btrri Ljs No. 837. I. O. G. T. Me-U very 3t irday night m 0 1 1 Fellow 1111. E.O. Potter, W. C. T. Li tms S tab B !) or Hop -Meet at the J. P. Church every Sunlay afternoon at I. aV Hnt.m S iL : Mi Burt'ia Cim', Ai't tW,; Cbaa. H.ll, o'y. Mine Uattia Smith, fcapaata, TWirure roa-U welcome. J. E. &F. W. Fenton, Attarnpys-ut-Lawe u,)atacirY - - - oitEcn.v. VMUlattMtt'Hi jiren U Heal Entata Tree Ma ana AWtrvU of Title. Omuoi -O'er (iruue Store. ft. MIAIAX, ALttXT. U BIL1", C';'it5L aTlt.ll V.i & HILVKU, an Coums'lofj at Law. PSAcnca ALL Tii a (Mintw or tlili SUt. Tliey xive mwwul altor.tiiiu eollaoti'iui and probate mutirn. fi0J -)er V. V. t0. B;inM oTve 0:3- B- C:3. A. 0313, Attorneys awl Coimadlors-xit-Law, ; WILL PRACTICE IX TUB OUUTS of the Seoitd J I iiui.il Untrict ami in the Supreme Court of thin State. aVeaial attention given to collodions and matters ia probate 111 mmmfy.tmmm I. B. IUIFS. ISr A GENERAL 111 DllllI 01 iilii GOOD! Attrneyi Ceo. 3. Washburne, Attorxicy-ut-LnWa JfGUMB CITY, - -" 0RKO0N fTIflO formerly occupied by Thorapwu A A large assortment of La dies and Childrens Hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Dress Goods at l2c Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of Jfew and Seasonable Goods. Fine . Cashmere in every shade. New arid Nobby styles in CLOUfLYG. Trimminf.Silks and Sat ins in all shades. " Moircantique Silks- Velvets in Colors. TJie finest stock of French KID SHOES " ' ever brought to this place. BOOTS and', SHOES :nall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. Liberal Discount for . : CASH. New Departure-! ! PATKOXIZR THKJUCX WHO HELP T .BUILDVOUn HllIlKJES, HOAD3 AND SCHOOL UUbSliS. whose inton-st ur0 vcmr intonm.. 1 Ar. ii..nn in..ntl. lm..t.,l ..i ipend tueir protiU at home. Take uolice that. JL I PETERS, Will eel) iod for CASH at trreatly reduced price., m low iu any uther CASH 8T0RE. Fine Cheviot ShirU. 50, 75 eU and II. tkit Printi lb au l 18 yards 81 00 Rest Cnwn and Bloached Mimlin.s, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cti. Clark, and Brook spiol cotton 75 cts per Dot. Pla n and Milled Firnnela, 25, 35: 45 and 50 cts. Water Proo , cents Fine White Shirts, 75 otn and VI. And all Other Cosds at Proportionate Rates. AIsj the Celebrated WHITE Sit V MAOHNE1, Vnn. bittor for strength, sise. and durahilitvl. At wentlr reduced rates. cjf To my old Customers, who have stood by me so I mg, I will continue t- sell on same trms as h.-retofore on tiras, but if at any time they wUh to make CASH purchases, I wili jire all sni, as others, the full credit on ny reduotiou A V. PETERS New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15, 20 and 20 cts. Mens' (7nbrweir. Shirts an 1 Drawers, 50 el Mens'Ovcrsliirts, 75 cts. and 91. Mens' Overalls, 50,65, 73 cts and VI. Embroideries and Kdgins at Fabulous Low Prices. GEO. M. MILLER, litara7 ani CsaasjlbMt-Liw, ni Real Estate Agent. KUOHNB CITV, - - - OREGON IFICR-Two doors nerth of Post Oifi'. Dr. Wm O3bome, . 8fRcAdjaini,igSt- Charles Hotel, - 0AT TBI 117 DSIII BTJli 0? HiTE3 ail IUCKI. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BB FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re. ideooa wbea not professionally engaged, ahfioa at the POST OFFICK DRUG STORE. Ba4dnc aa Eighth street, oppoaita Preaby Cktifco, DR. E. G.CLARK, Graduate of the PbiU Wphia Dental College.) O DENTIST, .IUUEXECITY, - - OREO..X. GOLD FILLING.? A SPECIALTY. -JlrtincMl teeth msyle W order, leetb trctJ without pain. All work fully war ranted. Offica ia brick building over to. 6maga stire. j . r-rm JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LOCKEY, CKXLEB LI cks, Wacnas, Chains, Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Executed. CTXll Trk Warrawle. JT1 ' J.. LC:CKV, JSuWitll I Ci's Brick Villa-THtU streft III II Cliff p Goods sold as low as any House ia Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and see. S. H. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS JCB J, it' tfalctfi sad Jtftlry, Mutlcal instruments. Toys, Notiom, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warmntrd. Nulhwes corner of Willamette and Eighth straet. NEW GRO-JEdY STORE (i m. d-aoath of Post Office ) OUR r.U ar. all ae ani fre.b 1 of first qoalitv. AH imls nwally fooad in a m -i i Vnt m n an l I y- l(.acos and fli.AKS specialty. We l.iy ! f.w C'ah and eii for t!t same, ei-m? the cu- tnin the lranuge of -A,Hs, j k m a. o. ikvrrr, H. c. bumpbrkt, w. t. nrr. Notary. Attorrey. Casliier. LANE COUNTY BANK IIOVEY, HUMPHREY k CO EUQENB iCITTT, - - OR. Deposits received subject to check, Ians made on approved securities, bight Drafts drawn om PORTLAND, "AX FRXCISCO AND NEW YORK. Eichanj?e drawn on the principal Cities of E'inJ. 'lle-ti"n made on all points and a treneral lianking trasioeM trnrti o aioraW. hrnua. Mtf. DR. W. C SEHLBREDE, mwrmt Ti KOW rERMAXENTLY LOCATED X la Cottaita Grava. He perforins all oira Hons ia mechanical and suri(icl deutistry. All work warranted and aaustaction guaranteeo. a Marvelous Story told n two untiu. FR0aTHES0M:75i& " Otnllemtni My father resides at Glowr, Vt. H. kss btnm a (rrat sutTnrw from sorot la, and the Inclosed lattar will Mil you what atarvaloas allect ,Ayers Sarsaparilla kas bad In his ease. I tblnk kit blood mnit kar. eontained tba bnnior for at latst tea years J but It did not show, neept In ins form of a scrofulous sore oa th. wrist, antll about Ira years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that time. It gradually spread so ai to sorer his entire body. I assure yon ha was terribly afflicted, and aa object of pity, whan he befnulug your medicine. Now, there are few men of his ag. who sojoy as good health aa ka has. 1 eould easily name nfiy persons who would tsstlfy to Ui fact la his ease. Yours truly, V. M. PHILUM." FROM THE FATHER: a duty (or ma to tut. to you th. benefit I bar. derived front th am el Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terribl humor and scrofulous sores. Tuo humor caused an laeessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to eauaa th. blood to flow la many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. 1 commenced the use of the BABSAraaiLLA In April last, and here ussd It regularly sine, that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores hare all healed, and I foel perfectly well In every respect twlnf now able to do a good day's srork, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what hat wrought such a cur. tn my ease, and I tell tbam, at I ha to her. tried to toll you, Atkb'i BAMArAiuiXA. Glover, Vt., Oct. It, 1UX. Yours gratefully, Hibuji FHiLurt." Aria's SAMAfAkaLa. onres Sere rule and all Scrofulous Complaints, Err si p. laa, Ecaama, Blngworm. Blotches, Veres, Bolls, Tumor., and KmpUons of th. tfcia. It clean the blood of all Impa rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of th. bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens th whole system. ; f RKPABED BT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Man. Bold by all Druggists; II, sia bottles for & iipisi wm0 al-sray Car tut! sewer dls. iiolats. Jk worU's (groat Pain Ulltvir for Kaa svnd Beast. Ctoapt quick tu.d rellabU, PITCHER'S CASTORIA U not Narcotic. Childrca grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOUIA. Itreffulatestho Dowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverlshncsa, and de stroys Worms. WEI DC MEYER'S CA TARRH Cairo, a Coatatltatloaal AatldoU for this terribl. mala try. Afeeorptioa. Tko aaost Iaiportavmt Dia.0T.r7 alao. Vt tiaatlom. Otk.r rotmodlM soay reUarra Ctttarrk, tlia tur at any stafo beforo Contuiptlos NtllBl t ! MS . 1 . 111,1, DIALiaiH . Groceries niJ Provisions, Will keef .a band general aaeortment Groceries, Provilons, Cored Mrats, Toliaouo, Cigars, Candies, Candles, hoarn, Koti'ma. ' Green and Dried mlta, Wood and Willow Wars. Crockery, Etc. Bnaineat will be conducted oa a cash hasis. Which means that Low Prices are established joodi dellTercd without cbargs U lnjfi Kil KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED V'WwMch w. wil'Inay the hl'.-hnirket trim. At 1 ! Slicriff8 Sale. NOTICE W HF.ItKRY GIVEN THAT by virtu, of an Ejeculion duly issned as 01 in. vircuit Lourt 01 th. hum n ur goo, for tin Couuty of Lane, by th Clerk thereof, and to m directed oa to wlti No vember 18, IH83, upod Judgment and de ore of foreulnsur reodereit in said Oort Novwnbr 7, ISM, in a tuit wherein W 8 Humphrey wa ulsuititt ami J W Dauuhsrlv was defeudtnt, in favor of taid plaintiff for th sum of live hundred and eighty-tic and twsntyllv onchuudmltht (LVMU) dollar. touetlier with ooaU ami disburaeineot of sale, ud au attorney fee of Mltv-.iuht (S.18I dollara, and for th. foreclosure and aals of th following deacrilied mortgaged real pro perty, tnwiti Th N 1 of th. 8 K k and th W 1 of th N El. and th K I of th N K 4 of beo M also th W 4 of th. a E of 80 II. all in T 16. 8 R 5 V. oontainina JJO acre, more or lot, all in Lane County, Ore goo. Coinma-idiug m to tell th. sbov. a escribed premises, as by law required. Now, therefor, by virtu of said Execu tion, and to satisfy said judgment with in terest thereon at th rat of 1 1 per cent per auuam from th 7tn dsy'ef November, 18U, ooeta, acaruiug costs and etpense of tal and attornsy leo, I will sell tot abort de scribed mortgaged premises at pnblio na tion, to th hiuliest bidder, for oath lit hand. at th Court float door in Eugeu City, lounty, uregun, ou Monday, Dreeutber 91, 1SS3, ttk hour of 9 o'clock, p m, of tald day. J. ll. t. AMrfJaLL, Bhtriff Laa C.aalr, Orsgoi. Dated Nev 24, IMS. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS IIEUKtfY GIVEN THAT by virtu of an execution duly issued out of th Cirouit Court of th State of Ore gon, for th C'ouuty of Una, by th Clerk thereof, and to nie directed on to-wit: No vember 16, 183.1, upon a judgment ami de cree of foreclosure rendered in taid Conrt November 6, ISM, iu tuit wherein A G llovsy, H C Humphrey and Walter T I'oet. partners, doing business under firm name tnd style of itnvay, Humphrey A Co., were ilamtills, anil John W )auglierty and narah F Daughertydufendantt, in favor of said plain- tifl't for th sum of tnree thousand and eight aod twtaty-flv eoe huudretlths (13,008..) dollar itogether with costs, wpensea of tale, tad aa attorneys lee f three hundred (S.'W0) Hollars, and for th forcloseut of th mort gagen premises described as tuiiowi, to-wit: The N i of th 8 K 1 ami th W I of the N Kt of Km No 14. Tlfi, 8 It 5 W, oonUiu- ing ItiO acres; ami alto tb W 1 of th 8 Kg of Son II, and th K , of th N Kg of 8eo Hi T 10, 8 It 4 W.oonUininfl ICO acres. AU f taid ltsd being situated in Laue Coaoty, Oregon, Couimandiug me to tail th sbov described prtiinsos as by law required. Now, therefore by virtu of said Kitcu tion, and to satisfy said judgment witb in terest thereon at 12 per vtnt par aunuin since th 6th day of November, 183.1, costs, aocruiug costs and vcnset of tale, and at torney lee, 1 will tell the above dencribed mortgaged premise at public auction, to th hiuheet bidder, for cash in hand, at the Court Houso door in Eugene City, Lan County, Oregon, ou Holiday, lipeumber SI, IMS, at th hour of 2 o'clock, p in, of said day. J. It CAMI'ltKl.L, Sheriff of Lan County, Dated No 24, ISHJ. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtu of an execution duly issued out of tlieCiruuit Court of th State of Ore- goo, for tli County of Una, by th Clerk uiureoi ami vi me aireiteti, 00 to.wiu no rcmber 30, 1383, upuu a juilgiiiout and de- ore of foreclosure reinlured in taid court April l'Jth. I87A. in a suit then tnd there poodinu, ia favor of Harriott L Chichester plaintiff, and ag-tlnst M W MuM array drfend- ant, forthesuin of twolvo hundred and forty- Hv ud eight oiis hundredtl.s (f l,24S.0)dol lart, together with thtoosteand ditbursomanU sad expenses of dale, and for th foreclosure ol th Mortgaged preinisos desuribsd aa fol lows, to-witi On Binlivided one-twelfth part of all th. real estate belonging to th estate af Fielding MoMurray, doueaaed, tit. gated in T 17 and 18 8, R '4 W, in Un 0"aty,Or, beginning at 8 W corner of Dona tio land claim af VVilliain Hinith, thence North 44.441 ohs, thence east 45.00 chs, thsu.: south 44.44J she, tbene west 4.1.00 cht to place of begiuning. Alao begiiiniug at th N W corner of th Donation land olaira ef J M Lakin and wife, th.noe east 4.V1W ohs, thsnc tooth 4J.W chs, thenc wsst 4d 0oht, thane north 43.77 cht to plac of beginning, oominandii.g me to tell all and singular the interest of taiddoftodant in aud to said premise. Iave to Usoe laid execatiou having been granted by aaid oourt November S, 103. Now therefor by virta of caul txecutioo and to satisfy taid judgment, with interest thereoa at th rat ol tea per oens per aa om tine th lUtk day of April 187-1, wt accruing onala and expeutet of tale, I will tell a one-twelfth interest belonging to tit. above named def.odaol an the abov deaoribea premise, at piblio atctiol to th highest Llddtr for sash iu hand, at th Court ilous door ia Eugene City, Iao Ceuuty, Oregon, oa Monday, Deemker SI, 1883, at th hoar of I 'dock p os of saiil day. J. li. CAUrVKLL, Sheriff Lan County, Oregon. Dated Deo I, 1883. ltcferec Sale. VrOTICEM HEREBY GIVEN THAT A.1 by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of th. State of Oregon, fur Laae ('ouuty, made at tlie sviiUr Aovenilwt Urns thereof, lfvMJ, I mill oflsr tale at public anctKa, to the highest bidikir, th fuUowing deectihed real esUte. to wit: IM No 1, in section 39, T 17, 8 R S W, ena taluia Vt.ia acres, ia 1-ane County, Orrjuo, on the .".tb dy i4 December, A D, 1W, at the Court House door in Eiwene City, Oregon, between the hours of 9 o'clock a mand 4 o'clock p , of sabl day. 1 arms of said cask. A. O. Hov it, Refers. Go. 8. Waihbi rjii, AtUirncy. . . , GUARD OFFICE-Newpaper. book and Job printingoffiae.oomer WiliamvMe aaHH.witk 1 Fi;h!in j KJitor, A coupln of editor who had xn Mying rough thinpt of eaJt othr found thonisolvei finally in a poaition where a fijht or an apology was bound to rHult, Each of tlirin had a proper RK.rd for pornonal1 eafidy, and a mutual friend viaitod one of them to know what he thought ahnut a snttlrv ment "Do you want to fightf" ho asked -"That drponda," was the cautious answer. , "Do you want to'apologizr "That deprnda," was the cautious ropljr again. "What are you going to dof "And that depends. " "Dopendu the ducn! You've got to' do something." "What does the other follow think atiout itt Is he ugly or will he concili' aUif "I don't know; I haven't been to sen him." "Well, you go and see him and find out. My pomtion is just thin: If lie in real ugly and is liound to hare blood, I might lo inducod to apologize; but;, sir, if he is dinpoeed to af ologire, why,. I'm junt spoiling for a fight.. You un deratand? You go and see him now,, and tell him yu think I would accept an apology." Merchant Traveler. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. There are 130 students at the Uni- vcrnity at Snattln. Ainnworth, W. T., is having a lank boom sand bank and faro bank. At Long Greek, Idaho, Walla Walla flour is worth $10 per barrel. Hayes City, head camp in tho New Eldorado, contains fifty-five frame and log building. The petition of the Salom, Oregon, mininters to the Board of Agriculture to abolish the sain of liquors on the fair ground, was granted. Thomas Humphrey, whono farm is near AlUny, lout his barn, 900 bunhels of wheat and 300 buHhrls of oats by tire last week. A booHt living near Milton, named Walker, has Wn indicted by the grand jury for the crime of inci'Ht with his daughter, a girl of about 14 y ars, who says tho criminal intimacy has existed ht aliout three years. At the town elnction held in Turn- water laHt Monday, says the Cliehalis Nuaget, 23 ladies voted under tho late sufFrngn art Live trustees were elected, and it is needless to say that the wo men's tiuket won the day. Superintendent Clacus, of the Cedar rier extension, says salmon are o thick that it is impossible to crow the, . . e . t stream.1, lie was one Hour in me. sfTort to cross a si ream forty ftft wide on account of the aforesaid obstruction. v Tho Springfield Republican bids. adieu to Gov Kullrr in the following affceting manner: "Oooil-by, Ben. You were such a rollicking old sinnori you were so entertaining in 'your devil try, we shall U kind '0 lonesome with out you. Wa count on a few (irst-cUu monkey shines from you in the next two months. You have given the staid old Commonwealth the gn-at'wt circus she ever saw. You have done a precious lot of miaxhint But now you are finished and done for, we can t feel savago as you mike your exit." 'Oh, wad yo tak' a thought .Stud men!" ' Be a good boy, leave politics and play with , your yacht and your million. We shall have hater Gov ernors - Heaven forbid that we have worse but we never shall have tuch a comical one. Farewell, Benjamin." Thai paper lias but slight knowledge of Benjamin's character if it thinks it has bid him a final farewrll, as he has promised to I the Governor to succeed Robinsoa CoL Parker, of the Wall Walla. Statesman, says: It is all very well to guih over this woman suffrage business, but two-thirds of the women them!j say it is all a humbug, for thpy neve wanted to vote and roMly U)ey never will Tacoina and New Tai-omft h iveo- .