The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 08, 1883, Image 7

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.Hi IT rsrraa CY, 4 ;
I y . ? . .,...' i
Oh. n I fOwn tick with ull and car,
I e, for btl tb eiowfli 1 intrH -!
Oh, I daklM with d-i lr. ., . ,ij
Weary of llu and hint of hn.
Forte jotii orre Uwlay. and rom
Aa children back to cblldDoud'i burnt !
Follow ftttln U wlodlri rll!i
(,o to In uIhcm where ynu went.
When, climbing np toe ummei bllU,
In Uk Ii (ronu lap ou mi cuhmu
And to'lly Irtued Tm head I ) rnt
Od Naturti't clm and pmoaful breatt.
Wlk throtiph lb acre and fading wood,
Ho Hi tiilr trodden dt your luet,
Wbeo JI yoa knew or life wiood.
And ll y"U dreamed of lift iu Ht,
And let fond memory Ifwd jrua bark,
O'er joutb;ul nt' eaohau d track.
Iirt lb rip fruit of orchard betiahi,
Drink (rum lb moay wll oor more;
Breathe "rairauoe from th crowded mow, ,
With frt'in, wet clar. r running o'er. .
And count tb traaniie tt your fee I,
Of allvvr rye and gulden wheat.
Oo lt beild i th hearth again ,
Kboa clrcl one wu glad and gay;
And If from out the preciuui cbtln aJ
8ume eblntug lluki bite droppd away.1
Then guard with tenderer heart and band
Tne remnant of your houeebold baud.
Draw near th board with plenty iproad, .
And If In lb acruatomad place .
You w tbe father'! referent head,
Or mother1 patient loving fane;
vYbaU'ryour Ufa may bar of 111
lbaok Ood that the are left yon ktlll.
And though wber bora hath been yoo stand
To day iu alien lonellnen; - . -
Though you may elap uo motber'i hand,
And claim nn,llei'i trader ki:
Though with no friend or lover iiigb,
Th peat la all vour company
Thank Ood for friend yonr Ufa nu known,
For eyery dear, departed day.
The blened put la ea( alone
God live, bul does not lake away;
He only eafely keepa above
For u IU ti eauri that we love.
"Ihe governor pardoned John Bria
ben, a penitentiary convict, to-day. He
was sent up from Bourbon for fifteen
years for forgory, and hod ten years to
serve. Our readers are familiar with the
history of this case, and the humane
aotion ef his excellency will be generally
commended." Frankfort (Ky.) Yeo
man. J . i ' . 1 )
I read this little paragraph and my
mind went back six years I knew John
Brisben, and I also knew his twin
brother Joseph. I was familiar with the
details-of the aotion that placed John
Brisben in a felon's cell, and now when
the sad affair is brought back to mind so
vividly I must write it out, for never be
fore have I met, In prose or poetry, in
real life or in romance, a greater hero
than plain, matter of fact John Brisben.
The Brisbens came of good stock. I
think the great-grandfather of my hero
emigrated to Kentucky when Kenton's
station,., between tbe present city of
Maysville and the historio old town of
Washington, was the principal settle
ment on the "dark and bloody ground."
He came from upper Pennsylvania and
located about five miles from the Ohio
river, on Limestone ereek. - Ho was an
industrious, strong limbed, lion hearted
old follow, and in a few years his sur
roundings were of the most comfortable
description. " One of his sons, Edwin
B isben, once represented Kentucky in
the federal congress. I thick he was the
grandfather of John and Joseph Brisben.
Their father's name was Samuel, and he
died when they were little children, leav
ing his widow an excellent blue grass
farm and a snug little fortune in stocks,
bonds and mortgages. The widow re
mained a widow until her death. Mrs.
Samuel Briabeti was a good woman and
she idolized her two bojs. Like most
twins, the brothers resembled eaou other
in a strikiag manner, and even intimate
acquaintances oould not tell them apart.
Bnt although the physical resemblance
was so strong there was great dissimilar
ity in the dispositions of the twins.
Joseph Brisben was surly and morose,
sometimes cunning and revengeful.' He
was withal a dreamer and an enthusiast;
a man well learned in books, a brilliant,
frothy talker when he choe to be soci
able (which was seldom), a splendid
horseman and a most excellent shot.
John Brisben, on the contrary, was
oheerf ul and bright, honorable and for
giving. He was a man of high moral
principle, intensely practical and meth
odical, cared little for books, and. al
though he said but little, was a splendid
companion. He was a poor horseman,
and I dou't think he ever shot a gun in
his life, and, as for sport, he enjoyed
himself only when hard at work., He
inoai i.; tivntw ml when thev were
U.0 i;inivi . v
boys together suffered punishmout many
times, and aneomplainigly that "Jodie"
might go scot free. His life was, there
fore, one oonetant sacrifice,-' bnt the ob
jeot of this loving adoration made bnt
shabby returns for this unselfish devo
tion. ' " " "
They were twenty years old when their
m ther died veiy suddenly. The prop
erty left to the boys was considerable.
The day they were twenty-one years old
the trustees met and made settlement.
There was tbe blue grass farm valued at
0U,UUO, and SlUU.UUU in weu-uiveBteu
aecurities-wbicb .could be turned into
money. Joseph demanded a division.
"You can take the farm, Jack," he
aid. "I was never cut out for a farmer.
Give me $75,000 in money for my
hare." , , .
So this sort of division . was made.
John continued on at the homestead,
orkinginhia plain, ' methodical waj,
and slowly adding to bis share of the
Ooney that he could raise out of the
profits of the farm. Joseph, with his
newly acquired wealth, set up an estab
lishment at the nearest town and began a
1 f o of pleanere seeking of the grossest
ort. His brother gave him no advice,
for he knew it was useless. Joseph
spent his money with great prodigality,
nd before he knew it he was a beggar.
In the meantime John's 825,000 had
doubled itself. Ono day Joseph came to
torn with a full confession of hia pecon
iry troubles. . . .
"Jack,". he said, "I am not only a
beggar, but I am heavily in debt. Help
e out like a good fellow, and I will
settle down, in sober earnest." ' - ,
V. - TKn n.i'.lun niaepd
Ur Hll IU3DI1 VVUU I "
bin nm. tn an nrAar tnr illA 25.030 he
kad earned ao laboriously. '
in less than tnree years jowpn xn
Ws affaira were in th hands of his
editors, and a sheriff's offioer closed
'Ut bis butuae&s. Again be turneu to
brother for help and sympathy. ;
CWa murA inhn Rriaben claoed his
ffls to a check payable to the order of
-l . t i i 1 .nfA
eroiner, and josepn euietcu
siness again, In two years Le was a
It took all of John Brlsben'a hoard to
pay his brother's dobts, but he made bo
eompla'.nt, uiUrcd no reproach. He
"I am glad yon are coming back to the
farm, Jodie. You need do no work, and
we will b J very happy together."
So Joseph took up his residence at tho
farm, and, remembering hia brother's
words, devoted his time principally to
hunting, fishing and riding about the
In the meantime John BrihWi had
fallen in love, and the daughter of a
neighboring farmer, Compton, by name,
was his promised wife. Being a man of
strict honor himself, and having full
confidence in bis brother, he did not ob
ject when Joseph began to pay his aftl
anoed very marked atntion.
One night Joieph came to him just as
the shadows of evening were beginning
to fall. , There was a triumphant ring in
his voioe when he spoke.
"Jack, old boy," he said, holding out
his band, "congratulate me. I think
from to day I oan date the beginning of
a new life. Alice Compton has promised
to be my wife."
They were married, and the man re
jected by the bride and supplanted by
the groom was the first to congratulate
ths newly married pair. A vacant house
on the furra was fitted up for their recep
tion, and John Brit ben's money paid tor
the furnishioK.
"Hereafter, Jodie," he said, "we will
divide the profits of the farm. I don't
need much, and you shall have tbe larger
Ten years passed away, and John Bris
ben. an old man before his time, still
worked from dawn till dark that his
brother might play tbe gentleman and
keep in comfort the large family which
the years had drawn around him. It
had been necessary to mortgage the old
homestead to raise money to pay Joseph's
gambling debts, for of late years ha had
played heavily, and had invariably lost.
One day it was the summer of 1877
a forged check was presented at one of
tbe banks of tbe shire town, by Joseph
Brisben, and the money for which it
oalled was unhesitatingly paid over to
him. He was under the influence of
liquor at the time, and deeply interested
in a game of cards for high stakes,wbicb
was in progress. The check was for
$2500, 1 think. Before daylight the next
morning Joseph Brisben had lost every
dollar of it. To drown his chagrin he
becamj bewtly drunk, and while in tbis
condi ti n an officer arrived and appre
hended him for forgery and uttering a
forged check. The prisoner was confiued
in jail, and word of his disgrace was sent
to John Brisben.
"She must not know it," he said to
himself, and he made instant preparation
to visit hia brother. When he reached
the jail he was admitted to the cell of
the wretched criminal. The brothers
remained together for several beurs.
What passed during the interview will
never be known, wnen wonn urinnen
emerged from the jail he went straight to
the magistrate who had issued the war
rint for the apprehension of Joseph
"Squire," said he, in his slow, hesitat
ing way, "you have made a mistake."
"In what way, Mr. Brisbon?" asked
the magistrate, who had a high regard
(or his visitor.
"You have caused the arrest of an in
nooentman." "But" began the magistrate.
"Issue an order for my brother's in
stant release. He is innocent of tbe in
tent to do wrong. I am the guilty man.
I forged the name of Charles Ellison to
the check which be nttered. He did not
know that it was a forgery."
"You 1" cried the astonished magis
trate. "You a forger impossible!"
'Nothing is impossible in these doys,"
s.tid the white haired old man, sternly.
"I alone am guilty. My brother is inno
cent." Accordingly Joseph Brisben was le
leased and returned to the farm. John
remained at the jail a prisoner. When
the extraordinary affair became known,
several prominent citizens offered to go
on the accused man's bond, but lie
would not accept their kind offices. At
the trial he pleaded guilty, and was sen
tenced to fifteen years' imprisonment at
hard labor in the penitentiary. Joseph
came to see him before he was removed
to Frankfort, but their interview was a
private one. '
Joseph Brisben remained on the farm,
bnt be was a changed man. From tbe
day of his release from jail down to the
time of his death he was never known to
touch a card, and a drop of liquor never
passed his lips. Last April be died,
and hia oonfession, duly sworn to before
a justice of the peace, was made public
after hia bnrial. In snbstanoa it was
this : That he was guilty of the forgery
for whioh bis brother was Buffering a
long Imprisonment. n
"It was my brother's wish, not mine,
reads' the document. "He insisted that
he, who had no ties of blood or marriafeo,
coflld better suffer the punishment and
disgrace than I, who had dependent upon
me a large family." - ' ' ' ' '"
Noble John Brisben 1 Of such stuff
are heroes made.
Overcrowding and Crime In ParU.
Overcrowding, however, has now
reached such a point that serious uneasi
ness is beginning to be felt by the mu
nicipal council of Paris. The communal
insurrection of 1871 proved that the reo
pie of Paris bad not grown less revolu
tionary because they lived in better look
ing houses; and, indeed, the embellish
ments of the city had, aa already shown,
simply altered the conditions of the
working mau' life without improving
them. One of the emperor's ideas was
!. .untinir Ann ntrA)t evervwbere
he might disintegrate the popular mass.
Instead ol clustering wgeiaur uj'-
- .vman wnnlt Vm inread over
MUU9, Wlluic -w - - -.
all parta of tho city, and those of them
. - . a : t w tlnA Anmi
wno became lenauia 01 diu w
i . flat at vh'ch were
occupied by bourgeois lodgers won d, as
he calculated, ue renueu vj m
ence of these respectable abodes. This
wu only a dream. The increase of pop
ulation has caused whole districts to be;
come once again "qoartiera ouvTiers,
nd in these the almost ertire ex
tinction of home life has had the
most demoralizing results. Children
being aent away, the home has no rai
son d'etre," and marriages are becoming
rarer and rarer. The Parisian workman
lives mostly out of doors and in wine
shopa. He does not carry hu dinner to
hia work, but takes bis meals in an
tatnlnet;" and as a rule hi evenings
spent In a cafe. What instructio
morals he guts is derived from the thea
ter and from newspapers the4spiritual
agencies which countless churches tem
perance societies and other' religious
bodies bring to boar on the poor of Lon
don there is little to be soon in Paris.
The city baa sixty Catholic churches and
perhaps thirty chapels of othor donomi
nations, so that one place of worship
might be reckoned for about every 20,
000 inhabitants; and to all appearance
even this is more than the prople deiire.
Tbe national habit of thrift may be fairly
counted among the elements which oper
ate for good on workmen; but in respect
of thrift the Parisians may be compared
to ants who are prejed upon by ant
eaters. Tbey save, but innumerable
financial companies are on the lookout
to catch their savings. "Chaugeurs,"
who are the popular bankers, abound in
every quarter, and more than tweuty fin
ancial journals, which profess to aot as
guides to investors, are published daily.
Bat every week the disappearance of
some clangour and the collapse of some
company is reported, and after every
such event it turns cut that hundreds of
workmen and servanta have been pinch
ing themselves for years simply to feed
a gang of swindlers. Under the influ
ence of all these causes, overcrowding,
childlessness, immorality, irroligious
ness, and financial robberies, crime has
devoloped to such an extent in Paris
that the most drastic legislation has had
to be proposed. It is computed tbat
after the overthrow of the commune
about 20,000 of the most reckless char
acters in Paris were got rid of by shoot
ing or transportation; but, notwithstand
ing this great purge, M. Gamhetta had
to declare, less than ten years afterward,
that the criminal classes formed an
"army of desperadoes ready to tbe band
of any political adventurer." Last year
the chamber of deputies passed a bill
(which has not yet been voted by the
senate) for sentencing to transportation
for life all felons twice oonvioted; but
even the heavy menace of this act has
had no deterrent effect, for only a tew
days ago the Parisian papers reported
that regular battues of orimirals were
being conducted in the suburbs, wt-ole
companies of gendarmes and policemen
being sent out against thorn with fire
arms. London Times.
Lithographing Stones,
An important and valuable discovery
has recently been made by a well known
California artist. He was out on a
sketching tour in Kern connty, near Te
hachapi Paxs, and becoming abi orbed
by tbe wild and magnificent scenery, he
wandered on from hill to hill, from peak
to peak, until be found himself com
pletely Jost. His artistio eye was at
tracted by a bold, white oliff of rock
standing out boldly and sharply against
the blue sky. He made a sketch of it
and deeided to take a nearor view. On
oloser examination it proved to be com
posed of a stone with whioh be was quite
familiar, and had often had occasion to
use in the pursuit of his calling. This
stone is only found, so far as known, in
the celebrated quarries of Solenhofen in
Batavia, not far from Munich.
He tested it with his knife and fonud
it to have the requisite hardness, of the
same color and fineness, in fact a genu
ine lithographio stone for which France
had offered so large a reward to anyone
who would discover a substitute. He at
once recognized the value of his find
there being but one othor known quarry
in the world of this peculiar stone. He
oame to the conclusion that though he
bad lost himself he had found a'valuablo
He selected plcoes of the several varie
ties and soon found his way to camp.
He came to San Francisco, thoroughly
tested the- stone and found it the genuiue
artiole, and then roturned to his quirry
and located the land in oonformity with
the laws of the United States. On his
return he brougnt slabs which have been
tested by competent men. Both the
stone impressions (lithrograpbs) and
sketches can be seen at the office of J. A.
Robinson, 509 Montgomery street. The
writer of this article, thinking it a find
of great economio importance, consulted
proper authorities and ascertained that
the yearly consumption of this stone in
San Francisco alone (at fiom seven to
sixty cents per pound, the price regulated
by the Bize of the slab), was about two
thousand dollars, and that tbe Solenho
fen quarry produoed annually on an av
erage 13,000 cubio yards of lithrographio
stone, at a cost of $1,000,000, whioh sells
for $10,000,000 Elisee Reclus, oar au
thority. The importation and consump
tion of the United States for the year
1880 was an average of IV i tons per day.
A protective tariff would protect this
home industry, should tho find prove of
as muoh importance as it appears to be.
This quarry is extensive enough to
mors than supply the United States and
a id another important link to our indus
trial resources.
Silling Bull's Home.
Sitting Bull was visited in his tent re
cently by a correspondent of the Cleve
land Leader, who says: "Twenty poles
anrABi 1 in a circle ot twenty feet diameter.
and tied a, the top and covered with can
vas, made tne uome or tnu naugnty
Sioux. A fire burned in the center and
tlm amnV noised out at the toD. and tbe
same hole admitted light. Sitting Bull
had sisters for wives and nina cniiuren.
nna wife had cone to ths bnnt. the
other, poorly clad in dirty calico, with
two yonng Ooys playing near uer, aneau
ed and baked bread, poured coffee and
served a chunk ef meat. The bread was
baked in a shallow kettle by putting
coals on the oovcr. Coffee was served in
. ;n unn Vo other dishes were used.
Little boxes and parcels were put round
against the tent. Buffalo skins served
for beds. Hitting uuu is vi ujbujuui
,;!, tnnt tinilt. and has a large oval
face nose prominent, cheek bones
broad and high, eyes full of cunning,
h that indicates strong will
power. His straight black hair is parted
; . I :,11 1 AmmmmA if. I! K . 1 ,1
in tne ruiutiin inu ui
which are brougnt lorwara ana reacn
tbe waist." ,
i man who went to the late war
began his first letter to hia sweetheart
after this fashion: "My dear Julia
Wherever I am tempted to ao wrong i
think ef you, and I say, 'Get thee behind
me, Satan.'"
MmoDiOAL nAKmttw.-Marwood,
the Englihh hangman, used to soothe his
victims by whispering words of encour
agement to them. , "Come on. now," he
would asy kindlj. . "I won't hurt you,
and it will all be over in a minute. It
will be all right. Just leave it to me."
A well known sheriff iu Arkansas is
equally as kind. Some time ago he en
tered tbe cell of a man who waa to be
banged the following day, and said:
"That little affair of onrs "comes off to
morrow, you know, and I hope that you
will be quite ready f.r the performance.
Hold yourself pretty stiff when the cap
is drawn, Then yon will go down
straight and won't dangle. It's very un
comfortable to dangle, and you will find
the stiff method preferable.
England ia the mistross of the seas,
but the numerous forests in tl.isoauntry
leave America mistress of the saws.
A cut and -dried affair Jerked beef.
.'.--jii- VJ-':;'-.?-.--.
Writ tmr Trie l.l.l i
L. 11. I'AF.KER, Agent,
M North FrMt STirMt, Portluait, Orrpia.
J. ft. KNOWI.K8
Nan Fraarlaro
Shipping & Commission Merchant.
limp. Marhlmrr. Farm in plemrntt and all kluda O
PupplWi (urnliilipj on 'nirt nolle.
" ,' Fartlaad, OrrfM. . .. . ,
Rcferriir! Flrat Natloiia Bank.
n jii aitLj tlfimi L1J1T'. .J TJHTUJ.V
. Mannructurcr tud Dealers In
107 Front Stret I, Portland, Or.
Full Se t of Teeth for 1 10.
Be.t Act,
Hull guaranteed, dun atlinliibitfred. UriiUl nil-
Partlana, Orvsoa.
eom M. Union Block. Mttrk ttrwt entrance.
i, S. & G. (JUMP & CO.,
Picture Frames, Moulding, Mirrors, Art
(uftdt, tic, ;
69 Thlr- Mtmil (Alxawarth Block.
r,.... in-' nifii ''aa. mwmi
r. h. akin, . Rem Bki.ltxo, . , . K. Doara
"TOT! nnccM
Bi t 0 OTHEK.
10) Third ht l-OltTLAM), OHr.GOX.
All III 1.iHtIn apwiiic Mm-IiIiim, Oil
fHlls Atlm InnriiU mill (iviiu
Ilia 1'arta fur aulu.
All klntlaor ftrwlne; Machine ltviulr4
anil W Miritl,il.
N. F.. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sit.,
A. P. AaMsraoso,
J. A. Wawo,
I'vnnun and SerruUry
Owigatil for Ihi Batmen Kduc&tioa of Both Ssxtt.
Admltlvd on any wn-k tliy of th year.
Or all klmla vti-cnUd In order at rcatonablc rata,' gMur.inlcvJ. i
The Oillt'iru "Journal," cmtalnlnr Information
of the cniirni) ef almlv, rWr of tnTtiim, tinio la
i'tiu-r, etc., and cuta ol' plaia nn-1 oramnvatal pen
ln.inhi, tree.
B. Be ID.
See that Our Name Is on Errry Pair. .
Portland. Ore
Importera and Wboleaal Dealera la
Woodcu and Willow Ware,
And alanulactorera of
Iiroomas and llruahes, '
Ko. US Froal ttfaet, Fortlaird, Oa. '
Skates! Skates!
Peck & Snyder Amcrlcnn I'lub,
Harney & Kerry Iron and Wood Top Skates,
Hush and Piston Roller Ulnk Skates.'
eel for Cntnlnene le
Portland, Or.,
Ilarltrr, Iron aud Strtil, Wanoit Material, Cumliorlund Coal, Blacksmith , and
WoKomiiakor Tools. s '
STHevhed 1'ri.ta akio enntaletlon nf Northern Fai'IHe Itallniad.
Furniture. Furniture.
Tko Ui i et m4 arnet eemplrle neMrleaea of Sims
etty, eMUUIIn(r Parlor, l.lltrnry, Itlnlna on 'haek
anuinr aim a larg aa well eeleeir etaeh of
amllaai an4 lew-arte ramltara la tk,
Mr aate, koth of ITmlom aael Mf m aaaw
CnarpsU, Oil Cloths, CurlalHs Upholstery, TTall Tapr and Beddlnr.'
tnteodlnf purchaaara will enniult their Im.reataby luipectlui mf atoek betora pnrrhaelns '
faalorv oa Water aa.. hfU Una In awry aad H.iilm.
Mew York Tea Company
as pi bat aTKEtrr, Portland, oa.,
WliolcMiilo mill Itctntl I)nlcrM lu
An wearethennlrhoiinenftheklnil 'a Orpfon, partlea rroro Ilia ennnlrr wniiid Ao well to r
avnll IheniwIeiHinl Ihr iintwirluiihy t l.tir alHn I'imiiclaco prtura We S'tarante iHllelarllon. u
Onlt-ra hf mall promptly nlhd, Hencl fur piittea. . .
.1. 1. W II Ac oo.;
,1 v : -' Tea, Coffee and Sploe Merchant.
, KarABLiaiiKD las.
Poxlllg (ilOTH,
Indian Clubs,
Unmrr Jk Merre'a In Ut.le., Il'atey'e Mnller Mkalea, Peek ak Bafaer'a AaUauUle akatee.
Munhaltaa Atoller Mhalee.
l.t anl IS Keeonil at PartlaaJ, Oreoa.
ir fir- s m
' i H..' 'Ill ' .
P?".'-."-,:! 11 .... ... 1
. . j f' '- : ' ' t--'--'"-t.T - 'vt r f 'Kr" V.. .'. w '
nvniftVA irrint I (lied lVruvi.ui lUuV) ami California (Jrapn l?r uidy. A most dellwhtTul Toulr, and
Effectire Remedy for Dipsomania (the a'eoho' lnUt), al foi of Malart il Diseases Djipesla and Insom
nia (sleeplessness). ' '
'o Greater Success has been recorded, and mthln? ever introduced rItIdi? rtuch nnqnaMlitMl featL'Tactlon.
Trj'lt once, and be convinced. For sale by Druggists and Wine Merchants. , s
WILMERDING A CO., Agent Tor the Faciflc Const, San Francisco, Cal.
CHAS. KOHN A CO., Sole Agent for the Northwestern Coast. 44 Front St., Portland, Or,
f r-