The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 08, 1883, Image 5

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    EfiJi! 'L"JL"'J
, , nniEFjiEvrio.
beautiful weatbur for Decamlir.
Bee suiamonsfn another culiimt.
k ptAij hekvjr taut toiornlog.
WnJstrewUYiWareln blooin en tlia Lilli
Dry oods-sometliing (tew. Call and tee
ae at Friendly'.
The City Council meets MitaJsy svciiiu at
ha City
1 fine Hot of tilk jduslice ffi all shades
aaJ grades at F B Dunn's.
Tke only place where you caa kWaye kU
your chickens if at ftettmaa'e.
k full assortment nf ladies, ml tad clill
fees underware at Bettraan.e.
There is a full set of. Mm Holmes' hovels
Vl McCorueck k Collier's.
We ke of namerou jiertlea who nUti
eDdlng dwellings in the Spring.
The Wheslrr surveying party left this
wook for the Siuslair oouutry.
Freshest anA finest groceries, cigars and,
teaaAiet at Swift k Co's. Try them 4
Prepare for a rainy Sunday oy (retting a
fee story at McOornack k CollierV
& L Pefttet of S&ariou county W eecured
1 scboTa'rs'liijHi the State University.
if yoo want a gochl tewing machiue at rea
maable prioea, call on K R Lu :ky 4 Co.
A Urge ' amount of lira rending matter
crowded oat of thin Luue br advertisement.
The I X I. Store will pay tho highest
. Market price for all kind of liidi-t ami fura.
Mr W T Campbell is httiug up bis new
fcutcW ahop for Messrs PatUrsn k OlTutte.
VcCoraaik and Collier hav just received a
age invoice tf School Books nd achnol imp-
1(1 kieis 41 ammunition, and at astonish-
tegly )n prices, at E It Lockey t (Ve ntw
. . . . .
Tka oiraatati a of t'10 Ooad to rapidly
ttereasiag. Advertisors ehoali in ike & note
fthie. ' . '" '
"The finest lot nf aliot gum ever brought to
Kiene can I seen at E R Lackey & Co's
Mr Jesses Cos of (Jodi ?n, Informs us tlint
he hat a pitch of c imts w'li.-'k ars g-;n0 to
aed being in full Hcxiai".
The largest end li rit lot of gts, boys
aal eoths clothing and unili-rwear, u -.t
'tseoived at Friendly'.
Mr John Rblm-hert of thia ity has a cam
frown in hii ptrdtn whli-h i quite a curi.nlty.
Ask him to show it to vou:
Mr S II friendly has j'ist received the la
ft lattice 6l carpels ever bmojit to L'mrens
C'ltyi Give him a pill.
Mr T J Ihinton on day thin wel: imrohas-'d
A Sb a' t w,.i iliinff mir ltfOO
lb. It U a Rue animal.
rimrtamen and others In the vicinity of
Junction should r d Mr 11 f U-mi Li.-kV al
Ttrtitement iu another cilninn.
Th next aeuion-nf tho )r'.in S'ate Tn
peranee AUUuoe will cmvtne i: ror.laul lli
ththi Wlod.ty !ti Fehra rv.
Tha'Crown and New V.-tm" pxns mo
Slne are the lintt. CVI t V. li L-ickty S
C' rug ttr and txaniin- tU s'n.
Tke rejular nn-tltK of the W C V .U
Ve kel 1 on nixt We liisKv at 3 1' M. in iW
ttaaemsnt of the FreiliyWt vi c'mn'i.-
K R Lnrkey C litVO Vwiivel a lvr
lavnic of the Now line ami t1 Crnwi.
awing machine. (Jivo t'ufm a ca'V
Vhatbnmed TLurlay nhmit the fn-e Vy t'e
prematura explosion cf some powder La . was
xrertuieUng with.
Tho Simpson Brothe- have gone oot of the
real estate business. Will Simpiou will rt
tame the study of law, and G rover solicit
ing for fire insurance. Portland Welcome.
Breeoh loading Yt gun", of improved
pirttern, on be ptimhnHB I at K fl Luckoy k
Co' drug store, at eheinr ori.:n than else
where ill the Will vnitts Valloy, Hive ( the
firm a call.
The flag belonging, to E H 4 I C wit
placed at half mast after the election, and
aonts wag tied a piece of crape on the door o
their hall Parties aleo docoratod Marl'
ber shop with crape.
Ih beautiful drama "Down hy the Pea''
together with the laughable farce, "A'abella'a
. poor Relations," will lie played by the Will im
lamette Amateurs, Friday evening, DcremVer
14th at the Vaughan Hall near Cob A
aaiaiion, 25 cents.
Card of Thinks.
I hereby teuder my thanks ti the kind
neighbors and friends who etein' I tl eir
help and eympathy during the illness aim
death of my mither-m-law.
' " FraKcir 0. Adams.
Geo Lakin is io town visiting relatives,
Mr Geo Humphrey is slemly growing wnree,
Governor Whl leaker was In town Wednes
Irv Hunderson is Ultlng relatives in Eu
gene. Mr Win Smith and wifi rotnrne l from the
Fjtst yestenlay,
Mr II C Hjinphioy ts expectal home to
'ay, Salunliy.
Messrs E K and M 3 Henderson paid Port
land a viait this week.
Messrs Ed and Geo Alexander, of Portland,
were in towihsuveral days this W"elc
Mr J V Cherry luft fnr Victoria, B C, lat
Monday, to bj abient several wevk.
Mr J W Ilaybarj, a'aUii attorney, was
iu Eagen on prufeaioual basides Ut Tuesday.
Miss Eva Wlnhburneof jiiOctinn has l.-n
viiiting relatives and friends in Eugene dur'
ing the past weuk.
Mr Bnggt, of Port Townsend, W 'I', is
visiting iu this city at the residence of Id.
brotlier in.luw, Mr A Cool.-.
The tumor that prevailed several days this
week that Mr Matthew Walker, who is vLit
ing in the East, waa missing, is a mistake.
Grant Thompson, who has been studying
telegraphy finder Mr L G Adair, left this
week tt take charge of an nttice at the front
Mr 11 G CallUou returned front his
visit to the E i't Thursday evening. He says
the Wiltatuatt Valley is a better c nintry than
Hi Si durlug his travel, and he Is fully satis
3 j I to remailt in the land of Webfoot.
. Mr 8 A Frurtt, who has been actiug as For
age Master on the O 1 C .11 K for the past
year, was in this city one day this week. He
left Wfducsdsy, intending to have for Cen
tral AiurricaaiHin, having accepted a position on
a railroad there
Mr Frukk Harrington, of Farmi n'Un, W
r, vUited his old Mends here the first of the
w.-e't. He had quite au amount ui gold from
the Couer d'AIeii mines which he procured
while there, aud thinks that the mines will
prot'e (wrouueut. Mr II left for bis home
Wueiieis, It has pUaed nur Heavenly
Father 1 1 call one Of our mmilier, Ethel Alex
ander, from nur Sunday S.houl and from her
home oil Ejrth to her home in lU-aveu; lie it
r solved by the C P Snndy SuhiyiL
1st, That iu her diath we have lost ouu of
our bnVhtext and mo-t lovely nn'niliers.
'.'no, That we will loir) cherish the irtJin iry
of lur sweet, innocent life.
3ui), That we will bi iu meek
to Him whom she loved and who has said,
"Suffer little children to come unto Me, and
forbid tli"iii not, for of such is the Kingd ii of
Adieu, irntle Ethel,
W e bid yov a liu.
Oiir Saviour in Heaelt .
Has a mansion for fort..
We would not 'lei tin y )'i, .
Nor tl:i:nd the kiud html; lrew you away,
To the an.'slio ban 1.
Ert:v;sP. Cm-, Ditcmlicr, 1S3.
rpmR "ii-Aiin. The people of this vi
finity have fic(nciitly asked why thry wete
u't nctili'd of tho rkath and burial of my
n.itlu'r to tiifle to take put ill the funeral
r -i-iMriMtiicK, ami au explanation is runlly
Inn theot. My folns tcleraphe I Iwr d-ath
in th2ifl ili't at 7 i -l evening at Albany
and that, the must come oir hero the
. I ii 'J P .Mi the tcltirrnhi reached . n e at
11 A M, the .1 1. But this d.x not ex
plain wherd the telegram was during those
twenty hours. Respectfully Vmira,
D. it. Lakin.
Horn. Al Albanv. OreL-on, Sunday, De
camber 8; 1883, of dropsy, Mrs Sarah Lakin,
aged 76 ears. The body wae brought to thi
elty by her anna, D R and Ger.rge, and interred
la the Odd FellmrVe o-metery. Mrs Lsk-in
Was a pioneer, havjng coins to Orei?on tn lfoa
with her husband. .
. Nonc. Some one reoently entered
the ew; brick building of Mr J J Walton
and carried away the plastering tools, belong
ing to Mr Knight. The parfy is known and
- bnlesa the tools are returned by Tuesday eve
ill k nmaecuted to the full extent of the
t law, -.
Laioi Srocc.-The Messrs Crain Bros have
' the largest stock of hJilay goods everbnmght
to Eugene, They are enterprising gentlcmenf
' and should receive a liberal patronage. See
their large advertisement in tins issue.
Sold. -Mr J N Taylr sold one days this
ireeksoMrBonnettSr.his east lot on Sev
en'.S Street for 223i Mr Bmnett will erect
a JarslUn on the aame in the Spring.
KiXG aaaa.-'lhe crass is now between two
and three Inches high on the stock raujrs in
tUsemnty.' Wonder what our friend in tlie
IU i hiiiV ri tach a statement?
" Dim-la Eugene City, Nov 30th, Ethel,
. mlydae.ght.rpf E V, and the. ho. I)eU L
Alexin !er, a native of San Franckwo-, aged 19
years, 2 Muoihs and 7 lay
Piuist WiiKVT.-Tl e whsat which was le t
nt this olBoe by Mr A t Nighswan lor and M r
Gjo Belshaw has been subjected to acommittei
for examination, oonsistinif of Mcsera S H
Frh nilly, A f Burton, A B Patterson and
Wm J Hill, who h ive decided that the U tuts
Velvet nf Mr Belshaw's was the emierior
wheat. All declared in favor of Mr Belshaw's
r PnttAMnn. who said be
"IIW.-.!, . .......
could see no difference between tile two. 1 he
samjiles can be seen at thit office by anyone
wlio may wan to examine me aniue.
To Hor Raisew. We are desirous of proem-inn
material for an article on the quantity
and acreage of hom in Line county; andwould
respectfully ask our hop raisers, eicn aim
ev?ry one, to send us answers to the following
questions: 1. How many acres had you in
l t- o Ifm. n. ttnl vnn In horts
in '83. What was your" yield of hops in
His iu 1882 3. Al.y other information about
hops will 1)3 tliaiiKliuiy received
n'rwmn Wipe We hsve been shown bv
Mr JO Bccbe A Co, samples of wooden ware
manufactured by them at Spring6ild, Oreg' n.
It will compare favorably with any we hae
ever seen. Our people should patr -ni home
industry. A sample ol the ware may ne aeen
at thia office.
HouiiAT Books, Etc. The P-wt Office Book
Store last Thursday received a large stock of
all kinds of books suital.le for the holidays,
also a large lot of albums, work boxes, etc. Mr
PxtSerson informs us that lie intends selling at
cheaper rales than ever offered in Eugene be.
LocATtu. -Learning that our foimer citizen,
n I. Vf IUvi. has loaited in Walla Walla,
his many friends nf Eageue eonlislly recom
mend him to the cood nenpl of that cliy anu
surronnding a gentlenran auxl a firs
class dent u-t
Laawr. Ci uriTi' s -fheriff Campbell at
Cottago Grove jireciott last Tuesday col
lected 33tf) tor Issss- Thia was the lar'
gest sum rollteted staa any precinct in bi
rounds this year.
Xeariso Cwitn.erios.-Tbe shelving and
feiiw out in Mr Waltoa's south
room isvii brick building. It will be ac-
enpied by Mrs Fitcb s ladies" lurnisbing gooos
Qi rri Uu-Five chillren of Mr B II James
are auite iU with scarlet fever, and Mr Jaxsee
is quiU eitk wkh a sore Uiroat Yeerday
morait two of the chd'lren were much better,
SoLtx-MrT J Dunton has -ii hie farm
owCwp Creek for I26M. A good bar,-aifv
Cottage Grove Items,
Dec. 1SS3.
Vestenlay was tax paying day heie.
Wih) strawlierriek are In bloom on the south
hill sides.
Bora, to thb wife nf Adam Garroutte, Nov
29, a eoo.
Miss Kata Spriy began a subscription
school here list Monday,
De'lightfnl weather for a week past; not a
ilrop of rain since the 27th of November.
Mr 3m McFarlnnd's wife and daughter have
both been aick for about two weoke with
We understand thU the bridgo which was
fVli.-d out is in pliie aain, and will be
ready to admit crossing tO'day.
Miss Mira Cathuart re turned, home from
The I'allva one day last week, where she
has been since September.
The Good Templars are gaining in num
ber of late. Seventeen members Were in
itiated lastnightand six the Saturday before.
Franklin Items.
Franklin, Deo. 2, 1SS3.
1'uck shooting is in order; the ponds near
fern ridge are famous or bald p ites, and
the game bag never come home empty.
Geo Hill, one of the old Judge's boys, who
went north six or seven years ago, is at
home on a visit this Winter. We thinks
Palouie ahead of Wehfoot. ' ,
l)gs ran a large buck through, the
suburbs of this city to day. No doubt he
will prove a great temp tation tit the boys on
their way home flora their duck hnnt.
Ari Caiitrull, a maidoit gentleman of some
sixty Winters and Emma 'ard a blushing
ynuuii woman of twenty-live, were married
to day, the J P of Richardson precinct offi
ciating. W were iuformed to-day that the fat man
of Lake crock, who harvested iu this vicini
ty, got over the eu.nmit before the Fall
rains set iu, which is a fortunate thiug; it
would be impossible to get him over after
the roads get slippery,
Death of Mrs. E. A. Qoodell.
It will be with a feeiiug of deep regret to
the many friend i.f Mrs Gondell, to learn
that she has departed this lite. She fell
peacefully aduvp In the Arms of her Savior,
io KttjSinx. Ijo, 13S3 at the residence of
her daughter iu law, Mrs F 0 Adams, iu the
eighty-sixth year of her ege. Her last ill
ness was very paiufitl add she oflou expressed
a ddure to depart and be at rest. She had
lieeii a woman of Aucoinuion intelligence, an
active WiiiMor iu the temperance cause and
otliijr Cliriitiait duiieij now that she rests
from rarthly labors her works do follow her,
"Awed to yrect on hills of glm-y
Loved ones she has missed so long;
Saved to tell the tinners story,
Saved to sing redemptien's s ng."
"Welcomed at the caily portal,
Evermore a welcomed guest;
Weloouie to the lile iuilnortalr
lu (he lu.imduti of the lilwU"
"Home, swaet home, her boms forever;
All the pilgrim Journey past;
Welcomed home to, never,
Saved tl.M Jesus -Hoiua at last."
Letter List.
Letters for the followitur persons were tin
cilled for at the p'wti'tflce In Eugene t'ity, Or.,
Dec 8, 1RS3:
Alison, Geo
Attison, 'J hs
Allen, li'.'wts
llil;;eri liev fi
Kiliern, John
llaty, Mr
I;ryant( Mattel
Itnus, John
lturnhart, rt
Clark, J Jl ,
toniett, O Ni
Cook) Horace
Davis, Caleb
Davis, L M
Dlton, Eugene
Hayesi Sain'l
ltilh Carofiue
Henderson, Mollie
Hemphill, AM 2
Hunt, James 4
Hale, Papt Geo
Johnson, Mrs Amos
Kelly A Kellv
Little, Capt SVut 2
Ketchuin, 1) P
Mace,F L
Miller, Mrs Mattie
Mouse v. Mrs
Martin, Rev J II
Munixm, Mrs le
l'emberton, T J I
Itoberta, Mrs T
l!smlo, C G
Hader, Ella
liwlfonl, K
Reid, David
Kubell, Mattie
Renfrew, Catherine
Smith. It
Scott, Geo S
Shachelford, M
Stinpson, S A
Stone, Thos
Smith, J I,
Taylor. Mary 1
Tiblwta, O A .
Taylor, Jennie
Wilson, P H
Wood, Israel
Warner. A
Walker, Clllra
Warren, h It
McEntyre, Jcdin iKnox, Horare
Roberta, Mr
Sacders, J
Winter, A J
lleaty, Mrs N A
Moore, K L
'Waldrnn, Judge
A. S. Pattersox, P. M.
A Column devtel d the interests of the
Laurean and Eutaxtan Literary Societies, and
the State University.
Jissn MoCirKi.
. Editor,
Firemen EuetTios. The Firemcns elee
tiou took place last Monday. The eandi
date for Chief Engineer were Win Preston,
of the Kngiue Co, and V T Campbell of he
HiMik and Ladder C and for Assistant
Chief. Mr Jos Taylor. Quite an amount of
interest was mauifested by the Firemsn. The
vote resulted in tehe election of Mr it m
Preston for Chief, and Mr .Joa Taylor for
As.istant Chief, be the following votef Wm
Preston, 33, W T Campbell, 32) Preston's
. , I . . I tilt ..m
insjority, o. ,nr isyior nwciToii vv ,uvm.
After the election a banquet was given at
the engine house by the newly cleutel Chief,
which waa hugely enjoyea py an preseus.
Ths Result at Albat. The city election
held in Albany Monday, resulted in the elec
tion of ths fallowing officers: Mayor, Dr J L
Hill, (l); Reoonler, N J Hintin, (K); Atar-
L I. I ....n;L.n VirMi WarH .lonn
Brik-g(R;Sonl Ward-Joho Toshay, H);
. .1' I 1 l I ItU
intra naru rfoun immi,
Rixi East. Mrs J H OoodmaB, of Spring
field, left but Saturday f of a visit to relatives
in Missouri She is acnrpauid by t B
Mwon and wife, who g to Tennessee. We
wish all M them a pleans visit ana saie r-
turu t their W eblt bun
I Bi hiiej)w By postal card from Mr T
J CLeahire we learn that be baa located at
S.nt Roaij arbcre he baa rowe Into bumnesa.
T J is aa excellent businow tnaa and ia deaerv-
iag of sueces
Dies At Cbverdale, Lana county, Ore
.... v..- tn iwt-? r'U IJ!! Marv Gilfrv.
'II, w. , - - - J j - '
jA 3 jf avs, fi motitha aud four dsys.
Brief ftems, ,
Mary Dorris spent Thursday of Ult w eek
kt her home.
Estella hiteaker passed Thaokiglving
Day In Eugene. .
Last Tuesday Rev Waltsr Marvin ViJltsd
the University.
C Calif, a normal graduate of '83, ia teach
ing school on the McKanaie,
A large nuinber of new books were re
ceived last week for the University.
At the last meeting of the Eutaxiaos,
Katie Parker siguod the constitution.
All bachelor students who are here wersklnd
ly invited by Prof Lam hart to an excellent
Thanksgiving dinner.
Fanny McDaniels, having completed the
studies for this term, left to-day for her home
lu Douglas oounty.
Sidney A Prultt, who attended the Universi
ty two years ago, left but Wednesday morning
for Central America,
S A Hulin, who has been attending school
this tetin, has been obliged to stop ou ao
count of bad health.
On Thursday and Friday of last week the
students were excused from school . duties,
ou accouut of Thanksgiving.
John McCfcrnack le.t here Monday
morning fur San Francisco, where he goea to
attend Heald's Business College.
Charlotte Rolierta, who, but for ill health
would have finished with the class of 'S3, it
expected to be In Eugene soon.
A Committee of Lanrcans hat been in
structed by the Laurean Society to buy
ninoteeu Volumes of the late Prof Burke's
Mary McCornack, a graduate aud Valedlc-
toriau of the class of '82, has returned boms
from teaching school, . From the bsst authori
ty we learn that she baa met with unbounded
success as a teacher. I
Jautiie Spencer and Minnie Porter, mem
bers of last year's graduating class, visited
the University last MouJay. Miunie has
beeu visiting her sisters, Lillie and Laura,
who are attending school.
Next week the LaUrvanl will debate ths
question, "R.-solved, That a forelgnc should
reside twenty-one years lu a roiiutry before h
hould bo allowed to voto." Loader on affirm
ative, Albert Mulligan; L-ader on ths negative,
Green Cornelius.
Geo Huyt, vf tke rlass of '82, and K
Vaughn, who attendvd ths University four
yesrs ago, and now proprietor of the Sau
day Mercury, spout Thauksgiviug in Eugene,
the gneets of Mrs Jlsnohott, They returned
to Portland last Saturday,
Wt regret to leirn that frof Lambert has
resigned bis position as teacher of Englinh Lit
erature in the University. This branch of
study is an important one, and it will be diffi
cult to select a person to fill the position occu
pied hy 1 Vol Lambert in so sole a manner.
The resignation will take etfeut Ou Jan 1, 1HCI.
Prof Lambert intends entering the ministry.
.Ths guestion for debate ttsat tresk Is, "Re
solved, That ('lnneis hlii'r should be pro
hibited in ths United States." The affirma
tive will be lead by Bussie Day, assisted by
Ida Hendricks, fcinma Uorri ami Mattie
Dickinson; ths negative by Anna Wright, as
sisted by Siidie Moore, Osie Walton and Katie
Wt week nominations were Hiade In the
Latreau Society for olfluers to terva for the
ensuing' term. As a matter of oonrss the
Dast week has tint been without the axclta
meut iMueralty uoonjcted with such times, aud
various teu -ctiit tiieues and other small chauii
have been seen to change ownership, but thisuf
course is only done with the bent Intentions,
and Is pornaps destined tor tlie ieanul
The Editor's Walk.
The following we dtp from the Springfield
Uawkeye, editsd by "Judge" Kslly.
The Editor weary has locked his door,
And started out for a stroll;
He is glad to be in his sanctum no mdre i
'Mid troubles that weary bit souL
He turned bis stops to the town of Eugene)
And watched in the mill race ths tislies;
And soon he came to the little white houaei
Where "Bub" wsa washing the dishes.
He slowly passed with lingering steps,
And paused for he wished to hear
The directions read for making brsad
By a mustached cavalier.
On, on be went for he eould not stop
Till he came to a ourtainless house;
Wbsre a sophomore was busily using a mop
Aud a senior was ocokiug a grouse.
With lightened heart he continued hie walk
Till bis revery was interrupted,
By the anguished groans of the Editor ex,
Who ths task of utiUiuK attempted.
Ha hastily walked from this tad scene
And concluded to go up Ninth street,
Where Fiddler "Tod ' wss plying bis bow
And keeping time with his feet .
Willi heart mada joyous by this glad light,
1'ha MethiHlint church he neared;
In the neighboring bouse titers were souuds
of diword
"And two well knows forms appeared
The fiiMt wm dressed with slaborate eare,
Ha goes bis intended to visit)
The other was Wasted as iiala a a ghost,
And he shrieked "AL'Neville why is it
That you are thus blessed while I am so sad?
0! Happy(nese) why base you fledf
Turning the corner the school house be
On the play ground waaqtiiteaoominotkm;
Two urchiwwere fighting with anger imbued
Unaware of their dangerous position.
For the Principal angry bad some quite near,
Said be t tlie urcbtwe "To-morrow,
We'll wwet m my room and never fear
But that it win be io your sorrow.
Willi heart strings bleeding for these poor
He turned in another direction;
Ami sees a tall senior, who just now ia
The oeuter ul ail attraction.
With harpgrated firmly he sweetly plays,
And the todiU s eyes do giinlen;
The Aeolian harp of by gone ilays .
Is rivaled he tbiuka as be Uatens.
While reKin bis soul on thesa sweet strwbit
Ilia spirits Were tudlnly lowered.
By a Djniilingl vote wbicO said to biro
' Bring buck these books you burrjwad.'
This on welcome meeting wsa scarcely oW
When agaht to bis seiatioo,
Tbs voice of Potter loudly saiJ:
"l'ay yoLf dues to the Corporation.'' ,
WiA ssooirU-d ferlings be turned away,
j la Ins bsrt was d iwrsti;
, "To Eugeue toan I'U go on more,"
Kpring'iel I is ny destmatioa.
Smlthfield Items.
SnTBnti.r, beo 3, 188.1
Glass ball shooting the eth, also the 15th,
for a prixe.
Married, Dee 3, 1883. at the retidence o'f Ari
Cantrell.byDRnill, JP, Mi- Art Cautrell
to Mrs Emma Morgan Waid.
Mr Paniol Smith hat purchsned ths property
formerly owned by Wm Driskill, iu Junction,
and ia repairing the same. .
Mr Ed Sherman, cf Smlthfield,, waa bady
blown up by the accidental discharge of a blast
while blasting boulders from Mr Bryant's field.
The following Is the score of a match of the
Smlthfield Club, Nov 21th t
G W Gibson 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0-4
Jaa Bales 0 11111110 1-8
JAGiheon 10 111110 0 1-7
K Fratee 1 110 111110-8
HTSmith 00 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-3
i W HarfOle and Geo Beck absent
ScAooi Tat. At the meeting helJ st the
Court House last Wednesday afternoon a
school tit of two mil's Was levied by an al
most unanimous Vole. This, witli the State
and county funds, w'ril m si u lain a free School
for nine mouth. Engene is Justly proud of
her schools, aud her osoplo e re 41 way a ready
to furnish meant to keep them running in
the best of order.
Si'ccmruL We clip the following fhttn
last week's Wett Side, published at Independ
ence! "The three weeks protracted meeting,
conducted hy Rev Morrison of Enge(te closed
last Wednesday evening Forty-one names
were added to the church Mil. A laVgo part
nf them were children-. Only a few hardened
sinners could resist the appeals nf the eloquent
preacusr to come within the ark ol salcty.
SroKV VoXu-Mr Chris Holland, of this
city, and his partners are opening a coal mine
about five miles east of Brownsville, which
glvts fair prosects of being a rich discovery.
1 be coal ia of nrat olast quality and is of easy
access to tl e narrow gauge railroad. A seo
liuen of the coal may be aoen at this office.
R H. Jt L Co. -At a meeting of E II 4 1.
Co No 1, held at their hall last Monday eve.
mug. Mr Hyatt was elected a member. The
Company elected the following Delegatus for
the ensuing year: Mosira R M Day, Geo A
Dorrii and 8 B Eakin. '
Lower SlusUw ilarnL
Married. -Nov. 25, 1883 at the residents
of the bride's parents by Rider 1 iMilip Mtilkey,
Mr John Conger to Miss E E lilckerd; all of
Lane county .
Plan, We have been shown by Mr G II
Parka the plans for Mr Jas L Pairs s new resi
dence. They are finely executed.
Floixkcs, Nov. 29, 1883.
Three knock downs In town this week. Cause
tort ntiih llqeor'. .
Messrs Amos Hadsell, Frank Kaowles asd
Wm Talmer havs gone to Ross burg oa bust
John Burgeman, postmaster, has Soot to
Sau Francisco to purchase a lane stock of
goods for hit new store.
A ball was given one night last week by the
las people of this place; which was aa-
raoronsly attended: ' .
bur little town contains two stores, post
office, two hotels, nhe saloon, oaasery, two
coaper ahojis, bui lt shop aud 1 real estate
Mr Martin Nofilhger, tormstty A this place,
who went to Lake'cVoeR receiy, ratiilned yes
terday with a wife, bur best wlstVes sreVs
teuded to the young coUpde.
Tat, Nov. to, 1881
Three Inches of snow fell here oa the 25th,
The weather here is euld aodelear atpreaaas.
No damage was done by the recent fresh sk
Mr A D Hyland sold his beet caUle to Mt
James Howard the other day.
We learn front Mr Wm Ren fro that MT
John Kissinger butchered hit hoirt to-day.
The meeting held by Re H Wood ended
OR laat Sunday.
Wt learns 1 at this city the other evening
that Wm Rsnfro and his dog "Watch," tread
ad klltrd a large wild eat This it the saooud
one he htl killed lately.
Game, inch at deer and the like, have he.
ciue scarce since the law has corns In, hat
wild oaWet have become very plentiful It tk
good fun hunting them, tf beaMntt and faae
are also scarce, hut wild chickens are plasty.
Pn Facr.
Evolve, Dee. 7, 1S8&
Wheat -03 to 1 eta en hoard ears. .
Oata-fiO eU astt
Hopa-18 cU per lb.
Latd-ltk v
Eggs 40 eta per ilofe
Gha.kie Meetino. Lane County Pdmoal
Grange will meet with Grand Prairie Grange
at their hall on the 3.1 Saturday (ISth) f
December 1SS3. Election of oftioers and
other important business will be before the
The West Point Amateur Club will give Grange. All Fourth Degree members U
an eutertaiumcLt st Vaughau's Hall, Cuburg, good standing are cordially invited,
in the near future. A. f. Jkimos, 8e
- '- -- -- 11 i-U -i! L-Jjj
Opening Display of Holiday Goods
We arc on Jiand this season with the largest
and best selected stock of Holiday Goods
ever opened in Eugene City.
Oil Paintings, Steel Engravings, Cllforaos, and btfailtifiil Worki
of Art on exhibit e"Very uay
In Sllrer Ware the display is sliperl), tlrtioflg wlilcli are Vnz4
pieces 01 liana work never before excelled.
A fine selection in stock. Also
An immense stock. Alsd
Dolls-'drPsted uri4 undressed, Totfs. dames, NolionSi
Vases, Toilet Sets Etc. in endless variety.
Also A compMe stock of Pictura Framed, Mirom, Brackets, Wall PockeU1
llankftH, Paper and Musio Iloldorn, Etc
Call and examine our stoch before making your selections ho trouble lo'sfosf gitodi',
7 Vm Cwla Rica CoflHe ....... . $1.00
10 OannOystt rs 11.00
9 ILaSiliiftr 11.00
4 Can pVnclii li i.Otf
4 IU TVa.... fl.OOf
1 2 lbs Salpratus .. ,v .. it ...'...' KOO1
Ejtra Eastern Boneless Cod Fwli, Mackera.,- Wbil t'isif tier
ring, Piekles in barrels and kegs, Canned goods of air
kinds, Spice3rhole nnd ground and every
thing to bo found In a ';
-Alsoa full line of Orockery such as -
'ten and Dinner ISeta; Olas Dislfes of every description; Kovel
ties r Holiday Goods, Etc
Give me a calh Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Goods delivfred fr of cl argev