THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. Saturday ;. December 8, mi ALL: Ll-...: :. The Cosur d'Alene Mini.' Mr A P Parker of the Ni Perc Now., Lai tb following to say about the new dii'h'fne: So hru at present prospected the gnM belt reaches from the hear) of the Kan Jine river to ' the North fork of Coeur d'Alune river. It is 100 miiee in length by 20 to 30 in width. The toil, generally, u what it known among minors t- I. t-t .1 f i Li f I ae who gravei; out vnere is snm ui we rn'fiesi ' quartz, gold and silver, that Las ever been dis covered onthe coast, Most of the mining so far has been done on the creeks. There are gulch diggings but. they have been very little worked Generally there Is about 12 or 15 foet between the surface and the bedrock. Two ' claims that have so tar been worked, are pay ing from $8 to $10 a day to the man. M'iMt of tie claims were taken up uuder the mineral act and consist of about 20 acres each. Mr Neal thinks there will be a sufficient number of people in the mines change this, and 200 or 200 feet will th limit of each claim. Eagle City Is the only camp so far of any importance, It is at the junction of Eale and Fritchard creeks, and at present consUUuf 25 or SO log huts and shanties. There will no douht be other canps spring up, as one point could ot possibly supply such an extensive and wealthy aooj) of country. Eagle City Is reached by a trail -no wagon has evor yet - found 1U way into the mountains. A road la smw being built and will be completed bofore 8pring opens. All goods are packed iu on tnules. Freight is eight and ten cents per ' txrand. The whole oonntry Is thickly wooded, indoed so much so as to be a source of great expense In operating the mines. J.timber is very scarce, notwithstanding the nhuudunce of timber. It ootnmands f 125 per thousand feet. There are no taw mills-all lumber is made by whip-saws, of which there are an a'f of dozen, Houses are oovereu wuu jbmis Hjoib iroiu ccuur, wiiil-ii abound. These are worth f 2.50 and $3.00 per , hundred The fullowiniJprlcet of articles of food were furnished by Messrs Dremir & Co: Flour, V!0 per barrel; bacon, 40 and 50 cents per pound v crackers, 50 cents per pouud; coffee, 75 cent; per pound; rice, W cents per pound; tobacco, f 1,25 per pou id; ott. 15 cents vr pound; cab bage, 20 onts per poun 1; beans, 25 cents per pound, v Mr Neal says the camp is very orderly; that (hen did not come under his observation a sin gle case of murder, notwithiUnding report lie thinks there will be at least 12,000 people ( go into the camp in the Spring, He would ad vise no one (o go now as time would be idled way and nothing gained There will be plenty of time to get a good bold by March or April ISi. ' Elided Spfnktr. John O Carlisle, of Kentucky, was elected 8paker of the House of iicprueutntives, poo the assembling of Congress, Monday, December 3d, Mr Carlisle is one of the ' Ablest men in that body, and is hesttily in sympathy with the producers of the ooun try Wing opposed to the pernicious doctrine f the present prohibitory tarilT, He is in favor of a tarilf for levei uo only, which meant only incidental protection. Jlis elec .Sinn (. f... ........ ..I 4U IT 8., as they compelled thoir repreacutativi In the Wast and South to elect him. We congratulate the farmers on their llrstviutory tloce th war. Junction City Items. Disseminator, Doo 5, 188.1. Junction it soon to have another millinery hop, Air Hen DorrU nf tfiifrAiiA u-. in t..di'n Thnrtday. v MissFannyGreggsis vlhitlng her father in Monmouth. Itirn nn tli, l.f tl, n !r W. wi'..., ..... wv., ... , nil. ... iu Guthrie, daughter. We understand the Sabbath School of thk plao will give a bnsket luncheon some time in the near future. Th remains of Mrs II Itundy lister of Jaa aud Henry Hoffman who died near Bprsgue, W T, was brought down Tuesday foriuterment, ACKUKL Hoax. United States District Attorney Watson is making inquiries with a view of ascertaining who it wst that forged bit name to a letter, aud played cruel hoax on W N Grill'm of Lane county, MrOriilin, who it an old man, was summoned to ap pear as a witmui in a trial in the United States Court concerning tome trospaaica on government land. Through nuVing a train he was nnalde to get here. Some one wrote him a letter, signing Judgo Watson's name to it, stating that he had boen lined S.1,000 for failing to appear, and that unless lie paid It he would Lave to go to the ienitunliaiy fee 8ve year, This letter cnuned Mr (Irilliu and hit family great distroiM, and liit daugh ter wrote a touching letter to Judge Wstson aoDealinff for mere v. There is a oluu to the - perpetrator of th cruel forgery, aud the Jndge proposes with the assistance of Towta! Agent Ben Simpson to follow it up and hav th scoundrel j.uninhed. Oregnnian, President Arthur's message hai no espec ial merit oOier thau its length. It is merely elerk-lik resmiis of the report ot the dif '. ferent cabinet officer, show in every part of it th work of the ex collecting ot customs. "That admirable document" leeoinnieiida that th surplus revenue should b expended oo ships of defence, whijh means that John Roach want to build, torn old tub that for any purpose, other thvi old iron, w ill be cseless; th President deplore th j.'act that th nation' debt it being so rapiJ'y reduced and sugye-U that th people Us freed from burdensome taxation by aboliih. ing th sale on w hiskey, t cetera. From President Arthur nothing tnach was ex pected, and he ha disappointed nn one. TheCcAEU has th largest circulation of aay paper in Lane county. N Job work xcut4 with dupatch at tb tiCACD tfjic. Brevities'. For good dentistry go to Clark. Bring your chicken to Bettman't, Swift A Co. will pay tht highest market , price for chickens', Co to Swift 4 Co.' U'r fve.h Culifornii candies, crackers, 4o. Pacific Rubber Taint is the best; all alzed cans at Lnckey and Bristnw.' Tim largest xtock of carpet, oil cloth ami matting just received at Friondly's. Swift 4 Co.' goods ar all new and bought for cash, and ara sold cheap for caili, Hi 1-ts, furs, chickens and all kinds of pro duce bought for cash at A Goldsmith's. Swift A Co. tell ckitned ijoods, pot up thit year, ss ahosp as cat be bought In town. , Bring your butter to G. Ilettmau if you want tlio highest yicoi also all kiuds of pro. iluce. , MrS II-Friendly will pay the highest cash market price tor wheat, 'iiv nun a call before telling your grain elsewhere. Having lately burned circular descriptive of Lane county of 15,000 copies, I can furnish the same free to parties wishing to send them koHt to frlenitn. ihey liimlnu more Intorma tion, such as the immigrant wants, than you could write in a letter of 20 pane. I am aUo nrting with K. J. Haiglit & Co., of Port and, Uregon, the most active, eneryetio and thorouglily advertUed tirmi on the PuciKc ('oast. Parties having real cetnte to sll will Hull it to their advant.'iire to place the same In my lianiU, as I am constantly incrooitiug my advcrtiseinents, aiiikjim fully determined that Laue county shall have her share of tlis immi gration bound westward I.'ko. M. Miller. Citizfns or Joxction! -Mr K M Mulhol and has returned to Junction and oiwned his store with a very fine stock of new drugs, (iive him a call and examine Ins stock. Tone up the sycn by the use of Aver s Sardiiparilla. It will make- you fuel like a new pcrmn. Thousand have found health and relief from entering by the m! of thit great blood purilier when all other meant laileil. NEW ADVEKTISFMENTS SPGRTSSV1EN. IF YOU WANT A CnEAP SHOT GUN or Rifle, come to Junction City. The nn- lei-signed can si ll you kuiis from live dollars t two hundred, or to suit the hard times. Also all kinds of AMMUNITION. hUEI.I S, WAT1M, CAPS, PRIMERS, CATKIL'GEM, BELTS, FLASKS, ETC. Come to th shop near lower end of Junction and see for yourselves. Also a No 1 cheat) farm enuine and feed mill B. F. HENDRICKS. Summons. Iu the Circuit Court of the Statu of Ore gon tor the County of I.anc. Oregon Railway Company, Laniucu. i in. Action at Inw to appropriate land for right ot way. Laura Mansfield, minor, by J W Grimes, guardian, Dcf. To Laura Mansfield and J W Grimes, Deft's, TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF X Oregon you are hereby summoned to ap pear iu saiil Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff". Hied therein on or beforo the tlrst ilny o( the next torm of sum Ourt, to begun and held at Eugene City, iu Lane County, State of Oregon, on to-wit: th 21st day of April, 1SS4, pWintilTs will tako judgment for want of an answer, for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, namely; To appropiiato tlio land den'rilind in complaint for right of way. It was ordered ry the Judgo at the November term of said (.Vurt, 188.'!, that service of this unmmm be mdu nn the defendant, Lama Mantlirld, by iiuh Mention in the Kugmie (a'Aiui, a newspaper puhlisheU in taut uninty weekly, for six ooli seeutive weeks. G. B. A. DoHnis, ' Pill's Attorney. Citation. Iu the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor the Uonnty ot Iaii. In the matter of the ntto of Samuel II Notr deceased Citation, To Rebecca H Jackson and Pavid W Nossett and all other interested iu said entate, uieetilig: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OltEiiON, you aro hereby cited and ro quired to apiwar in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tlio comity of Lan at tlio, Uourt room thereof at Eugene t ity; in tho County of Lane on Momlay, the 7th day of Janunry, 1884, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of that (lav, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be mado by said Court siithorznig the aide of tho following de scribed real property, belonging to said tile, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest ill aad t the following decriheit premises to-wit: Commencing ut S K corner of See 2.1, T 10 S, 2 W, thence running as folloxtt; n 15.70 ohs to line oi A Aliens donation land clnl'i, W 6..13 ohs to E line of Wm Allen's donation land claim, 8 to S E comer of said claim, U est 25 85 ehs, N 45 degree: V t P. line of N W of S W tea 23, S to S h corner of N W J of 8 V J seo 2.1, w 20 (HI chs, 9 to N line of W S llarlay dona turn land claim, K to N E corner of said claim, t 25,72 chs, K to 8 W corner ;.f N E of N K I. sec 2ii, N 2(UK) chs, and thence b 20 (X) cits to plac of iKviniung, ooutain ing 127 acren more or less, exifiitii.g one acre deeded to School District No 42, in Laue louiity, Oregon. It lsavid W Nossott anl all unknown heirs be served by publication for 4 weeks iu the Lngene ( ity I-uahu Wituese, th Hon J' C'Ciu'rcii, Judge of th County Court of th Stat of Oregon, for the SEAL County of Lane, with th Seal of asid Court alhxnd, thit SUth day of Nov. A 0. 1SS.1 Attest; Jokl Wars, Clerk. Geo. S. Wasum'Kxs, Att'y fr Administrator. FINAL SETTLEMENT. XfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT XI 1) M Kindon aoi Klin Ann, Humphrey, executors ui th will and Utof AL1Iuuho- rey, deceased, have filed statement atid their final account in the I'ounty Court of Lane County, thv'nn, aiul Monday, the 7th day of January ISM, ban breu set btoirtof th Lourt, tlatnt Aov J ism, lot bn oi vt jectiona aud tatteuvnt tliemif. 1. M. Kinix'K, To-iu Ami Hi uriiniT. s.ntiiia Money to Loan, Ou easy terms, oh aptwed aec'i'iri'.y. Insur- nee aiienea oi an sinus oi property, ra th beat of eompaul t. , orritu In th bJlldLag fcnaerly occuplod by Ilovey k HuiiiLbrcy. . Cuah. Lauku. Not Loot. It was all a mlstak about my goods being thrown overboard, but the fact t, I have mor good than I h.v? -"?r 'C". and I Invite your attentioi t J tl. Jnrgott and most desirable stock of gjoJi ctji brought to Eugcue. Goods ara choap See ing is believing. Come and i". ,. F. B. Vvhh. E. B. Luckey & Co .DEALERS DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We . will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. . SVCCESSOllS..y To Luckey Bristow at the old Ellsworth Store. tab,. Passbooks, butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Orders taken for special sizes. ' rchool and Miscellanoous Book. All the stdnd.U'il authors ly tho voIvwivj .find is s-U Juvenile books, Soivdtda nu l Waverly Library, Harpers JJrtgiizint'S, ttc. Bible Depository For Lane County.: We hav.j been Rotting a lare slock of new goods and wo have trverything fuutid m a fiiMt-chw Book htorj. We also have a fall slock of GROCERIES AND fROHISIOilSl McCORNACK a COLLIER. Suai-Hson to CALLISON. $25,000 STOCK OFGOOBS For sale cheaper than ever offered before in this market. Tlioso wishing to purclraae will do vrcll ta call upon me before making tlwir at-loctioiiH. To n.r lino of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GEN TLliMEN'S CLOTHING, I call your Hpfcial attention. I exprct to rotin from the mercantile lu.oine.s, and my goods must be sold within the next 90 days. Hoping to Bopply all vour wants, I solicit an early call. T. G. IIENDKICKS. ALL I AS K! Lsthatyoa do yoursnlf justice by huying good.s wlu're you c.n g. X llu in thr cheapcht. 1 intend to strictly adhere to VERY LOW PRICES iu everything I offer for sale, and iu DRESS & FilMOY GQQB& Boots' and Si) a Furnishing Goods, There is no douU or question lot I shall sell them rery moch owvr than the same codi have ever een offered in this market lifFlease to call and price tU goods and you will we that I am ia earned G. BETTMAN. Smith, and Cox -GENERAL DEALERS tN Agricultural ImplementSs sMtWiSntMBSHSM We intend keeping a full line of first-class Farming Implements,con sisting of . D. M. OSBORNE Si CO.'S 0ELEDRATED TWINE BINDERS, RXAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; JOHN DODD'S OLD RELIABLE, HOLLINGSWORTH'S, REINDI1J AND RED BIRD llAY RAKES; THE KETCH UM WAGON MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BtfGGlES, ETC.,lra It is our intention of staying here and we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any house in the Northwest Warerooms on Willamette Street Opposite tht Guard Office. A DESERVING APPLAUSE From the Inhabitants of Eugene City and&ur rounding Country. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Are Now Open for Your Inspection. 14 yards Bleached Muxlin only f 1.00 20 yards Cnlirfl ouly 1.00 12 ysnls Sliiitlng oid 01.01 J yards Flannel Hhirtin,,' mily $1.03 10 yards Lhifii Toweling only S1.0) U via Inw els, U cw. 14x10 Hoary Whito Bl nkrts nnlr IJ.Ct jDiullde-widtli Trtlde Linen 20 vts r y4 rent Hose only 13 cts jl'5 cent lUiidUsraliiefs only 13 ct Heavy lied spiviuls only 75 cts Linf n Nnkvus per J doi 75 cts. Wo quote prires on n iexv ai tides only Our assoi tniPiit Gmipvising many Thousandn. We cflny ft largu stock asuraeres am of Silki nnd Satins. All colon ifl 1 American Di ess (roods. Our stock of Cloaks and Wrappers is the largest Sooth ( Portland, at bedrock Prices. Men and Doyn Clothing $2 50 per miit anrl upwril, Boot . nd . ShN it Faliulous low Prices. A WOllD TO TIIK PEOPLE OF OREGON. Prrlmps we n ey 1 aMe to induce you to ahnmlon tlio old Wten ptlii tt ' CREDIT AND DISASTER And hereafter travel the road where the Sign Uoard ia marked, 11 X ST01I -l All our patrons get Wealthy.. Come and see a. Harness Shop H AVIXG OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 th iTJtl west ot LTain liros ., l am now prepared to tarnish everything in that lin at tb IiOWiiOT Cr.S73ES3. The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will nJevor to give satisfaction to all whim' fatxr me with a call. A. S. CUimiEv Useful in the Family. V nsnally Iras H to doctor to recom mend medicines, hut Parker' Ginger Tonic has been a snefnl in oar family in relivioa sicknM ami suffering that w cannot say io nuica m ru praise. saiem Argoa. A CARD- To all ho an suffering from tne error and indiscretions ef Touth, SMsnrona weakness, nariy decay, nmrt manhood, 4c., I will eend a recti tVt wUi enr yo, i'KEE OF CHARGE. This irreat remedy was dUcorered by a mis nonary in South America. Send a self-ad-dr-sd rarelop to th Rst. JoenaT.IxaaX, tatio D. Nsw Yi skCity. Taxes! Taxes!! Taxpayers pleas tak aotio that tb tax ro'l (or l(t83, for Lao Coensty, Orvfev b aew in my band (o eollertin. Frtxspt MtUs aient ar requested. J. K. CAMPBELL,, fckenff f nU Tx t Elector, Lane Co., Or. . Dvted October 2, 188X Som beautiful iuwn lot nicaly lo or sal cbapv Call early and get a bargtaav Gss. If. Mruas, - Trfal Estate AfMtV Th )iikhet cask prra paUt wkssst Vf F B Don.