The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 08, 1883, Image 3

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i -aa a U'" on the mi uulutu lUa.
Ml.iT auilehlti,
0r ihH hiil, -Orer
4 unrtrr ih? pfocwooli wMe,
Haard I tUa waudtri-jK wind .
Moaul ri a ooulii peter pud
A place iki I' ui'ilW aludti.
1 wu alO iv 1c " hVMlow flen;
i-unwi'" rU gleam
I bo m'wn'a iwlllil beam
Tba cry o' ibu fm lt unknown den
Tbey ha inled Ibe l-im-anm wood,
Only to ai'.n luinlliujc;
Wu I ailr J, o, tneuf
Onoe. In ft darklluR dream, f beard
it. lo kuow wherel
II I I ha !
Eomethln tlm mug to me. thrilled la me.itirrtd
Llls ura t iuew uji u ihc,
A ripple of melody, dim and divine;
A lar-ulT, (i'nuir word.
Cnce. In-a i o ndiy trance, I ew
VBM'' A glimmer of white,
A wokderof IlKbi,
A radlano i of crj atal without a flaw,
BUiuiug ibrouKh dim and feru,
(tlispilafc aud bidtun, with many a turn,
YMOomlug by aomeawtel law;
Comlns U me. 0, my brooklet b .ldd
' - Yes. it waelhuu
" Part o( me now
Coming, wub graoe nf a lunteam, to gild i mv BfiMta ahadaw deeD:
Waked by tbeit laughter itvm sloth aid from
,le, . .j, .
That I muat follow, my guldj
Mine. 0, my mountain-bora!
Out of the gieo.
Down amoug men,
Wlnaomely leadin me forth, like tbt morn,
u..ain fin the mnaical llo.
Freab from the welta where lb ho: y atari dip,
BouaiDf nie np from atu-coru.
fctlll at our tryat on the mountalu.klle
Homethtug we keep
Hidden too deep
Jlver to wbiaper through earth ao wide;
Love that we diroly auow
Leaves the world freaber wherever we gn,
One in our life. O. my brW I
The solemn mass meeting at tba open
ing 01 the Bynoa IB lue yuhvo uiiwe v,
the Holy Ghost, says the Catholio Ro
view. If the terapie ussu is iuij o
lesson; what a wealth is there in every,
thing fiat iinuio'diatoly surrounds thi
altar, priest and sncriiice? All the scrip
tare, all the theology, the entire Chris
tian tradition, from our own days bud
n ). Mnaain n.n.1 ante-Mosaic period
when the Messiah was bat a promise, are
crystallized in this altar, its priest and
its rite.
Tho celebrant, boing a bishop outside
bis diooose, sits at the epistle side at the
foot of the altar on a portable cuair,
known as tho faldstool, a well known
pnrvival nf the chair of the Roman.
is there invested with the mystic dress
of his order. Jivory portion oi h, wnat
pther in Mosaic tvix
or in the necessity of the early Christian
days, or in the1 progress of its liturgical
science, has now, with its accompanying
prayer, a spiritual and allegorical mean
mo an ubII an ft historical origin.
Attendant on the bishop are an assist
v. i nn.l Anannn wllA rAlirPAAnl
HUH UllCOl UUll ltUUVU n uv - -
the law and the prophets, Moses and
Elias, that in the mountain oi me trans
figuration spoke with Jesus, nis bud
rlonnnn ia .Id) in the BiDtiflt. the Dre
cursor. The two deacons of honor at-
tn,inntnn eardini'.l are David and
AhmVium tn whom the Dromise of the
incarnation was mude. They are tb6 twd
columns whom the king of peuce has
placed before the gate of the vestitulo
nf i.htk tr.mnlrt.
The vestments if the Christian high
priest are to be examined in a uonuie us
pect, in ueir reference to Christ, whom
the minister represents, as wen as in re
lation to the work of the priest himself
and these principals animate the church
ii rWilinul T.i.i-t.liftiro nointa out. lb
every action that the Pontiff performs in
making for the sacrifice.
Preparing to announce the gospel of
peace, tue uisuop puts on sanuais ana
buskins, types of the incarnation, for
onr flesh was as a shoe to the feet of
Christ, which He assumed to discharge
the functions of his priesthood. The
sandals are attached to the buskins, re
nnliino-f.lm tiiimnn aonl which serves as
the in ermeutary to the divinity to unite
itself to onr nesu. As tne nrst sustains
the body, so does the divinity govern the
vmM and makes all evil its footstool.
The sandals further recall the promise of
the Holy Scripture: "How Deautuui
on the mountuins are the feet of those
wh.i nrpnnh croanfll of ueaoe " The
open sandal warns the minister that he
who preaches the gospel must be free
frnm nvflrv taint of worldlv affection.
In this spirit, too, the bishop washes
hiB hands, so tuat spiritually lie may do
pure. "To eat .without purifying the
hands defiles no one. Wnat denio mm
am th tliinrrs that come from his mouth
and heart bad thoughts, homicides,
thefts, impurities, false testimonies,!)?
The amict, still called the helmet of
salvation, was formorly a covering for
the head, and Is even now worn as a cowl
by the Dominicans while going from the
saoristy to the altar. It is piacea nrst
in nr. nn fhfl ripn.l and then on the shoul
ders. It represents the strength of good
deeds. The etrings that fasten it in
front are the intentions which animate
onr wnrk Anrl the end to which we direct
them, so that there may be no leaven of
malice or injustice in tlicm, dui tuai
they should be accompanied with the
azvme of sinceritv and truth. Work is
the mission of the priest. "Labor like a
crvnH anlrlinr nf f!hrinl.-"
ThA alh t.vniriAii the new life of Christ.
"Clothe me, O Lord, with the new man,
who, aooording to God, is created in jus-
tiA ami rim linlinpfis of truth." Great
care is taken in fitting it to the shoulders
and to the body, to snow tuat tne mo ui
. ." . ii 1 .1
ine priest ongnt to do weu oruereu uu
rpt?nlfttn,i. Tu whitenesa expresses pur
ity of heart. It is of linen, because linen
represents the justice and virtue oi me
saints. Still another mystic reason the
fiber of tne flax, braised ana torn, re
ceived from the bleacher a whiteness
that did not belong to it by nature. So
the flesh of man, chastised and
mortified by penance, receives a grace
of purity which it cannot ao-quire-
by nature alone. The
priest ia bound to chastise bis body and
reduce it to subjection, lest he who has
E reached to others become a castaway
imself. In the Jewish priesthood the
alb was straight, because of the spirit of
ervitode, which, in. those days, com
pelled aouls by fear. Under the new law,
lU ample folda indicate the holy liberty
ia which are placed the children of
adoption. Sometimea the alb is decor
ated, and this, too, ha scriptural aignifl
eaace. It ia bound up by a cincture to
how that the priest mast keep himself
chaste, in apite of the stings of the flesh.
"Let your loina be girt and your lampa
burning." In the Apocalypse the Son of
Man carriod "a oincture of aold." It ia
the pci feet charity of Jeans ChrUt.wuion
surpass all understanding. It ia also
justice. "Justice," says Enaiui, "will be
the cincture of his loins, and f.titli Lis
buckler." The tun'el at the end of the
cincture are the natural jtmtioe UnIit
by Chriat. "Do not do uuto others what
you would not wish them to do to jou."
The stole whioh the bishop puts ou his
neck, is the obedience and holy service
to which the Lord Jenus subjected him
self, "who, being in tho form of God,
thought it not robbery to lie equal with
God, bnt emptied himself, taking the
form of a servant, beiug made in the
likeness of a man and in habit found as a
man, be humbled himself, beonming obe
dient unto death, even to the death of the
What, then, was a humiliation to the
first of our priesthood becomes a stole of
glory to all that followed Him, take the
yoke, which ii His service is light and
makes the burden sweet.
The stole, as worn by the bishop,
hangs pendant and is not crossed, as by
the priests. It thus explains its name,
"orarium,'" and indicates its origin, be
ing the fringe of a senatorial role. The
stele is tied up by the cincture, to indi
cate that the virtues should mutually
support each other.
Two garments of kindred form, one
somewhat smaller than tho other, are now
put on, the tunio and the dalmatic The
tunic, rotainod from the Jewitth priest
hood, is the figure of the doctrine of
Christ, which is proclaimed by the little
bells formerly attaoliod to it. This tunic
of Christ was spared by the soldiers who
slew him. It was left to hereby to rend
the unity of Calholio doctrine. To the
pontiff the long tunio further indicates
porseverauce, which alone receives the
The ample dramatio indicate theabun
.aut mercy of Christ. "Blessed are the
merciful, for they shull obtain mercy."
"Mercy and not sacrifice have I asked "
As an epUcopal garment, with auipl.
sleeves, it reprosnnts the liberality aud
generosity of the cpisoopal order
"Share yonr bread with the hungry and
receive under your roof the poor and
homeless." Those who rocall the charit
able work of the deacon, as illustated,
fr r example, iu the case of St. Lawrence,
need not be told why the dalmatio is the
delmatio is the garment of tuedisoonate.
The bishop's gloves recall the skius of
goats which Rebacca put ou Jacob.
"By this skin of kids," says Innocent
III, "we must understand the reaemb
lance of sin, with which. Rebecca, that
is, the disgrace of the Holy Spirit, has
clothed the hands of the true Jacob, 'to
wit, the exterior work) of Jesus Christ,
so that tho new Adam might carry in
himself an image of these. Jesus
Christ has taken the appearance of sin
without since itself (Romans viii, 3;
Hebrews iv., 15) in order to conceal from
the demon. For, like sinners, He was
hungry, He was thursty, He knew grief
and sorrow, He slept, Ho labored. For
this, after he had fasted forty duys and
forty nights, He was hungry, and the
tempter, approaching him, tempted Him
as he did the first Adam. But this spirit
of evil was conquered by the second
Adam by tlid same means wuicn gave
Him triumph over the first.
For bishops the gloves have this les
son: They are put on after tho Dalmatio
to indicate that cood works are to be
done modestly, so that the right hand
may not Know wuat tue leit uoes.
The cbasublo, or little house (casula)
was formerly, as even to day in many
rites, a round garment falling from the
shoulders to the ground. It was raised
at times by the attendant ministers to
permit the celebrant to use his arms
freely. Of this custom we still have
trace in the action of the server at the
e evation. and at other times in high
masses. But as time advanced the round
RMin-nt was cut into its present form
It represents the universal church, of
which the old was the predecessor and
type. One is separated froin the other
in the order or of time, by the mystory
of the oross. The moral teaching of the
chasuble is chanty, which covers a mul
titude of sins. It is the nuptial garment
The amict is made to touch it to show
that every good work must be animated
with charity. Tue two parts oi tue cua
suble indicate love of Uod and our neign
bor. "the whole law and the prophets.'
The extent of the chasuble indicates that
charity is all embracing, including even
our enemies
The maniole. forming a kind of nap
kin, .is not assumed by the bishop until
after the confiteor. It typifies the vigi
lauce and labor in the service of the
Lord which will produoe the sweat of
the brow in which all must eat tneir
bread. It is worn on the left arm, to
show that Jesus Christ, and every true
priest, enjoys the recompense of his
labor. "Ibey went weeping, sowing
their seed: with joy tbey will return,
carrying (manipulos) their arms full of
the Juarvcst.
The crown of the bishop is his miter,
of clorv and honor, it is true,
but one which those worthiest of it have
alwavs found, on 'this earth at least, a
nn,"n of thorns. "With dory and honor
Thou hast crowned him and placed Iiim
o, th works of mv nanus, un rue
nt flm Hebrew priest was the in
uiiivi . . . .
enable name of God. The miter oi tne
Christian bishop represents, "the name
i.t iathnveeverv name." and the honor
that is due to the humanity of Jesus, be
cause of its union with his divinity.
The miter signifies the scienoe of the
two testaments, its horns representing
respectively tne uiu aim
ment. and the two posterior bands, the
spirit and letter. .
The ring is the gift of the Holy Spirit,
whn in the Scripture is often called tlie
finger of the Most High. The circle d
gold indicates the perfection of the gifts
of the Holy Ghost, which Christ has re
ceived in a measureless aegree. uuu
has given Him Mis spirit wkqou, ui-
P. ... :i.J nf fliA Hmrit
Ure. IBIS pieumuuo .-r
-i.-.t a ;.,tnhntA variously to Uia (lis-
cipies; to some the gift of Bpeaking with
Bcience and knowledge to others he
or of enrim? the sick, to others the
power to work miracles. These giiu are
r , ii. v- l. a tnimatrv Of tne
made aensiuio j
l- i mu tn tua cuurvu wki
deacons and inferior members, each with
a power peculiar to hi order. The ring
alio is a iign-of the faith which a bishop
p edges to his church, his mystio bride,
on the dav of bis eapousaia.
Were the cardinafcelebraUng the mas.
tne pallium, the sign
authority. He would also carry the pas
toral stall or crosier, the sign of his pas
toral charge. This, in fact, he carries
while presiding at his inas. Its well
known shape is that of a shepherd's
crook, pointed at the ml, straight In tue
middle, aud curved at the top. It en
ables the pastor of soul to punish the
lax and retui, to direct thoe needing
guidance, and to rest ruin those slipping
out of the ranks. It is hardly cam asary
to recall the faith of the Irish warrior,
who stood next to Patrick at Tara, when
preaching the Trinity and baptising in
its name. The apontle a staff, pointed at
the end, pierced the foot of the Prince,
who bore tho aocideutal torture unfliuoh
ingly, thinking it was a necessary part
of the ceremony.
For another reason than that for whioh
a bishop, outside of his diocese, does
not ordinarily carry the crosier, the
Pope does not carry it in Rome. It ia
in remembranoe of the fact that St.
Peter sent his staff to.Eucharious, the
first bishop of Treves, the apostles of the
The oolor of the vestments of the day
was red, red the oolor of tho cross, the
color of the snored heart, the color of
the martyrs, the coloi of the fire of the
holy spirit, the color, as it Beetns, "me
judioe," the most beautiful aud inspir
ing among all used by the churches.
"Who is this that cometh from lidom,
with dyed garments from Boars, this
beuutiful one in his robe, walking in the
greatness of his strength?" "I that
epeik justice, and am a defender to
save?" "Why, then, ia thy apparel red.
and thy garments like their that tread
in tho wine press?" "I have trodden the
wine press alone."
"Red vestments," says Cardinal Lo
thaire, "are worn on the feasts of the
apostles and martyrs, in memory of the
blood which they have spilled for Jesus
Christ. For it is of them that it is said:
"They have come from the midst of a
great allliction, and they have washed
and whitened their robes in the robes iu
the blood of the lamb." (Apoo. vii.,
14.) Red vestmeats appear also on the
least of the Holy Cross, upon which
Jesus Christ spilled his precious blood
for us. 'Why is it,' says the prophet,
'(but your garment is red, like that of
those who tread the grape iu the wine
press? On the day of Pentocost also, to
indicate the fervor of tho holy cpirit.who
descended upon the apostles iu the form
of tongues of tire. It is written in Jero
mias: 'Ho has sent from the height of
heaven the fire into the marrow of thy
bonos.' Red ia used on the day of the
mnrtydom -A St. Peter and Paul, but
there used white vestments on the feast
of (Jie conversion of St. Paul and the
chair of St. Peter. Likewise on the na
tivity of St. Join, white, aud on the
feast of his decolatian. red; that is to
say, iu honoring tho feast of him who
ie both martyr and virgin, we elevate
martyrdom above virginity, as tho sigu
of the most perfect charity, according to
tho words of Christ, that 'no man bath
greater love than this, to give his life
for his friends.' "
A Buotblurk's Elegy.
"Brundy is deadl"
So the men said, so the women said,
and so the children callod to each other
as a piece of news.
A drunken, good for notlnog. A so
called man. whose brain had become
dissolved iu liquor. whote miud was en
feebled, and who had disappointed
everybodv by not dviug in the guttor,
instead of bavin? the roof of a tsnomeut
house over his head
Why should any ono grieve when such
a vazubond passes awav? The world
may owe him room for his bones to rest,
but nothing further. So in "Brandy's'1
oase men said that he was well out of the
way, and women clattered their dishes iu
the rooms below, aud care.l not for the
Dresence of the dead.
When the undertaker came tobear the
body away a dozen people crowded into
the room, and among them was a boot
black. Some said that "Brandy" looked
well in a coffin; others spoke lightly
about his face haviug at last lust its ruby
color, and the dead pauper was no more
than a dog in tueir minus, anu wuy
shonld he have been? One can be a man
or he can be a vagabond. If be becomes
a vagabond, let him lose the respect of
men. All had a heartless remark except
tlm bootblack. He stood at the head of
the coffin and looked from face to face,
an.l Hilin !
"Brandy was low down, and he died
like a benst, and you are all sneering at
him. Did anv one among you ever give
him a chance? Did he have a home
when he was a bey? Did men try to
enoourage him and guide him aright?
ts there a man in this .room who ever
took him by the hand and spoke one kind
umnl ? Didn't everybody abuse and ill-
treat him ? Didn't everybody look upon
him as a dog ?
There was no answer.
pt Rrandv was low down!" wins
pered the bov as he laid his hand upon
n, a noiTio. "He was raided and hungry,
and poor and homeless, and without one
siucle friend. Wuat man among you
n.ii.i hava stood out against it any bet
ter? Poor old man. They know all
about it in heaven. Let me help to carry
tiim itAWn."
And when the dead had been driven
.i . i i. i ,i;..iiimini1i
awav. ana tne oujr uu un.iio.i,
mn than one man eaid :
irw nil e might have made it
akuIpf tnr Uia noor old man. I wonder
that some of us never sought to make a
manof him, iastead oi neiping miu
down." M. Quad.
Tne Poet of the Sierras.
Tnannin Miller. George Alfred Town-
send, Joe Howard, old New York Froth
ingham, Jennie June Croly, Annie Wake
man, Janet Gilder, and a raft of others, it their business to tell the count
less thousands out of Gotham what is go
ing on here and a good deal that isn t.
Some of them are not. Take the case of
a man like Miller-olten an interesting
writer of prose, always an attractive
talk3r abont the wild life of the extreme
in1 ft coat of nature, and gen-
erally as full of eccentricity as a locomo
tive with a wheel off, Miller out astrik
; A,rni-A wherever he goes. Hia pres-
ent occupation is the furnishing of ten
rural jonrnala with a weekly letter writ
ten in manifold. In addition, h turae ,
od a random poem now and then.and he
makes in all abont $7000 a year. Bif ,
t..;nr him abont 110 apiece, ao
that for actually writing a column and a
receives the handsome sum of $1X) a
week which ia better pa v in com p rison
with the actual work done than any other
writer in America receives. I believe
the Sierran poet has also had a hand re
cently in a new oomedy for Annie Pixley
a piece of work in which ho went
"cahota" with Archie Gordon, who is
c.e of thecloverest and brightest writers
in New York. Long ago Miller ceased
to reoeive royalties from the D .mites.
His contract called for a nightly sum un
til the total of 10,000 should be reached.
He received the final $H) two years ago,
and has never turned out another oohe
aive dramatio work, though I believe he
is all the time doing something in the
dramatic line. Miller's long hair of former
days has yielded to the persuasive shears
of the barber, and he ia gotting be be
slightly bald. But bo wears hia bloude
oearu just tne same, and nas never
forsakeu his alouched felt hat. Miller
and hi lip quivered. "It is all right
now ana sale, tie arwtired mo,
"What was wrong?" I aked.
"Only a stupid fellow who was attaint
iug in moving the stores (the powdor)
ana wno Had no liuaiucM to have the
light there dropped a spark among
some baggitig and it was getting into a
blsz). But t got there in time to stamp
it out; and the captain of the gunner,
finished tho business with a wet blan
ket." "But how woll you behaved, Miss
Prior," he said, forgetting his own con
duct and appreciation of the danger.
"If you had made a row and detained
me, nothing short of a miracle could
have saved all on board tho Conqueror
from being whirled into eternity."
"Even if the accident had got wind.
and thrown ns into confusion, there is
no aaying bow the matter might have
ended. I, who am iu the secret, shall
has a flue largo bead and game leg. ' alwaya thank you for all our lives, and
tor tuat of my dear old mother s la ice
over. Had a whisper of the terrible
dangor reached her, with my father ab
sent, I am certain t would have cost her
her life on the spot. '
he would wear atdl .no ne 3r, h.Tf of Duller with maniold pencil, b.
01 lilB 1UBMUWii
He got hi latter adornment, he aavs.
through the agency of some Moloo
bullets. For a long time he livod in
flat in New York, bis only attendant be
ing a colored boy who vainly triod to
keep the place in order, while Miller did
the oookicg, si opt on the floor rollod np
in a buffalo robe, broke the nocks from
his bottles in preference to nsing a oork
screw, and otherwise conducted his daily
life in a way vaguely remiuiscent of his
former times ou the bordor. The groat'
est mistake Miller made was in not stay
ing in Jjondon the first time lie wont
over, lie was a line on that side of the
water, where the quaint freshnoss of his
poem struck foroiuly upon the minds of
readers unaccustomed to his method.
lie came back here, was considerably
guyed, aud for some years lived in more
or less poverty. But there proved to be
more ttuff ia him than he was given
oredit for, aud he finally came down to
solid, hard work, after giving up the silly
notion that he had boen intended by
high" heaven to represent the great
Americau nation as minister to the court
of St. James. Miller is pretty well tlxed
at present, and I hardly think he is liko-
ly to lose his head again, lie is one of
those rarely-found meu who have lived
down the animosities of early life, and
whose eoceutrioities, if pronounced, are
at least innocent. St. Paul Pioneer-Piess,
An Ant's Brain.
Well may Darwin speak of the brain
of an ant as ono of the most wondrous
particles of matter in the world. We
are apt to think that it is impossible for
somiuute a piece of matt toro postals the
necessary complexity required lor tne
discharge of such elaborate functions.
The microscope will no doubt show
somo details iu the ant's brain, but these
fall hopclesslv short of revealing the re
finement which the aut's brain must
really have. The microscope is not ade-
?uate to show us the texture of matter,
t liss been one of the great discoveries
of modern times to enablo us to form
some unmerical estimate of the exquisite
delioacy of the fabrio which we kuow as
inert matter. Water, or air, or iron msy
be divided and suli-divided. but the pro
cess cannot be carried on indefinitely.
Thero is a woll defined limit. We are
even able to make some approximation
to the number of a given
mass of mattor. Sir W. Thomson has
estimated that tho number of atoms
in a oubio inch oi air is to oe
expressed by the figure 3, followed by
uo fewer than twenty ciphers. The brain
of the ant doubtless contains mors
atoms than an eouiil volumo of air; but
even if we suppose them to be the samo,
and if we take the sizo of an uut s uraiu
to bo a little globe one thousandth oi an
iuch in diameter, we are able to form
some estimate of the number of atoms
it must contain. Tne number is to be
cxprtsstul by writing down 0, and fol
lowing it by eleven ciphers. We can
imagine -the atoms grouped in bo many
various ways that Oven the complexity of
the ant a Drain may oe intouigioie wueu
we have so man v Units to deal with. An
illustration will probably make the ar
gument clearer. Take a million and a
half of littlo black marks, put them in a
certain ordor, and we have a wondrous
result Darwm a "Descent of iron.
This book merely consists of about 1,
500,000 lettors, placed one after the other
in a certain order. .Whatever be the
complexity of the ant's brain, it is still
hard to believe that it could not be fully
described in 400,000 volumes, each ai
large as Darwin's work. Yet the num
ber of molecules in the ant's brain is at
least 400.000 times as great as the num
ber of letters in the memorable volume
in question. Longman's Magazine.
Her Self-Control.
The power to keep still is very often a
valuable one in critical moments. The
ladv school teacher in New York who
quietly and safely led all her pupils out
of a burning school house, before they
knew it was on fire .might have pot them
into a panic and imperiled many lives if
she bad not possessed tue power to con
trol hersolf. The following littlo inci
dent on board an English man-of-war
flog ship no less creditable to the girl -
Miss Susie Frlor who appears promt
nently in it, because she tolls the story
herself in a private letter.
After tea I went on dock for the air
with Mr. Bill, the oommodores son.
As we loaned over the rails admiring the
orancre sunset, suddenly I bad a notion
that I smelt a singed smoky odor.
I turned to Mr. Billy, without think
incr anything serious bad occurred. "If
T . nn alinra I ahonld Sav that soma
careless person bad allowed the chimney
to get on fire," aud at the earns time I
pointed to a particular spot in the ship.
He cried "Nonsense I" but stopped
short, and raised his bead as be . too
smelt the faint odor of something burn
ing. In an instant bis face became stern,
and a bard, dogged light came into his
"Don't atir, Miss Prior, till I oome
back," he said. "If I can I'll be here
again in a moment," and be hurried
away in the direction I had indicated.
Then it flashed npon me that yonder
whence the smell of the burning came,
lay the powder magazine.
I did not stir from the spot where Mr.
Billy had bidden me to stay . It was not
many seconds, though it seemed an hoar,
but the night wind was kind and felt like
a cool band, lifting the damp Lair from
my temples, and keeping me from falling
down in ewoon.
Mr. Billy came baek tery quietly and
spoke composedly, but hia toice wu lew
A Motor that Keely Never 1 bought Of.
The Bodio Free Prose says : "It is re
potted that Jim Townseud has six, of his
arastras running to their full capacity.
The remaining four will bo started up
next week." The most interesting thing
about these arastras thn puwe,r by
whioh they are driven is, curiously
enough, left unmeutioued by the Free
Press. From a millwright who assisted
in putting up tho machiuery, we have
somo particulars regnrdiug the novel
apparatus, which is Mr. TownHeud's own
iuventiou. The arastras are placed in a
littlo sandy flat, whoro only snilloient
water for drinking purposes and to moist
en tho ore is to be oMained. The ar
astras are actually oporttted by land,
which .drivoa a large overshot whael.
On fhis wheels and takes the place of
water. It was at first Mr. Townsend's
intention to run the arastras by means (f
a large windmill, or wind wheel, but as
this wheel would run too s'ow at times,
at othor times bo fast that it would lie
liable to tear everything to nieces, and
again would not run at all, he bit upon
a regulator. This regulator is sand, a
great pile of which has been raked up
to the works. Tho windmill nuts a bjli
contuining a great number of buckets,
and these Carry the gaud up to a big
tatik, just as grain elevators oarry wheat
in a flouring mill. A-stream of sand
boing let out on tho overshot wheel, it
revolves just as it would under the
weight of a stream of water, aud the ar
AHtras movo steadily on at their work.
When there is much wind, sand is stored
up for use whon eahu prevails, so the
uraslrasare novor idle. After a suillcient
qnautity of sand has beeu accumulated
lucre is no more trouble on that score,
the same sand beiug used over aud over.
Virginia Eutorpnso.
Ancient Jaini'stonn.
Changes iii the James river have made
an island of Jamestown, completely
separating it from the mainland, and
about all that remains of the first Eng
lish settlement of Virginia is the dis
mnutlod tower of the old church. It wa
here that Pocahontas embraced the
Christian faith, and was baptized by the
name of Rebecca. The fount used on
that occasion now stands in the chancel
of Christ church, Williamsburg. Here
also Pocahontas was married in 1013 to
John Rolf. A low briok wall encloses
the ground occtipiod by the ruined tower
and foundation of the church; aud tomb'
atones, some broken and scattered, some
leaning against the wall, and all with in
scriptions nearly if not quite illegible,
have long since ceased to indicate whero
lies the dust of those who bore their
names. Two hundred yardB below the
ruins and one bundrjd from the river
bank is the stately ol I mansion built by
John Ambler over a hundred years ago,
It is the only residence on the island, is
in tin" preservation, and occupied by
Col. H. D. B. Clay, formerly of Mew
York, who owns Jamostown, which con
sists of 1700 acres, and is between two
and three miles in length and three
quarters of a mile iu width. N. Y. Sun,
To Remove Grease Spots.
Au excellent mixture to remove grease
spots from boys' and tueu'a clothing
particularly, ia-tvado oi four parts of al
cohol to one of ammonia. Apply the
liqnid to the grease spot and then rub
diligently with a sponge anu clear, com
water. The chemistry of the operation
seems to be that the alcohol aud ether
dissolve the grease and tho ammonia
forms a soap with it which is washed
out with, water. The result is much
more satisfactory than when something
is nsed which only seems to spread the
snot and make it fainter, but does not
aoluallv remove it. If oil is spilled on
a carnet and you immediately scatter
oorn meal over it the oil will be ah
idrbed by it. Oil may be removed from
carpets upon whioh you dare not pnt
ether or ammonia by laying thick blot
ting paper over it and pressing a hot
flatiron on it. Repeat the operation sov
era! times, using a clean paper each
time. .
Her Ears Had Been Bored.
"Don't yon think ear-rings woald bo-
come you? inquired Kosciusko .Hurphy
of Birbie McGee. Kosciuska had b.-cn
paving Birdie very assiduous attentions
of .. ......
"I don t know, replied uirdie, de
murely. ,
"I an noose the reason you don t wear
them is because it ill hurt you so to
have your ears bored7
"Ob, not in tne least, saiu uirme,
ith animation. "I've bad that done
already, quite often, almost every even
ingin fact, for the last three weeks. '
Then Kosciusko reached roond to the
niano. dragged hia hat off the cover and
commenced to fade gradually from the
room. He fairly melted away into- ok
Bounty, and now a wide chasm separates
the gallant Kosciusko and the cbatming
Birdie. Texas Sif tings.
Instead of establishing his theory to
the contrary, the results of Baron Nor
denakiold's expedition to Greenland ct n
firm the general belief that the interior
nf that eountrv is entirely covered with
a thiuk sheet of perpetual Ice.
Eternal drumming is the price of buci
nea. Morristown, Tenn., has a woman br
ber who does a thriving business.
The watuen's branches of shoemoker
in New York number i;XK) members.
rrineetown. Mass., has hanled i
about 10,000,000 pounds of cod fish thi
Eighteen thousand and eighty sbx
homesteads have boen entered in Florida
do ring the year.
Tennessee claims to lie the second state
in the nnioo in the in, session of thor
oughbred cattle.
Farm and Garden aavs an acre will
produce flvoorsix times the amount ol
straw berries it will wheat.
Insurance companies claim to bars)
puid out Jii'iO.OOO in Atlauta, Gat, fot
UiMes by tire in tho last two years.
A tract of 1810 acres of pine land ia
Clark eontitv. Wis., was sold to a lumber
company in La Crosse for $(!8.0(0.
A pasture company recently organize
in Diiumilt county, Tex., has 1)0,01)
acres of pasturo land and 88 JO.OOO cap
It is said that at the present time hi
Ueon 05,000 and 70,000 French peopl
are engaged in the mauufaoture of clock
and watches.
Sl'liero aro two or three hundred north
ern capitalists in North Carolina who'aere
attracted thither by the exhibit of the
stale made at the Boston exposition.
In Central Nebraska, along tho rail
way, the population of some of tho conn
lies has increased 100 per cent, the pres
ent yeiir, and still the number seeking
lands is increasing.
There are probably 175,000 people em
ployed in the woolen and worstod indus
try of France, against 200,000 in Oer
iimnv, 170,000 iu tho United Statos, and
310,000 in Great Britain.
Georgia has a population of 1,542,180.
There are in the state eighty cotton and
woolen mills, or nearly half tho nntnher
of the entire south, and over 2700 mills
of various kiuds.
Thn republic of Guatemala has en
gagod a Ceylon planter to introdace
iuto that country 500,000 Cinohona trees,
for obtaining Peruvian bark, from which
is distilled the salts known as quinine.
The demand for cotton seed oil for a
variety of uses is increasing, but produo-
tion is increasing faster. Mills are
springing up everywhere in tho cotton
growing regions. Tho result is a dis
couraging outlook for producors.
Connecticut boasts that it has built
more ships this year than in recent years,
bnt the total is only thirteen vessels,
with an aggregate tonnage of about 10,
000, and all but ouo of them aro designed
tor the coasting trade. - .
Pittsburg has an establishment whick
makes a business of loaning dross suits.
Its charge for a first class spike tail is
82.50 per eveuing, which price ia much,
cheaper than paying out from $75 to
8125 for a suit to wear ouce a year or
once iu two years. -
Tlmd Stevens' (Jeueroslty.
It is related of Thaddcus Steveus that
shoitly after his removal to Lancaster in
1812 ho heard of the sad prostration of
.11 I.: l t V...I. -
au OKI iriuuu iu iui, a mnjoi, wuu.
pressed hard by necessity, had divert
to his own use 8300 duo id- a jMrtau
l low client, hoping sooiato rouaiu hit
fiuaucial footing and repay ker. Bn
"uuiuoroiful disaster followed f.stor,'
until the poor fellow's montul distreii
was actually killing him. Mr. Stoven
hunted .up the client, paid her from Uii
own pocket the 8300, obtained, her re
ceipt, and went to soe his friend. "Haloi
old fellow, he exclaimed, ou enteriu
his oiUoe, "you must wake up. Don't be
so down-hearted. Bay, don t you sup
pose you've really gone and paid that
woman and then forgotten all about it?"
A despairing shake of the bowed head
was the only reply. .'"Well, I boliove
you did, and I'm going to look through
your papors and see if I can't find tne
receipt. Then he pretended to ransack
some pigeon-holes, and a momont later
exolaimod: "Well, if you're not the big
gest fool I evor board of. Look here, old
man, what's this?" So saying ho showed
the receipt to his astonished friend, who
thereupon recovered his spirits, and,
happily, bis business fortunes also.
Afterward he repaid Mr. Htovene.
fehimnk irms.
Six widows, utjniegtd uge M0 years,
live in a bunch on a country road near
New Haven, Conn.
Julia A. Moore, the sweet ainger of
Michigan has disposod of 4000 volumea
of her poems.
The widow of Dr. J. G. Holland has
presented an organ to the church at Al
exandria bay, where she makes her sua
mor home.
Baroness Btudott Coutts is liberal
with ber favors. She has recently give
thirty fishing smacks to thfl needy me
of y..rmouth.
There are thus far only two colore
women lawyers in this country Mary.
A. S. Cary of Michigan, and Louise Y.
Bryant of Colorado.
A cortain Boston belle, endowed witk
twenty-five dress fans, has fallon into
decline. Some thoughtless person re
ported to ber that ex Queen "Boss" of
England had five more, some of them
richly jewelled.
A tfBhraska widow with twenty-one
i-al.iM Mr) ia ailTArtiainar for a husband.
There ia great virtue in printer'a ink; it
baa brought fortunes to uom meu a
.nn. int a lnn't htdiave a doubia
column' advertisement, inserted next i
reading matter every day for six monies,
,i.l,l i.rinrr a hnshand to a widow Wlli
i.ui.jina Miil.lron unless the IattE
are kept in the background, or nndrw-
ground, or aoraewnere. "
go back on advertising, but the lia
mast be drawn somewhere.
Returna ehow that the present y
will far exceed any previous jor lu,.
... .1 . . . . . C.n.J
nl Mali . Anil RllfWI) HUUl UMI.I
The total number of cattle shipped, w
for which space has been contracted
ateamships to the 81st of Dembem!
is 55,674; total sheep, 1,137,200. Tut
baa been no appearance of diseaseiiti
the restriction.
Politicians go no the ladder of fTi
the roanda of drink.