The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 01, 1883, Image 4

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I !f In tlio l:.?t hMV.i.'i i.itil". I
Mwtiitrie iil:f'!j.i-f t'.i l;i r-
fmlilltun tnfe enliven l-n n.'L.i l in i '
tain s lie lii-ae cf lillN' In'fiirn (hut fV li! 'f!.'
chief strftj&'Iu li! If mi-r Ijim,!ii:;!.nii Hi i.
ean1Mnle f.,r cm jjrwfc I.irM 0 C.vit.ri'i t'.i'
(irrsent liioun.lx nt, nf.n. ' im W.v fur tin
second hdiiilfsitiml. )V!,iU li'i mini it !imj'
cuaedcf tlWiuius'y nr !ir-.'l'-ll .:u nf i'.l'.; ci
fur as Is ptitiiiuly KiiixMi, t li. t-t li a fcT-j-eriil
Opinion rxtulit tll'.t lit in (ilcH'I'f J'l f
clinwtr a ml aMIity, Ua'.Ih wLldi hm rc!;iiv I
fn nmn ncci:py!ltr so csil'.nt itti 1 ftvpnii-llil
t position, 1IU Nililit'ul Mem riro oli'uliita.
lis knows little of ilia viaMni ! cmi.',ii'. o
Jhid entertains the opinl'in t!mt avn.'Mryniwc'.
tttwU in tlie Iioihc, lit pvniiVet f r.u
ftnd scattered anion;; Ins con .titiiHiiU, omit!
lib til moat Imji irtnt il it I'.Hn j . u"il mi
of coaxes. This L tlie ntt.trV nf Mr
tMnperance lecturing e'lmivtinn ft rocllinl o
obtuluiiijf knowledge wbic!i fill s'uoit linpi t
lug to tlie etiiilent -xili ik: iiiifyiii;j lilm
lor letrlslative duties. Ajhiii, Mr Gcir'e h.v
been unfortunate in every racoumi.'ii Utimi he
h w m&Jo for ;; !ut n 'iiti jii 1 pnun i
tluni. Tlie ilUijlivcom.-nt i Mr f t w.l ry li ntn
the oflltu of U H illHtiict itttornoy, tiro
pnintuiunt of Mr Wutwm in Li ti1. wji
unfortunate for Mr t!uorx mul mi:ipi;kr
motif the mnka of tlio piii ty. To coiitiliute
M Mullnry tliut cenlloiuan tu reujmim ii UmI
ty Mr Ceorjje for tlie r-t ln-pectin'unil 1 iH
crou niiwlon to CLina, on a wtlary of $10 r
day and tx)rnMw mii"u In dnint,' thU our
oongrewi'man nulthcr necireil credit am m; tlie
people nor the mpport of nppn!nt?e. Tlie ap
polntuiout of Geo A r'loele an prwtinactcr ol
Portland won auotlivr wliloh ami Mr George
many filun.U )I could not Lave aclevtvil a
man more dlataxU-ful to tlie pvople. 'llivn
ennitn the promotion of John V Warl to the
deputy oolloctorsMp (nun tli .illii-e'of In
lector nf Ixillein, and tlie trnnifrr of J L Ker
guion to the litttvr nwllLm Thi'e apMilnt'e
one and all, are ilUtinui.Hlieil only for t'n ir
inordiuate hint of fur nllkv, a f.iut wlilth Mr
George well knew when lm followed tlie ad
vice of othoni ami pvrmkted tlieir appoint
BienW From thin iiimniiiK up it il olivioiia
that our bill, portly ine-nU'r of the lower houiw
bai little pronpect lun'or thiin during 'lio ap
prnachlnj; aednn. The noxt aKpirnnt ia tlie
gentleman who wi-nt to Cliinrt, mot dl.frfius'
for the U S Uov4rnm.nt. That Mr Mai
lory poeeaxee fait aliilitio, no on will di ny,
but the affectlona nf hlnpirty are nlk-inted
from hhn! lie faileil to rot:iln the frlonda who
ecured hia nniniuation a 1 1 election in 14;iD
and he will find them opKin at every turn.
It U true that if' on rumirud, tie is to beconn
a partner iu the Tirm of D ilph and Simon ho
will have the influence of the newly elected
Senator to back him, but, if nominated lU
chancre of election would he anything Imt
brllliunt if the democrnU nonitn:ite a nipulnr
man) but there it another and mightier Ilicli
moud likely to lie in the field before whom nil
competitor will apear like pigmies ooinpnrod
to the OoIimhiii of h'lnaltiH, and thnt mnn ia no
lesa then John II Mitchull liiiu.ielf. There is
now on foot a acheme to Lrinrf hia name Imfure
the approaching convention aa a candidate for
the lower hoime of Congreiia. It ia urgod that,
inaainuch ai the Xewa, which oMinned the
tank of neutralizing the o;iMiition of the re
ironlftn, haa f.ilUl, for obvioua re.wona, Mr
Mitcliell mimtrely on hiinnclf to defeat the
maohininta of hU old enemy nnd tuke
the atump Iwfore the people, That the plan
mtgura aucceia none will deny who comprehend
the personal liifl'ii'iii-e Mr Mitchell wielda
among the people of thia ntvt J. It .ia further
stated that if the ex-senator should accept the
nomination for the loner house, and be elected,
it wuuld bo a ateppinjr atone from which he
would be oertnin to vault into the senate over
all opiHwition. So as democratic apira
rations are concerned, they u'l liinije on the
action of the repiibltcoiu Should Mr Mullnry,
Mr George or Mr Mitchell succeed lu aecurlng
the nomination there will be a aham, acrimo
nious party quarrel, but Mr Mitchell would
poll a far larger rot" than either Mr Mollilry
or Mr liorj;e and few democrat would onre
to lie pitted airaiiiHt him. Thrnte who stand
first In the Iemocratiu ranks ax propeotive
randidatu are (lov Whiteaker. of Iane, Judge
Townwiul and Mr Kenton of Vamhill, and
Col KIHnger, nf Multnomah. Such, at leant,
are tlie predictiona indicated by the pol'tical
homsooie at this writing.
Senator Coltjuitt, of Oitorgia, in an
outspokon ndvocato of the olil tiuket.
Ho thinks that "Tildon and Hend
ricks" will carry not only Now York,
but Connecticut also. Tlio HPtmtor W
liovcs that tho noiuiimtiott can ho
ricd unanimously.
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not i( l .e V; .-! it t'.oiri. i.i mo .S.n.ii ol
con, for tli ( -olll'ty of ,niic, l.v t.ic C'e l
ilieiwof nu t to mJseliw trd, mi lu ;': M -
roin'm-r .') , Jor!. Ily in R jn lj mini mil de
cree o fnricl'i-ilio r'li I' lO'l i'l xnitl vnut
A iir'l It) Ii, 137 i'i -Uit too m il ll.ire
jMi.ilmii, in f.v i-i' llnoa r, !n c i.Mt.i.'
pUi-tiit', mid ah iiit I A 'I.,- (ii.i'i) .c f.-i.u
nut, for tin" H ii of tm ve l.ui.di'. ii nod limy
live nud elyi.t iMie !iin. liv..i. l-'i.'.'i i II .)
i il i, t ;;-r i j. r li ilineo .'! u, .liniMMiwuts
til I eX,'JJiiM ol k , it i l I f li i ln-vl-miir.?
Ill tltll lUlllllfil p.U!lli.i' di w lilnd n fol
Imn, tn-nn; e u . T i - 1 1 --1 1 i-nr lm )i ;li
part of alt tint roitl ctt.itn Im-I- hwio In llu
ljit;lle of KltKlii g McMili'iHV, d. i'i'ji-r.l, stt-
uiitt-ti. T 17 mid li. I.'.T.V, in
uiity.Or, b 'giiinin nf S V crm-r of li.nm
ti.m hiiiil vlaim of kVi.'llaii Snilli, ii,iiih.ti
North 41.44 i'!is, tlioocu ni .t 4 ).()( r.'. r,
thenco eoutn 'H -Hi tlM, tiico :u et 4().
tliitodnce of bt'K'ii'iine;. A I hi Icy lmiii(
at the N V cornue f tlio l .o it,n.n laud
clmm of J M and' wife, tiTeJ en.l
4V90 oIik. tlieiii-e B"Ut:i 42 OJ cik, tin ner
west 4(i.!)l) clu, tlicucn north -JU "7 flu to
place of liuiiiiim ;, r.iMiiina.idii.)( too to eell
all mid hiugular tlie ii'terHt of naff! deli o liiiit
in and to Mini pruiniic. lmve to inne said
execution Ii.ivii bueii gr.iuU'd by said i onrt
NoYciulicr (i, IS.S.1.
Now therufore by virtue of aaid ern n'ii'ii
and to rntiafy said judUM'iit, with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent per nu
llum since the I'Jih diy of April S7 ', oU
accruing coats and expenaea of Mile, I wills li
oiw-two'f-li iotoet lw'o:i4: i j t i the hIiovu
named dufcndiiot in the ahovo iIccHIni
premises, nl ptiblio nn.'tinn t tlio liiu'iest
bidder f' r c.isli in hand, at I lie O. urt H.-ut
diHir in Muycnu City, Iinv C cnty, Oregon,
Monday, December 31, 1933,
at tlii hour ut 1 o'tlock p m of uid day.
.1. It. CAMI'HKI-U
Slienl Ijtno County, Urcg.m.
D. ted Deo 1, I SS:t
Jjijt-I Ll.llS LY'
n T) r f.: ? n t r n r n s o s ri T o
Toilet ArticlG3, Pab, Oils,
BruoheD, Etc., Etc.
It has lHMn (Uncovered that the poo
plo of Cincinnati eat more veal end
drink ntoro Ihw than tint people) of any
other American city. Thn consutiip
tion of boer is twenty nix'
worth for each man, woman and child
per year,
Tha great Washington monument
haa now reached the hoighth of 396
feet. A ruoHt renmrkaUle fact In con
nection with its conxtruction is that
there hare been no accident to either
workmen or visitors since the work
work was legun.
Of Mexico's debt of 1117,000,000,
Englishmen hold tbout $33,000,000.
The rest is held in New York. The
Republic's annual revenue is aSout
133,000,000 mainly from the stamp
tax and tariff duties.
SJiort of food in the Our d'Alene
mines, and hundred of men are going
to that regioa There are seven hun
dred won there now, and many wotum.
I) M ItU b hi and Kliz.t Aim llumplirny,
exeoutors of tlio will iindet:itj of A 1, lliiuipli
rey, deceased, have file t .t..t in .'lit and their
final account in th Co mty Court of Lune
County, Orjon, and Mnndny, fio 7th day of
January 18".. hat im-oii set by order of the
Court, dated Nov 27, lHi t. for la'arins' of ok
jjctimu and aettem 'Ut 1'i.ireof.
J.,.M. lll.SDuS,
Kuu.t Ann iluMrtiusr.
Sheriffs Sale.
by virtue of nn Kxeeutioii duly i-sio'il
out ot the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore
gon, for the County of Line, by the Cleik
thereof, and to mo directed on tn wit: No
vemlier l(i, ISS.'t, umi,i a jnilinent and do
oroe of foroclosiiro rendered in said Court
Noveinln r 7, 1H8.1, in a suit wherein V S
Humiihrey was jjlaintitr and J V Danliei ty
was ilefoiiilaut, in favor of ssid plaint ilf for
the sum of five hundred iilnl eixlity-six and
tweuty live one hundredths (jk",sy '.'."i) dollarii,
together Hitli conla and l:Ktiir.oiiieiits of
sale, and an attorney feu of lifty-riht
doll ir, and for the foioulanire and aide of
the follottino iKwrilMid mortgaged real pri
perty, towit( Tho X J of the S K and
tha w J of the N K , sod the K of the N
K I nf Sea I I; also thu VV h f tho .H K I of
Sue 11, all in T Iti, M II 5 V,.uontaiiiiiii 320
acres, mora or less, all in lauo Comity, Ore
Hon, (,'ninniBiiiling mo to sell the sb Ve
deseribod prcini-ies. its by law i-Hjnireil.
Now, theroforc, by vinne of aaid Kxecu
linn, and to satisfy aaid jmlu"iient with in
terest thereon at the rate of 12 per vent per
annum from tho 7tn day of November, I SSI,
cost, accruing outs and expense. of sale,
and attorney lee, I will sell the ahovo do
surilied luortaed premians nt publio aim
tion, to the highest liiddcr, for cash in hand,
at the Court lluo door in Kuguue City,
Lane County, Oregon, on
KloutUy, December a I, ISS.t,
at the hour of 2 o'uliak, p m, of aaid day.
J. It. CAMl'ltKLL,
Sheriff 1-Mio County, Oregon,
Dated Nov 24, 1883.
Sheriffs Sale.
by virtue of an execution duly isaued
out of tho Circuit Court of t'.e State of Ore
gon, for the County of l-ane, by- tha Clerk
thereof, and to me ilirooteil nn to-wit: No
vember 16, 1SS.'!, upon a -judgment and de
cree of foreclosure rendered ia aaid Court
November 6, 1883, in a auit wherein A U
tlovey, II C Humphrey and Walter T Poet,
partners, doing business under linn name
and style of llvey, Humphrey i. Co., wore
plaiutilfa, and John W Dnughorty and Sarah
r Uangherty defendants, in favorof aaid plain
tifTa (or the sum of t.irce thousand and eight
and twenty live one-hundredths ($3,(XIS. '.'.'))
dollar stogether with costs, expenses of eule,
and an attorneys lee of three hundred $.'100)
dollars, and for the forcloseuie of the mort
gaged premise desoribed a lollows, tivwit
The N 4 of the 8 K J and the V 1 of the N
KioftieoNoU, T18, 8 K& W, contain
ing 160 aore;and also tha V 1 of the S K J
of Soo II, and the K nf the N K of Seo T 16, 8 R S W.conUiuine 160 acre. All
of said laud being situated in Lane County,
Oregon. Commanding me to sell the above
decnbed premise as by law required.
Now, therefore by virtu ol said Kxc
tion, and to satisfy said judgment with in
terest thrrenu at 12 per otnt pr annum
since the 6th day of Mot ember, 1SS3, costs,
accruing costs sod ex pens of sale, ami at
torney fee, I will sell the above desoribed
mortgaged premise at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the
Court Hon' door in Eugene City, Lane
County, Oregon, on
Moadav, December !l, ISM,
at th boor of S o'olook, p m, of said day.
Sheriff of Lane Cbooty.
Dated Not 24, 1S.S3.
GUARD OFFICI-Newpaper, bock aad .1
printing office, earner WillameiU aawtSeveavk
and se
3 will keep a mil assorcmeiy XD IlED ihrimiay haki
ell at livin; liarcs, ' Jhe kecmum wagon ;
We intend keeping a full line of
first-class Farming Xmplements,con?
sisting of
In hands of a competent druggisf.
To Lucksij Brislow at the old Ellsworth Store.
Pass books, butcher books, memo
randums, ledgers, day books, etc.,
of all kinds. Orders taken for
special sizes. ;
fchoil and Itlrjoallane juj 33ok'.
All tin stiniW'l a:it!io.y hv t'lb vo!;i:u f an 1 u sts Juvenile
books SmsMo an l Wiivt'ily l.i'ii-ary, Hai-jim
Mag.'tziitfs, t'U'.
3ib!a Depository For Lan3 County. -
s f
Wo Iuvj lii-eu pr-'ttiii;' ;t hrtf sock of new g'.icnU .mil wo have
everything tnurul in fu'st-cl.tB L.oIc $tov
We also have a tall 8lck of,
Suix-HHsors to CALLISON.
mm i m n
For sate cheaper than ever offered
before in this market.
It is our intention of staying here
and we guarantee all goods sold to
give entire satisfaction.
Prices as liberal as any house in
the Northwest.
Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite She
Guard Office. v , 1
From the Inhabitants of Eugene City andSur
rounding Country- ,
IIiliGS liil lilii fill!
Are Now Open for Your Inspection.
U yartls i3W;!ie.l Miwliii only T1.00
'20 yarils t'lilico rnily 1.01
12 jiknla Shirtiiis uiily (1.00
.1 yarils Fl.tnnrl Sliirtiui; nnly $1.00
10 yitnU Lm.-ii Tutvelin j only
U mil l.iwcl.i, b c;k.
!4xl0 )leTy White T.l nketa onlv $2.00
!li nl.U--Tvi.ltJ( Linen 25 vU yt yaril
. 2!i cmt Io;ie only 12 cts
.. wut lUinlkiTdbief-timly 12 eta
UiAvy 1W.I Kiircwli imly 7.rn.-t
.iiiii u jMijixiiS Jfr j uoz i a vis.
IV o ioic prices on a tew ai tides only.
Our fissfii-tmi'iit Comjirimiig umti" Tliousanils.
Vti cprry a lai'jsjM stock of Silks find Satins. All colors in
(.ashmcivs and American .Du 83 Goods,
Our stock 'of Cloaks and Vr.-tpp'.?rs is ihn largest South f
Toitlafid, at Bedrock IViccs.
Men luirl Boys Clothing $2 50 per suit and upwrtl. Boot and Sliowi at
Falmlous low Prices.
TeilinpsVe n ay lr aU to induce you to almndon the old h'-aten path i of
a it ... . 1.1 I . il CI 11 1 ! . I
Ana jioreaner iravei ine roaa wncre me dish iur w umnM
All our patrons got Wealthy. Come and see w.
Tho! wwliihjf to purchase will do well to call upon mo before making their
ai'lwtioiiH, t
TLEMEN'S CLOTHING, I call your special attention.
I expect to retire, from tho mercantile husineiw, and my goods 'must be told
within the next 90 days. ,
Honing to B.ipplT all vour wantsv rsolieit'an -orly call.
" - ' T. O. HENDRICKS.
A K Comp
In that you do yourwilf ju-siiw bv buving goods where jou cau git tliciu the
chearvst. ,
1 intend to strictly adhere to VJtttX 1J rnitw m everyumitj uuur
for sale, and in
Clothing, Boots and Shoesf Furnishing Goods,
Thero ia no douU or question" l.ut I shall sell them Tery ruuch lower tfoa the
am goods have fiver Wn offered is thw market
J47rieas to call and prion th gootls and youwill seo that I atu in earnest.
Harness Sliop
west of Crsin Bios ., I son bow prepeieu to furnish everything ia that line at toe
Tlie 3Iost
Are employed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all wk j tua for
tne with a call.
A. cuxmiB.
Useful in the Family.
Wa naaallv leave it to doctors in recom
mend meilicinee, bet Parker's Ginfter Tome
hu been so osetnl w ear runny in relieving
sickness soil suffering that e csnoot say
too mocb in its praise. Salem Argssu
T sstl B'TtA sacs. SMI fTsifMtlfT tmtn tkak sl l llli flset
imiiacrfticios of youth r nerront wknn, wry
w Iamb ni MainlirWMi St f . I VI 1 1 SkPfW fee-1 ts
that wUl cire frx, FREE OF CHAKUfc.
1 hia irreat ruiKty was uuenvrren t.y a niw
sKmarr ia Sonth America. Send a self ad
dressed envelope to the Rxv. Jraut T. hr vav,
Statiom D. New YeskCity. .
Taxes: Taxes'.I
Taspsorars pleas taka notice that the tax
n!l imS, l,f Lafle Cotinty, OrrV w
iaur hand for esOlectiui. Prompt settle
ntDta are requested.
Sheriff and Tax Collector, Laos Co., Or.
Some bsiaatifal town Its aieer Wti
or sale cbap. Call early nspt barfaiB.
Gtm M. Iliuxa,
Real Estate Afsni.
Th highest cash price paid foe whai by