a u'sdlk or LEtuas. A i-bAVLA III (Irinc bow inch iruilracnt :ilur Use irauraiii accot ! i1ju- Ime leilura, u-ui Id UidrmukOtivi-rt; Pay User oay they came, K1Imk 1;j' fli kit Sunt; ' how, iLe baa chained her name luoo, a i lofeff. Iflo.cn Hit tilken ban4 Huud tut aquara buudlt, tad feet hat t daluty baud Sirlbblid Hi All U Fu 1 of taivtiuii eht: Paney bow lotfabati! kiuul JluB ,:" '"" '' ,n,t (tut with etch billed Ah I ""member IH. 11m ibt I ued )o kill M Siting tbr pmlratu' chrlll i noil aiiinnt WbUUM, . Cftllii'ii vu duubu lu nilud, H m tlicr iruo 1 1 Mint Otio be bad ifi heboid, id ott tpatita. Sccmii'i became an act M ibiatxdili'B t it! - 'rroMrrelhe p.RO ' fjcr.o forarol.mle; Then, wiih iruo nnrvr'a art MaMy II bt p:t, (Juki ihrjr know by heart kmytblog lulu Watt's It ill abcu:t IXaliva lur worda left out f roounna bryond a. Go u tit VcrydeTowd. Ilowvli'a bV J ul bPCUtl ; Uobiou htr b-ri baa won; Locker ami IVunytno FrQUculiy quoted. . Ola frvM 'he tnd'nj k'iW, kninruaib)uikUiJ prt Wtiuawb cb t d .u'lauiipoto) Uxia fry lrin . Eof k ud ibf K'': 'joto tm-re'a s Hi y fruit . Jn.li iliweelaliiaquess, WuxieJou tuemaigia. I auly-don't ptu to laugU-."- 1 bat ra her utonrath " hlguliiK tuia truci f ir half llarbimri'arurmidor: Po! acilpiuuiiOU nd iwo Hewtl :he illnuer'a througw Ublnitbe"t" aud' You" a longing uufier. . 6ni )i li ihttrre'if 'l ,str bur, and let urn oall I KHsm! to.li.-e 10 ll.utmall Mute Dearly wrltteo: 'Tla bin a card, joo toe, (i-miy lnlnrm'DK i'bai it (ta ner btl H lal tberoliieii! Frank Demutler Bn rinaD, is Iht Century. tUE HOUSE IN THE MIBKOR. It was late one winter evening. The snow was falling in thick, faBt-coming flakes, making a whito curtain that was perpetually being let down between heaven and earth. The storm was car rving on wild sport round the house, snaking the windows, boating against the thick walls, nnd"murniuringin deep, hollow tones in the chimneys. It was a night for warm, cozy, substantial indoor comfort, and such I resolved to make it. At the period of which I am writing I was still a young man, and was practically- successful as a doctor in a town in the west of England a tol erably large,' busy county town which lies very near the borders of both De vonshire and Somersetshire. I was un married, and was living with an old housekeeper and one servant girl, who helped her by turns, now above stairs, now bolow, with complacent submission, because the semi-blindness and deafness of the good lady made interviews with her true saaln, the butcher's boy, in the souliory not only practicable but easy. On the eveniuft in quebtion I had come in what we medical men call "healthily tired," after a hard day's work in my professional duties, and I was now sit ting cozily by the biasing fire in my dining room, with a glass of good claret on the little round tublo at my side. My thoughts went wandering to and fro lazily, now renting updn some of the most interesting oases among my pa tients, now fluttering around a pretty pictuioof my only sister and her first baby, which her Icter, received this moroiug from India, had called up; now straying into the stablo to visit my bay horse a now purchase, which I flat tered myself did no small honor to my judgment in horso flesh. Gradually, however, all these subjects ol pleasant reflection slipped into a mass and got confusedly mixed together. I found myself gazing, without foeling the least surprised, at an odd vision, which showed mo my sister mounted on my pot bay with the baby in her arms, who, instead of a baby's face, Lad the face. of my neighbor and patient, old Mr. Bpioer, the grocer, and soon after that I was snnk into a peaceful slumber, where no ..nm ADAii nimA in iHnlm-h me. How long I slept I do not exactly know, but I recollect I awoke with a start, roused by the clock on the chim ney piece, which had a peculiarly ring ing, clear sound, strike eight. I sat up right with a jerk and looked around with tiiat vaguely uncomfortable feeling which often follows sudden waking. My glance happened to wander np to the mirror which was over the chimney pieco. Why was it, that ss I gaz?d at it, I uttered a low exclamation, and then shut my eyes, thinking that sleep must still be re taining its power over me, and that I roust be dreaming a strange, fascinating dream? But no, I certainly was not dreaming, for there it was, just as it bad been be fore. Fix my eyes as steadily as I might upon the mirror, with all my wakeful faculties concentrated upon it in eager earnestness, it was still tliere. I looked away and fastened my look for a minnte or more npon my mother's pio tnre which hung over the sideboard. Then my eyes were allowed to return to the glass; but this maneuver was use less also it would not go, do what I would. . . What I saw was cortainly no alarming vision, though its appearance, there in the mirror, over my dining room chim ney piece was remarkable and startling enonch. to say the least of it. In the middle of the glass, which in its other part reflected simply and naturally the commonplace objects In the room, chairs anil tables and window curtains, there n eared a rmall but vividly distinct picture-!- Iwu&e asd 4 It was a very prettt house, iU foont covered on one side ' i:h a green creeper, which was spangled with sttrry white blossoms, and on the other with a fresco such as I had heard described as' existing on the walls of houses in Italy, where I bad never ben a fresco representing an old woman sitting with a basket of orange! atberfeet. There were four windows, two np stairs, two down, exactly over etch other; they were all half shaded with green blinds, and I could ' m that the top one, on the right hand aide, was slifihtly open. Up the garden there ran a broad fravrf walk, with soft fresh tnrf, gemmed with flower beds on either aide of it. The icclosure waa fenced round with a rather high woodeu paliog, and in one corner of it there stood a summer house, with a quaintly shaped ro f that had something of a pagoda about it. Over the whole there was spread a toft, silvery light, as though a bright full moon was shining down npon it. A yel low gleam, as of a lamp burning within, stole through the open window and min gled with the white rajs without. I Uid my flngois on my pulse. Was I going fast into a raging fever. My pulses were as steady as they were wbeu I rose tbnt m.iruitifT after a right's sonnl sleep. I tested my brnin by going through, in my mind, all the symptoms aud features in a difficult and perplexing case which had been lately under my ere; my mind acted os coolly and calmly and regularly as it liud ever done. I repeated to my self tevoral passages of poetry from diffiirtnt authors in different languages; they came as quickly and easily to my tongue as if I had been reading them from a printed book. I gazed around, and fixed my eyes on various objects in the room, to see whether I should be aubjeotod to other optical illusions; but to all other points my eyes were as rea sonable as thoy usually were; they showod me nothing but tlie familiar chairs and table, and the well known Dattern of the paper on the wall. Then I looked back at the mirror. The bounej was still there. f Had I been reading lately a descrip tion of such a bouse, or had I latoly soqd' anywhere a picture like it? Either of these things might possibly have loft a vivid impression on my mind which might have acoo anted for the strange de lusion. I was not, however, able to recol lect, soaroh my memory as I would, that a book or a painting had brought suoh a house and garden before my thoughts. I was naturally neithor excitablo nor im aginative; indeed, I was generally re garded by every one who knew me, and by myself into the bargain, as one oi tlio most' pronaic, rational beings in the world. My fancy hod nover bofore played me the smallest trick, even as I rodo home, worn out with watching by a sick bed.'ontho darkest night; even in the many painful scenes full of death and gloom, through which my professional life had led me. In the dissocting room, in the severest operation, my hand had always been as steady as if I were pool ing an orange. All this mado the pres ent comprehensible vision yet moro utterly inexplicable. Besides, even while I gazed at ft, I know that I had never felt more calm and collected and more in an ordinary condition of body and miud throughout my very common-place, very bniv history. Would another pair of eyes see the house in the mirror? I wondered. With a harried hand I rang to test this point, and summoned my housckeepor, who generally hersolf waited on me. This good lady's name was Mrs. Trickey. It is a common Devonshire nauio, let it at once be understood by those who are not aware of the fact, and it is in no way meant to hint at any unpleasant pro clivities or unwarrautablo whims on the wortby dame's part; she was as honest and simple minded a woman as ever handled a bnnch of keys. "Mrs. Trickey, I have mug for you to ask you to do a very simple thing," I said hesitatingly, now that sho was pres ent, scarcely knowing how to begin; for I felt, if I spoke out plainly, m.v housekeeper must infallibly think that I had suddenly takeu leave of my senses. "What will 'oe please to have sir?" re plied Mrs. Trickey, in true Devonshire fashion. "Mrs. Trickey, will you please to look in the glass over the chimuey-piece?" I blurted out abruptly, not .knowing how else to find ont what I wanted to dis cover. "Get along with your nonsense, Mas ter Fred," cried Mrs. Trickey, with a toss of her head, which was so energetio that it almost discomposed the stiff frills of her rap. It ranst be mentioned here that Mrs. Trickey had lived with my mother when I wps a boy, and that, with her, I still continued Master Fred, though all the world beside know mo as Frederick Heatheoto, Esq., surgeon. "I can assure you, Mrs. Trickey, I moan no insult, nor even a joke," I re plied humbly. "I fancied something was wrong in the reflection of the glaas; perhaps Susan had not dusted it as she ehoulJ. Will you please look into it with your experienced eyes, Mrs. Trickey?" I was in hopes that this last implied compliment would have propitiated the housekeeper; but apparently it had no such i fleet, for after a short inspection of the niioror, she said tartly: Tito it1iiik tin ricrht enoilffh so far OS I do see; this just bo one of your items,- Master t red. "But, Mrs. Trickey, do please tell me what you' seo when you look into it," I exclaimed, seeing that I must be more explicit if I wished to gain full certainty on the matter. "Why, what should I see but my own face, Muster Fred?" she retorted snap pishly; "and it be as goodlooking a face as the faces of many women who be ten years younger than I be., and I can tell ee tuot it have been thought a good look ing face by scores of men in time." And herewith she bridled considera bly, and drew herself np. "And do you see nothing there besides your face, then, Mrs. Trickey?" "Bless and save us, Master Fred, you must be turning mazed, I think, or else it be that you are making a regular fool of me. I don't see why yon shoold make np such irammots about my face when you've aknowed it these last twenty years. I calls it very disrespectful, that I do." And with a flounce and a bounce Mrs. Trickey turned and disappeared from the room, leaving me all alone with the house in the mirror, which most cer tainly she bad not seen. I was musing most uncomfortably on this subject, with my eyes fixed on the Tision, which to me tn as distinct as ever, when the clock on the chimney pieel struck a quarter to 9. Then, sud denly, as if wiped out by a spirit a wing, just when the little silver chime of the clock waa ringing, house, garden, sum mer bouse, moonlight, yellow gleam, vanished from the mirror, and I saw nothing there save the reflection of the familiar room. . . It waa certainly a more wonderful phenomenon than any which my mod-n-ndicAl knowledge had taught me, and I aat np laU that night thinking it over anJ irjiog vamij k eonnt for it. As, however, I could not gain the slightest light on the subject, turn tun matter up and down as I might in my brain, I came to a reiutiou ou two poiutit, sud then went to bed. One of these resolves was, that I would not reveal the strange circumstance to any one, because I had always a most hearty dislike to gossip and ridicule at my ex pense and tho other was, that I would not allow the inexplicable vision to trouble my mind so as to mike mo io capublo of the daily work aud duty of life. My natural calmness of tempera ment and my active, bm.y uoiirso of existence, made me more nblo - to uiuke these determinations with some chance of keepiuj to them than most pcoplo iu my place. I slept well that night, and did not seo the house iu the mirror once iu my dreams. Next day I was sent for in haste to attend a duueerous, dilUcult case, which required all my skill and ruorgy. By tho time the evening was again come the impression made by the strango cir oumstauce of last night had in a great measure faded out of my mind. It so happenod that I was engaged to spend that evening with ray friends, Mr. and Mrs. Woodland. Mr. Woodland was a banker, and hie wifo was a pretty, sparkling womtn-tho queen of society iu our town. Hue and I woro always Close allies; she would chatter to me of u'L her family affairs, aud in a certain i i a i . .. k r i. W u;T mnue ua iu-r ouuuuaut. uu tun uu casiou iu question I was Mr. and Mrs. Woodlands only curst, lue banker slumbered in his arm-chair, the lady had two or three bits of gossip to tell about the noighborbooJ, and two or three new books to discuss with me, and a deal to say besides about tho first appearance of a tooth in Miss Baby'a little rosy month. That young heroine waa brought down in state in her night dress, and I had to examine the prodigy with much circum stance ami solemnity. Baby bad retired eg-un to the nursery, aud had coased her somewhat loud re monstrances with regard to tho incon venience of being brought downstairs to appear in the drawing-room in suoh a costume and at such a hour. Mrs. Woodland was standing on the hearth rug looking in the mirror when the towu clock in the market place hard by struck 8. I was looking at the reflection of my hostess' face in the mirror, aud thinking that it was certainly a very pretty one, when suddenly at tho side of the lively brown eyes appeared precisely the same honse, line for line, which I had seen in my dinning room mirror yesterday at the same hour; garden, pagoda like sum mer-house, silvery moouiignt, yonow- lamp-lighted gleam all were there. 1 could not ncip a start ana a mur mured expression of wonder. Mrs. Woodland turned rounu quietly at me sound. "What is tho matter?'' she asked in surprise. "On, just a twinge oi riienmausm in my shoulder," I answered oarelessly. "I oiught it riding homo through the stoi m yesterday." "Jlr. ueatnoote, wnai uo you see so .in.lnrf nl ill iliA lnnliinT Mima to nillit?" she asked a few minutes after, noticing witn lertiuine quickness, iuu uirucuuu in which my eyes, in spite of myself, were so frequently turned. "T wan iliinliintr Unit if T was K littln handsomer man than I am, I should try to get a wife mudo exactly on your pattern," r i I I' 1 replica uguiiy. With these and a few moro jesting words I contrived to put Mrs. Wood land's curiosity to sleep again, whilo frnm timn in limn I watched tho vision ary houso. It was just os I had expected; wuol tuo town ciock cninieu a quarter to 9, it vanished exactly as it had done on the previous night. 1'Tom mat time iorwara, wuerever i might bo, if I was ia the room with a looking-glass, I saw every evening from 8 to a quarter to 0, for the next month to come, too honse in the miiror. Some times it mot my view in tho tiny looking-glass on a oottago wall, where I was (m.ilinrr a Tinnr nutinnt. sometimes in tho pir-glass of a sick fine lady's apartment, . ... - i sometimes in tlie mirror oi a irieuu s dining-room as I sat at dinner. Thero was never the faintest change in the vision; it was always markod by exactly tho some features. I cannot say but that this perpetual haunting of my life by so mysterious an apparition did not make a vaguely uncomfortablo and painful impression ou my mind. But, by strength of will, and by clinging resolutely and ceaselessly to all my octivo daily duties, I prevented its bay ing a morbid, unhealthy effect upon me. I revealed thu circumstuaco to no one, but appeared to the outer, world as if there was uo strange pago in my com monplace story. When, however, a month or so had passed by there came a great, sudden raul Biirrnw wliii'll most effcClU'tllV thrust aside all inclination to brood over gloomy, shadowy, fanciful trouuics. Oue morning there arrived a telegram from Lrcco, on tho Lngo Como in North Italy, saying that my sistor on, her way Uma frnm India, had fillen dangerously ill there, and calling mo at once to her side. I knew that Jjottios neanii uau been dolicote ever sinco her baby was born, and that she was about to return to England for tlio sake of a cooler cli mate, and the best medical advice. I knew, too, that she meant to return through Italy, hot I was hardly aware that sho had, as yet, started from Bora bay, and I had not the faintest notion that, her disease might possibly tuke nl a ,Unf7ornn tnrn. No wopder. then, that the tidings were a severe blow iViitin far moro to me than sisters rnnerallv are to their brothers. She was several years younger than I was, and she had been first my plaything, then my pupil; and I had experienced a mini nf real iealnfl t on that day when. iltinnr an a stool at or feet, with her sweet face hidden on my koees she con fessed to me tuai mere was one wuu waa more to her than I was, one who was more to her tnan all me worm oesiue. Tl,: fnsiliuh taeKntr if fionrafl. naicklv passed away, and I rejoiced to see her a happy bride; yet Lottie wts still my pet, my pride and my darling. I will not nnnn tli tini-riiid ionrnev. with fear sitting at my side, nor the long nights and days of dreary, anxious watching, it suffices to say here that my sweet girl was, at length, given back to my arms, after, through long weeks, and skill had battled with death for her. Daring the whole of this period the house in the mirror never again appeared to me, aou, b deed, iu my absorbing anxiety acd trouble, the remembrance of 'itven, hardly entered my miud. . n T T Ou lovely evm.iuir hi(, .arly spring, when Lottie was muou beitur, but not strot.g fuongb ytit to bi niuvctL I had Wen taking a long ramble into the love ly oountry which surrounds Luke Como, and on my return had lost my way. Tho sun had set, tho moon had risen, and wbs bathing the world in a silver sea. I had reached a path by tho lake, and was pausing to consider in which direction Lecoo lay, Tlie seeun around was all one glory of stilluees and of brightness, A breeze jiibt stirred tho waters softly with a kiss, the outlines of tho distant lulls were soft and tender, as if drawn by an artist angol's pencil; here aud there among them there wss a white glimmer a bich Did of a hamlet or home s. cad ; hard by a nightcngalo just struck a singlo golden note, and theu was silent again, as if he feared to break tho calm spell of the moon. All at once I started, and a low excla mation burst from my lips. My eves were resting ou tho smfaco of tho lake, and there, mirrored in its clear waters, I beheld exactly the same houso and gar den which had so often, before I left England, mot my view iu such a strange, mysterious way. Disturbed, astonished, uuablo to believo my own sondes, I glanced round behind me, and there, on a little rising ground above the luko, I saw a honse whioh 'corresponded to the reflection below, and which was in every respect tlio realization of my visian. Just then the clock of some distaut ohurch np among tho hills struok eight. The wholo oirounistanoe and coinci dence was so singular that I could not help boing imprcssod and startlod by it. Antagonistic through my whole enor-gt-tio nature was to all imaginary fears and beliefs. I approached tho goto of the -ffarden and uoted how, in every smallest particular, even to the starlike flowers ol tho creeper on the wall, even to tho fresoo of the old woman with tlio basket of orances at her feet, even to the slightly opened window with the ray of liRtH gliding through it, it was tho coni pleto likeness of the houso whioh had so often mot my view in the mirror. The very name of tho villa written over the gate filled me with a strango, eerie focl- lug; it was "La Casa uollo speech 10. It had evidently been so named from tho peculiar clear and beautiful retleotiou whioh it had producod in tho waters of the lako. The complex thoughts and foelings which the sight of tho villa and its name callod up caused me to linger near it for somo little time, until I began to fear that my mind was going to tako a morbid, sickly turn, and I resolved to leave the spot at once. Just as i nsu turned to go, however, a gold seal, which bad belonged to my father, and which, thereforo, was muoh valued by me, hap pened to fall from my watch chain, ami I spent some timo in looking for it, for it had rolled down' the hill into the crass. 1 liad at longtu iounu tuo seal and wao moving away when the same distant clock struck a quarter to nine, scarce ly had tho Bound died ou the breeze when a long, shrill ory came ringing out of the house into tho night apparently throuuh tuo partially opou window After that I cannot describe tho motives that impelled mo; I only know that, led by what was moro like instinct man any thing else, I rushed across tho garden and entered tho door of tho lonely house. Thero, the first thing I behold in tho littlo entranco hall was a girl with a fair English face, iu a state of evident great terror and agitation. "What is tho mattoi?" I asked. "1 heard vonr orv. I am an Englishman, and I am here to give you any help and survioe I can. "My fatbor, who is lying ill, has just s w alio we I poison "by mistake," she an swered at cuce, for great grief is never surprised. "I ootild not help crying out when I discovered it. All our servants bappon to be out, aud I havo no ono to send to Como lor a doctor. "I am ono." I said, "and, with God's help, I will save your fathor." It so happened that that day I had been moving Lottie into more airy a jarimonts, and had put my littlo'travel ing case of medicines and instruments, for better seonrity, into the pocket of my greatcoat, which hung on my arm. The rest is quickly told. I saved, by the prompt measures I took, tho poisoned man's life; 'and that fuir girl has become my home queen. The villa is her futhor's property, and onr brightest holidays are spent iu "La Casa dello Sjiecchio" "Tho houso of tho mirror." Upland's Hill. Sometimes the seemingly dry and mo notonous proceedings of probate courts furnish clues to stories of curious inter est, surpassing in strungnnoss the bold est creation of fiction. Such a rouiark nble tale may bo told in relation to the Ueyland estate, which is in course of settlement in the superior court of Sut ter county. Tho toslator, Ueyland, came to California about thirty years ago, leavings aire and two children in Cana da. He aettled in Sutter county, and np to the timo of his death, which occur red a year or more ago, he was engaged in farming. His will disposed of an es tate of about $30,000, all of which was loft to his wifo and children. But they were not t- come into possession of the heritage until live years from the testa tor's death, ond in the meantime all the income from tho eloe was ordered to be paid over to othr relatives, sisters of the testator. This was certainly a ennous will. Bat a much stranger tbinp is the fact that in hi long absence of hirty years from home Ueylan J never wrote to his wife or bis children, and they receiving no tiding of him, bad supposed him to be dead. They were left in poor circumstances, and in the course of hor long struggle with poverty the wife died. One of the two children also died, and the other, now the tole beir, is married and has children f ber own. Her name is Mrs. M. A. Wright, and she recently came here from Canada to look after the est ite of which sho is the residuary legatee. But for an acci dental cirenmttanoe she would be unable to get any income from the estate until the expiration of the five years as pro vided in the will. The will provided that all the "ersonal property" of the estate should be sold, and the proceeds invested in government bonds the inter- nn vklrli ahnnlil bia Daid for five yeara to the titters of the testator. Bi t when be died there was a deposit I about $1300 to Lis credit in a local bmk. and as this was not in the nature of "porsonal property to be sold." and as no provision in relation to money bad boeo made in the will the court, in i'a discre tion, ordered tho sum to lie paid to Mrs. right, ibis brief sketch of this most curious case furnishes no explanation of tho motives t nut induced lie? land to lead a lonely life in California, while his wife and children, believing bim to be dead, were struggling for existence in the laud where he had left them. Had his ill left them notliing his mysterious conduct might bo more easily explicable. No one knows tho secret of bis remarkable conduct. If there were any secret by whioh it oonld be explained, that' secret went with him to his grave. vMarysvillo Appeal. A Steward en hra Miknc.v. "You must see somo very amusing oasos of sea sickness? said a nun re porter to an ocean steamship stoward. "lhey aro seldom amusing to mo, said the steward, solomnly, "becauso they always recall BV own experienco. Most cases are pathetic, though I smile sometimes when tho braggart keels over. Ou every trip we have at leaat ono ruuii who boasts of. Lis ability to withstand sea sickness. Ho always rays that the trouble is as largely mentul as physical, and that a man of invincible determina tion can ward it off by an rffott of will. The fall cf this man to a condition of pitiable wretchedness has its humorous features for us not for the man." "Are womon moro subject to sea sick ness than men?" "Yes, but, on the other hand, they stand it better. A woman struggles right up to tho point of despair against tho what I might call the impropriety of the thing. Sho isn t so much tortured by the pangs as sho is worned by tue prospect of bcooioiog disheveled, haggard and draggled. She fights agaiust it to the last, and keeps up ap pearand at long rs she ' can bold up her head. Then sho becomes tuai'd- liu and pathetic. She takes to her room and invariably asks three quostions. First, wbother people die frequently of seasickness, then how many miles we are from shoro, and lastly, when we will get thero. She often also asks me how deep tho water is, and if I think it possi ble for auy one to go seven days without food. The doctor is always talked over. I am asked time and agaiu it I think he is capable and efficient, and if I havo conQdonco in him. When the patient gels, so ill that she loses interest in the doctor, she usually lies on her side and cries by the hour. Luckily the more violent attacks last only a short time." "How is it with men?" "Oh, mon give in at once. Tbey bel low like bulls and make a great rumpus until they are compelled to take to their berths. Thou they grurablo and swear until they are well ouongh to go on deck aitain. A great many passengers oomo aboard loaded with modicines and schemes for the prevention of sea siok- nest. I never know a preventive yet.ex cent tho ono I montionod whoa wo first began to talk." ILL SORTS. Over the ocean The sky. A bright beginning Sunrise. Alwtys tob bad A pair of knaves. . Popular D. D.'s Dollars and dimes. A cut and dried affair Jerked beef. The bone of contention The law- v "wanl" A cat on the saying The deaf and tho proper rot- Mrs, Brown's Oplulon. What is my opinion of hlgh-tonedness? There is no such word in the English language, may be, but it expresses what I want to say, aud I nave as mucu nunt to coin a word as anybody else, particu larly when no other word exactly meets tho caso, lligu lotiniiiioss, as i uniicr stand it. mnuus tho defiro that somo pco ulohavoof holdinn tin their heads and tlio end of thoir noses, relative to other people who may have less money or less social position, bnt not less good breed inc. for well-bred people are not of that kind. To be high toued in tho sen so of olovation aliovo tho coarser clomonts, is commondable, but the mischief of it is that somo of the coarsest kind of trash affect the quality, and have affected it until it hti boconio a term uiinobt, oi re nroach. As soon as a person can own c Una bnimn anil l iiln in a ClirrillO. ho af- foots to turn np Lisnoso at Lis former estate, and cultivates only the faoulty of forgetting tho paBt. I'eoplo who have pasts that cannot be remembered with comfort, havo to take a good deal of toning before they arrive at tho pure high pitch, although it is an easy tuuttur i .4 11... ......I..- ..Itii'i, IV. ..inn tu arrivo nt tuo aumuij inuu. uumu seem to" bo more seriously affected thun menand while the husband may find real pleasure iu thinking of the time wheu he was a plain peddler, the wifo is driven frantic if the thought comes to her that ho was ever anything else thun a morchaut princo. It does not occur to them thet thore is more truo nobility and manhood in ono man who Las tho nerve and the brain to overcome all ob htacles and rise in spito of ciroumstances than in five hundred who, by accident of birth, inherit wealth and sociul position Honestv is rovaltv. and though society may not recognize its crest, tho bettor art of man's nature accepts it. and this better part is what constitutes real high tonod men and omen. Mercluut Trav eler. , Poper gas pipes are mado by passing an endless Mnp of hemii paper, tho width of which equals the length of tho tubo, through a bath of melted asphalt, and then rolling it tightly and smoothiy on a core to give the requirod diameter. When the number of layers thus rollod Is suflioient to afford the desired thio's necs. the tube U strongly compressed the outside sprinkled with fine sand and the whole cooled in water. When cold the core is drawn ont and the inside served with a water-prooilng cotuposi tion. In addition to being absolutely tikbt and smooth, and moch cheaper than iron.those pipes have great strength for when the side are tcaroely three fifths of an inch thick tbey will with stand a pressure of more than fifteen atmospheres. If buried underground they will not be broken by settlement nor when violently shaken or jirred Tlie material being a bad conductor of beat, the pipes do not readily free id. , One Ileason It is said that "on rea son of the lack of success in starting a jonng orchard on old, worn-out lands is that the necessary care is not taken to deepen the soil and tboronghly prepare and manure it. Another reason is the neglect thai the young tree subsequently receives. The young orchard is too often left to take care of itself. The weeds outrank the trees, no suitable manure is tpplied and the Isnd ia left unplowed, and the un qoal contest for life is soon ; concluded." bone. A garden fence. Goes without dumb alphabet. A cutaway picket is tumo for an elopemeut. A stump speech "Give us the buttof your cigar, mister." Politicians go np the ladder of fame by the rounds of drinks. "Failure in the yarn trade'' Writing some unsuccessful novels. A financial failure Trying to pass a three-cent piece for a ditno. What barbers uevor hesitate to gift their patrons The cut direct. A fellow played all night without turn ing a trump. He was playing a cornet. Why is the potato the most susceptible of vegctublos? It is oftencst "mashed." Young Fastboy says the first girl he over waltzed with was all tho whirled to him. A Hnnduv arlinnl ln inl.1 hi tnanlmr thatho world, being round, could Lave no end. An American coin was changed when Georgo Silver was married to Catherine Ponuey. Iu somo cases when a judge lays down the law ho takes up Lis own opinion in plooo of it. No one can see into the fnture any more than he cau see into the bank aooount of an editor. "Smith can't stand a joke," said Porry ; 'I Lit Lim on the head with a brick, and ho got mad. ' Conversation it more than half the time a refuge from thought or a blind to oouoeal it. A Spartan was asked how Le attainod such great ago. "I was not acquainted with any doctor, be repliod. "Life is short." moralizes the poet. We can sympathize with Lifo. We're short, too, says a contemporary, DeCamp is the name of the cashior of a uatiotal bank. The name is very sug gestive. He should be watched. The oyster houses Lave an opening every day, but somehow the fashion re porters never eoem to notioo them. In Rome, Augustus tomb is the site of variety theater, and Caesar's death plaoo is occupiod by a grocery store. There ia a man in Pittsburg so fond of "flash" litorature that be won't read any thing but a powder magazine SCIUXTIFIC SCI1APS., A specimen of vegotable wool is on ex hibitiou . t Amsterdam. It comes from Java. Wheu it is freed from its loatbery covering and the seeds, through a very simple process, it is worth between six teen niul scvonteen ceuts per pounu. To cut tho neck off a bottle, bend a quarter-inch iron rod so that it will half encircle tho bottle. Heat it to a low red boat. Plaoo tho bottla in tho bond npon the lino of separation, and turu tho bottle back and forth ttirough the part ol a rov- luliun in coutaet with the hot rod. Whim tho bottle benins to ciock, turn it slowly around uutil tho top is complotoly cracked off. It Las long been suppo?oJ that tame monkeys die chiefly from consumption, but a careful inquiry by the London Pathological society shows that such is not tho cuso. Out of fifty three deaths in the collection of the Zoological society, on y three were tsoribod to that disease. Brouohitis is vory fatal, and caused the death of twenty-two monkeys during tho sixteen month of the in; estimation, A Yokohoml paper states that John Miluo. whoso researches on earthquakes. as explaiued by bim to the British asso ciation at Southampton, have excited great interest in scientific cirolos, and who has siuoe returned to ins uuiios iu Japun, has applied to tho Japaneso au thorities to establish an observatory, in order that he may be able to thoroughly investigate underground phenomena. Ho has sent the authorities a long treatise npon the earthquakes of Japan. Apples In Mythology, Trobably becauso tho apple is such beautiful fruit, and so common, it hold; a great place in European tradition. Ap plus are to our legondary lore what peaches are to tho Chinese. The fruit is as old as Homer, and in the fairy gar dens of Phioacia ho tolls ns thot "applo grew ripe on apple, and pear on pear," through all tho circuit of the year. Laer tes, the old, was tending bis garden when Odyaseusmethim and reminding Lim of the littlo boy that had begged for so many apple trees, "all for his own," and who had now returned, a man tried in war and on the deep. It wat an ap ple, the apple of discord, that caused all tho Trojan woes, and but for this golden fruit, Troy might still be a flourishing rival of Constautinoplo. Indeed, the whole eastern question would Lave taken a different complexion, for the strife between Asia and Europe notori ously began with that apple of discord. For an apple Atolanta lost hor maiden hood, and Eve, paradise. They show dif ferent forbidden fruits in difforeut coun tries; one especially, a monstrous yellow thing, about at tempting as a turnip. But in northern Eorope at least we have al wayt boen sure that for no fruit but to apple would Eve have lUtened to the serpent. The heathen Scandina vians, indeed, made apples the very fruit of life and immortality. They wore in the keeping of Iduna, wife of Brsgi, and the god of Asgard tasted them, as Horus (according to Diodorus) ta of the death destroying urug oi isis. Then when they had tasted ot me ap ples, the gods grewyoong again ana ior got death. Bat Thiasse, the giant, by the aid of Loki, seized Iduoe and tha apples of immortality and the gods grew old and gray and wrinkled (as in Gior dioo Bruno's satire) , aud the sprpag died ont of tho year. But Loki wss made to restor- the apples incorruptible, and spring cams back, and tho gods were yonng a ever they were on Asgvd. London Daily Kews. 7