r Fi in Fli 1 1 .U.J 1LJ GENE CITY ESTlBLlSnED FOE TDK DISSEIBITIOS OF DEIOCIATIC KIMINE!, M TO HM AS mill IITIJG BT TUB SWEAT OP OU BROW. VOL.16. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1883. NO. 5. Zlt Cugraf City (Ouarfl. . I. L. CAMPBELL, ... i. Publisher ani Proprietor. fi .. - friCS -Oi thi Entitle or WillametU fftrMt between Seventh and Eighth Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per Annum... fflx Month.... . Tare. Months. ...$2.M ... L2S ... .75 ODE OKLT A.TRS OF ADVKKTI8INQ, AdvartiseatnU inserted as follow, i as nur, 10 line, or Us, on. insertion W ; aaft subsequent iaiertion IL Cash nquir.il In : Tim. MnrtU.ni will be charged lit th fob wing rates i -a mare three months... Jo" 00 .v tlx month) 8 00 . "-oii.TeM VI 00 '' Transient nntlcii in local oulumn, 20 twits por ' ft. far each insertion. Adrsrtising bill, will b. rendere I quarterly. All fob w.rk ratut b run roa o dklivkhv. MM I I B. BUM'S. 1ST A' GENERAL" - v facieriEi. Inm uonna no ii.a. r. ant a. m. .Vests Ant ad third Wslnwdnys in Mch its. O" SVBKrsn Bottb Toon. No. 9 I. O. O. r. MeetsSTcry Tuesday .rening. WiK.wn.L-. Bncamtmivt No. 6, tueta tk. M .ail 4th Wednesdays in eaoh month. Bouss titmt, No. 15. A. O. U. W. Unm t Masonic Hall th second and fourth Fsiaayi in .neb mouth. KttfJkTWCK Post, No. 43, (I. A R.-Meets t Mneeuio Hall, the first and third Friday, of ashmenta. By order, Covvandkk. rimes, or Choss FiiiKxns. MnfU the Inland third Saturday evening at Masmiic all. By order of J. uux, u j. Bsrw Lirws No. 3i7. I. O. Xi. T. - Mceti tw Saturday night in U 1 1 fallow, tun. E.O. Poms, W. C. T. Lainm Star DAxnor flora Mnet at the J. P. ChuroH .very Sintay afternoon at 3:110. 1. 1. Houston. Sjpt: Mi Berth Co k, A't sat.; Chas. Hill, Sio'y, Mis Huttie Smith, (Tkanlaia. Visitors made wcloom. .. u. i 111 ID llll. Zare assortment of La dies and Children Hose at Ul-2d's. Good Dress Goods at 12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOlIUNq. J. E. &'F.W.Fenton, Attornej's-at-liuw. BUSSXKCITY - - - OKE'IOX. Snorial ttnti n riTii ti Real E.Uats Pmc tie. and AbitracU of TitL. , . Otrioi Or.r Oraiiff. Store. . STMBAX, A18AST. U B1LTCL', ILBENE. Tit A I IAN & llILYBU, Attirneys and Counsoilori at Law, . EITGENK Oll-y, OltE'J'.ttT. PttACTICE IN' ALL THE COD UTS OK tbii Statu. They give iil nttiiiitiou allMtinn. and probate matter, r.ioi -Ov.r W. F. iC'. Eiu o.1i o CEO-B& 2:1 A.033J13, Attorneys an l Counsellors-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN' THE COURTS at th. Second JudiiHil Uiitrict ami in t k. SnnKm. Court of thu Stats. Speial attention given to collection and attara in probate t Geo. S. vasnDume, ' Attoriicy-sit-Iiw, iUGKNE CITY. - - - 0RE00N OfTlee formerly ociupied by Thomiv)n & Baa, GEO. M. MILLER, ittoraiy wl'CsrasjlloMt-Lairr, and Real Estate Agent. , ItJGENK CITY, - ORECJO.V. OFFICK-Tw doow north of Port Olnoe. Dr. Wm Osborne, 0,Hc Adjoining St Charles' Hotel, ' ( ' Oft IT TUf ISV Stlia 8T33S 0? HAYE3 tni LDCKET. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, Cltf BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re. ideac when not prufewionaUy engaged. Seaatth. FOST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Rwidne. o Eighth itreet, oppo.it. Prenby riaa Cftnreh. . TimminglSilks and Sat' ins in all shades. ' Moircantiqae Silks Velvets in Colors. . . . Tlie finest stock of French KID SHOES fiver brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES :nall grades. GROCERIES of all descrivtions. Liberal Discount for , CASH. New Departure ! ! TWO T PATRONIZE THE MEN' WHO HELP T .BUILT) yoUR BRIDUES, RO SCHOOL HOUSES, whone inu?rent ara VOIir UltHIVNt. f Am hirmiin.ntl. vud thuir profit at home. Take notice that. ADS AND located and A, I PETERS, Will U jjooda for CASH at greatly reduced prioen, u low a. any other CASH STORE. Fine Cheviot Shirt. M, 75 cU and CL Boat Prints 16 and 13 yards SI 00 Beit Brown and Bloached Miwlins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cfci. Clarks an l Brook, spool cotton 75 cts per Dot. Plain and Milled Flranehi, 25, S5: 45 and 50 ots. . Water Proo , cent. Fine White Shirts, 76 eta and SI. New Assortment Drens Goods (No Trash) 15. 20 and 23 cts. Mens' Underwear. Shirts ami Drawers, 50 ot Mens' Overahirts, 75 cts, and SI. Mens' Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cU and SI. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Low Prices. And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. Also the Colsbraled WHITE SK NG MAO HIVE !, None batter for strenifth, size, and durability), At irreatly reduced rates. i sT To my old Customers, who hare stood ly me so 1 ng, I will continue it sell on same t rm as heretofore on tims, but if at any time they wish to make CASH purchase. I will give all sni, as others, the full credit on my reduction - A. V. l'ETEUS Dft.E. G. CLARK, Graduate of th. Philadelphia Dental College.) DENTIST, XUOEXSCITVr OUEGuN. GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. Artificial teeth made to order. Teeth attracted without in. AU wort fully war raatvO Oo J brick buildinj ov.r th. grange store. ' JEWELRY establishment. J. S. LUCXEY, DfALER Vf :.r. , . eckj.'VYactiss, Chains, Jewelr, Etc. . , Tlepajrin j Promptly Executed. -XsT-AJl VTwrw Wsmslrl ffj : J.H. LUO'KKW ' QXHraxartk 1 Cj's Q.v.' WOlantH street. 0 Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Oram Casii Or Credit. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and see. CRAIN BROS. DZALER3 lit .'locks, J. Walthtiind Jewelry. Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Waicbes, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. North we corn-r of Willamette and Kishth strta. NEW GROCERY STORE (One door south of Post Offic ) OUR (mods are all new anl frmh aad of f rt niaJity. All (rii uoal!y found in Sn-eLv (Jrorerr Kt.ire, kept on hand. To hvmi and CIGAItS a sialty.. W. fmy forehand nil for the same, ffivjig th. ew trmer ths adrantatf of Cash pRicrn. .swurfcco. a. o. Mdvrr, h. a hi'mmrct, w. t. put. Notary, Attorr.ey. Cashier. DR. W. C. SEHLBREDE, 13 NOW. PERMANENTLY LOCATED in Cottac. Urora. II. Derform all oiwra- tinns la DMchauloal and sutijioal drutistry. All work warranud and aallsfaction guarantee I. A fitebus Story , TJL3 IR TWO UTTQt, "(imlsmi SI y (atlier resiiles at (i Inter, Vt, hs has hwa a grtrnt suflcrer frcm Rerot nla,aitlli.lnchakue( will tall you hat a aiarealuus ettuct V- Ayers'Silreapaiilla has ks.t In bis eae, f think his blood mn.t kae aMitaiueJ tlis buiinw (ur at. least ten years ; bid H uld ik s'uow, reil In I lie form rf a serofuW-s mt on the wriil, until stout yeas rrn. Fmm ft few rts which an. praraj at thai (line. It gradually spread so at at. ewer hi entire -hod. I auur. yon lie was Urrihlr aftlirtrd. aad au objavt of pity, when be bf m lulru Tour inaillcliie. Sow, then are few nwn of hi. see h enjoy si pl hvaltU S lis has. LouM eaily name dflj pcrsulil wb. would us'lft to tli. fsfts In his case. ' Yours truly, W. M. PHILUrl" FRCM TKE FATHER: a rin l r to state to yon Uie btuiflt I bars (l.-rirnl from the use vt Ayer's Sarsaparilk S',x ni"i'tli spo 1 was eonili teK for.rwl PS a lirrll.nj Ihuikx nnd sfrulnl"i w sr.. T.-' humor asiif.il an IneiMnt and intulnrnbl. Iti'llKR. and t'.e skin e;e(iHl so ( to can", lie tlooU to four In liluiiy plaiics whanerur I itwrod. X.'; sulttrliici wre rnt, and my life a tnr Ion. 1 counururgit the us of tha . SAUai'AHil.t.A In Apill bt,ltlid bav. uri it ijiij.ri sine that time. II )r coinlltlon Cu to l:niri'V at Mica, The soie. bar. til ua.kJ, auJ 1 fuel Ii1ci:y rll In ery Mxet Imiiiii now ahi. tula a pxsl ilry's v.'ik,nllhuiirh7J y.aiaof ntfu. tlany Inqnir. U it ha. wroi'iiht uo!i a euro In my uane, and I tell them, a. I bare hem tried to tell you, Aran's 8ausai-arii.i.a, Oioter, Vu, UcU H, UM. Yuurs cruufully, IIirax l,UiLl.ifs.H ATits's SAnaArAiiii.iA euros Kvrofuln ami all incf;iju. Cjniptnliila, Ijlp rla, CraMiia, Klacnprtn, lllolrlioa, Soma, Bolls, Vumnra, and Erupllona f Mm M-ln. It clears Ur lil.v of r'l Impiv rJiM, ahts niy.tloii, illn.j;.!, II.- .i-ll m o' bowls, Snd thni rvlf rw tltAl:t i.J tianpheiji Ui. wbol. symein. rnr.rAu) ar Dr. J.C.AyeriCo.,Lcwtll,Maia. fKii!'hr all nnipijUls; fl, sli butties for tA lh Sia'i SnnJiy Srbool. Cliildrcn li It i FOR Moth.r. llTta smd Phyalotsuia ( r coo mm and It, IT 1S"H0T WARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS tho "World's Krcat raln-Ilc-licvlnff remedied. They hca,, auotlio and cure Unrna, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness jpou Beauts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of distasting Hlnon, SsmCUa. CraokUas; PaJaa ia tba Head, rtld Eraatb, Doafness, and uy Catarrbai Complaint, csa arUnaimaUd ty Wat E , Myar'a Catarrh Cnra, a Coustl" tntioaal Antldota, ly Abaorp tioa.. Tk mewt Important J)la oorary alas Vaccination. Hit. IIOVEY, HUMPHREY k CO EUOENE OITY, - OR. Deposits reueiTed subject to check. Ians mad. on approved securities. Si'bt Draft, drawn on O meoriea Tohaouo, Candles, Cured Meats, Candies, iSotiona. Dtllllll Groceries Provisions. lme county bajou keep on band a general assortment Provisions, Clfc'ars, Soips. Green and lrifd VrniU. Wood and Willow Wars. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASII basis- Which means that Low Prices are Established i t Goods dtllwed vltboat tbarse to Ifljti LL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED PORTLAND, RAN FRANCISCO :..- NEW YORK. AND JKichanire drawn on the principal Cities of ( 'i;.-ii"u mail, on all poinU ami a ventral I BanVing bnioa tramacted on aorabl.l Vor which w. wiUJuay th. hlWtmarket ( farm. nlJtf. ' prios. ! . J I PAI5 a F. Chronicla "a A. T." Ct-"D. O. O." Dog. This is ths wsy ths Chinese laundry man. of tha period begins to learn Eng link, He learns it out of a child's primer, and his teacher is generally a good looking young woman who thinks it great fan to try and enlighten, tho heathen every Sunday afternoon. The mission Sunday schools for the heathen Chinew ara nearly all taught gratuitously j young ladies under the direction of a superintendent. There are several of these mission schools in San Francisco. The Chinaman wants to loam Eng lish for commercial purposes, and he is rery glad to learn it from ths lips of a pretty girl It is a tery amusing sight this Chinese mission school. Pigtails, oiled silk tunics, arubroidered togs with thick white soles, form ft pleasing contrast to bangs, friues, Gainsborough hats, flut tering ribbons and black silk mitts. The girls take the matter seriously, from the scholastto and religious stand point, but tho laundryman regards it in the light of -flirtation. The same Chinaman who will stand up with the school and sing "Rock of Ages" in Chinese, looking as pious as ft theological student, will sit down by his benevolent young teacher and lead the convernatirn round, as far ss bis English allows him, to his worldly pros pects nnd his arnbition for matrimony. On gay Chutes deceiver gently in timated to his teacher that ho was In pursuit of a wife a "Melican" wife. He bestowed numerous crimson silk mndkerchiefs upon her, which she ac cepted because all tho others did, in ac cordance with what alio supposed to lie Chirenn custom. Sim took great pains with her pupil's English and taught useful sentences, such as ''Some Ameri can men are good; somo American men are bad." In which original sentiment the youth heartily concurred. ."Teacher, I own a laundry make fifteen dollars a week." Teacher "That is good, Lung; you ill lie a rich man." Chinee "You uo call me Lung my name Chung Lung. In China young lady no call man by lust name." Teacher is silent, much abashed at lis reproof. Meditates over the fact iat wisdom issues from tho lips of hales, sucklings and Chinamen. Chi nee "Tf acher, keep my money in a tomato can under board in back part of shop. Melican man like to find el.r Teacher suggests that it would be as well not to onlighten "Melican man" on tho subject. Chinee "Teacher, own house in China; most nice house; now want wife; maki plenty money, me. Pay hundred dollars by wife not too much for good lbokiu gal. Pay forty dol- ars no good; ugly, common thing. For hundred dollars firstulsss wife. Teacher, you mudder and fadder livef Teacher "Quong Lung, I want you to read some English before it is time to sing the last hymn.? Chinee (producing gold ring)-"Teach er-give you that if you take-nice ring real gold-plenty ladies ia China be glad to have that ring." ' ' . Teacher (not caring to have ft Chinee for "steady company," repliea as stern ly as the smothered giggles around her will pcrmit)-"Quoug Lung, you have not said your lesson yet. What have you done with the bookf "Chinee (in language of the llowery) -"O, let up on ligion! Better read and spell-learn somethin'-help Jget money; 'ligion no good." Tho teacher is so horrified at this sentiment that she no longer insists upon her pupil's acquiring a knowled of tho principles of the American relig ion and fall back c.n the spelling book, while this Chinese "masher," satisfied to leave his salvation in the hands ot Confucius, flirts his handkerchief, twifts his book, wriggles and squirms, ogles his teacher from tho corner of his wicked littlo almond eyes and behaves badly. The teacher, who carries a philan thropic heart and ft tender soul under the crooked biases of her black damaste droop at tha thought of her pupil's post mortem prospects and begins to lecture him on tho vanity of all earthly things. Even money in a tomato-can cannot satisfy the heart forever. She tells him, but he takes no heed. Presently tho last hymn is given out, end all the Chinese, big and little, sixty and sixteen, cropped head or pig-tailed, rise and sing something that sounds " 'hew a chsw a-chew a tooth, Munch, munch, nioey," but it is only a Chineso version of a Moody and Sankey hymn. It is fol lowed by the doxology, also in Chineae, and then all tho teachers shake hands with their pupils and toll . thera to be sure and come next Sunday, and these; promising infants, still maintaining ft sanctified demeanor, troop home to sn.oke opium and play Chinese poker until Monday morning recalls them to the ironing board and the cares ot the commercial world. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. The Pnnevillo News lost a press In the late fire. Ten divorce cases are before the court in Union county, There are 3G3 firms doing business- in Seattle, W. T. One hundred bales of hops are stored on the dock at Seattle. Echo, Eastern Oregon, has ft 13000 hall. The town is half a year old. Another falling individual has com inenced suit against tho city ot Seattle for 19200. Colville has been denominated as the' county seat of Stevens county, W. T. Stevens county embraces an area of some 13,000 square miles, On Tuesday J. Simpson, of South Salem, lost his six-year old daughter by scarlet fever, and on Wednesday Isaac Newton, aged lS.aud of the saino placet died of the disease. According to the last annual report there are now in Washington Territory' 42 suliordinate lodges of Masons, and 1300 members. There are 2 more lodges and 109 more men-tors than there were a year ago, It is claimed that the best and finest looking piece of bridgn work yet done in and by any town or city on the north Pioifio coast is that recently com pleted in the southern end ot Seattle, on Jackson and South Third streets. Says the Seattlo Post: The two big steamer wharves in the southern end of town loth go under the name of the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company. Many have supposed here tofore that the Oregon Improvenient Company was concerned in the owner ship of these wharves, Five weeks sgo, says the Seattle Post, William Hinds had a bolt driven into his temple, ft machine shop acci dent. The doctor told him ho must die, but he insisted that ho should live. Tho bolt was withdrawn and the man is getting well. The throbbing of the brain can be seen through the hole, Persons sending mail matter to points in Idaho Territory will often prevent the miscarriage of mail matter by simply writing Idaho instead of I. T., as the lost is often taken for Indian Territory, particularly by omployes in the mail scrvics who have 1-een accustomed , ta the handling of mail for Indian TerrU tory. Says The Dalles Sun: Mr. T. H. I Tad ley, of Dufur, called this morning and gave us an account of his year's success in farming. He has threslu d 3400 buslids of wheat.and all his stock and vegetable have don well; he is on the high land. Mr. Hadley came here six years ago without any money, only his hands, and now has a largo farm with teams, tools and barns, and gr-mral outfit paid for. And such chances are open to thousands. ' The Tilot Rock, Oregon, corresponj dent of the Pendleton East Oregonian, writes: Ras. Wright, well known in thU viciuity, disappeared rather mys teriously from his home, one milo bo low here, on Thursday last, and has not lieen heard of since. He left tho house with sn ax on his shoulder, say irg that he was goiig around the ptae ti repair the fence; not returning, search was made Ur him, but hn could not t found His family profess ta and Hpaniah lace fichu, feels her spirits to know uothing of his wberealouU