V. r E CTTY fit) All. r -:i:---::-.-r:;-crnn iai-.i ihj..j:-.m-tjtl1"1 p .lu. t..a. -t. . ui EST1BL1SIIED FOR TEE DISS! JI!(1TI01 OF OEIOCtlTIC WHCIMS, 1 Ti 1UH IS IQHST II TUB IT TIE 8VE1T OF Ott BMW. in i.i i mush VOL.16. EUGENE CITY, OK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1883, NO. 3 ZU (Eugene (Citfl Guar! I. L. OAMPBELL, Publisher anl Proprietor. '. . rriCR -On th Et t.U of Willaraett ' gajw between StT.ntU and Kighth Street. .2J'- - OTJROKLT ' BATES OF ADVERTISING. Adv rtUement Inserted as follow! : ) square, 10 line or le, on insertion $3 1 sk nbaequent fauertion f U Cash required tit dvanee. Tina advertiser will b charzed at th fol ' (wing rats! - " Oa square thre months 00 " " til month... 8 00 - " out year.... 1 00 TraaaUai notice in local column, 80 cent pet , v 'trf fr each rntertioa. Advartiainj bilU will be rendered quarterly. All tab work mint be paid por o dklivbht. .anssnanni mmmmm i m .. J v i r i- POSTOTFICE. 1 Bean -Prom I a. . to f P. as. Bonier. . ana P-. - Kail arrives from the south an 1 Imtm uin north U a. s. ArnrM fr.m the north and haves eoinf rath at 1:11 P- for Sioislaw, Franklin end I -on t, alese at ( a.m. on Wedaeeday. 'or Crawf-rd-ftlte, Oassp Cresk and Brownsville t I r.H. Uttora will be ready for delivery half n hoar fter ' irlrel f trains. Utter, .hoald be left t the uffloe "" --- ""Tpattbrsok PH. SOCIETIES. . vim V. 11 A W And A. II. ,1Ieete first end third Wednesdays is each lenth. . OHnurna Bottb Tasoi Ko. T. O. O. r. Meetaevery Tuesday evening. WixawRala EnoumiHT N. 6, M.U . the Id end 4th Wednwdar In each month. Souiifi Loixjg, No. 15, A. O. IT. W. Keeu ,t Masonio Hall the lecond end fourth Fridays in each month. J. M. 8LOA!f. M. W. atiLPATRiot Post, No. 40, O. A. R. Meet . t Staeonio Hall, the Hret and third Frid yi of neb. month. By order, ComMKOiiR. Omm or Cuoses Fkiends. MeeU the ret and third Saturday evening at Masonic Mali. By order of J. M. Sioa. G 0. Bern Loni V 3W. I. O. O. T. -MeeU eery Set jrdey nijht in O i 1 Folio' Hall. . . . E. 0. PoTrEB, W, C T. Liadixo Stab Bano or Hope -Meota at the f . Church every i ju i y aftoriinan at 3:30. I. a Hiinton. rt-i,i6.: -Mi" Uirth Co.)k, At teat; Cjav Hill, .Sw'y. Mne lLittie Smith, ' (jfhavtain. Vit.ir ia vie welcome. mw GOODS I DR. 7. C SEHLBREDE OEHlTiST, rN'OW PERMANKNTLY LOOATID la CotUtr (Jrore. He perform all opera- Ua la meohantoal and uiviral dentietry. All work warraaUd and aetutaounn iruaraateea. 1 B. BUM'S, I3TA GENERAL JJ DO! Ill ID III A large assortment of La dies and Children Hose at 121-2cts. y Good Dross, Goods at 12o- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every sluide. New and Nobby styles in QLOUIING. TrimminglSilks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. . BOOTS and SHOES. ;nall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. J. E; & F. W. Fcnton, ; : jettorjioys-at3..a w. miss's CITY OREGON. Special attention fcdvon to Real Estate Trao tie and Alwtracta ui Title. : ' " rrici Over Grange Store. t. . BTKARAS, ALBANY. L. BILVBL', EUUttXE. i TKAll. Si IMhYiiU, Altsmeys and Counsellor at Law, KUGH.YU CITY, OHliOOX. PRACriCtf IX ALL TUB COU UTS OF tbii Sute. Tliey ive wciiil attention llcctioni and probate nut torn. , trroi-Over V. F. Co.' Exprese oft w Liberal Discount for a f CASH. . . , , . New .'Departure. ! ! TWO 3EEL2:CJ3E1S ! IJATROXIZE THE MKN WHO HELP T BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND SCHOOL HOUSES, whose interest are your intereet I Are permanently located aad upend their profit at home. Take notioe that. A. V. PETERS, Will tell good, for CASH at irreatly reduced price, a low a any ether CASH STOIjK CEO-.B & GEO. A. D0R31S, Attorneys ami CounseUors-at-Law, WILL PttACTICK IN THE CXTRTS of th Second Judicial Ditriut and in the Supreme Court of tUie Sute. Special attention given to collection and matter in probate Geo. S. Vashburne, AUoriicy-at-Ivavr, atTJGKNK CITY, - - - OREGON ITlec formerly occupied by Thompon t Bast Prints lb and 18 yard. $1 00 Beat Brown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and w CM. Clark and Bok spool cotton 75 ct ier Dot. Plain and Milled Flrnnel, 23, STi; 4j and V) ut. Wtsr Proo . cent I Illy . uu.ii ,v HHU And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. AUp the Colebraled WrTTTH H H. AT TNTC MAUtllN ili I a 11 1 a.. 1 M.af 1w uJiiMrl MTAI - XT.iti rultlalP trtP TirATl'rT.n. ly.. mllfl nurallllllLVI. AiKicatii ikw , iiT To my old Customer, who have tood by me o l ing, I will oontjnna tt cell on , am . - ... . t aU H:BL annb f1 A Hit rtiitilaM I will ertwm tirma iu tiarBtnrnre on tim. nut u at hit l ine wvj w r At. ii i - a ..,. a. v. rr.i p. ivi Ml m, a others, the full credit Jontny reduction . . GEO. M. MILLER, - lttorn7 and Csuasallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. XUGBNE CITY, - - - OREGON. OFFICE Two door north of Post Office. Dr. Wm Osborne, Offict Adjoini,i5 St' Charles Hotel, I1ATIHI 4 IZfO&Ua OP HATES aaJ LUCIET. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re ideao when not professionally engaged. tfttoe at the - POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Hjldence on Eighth street, oppo.it Preeby- riaa Church. OR. E. G. CLARK, GradoaU of th Philadelphia Dental CoUege.) KUOENE CITY. OLD FILLINGS vr DENTIST, . OREGCiN yA SPECIALTY. a .-R.l tth nude t& order. Teeth .zT .-j j.i..... All work fullv war M.tl MUr In hick bmlding over th Orafetor. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT- J. S. LOCXEY, DIALER nr tcks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. . . Repairing Promptij Executed. C3AIlWrk WairiU4.J?w J. 8. LUCKET, Murjrth A Co' Brick Willame street. Fine Cheviot Shirt. 60, 73 ct and IL New Assortment Dres Good (No Trash) 15, tin ....1 ... .V ttllU 13 Mens' Underwear. Shirt and Drawer, 50 ot Mens'Overshirti, 75 ots. and L Mens' Overall.. 50. 65. 78 oU and iL Embrolderie and Edgin at Fabulou Law rnce r 111 Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, lor Cash Or Credit TTiVrifisr. Price rjaid for all kinds of Country Produce.' Uau ana see. S. H. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. .r ft . 4&': -AV DEALERS fe-U; Witekniad ''LOJ Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc VTmiAum. I locks, and Jewelry repaired and warranteA Northweat eoraer of WlUaawtU and Eighth street NEW GROCERY STORE (On door south of Port Omo ) OUR a-! ar all new and Irjek 4 of 6rrtnnality. All Rood, twwally found in a Smt-cla-Grwnr Store, kept ou haird. To m and CI'ARH a .pectahv- '"f i-. ..I. ..I mM r th. same, riving: tb eas- I tmner the advenUg. of t"".' f cu A. . lOTET, 0. ICHrHMT, W Notary. Attortey. t. fTJ CashW, LANE COUNTY BANK II0VEY, HUMPilREY A CO EUOENB CITY, OK. Deposit reotlvl robject to dteck. Loan mail en approved aeenritiee. Sight DrafU draw a oa PORTLAND. RAN FRVNCISOO AND NKWYOJtK. Eicbang drawn oa th principal CUiof 'cXrtioo mal oa all points aad a ceneral P,nking bisioea trauaaeted on avorahU arm. ' Eev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Be & F, Wild, wl-kn.wn dtf MlMiMsary In Wow Terk, and fcrwilwt T tk la eminent Judge Wilde, af tba MsMaiss tta Inpewsn Cenrt, wette HMlmi, v 1M. ailA'tf Vw rr. Mam Mk MtV Last Wl Int.r 1 waa troalld with a snot neemfurubla Itoblnf humor alteetlnf nior aspMlally my limbs, which Itehed n Intotorablv at Bight, aul bUrHMl so Intern. ly, that I eoulJ soaraly bear any aMhlog over uiero. i wa. bumi a .nuriwi hw m v.re eaurrh and catarrhal eough ny deal ran down. Knowin the value ot Ayih BAMAPAMbLA, by ouwrvaiioa or many other ease, and from personal nsn In former years, I began Uklng tt lor th above-named disorders. My Aopetlt Ins. proved almost from th first dose. After n ehort time th fever aud Itching wer allayed, and all tlirn of Irriution of th kin disappeared. ly eaUrrh and eouh wen also cured by the m mean, and asy geMral health greatly Improved, nutil It I now eio.ll.nt. I feel a hundred par Nl stronger, and I attrlbuU UieM rveull to th bm of the Sabsapabiixa, which Lreeommend with all eonatlMie a th it bloud BMdleln ever devised. I took It la (mall does, three time a day, and aaed, la all, mm. than two bottle. I plae thosa fart at your ervte, hoping their publication may do good. Year respectfully, Z.P.WILM." Th above instano Is bnt on of th many constantly oonilng to our notioe, which prov th perfect adaptability of Ataa'l Bama Pamlla to th cure of all dhwaae arising froaa empur or Impoverished blood, and a Weakened vitality. Aycr'sSarsaparilla eanet,nrieh, and itnngtheuath blood, Umnlate th action or th stomaoh and bowsle, and thereby enable th system to resist and overcom tb attacks of all rmW tosM Ditamt, Eruption fa SHa, fW BMtinn, fWarr, Cearruf Dtbllity, and all disorder resulting from poor or aorrnpted blood and a low state ot lb system. prepared ar Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mm. Sold by all DrugglsU; price 1, (is bottle for (S. AYER'3 CATHARTIC PILLS. . Dest Purgative Medicine ire Constipation Jnllrwlon, Headache, ana , all Bilious lHsorders. old averywhere. Always nlUble, sUvaya Cnora suid ar ttlenp ulatt. Xha world' cra tUUaTwr tor Mam (tad Bst Cbanpi lok nd rallabla. PTTCIIER'S CASTOKIA U not Narcotic. Children grW fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. Itrojrulatestho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, JUys Fererlshness, and de stroys Worms. WEI BE MZTXR'S CA TAR1UI Care, Constitutional Aatidot for tkle tarrlbU malsv iy, Vy AsMorytlom. Tha moil Xntpert&mt XMaeawarr alneo Vsm lantlom. Other ramadlaa asny ralUr Catarrh, tli enra at aniy atstga bafora Comusiptloa aerts lxw -) I- i Peck's Bad Boy, Do yoo mean to any that you roads IU fl PmtKM II I lltjtie. tliskt tit without th usuuncs i wl ah-M tblnV a .1J InArrl "P0"" f N'Wk M fcft-r whiK that lis is too old to fool i-nttiettiw. . . aronndu whsn he wui boy." "Yw'" he U 7tt wUh aid th groasry tm,s ha (tot away 1 wU1 wrriethinf of onr.pt rromthjboy. w,uw "That's what I told hira when he He led rue through a room la which wanted to try my byoicle," Said the there were itored botes upon boxes of boy, as he broke out laughing. He egg, nd Into anoth'er large, cool roots saw me riding the bicycle, and uid he in the rear. Erery thing was clean could do it as well as I could, if hs and neat, eererai etrange-ioosing oould onoeget on, bat he couldn't wooden machines, totally unlike any. spring on it qnits as spry as he used to, thing I had erer seen, stood fa differ, and he wanted me and my chum to fnt parts of the room. Six or men v hold it while he got on. I told him he eti were operating the mechinerj, would get hurt, but he said there which mored noiaaleasly and with trwat couldn't no boy tell him anything about rapidity. I followed roy conductor to riding, and so we got the bioyole up one end of the apartment, where there t against a.shade tree, and he put bis were three large lank, or rata On. feet on the treadles, and told us to was 611ed with a yellow oompound, the turn her looee, Well, honest, I .hut second with a sUrohy mixture, ant th. my eyes 'cause I didn't want to. see pa otbw WM coercd' Pointin 10 thN : a -i.v- n.t t. a:a the proprietor Midi "These contain it .mA !. th. Un. the yelk mixture and the white of egf, cl. turned sidowaya, then he pushed empty the vats eterf day SO y Ot with the other foot, and the bicycle be- JU('-9 of th "tent ot hwm gan to wiggle,and then he began to push how J one ( thj with both feet, and pull oaths handles, maonm- aohbow nV n. and the frout wheel etruok an-iron Into different boxes Or receptacles, Th J . . .. i A .1.- -IU - - J .t.!l fenoe and as pa went on top of the rs ana seconu an. vne 7oi. .m wluv. l.nM the biml whe.d aaemod to rear on The next is what wo term thi skin-ma- and kick him. and pa hung to the fence chine, and tho last one is the shellef, " l ..... . int. . Al and the bicycle hung to him, and they wun crying traya xnis proceaa is wa both went down on the sidewalk, the result of many . years of experiment . wja. I .1. I big wheel on pa's .toniach, one handl. Fn 1 nrl oonceivea we iaen up his trouser' leg, the other handle w "c"iau ". down his coat collar, and the other W After a long time I succeeded U wheel rolling around back and forth "''" TflrJ over his fingers, and he yelling to us to thon turned mJ ttnuoa W Uke it oO. I never saw two people -witwyi Uuglednpthewaypa and the blcyjle 7u see for yourself.. Of oourss, It was, and we had to take it apart, and womu nut . take pa's coat off aud roll up his pant all ths mechanism, but I will gire yo to got him out. And when lis got up, - W- ol th P501 Into the M . and shook himself to see if he was all macniiw Pu mo . there, and looked at it ad though he "What is thatl" I aaked. ... .... ..WW l A t 9 a I T-J!- didn't know it was loadiKl, and looked rweii, it is a mixiura Anu. at me and then at my chum in a sort meal, oorn starch and several other in of nervous way, and looked around and gredionte. It is poured Into the opu scringed as though he expected the bi ing in a thick, mushy tate, and ia cycle was going to slip up behind him formed by the machine into a ball and and kick him again, he wanted roe to froxen. In this condition it pusses into co and sot the ax to break the bioyole the other box, where it is surrounded up with, and when I langhed he was by trie wiute, wnicn is cnnraicauy in going to taks me by the neok and maul uiue as the real egg. This Is also the licycl, but I reasoned him out of frozen, and by a peculiar rotary motion it. I wasn't to blame for him trying of the machine an oval shape Is lav to fiallop over an iron picket fence with parted to it, and it passes to ths nsxt O t I. f aL. all- a bicycle, 'ctuse I told him he bad bet- receptacle, wnere it receive va mm ter keop off of it I think if men would nimy sun. Alter mis i dm pn.j taks advice of boys oftener they go through the shriller, where it gets its -..l,l..,t 1.. an ant to oet their suonend- last coat in the shape of a plaster of ers caught on asiron picket fence and paris shell, a trifle thicker than,' tho have to be picked up in a basket Hut genuine article, inen goes ou. or there is no use of us boys tellings the drying trays, whero the shell, dries grown person anything, and by keeping at once and the liwide thaws out gracV still arid letting them break their bones ually. It becomes, to all appearaneea ws wve getting kicked. It would do a real egg." , some roon good to be boys all their , 'ii0w many eggs ean Jon turn out lives, then they wouldn't have to lml- jniidyr , . tate. Hello, there goes the polios Well, as we are running now patrol wagon, nd I am going to see tum out a thousand or so every hour, : ... ... ... . how it rides on tne oacx step, anu wo "fliany ordersr- ' Knv t nut add iumned on tho hind "Whv. blesa vour soul. Tea. We vwy t I I J ' . " " end of the wagon, t and thon picked not fiU one half our orders. 'All himself np out of ths mud and felt of W9CM make now are taken bwtwo his head where the policeman's club New York wholesale grocers alone; dropped on it We charge $13 per thousand for theos, and they retail at all prices from-12 to 30 cent per dosetu Ws sell only AVnilnJ font of low were to wholeMle houses. I suppoio plenty recently put Into Coos Bay in ons day. of those egg. are eaten- fa Newark as T. IL Dickey, who has been resid - - - JZm f- . Xr.Minn.ilU for a ahort time. lecu7 "arraimn, , 111 If. WkV J V. '. - steaw ' aw DBAXSS IV Groceries 0J Provisions, Will keep an hand a general assortment of Grocerle, Prorision, Tobacoo, Candle, Chrara, Cured Meat, (J an ma. Notion. Hoan. .nit rrll Fruit. Wood and Willow Warn, Crockery, Eta, BojtnaM will be aonductad on a CASH BASIS- Which mean that Lev Prices ire DUblis.s. Ceodi delirered wltheit dsrft U Iijm ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED OREGON AND WASHINGTON. fell dad there last Saturday evening. Another cabbage four feet and ten inches in circumference), and weighing thirty-three aud one-half pound, is at nillhurst, W.T. MoMinnville supplies duck hunters rith a shooting ground within the city t i wnoiesome as a reai eggy Can they be boiledr Oh yes;" and he called onw of tho or . a aI men. "Here Jim, oou wis gnniiamaat an egg." 'Can they be detectedr I inaifed, while the bogus egg was being boiled. "I hardly think that anylwdy would irer Uch wa mm pay ftfffifitffi iinighlnxliood of 1,000, w.nvM ' I M Mm.J w.as J 4 . limits. The postmaster can shoot c'ueka jikei to 0ierva feRy difference era- si I. . a from ms oiuce. leas be happens to oe wen postea,- a Wasco county, Oregon, is construct- they look and taeta like the real thing. !nt riml In annnlv water to CO.000 Wsnn. kv a litLlo flavorice. mako "5 " ltd I - -1 - w- acres which nowis destitute of water for Uhcra taste liks goose or duck of farming purposes, aituougn me sou is course altering me sis. Aywu of excellent quality. keep for years. That one you fcTw On the last steamer went an order just eaten was warly a yer oiu.' Afiey to the California electrical works for an never spoil or become rotten, and being electrical fire alarm for ths use of Asto- harder and thicker in their shells, thy ria fire department The apparatus will stand ahipping tor than' ml consists of ten boxes, three gongs, two eggs. We calculate that in a fw yara repeaters, four miles of wire, an eleo- we wUI run ths hens of th. country trical battery, isolators, brackets, eta dean out of busine M olwmargannn m. ,a . .v.. .ki. will K. in th. hu driven out butter. J.w Tarfc A un njavsj iui tut w s.v " . Sun. price.