CITY AND COUNTY. BRIEF JIESTIOJI. Circuit Court dm week from next Moaday . Hear rain daring the put furty-eight (Nil. 8m Sheriff Campbell' Us notice .in Mother tooluma. Express rates only 25 cent per 100 11m to PortUnd. All kind of frai leed for sale at A Gold wtttfth'. Jeiuy Lldy glassware. A regular beauty at Ellisons. II oat of our citizen bar returned fro-a the Mechanic' Vain Dry goodi something new. Call and e them at Frieodly V. There it fhll aet of Mr Hulino' noVelt mt HcCoroack Collier'. I Jacobs, of the cigar factory, hu mid lite took to Mr Abo Oolaimith. Prepare for rainy Sunday by getting a good atory at McCornack & Collier'. The proprietor cf the book auction iiic- toeded la tolling 2400 lb weight of books her.-. '. Goldimith deliver groceries ltomedia(ly af ter being bought with tii own eonveyance. ThoIX L 6tor will pay the highest market price for all kind of hide and fur. Remember that Moss' Minstrel appear at Lane' Ball Friday evening, fnr one night bnly. McCornack and Cbllier hAV just received a Arg Invoice of school lioo'u nd school sup plies. Mr B F Wentworth will canvass different portione of Line cotloty iu the interest of the I'VABD. A bunting party from tlili pla;, Inst wee!-; killed ten deer near Hendricks' ferry on the ofcKenxie. The Literary and Social Club will meet Sat urday srening, October -Tth, i Mr Un derwood'. Mr S H Friendly has jilst VWelvrtd the lar est iaroio of carpets evef brMtght til Eugene City. Give him a fall, The largest nd finest hit of genU, hoys fcnd yeuths cl.ithiil and uuderware, just received at f riemtly's. The regular meeting of the W C T U will be held on next Wediiesdey at 4 P M. iu the basement of the Presbyterian church. Geo V Bogvrt, wno taught school at Irving and Junutinn last Winter, was married at Drains SUtion, Oct 7th, to Miss llosetta Simp sna. The attention of the people of Cottage Grove is tailed to the card of Dr W C Rhel tirade, dentist. lie warrant all Work to give Satisfaction. Junction City Items. Oct 25, 1892. It P Caldwell went to Portland yesterday, C W Washburn went to ban f last week. Gen Wuhburue Esq, pas- I tinm'li town ton Tuesday. J W Wright went 1 1 Alhviy on M-md.ty to attend court Sheriff CampMl was lit t'lwfl nn Tuesday tin nffi.-ial business. It is said that Ku-ne hasattr.iC ions fur one tif our (t hi I Templars. Dr N L Lee says there is a case of icailet f over at. i V Finn's. Mrs S 3 Tra'n, of Il.irris'.mr? Was over vis iting friends during the week. The Good Templars lodge at this place is steadily increasing in numbers. R M Mulholl nd on a.'aiu be found at I is bid stand in the drug business. J W Lingo returned home fro n Rosebuiyi Wednesday, where ho had gone to buy hogs. Our Marshal has proved himself to be a mighty Nimrod, as he has killed six deei in th last two weeks. Some of our Good Teniplars Visited Eugene lodge on Saturday last, anil returned in the ''wee small hours1' of the night. ' Grant Cumminfcs experts to go td New York shortly to live with his brother, Henry Cum mings. A wedding Is expected liefore he goes. Deputy Sheriff Cochran was down serving subpoena in the Tufngat vs Dickenson case. He did the thing up in good shape for a young f- Vt'nfwnli. nf til fll'lim WMM n tlUVtl during the week, working in the interest of that paper. Ue succeeded in getteug seme prominent Republican to take it G. H. Fim New Subscuibeiw. During the past week the Gl'ARn has received over fifty new subscribers. A good beginning far its Seven teenth year. R ITU RUED. Messrs H V I'efkins and W:n Barubart, who have been East of the Mouu tain viewing swamp land for H C Owens, returned to the Valley Wednesday. Jdmctioii. Mr G T Boyd, Junction' black smith, Is now prepared to do All kinds of blacksmithing promptly. Horse Shoeing and machine repairing a specialty. See bis adver tirement in another coliunu. Dun. At Coffman Springs, Whitman Co, WT, Oct 12th, Julia I, wife of T H Coflinan, aged 27 years. Mr Coffman was a sister-in-law of Mr S J Saxon, of this place. Dayton, WT, Journal Mr Coffman was formerly a resident of Lane county. A MibTaaM. Our Tom correspondent in but weeks Gl'AAD stated that all the saw mill in that section had suspended for the pur pose of making repairs. Mr 0 H Varary inform ns that hi mill is being run daily, and It is prepared to furnish lumber to all those wanting th same, SlAOiCAi. Opebatio. Dr Sheltoa and Chase on day this week treated a little daughter of Marshal Attehery for converge nee nf the eyes Th Inner chrvds of the left ye were severed so that the ball straightened to its normal positbm. Tb patient is doing as could be expected under the circumstances. Omioos Apples. A cluster of apples, raised at th soatheaxt edge of Skinnet' Batte, bss ba left at this offica by Mr L B WbArtno. The limb i shoot eleisi iaebss loag sad on the sa-nx srs thirt-en large Bald sna applsa, weighiog orer tight poaada. County Fair. For torn tint past the peopl of Cottsgq Onive have been looking forward to th twenty-fourth and fifth day of this month, at which time th Agricultural fair wsa to take place. Th morning of th tweutyv fourth opened with heavy rain shower, and bnt few person were to be seen about the streets. By 10 o'clock howiver some stir was manifested And th Agricultural hall, which heretofore had been empty, began to fill with exhibitor ready to place their pro duct in portion to (how off to the bust d vsutage, and by 1 o'clock the eutire ball was tastefully adorned witlt fruits, flowers, vegetable and specimens nf lad in fancy work, a more minute description of which will be given further on. The heavy rain of the morning hail kept the fanner and those from neighboring towns, who h I Anticipated Attending th Uit at Lome, but with the breakiug away of the cloud at noon came th rush to towu, aud by 2 o'clock Cottage Grove waa crowded with people from all part of the connty. Th race track was in pool condition for testing the speed of the race horse) and those having valuable stock would ont allow it to go on th track. One runuing fiCe wts called howtvor, Ami John Keeney And Al Montgomery took their pii. tion on the track) Keenly riding a ditii And Montgomery a bright bay gelding. Th two horse got an even start at the tit at trial ami flew down the ' first quarter At a 2:40 gate On th second quarter the tt U it gained slim' full length) both horses doing some good running. A they entered the third quarter the bay g tinetl rapidly on the dun and seemed In A fair way to win the first heat, bnt as the horse were Hearing the home (tretch a calf, which hail heretofore beu nondticed, "just a com:non calf," made it appearance. It started down thn track at a good sied bnt was overtaken, the bay rode by while Montgomery attempted to jump it but failed, then "Man and horse and mud And nir. In wild confusion mingled there." Some ssy that Montgomery inteuded chauging a-imals AC this point and had con cealed the calf there for that purpose; this, however, is a mere rumor. No time was called aud the judge ordered all bet with drawn. Tin's closed the race for the day, except a trial trip made by Joseph Kennedy on a fiery untamed mustang, Which bucked at such a furious rate that the rider give Hp the job at the fenco over Which thu horso tried to throw him. Premium List. The following is the award of prordiums: TlljU'll'UllllllKn.-l. Filly, 1 year old, 1st premium, J H MeFur land; twin cdta, do. Mare, 4 y-ar nl I, I dark ly. 2d p. Filly, 2 year old, O F Knox, 1st p. also, filly, 2d p. C'arrisge Win, John Simp son, 2d p. Running horso entered by J R Sellars, but in one contested speed. Suck ing colt, Marion Martin, Jd p. J C Wallace, S'Allioii, U' p; yearling cult, 21 p; roadster, Is p; sweepstake stillinn and 5 calves, lt p. I Kohinctt, mare, 4 year old, 1st p. A Hunt, roadster, 1 year, 11 p. John Colley, stallion, all work, lt p. James Hanly, carriage team, 1st p. A Miller, trotting 1st p. URaIIKU DRAl'T HonSF .lohii Co dey, stallion, 4 yr, lt p. Wra Stewart, sucking colt, lt p. J It Selluin, mure, 3 yr, 1st p. .1 nines Wooten, mare, 4 vr, 1st p. ieo Belshaw, iron, 2 yr, 1st p; dyde mare, 4 yr, 1st p; sweepstake, 1st p; Ironclad .veeptake, 1st p. ('J Sears, clydes dale, 2 yr, 1st p. 8ADDL! H' RSES. 0 F Knox, 1st p. J A J Crow, 2d p. BW1NB AND POULTRT. GeoBelshaw, Essex pigs, 1st p; 2 roai WKepsttkes, without Idoo I, 1st p; J USelhrs, buff tinkers, 1st p. H N Garroute, ducks, 1st p. BUTTER. Mis M:iry Sellars, 5 rolls, 1st p. Mr Geo JMtliuw, 2 rolls, 21 p. GKKEy KUl'ITS. Apples-J H Shortridge, baldwins2d p. H C Veatch, gloria miindl, 2d p; wine scott, gloria niuni'i, rambo, Spitxeuberg 1st p. James Moore, best collection, 1st p. Roscoe Knox, lialdwins, 1st p; plate 1st premium. 0 V Knox, can blackberries, plums, peaches, Pears C W Boren, pound pear, 1st p. W R (Vilfry, pound, 2d pn-uiimu. Gras-A F Johnson, raisin grae, 1st p. C W Boren, niuscoviati, 1st p. Ira llawley, grapes, 1st p BUCKWHEAT AND GRASSES. Geo Landreth, buckwheat, 1st p. J H Shortridge, flax sheaf, 1st in R Cary, Hun guian grass, 1st pri-miumi canned rariTi Mrs Lurch, can bsans, gooseberries, p?ais, grapes, cherries and eet oru, 1st p. Mrs ' (.KAlS. (ieo Htlshaw took the grit premiums np mi th following varirtk's of wheat: Velve', Canaca club. Chilli Olilb. red chaff club, S unra, goldeu clialf, roil chaff inaminoth, iui perial, white ( lux son, Uudsou lay, white chaff club, ninety day, fish pole, eveu head- d, A'Js'-ralian. Also first premiums upon the following displays: Sweepstake in glass, sample sweepstakes, best display by any one man; and but sample of flour. AUKCELLANEOl'S. (PANIXIl MERINO HHK.EP. J C Cochran, buck.l year, 21 p; best ewe, 2d p. Alex Taylor, best buck, 1st p; best ewe, 1 yeir, 1st p; 3 rain lambs, lit p; best ewe lamb, 1st p, HEWOXCORDKIIIRE. O F Knox, 3 heep, 1st p; Angora goats, 1st p. YE'lKltftLE, ITC. Ira'Haly, Wctln leet, 18 IU 10 07, 1st p, H C Veatch. 21 p; B Jackson, blowl beet, 2.ti lbs, f-t p. .Mrs Hod a Cathcart, cabhsge, msniin itli( Int pi J Eaton, flat dutch, 1st p; A Katon, drum head, 1st p; Irs Hawb-y, K., 1st p. H C Veath, Belgian carrot, 1st p. I Barcklay, sweet com, 16 inches ldhg, Irv p; Win Stua t, fliut corn, 1st p. Potatoes John Body, white elephant, white star, red rose, 1st p; gafuett chili, 2d p. J 0 Grub, peerless,- 1st p. J II Crow, less, 2d p; beauty of holnm, 1st p. II C Veatch, swuw fUke.blu kidney, puh blow, garnett chilli, 1st p. pi) Hughe, from Uniqua, very fiue; not for premium. Squashes-1 1 C Veatch take two first premiums and one 2d. J Crow, squash weighing 43 lb, 1st p. W J J Scott, per. feet gem, Aud gulling, 1st p. Tomatoe J R Sellars, smooth red, 1st p. W J J Scott, olimax, 1st p. Geo Sears, raddish, 1st p. Turnips Ira llawley, flat dutch, 3d p. II C Veatch, Hat dutch, 1st p. 0 IM.elp., white rutabaga, weighing 30 lb and being 39 The Siutlaw Fair. Crow, Lane Co., Or., Oct li 1883. EumH Giaad: The Sluslaw Agricultural Society held their Fifth Annual Fair, on Wed nesday, Del l'th, A larg crowd we la at Undanc. Hoa II E Hay, of Clackamas county, delivered the annual address, which was heartily received. In hi Address h de clared th exhibit of vegetable was suwrlor to tho on xhlbition at tli Stat Fair. Beets a foot and a half long and alght luche in diAnieter;turnlp a Urge 'as a WAUr bucket And weighing 42 pounds, raised by Ansel Heinin' way; potatoes, early rose, 4 lbs, snow flak 3J inches iu circumference, 1st p. II C Veatch, 'Jbs, leopards Slbs; corn, 10 variatlHi tome i . . i . . S . . r .1 ' . i white rutabaga, 1st p, FANCY WORK AND WORK Of ART. Mr McKetuie, rug, 1st p. Mrs Mary Sullai pair pillow sliains, 2d p; matt, 1st p; ch' tidy, 1st p. Mrs Geo liilfry, wreath, 2d p. Mary Adams, tidy, 1st p. Mr (ieo (iilfry, farmer wreath, 1st p. Mr I'olk Curriu, worsUid quilts, 1st p; tidy, 1st p. Mr Bet tie Wallace, pin cushion, 1st p. A F John Son, stand cover, 1st p: Mattie Chrisman, ohair tidy, 21 p. Mr 0 P Adams, piece quilt, 2d p. Sarah (iilfry, tephyr cushion, 1st p. Nellie Gilfry, pin cushion, 1st i Mr Johu lk-lshaw, dry boquet, chair tidy, pin cushion, chair pin cushiou, 1st p. Mr Mann, piece quilt, 2d p. Mr S Adam, hair work, 1st p. Mr S J Si rs, piece quilt, 1st p. Addie Medley, pillow hm, 1st p; piece quilt, 1st p. Martha Medley, pin cushion; 2l p. Mr J M Medley, home made liusey, lit p; ry crochet, 1st p. Mrs (ieo Gilfry, wax fruit, 1st p; pillow, lid p; hearth rus lit p. Mattie Cbrisinau, calla lilly mat, 21 p. Mrs Dr Harris, pio.-u quilt, 1st p. Ilattiu I'arsons, slipper case, 1st p; tobacco case, lit p; tobacco case, 1st p cigar case, 1st p; hanging pin cushion, 3st p: glove pin cushion, 1st p; hair basket, 1st pi geological cabinet, 1st p; xephyr wreath, 1st J R Sellars, telescopic rifle, 1st p. Mr Geo Belshaw, Ktiified sage brush, 1st p; (wtrified mushroon, 1st pi collection of shells, 1st p; ecimen of alabaster, 1st p; 2 specimens of sil ver ore, 2d p. Mrs M Mann, specimen silver ore, 1st p. Mrs M C Riley received two Brst premiums (article were omitted in copy En.) Mr S M Adnuis, trimmed hat, 1st p; Ellen Adams, crayon drawing, 1st p; H Thompson, water color, 2d p. A T Johnson, picture, 1st Mattie Chrisman, water color, 1st p. II Thompson, water color, 1st p. J A Maun, pen drawing, 1st p. J II Crow, Russian suu flower 1st p. Vl.NUKX. Cottage Grove Items. KIl'lM OI K 81'KIIAL t'UIINKXrilNHKNT. Oct. 1?. ISS.l Fanning has been going oh extensively dur' the Cost ten days Mrs O P Adams hat A full assortment of millinery goods. Mr Wes Chiisman returned horns a few day ago from Kattt-rn Oregoi:i We learn that Siuslaw allcy need more rain to render the ground moist enough to cul tivate. Dr J W Harris has moved his family to town. They are living iu Mr L Wharton' dwelling. One extreme follow nnotheri a short time ago we were entirely without phytciaii now we have several. , Mr J 1' Curran has returned from sutvey iiijtrip. Dr Harris attended-the (lnlg store during Mr ("s alwence. We understand that Mr Lincoln Taylor is lying dangiromly sick, of pneumonia fevoi, at Paisley. His parents have gone to hint. Married, Oct 10, 1883, at the residence of It m II 0 Veatch, by Win Vsugh, J P, Mr Sa uuel Vcato i aud Mis Lhuie George; all of Lanecountyi October 24, 1883. Mr Alex Taylor And father returned hou Monday. Several stranger came to town yesterday to attend the fair. ' Mrt Thos Martin is lying very aick at her home iu I.atliani. Miss Atfgie McCornack is a guest at Mr C )cli rail's of this place. Bad opening for the fair; it rained a good part of lost day aud to day. Dr H Wright, of Luksvlew, but formerly of this place, cauio here last Wednesday for a short stay, Mr J M Medley and three of her children have been quite sick for everal day past with the flux, but Are better now. There were quite A number of article,entered t'lis afternoon aud were still coming in, and if to mon-ow is fine, there will be quit an ex hibit at our fair. Mr Joe Perkins was the recipient a sere nade last Sunday night The serenade were pleased when they saw Joe make his- appeals ance at the door wi.h lamp in hand, but were somewh it crest fallen, when Jo bade them depa:t unceremoniously. They thought some one had been niarritd; 'twas a put up job on the boys. ArEXi Scarlet Fever. The scarlet fever i rag iug iu the family of Mr W T Walker, uear i iosher, Last week a Aon died, and one day this week Mr Walker aud two of his graud children died of the dread disease. P'ive more of the family are lying very ill, and their recovery w donbtful. The disease it supposed to have been contracted from a cloak unpacked from the trunk used by Miss Martha Walker, who died at the residence, of Prof Johnson last June, of scsrlet fever, Th fsm ily lave the sympathy erf the entire neighborhood in their sad affliction. arg a ever grew in the prairie State of I Hi nois; needle work more gorgeous than ths tar famed East; canned fruits currants, black berries, raspberries, gooswberrh', ldrberriei peaches, pears, cherries and grawsj apples as fine and large H any that ver grew iu th far famed Willhmett valley; pears, peach, quince aud graies, th latter as fin a any that are raised in California; flowers as fin as vsr bloomed; wheat that will compare with Mr Geo Bslshaw's best; oats surpassed by nous iu the Stats'; tomatoes from the site of a cherry up to larger than your double fists, and very fine flavor; timothy seed mesquite of the best quality; pumpkins two feet long and a foot thick; very fine squashes; grasses timothy, millet, hungarian and canary; cabbag, flat dutch, that welghtd 40 lbs; carrots 20 inches king; beans of svery color, sire and hap 20 varieties; peas, 10 kinds. The fin Art were well represented. Mr S J NighswAnder Had 82 different arti cle on exhibition and took th il premium for th same Pet Douglas, eleven year old, took the 50 cent premium forth best pumpkin pie; Maggie Ozment, 10 year old, received the 50 cent premium for a pair of knit socks. There was some fine stock present but as there wal no ooinetition it was not entered frfr a prem ium. Last, but not least, there was four atai hound pu; on exhibition, good for varmint or any kind of gam. The editor of th liar risburg Disseminator had a reporter on the ground taking notes, so our fair will receive t good puffing. F. M. NlUHHWANDKR. milieu Liar. The following is a list of th premium awarded: DRAIN. Hungarian millet, Darius Russell, 1st prem ium; canary seed, Darius Russell, 1st p; pop; corn, M L Moore, 1st p, Darius Russell, 2d; hoperton oats, W I Coleman, 1st p; white Palestine wheat, Win Russell, 1st p; fosia wheat, Win Russell, 1st p; white Russian oats, L Moore, 1st p; Belgian oats, M L Moore, 1st p; King riulip corn, Al U .Moors, 1st p. rm'ITH. Fall butter )sar, Win liussell, 1st p; pound ear, Win Russell, 1st p; whit Isabella grnies, Wm Russell, 1st pi black graies, K P Coleman, 1st; quinces, E P Coleman, 1st p. HHEKP. Oxfordshire, J A Crow, 1st p; Lelchsster shire, J A (.'row, 1st p. HORSES. Running, J A Crow, 1st p. VEUKrABLK-S. Carrots, M II Harlow, 1st p; beets, M H itarlow, 1st p; turuljis, A Hemenway, 1st p; M II Harlow, 2d p; mammoth squash, Wm Russell, 1st, tomatoes, A Hemenway, 1st p, Wm Russell, 2d p; red xpper, Win Russell, 1st p; squash acorn, Wm Russell, 1st p; pota toes, early rose, Wm Russell, 1st p. ' CANNED fRUlTa, fltM, ETC. Pumpkin pie, Mira NlghsWAnder, 2d p; cresitl pie, peaches- canned, raspberries canned, gtmseberrie -calmed, blackberries presetted, Mrs A J Nighswander, 1st on each; blackberries, canned, Mrs Kate Russell, 1st p, Mr A J Nighswaiidrr, 2d p; huckleberries, canned, Mrs A J Nighswander, 1st p; plums, canned, Mrs Kate Russell, 1st p; pears, canned, Mr Kate Huaiell, 1st p; currant jelly, Mrs Kate RiiM.II, 1st p. Util'ELLAXROt'R. Patch work quilt by girl 11' year old, Miss II Hemenway, 1st p, Minnie Ozment, 2d p; feathered spread, Mary Hayes, 1st p; childs' knitted collar, Mr A J Nighswander, 1st p; round stand cover, Mi A J Nighswander, 1st pi crochet tidy, Mis Alice Doak, 1st p appli que chair cushion tidy, Mr Kate Russell, 1st p; nepher needle work, Martha Holland, 1st p; embroidered sack, Mima Harlow, 1st p; embroidered Work, M E Brown, 2d p; home made yam, Mr White, 1st p; knitted mitts, Mr J S Douglas, 1st p; knitted tidy, Mr J 8 Douglas, 1st p; knitted sooli Miss Cynthia Crow, 2d p; quilted quilt, Lillie Douglas, 1st p, Mr Annia Simpson, 2d pj erochet lamp mat, Mr Annie Simpson, 1st p; pillow cases, Mr J S Douglas, 1st p crayon paintings, Mima Harlow, 1st p; markl block, Mima Harlow, 1st p; rioe paper paintings, Mamie Harlow, 1st p; oil painting, Mr Russell, 1st p; biquetof flowers, Mr Alice Doak, 1st p; family of birds, Mr Kate Russell, 1st p. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. Boot jack, Darius Russell, 1st p, 25 oents; pumpkin pie, E Orodcll Douglas, 1st p, 25 cts; knitted locks', Maggie Osment, 1st p, II AO; knitted shawl, Mrs Robert Ware, 1st p, 91 00; largest selection of articles exhilrited by one person, Mr A J Nighswsnder, tl 00. LlLLll DoUOLAR, Secretary. Smithfield Items. Smithwalp, Oct 22, 188)1. Coyote still continus to destroy sheep here. Mr Andrew wil' teach A writing school here soon, as a dans of ten or more can be formed. Spelling school at Smithfield every Wednes day nigh. All are invited. Elemeutry And Sanders' books not debated. G A Dorris, County Surveyor, was here this week surveying for G W Gtlston, it H Erit soe, Jas Taylor and Ben Hyland, David McDee, B F and H T Smith, C Crone, Newtm Bryant, Jeff Davis, and Luu Baker went thb week to Alsea, to hook th finny (rib The RmithfttM Sporting Club held iU first match here Saturday, Oct 20th. The following cur was maki Sfeth Harpole..., 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0-7 (i W Uihson... ...... 1001011111-7 F hVate 1 10100101 16 J P Lale 0 0 111 1 0 0 0 1-5 J A (jibsnn .....1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-5 ('ha Lairs Q 1 1 9 0 0 0 0 1 1-4 lieo Beck Absent Another match will be had Saturday, (Oct 27th, at 1 o'clock, on th shouting grounds near Fire! An alarm of fir was given last Sat urday evrnlng about 9 o'clock, Both fir com panie turned out and sooa sitinguishd ths fire which was in an old sUM north of th county jail Two bows were in th rtable ; J A Gibson' place. Parties aot member of belonging to Mr Geo W Patrick; one w- 1 the club may enter hi the match by p-yirrg a saved by Dow Huff, but it wa impos-bl to ' fee of 25 cents. save the other poor brute, and It wa shot and REorLA. killed by om humane person before beirg burned. It h thought that th fire caught ' Circuit Court Docket. Tbe following U th docket for tlx Circuit Court of I an County, which convene In fills city Monday, Nov 5, 1883: SUU of Oregon Yi J H Dickinson; assault with a dangerous waon. SUU of Oregon vs Jas Barrett; Iarceuy in dwelling. R V Howard v V KraU t al; to ttl partnership! Clara M Baer rt al, v Thonia Mulholland kt al; partitiobi E W Whippl and Bru v O Robinson; to Ncover Woneyi C E Chrisman vs J B Undsrwood t al; con. Urination. Board of School Land Commissioners vs Wm Hollandworth; foreclosure. E W Whipple and Bro's v Huff and IWbia on; to recover money. E W Wblppls and Bros v A C Huff; to re cover money. M O Kitchey rt al v JosUh Craig t al; partition suit F A t'hsnoweth VI The Murray t al; fore closure. W 8 M. Fadden and J Laughlin v Ellen Murray et al; suit for partition. S H Crow et al vs L Salomon et al; suit for partition. Jerry Varnell vs J B Underwood et al; con firmation. B Brenner v A Wechenheluierand Damon Smith; continuation. A I Nickliu v EsUU of John Thompson, deceased; appeal; Harriett L Chichester vs M W McMurrv; (or leave to Issue execution. W R Drury et al vs John Drnry et al; suit for partition. Hovey, Humphrey and Co Y J W Dougher ty and wife; firreclnaur. C W Murphy vs J II Bond tnd O D Clark; uit to recover fnortey. New .Hugland Mortgage Security Co vi Caleb Davis et al; foreclosure. M J Allen vi 3 W Allen; divorce. L W Maupln vi L L Maupin; divorce. Hovey, Humphrey and Co vs J W Dougher ty; to reenter mousy. W W HlnKin vs M E McClaln et al; suit for partition: W 8 Humphrey v J W Dughrty et al; foreclrrYure. J H Hohblni and Son r A J Barlow; to re ooW money. A Coolridgt v rj C Morgan; to recover money. W II Daber vs J J Butler t al; to recover mrmey; Lane' County Mercantile Association vs A W Horn; to recover money; Sarah Uyman v T J I.fndslsy; to fscovsr uionsy, W H HaydeH et al vrf W W Pftisr et-al; suit for partition, Lucreti MoMurry t M V? McMurray; for leave to Issue (Xeeutkm; County Mercantile Association vsCum niln and Gilbert; to reobver money. Cieorge William vt R Duty; to recover inonsy , M M Ellia v Lydi J Paxtori and B Z Tax ton; foreclosure, A W PatUrsoa v L M, ThMmta t al; for sciHo perfi.rmanc. 1 Emma Ward v Samuel Ward; nit for di rorce. L 0 M Association vs Orren Brrrwusotf; id recover money. L C M Anxiatlon vs J R Purkerson; to re cover money. Laitd and Bush vs A M Thornton; to recover money. Minnie Clit vs A Clit; suit for divoros. Samuel Ward vs Alfred Wilson; to recover money. Daniel Smith vs II II Eristo etal; fore closure. Margaret Allison vs Amu Wllkins; to set Aside deed. Ann E PoindexUr vs W C lite) to recover money. louis Salomon vs J A Bushnell; to recover inonev. M H Harlow v W A PotUr; to recover money. Oregonlan R It Co vt H L Thompson; lor r'ght of way. New England Mortgage Co vs Geo M Whit ney et al; foreclosure. Personal. Dr Chase, of Salem, wa In town on day this week. Mr J E Fenton mail a brief trip to Portland this week. Mr Geo Kincald, of th Journal, visited Portland this week. Mr W II Odel', editor of the Statesman, wa in town on dsy thi week. Mr Trter Runey, proprietor of th Foley Springs, ha been in town during th past weak. Mr W W McGuIre, f th East Portland Vindicator, gav us a pleasant call on day thi week. Mr Dav E Rice, who ha been working at hi trail In Portland for ths past six or seven months, I In the oity visiting friends Judge Bean left yesUrday morning for Day ton, W T, where hi family hu been visiting for ths past two week. Ha will return next week. Mr Geo S Washburn Wa In Albany t couple of day thi week, in attendance upon th Linn bounty Circuit Court II returned horn Wednesday. Mr T J Smith, who, a short tim tine left for th Couer d' Alen mine hss returned to thi city. He went a far as Rathdrum, where he learned that It wa almost Impossible to get Into th mine, about 120 mile disUnt from that city, a it wa a very rough country and it wa snowing dally. Pistol Drawn. Last Saturday eveuing a young man by th name of Caple got into a dispnU at th skating rink with W II A' exander, when he called Mr A into Another room And drew a cocked pistol on him. which wa Ukea from Caple by hysUnders Thursday Caple and two other young men ware arrested, and fined by Recorder Wash V.nrne. W learn that the faculty of the University ha expelled two of th young inmi for carrying concealed weapons, sod drunken ii es. 8TATF UNIVERSITY. A eVflunm devoted to the InteresU of the Laurtan and KuUxiaa Literary Societies, And ths Stxts University. JlftNII McClOKI. .Editor. CoAX.-Mr John Brown, Sr, called at this office on day thi week and showed n aa sr of corn that contained 774 grains. Wbo eaa beat it? Mioni Train wa in town vuiting friend lut week. There are 180 (tudeaU tending ike University. Edgsr McClare paid hft horn a flying flAlt (Art week. Th room1 occupied by Prof VYoukoook hu besjtf furnished with a new clock; Prof Johnson' Livy clae hu flniibed that tudy and will now tk np Tacitus. On gscoitnt of tl'e PfcsMenf vigilaot watch allelic) uow riltfui in th halt. Mr fO Heudrick, Mr Roluey Hoott And Mr T C Wwafds rtsfted th University tbhx week. Professor: What fs th oldest sort of fkVeT English ruler called? Student tihu 6t whale, tif: Eva Rogera cam tin last week fo see Uf ister Uura; whd bu qeen qu'Ko tick witff typhoid lever. Last week Hattfe Dickinou,' Luln Sksggs Emms iKirri nd Maggi SUnsbury igue-f th cointitntion. Jams Slater, who attended the Uuiversil three year ago, I n6w fn VffgTuiA; ki th WAshington And Lee University. John McCornACk,- formerly a Uoivtriity student, i Assistant secretary of th Board of School Laud Commissioner at Slm. Th advanced German clu hu finished the book, lphigouia aufTsuris, which it com nienced during the third term of lut ysar and will now read a play translated from th French. Nellie Brown, who will fioish In lh Hofl mal course thi yesr, will not nUr antil after Chrittmu. Nolli could hav finish with th clut of '83 but wisely decided to remain another year. Th debate last week wm very interesting. The speaker teemed to enter at once int the tpirit of the question, and from the way in which tome of them reuonsd on would tluuk they were reuoner. Jeine Eakin, who expected to graduate with th clam of '84, hu loft school and d oided to (tudy law, for which purpos b ,ht gone to Union to study law under hi brother Robert Eakin, who is a prominent Th annual tociabl hold at th University on th 13th, and in charge of th Senior class, wu tfnfverrslly considered a success, A good number of new ttudenU ware present and ail, both dew And old,- trtirred in" enjoy theirfsolve. LauYa Roger, who Iim been qtiHt fik with typhoid tever, Although tlowly improv ing, it will be some time before the can oomtf to ichool again. Her sitter Eva, who came np to take care of her, will remain until the ha reonvered. lawyer ol that place. Mr Eakin by taking a few extra tndit could hav finished school ilfi year, but not being permitted to Uk these, he ha concluded to git ftp (ehool duties fur the mote senou work of life; W all join in wishing him a tuccessful oaref, Mist Anna 1'engra, a member of the cff of '8.1, ha returned horn from hef' ttip across the mouuUin where the hat locating land. W did not hear here) lh land th had Uken wm ituatdi whether" among the "hills" or tome "twift" rotrmf stream. Prof Coiulou's clut it, boUny hsA C6m. nienced snalyxing flowers. Thi i on at the most interesting parU' of the (tudy, and the ttudenU enjoy it very nfaoh. The elm will finish the text book thi Urm bnt inf th Spring the field work will be tonrmaet again. On Friday the inefcty wa favofod hj tl visitor who came a little before S O'clock; and who teemed fery An x ion to' dispos et nine book. II wa informed teverAl timet thst the one society had no power to put chase. At lasts more than half an fcooV having passed, th toeiety wm Called to' order by the President Aud the perseveriog book Agent withdrew. Th question for dobU next week lit "Resolved thst th next President!!1 elce tion should be a Republican victory." Leftist on the adirmative, Leu MoCowM eoV leagues, Emily Bristol, Bettre 8hW Ktea Moore; leader on the negative, Anna Patter- ton, culleaguet, Bessie Day Ida Patterson and Ossis'WsHoDV Considering the aatUr of th question rr animated debaU if x- pected, Lut week the ttodenU usembltd in th auditorium to hstou to A few plam Ut oieott uiaiI by President Johuson; And some of the laws governing the SUte of Oregon read by Prof Bailey; Room were aatlgotd to th different ttudoDt as follows: 8enrore, Jnuiort and Normal Junior will oocorty Pre Johuson s room, Sophomore snd Freehv men will occupy Prof Bailey' room; wh th remaiuing ttudenU will tit in the fur) now used by Profs Burke and Streuty. (- 3 Dr Hinkle, Principal of the NarfoWsl ter. gical Institute, WeJteru Divrsron; 919 Busk street, Sau Francisco,' will be at th Chsme keU Hotel, Salem, Nov 1st ami 2J; st the ilevere House, Albany, Nov 3d Aud autil tlio5tli; At the Sttharlu Hotel, Eugene City, Nov 8th and 7th i at the Mtropolitaa I loUl, Uosebnrg, Nov ttth ; and At the St Clutrlee Hotel, lVthui.1, Nov 22nd And 23d, 18S3, for th purpos of xaininrog and Ukiug patienU for thi iuititate. Diseases of the spine, limbs,- deformities, parslysis And alt chruoie diseases,- specialties. Reference given. CmiEs or Jcucnos! Mr R M Mulbo'. whiU kidney, lepoard. eariy go.lrig. 1st p. ' (rom . u, or m. Dche. eareWly Ma murnM '" ?" Ira Hawley, gnett chilli, one bill 20 IU, , thrown down by Mr Patrick. The Ice wu . wlth. Tf 1 fiM. tck of nw drop. Give lit p; Foster, 1st p. Isaao BarckUy, peer- eoly twmiiwL' Makaili At theresUeace t4 it Hannes, Oct 21, 188.1, by J HandsaW, Mrs Thos Dm!, son and Miss Eliaa B Ikrjsjes, All of Goshen. Foa Saul Fowr bfrndred busl.el of No 1 kin a sail and examine bis ttotk.- Fall seel wheel t for setVcmwioir. Applto'JJ Walton, Jr pAAOosEa-Joho C Cartwright, wb wu sehtenced to the penitentiary About eighUea month sgo,bas been pardoned by Gov Moody. He returned bom to thi county about two weeks ago. Bi'k5in.-Corvallis had a 20.000 (Ire last Friday evening. D R Lakin, of this eity, bad a butkboard and a aet of harness bunted in the fire, and two of his horse, aatrswly escaped kes log b irned to death,