r r to ESTABLISHED FOB THE BISSElimiM OF DESOCBiTIC FRISJIfLES, ISO TO MM AS HONEST LIVING BT TOE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. CITY (iOARfl - , . .. ..jx.-. ,.,. , .--...J-J-Vfrr- TV ....nf tun, , .i-nrr-Mi itnimi VOL. 16. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1883. NO.i lltn Gag-fat Sity Guard. I. L. CAMPBELL, Publisher ani Proprietor. FflCS-O tHiEutslle of Willamette Isreet between Sevsntb aud Eighth Streets. ODE OXLT KITES OF ADVKHTISINQ. Adv ertissments Inserted M follow, t A ........ in lina n Imi nni inutrtton M wjuwi u 1 - - ask subsequent insertion $L Cash required in Tim advertiser will be charged at the fob wlag rates: t(ee tw three months W 00 w ait month. 8 00 - " one Year 12 00 ' ' Transient notice, in local column, 20 cent, per ae ler eecn insertion. ' Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. V JU1 job work must be faiii fob om mtuvsnT. POSTOFFJCK. ! - Bnn -From I a. m. to J p. m. HnnH.Ts (S errlre. from the until n1 loerea ruins north H ... in, ArriTda irom am surtu n-i ic" rimhr a ash itlUi. -a. For Smislaw, franklin and Ion if r.T'n r, L. .-4 . .11. at I M UlWr will bt iwtf for 4eliwy half n honr ft 4 .viral iot. litttAratnouia w mi w .M., before tamwwo, w. . NEW Mil! aLt OCIKTIES. w . Va 11 A V. and jL.lt. r1leeU tret mod third W.Hnesdays in each meats. uwm mimi T.onnB No. ft tO, IV, B, MCVM.'V' - 1 " ?rfit tf.u.Mill VMH1VJBHKIIT Ko. A Mta the Mend n weaaeaoaj. " Kuuix LoDag, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meets at Masonic tUU the eecond and fourth fndays in each month. J. M. Sloa. M. W. r,m.iirPnaf V.. 4.1 d. A. FL Meets -1 Mwnio HUl, the ttnt ami third Frid y of aeh menth. Uy order, CjMiIxiKK. OaniiR or Obokph Fbikxhb. Meet., the fret and third Sutunhy evenindr at .Ma.nio XalL By order of J. M. Sloan. U C. BfTTl Lonat Xo. 337. I. O. O. T. Meets rery S.turdky night in ) II FellowV tlll. . K O. I'orrsR, W. 0. T. Lui!ii Stab Bixtx'r Hopii -Met. nt the . P. rinri)h eviry .S in I y nf t;rn-on at 3M J. I. Hvwton. Suit.: Mi. Brtha('o!, Ast Sept: Cim. IMU.Wy. M; Hutie Smith. (Tl.nlaia. Vi.itor. m v le r;lcom. I B. DUIFS. A. GENERAL on in nni o J.E. F EXT ON, f '"' Attrapy-at-Laiv. EUQEHE CITY - - - OREGON. ft. L TBARA.1, ALBANY. L. BILVKI', KUGENC STUAUAN St HILVKU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, KUGENK CUT, ORKG0N. PRAOTICK IN ALti THE .'O0 RTj OK this State. They K'e caiiil ntUintion eellectioru and prolwte m.ittiri. ff 101-)er W. K. C.' Ef.irm o!Ria GE9- B- & 33- A. DM13, Attorneys and Cv'iiisellors at-Law, WILT, PRACTICE IX THE COURTS of the Second Judicial District aud in (he Supreme Court of tlii. State. Special attention given to collection, and attar, in probate Ceo. S. Wa3hburne, . Attorn cy-at-Laiv, EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON Ofne formerly occupied by Thompson & Be. jyrfra-J CEO. M. MILLER, Ittarney and Ccuas3lloat-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON. OTFICE-Two door north of Post Otito. Dr. Wm Osborne, Office Adjoining St- Charles Hotel, t-OB ATTHK IIW 8T02S OF H4TE3 and 1UCKET. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, C AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFF. ,E or res idence when not professionally eu.-a-ed. 'Office at the ' ' POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth atreet, opposite Prrnby rial Church. DR. El G.CLARK, Graduate of th. Philadelphia Dental College.) O DENTIST, IUGEXE CITY, OREG'.N. GOLD . FILLING3 A SPECIALTY. Artificial teeth mie to orler. Teeth itracteJ without pain. Ail work f ully war ranteji Office in brick bailUn over the Graaeitore. -i JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT.; J. S. LUCKEY, " SXAliB IS jcks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. ..Ticpairing Promptly Executed . trill Wrh Tarraate4. j "'v-.V . k J. 8. LUCCKV, f IWrtb h Co l Bri k WXanette itrtet. A large assortment of La dies and Chiklrcns Hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Dress Goods at 121c- Rest Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CL01IIING. TiimminSilks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks Velvets in Colors. Die finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. ROOTS and SHOES :nall grades- GROCERIES of all descriptions. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure ! ! TWO 3PTE2,3:C?33S I CASH' AM) Dm.icyx3P9 LJATROXIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND SCHOOL HOUSES, whone inleronte are your iuUirestM 1 Are ueruuiiuntl located aud spend their profit, at home. Take notice that- A. V. PETERS, Will sell i'ood. for CASH at irreatly reduced prices, aa low a. any other ('ASH STORE. Best Prints lb and 18 yards 81 00 ! Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and L Best Brown and Ubached Muslins, 7, 8, U, and 10 cts. Clarks and Brooks spool cotton 75 cts per Doz. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35: V, and 50 ots. Water Proo , cents Kino White Shirts, 75 eta and 81. New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15, '.'0 aud 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 00 ct Mens' Ovcrsliirts, 75 cts, and (1. Mens' Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cts and tl. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Low Prices. And a!l Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. Also the Celebrated WHITE SK N- NO MAOHNE ! T,.ne b.ttor for sfrenirth. size, and durability). At ercatly reduced rates. 'JaT To my old Customers, who have stood by me so I m(r, I will eontinus ti sell on sam t rm. as heretofore on tim, but if at any time they wish to make CASH purchases, I will give all ini, as others, the full credit on iny reduction A. V. PL I KRS fl hp T5 Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash Or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and see. S. II. Friendly. CRAIN BROS. to5lA DEALERS ti7y ili. 'K: I. y;klUiaS Witcbfi i Jewelry. Musical instruments, Toys, Notion, ate Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Xortbwea corner of Willamette and Eighth streeu. WTTTTCf B fl pro mar K. fnB1 n fIV at 0 A II i ATilXXiA V. hnw-ll k Co' JirWMW-f B BUENA VXSTA STONE WARE iro T. O. HtMVKlCKS A. O. BOVrr, H. C. HUMPHREY, W. T. HIT, Notary. Attorney. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, IIUMPftREY b CO EUGENE .CITY, - - OR. Deposits reueired subject to check. Ians inale on approved securities, ijie'ht Drafts drawn on PORTLAND, PAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. Eichaoxt drawn on the principal Cities of Eiimrie. Collectioms made on all points and a general Banking busineea transacted on, avnrahle terms, illt. KUQKNE CITV HUSINESS UIEECTOEY. BKTTMAN, O. Dry goods, clothing, groeeriee and general mrchandiae, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth streeU. BOOK STORK-One door south of th Aitor Hooat. A full stock of assorted box papers plain and fancy. CRAIX BROa -Dealer in Jewelry, Watch es, (Hocks and Musical Instruments Wil lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. DORRLS, B. F. -Dealer b Stovet and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. FRIENDLY. 8. H.-Dealer In dry goods, clothing ana general merchandise Ulam- tte street, between Eighth and Ninth. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug- (Ut, Postoffice, WUlantetVe reet, between Seventh and Eighth. HENDRICKS, T. Q.-Dealei in ireneral mtr tchandise northwest corner Willamette end Muth streets. HODES, C Keeps on hand fine wines, llq ors, cigars and a pool and billiard tablet Willamette street, between Eighth ana Ninttv HORN, CHAS. R Gunsmith. Rifles and shot-guns, breech and muulo loeders, for sail. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on 9th street LUCKEY, J. -Watchmaker and Jeweler) keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN. JAMES -Choice, wines,llnuors, and cigars -Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. PATTERSON, A S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM.-Dcalerto Saddlery, Har ness, Carriage Trimming's, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standard school books just received at the post office. RENSHAW. WM.-Wnes, Liquors, and Ci gars of the best quality kept constantly on hand. The best billiard table in town. RHINEHART, J. B.-House, sign and ear riags painter. Work guaranteed first class. Stock sold at lower rates than by anyone In Eugene. SCHOOL SUrrLIES-A law Bnd H1 assortment of slates of all sizes, and quantities of slates and slate-books. Three doors north of the express oltice. WALTON, J. J. -Attorney at-Law. Offioe- Willamette street, between Sevenlli ana Eighth. . NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. TkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL ll Sheen owners that they must dip their sheep aa soon a. sheared IK DISEASED. The (aw makes provisions tost wnen tne owners inu to do so, that the Inspector shall cause it to be done at their expense. 8 D. COATS. Sheep Inspector for Iana Co, Or. J2JJ2nSilaSlllSS3lB fcsep Always Care and norar dlsstp ointe. The) world's grea-tPnia" Beliarar for Man and Beast. Cheap, auiok ud reliable. . PITCHER'S CASTOItIA Is Dot Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers llc, and Physicians recommend CASTOItIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, Hays FcverUhncss, and de stroys Worms. WEI SE METER'S CA TARRH Cora, st Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala sly, by Absorntion. Ths nos Ijnportaat Diaoowerjr slnoe Vao einatioa. . Other remedies may -relieve Catarrb, tlia cares at any atage before Consamption eets lit. fl, DIALIB If Groceries ""J Provisions, Will keep on band a genera assortment of Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, CigaiV Candies, Candles, Soaps, Notions. Green and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS- Which means that Low Prices are Established saawssssssssnt Goodi deliured vilbont (barge U Bijci ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE VVANTEC Y"r which we will pay the blhrtmsrket price. JA U fAiit lioDt Honey.' In a late nurubr of lUrper'i Maga zine, a story appeared embodying a tme discjuinition on money. Tbia is tha most of it: When one man ha money and another has not, they contond for its posseaaion. This is ,trada or robbery, according to circumiitance& There arn three usea for money the ate of getting it, the use of keeping it, and the dm of spending it Conse quently it clnsmfien the bulk of man kind into money-getters, money-keepcri and money Mpendora. Except the miwra we read of in novel, men do not love money for iUelf, any more than soup ticket,or baggage chocks, or promissory notes, or title deeds. The "love of money" is the pleasure of mental functions in getting or keeping or spending. The ipongo and the spend thrift are equally guilty with the miser. The class of money-getters includes merchants, gold-miners, pickpockets, politicians and profesnional beggars. Americana are great money getters, but they do not care to keep it Hence this is a country of great incomes, but small fortune's. The class of money keepers is small. Literary men are not fond of it Law yers are good at keeping money, par ticularly if it is other pcoplo'a Money, like some other essences, has a pungent, sweet taste; but to keep must be corked tightly. It evaporates in the open air, and the vapor is called inter cm A mortgage is a condensing in strument which enables a money-keeper to evaporate a money -spender. The class of mouey-spendors includes the majority of mankind, It is natural to spend money beforo we get it We are born to this, aud cost a great deal In-fore . we can earn anything, The power to get into debt is essential to the happiness of all shiftless people, in cluding most of tho governments of Europe. College students and mar ried women, who have no capacity to bind thouiHelvcs, sutiufy this propensity by getting their fathers and husbands into debt if possible. Money is like gunpowder. To make it carry, charges should bo, carefully measured and well rammed down. Its explosive power depends on the tight ness with which you hold it Scattered loose it Hzzlos away with no elfuct Wcttoa Destroyed by Fire. A Ere broke out iu an old stable in Weston, Umatilla county, on Wednes day night, Oct. 17th, at 0 o'clock, and before the flames could be checked the i business portion of the town was con eurued. The fire lasted but an hour and was the work of an incendiary. The loss is over $150,000, with lens than a third insurance. There is no engine or fire company in tho town and the citizens were almost powerless. A stiff southwest wine blew at the time, and drovo everything before it The following are the loMtes: Rowland k Powell, $7,500, insurance, $3,000; Geo Hayes, $3,0u0, no insurance; S. V. Knox, $2,5 ', insurance $1,150; N. B. ULobe, $2,500, insurance, $1,500; W. A. Simpson, $300; J. J. Smith, $200; F. M. Pauley, 5,000, insurance, $2, 500; Adam Knox, $100; S. O. More house, $300; J. W. Young, $2,500; J. H. Weaver, $700; Ridenour k Eagg, $1,000; Ridenour Bros, f 5,000, par tially insured; 3. E. Jones, $18,500, insurance, $5,500; C. W. Depuy, $C00; L Dupark, $350; J. W. Oslwme, $100; N. Dusenbury 4 Co., $10,000, in- sursnce, $20,000; W. Felenghaur, $100, W. IL McCoy, $3,000, insurance, $1,. 000; L E. Sailing, $1,700, insurance, 1,000; J. B. Dupuis, $3,500; Thomas Purcell, $2,0U0; Jacob Frazier, $800, probably insured; Mrs, Coffey, $700; J. B. Schooling, $250, proUbly in surd; C. F. Bullinch, $300; Singer a M. Company, $500; J. W. Miller, $2,- 000, insurance, $1,000; Isaac Sylveittcr, $3,000, said to be insured for $1, GOO; Nelson Swaggsrt, $300; WaUon estate, $250; AU Childera, $3,000, in sured; & Doble, $300; I. O. O. F $230; A. F. A A. M., $250; Jacob Harfmaii, $300; Porter Graham,. $ 000; J. F. Adams, $1,600... SAN JVANUMBf.sal.by T.G.HENDRICKS,. 't i There is one lawyer for evert TOO p r.ple in tlii United States, , OREGON AND WASHINGTON. Seattle has established fire limits; Tho Seattle and Olympia pioneers' are going to organize an association, Astoria is said to be favored with' plenty of fish and game the year round, The daily catch of salmon' at the Co- quille calinery is reported to' be a little' less than 2,000. y Pilot Rock is improving very fast A new4 school house, which is much' needed, is being built It will, be a fine building when completed. Geo, Snodderly, who shot and killed' a Chinaman last Spring for destroying'' his mining flume on Elk creek, tear' Susanville, has been acquitted. A negro lad while attempting ' tb' couple two freight cars at Salem a few' days ago, got his hand between the' bumpers and had it badly jammed up. In spite of the recent rains the Wil lamette has continued tb fall, and the' Isabel is lying at the wharf at SaW unable to go either up or down the river. A monument to the late Bishop E O. Haven, is soon to be erected in . the' Lee Mission Cemetery, near Salem! If is to V of Boston granite, fifteen feet high, and will cost $1,030. A great many sheep have been dying recently about Heppner, from eating- what is supposed to be a poison weed.' One man is reported to have lost'' thirty-five bucks, valued at $25 a head; The Northwestern Telegraph and' Telephone Company has incorporated' under the laws of the Territory with' a1 paid up capital of $23,000. , The stock-' is divided into 500 shares of $50 each.- The corner-stone of the First Baptist Church, of Garfield, was laid several days ago. The usual ceremonies were gone through with, and a jar contain ing various documents placed under it T. F. Montgomery, of Uniontown, was found dead on the prairie near Lewiston lost week. He received a -wound on the head several years 'ago, that rendered him practically incapable of restraining from desire fcr strong drink, and it is thought that he actually drank himself to doath, Amongst tho statistics taken by one of the reporters in the Washington Ter ritory Legislature, was one showing the various roligioos beliefs of the mem bers, which sums up as follows: Liber als, H; Methodists, 4; Unitarians, 3; Baptists, 3; Catholics, 2; Presbyterians, 2; Disciples, 1; Lutherans, 1;' Univer sal is ts, 2; Episcopalians, 1; no religion, 2; Christians, 1. Very Quick Wort The Democrat, of Carrolton, Mo., says. "Un iuursdsy, Jim Lawton In vited fifty or sixty neighbors to see him beat his own time of two years ago, when his wifo baked bread in eight and a quarter minutes after the wheat was standing in the field. "At six minutes and ten seconds aftor i o'clock the Bnckeve reaper stood at the corner of the growing wheat. ' Men were stationed every few feet along the line of growing grain ready to seize an armful as it full from the reaper, and to rush with it to the thresher close by., The mill was just sixteen rods distant. At the drop of the hat the mules sprang to work, and in a minute and a half a peck of threshed wheat was in. the sack, anrJ on a horse that begun a race for the mill. A minute and seven teen seconds later, the flour was de livered to Mrs. Law ton, and in three minutes and fifty-five seconds from the starting of the reaper, the first griddle caHe was eaten. In four minutes-and thirty seconds from the starting of the reaper a pan of biscuits was passed out to the spectators." ' e n "Yes," said the tobacconist " thought at on time tint I should, get stuck on those cigars. I bought 50,000' of them and trurd to- sell them foe' five cents apiece, boi was no use. One day the ten cent laUl got into a box of them by mistake and I sold 100 of them in les than, twenty minutes, I tumbled to the rocket and kept ths label to the box, Have gone of 'i& hot cakes aince then snd these are all ' I have got If ft out of the 30.C00 lot Boston, Transcript