THE EllOEHE CITY GUARD. 8ATUEDAY OCTOBER 20, )m Editorial Mn. Fred Douglass say the recent Su promt Court decision lias set the Rt publican clock back twenty odd yam The election of 1884 will stop it dead. . There are now twenty-nine Demo cratic Governors in the United States gainst nine Republicans. Nearly all the large cities of the Union liavo Democratic Mayors. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided the civil rights bill unconstitutional. Had this decidion been mado by a Democratic court, there would now be a general howl among our loyal brethcrn. Judge Hoadly is, according to the Cleveland Leader, a railroad wrecker, lathis respect ho resmblos Samuel J. Tildea Republican Taper. Yes, and he appears to be a pretty goid wrecker of the Republican parly. The result m Ohio next year will ficl be doubtful. As the election in Ihe preceding year so is the Presiden Vial election in Ohio so political liintory Vloclares. For twenty years the Dem ocrat have not carried the ante-Fresi tiential election in that state. From this it is easy to deduce that next year will be an "off year' like this year. We learn with pleasure, says the New York Sun, that the biography of the late Judge Black will be written, and his papers, essays and speeches be edited by his distiiiL'uihhod son, the present Lieutenant-Governor of Penn syhania. The work will lio of high interest No man ever put more ideas into his words than Judge Black, or put them into words more fresh and fitting; and no one can be better qua! tried than his son to prepare hi liter ary remains for tho public. The bnslaught on the Northern Pa ciho and Transcontinental continues, each attack seemingly more fierce than the preceding one, The forces bt ought to "bear" Thursday ac midday forced (he latter down to 39 and later at 38. All sorts of sensational rumors are afloat,' among thorn, tho report of the Intended resignation of Yillard from Che presidency of the Northern Pacific The truth seems to be that one person Inows about as much as another con cerning the possibilities and probaUli tie's' of the case. Reports like the stocks themselves are in a speculative mood, ready for any extravagance on either hand. Whilu in Portland recently, wo learned that there is a project on foot to give J II Mitchell the Republican nomination for Congress next year, for his vindication, and for the further purpose of civins him the inside i track for the seat in the U. S. Senate now occupied by Hon. J. II. Slater. Although beaten in 1882 by that arch monopolist, J N Dblph. it is will known a large majority of the Republicans of Oregon swear by Mitchell, and there would be little doubt of the sto esi of tli i scheme. The Democrats are pleased over the prospr eta t a Republican bear- tight and hope that the btalwarts will succeed in their plans. Jacksonville Times. A Card. The moit of my goodi were tsyed at the sacrifice of other good thrown overboard, ud I will have to pay my ehare of the lot, and m money i the principal factor in the business, I will deem it a favor fur thuee in oebted to me to call and make payment ai loon as possible. With thank for your pat ronage, l am respeciiuny, F. B. Dins. Money to Loan, nuir- Not Lout. It wa all a mistak about my good being thrown overboard, but the fact . I have more goodi than I have room for, Chi V tarma. on mirored necuritv. bofSanlV11 ""'" and I invite yoor attention to the .rget omt'E: In the bulldluz formerly occmiled bv Hovav A in i . . . . numpnrey. lha iAL"IH. Taxesl Taxes!! Taxpayer! picas take notice that the tax ro!I for 1883. for Lane County, Oreiron; is how in my banda for collection Prompt Kettle' meuta are requested. J. It. CAMFBELL, Sheriff end Tax Collector, Lane Co., Or. Dted October 2, 1881 , - , ' Attention Ladikm (Living eecured the agency for the celebrated Butterivk patterns, I ihall keep on hand a full atock of ail kind, receiving each month direct from New Yoik tr!e latent tyle. I ihall alto keep for aale at 13 cents a copy, the Dtlmeator, the best and cheapest monthly magatine ia the world. Any lady doiiring the quarterly catalogues can have them Irto oi cuarge oy caning at my itore. , JJ. UCN.f. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. EroRNK, Oct 19 1883. Wheat -82 cU on board cars. Oots-50ct nett. Hop --19 eti per lb; none offering.' Sidee-13. Hnina-irlC. ., Shoulders- 10fal2.' l.ard -lfi. Buttfr-30(ft.3.-fc Kkb 30 et per do, l'otatoes -DOu wr bunhol. . . Bring your butter to G. Hottman If you want the highost price: nlao all kinds of pro duce. aim man aesirnui ihki ui brought to Eugene. Good are cheap. See iue it believing. Come and '. . Y. B. Dons. 1 Seme la the Si nine Ex-Sergeant at Arms French, in his Interesting lecture, "Ten years Among the' Senators," relates tho following Smutting anecdoto concerning Senator Davis of West Virginia: "Tliero was Davis of West Virginia, From the humble position of a' brakesman upon tire railroad ho had fought his upward way to two honorablo elections to' the Senate, An industrious, useful, lion orable member; a dilligent, conscicii tlouiworkor on appropriations com mltteei, and, with Windom, earnest in all flbrti for improving and cheapen ing transportation from' the interior to the soaboard. It is wonderful how the influence of early education or early ' habits, cling to us in after-life. Sena tor Davis, who I have just told you, was in earlier days a1 brakesman) once gave the Senate an emphatic1' demon stration of this oft-notsd fact. Judge Thurman, being a generous BnuU laker, carried an iiumonse red bandanna hand kerchief, and when he arose to speak, usually as a preliminary grasped his nose with tho red bandanna and gavo a blast like a trumpet. It was well (toward morning of a wearisome all night session, and Senator Davis was asleep, hi head rosting upon his dusk. But I will say for him that he was not ' oftenjasleep in tho Senate, Senator Edmunds had provoked Judge Thurman to a speech, and,-by introduction, the Jadge unfurled his red bandanna and blew a blast of more than usual power. Mr, Davis tanj have Ven'dreaming of his younger days. At any rate he prang to his feet in 'a' half dozed con dition, and catching sight of the red flag the old signal of danger and seeming to imagine that he had heard 6 shriek of alarm from the open throt tle of a locomotive, calling for "Down brakes!" seised his desk, and by the brakesraau's firm, quick twist, wrenched it from the floor, I was not present on this occasion, and therefore cannot assert the entire truth of the entire truth of the story from personal knowledge. But it was often repeated a'out the Senate Chamber and I never heard of any of ibt cVtriU called in question." ' Brevities. For good deutiatry go to Clark. Bring your chicken to Bcttman't. For the best mixed paluts, go to Gill's, The highest cash price paid for wheat by F B Dunn. Swift k Co. will pay tho highest markot price for chicken. Go to Swift k Co. 's for fresh California candies, cracker, 4o. A fine line of silk plushes iu all ahado and grades at F B Dunn'. The only place where you can always toll your chicken ts at Buttiuan's. A full assortment of Indies, intae and cliil dren undurware at Huttmiui.s. Pacific Rubber Paint .fa the best; all shed can at Luckey and llifotnw.'s Tho largest stock of carpet, nil cloth and matting just received ut rnendly t. Freshest and finest groceries, cigar and oandiu at Swift k CoV Try them. Swift Co.' good are all new and bought for onsh, and aro (old cheap fur Cash. Hides, f ur, chicken and all kinds of pro duce bought for cushat A. Goldsmith's. Swift k Co. sell canned good, p'ut njV this -year, a cheap as can D6 bought in town. Mr 9 H Frivudly will pay tho highest onsh market price for wheat. Give him call before selling your jirain. elsewhere. NEW A 1) V K UT IS K M EN TS LANE'S. HALL F. V. STKCHHAN. . . . Managkr. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Fiiday'EvfeningijOct. 26,!883i KNOAOXMSNTOr Walters; ITlW E. E. Luckey & Co DEALERS W DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures, PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. ..".. 5 VCCESSORS To Luckey the old Ellsworth Store. ILfflSI BOOKS; Passbooks, butcher books, memo randumS. ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Orders taken for special size$. school and Miscellaneous .Books; All tlm oftmlnnl .antlinVs lv iw vo'lumo and u sets Juvenile books, SeasWo aivl Vnveily. I jhrary, Utupeis Magfizines, tte. jBib!e Depository For Lane Oounty. We linvj liecn gettuitf a l;vrgc slock of new gn'od-i acit we liave i'fcrything found in a first-class liook btor. We ulso i liiive d full stock of GROCERIES AND PeOVISidSi McCORNACK & COLLIER. Siiccpssors to CALLI80N. Military ilrns llnnd. MISS BESSIeToU ISE KING, Boton' Favorite I'rima Dnnna, THE MIRKOR QUAUTETTK. SO ARTISTS 80 Imlnreed br the entire press as being the 6uet Minstrel Organisation on the road, Look out 'or th itreet parade. Popular price. Dissolution of Co-Partnershlp. NOTICE W HEKEBY 01 VEX THAT th co Kannermhin hereUifore eiUtinir be tween J. E. and H. 1). Holt is bereb; mutually dinsulved. J. K HOLT, 8. D. HOLT. Octolwr 4, 1881 ' SloaiSeMleTrnent. NOTICE IS HEKEBY- RIVEN TIUT th nnduniuneil ailminittrator of th e.tat of A J McUamel, ueoeaedt has filed his final account ia the County Court of Lane County. Oregon, and the first Monday in November i rt for Hnal hearing". ' ii. r . .mum, AtimiBisiraicr. JOSHUA J. WALTON, Att'v. All kind ef rrs seed for sal at A Gold-' smith'-" i $25,000 STOCK OF GOODS For sale cheaper than ever offered before in- this market. Tlios wishing to purchase will do well to call upon me before making their snWtions. . . . . , . To my linn of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and" GEN TLEMEN'S CLOTHING, I calj your special attention. . .. . I expect to retire front the mercantile business, and my gooda must be sold within the next 90 days. . . , Hoping to supply all vour wants,-1 solitit an early call T. O. HENDltlCKS. ALL I ASK! Is that you do yourself justice by buying" goods whero you cuii git them the cheapest I intend to strictly adhere to LKY LOW JtUULbS in ereryllung I oflcr for sale, and in DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shies, Furnishing Gcrads 3E3TO-, Z!TC There is no doubt or question but I shall sell them very much lower than the same goods have ever been offered is this market. jrtTFleaae to call'and price the goods and youwill w that I aiu in earnest G. BETTMAN. tit's Smith and Cos, GENERAL DEALERS IN Agricultural Impleme We intend keeping a full line of first-class Farming Implements,con- sisting Of D. OSBORNE i CO.'S CELEBRATED TWINE BINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS STILLWATER ENGINES; .', .. . MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS) , .... . . JOHN DODP'SOLD RELIABLE, IIOLLINGSWORTH'S, REINDIli AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; . THE KETCI1UM WAGON; MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., 1TO, It is our intention of staying herd and we guarantee all goods sold td , i . .1 give entire saxisiacuon. Prices as liberal as any house iii the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette. Street; Opposite thi liuara unice. A DESERVING APPIiAUSE From the Inhabitants of Eugene City andSur rounding Country. i I NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Are Now Open for. Your Inspection. U y.uils 15!eaelieil Munlin imly 1.00 20 )-arils Calico onlv 1.00 12 jnnU Shirtini; only SI.M 5 yoxAt Kliiuu'l Shirting nuiy fLOO1 l(i yanU Luii-n Toweling nuiy 1.00 U nl Towels, ti ct. U'j qsiolc pi'iccs We carry a larg stock Lasnine vs am 4x10 Heavy WliiU Rbekeb only $2.00 iD.mble-wiilth Talilo Liuen 25 cts yr yard ' cfut Hose only 12 cts t '5 tviit ll'iiiilkerchiefs only 12 cts (Heavy lie.l spreads only 75 cts l.iiicn jSiU'keus per J clo J5 cts. o22 a few iiilirlts only. Our usiioi tim-iit Comprising many TliousnndH. of Silks, ti.m ' i?Miii3. All colora in 1 Antericau Drcsa (loods. Our slock of Cloaks, nnd "Wrappers is the largest South of Portland,' at Bedrock Prices'. Jim nnd Boys Clothing ti CO per 'suit aiyl upwards. Coots and Shw t I'aliulous low Prices. A WOIID TO TIIK PEOPLE OF OREGON. lVrlmps we tiny b alile tQ induce yoi to abandon tlio old beaten path o CItF.DIT AND DISASTER And hereafter travel the road where the Sign Board is marked, IXLSTOBEl All our patrons get Wealthy. Come and see us. H Harness Shoi) AVIXG OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP OS 8th STRJI ' west of Crain Bros'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that lin at tb The Most Competent Workmen; Are employed", ond I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all whma favar me with a call. . A. $. cunniB. .t. ASSESSOR'S KOTICE. aiaally leave it to doctor to recom- ' ' mend mediemfs, bnt rrker' Ginger Tonic TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, has been to neful in onr family in rclievioa 1 the of Lniulization forth Coonty ' sickness and suffering that we cannot y of Lane, State of Orejon, wiH conretis at tfc too much in it praise. Salem Argus. office of the County Clerk in Engva City, ACAKD. To all who ar aufferinir from the error and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknenn, early decay, Iom of manhood, Ac. , I will send a recii that will cure you, KKKE OF CHAKGK. Thi (Treat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. . Send a tWf ad dressed enveiop to the Key. J-cfh T. Imia.n. Stati. D, New Yorl City. 9Iond7, Spt, 1, 18S, fur tb purpose of publicly iamininf th A swfment KU and eorrecting all errors ia Tola ation, deacriptinn, qiuilitie of laads, VM r other property. All parti interwted rU tak due notice, and govern thenWves aooorw ,nt?ly" J. P. McFHERSON, - County Assssiwr Ensen City, Sept 1, 18S1