The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 06, 1883, Image 5

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    bit? .AND COUNTY,
Met In adjourned term, at the Court Hum
in Eugene City, Oct 1, 1883.
Present County Judiie Church: Commit-
I miners Stepheni anil Viatch", Sheriff Campbell
Clerk War..
In the matter of application of Gen II Bar
rett for Honor license: ordered that laid person
h T.iwa.l (11 ull anlritlinui Honor, in tilt
flee notice of final settlomeut in another town of Florence for ill month
I". f .1 I .k. 17 I.,
Walter Orayi working at Lew U ton, I T.
'Common Council ineeta Monday evening.
Eastern drummer are bocomiug plentiful,
lie dissolution notice in another column.
In the matter of the W m Lemons for road
of public easement, ordered that taid Mad of
public eaaement be establUheiL
c the matter of the levy of taxes for the
year 1883: At this time tlie Court examined
and Approved the assessment roll of Lan
County for tlie year 18t3, and ordered that the
following lew of taxes be lain upon the as-
. .. i v. ... . ... -, taxable proiicrty of J,ani (.oi'nty:
. Circuit Court will convene in tint city ' ' '
November 5th.
The Ocakd (till continue to receive new
Seethe new advertisement of McCornack
and Collier.
. Commissioners' Court adjourned latt Tuet-
oay vning.
Slt T
Dry goods something new. Call aud School
?-. Couuty lax. ..
lent at Friendly a.
, The Martha! it butily engaged collecting
delinquent city taxes.
Carpentert are butily engaged fitting up
the ew brick buildings.
Several new University students have ar
rived luring the past week.
There it a full tet of Mrt Holmea' novelt
at McCornack Collier's.
The two cfaternt have been accepted by the
committee on fire and water.
Th Mechanics Fair begins Thursday and
will continue until Oct 23th.
Bead the proceeding of the Conmiision
ers Court in aaotlior column.
. gabseribers n it ;t ttinR their paper rcgii
larly shoald notify us at once.
; Prepare for a rainy Sunday by getting a
'good story at McCornack & Collier's.
The largest stock of carpet, oil cloth and
matting juit received at Friendly'.
the circulati u of the Hoard is rapidly
noreaaiag. Advertisers should maka a note
of this.
. McCornack and Collier have just receiveJ a
Urge invoice of school books snd school sup-
Mr Ed Houiiton it jut enmmeuoing the
erection of a handsome dwelling on the Lakin
Torn Bryan departed one day this week
for Corvallit, where he ssys he goes to visit
. Frof Emery. ......
Several nice shower of win have fallen this
eek, but not enough to nlh.w the farmer to
( in plowing.
, It now only requires a vto cint stamp to
forward an ordinary letter to auy portion of
the United States!
.Tb Express Compviies( sre having all the
fan imaginable in "cn'.i't'i;'' "to, which the
p'nlia relish greatly.
Mr h It Friendly lias jiwt reouhed the lar
est isroi of c.,rpt brought to Eugene
City. Giia him a c ill.
Thelarsest end 1i'ict hit of gsiitj, ly
and yanths clotliin, and un Ivrware, jnt j
received at rnemlly a.
The Pioneer trrin was dels-el at Aiuswn 1 1
twenty-four hn-irs by the largi ferry b-at at
that point becoming dibld.
Sahfiriptiom ara hjjiiig received dfy for
theflURi, the h-rffc local paper ever pub
lish! in I.vm county. Sulxeription price
only $2 SO per yenr.
We will send the I'livvut) fron for ma year
le anyone who will send in five new sub
scribers accompanied with the cash at the
rate of $2.30 per nii'iuui for each.
The Guard job nfli'o is prepared to d
job work at Portlnndpriw. I'.-r a sample
' of our work we won'1' -all attention to the
Invitation of the Terpiiooreau Club
Commissionr r Court.
..lit 00
. And a poll of $U
In the matter of the proposed bridges ncrots
Row river and Moscby cree'; at this time
pursuant to published notice the contract for
building the bridges across Moseby creek and
Kow river was let at public outcry at the
Court House door, Monday, by K M Veatch
Superintendent, to N L Koney for the sum of
83.870. that being the lowest bid therefor. It
is ordered by the Court that said contract be
let to said Koney upou his filing an approved
bond in the above sum. And the Clerk is au
thorized to issue orders, on payment for the
same when accepted by the Superintendent,
At this time it wa ordered by the Court
that 4 per weuk be .allowed for the support
of Mrs McAlli.tter and family. . , .,
At this time the court apixunted J 0 alltce
comtable of Cottage Grove precinct, in place
cf P D Knowtou, renigned.
-'c -
'i take tho following from the Perry, (X
Y) Herald:
"A musical entertainment arranged under
the direction of Miss Clara Andrews, of Perry
Center, will be given in tlie Olin Opera House
on Friday evening, Sept 7th: Miss Andrews
will lie agisted by Miss Agnes Snyder, of
Warsaw, as accompanist, Mias Etta Moss, of
Mt Morris, and the quartette of the Perry
I'resbvterinn Church. Au additional attrac
tion will be the readings and recitals by Miss
lioughton, the elocutionist It is exptcteo:
that this tutertiininent will lie a thoroughly
enjoyable treat in every respect The artistic
reputations of those who take part scarcely
need mention. Mi Andrews has studied with
Prof Courtney, of New York, one of the finest
musical instructors in tlie country, and Miss
Miss Moss, whose nam has long been favor
ably before the public, lms been a pupil of
Prof Appy, of Kochester. Mi. Snyder, as a
lianixt, U considered highly accomplished. V e
ieain that Miss Andrews will go this fall to
Eugene City, Oregon." (
Mi Andrews will arrive in Eugene to day
with M.-s W H Abrpias, from her New York
home. V loam that the lady intends giving
enms on tlie piano to a limited uuiuh.r o
st.i lent.
A SncnET The difficulty about a secret is
that ilUk-s so many to keep it. If it has
lieen oure I iuto.your ear you wrestle with it
for a'vliile. but i! is too much for you. The
man to whom you tell it wrestles with it, and
it is tni much for him also. lie tells it, and
and to whom he tells it tells it to soma one
Ne, always in tho strictest confidence, until at
ast it c;.isss to be a secret Only one man in
h wor'd has ever, been strong enough to keep
secret entirely to himself and he died long
Uaths. - The prii-e of tickets over the
X rl!u'r:i Ta-ific r.ailrnad are as follows;
V0..1 To: ilund to Chicago, first-class $1 14,
Co! Frit.ll. late purchasing agent for tho ?S4, third class ?54; Portland to
b k C railroad, has bwn appointed store
keeper at the Siskiyou tunnel. Mr jnn i
jenss it now acting as purchasing agent.
, The Oregon Tioneers left for the East from
. . m J a .. ..... Tk Hi' ttin
.1.. . !.,Mt lonmev to their old U
WIVIlOSi kisaiaa w j " ' -j
homes, and a safe return to the Webfoot land.
Prosecuting Attorney Hnrsh was here
Tuesday, looking after the Abrains case.
Messrs Harsh and Washbiune left for Salem
Wednesday to argue the case before the Su
preme Court.
. Nearly everything now sella for I per
butheL So striking is this the case that one
iroeeryman Ulks of calling his place the one
dollar store; apples, potatoes, tomatoes, otc
are ia the list. ,
Mrs J A Freece, r L'ugene City, has Writ
tea to Judge Stearns, asking for information
of her brother.Hiram Wr!uht,whomshe has not
aeea for 14 years, havin? gn to Texas and
reported to have come to Portland. Portland
Telegram. ,
Curious typographical errors often occvr in
all newspapers, but rarely one more ludicrous
than the one in the "Temperance Column,"
of the Albany Democrat It wad "Action of
Alcohol upon the Baby," which of course
should have been "Aetion of Alcohol upon
the Body."
Our friends will bear In mind that onr stock
of drugs, druggist' sundries, pure wines and
brandies for medicinal purposes will be more
complete this fall than ever. Brandy 1 00 to
92 60 per bottle at to quality. ,.. : .
'ton i!3(J 15, second class $102, third
las ST3: Portlaud to New York f 137 23,
second class $101, third class 71; Portlaud
o St I'aul, Miun, 5100, teennd class $75,
'lird class 550. The above is the rates for
Jl Uooo'lDEAt It would be a good idea if
th committee on the recent Fourth of July
alebration would appropriate the money
.remaining in' their hands to assist in fixing
up the Firemani Hall.
JjitAiiE. We regret exceedingly to iufonn
ear many readers that the pleasant and affable
01 Thompkina, of Albany ,U violently insane,
and is kept in iroos at hit none, ip tjut city.
Ik ia thought that business soperindued he
attack. . . w. V -
G Roust Caught. A wild grouse one dy
thi week deliberately flew into the agricul
tural depot of Messrs Smith and Cox, on
' Willamette street, and was ( caught by Mr
Co. He gave the fine bud to Mr ln
Crain who wil) keep"' it for a pt. Nearly
very Fall grouse are killed within the city
- limlU, but are ery aeldom caoght alive.
Vaoiasct. A young man, who live
oath ef town was' arrested and convicted
of vagrancy tbe first of the week and je
was aeatenoed to ten days imprisonment in-Ute-city
jail; but somehow he escaped be
fore being imprison l.
The Old and tub New STAMPS.-jMany
! ersons tetin to think that the old two-ceut
stairfp fs tics longer in circulation. Everyone
having such stamps is hereby informed that
tlTtir are as available for letter postago as
tho new ttainps, and may be uted just as
long as there are any on hand.
tta'ch SO. James Whe elan's harness shop
was closed Tuesday on ft writ of attachment
in the hands of Sheriff Martin in favor; of
Main and Winchester, of Sau Francisco, ft is
thought Mr Whee'an will tettle the difficulty
with his usual promptness. Pendleton East
To Pomt.Asn Mr Kilcy Bean, late rail
road agent at Junction City, was in town
the first of the week visiting relatives and
friends. Thursday he left for Portlaud.
where he ha accepted a position in Wei's,
.... x 1
r argo 4 Cos oil ce.
Fine Ghapks. Mr J H Sellars, who. lives
near Goshen, left at this office last Saturday,
a cluster ot grapes of the White California
variety. They were excellent, which fully
proves tint Oregon can raise1 as good grapes
as aiiv Stat3 ia the Union. .
Wild Geese. Many flocks of wild geese
passed ove.r Eugene last Thursday evening.
Our uimrods are cleaning op their shot guut
to day, preparatory to a general tlaughtcr of
Lost, About two weeks ago, between
Junction and Eugene, a gray coat belonging
to a little girl eight yea s old. The finder
.will confer a favor by tending it to J A Win
tei, Eugfne. .
i!aw Stcdesth. A class of thirty law stu
dents vas admitted to practice in the Supreme
Court Ir'st 'Thursday. Mr E P McCornack,
formerly pftbia city, but now of Salem, was
one of the ar.mber.
MaRRLSD. At the residence of John
Dangherty. Sr, Sept 27, 1883, by U B Hill,
J P, John Da-igherty and Olive Darneille;
all of this coULtJ. .
Fob Sale. Four hundred bushels of No 1
Fall teed wheat Aj ply to J J Walton, Jr
for information.
Real Estate Transaction for Septem
, t
A I. Chamberlain to J It Barton, 210 acres;
consideration hOOO. .
W A Vincent to Alfr! Brat'aln, lot !n
Eugene; con $400. ' ,
J as Wanilck to J C Lawrence.lut in Eugene)
eon $700. ,
S A Pearson, formerly Hall, to J C Law
rence, 19 acres; oun $1000.
11 G and R M Calliaon to J C Lawrence, lot
in Eugene; con $j00. .. , , ,.
A Bowers to John Bowers, 320 acres; con
Phoebe Klusey to E J Hills, lots lu Eugene;
con $300.
D S Ujnsaker to J W Long, 3 acres) con
3 W Long to Juhnathau Do.lge, 3 acres; con
M Wallis to It B Powell, 400 arm; con
It B Powell to M Wallis, 100 acres; con
A K Patteton to A llmttiin, lot In Eugene;
Jesse Gross to Mary Allison, lot lb Eugene;
con$i000. ,, .
J II Robertson to David PriUhett, VX acres;
con $3100. ,
John Cogswell to S E McBee, 40 acres; con
J.F Kirk to C H Zumwalt, 80 acres; eon
V F Pest to A J Zumwalt, land; con $&
Sternberg and Sendtcs to T L Jones; 170
acres; con $1700.
N L Packard to 11 E Johnson, lot in Eu
gene; con $200. '
WmSUwartto Win A Vincent, lot in Eu
gene; oon $li).
Hannah Gilbert et al to J M Horn, Jr, 85
acres; con $2123.
N L Packard and St John Skinner to
Phoebe B Kinsey and A B CoiiiIm, lots in Eu
gene; con $1.
M J Odell to J M Dodson, lot in Eugene:
con $1500.
Z Crabtree to School District No 48, 1 acre;
TJChesher to S D Fitch, lot in Eugene;
con $000.
Phoebe Kinsey to Albert Hembree, lot In
Euirenr; con $200.
II Lee, Sr, to D O Emerson, land; con $130.
Geo Ware to 8 W McGuIre, 320 acres; con
John CarliU to J P Boughman, ICO acres;
con $700,
A Crow to T N Crow, 100 acres; con $300.
J January to Aaron Lurch, land; con $1000,
E Drury to John Drory, 3'acrts; con $300.
B P Goodman to W 11 HVton, land; con
Mary Allison to John Allison, 140 acres; con
$1700. (
AWLaughlin, by SherifT, to Jan Parvin,
148 acres; cmi ?:I7. , . .
State of Oregon to G W Mack, 100 acres
con $300.
WRandtVto M F Dodge, lots in June
tion; con $50. . .
Phoebe li Kinsey et al to II E Johnson, lots
in Eugene; con
V V Peek to C W Waskburne. lutercil in
640 acres; con tlfloi
U S to II M Rodgcrs, p'ateut
U S to 0 Q Cartwright; pat.nt
Jolmnna (i.Hidchild, estate of, to S M Yo
ran, lots in K.igene; con $1000.
A S and It Powers to B V Powers, lot in
Eugene; oon S1000.
J E and S D Holt to T J S Pelkey, 10
acres; con 81 V).
A Stinit to D T Oaks, ;lp0 acres; con $150.
Chancey C'uniniings r F M Jackson, 32
acres; con $2500.
H II Hendricks to It J Hendricks, lots In
EuReue; con $300.
James Horn, Jr, to A M Hemphill, 40
acres; con $1200.
H N Akin ti M E Akin, 12 acres; co'i $50.
M N Swanson to A Stinit, 23 acres; oon
18-?9- .... ... " I
Daniel lliinardscn, N E Moore; ct al to A
Lamb, laud; con $100.
B F Richardson to A Lamh, laud; con $00.
Lueinda Winkle to A Stinit, 350 acres; con
Samuel Meek to Daniel T Oaks, 1C0 acres;
con $960.
State of Oregon to II E Polly, 61 acres; con
$122 00.
Slate Tax for 1883.
There having been considerable inquiry as
to the amount of State tax to be levied for
1883, we give below the detailed items for the
Information of the public The total State
tax for the year 1883 is five ami six-tenth mills
upm the dollar, divided as follows: Four
mill tax on acceunt of current expenses, one
mill for the completion of the insane asylum
building, one-half of one mill for the payment
of the Indian war debt, and one-tenth of one
mill for the support of the State University.
See section 80, page 700, general lawt of Ore
gon; section 7, page 15, and section 6, page 61,
session laws of 1880, and section 1, page 8, set;
sion laws of f8K2, for the various Legislative
acts regulating the same. Oregonian.
Died. A dispatch from Indianopolis, Ind(
announces the death of Mrs Rebecca Clawson,
mother of Mrs L G Adair. She started East
during the last of September to attend the
yearly meeting of Friends, at the city of
Richmond, Indiana She hoped to see all of
her former friends and acquaintances with
whom she had been associated in the ministry,
but being in feeble health she was only per
mitted to reach the land of her nativity and be
gathered to rest with numbers of her children
and grand-children gone before her. She had
been engaged in the ministry in Oregon so far
as her strength would permit, and was for a
time President of the W U X U of Portland,
Tax Levt. The tax levy for Lane County
for the year 1883 is sixteen mills, lie cause
for the increase it that an extra mill has been
added by the Legislature for the common
schools. The amount of levy for county pur
poses is only 8.4-10 mills.
To the Gold Mixes. Mr T Jeff Smith has
concluded to retire from the practice of Jaw,
and Wednesday left fr the new gold mines in
the Cour d' Alene country We hope T Jeffer
son may ttrike it rich. -
To Portland. Mr Jas L l'age.aocompanied
by hit daughter Ada, went to Portland Wed
nesday. Miss Ada will remain in Portland
several months for tlie purpose of studying
Telethoue, A telephone Jine has .been
erected this weekbetween th residence and
itereofFB Din i.
Opium "Joint" Raided.
.. The Martha! and Nightwatchmao have
been on the alert for the past two mouths
trying to capture partial in the act of smok
ing opium at the Chinese house in this city,
but those who partake of the drug iucevta
fully escaped the vigilant eyes of the offi
cer until last Momlty .muruing. From an
account at told to a Guard reporter, w
learn that Martha! Attobory about 10 a m of
that morning noticed a nymph du pave, who
gave her name, at Miss Addie Rogers, who
had arrived on the morning train, go to the
Chinese home owned by one , Him, and toou
thereafter the wat followed by a young man
of thit city, whose name we withhold from
publication on acoouut of i the respect we
have for hit very estimable parents. .The
Martha! in a few minutes ttormed the cita
del aud caught the two persons in the act of
partaking of the drug. He placed the two
partite under arrest, aud also the proprietor
of the house, a Chinaman who bear the
cognomen of Him, and took them before
Hit Honor, Judge Waahburue. The nymph
du pave plead guilty add wat Rued $10 and
cost, and toon after took the afternoon train
and departed for th classic thade of Doug
las county, Him, the Chiuanao, proprietor
of the bouie, was mulcted for the turn of
$50 and costs, whioh he paid. Tbe young
man gave bail In the sum of $20. W hope
the otlicert have effectually broken up thit
evil habit in our fair youug city, at it it one
of the worst curses that civilized or uncivil
ized men are kuow to practice, aud one that
after the passion it acquired, it almost im
possible to break away from. We are cred
itably informed that at least six or teven
of our young men are known to tamper with
the deadly poison.
'ii i. 1
Cottage Grove Items.
Oct 3. 1833.
pr C D Otburn it in town.
Gov Whiteaker wat iu town thit week.
Mr Ed Cathcart was quite ill hit week.
County Fair bere 24th and 25th of Octo-
ber. .
Mr W W Cathcart wont to Portlaud f'ici-
We had a gool rain aud a big hail ttoim
Mr R Carey hst bought property in thit
place again.
Ulytses Martin and family are here from
Washington Territory visiting their many
Quite a number of citizens visited Eugeue
this week.
A tbow, and a dance after the show was
over, Monday night
Dr J W Harris returned from San Fran
cisco last week, where he has been attend
ing a medical school.
Mr II Smith and family, of St Louis, Pnlk
county, were visiting at hit brother-in-laws,
Mr Kd McLant of thit precinct, latt week.
Several drunkt and a little dance in towa
Friday night. One man wat adorned with a
black eye the next day.
Mr Willard Martiu, who hat resided in
Sinslaw precinct for quite a while, has re
turned to this place. Mr Pitcher, of Sim
law, hat also moved thit tide of the moun
tain, on Mr J Mastorioc't farm,
--1- Apii.
Springfield Items,
Si'RiNiiFiKi.D, Oct 4, 1883.
Mrs A Siiimi'in is quite sick.
Several emigrants are locating In Springfield
for tho Winter.
Mrs B J Pengra lias returned homo from
her Summer visit east of the mountains.
Mr Albert Walker has opened a butcher-
shop in our little village, and hat amply sup
plied the town with fresh beef.
The farmers in this vicinity all teem to be
busily engaged in making preparations for
sowing FalJ. grain since the rain.
Justice I'amilten, we have been informed,
has again been called ujion to render justice
between two controverted parties.
We all have the happy consolation of teeing
the dust and tmoke once more cleared away,
and the mountains again in view.
The Springfield Mill Company't taw logt
have arrived at last and the boys have re
sumed their old stand in the mill. A good
supply of lumber may be expected
School began here on Monday last under the
supervision of Miss Mary Hill, of Eugene, and
at Mollie it one of our foremost teachers, an
interesting school ia anticipated.
Taxesl Taxes! I
Taxpayers please take notice that the tax
roll for 1883, for Lane County, Oregon, is now
in my hands for colloctiox Prompt rettle
ments are requested. . ,
' Sheriff and Tax Collector, Lane Co., Or.
LMed October 7, 1883. ,.- .
j ' ( i
MoW Minstrels. The .minstrel company
that performed at the hall' last Saturday even
ing was the beet that,has ever spjieared in thit
city. The management criticised the Guarm
for publishing a not too complimentary notice,
in last week'Sjiasi'e.. We would say to Mr
Moat that we did not. aay, one word against
the troupe In question, but we only gave a
notice which he received after having repeat-,
edly (Diked this town with inferior troupes,
We hop hereafter that Mr Stechhan will
'only send first clane troupes to city -as
3 nod as the last one that appeared; and if he
oea, we assure him that the Guard will apeak
well of the troupes and management, but it be
aenda bilks to this town we shall ive him aud
the troupes such notices as they deserve.
Via the Northern Pacing. In wander
ing about town in search of item one day
this week, we happened into the store of F H
Dunn, and was surprised to tee the large
consignment of boots tod thoes be waa re-.
civing' The goods came via the N P R It
direct from the East, and ia tbe firat through
freight ttt ha been received in thit city
over .that. road. Mr Dunn it euabled to tell
this consignment at very low price, and all
I are invited by the proprietor to call and x
laTiine the gdt.
Mr T J Dunton and family have moved in
to town.
Mr J R Ellison ha goo to Eastern Ore
gon to visit a son.
Ex Sheriff Hogan, of Roseburg, was in town
on day this week.
Mr Wesley Shannon ha returned home
frvin a visit to Portland.
Mrt U A Laugharty, of Yamhill couuty,
waa in town one day thit week.
Mr C C Chery, of th Albany foundry, wat
In town several days this week.
,, Mr Sain Veatch, of Cottage Grove, hat
been vititiug iu our city thi week.
r. Mrt R A Irvine, of Albany, Is visiting at
the residence of Mr L Bilyeu in this city.
, Mr Jasper and Miss. Etta Wilkin have
gone on a visit to the Eastern State.
LU Jackson, foiuierly of this city, is fore
man of a w mill in, Idaho Territory. .
Messrs Frank Miller, and. N L Roney, ot
Portland, were in our city latt Monday. .,
Mrt Dr Shelton hu gnn to Portland, and
will stay until the close of th Mochaoict
RovJHD Henderson wont to Yamhill
county last Tuesday, to visit relative and
Mr M S Wallis left for Eastern Washing
ton last Sat unlay. He will be absent about
a month.
Mr John W Hixton, proprietor of the Bel
knap Springs, paid thit office a pleasant call
one day this week.
Mr L Stitee, the brick maker, who has been
here all Summer working has returned to his
homtat Harrisburg.
Mr Harvey W Campbell of Trent, leavee
In a few dayt for Mitchell,. Crook county
where he will horeafter reside. .
Mr Win McMeeklng who at cr.e time lived
in Camp oreek precinct, died at ilslney recently
at the ri old age of 86 years.
Judge It S Bean and wife left Thursday
for Dayton, W T, where thoy go to visit
relatives and friendi.
Mr "Col" Henderson one day this week
luft for Sonoma couuty, Cat, where lie in
teudt locating permanently.
Mrt O W Bond and family have moved
to Linn couuty. They have beon residents
of Lane county about twenty-five years.
l.x William and wife, of Kausa City,
are ttnppiug at the Belkap Springs. Mr Wil
liams is atllicted with rheumatism, but it
fast improving.
Mr Frank Myert,at one time publisher of
the Port Townsond, W T, Press, made th
Gl'AitD office a pleasant call last Saturday
Junction City Items.
Oct 3, 1882.
Dr Savage it death on tnipe.
Titchforks are lulling for cost at W H Ba
tr'a. Wortman & Son are telling out at cost,
with the iutontion of goiug into th banking
business at McMiunvillo.
The publio tchool i in a flourishing con
dition, uudef tie supervision of Edgar Mo
Clure and Mis Mattie Loe.
J E Houston, of Rugouo, it clerking for
Wortman k Souk, for a few day in the ab
tence of John, who hat gone to Portland.
Tuosdsy evouing the youngest daughter of
Uncle Casper Rickard wa married to a Mr
Foster, late of Michigan, Rev O W Quimby
Master Earnest Lee hitched hi pouy to
his fathor' gig; the pony not liking such
tieatnieut took to hit heel and ran off, com
pletely demolishing the gig. The doctor
ayt he will take flrttcost forth wreck.
G. H.
A Ronaway. Latt Monday the usual
weekly runaway occurred. A team from the
country becoming frightened run away down
Eight street, and when near the jail lot the
wagon overturned with the occupants, con-
tilting of a mother and three children, im
prisoning tlekjn iu the wagon box, at it turn
ed completely vor. None of tho occupauU
were mjured.
Fire at Walu Walla McCaully k
Sou' flouring mill at Walla Walla was,
burned to the ground last Saturday after
noen. Lot, $32,000; inia'raoce, 116,000 on
the building and $7,000 on the stock. The
mill wat built 18 year ago., by J T Reete,
and hat been operated by McCaulley.&fon
for the past 12 years! h adjoining ware
home wa aated. , The Messrs MoCaully
wtre oos resident of thi city. -;
ut-f .x -a-i,-s-J i -Jr--:
- ' - V - .-- W ..I J, .
Q. W. Smith, ConvirUrf of MurcVj
Commits 8ulclde,
After th clot of our SatnrdeyVre'pVt el
the trial of (l .W Smith for th murder cf
Mary A Petob, which wa in progree at La
fayette laei week, the case was given to the
jury U'-e. in the day. They retired and a
8 JO Saturday night brought in a verdict' ef
guilty in the firat degree. 8mith wa Ireae
diately returned to jail, and asked fur paper
nd a light, that he might write td hn) wMj
but for tome reason it wa refased birrl,-' He
then privately told fci fellow prpe4
Roger, that he wa going to-ooramit tsioujtj
and asked him to take vtrbalb this djnf
message to hit wife and friend,' ai ii,cci4
not write them. He wanted hi body net
ubjected to a post-mortem examination, bet
given to bit wife for interment without ate
lestatiou, and hi rifle, pistol and money,
amounting to $37 73, all that he had oa at
the time of hit capture to 'be given to hie
leading counsel, Hon W D Fenton. He
made no confession of the crime, bnt wished
his wife to be exonerated from all complicity.
Roger heard it all, but gave no alarm aatil
ha thought Smith waa dead. It appear
that Emith bad from fifteen to thirty grain
of morphins eoncraled in the lapel of hie
coat, and with this, he, took hi own lif.
At 1 o'clock yesterday niprjlngjne purpose
of Smith wa discovered, and Urs LltlleJsId
aud Culhrcath were called,- but ' they soon
found that it was too late to aav the con
victed murderer' life. He lingered along ia
an unuoiuciuu itate . until about S o'clock
Sunday morning, when he died. Portland
Monthly Meeting E. H. k L, Co. No l
-t ''' ' I-
Full Company met ai Dtlcn'J Hal last
Monday evening. ' I",
The namos of Wm Smith, Jr, and Yfm
Moore were presented for membership, aad
upon ballot being tpread they wr da!
A committee, qpotistlng of 8 B Rakin, Jr,
W II Alextuder rdd 0 Marx, waa appointed
to make arrangement to furnish the new
Fireman Hall.
Tbe resignation of Mr J W Bristow et Sec
retary, wu accepted, aud upon motion, Mr
Darwin Bristow wu expected to All the an
expired terra. i i - , ..
A pouimittoe conaistipg of Go A jUi Ha,
I L Campbell and Vm, Renin,, wered
pointed to coufef. with th Council in regard
to the organisation of the Department
Ou motion, adjourned.
; i'j
A Card.
" i-l'. .V".
The mott of my good weresaf d ,at Iht
sacrifice of other good thrown OvjrboariL,
and I will have to pay my thtr of the (oas,
aud at money i th principal factor la the
buiinctt, I will deem it a favor for thee iv
dobted to me to call and make payment ae
soon as possible. With thank for your pat
rvuage, I am retpeotfally,
F. B. Dvxm.
Died. At hi father's residence, ia Cree
ton, Iowa, Mr Jame A Kanoff, Sept t7
1883. For the past ten year Mrf Kjpff h
made his home in or ncai, -tlgine.. City,
where he waa highly retptcttd by a large
circlo of acquaintance, and dearly loved by
all hi friond who now monrn his early
death. ,
Attention. llie citizens of Eugene and vi
cinity are resiectfully invited to read!' fH -ad
vertisemeiit of the new drug firm of E R Luck
ey and Co, in another column. The proprie
tors are well known here, and will command a
goodly share of burliness. A competent drug
gist Is in charge of the prescription department
Day or Atonement. Next Thursday being
th Hebrew Day of Atonement,' th Jswfsh,
storet in this city will be closed from Wednes
day evening at 6 P M to Thursday evening at
6 PM.
Born. To the wife of DJ Copenhaver,
of Walterville, Oregon, Sept 28, 1883, a
daughter; weight 0 poundi,,(i,Mothtr and
child doing well, aud father happy,'
, i-1 .:-? t-in'
CiTtJUi, it -expected that the City
Hall will be completed within ten day. It 1
a very fin building and a credit to th eea
tractor, Mr Geo II Parks.
I . ' i
LiouT.-rThe docket for the Fall term ot the
Circuit Court will be very light ,-. Good new
for the taxpayer of Lao county. '
Somobearjtif nl town lotp. ahjely located
or sal cheap. Call early and get bargain,
Geo, M. Miller,
Real Estate Agent.
E. E. Luckey & Co
Toilet Articles, Paints Oils;
Brushes, Etc., Etc.'
: at
We will keep a full ass6rf&ient
and sell at living figures,
InrhandB of a competent druggist.
To Luckey $ Bristow at the old EUsworth Store.