THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. Saturday. ' 'V j. ....OCTOBEU 6, J833. tbc InofftDilve tiiotfiftlL !fte advocates of tlie Chinese iu the East have assumed that the Cliili are destitute of vices, and are possessed of such virtues that they have drawn npon tlieiuBclvea the hatred of the wicked white inhabitant of this tlope. Foraonie ini-xplical'le reason to theui the French, Dutch, Spanish and Eng lish colonies particularly the latter bare passed most stringent lawsagainst them. In short, iu whatever country be is, the people think his presence a curse; it is only in countries that he las not blessed with his presence that he is known as a perfect paragon of purity. A few weeks ago a man more emi nent for superficial know ledge than original research was in Portland lect uring on subjects that had Wen more ably and exhaustively treated by other men. He sair, proUbly meaning it as a sarcasm, tlat if tie (hn Mm drank whisky, chewed tobacco and voted (be Democratic ticket there would be no objection lo his presence here. The past week in Eugeno has proved that (ho Chinese have their quiet vices. A young white man and woman have been arrested for smoking opi um in a Chinese den, Of all drugs that are habitually used, it is consid ered the ntrst wasting, degriding and debasing. It takes such a hold on the system that ouco in its grip, there is no hope of reform. Such is the terrible, deadly habit that wherover a Chinaman eoes he introduces. And the fact is known to every ono that i through curiosity ho wishes to try the eflfocts of tho poison ho may obtain it at the Chinaman's. To fully under stand tho effects of this poison, it may be Mated that eminent physicians say that the evil threatens tho extinction of the entire Mongolian rao So fur reaching is the custom in China that the Chineso Government is making vigorous though futilo efforts to sup press it The immense increase of tin importation of opium into tho United has given alarm to men who have pai any consideration to this mutter. At least one young man may curso the day that he was tutored by tho artless Chinaman in the mysteries of opium smoking. Daniel Webster once said: "Sinai Is the sum that is required to take a newspaper, and well rewarded is the patron, I care not how humble and un pretending tho gazette which he takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet with printed nutter without putting something in it that is woith tho sub . acription price. Every parent who has a son away at school should supply him with a newspaper. I well rmembed what a marked difference there was between those of my schoolmates who did not havo access to nowspapers. Other things lieing equal, the first were decidedly superior to the last in delate, eotnposition and intelligence." Since 1 861 unknown peisons havo Mid flSG,459 01 into tho United States treasury to quiet their consci eneea. The largest revenue, from this source in any one year was in 18C8, when the contribution to the conscience ' fond amounted to $29,155 IK In 1873, 123,302 77 was added to the fund; in 1SC7, $12,952 59; in 1SC9, 17,403 21, and in 1878, 112,01133. Last year the contributions reached only 7,881 49, and this year the total will probably bo less than that unless somebody comes to the front with a big sunt. The Democrats in Iowa and Ohio Bava declared for a well regulated li cense system. The Iowa Republicans are in favor of prohibition; while the Ohio Republicans are in favor of the Scott Tax Law, a law passed w ith the Intention of pleasing the saloon men, the brewers, the license men and the prohibi'.ionisu Ohio hat been a reliable Republican state heretofore. The R'publicans are united, as they always are at elect ion time and the Republicans bare plenty of money, and will hold firmly the rotes of the corrupt, and the ser vices of repeaters and colonists. The Democrats are quarreling among them selves and the result is doubtful The FortlanJ Standard says that the "tat to1 mayor of Portland oflce de serted the Demovtaey for a gold w atch. It term from all accounts that he has A fondness for gold. The Oregon inu says that the Deme- - uTnm fVio nnli out" It's do doubt as disgusting to that paper as to Mayor Chapman. I It seeflis that a wonderful change has of late taken place with Ml til Helens since she lias been Linden from; :ignc during tue long smoky period. The snow has entirely disappeared from the north ride and partially from the south side of the cone. This to the oldest settlers, is something they never witnessed before. By taking olmervations through a powerful glass, steep precipices and dark chasms can be seen upon the north side, and the mountain seems to have a changed ap pearance. Oregon Mist. The fleecy" has already tagun to spread its w inter mantle over the northern part of Maine. Although in nearly the same latitude, the hills and valleys of Oregon have scarcely felt the touch of frost and we are, indeed, just rejoicing in the first rain of the season. While the industrious loggers of the ''pine tree state," in mufflers and mittens, are drawingtheir first logs over the snow-t the farmers of the land of webfoot, in their shjrt sleeves, nre turn ing their first moist furrows for the fall season. It is pleasing to note that one house hold in Oregon will Im supplied with Oregon butter this winter. The trus tees of tho insane asylum have pur chased thirty milch Cows and will bid defiance to tho oleomargarine factories of California. Trulyi it seems, life in the Oregon hospital for the insane has its compensation. " - -Joaquin Millet ha? just completed ffae plays, all of which have been paid for, and will pay him a royalty, he thinks, from $10 to (25 a night. Nut Lost. It war all a mistake about my good being thrown overboard, but the fact , 1 have more nooila than I have room for, and I invite your attention to the largest and most desirublo stock of gnodi ever brought to Kugono. dooda are cheap, tee ing ia bclieviug. Come and are. F. B. Dus.t. Brevities. For good deutiatry go to Clark. Bring your chickens to Iiettroan a. For the best mixed paints, go h Gill's. The highest cash price paid for wheat by F B Dunu. , Swift k Co. will pay the highest market price for chickens. Go to Swift A Co. 'a for fresh California candies, crackers, 4c. A fine line of silk plashes ia alt shade and grades at F B Drinn't. The only place where you ean always sell your chickens ia at liettirma A full assortment of ladies, tnff ei and eliil dron underware at Bettiuan,. Pacific Rubber Taiut Is the test; all ffred cjuis at Luckey and Brintow.'a Freshest and finest groceries, cigars and candies at Swift & Co'a. Try them. ' Swift & Co.'agnodi are all new nnd bought for cash, and are sold cheap for cash. Hides, furs, chickens and all kinds of pro duce bought for rash at A. Goldsmith's. Swift & Co. sell canned goods, put up thii year, as cheap as can be bought m town. Mr S H Friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat Give him a call before selling your grain elsewhere. Delinquent City Taxes. Noti ia hereby given that the Treasurer of Eugene City has placed the delinquent tax lint hi my hands 'or immediate collection, and and all are requested to rail and settle. All those delinquent are requested to give this matter their immediate attention ami sar fui coots. J. E. ATTEnrsr, City Marshal, LOCALMARKET REPORT." Whrat-S ra oa board cani. (aU-W eta hetb llopt-19 Sts per faiiils olf.ring. EldM-ia. Ham-lTil6. Shoulder- 10XS12. 1-ard-U 31 i'-HX 30 cu per doz. 1'oUtoea -90c er bushel eucInOhLls. THE EUGENE MILLS ARE ABOUT ready to start up. During the auiiwn ion it has been much imiroved in shape of STONES, ROLLS, BOLT REELS, FLOUR PACKER and WATER WHEEL, which doubles the capacity of the Mills aim) double the power-and has been undergoing a thorough and Keneral repair, which places the Mills equal to the best Storage. MA'RfilAffSSALE- V0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT under and by rirtue of an order of the county court of Lane county, Oregon, made and eutered of record at the regular beptein ber term thereof, lss3, in the mMt of the guardianship of Alonm Appleton. Ap-i.U-ton and Eva Appleton. minor hirsof James Appleton deoraaed. I will otler for sale at pub lic auction at the Court House door in hugene Ci.y in said couuty and state between the hours of 9 o'clock A M and 4 "Mkyl, J Monday the l.Hb day of October, A D, liw, all tho riuht. title ami Interest of Alonso Ap pleton, Emma Appleton. and Eva Appleton in ai.d to the folloing df jcrild real proerty, to wit: The E one half ol the S K one quarter of Sec 18, T 30 8., K 5 V. In Jackson county, Up:. Term of sale cain. , E. DIMMICK, Guardian. J. V. IlAMitroir, Geo. 8. Wahhbi'bve, Attorneys. Now ready to receive an 1 store wheat at H cents per bushel, except when wheat is sacked and delivered on cars, when an additional 1) cents will be charged. Wheat Bought. The highest market cash price will be paid for all wheat stored in our house, and sucks furnished by the company to bring wheat to mill in. ' Custom Work. All those from a distance need not wait on their grinding any more. All orders prtinlptly attended to. All (lour sold or exchanged is warranted P. E. & Co. Eugetie City, Auist 8, 1883. Bring yoiir butter to G. Bcitmati if yon want the highest price: also all kinds of pre dace. Amsno.i Ladik. Having secured the agency for the celebrated Butterak patterns, I shall keep on hand a full of ail kinds, receiving each month direct fnnn New York the latest styles. I shall also keep for Sato st 15 cents a conv. the Dtliueator, the best ' aud ch.anest mouthly magazine m the worm. i Any lady desiring the quarterly catalogues can have them free of charge by calling si ! my store. F. B. Dcsn. SKATING RINK Opens Sept 1,1883. AHmittnnr.e-Gentlemen Including the use of Skates, 50 cts; JOSEPH LANE All kinds of gran seeds for sale st A Gold smith s. Belknap Springs. Mr .V W I limn ha rebuilt the hriiL-s amiss the river to these noted suriiu-s and has alto put the wagon road in excellent shae. He is busily engaged at present renovating the hotel, hath houses, etc Give him a rail this Sum-niev. Money to Loan, auce rifected on eJr iT'Ylls of pwperty, in the DFsi 01 couqioniea. vrrirpt In the building formerly occupied by Hovey i Humphrey. Cms. Lai ss. 10 lbs. sugar, $1 00, 13 " rice, " 8 " cotTe, " 8 " oyster, " At A. Goldsmith's. Passbooks, butcher books, memo randums, ledgers, day books, etc., of all kinds. Orders taken for special sizes. School and LTiscellaneolis Books. All the stamlanl author ! l.'io volume and is st-t Juvenile books, Seaside ait 1 U'aveflr Library, Uaip-.'n Jlagiiziiit'S, tte. Bible Depository For Lane Oounty. - We bav"e been gett'iij? a large slock of new goods aud w have everything found in a first-chtss Book fetor?. We also have a full stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! McdORNACK & COLLIER, Successors to CALLISOX. $25,000 STOCK OF GOODS For sale cheaper than ever offered before in this market. Smith and Coi GENERAL bEA-LERS IN Agricultural Implements. We intend keeping a full line of first-class Farming Implements,con sisting of D. L OSDORNE i CO.'S CELEBRATED TWINE BINDERS, ttEAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; JOHN DODD'SOLD RELIABLE, ilOLLINGSWORTH'S, REINDIIJ AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCIIUM WAOON; MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., ETCl Tt is our intention of staving hern and we guarantee all goods Sold to . x i. r it: give enure sausiauiiuii. Prices as liberal as any Muse in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite thi Guard Office. A DESERVING APPLAUSE From the Inhabitants of Eugene City andSur rounding Country. 1 I fit S IsTEAAT GOODS. Mw OOODS. Are Now Open for Your Inspection. 14 yan'j DWhsii Xn only 51.00 ) ynu ChIIco only 1.00 12 j-snl Sldrtinj only SI. 00 X vanU V'l.iniiL'l Shirtinir 1.00 10 ynl Linrn Toweling only $1.00 U xk! Towels, li cis. Wo' IIea:y Whit TlUftlSufaU K.09 iIoiitle wiHli Tulilo Lii2n 2 cU for jri 125 cent Hoe only 12 cts i ; L'5 cvnt Handkerchiefs only 12 cU IHeuvy lied upreadd only 73 cts I.inii Xuiik.n. iMr duz 75 cts. .- , 1 I Vj quote prices on a icr at titles only. Our assortment Comprising many i liousaritls. We carry a large st(ck of iilks and Sali'ns. All colora id Cashmeres and American Dress Goods, Our stock of "Cloats and Wrappers is i he largest South 6' Portland, at Bedrock Prices. Men aiul Beys Clothing i'l 50 per silt an'd upwards. Boots and Shaft t A WORD TO Tilt: PEOPLE OF OBEGON. Perhaps we n ay l aule to induce you to abandon the old beaten path o CREDIT AND DISASTER , And hereafter travel the road where the Sigti Board ii narked,' I X L STQBi ! 3E3 UGrE CITT. All our patrons pet Wealthy. Conifi and see uc. NEW ADVEUTISKMENTS Dissolution of Co Partnership TOTICE IS HEREBY OI VEX THAT XI the co innerhiti heretotore eiutini; b- Ivmi J. K. and H. D. Holt i. hereby mutually diuolrea J. K HOLT, . a IX HOLT. October 4, i5?S. Final Settlement. V-OTICE IS HEkEBY CIVEX THaT A the BodiTtisned tklmiaittrsUir of the ett of A J Mclhuiiel, deceMed. hu filed hie hnl accouut ia the County Court of Lane C'oupty. Oregon, and the tint Moodar ia Xorember it art for final bearing'. K. r. MOSS, Adminutrmtor. JOSHCA J. WALTON. Att y. STAR HOTEL. WCUaetU fttraet, S BUki from Depot EuiiKXE crrr, oreox. Good Accommodations. Mai-Xr J C; Board ft day. tl; per we, J. P. ALLISOX.rni. Tliose wishing to purchase wilf do well to call upon me before makitif their selection. ' To mv line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GhN TLEMEN'S CLOTH I NO, I call your special attention. I expect to retire from the mercantile business, and my goods must be tout within the next 90 days. Honing to sjpply all vour want's, I solicit an early call. 46 ' T. G. HENDRICKS. ALL I AS I! Is that you do yourself justice? by buying goods w here you can git them tb. 1 intend to strictly adhere to VERY LOW PRICES in everything 1 offer for sale, and in DRESS & FAHCY GOODS. (Ming, Book and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, There is no douU or question but I shall sell them rery much lower than the same goods have ever ben offerwl is this market lT PIe to call aH price the goods and you will see that I am in earnest G.BETTMAN. Harness Sliop. HAVTXfrOFEXED A XEW SADDLE AXI) HARNESS SHOP OT 8th STRUT.' west of Crain Bros'., I am now prepared to furnish everything ia that Una at the The Most' Competent Workmetf Are pYoyed, and I will eadeairbr to give satuJactiori to all wBt) nil tne with a call. - A. S." CUIlUl- U"eful in the Family. We un'allv lea it to doctors to recora. nwod meJiciea, but Parker't Giogtr Tonic hai been an cifful in oar family in relieving aickneu and icBYnng that we cannot say too innch in ha praiae. Salem Argna. To all ho ir euffmaff from the errore and inducrrtioM of ynuth, nervoua weaknew, arly dav, liof manhood c ', I will tend a recipe that' will cure you, I'KEK OK C'HAKUE. . . j- . i I hit irrrat rtmerty waa aiaooTereu cy a m nosarr in South America. 9nd a ael ad drewed enrelnfa to the Ft. J!Ia T. I5MAX, Sutin 1 Xtw Yi-rk Citr. ' ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. "V"OTKE IS HEREBY GIYEf Wj i theB.nlof lualiiatkwfortbsCJMVf of Laae. Start of Orefwy wilj L ",TWJJ? T office of the County Cierk in Kof tiy. noaday. pi it, !. f, the pnrWor pV'fl Kwment Roll and enrrecUnf all etrnri "oZZ peVty. AU PjZJZ1 taka due notice, and govetm tixmfW Coonty kmi Eut-ent City, SepC 1, 18