THE EUGENE CITY GUARD, &ATUKDAY.. ft! .8KITKMHKR IMS. trand Cifl the original land grant rif the Northern Pacific waa 87,920,000 acres, of which according to the report of the United Suvtes Auditor of Railroad Ac count, 42,500,000 acr.-n were available for settlement and are. yt. Evrn il thirty per cent of thia territory (includ ing tho "had land" of Montana and Dakota) i comparatively orthl. tne minitt and agricultural dintriota will readilv toll for three, dollars per cre, or 1127,000,000. It ill be re wrtmbered that tho first 2,000.000 acre, old for 9,000,000, more than 83 per cr, or 1 127,000,000. The lowest valuation now put upon the grant it $108,000,003. As the road cost but $67,466,000, the company gets a premium of 112.000,000 over and there the cost of construction for building it. lr. Ihmlia't Cantoi Some of the recent Republican meeting in Ohio aw said to resem ble Hannibal Hamlin's famous caucus. As the story gooj, the venerable Han nibal was very anxious to obtain a home indorsement of a measure he had introduced in Congress, and to this end had summoned a caucus of Republicans hot, for some reason, only two pernons attended, Mr. Hamlin anJ a neightar. The other man was elected Chairman and the veteran politician proceeded to transact the lousiness in hand. The resolutions adopted read, "a largo and respectab!) caucus of leading Republi cans. " "Rut," said the chairman, "Mr. Hamlin, we are only two." "What of that! Yon are, largo and I'm respocla ami wh ni-fl both Wdin"." That settled it S. F. Examiner. The Tort land Standard is said to again favor Justice Field, of Califor. nia for the Presidency, and therefore proceed to "demolish" the old ticket To save that paper further trouble, we hereby inform tho editor that the next Democratic State Convention will not choose delegates that will misrep resent its constituents as the majority of them did iu the Convention of 1880. We believe that svnn eights of the Democrats of Oregon favor tha nomi nation of Tildeu and Hendricks, two of the ablest and best men of our day, whose nomination presages sweeping victory. Tho slander and calumny of these men by Republican newspapers show how they fear them and with what good cause. Rut to mar the splendid chance of Democratic success next year, and to boldly invite defeat ly a poor and unpopular nomination is aomnthing that we shall protest gainst from this day until the meeting of the Convention. , " A number of papers are blaming Missouri for the failure to convict Frank James of his crimes. True, Missouri has a large class of men who teem to think that crime is heroisn but it is not tint only state in which verdicts as manifestly unjust have been rendered, as witness tha acquittal of Iliscock in New York a few years ago, of Dukes in Pennsylvania list year, and of the great star route robWs in Washington not Ions aeo. Missouri juries do not lack for examples, East Oregonian. JL number of tho people, of Portland are coming to the conclusion that the grand celebration on the lOthaud 11th was a very imposing funeral process ion. If Portland intends retaining the business of the north wist she must he abl to ship wheat at much less cost than at the present time, as when ship ping from tho Sound begins, the rales will be materially reduced from the present prices charged at tho inlaud city. The venerable widow of ex Presi dent Polk still lives in tho retirement of Iter beautiful home inTennessee. She celebrated her eightieth birthday on the 6th of the present month, at which lime many citizens of Nashville called upon htr; With the exception of Mrs. Gar field, who has as yt scarcely reached tha prime of life, Mrs. Polk is the only Widow cf an esPresideut of the United &ac now living. A. copy of the New York Sun, prin ted tpteoiber 3, WiZ, jast fifty yeara ago, ib 6rt nuroW issued, ha Leea received. U i a roioature 4 paje daily, UV bos a u'. quantity of nea a, an4 U quite a curiosity. Religious fanatics have bern con ictod aad sentenced ia Boston. They i imitators of the Mormons. The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks For aker wDl be HevH warn the pig U "Jn to ij. httun I Taluable Eililt - Jas. R. Stephens of Multnomah county has, by a late decision by Judge Stott, recovered a large amount of land in Portland and Washington county front the rstite of Dr. J.C.Haw thorne. It appear that Stephens when involved in debt, in 1877 received a loan of abotrt (14,000, giving his pro' perty as security for the loan, since when it has rapidly risen in value, but Stephens was unable to raise the money t3 liquidate claims of his creditors and the property was recognized as the es tate of Hawthorne. Now Stephens has come forward and tendered the full amount due Hawthorne's heir about 40,000 and receives back his property. The remainder of the land unsold to pay debts is worth $50,000. The publication of the pension list of the United States was thought to be a good thing and Congressmen and Sen ators fluttered themselves that they had at last hit upon a happy expedient for preventing frauds. The idea was no doubt a good one, hut it was miser ably mismamged in its execution, In stead of priming these lists in the county papers where the pensioners Ihe, they are all piled up together in a great big book which but few people will ever see, much less have an oppor tunity to examine. If tho list of each county was published once a year in the local newspaper, all would see it and the object sought to 1 occomplish ed woull bo secured. This would be a sensible plan and one that would com mend itself to public judgment, but this idea of burying tha list in a big book Is pure nononso. Reecher's lectures in Snn Francisco are said to have been a failure, 6 nan cially. Slim audiences greeted him at all four of his lectures, and he shakes the dust of San Francisco off his feet with feelings akin to indignation at tin "stupidity" of her people. Bencher is not as popular on this coast as hemight oe, lie made utterances a year ago in regard to the Chinese question that have not leen forgotten, and certain things he has said abont it since com ing out here has not trnded to add largely to his popularity The Prohibition state convention of Michigan voted to raisn 1100,000 as a campaign fund, endorsed the platform of the National convention at Chica so. declared in favor of constitutional and statutory prohibition of the oanu facture of liquor us a beverage, ar raigned the Republican party for bad faith in not submitting tho question to the people, and declared that the party is incompetent to (htal with ti e liquor question. Stone work on the basement of the Clackamas county Court House will soou be finished. The County Court advertises for 750,000 good bricks, 300,000 of which aro to be delivered l.y the 1st of April, for the construction of the building. During the recent terrible esrth quakes a volcano ejected a hot liquid w hich fulling on a great area of im niensn rocks dissolved and crumbed them in a few hours. After all, the Milile account of the creation mav be the scientific one. Mr. Villard is reaching out to have an all rail connection between Puget Sound and Southern California. II has purchased the North Pacilio Coast road as well as the Santa Maria line between Port Harford and Santa Bar- liara. - George William Curtis admits iu the current number of Harper's Weekly that Hoadly will e elected. He class ifies Ohio as "a Democratic State." Ah, thanks, George William. The New Jersey Democratic conven tion has nominated Abbott for Governor. EUGENE MILLS. THE EUWKN'E MILLS ARE A BOLT X ready to itart op. During tha i h bM IWn much improred in thapt of STONES, ROLLS, BOLT REELS, FLOUR PACKER and WATER WHEEL, fairb doublet tli capacity of the Milla al 'ublea th unwtr ami hu ham !.:.... . thnmngh and general repair, which placet tbt MUU equal to th best Storage. . Xnw reacty to receive ah itore Wl .t 11 cent per buahel. excetit when whui ami delivered" on care, when an additional 11 :n I i win nui w luargcu. Wheat Bought. The lilirhwt Market caih rrim will m.U for til wheat 'tnred in oar ham, and aacki furnished by the company to brinj wheat to mill in. ' ' Custom Work. All thtiM from a dutitiM .; their wrindinif any more. All nrr!r hmmntU .lul n ill fl told or exchanged it warranted r.Sua. t o. Eugene City, Auguet 8, 1683. A Oath, Cold or Kor Throat hould he Vif.p.L Ne?lert frequently retult la laearabl Lane Ul.eaa r - mpllsa. MHO'S UHWMIIIAL I mm tttvs ar eeruia kit min Aalkaaa Braarallla, t'aagba. atarra. raaaaaiativ tit toraai uim.m r.irJO pear tat Irocbet bavt been reoum- mended by phyticUnt, and alwavt give per fect nlwfactioa. They arc not new or un tried but having been tented by wide and ron tant im fur nearly aa entire generation, they bar attamej well men ted rank amotiKtoe tew euplt renwdiet of the at,-. Pnblie apeak era aad alaera nee them to clear and strengthen tbt olro. Sold at V cenU a box eWTwer Arrt!ino.i Ladiis. Having swared the agency fur tlit eelebrated Butterkk patterns, I ibali keep on hand a full tttwk 4 all kinds, receiving each month dirt:t fnm New York th latett tt) lea. I thall alw keep fur tale at 15 ctntt a copy, tht TJvlineator, the belt and cheapett monthly magazine in the world. Any lady deairing tht quarterly catalognet can have them free of charge by calling it my store. . F. B. Dunk. All kindt of irs tcedt tor tale at A Gold- tmith's. GUARDIANS SALE- "VOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT i.1 under and by virtue of an order f tht county court of Lane county, Oiwrn. ada and entered of record at the rsut 8eitem ber term thereof, 13, ia the matter of the guardianship of AlnniA Applelon, Emma Ap ple t-m and Era ApplrtoO. niinot beiceof Jamee Appletn deceaaed, I will offer for tale at pub lic auction at tht Court Hnuee door In Kugent Ci;y in aid county and eUU between tbt hnun of o'cl ock A M and 4 o'clock P M, ilonday tht 16th day of Octor, A D, 1883, all the right, title and intercut of Alonio Ap pleUm, Emma Appleton, and Eva Appletnn in and to the Mlowing deacribel real projierty, to wit: The E one-half of the 8 K one quarter of Sec 18, T 36 8., H 6 W. in Jackton county, Uregnn. Termt of salt eath. . DIMMICK, Guardian. J. W. HlMILTOS, Gtu. 3. WaSHBClU, Attorneys, TOBRIDCEBUILDERS. -VJOTR'EIS HEKEBY GIVEX THAT I will let by public ouUry to tbe lowent re tponaihle bi.hler the contract for the building of two briik-ee on the county road in Cottage Grove preciuct, one acruet Bnweriver and the oth-T acroet tht Moeehv creek. Said contract to bt let at tbe Court Houee at Eugene CitT. Ciregon. ()ctolr L 1883 at 1 o'clock P M. Said brfcuies to be built acdrdini to Vlan and peci8catiout to be teen at the County Cierk'i office at Eugene City. K; 5L VKATCH. HUpertntendeht Dated st Ccttagt Grove September 10, 1883. SKATING RINK Opens Sept I v 1883. Admittance-Gentlemen, Including the use of Skates, 50 cts; JOSEPH LANE. SEW ME SCHOOL, COLLEGE, and Miscellaneous BOOKS. STANDARD AND CURRENT LITERATURE. STATIONERT, C U TLBRT, NOTIONS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! Smith & Cox -GENERAL DEALERS IN- Evorything frvsli, of the fort Quality, and Guaranteed as IVpros nted We want your trade and ask you to comn and seo us. McCORNACK & COLLIER. Successors to CALLISOX. $25,000 STOCK OF GOODS For sale cheaper than ever offered before in this market. Hiosa wishing to poTebasf will do well to call upon mo lefor mafcinir tWr selections, To my line, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GEN TLEMEN'S CLOTfllNO, I call yorrr special attention. I exwet to retire from the mercantile bu? I m- tvw within tha next 90 days. Hoping to sjpply all your wants, I solicit an early call " T. G. HENDRICKS. XEW ADVEKTISFMENTS STAR HOTEL. (WillaaetU Street, I Llockt from Depot EUGOE CITY. OKEGOX. Good Accommodations. VeakSr) rt; B-rd per oar. fl; per week. $5 J. P. AUISON. IV r ALL I ASK! It that you do yourself justice bv buying goods where you can g. t them tb- cheapcsL 1 iutend to strictly adhere to VERY LOW rKlCLS tu averything I offer for sale, and iu DRESS & FiLHCY GQQDS, Clothing;, Book and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Agricultural Implements, We intend keeping a full line of first-class Farming Implements,con. sisung oi D. M OSBORNE A CO. CELEBRATED TWINE BINDERS REAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; -MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS ; JOHN DODD'S OLD RELIABLE, IIOLLINGSWORTH'8, REINDTeH AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCH UM WAGON; MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., JTU It is our intention of staying h&e and we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any house in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street. Opposfto th Guard Office. A DESERVING APPLAUSE From the Inhabitants of Eugene City and Sur rounding Country. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Are Now Open for Your Inspection. I I ynnU bleached Mtxlin oaly 21) jntit 'lx nuly Yi yanl Shirtifrg owVy 81.00 5 Tanln Klannel Shirting ?1.X) lt janlt Line Tmvelin oniy $1.00 U xxl lu el., 6 ct. xlO Hea'vy Wl,it lihnkeU only W.00 i)..iitilrw idA T.idle Iiuru ' vu r yarj lift cunt I liwe caly 12 ctt j"J5 cent Hn.lktrSbiefj mity 12 cU ill.avy tf.l irel nly75':l i"'- !Lin( n uilieL iter 1 liui 75 ct. Wc quote prices on a few at titles only Our assortment CompriMiig many Tliousa'idst We cany n large stock ot Silks and Satins. All colors i'a Caihmeresau J American Dress (Jooil. Our stock of Cloaks and Wrappers is tbe largest South of Portland, at Bedrock Prices. Men and Boys Clothing $2 50 per suit and upwards, Boots and Shoes al Fabulous low Prices. A WORD TO TIIK PKOPLE OF OREGON. Frrhaps we nay ! aUe to induce you to abandon thn old lcaten pathi of CREDIT AND DISASTER And bereirffer travel the road where the Sign Board is marked, I X L STOBI ! I1ITGENE CITY. All oar patrons get Wealthy. Coro and see os. . Them is no douU or qarstion tot I shall sell them very much lower than the same cods hare ever beem oA-red is thia market. ISf riease to call and price the goods and yoowill see that I am in earnest. G. BETTMAN. H Harness Shop. AVISO OPINTO A XEW SADDLE AT 1IARSESS 8HOf 0 IU8TJtlIT, wnt of traia Bros I na tow prcparsd to fnniiah rrerytbtBa ia that lis at tat Tha Moat Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will ihleror to give satisfaction to all mkoaia favcr me with a call. . A. S. CLimiE. Useful in the Family. w u. TZ J. a- ASSESSOR'S KOTICL i asially it to aittors to nccm- mA edicn. Wot Parker's Ginger Tonic -rOTICE IS HEEEBT CrTW THAT j ' " i vav iKmrq oi muauuhdb m SKansM MOnDg vn caa&ot ur oi Laa. 8ut oi Oi?or. will ermtttM ftt too much in its praiit. SJem ArgM. A CAKE). T all wka arc waHrrmt (ran the nrnn asl iadiacrctirioa of vtwrth, ervooa wraluwta. mi4t decay, Inatof Maahoori, tc, 1 viUaraH arrrip that wUl cm yrm, FREE OF CHARGE. Tail (real reoedy waa djaurrr-l by a mia oaarr ia Sootli ABMrica. Bead a fell ad ti si earrfop to tlx Rrr. Jwtra T. Imx, Static D. New York City. naday, Sept. tl, 16SS, foe tha porpn of poblkly exnninin tb As-, aranstnt Rnll and onrrcrtiDg all rrmr ia vahi atioa, deacriptina, qnalitMa nf laada, )i4a ar other pmprrty. All partm iatarattaa will taka du aouc, aad tkcaatalvw acoura- tjfly. J. P. McPHERSOX, Coty iiw. Eujtna City, Sjept 1,