THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATlKDAV AUGUST 18, 18S3. - k Tote of Confidence. To ths E-litor of ths Chicago Trm. I ara iii favor of Arthur's re-nomination, ' Jav Gould, N. II..- Put mo down for $50,000." The Minn. HcsTisoTOX. Arthur is a man fit whom tha peo ple can trust. He uinlerstands (heir interest). Vanderdilt. If Arthur ia ihrt person whom I hear ii acting as President, I am sure ho is a worthy 'occupant of the chair once honored ! your humMa ll ft. Hate The people of Ohio td the last school house voter have forgotten Garlie' J in their admiration of his successor. Chas. Foster. 1 will staltii nif position that the New York Custom House will Us solid forArthor. Robertson. It appears that Arthur is growing in the confidence of his party. I am for him. ' Joits A. Looas j Arthur is the only man who is well thought of in Virginia, excepting truly youra Mahosr. Tbd worltiug people seem to lie in fardr of Arthur. I can answer for 300,000 unpaid toilers for tho govern ment. Jat A. IU buixl Since I have leen Postmaster Gener al I have noticed that many small newspapers favor Mr. Arthur. Mr. Oreiham coincides. IIatto.v. Arthur is my friend I nominated bim once and I will do it again. R. The State of Maine ia solid. James G. Blaine. I am satisfied. I can alto answer for my son tion. Simox Cameron. I nener called Arthur and his friends Cuiteau Republicans. Mr. Arthur knows this. Josnrn Memll I think Arthur knows who his friends are, "without laying claim to prominence. Gen. Brady. I Iwlieve every prominent newspaper will support the next nominee. ' Whitelaw Reid. Arthur ia (ho' man; U. S. G. Methods hsfore jnen are to be con sidered in the next election', t cost a great deal of money before. 8. W. Dorsev. The Examiner of tho 26th ult has a glowing account of rich discoveries of black sand in tho heart of San Fran cisco, and from all accounts there will le troublo arising therefrom. The dis covery was made on a lot lx-sido the hox factory of Hobbs, Wall i Co. on lleale Street, near' Market, owned by Dunham, Carrigan t Co., on which they were excavating for the purpose of building. The lot is 90x137 feet, and is valued at ?G5,000. A notice of location was made out in regular form, and designated tho Eureka Placer Min ing Claim in accordance with the local customs and rules of mines in said mining district, and signed by Geo. Chard and M. J. Egan. "We just found it there saw the little specks of gold glistening and panned for it" said Mr. Chard. The first pan yielded fifteen cents, and other pans from five to thirty cents, and some as much an fifty cents. Ono man who used quicksilver panned out eight dollars. Egan thinks the claim will yield (40 to tho ton. Tho venerable missionary, Dr. Mof fat, has just died in London. He was well known in South Africa before Livingstone decided to follow in the same career and it was his daughter who became tho efficient helpmate of the great missionary. Dr. Molfat went out to Africa in 1S1C and lemained there uutil 1870, residing for mere than a half-century continuously among the Cechuanas, whom he tracs fnrined from a nomadic trilte, with' all the African vices, into a peaceful band of agriculturists. He deiuontrated that the only way to succeed in missionary work is to liecome.thoroughly identified with the people, to speak their lan guage like a native and to prove to them by that the Christian - religion U aonieting more than a creed and has a bearing on every day life. Why should not Arthur be the can didaUt He is a General who never was in the army; a civil service refor mer who was turned out of office by a Republican President and Senate for maladministration; a statesman who never rose higher than a local bcs un til an accident made him President. lie in, besides, a-gcntleman, and a fine looking, well-dressed ' gentleman. He will make a creditable' figure head ia the campaign, and to round off his ca reer in an appropriate manner, ho will I a candidate who -will ncver-be elected-Exchangi 'J Gortrnmtni RcTtoUt. The Treasury Department, reports the tola! receipts from customs tor the lineal year ending June 30, 1883, at $219,986,223. The receipts for inter nal revenue for the year were 1146, 436,377, and from miscellaneous sour ces, (37,430,873, making in all 403, 855,473. The current expenses of the government was $187,630,093. The collections at the Jer York Custom llouso were 146,578,626, other cities following in the order named: Boston, Phi!adephio, San Francisco, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, Galveston, St Loui, and Burlington (Vermont1. The cost of the maintenance of the New York Custom' House is not far from $2,500,000 'annually annually. The nunilxr of employees is alout 1200. The ceremony of driving the last spike on the Northern Pacifio will be witnessed by a larger numtar of per sons celebrated for their wealth, posi tions or talents than any like occur rence since railroads were thought of. Pre ident Villard has spared no er. deavor to make the occasion to be long remembered by not only those inter tstcd, but by the people of the world generally. The guests from Germany, England and other prominent citizens of their several nations, all of whdni will be certain to carry back with tlienl pleasant impressions of the lands which they po.s and tho utan itho far nished the pisses. While the wholo jnintry is inter ested in Democratic talk of the old ticket of 187C, the Oakland Times says no ono speaks up for a renewal of the Republican ticket of that year! Hayes and Wheeler ffro in their physical prime, why not nominate theml If they got office fairly and administered honestly why not run them again? Until the Republican jmrty does run them, it conlesKes" that they were not elected befora Ka only Iristoric vin dication would be in' reflecting them". Let it (o ti'ied. Tho St. Paul Globe in epeaking of the Northern Pucillc terminus at ft. Paul Bay3: "Threo hundred and eighty acres in St Taul, with one hundred irr the business center, and five million dollars to develop it indicates that the Northern Pacific means business at this point. Their 20 acres at Minneapo lis will give them abundanc yard room at that point, but the real terminal work and buildings will bn upon the three hundred and eighty acres in St. Paul." Among the striking contracts exhib ited in character the most frequent were the comparisons between Stone wall Jackson and Ewell or Early. On ono occasion Lee received this devout dispatch from one flank: "By tin grace of God we have tauten them on thoright.' and the nextuionienf froilV tfio other wing: "By d d hard fighting wo have whipped them on the left." One Lieu tenant was Jackson, tho other Ewell. Richmond State. Reports state thr.t Ja7 (iould is en deavoring to obtain control of Villard's stocks iu Oregon and Transcontinental North' rn Pacific and O. R. & N. Co., representing air interest valued" at 1300,000.000. Real Estate.' Hikvi lately iwued a circular descriptive of Lane omuty of 1.1,000 copies, I can furnish the same frva to rtie wishing to tend theni to friends. They furnish more informa tion, tueli as tlx immigrant wants, than you could write in lotter of 20 I am also operating with K. J. lUijiht & Co., of Port land, Oregon, the niewt active, energetic and thoroughly advertised firnia on the Pacific CUtot. Parties having real estate to nil will find it to their advantogs to place the same in niy bauds, as I aW constantly increasing my advertisements, and am fully determined that Lane cuuuty shall have her share of the imtui gration bound westward. Geo, M. Miller, Keal Estate Drvker. Offio., Willamette St, Eugene City, Or. KT.W ADVEUTUKMEKTS eugene Mills. THE EUCEN'E MILI-S ARE ABOUT readv to (tart up. During the siuuen- ion It bat keen much iinjiroved to shape of STONES, ROLLS, BOLT HEELS, FLOUR PACKER and WATER . WHEEL, ,.x j....i.u. .1,. -......! ..f it,. t;n..i double the power -ami has been undergoing a thnnnigb and general repair, which places the Mills equal to the best Storage. .Now to reorlre sn I store wheat at 11 cents per bushel, eiccpt when wheat it sacked and delivered on cars, when an additional 1J cents wm ue cnargeu. Wheat Bought. The highest market cash price will be paid for all wheat etnred in our bouse, anil sacks fiiminhed by the company to bring wheat to mill iu. Custom Work. All those from a distance need not wilt cS their grinding any more. All orders promptly attended to. AU flour sold or exchanged is warranted. P.KiCo. Eugene City, August 8, 18S3. FARMERS WAREHOUSE. i U. KI'D3 OF ,Cft.ttx.AXl PRO J. dure received , in store st lit rates, or purchased for cash at . . ' Highest Market Prices. Grain hags let out to fanners storin; grain', to be paid fur when grain i sold. BATES: Receiving, Cleaning and Discharging. 3cts Receiving and Iischarging 2ctt IIops stored for 50 eta per 1.000. Come and you shall be well treated. S. M. YORAN. St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. H. Vatklns, Prep. Sew nd Etperleneed .tidsi;e nieul. Charges moderate. 714 tf DO YOU WAH'T .TtOTHHS I nOTHKHS ! Art you disturbed at nif'ht and broken of your mt by a sick child surTirin? and crying with the eicruciatintf pain of muff Weth ? II g at once and p-t a botA of MKS. WINSIAJW8 SOUTHINCi U'Kl'P. It will rritee the poor little suflerrfimediately depend upon it; there is do mistake about. There is not a another oa earth w ho hat ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and gi-t to the mother, and relief as-1 health ttf chili, oo- erattoe; like macic. H is per frt"'xSt to use ia aUcam, aod pleasaat to the taste, and the preavnpti of ooe ol the oldest sad best frmale pnysioaas an4 aarsM la the I nited States. Suie sverywhrre. S cents a b-tUe. J. E. PENT. ON, Allornryiit-Law. , tUOEXE CITY - - OREGO.V. 10 lbs. sugar, $1 00, 15 " rice. 8 " colTee, " 8 "oysters. " At A. Goldsmith's. I 111 's I I I I Jj I X If so, please leare your ordert with C. H. VARNEY. Having bought the Steam Saw Mill formerly owned by Abbott and Kern, ami being a Practical Hill man I think t can clve satisfaction. tlraiq and Produce taken in exchange for humbcr. Address C. II. VARNEY. Long Tom P.' (., Lane Co., Oregon. TOY MI. SCHOOL, COLLEGE, and Miscellaneous BOOKS. STANDARD AND CURRENT LITERATURE, Smith & Cox -GENERAL bEALERS IN AgricultiiHi Implements. We intend keeping a full line bf first-class Farming Implements,con- sistmg of ii JL OslioiiNEiCOS CELEBRATEb TWINtJ iIinLeRS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS ; JOHN DODD'SOLD RELIABLE, HOLLLVCiS WORTH'S, REINDEER AND RED LIRb HAY UAIvES; , THE KETCH UM WAGON j MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, ETC., ETC. It is our intention of staying here arid, we guarantee all goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any house Hi the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite the Guard Office. S3 WH7I01rJE3K,"S", iffOTiOBrs; GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! DOI'T JAIL To Read This as it Will Pay You. Goods have been reduced from 25 to 35 pei cent, at the Everything fresh, of the Rc.t Qualify,' and Guaranteed as Representecl. Wo want your trade and ask you to coiiVe arid tie us.' McCORNACK COLLIER. Successora to CALL1SON. We will i-ft'l iiew (iress goods for 8 ctspi'f yird; fornirr price 15 rin. Good unlilt-ached and lileachfd muslin, vards for 81.00. 16 yard of linen crash for $1.00. All line foels for 2 eLs each;' former i: ct. Great reduction in Mack and colored caslri lyi-s. Latest colors in striped lace huntings, fur cents yer yanl. GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS A NO SHOES y. A I'd in' fact' almost every article in this store his luca reduced. $25,000 STOCK OF GOODS For sale cheaper than ever offered before in this market. A ('ak. C'sld r Hre Throat houlj bs st-5 puL Nntlect frrquMitit mralt la mm lararskls Laar DiBraa m'r Cmm aatlasi. HHWU.N'S HUOS1 11141,1 IHW HMars rrrlala (It rviisfla AMaasa Hrastcklsla, l .sias, alarrfc, (.s.aaiHI.S mm Tkraal IMaaaa . K 3U fmtt th Irocbas bar. bmtu ncom wtraitd hr phfsiciaoa, and alvaj girt per (set aaUslacUun. litrj art But B.w or tried but haTiaf ba tastnl by wvlr and coa staat as foe Marir aa satin fnUoa. titer aar altaio.t wll awriud ra&k amosti lev tapis recasdiai of tits a. Paklic mak ers) and alas; ersi um tiicn tn r tear and strsafTtoea sd ale. Said at teat a kl SI atia Tlioso m isliuig to purchase will do well to call upon me before making their select ions. To mv line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and GEN TLEMEN'S CLOTHING, I call your special attention. I expect to retire from the mercantile bun3s, and niy goods mutt be gold within the next 90 davs. Hoping to supply' aft' vour wants, I solicit an early ca!l . T. G. HENDRICKS. ALL ASK! Is that you do yourself justice by buying goods where you ' can g. t them the cheapest . . , . 1 intend to strict adhere to VERY LOW PRICES : eve rvtliftg I offer for sale, and in DRESS & FAKCY GOODS, Clo foots and-Shjssr Furnishing Goods, OROCBGEIIIXGROOIIRIZ-S There ia no douU or question but I ahall sell tlieiu very mtti lower than the same irnods have ever leen offered is this market. j:;gr rWse to call andjiice the good and you will se that I am in earnest- G.BETTMAN. Don't forget the place and Yemeni-' ber that the great IX L STQ11I WHf give you Lots of Goods for Little Money JL1 U GrETSTE! CXS7"S". Harness Sliop. H AVIXG OPENED A XEW SADDLE AXD HARNESS SHOP 0 SthSTillET," west ot i. rain tsroa ., I am now prepared to furnish everytning in that lint at ths The Mat Competent WorkmeD Arc cm ployecf; and I will endeaVor to give satisfaction to all whima farer me with a call. V. S. CURRIE. Useful in the Family. V nutlty leatt it to doctors to recom mend medicine, bat Parker's Ginger Tonic has been an nef al in ocr family ia rclierinj sickness and snffenng that t cannnt say too mocb in iu praise. SaJetu ACARD. To all who are suffering from tlie errors and indiscretions of youth, aerrons weakness, arly decay, Us of manhood, Ac. , I will send a rerirt that wijl mt twi, FREE OF CHAJaiE. 1"h rreat remedy was discovered by a mis sMnarr ia South America. - Sead a self-ad-dreased enrelfpe to Um Eft. JoetrH T. I5MA5, Stati D. New York Citv. FREE OF COST. , Dj, Kimo's Nrr Disco rtir for Counaa , tions, Graphs and Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, " etc, is giren away in trial bottles free of coat . to the afflicted. If yon bare a serers rgurk, difficulty of treathiug, hoarsenesa or any affe tion of ths throat or lungs by all means gia this wonderful remedy a trial Am tow valoa yoor existence yon cannot afford to let thksp portunity paa Ws avHilu not, sod would aat girt this remedy away nnls we knew it wn!d aemmplish what we claim for H. Hows- -acds of Jtnpelees cases hart already bsca - . pketely sured by it. . Then is no aMcbciiM in . the world that will ears one-half the eases that . Da. Kuo s Ntw DiscortiT WILL CUBS. For sale by Wilkin ths Drugst and Main land. Janetioa City. . Hod Daria nd Ca, AVtmleaal Arenta, Fort Land, Om