The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 11, 1883, Image 5

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Local scarce. .
HtfTMt in full bU
Haxle oat crop abundant
The smoke be about disappeared,
'property itiU "booming" io Kugn.
Magiiioee and periodical at McC & CV
Now itock of Seaside Libra y at McC Jt'C V!
The brick building art progrMiug rapid-
i . fell
. Common Council bimU at Dunn'
'Monday evening.
; Tlje brick .walla for tha new brick but
'an up oa etory Ugh.
Mr A J Moody.the store keeper at Florence,;!
Xana county, ia wry ill.
McC k C keep full atock of writing ma
terial, envelopei, etc
The river ia now eighteen iocnt 'lower
'tban'evef before known.
See the advertisement of the Eugene City
Mill in another column.
, Tourists can find maps of Oregon and'
Weebiogtoo at MoC 4 C's. 1
, Owiag'to the drouth hop in Washington
Territory will fall below an average crop.
The cireulati n of the Guard i rapidly
acreaaing. Advertiser ihould make a note
ftw: '
. M Phoabe Kinaey i building a neat dwell.
"hoAisajon tfp,q heir lot in tha weetern portion
A-rew i Jo walk baa been built on the
'tenth aide of Jame McCIaren 's property on
'Seventh street.
, Rf B S McLafferty returned on Tuesday
but, "and wfil occupy' hit pulpit to-morrow
'morning and evening.
A large furnace for Mr Tempjcton hop
-yard at Browniville, wa ahippeo. from thi
oitywoueday thi' week. ,
The Oregon City Courier eay that the editor
of the Willamette Farmer ha a pan over all
'the railroad of Oregon.
A atligl.t runaway occurred in town thi
week, but to the disgust of ye local reporter,
did no damage to amount to anythiug,
A number of New York editor have re
opened the old discussion a to "Whether there
it a helL" . If they wait they'll find out
A petition will be prenented at the next
meeting of the Council, aaking for a cistern at
the corner of Wi'lamette and Seventh Street.
F M Fleming, the blind orator of Illinois,
aldressed a large audience at the Methodist
'lurch, Thurtday evening, on the aubject of
Owenty, the unexecuted one of tie three
murderer at Daytoi. entertain the opinion
tliat he will be commuted fur treachery in the
Urrible crime.
MrshfieM,!o county, ha a aaloon to
every. twenty five inhabitant. About three
fiirlia of the vote cvtare for the straight Re-
publican ticket. ',
We have a nnmbcr -f catalogue of the.
State Fair, which mest Septenihor 17th. 1
Vny of our reader wanting one car. be up-'
plied free ol m by applying "t 0ar oSiat.
Of the fourteen convict who ecaped from
the penitentiary, thirteen have been caj.
tured, live are dead, thrte are everely
wounded, and only one is to lie heard from.
A loon a the Northern Pacific is com
pleted eastern drummer will flock into the
Northwest like Hies i.ito a Mjjar bowl, t'
night b well to begin br-io wling our citie
against them.
Mis Franc Odell will begin a private class I
at her residence, commencing September 1,
1883, teaching the common school branches,
and French and German if deaited. Term
12.00 per month.
MoPheraon, oue of the Cummin murder
ers, wa hanged by a vigilante committee
at Dayton but Sunday, and Snortdorly,
another one of the gang, wa hung by the
proper officer Tuesday.
Mr Mead, of Puyallup, who last year re
futed the highest price for hi hops, recently
old them at a low o! ome 520,000 or $30,000:
o say rumor. Several other grower are till
holdiog their hop, much' to their orrow.
The town from which the censn retarn
for. 1883 have been received are a follow:
Teoome..$15 .inhabitant: Sprague, 850; Spo-
lane Falls, U7.9; Cheney, JB75; tort TewoA
aend, 1,300; Dayton. 2,000; New Tacoma, 8,
.665; and SeaVue', 8,145.
HarrJ Miller will put np a large store at
Grant' Paw a oon a the depot t located
Elegant Picture.
Mr W IT Orsi.t, of Corvallia, and Mr T J
Buford, of Corvallia, have placed on exhi
bition here, quit a lot ot very On portrait
painting, finely fiuished in oil They will
Make a thorough cauvaa of Lane county,
having their headquarter in Eugene City.
The geotleinen will be in thi viciuity
aWt one mooth, taking order from partie
Who deir photograph and tin type en
larged to a life iae oil painting. The pic
ture are all fin iu the extreme, each one
having all of the moet minute expression of
the persons in life, aud displaying fine taste
'it blending of thade and colur. The beauty
of the work i eqnal to any work on the
coast Th best feature of it all is that the
artist ia Mr Horace Dueabury, a five or ix
yart reside ot of Portland, so that the money
paid for this work will reinaiu at home and
go to patronize hmio talcut and enterprise.
Mr Duesbury it au artist of rare taleuts, and
who before coming to Oregon, hi adopted
home, (pent several year traveling iu
Europe, during whiuh time he apeot much
ot hi tiro iu Pari and Italy studying hi
chosen calling. These gentlemen represent
the art gallery of C C Monte Jt Co, 163
First street, Portland, and in patrouiting
thi work there i no' danger of losing your
'photograph.'' Tha price of the superb
Jsiutingt range from nlteen to one hundred
ollart 'each', owing to ixe, kyle and manner
if taki!:g ttiein. They have aecured' the
order fnim a great many of the most popu
lar and nrtt-claa people of the State, many
of which tave already been finished and de
livered. If you want thi kind of work
dituo, yon caunot do better than to patronite
thi horn talent.' It ie far . better than to
senl orjfer to foreign, irresponsible parties,
aa many hare done. These gentlemen are
pleasant aiiJ agreeable, and will call upon
you toon ana show you some of these nice
results of Wit eri
'AnoVer Stage Stopped.
(jLC.NDALf, Aug.
so extenslve'waretiouse and lumber yards
i AslInd and other point in the valley.
ri a a L..ii;. i.:..L....i : .iv'
What ha Think About it.
. The following I what a aucceasful merchant
of St Joseph, Mlasourl, ay about adverU.
ing in newspaper. II put a muoh into ad-
. . .
V.rtliemenU a Into tor xpene,ina a rn
and lyit, and keeps it up twelve month In
th vr. tha dull season belnff the very time
he advertise:
"Th newppi is the only proper medium
for a live merchant to. employ1. I wouldn't
give a cent a bushel for ciaculara, dodger and
slim boards. Vbnyoa find a. merchant at
tempting to do business without, advertising
In the newspaper you can make, up your rama
h is not very anxious, for customer. Tbe.peo-
ple read th nwiper now a d,ys
Ir, to how you th. Vajii of advertising, ..let
m tell you that we spept a roand. sum, lor a
full ag of the 8t jloui "Globe democrat"
and "Republican," and wtwre astonished at
the results. Peop!e thought we were craiy
advertise in St Louis, till we secure custom
ers from Illinoi, Iowa, Missouri, ,aj,d Kansas
that could be traced directly to those advertisements."
Letter Liat.
Letter for th following person wcr , Un
called for at the poto(Gc In Eugen City, Or.)
August 11, 1833:
Haw, John
Hasten, Mauley
Hearin. Ed
Horn, Sarah E
Johnson, I) O
AUUon. A B
Brown, Micca
Drawn, R K
Booth, Julia
Bailer. E M
Barnett. P J
Carlile, sin Cathrin I amburt, C L
Callaghan, J J O Mldrum, Henry
Cole. Wm
Crow, Mr J W
('umminit, G H
Ilobuikki, S
Dawling, Edward
Ely, W M
Ely, John
Eastman, The E
Foyle, M
Gartra, Andy
Powell. A A
Pierson, Eanuy
Pieraon, Henry D '
Rooney, Elh
Savage, Dr B M
Stoker, J H
Standley. Pearl
Stitea, K M
Trawel, Anna
Taytl, Matk.
8. PArrcaso.t, P. M.
:' ii becomuig heavily interested in Jack-
son county, iimes.
Vv"'' acknowledge reeei o'fjeomjiliinsnjiry
invitation. to attend the Eecoyd Annual
Meeting ot the Eaatero Oregon1 Fine Stock
issmation. eonvenini at fiettillaM .Race
irack, Union, Oregon, M Sept Id, iod
(inning ix day.
The trouble with Portland U that it wanU
U "run" the whole f tbNorthwe and it
leel terribly grieved! if it eannntotioolixe
money, ancf i compelled to pay tho aame
a the rest of n poor mortal fc,.," Vrlri
leg1 of owning property in the Stat.
Albany Democrat.' ' '
. A'ttbxamioation of Wm.Eading be
o'readge.Fitihngh Tuesday the two y
iritneaa, Mr Pool and Samuel Mark, and Dr
Wolf, who made -the xaif.'inatioas of the
wounded man, appeared a wit e for the
SU't No witneea for th aeeoee were
examined, and the prisoner wa held to
tfoawer th charge of murder without bail and
u now lodged in the county jail awaiting th
action of. the grand jury. PWndealer.
TH Weedenahot arid killed Jared Larkin,
J'1 aeignbor,' at Tule Lake Klamath county
kte last month. Larkina wa accused of using
instil tin lanffuaa-e toward Mr Weeden.
Whea the partiea met Larkin waa on bora
b aoky and Weedeo first shot bias with ia shot,
knaiklni hlm oir the here. "H thn followed
him np and. killed him with the butt of th
gun. ' Weeden gave himself np t Jnatle ef
tbepSa'cVToleXak precinot, th verdict
rendered being that to aflUngwa jmraneoi.
sDALt. Aus. 0. ine sue going
ti i.-.v . . r .... . .
south rrldaV night, MUman, driver, wa
toppVVoii the summit of Wolf ceek hill,
eight iu'ilc south of this place, by two men
sitting by a cainu fir within a foot of the
road. They presented a double barreled
. . -1 ,lV. ,i . t ti..ii r
I tot gun ami coouy ueinaniien ru, nn
ft Co' tres-'ire box, whiuh wa hauded out
and tne dVivcr ordered to move on. The
box waa trnken open and relieved of it con
tent, 'fih led a few letter. The paHsen
gers, rT whom there were three, aud the
mill, wer not distarbed. No trace of the
rotber 'is found, as they left the road going
oflf tiiroC'gh 'the timber.
YaVlt o Bask Fixtures. We havf
mlde ail esamiuation of the vault being
built d'iriuj the week for Messrs Hendricks
i. ErVin. They linve commenced at the
ground nu )M a substantial foundation to
riseleVcl with the (loot, of stone and brick
in cement. On thi foundation they have
placed art Vrui vault 9 feet lng, 5 feut wide
and fvft.rtnh, made of g iron. Around
thvi vault ttmV have built a substantial brick
wall at out 4 inches iu tiiiukues. using the
brt tvf Vcrtiaiid cement I'hey have a y-
teni of cold air ventilation that appear to be
per;t. .1 heir vault front is of the 1111
paWV. Jii their vault they iutond to place
bpvfli.r T'O'n oox, weignmg swmi
'.i.ri 1 . . ... i mi i.
ponnHt. This vault whon none win no one
of tfVr.'ost complete arrangements of the
.'LL.1'! . .... I I . I..
kirn', in l Mate, a;id will ne ainoiuiciy
n're and burglar proof.
P6r.TAt Ratks. The postinastor-gcnoral
has issued a circular to postmasters ollicially
infoVrniii them that the reduction of potl
rites will take place on October 1st, and di.
TCctuVg thit they make preparations for it.
NiA fiily 'ire they ti reduce requisitions for
tftt three -lent stamp, but they are to take
all available mean without incurring ex
jie'nic, to notify tbe pnblio nf the change in
L . i .i :i l
ratoa W preveui user oi mo mans iran
cumiUtinB excessive qusntities of the
nesnt nail ounce raw autmp. jlod ho
t9,c'eit stamp will be upplied to post
niitt'er upon the first of September next,
hvjt none are to be sold until the 1st of Octo
bcr. ir Coxvicts. At the time of the escapade
'at Salem considerable speculation was indulged
in a to what would be done with the recap
tured convicts, many people saying that some
'of tfcem would l)e hanged, while other said
that such a thing could not be done, and that
no uch punishment wa legal The Code of
Oregon aays: "Any racaplng convict who
haU, with a deadly weapon, trike, cut, shoot,
or shout at any guard or officer of tha peniten
tiary, shall be liable to punishment with
death " Some of the escaping prisoner are
said to have had an iron bar in their band
when they attacked Warden Collin, and with
whioh be was ttrurk. Ex.
Lower Sillaw. A correspondent in the
Portland Standard, present a tirade of a
column of ahaxe agaiuU the Lower Siualaw
country. The litter ia made np of false
hood, and show upon it face that the
writer is a person who ha never visited the
country, or haa a very spiteful nature.
GaovEit Comedt. This troupe played at
Lane' Hall Tuesday and Wednesday even
ing to fair audience. In our opinion the
company is the beat that ha performed here
since the Berger Family. We bespeak for
them good audience wherever they may ap
year, as they merit eueces.
Sca ecu There have been several' partie in
tn tin's wek. endeavoring to renl dwelling,
hut erithont succeaa. Some of .our., capitalist
timiM Kiiilil a number of small dwellings im
mediately. There ia not a vacant building in
"Bad." We clip the following concerning
the Calendar Minatrela from the Dayton, W
T Journal: "This band of darkle gaveapei
formance in Dayton but Friday and Saturday
evening. Neither house wa very large- but
equal to the merit of the performance. Th
'end men' for some reason, were a por a
ever tried to afflict a Dayton audience. There
waa nothing really meritonoua about the
troupe but the instrumental music. A year
ago Callender had a good show; but Dayton
ha seen better by far since. Cullender .will
will have to rise early and hunt late to find a
good a set of minstrels as Courtwright and
Hawkins'. His famous quartette wa infamous."
Retcbked Home.- Mr J J, Comtock ha re
turned borne, and paid Eugen a visit y ester
dar. He k muoh improved in health. Jim
is worth a doten dead Ken yet. . .
Vesisow. A gentleman who live on th
Siuslaw brought In town last Saturday' th r
Biins of twelve fin deer. H told the entire
lot in lea than on hour.
Telemose. DrT W Shaltoo ha had a
teWhoo line constructed from F M Wil
kins' dm a (tor to hi residence. It will b
great eooTnifee T
Small. The cent piece is slowly wending
it way to Oregon, and a quantity ha already
been sent to Portland. The old spirit of "I
d m't care a nickel" is dying out and the cus
tom of making change to a cent is liable to be
established here. Money order under ten dol
lars cost eiuht cent The only change tha
Pot Office hss any right to give is money, so
that without the old-time pennies the change
cannot be made. This is one thing which is
bringing them into ue, few people caring to
give the Government two cent without they
are obliged to.
A Good Haul. -The Pendleton posse
which started nut of that city 111 pursuit of th
overland stage roHtcrs, are clwe on the trail
of the thieves and have every hope of catching
them in a few days. It is now .ascertained
that there was 8i,000 in Wells Fargo and TV
box got away with. There wa 81700 In green
backs in one package, and the other 8300 was
in several other smaller packages. The total
extent of their plunder will not exceed, 83000.
VaohaSCV. Marshal Attebery arrested last
Saturday a tramp who gave hi name iA Mr.
Miller, for the crime of vagrancy. He wa
taken before Recorder Callison and fined $50
or 25 days hard labor on the streets, and in
consequence of rather a light purse, he chos
the latter. Wednesday while under the charge
nf a deputy, the prisoner absented himself
few minutes and neglected to return. A good
Under Adviskment. We clip th follow
ing from last week' Astorian; "W are in'
formed that Rev B S MoLafferty. of
Eugene City, has under advisement a pro
position to accept the pastoralup of the Bap
tint church of this place. Mr MoLafferty
was pastor of the First Baptist church of
Oakland, California, for six or eight years,
and ia highly apoken of by his friends and
acquaintances. "
Real Estate Transfer. Prof Johnson
one day this week purchased of Mr J B Har
ris his farm in Linn county, the considera
tion being all of the President' property in
Eugene, which wm valued at 83,000, and
84.000 in coin. W understand that frof
Johnson will bur lot aud btilld a new resi
deuce next summer.
. , ,i -. i
A Granger JoDot -Judge R S Bean,' last
Tuesday, ran his father' header all day, cut
tluir about 20 acre of oat, which yielded about
800 bushel of .grant The Judge say ..that Jt
seemed like old times, and .that ne wa luuy
repaid for his labor by hi increased appetite. ,
Oranoe Mr J B Underwood, of
thi city,' hss an orange tree, that, at th
nreaenl time, ha several orange hanging
to iU branch. The lady, one day thi
week, favored thi office with a rip one,
which look quit luscious. Thanks.
To beOpened. W ar reliably informed
that Mrs Phoebe B Kiosey will oon open
Seventh truet to the lane iu the western
part of town. This will be a great acccm
modation to many who hate purchased lots
in that part of our thriving city.
New VarietY or Pluks. Mr HC Per
kiu ha shown u a new variety of plum
wliich he ha iropaaatecl. which are the
largest sod finest we have ever een in Ore
nun V? nronoM that they b named th
"Oregon Favorite."
Crop Repjrti.
Editor Goaedi Being a reporter for
Lane county of all it agricultural pmdnct
to th Department at Washington, I here
with forward yon forpublication, th month
ly report for July, 1833, of th acreage of
oorn, winter and apring whtata, grape 4m)
fruit. Tb area of th corn crop ha bean
increased about two and a half million, acre.
Taking all th State tqgcthr, .th average
for corn i 88, agaiuat S3 for July J 832, 90 in
1881, aud 100 in 1880. On biuidradneaos
a medium growth, with a full Ut(J and.
lieaUhy plant without any. drawback Jvhat.
v,r, A few .of, the principal StatcJ,r ai
follows; NawYork 84f PwayJniv:,49;
Ohici 83; Michigan, jiti iqdiQ,.0Q; Jlliuoi,
82i, K.Dsas, 98; Nebraska, 87; ..Dakpta, 78.
In the souh vrge,rang,f'omi00 in 'Tea.
nemy to, ,1Q3 nj Louisiana, v Illinois Wads
thcra all in number of acres, 8,151,463, and
Missouri next, with 6,898,364. Total acreage
of all the State is 68,304,683. Winter
wheat ia all harvested and will not differ
much from tha April report, and th assur
ance ia that there will b ihortag of about
ighty-fiv million bushel in the winter
if heat crop, aid a probable deficiency of
ereoty to eighty million pgshtl in th eg-
grtgat wheat pronuot ol m year, nence
it i tboct that prioe will nil aomewhat
higher than heraifor.
Tb spring whpl. proDct it somewhat
better than last y esrj tk genera acreage it
100 againss 90 for lat.jrar. . ,Som ot th
State average a folow. Weooiuiin, 100;
MinsMtota, V7i Iowa, 1UU; riCbrasts
Dakota, 103, and equally .high . in,cvral
other State. Ther Ii mora) laetrtfaiiiyd
from weeds than all other ource cnniLIiva,
Th eooditioo of barley is 97 against 00 a
year ago.
Aa increase of 5 per cent ia th area of
pitatoe planted, and reported in high con
dition, averaging 101.
Tobacco ha dimiuwhed in area 7 per cent;
condition 93.
(rape aad clove generally all over the
State i good with th exception of Oregon,
which it the lowset, effected by a long con.
tinned drouth; Nobraska 105, th whol
averaging 103.
Fruit have declined tine tha first of
June by late frost. The condition in New
York from 95 to 70) in Pennsylvania, from
98 to 75; Ohio, from 63 to 51; Michigan,
from 93 to 70; Illinois, from 70 to 66; Wis
consin. froip,T7 tq,63; JowsJ.,trom T4 to 64:
California, from 70 to 6). The same decline
i indicated mostly with the other Stated.
England, France, Holland and Polgiiim
ave suffered from climatic ,cauaea and will
need one hundred million bushel of wheat
iu excess of but year to supply horn wants.
Reports from most of the hop center are
uniform, stating that the project ar excel
lent ana in sinirldsnt Crop i predicted. ...
Georiik Hr.uliATV.
Extracted. Dr Win Osburn one day thi
week extracted a cap from th forehead
Mr Go 3 Kincaid, which had been thrown
into hi bead by the premature explosion of
a cat ridge about two weeks ago.
PCRCHA8ED. Mr Jo Taylor, last Wed
nesday, purchased of Mr J B Harri th two
vacant lot formerly owned by Prof Johnsoo,
navinff t400 for the same. A sinendid ba:
r j -gain.''
OnkiioN floJir.URS. All perob who af.
rived in Oregon previous to 1883 are eligible
to become momber of the t Oregon Pioneer
Association, whether thc ciiih by water or
land, ami al whp wa bofn iu Oregon pre
vious to tSaiear arj also eligible to myn-beralii-j.
Tiic l-'iola tf yfbc?d"." ',. fol
fowT rirt,iiaiWe ?iiM$sf territory, year
f birthi ilat of arrival fn Oregou.with your
postoffice addres iu full, aud send th m
to T B Odeneal, Secretary, at Salem, Oregon,
with a three-cent postage (tamp for return
certificate, and on dollar membership fee.
Indies do not have to pny any membership
fco. All who hive been member and have
beoomn delinquent, are required to pay np
to date and enclose the extra postage stamp.
After you have aecurud the certifiito, Bond
your name and (60 to J M Daoon, Treasurer,
at Oregon City, and if the number to go
on the excursion ia not aecured by the tint
of Seplemlier next, the money will be re
turned. The company' proposal i that 200
ticket must be sold, and that the members
io in a bo'.'.y. Ticket to St. Paul aud re
turn, sbu: tune, W day, inese oeruuoaie
will be, made out by tbe President aud
Lower Sichlaw. From Messrs Palmer
and -Sweet, who came from the mouth of the
Siuslaw on business with the Land Ollice at
thi place, we learn that the Siualaw coun
try it beiug rapidly filled np by (Cttlert.
The wagon road from Eugene City flll appn
bs completed, - wncn ingress to inai portion
of the State, vjU be easy,, U S engineer
are now engaged in surveying the month of
the river, . and it 1 excepted that the o
will be established that it i oue, of the bet
harbors, on the catt between, Sn , Francisco
nd Pniret Socnd. There win be no canninrf
VTM.-fj.'H- vJ-Tu 1J ,.,) ,
done thi suinmer, but large quantity of
salmon will be pot u id all Roteborg Iu
FpEK. ScuouRaaira. Notice is hereby
given that a publio examination of appli
cant tf fill fouy vacant free .scholarship in
(he State University, for Lo couuty, will
be bald at tb Court Hon, in Eugene City,
on Monday September th 3d, 1883, at
o'clock, a m. Persons wishing to euter th
examination will in th meantime submit
their names ia writing.
' A. W. Pattemon,
School Supt.
Eugene, August 6, 1883.
New Saw Mill. Mr Hiram Smith, of
Harrisburg, passed through the etty last
Monday on 11 wa to Portland to porchss
complete outfit for $3,000 steam saw mill,
which h will set np at Harrisburg, aud
have runuing by the first of September.
will have a capacity of 18,000 to 20,000 feet.
Mr Smith ha 2,000,000 feet of log just
above Upburg, and which will arrive at Har
riaborg in about two week. AJbsoy Dom
John 8twert i rapidly improving.
I Mr A 0 Woodcock paid Albany a visit o
dajfthiaweek., .,,;,,, , , .....
rM,riUarry Warshausr ha returned nome
from UarrUburg; ; ...... , ft. ;tt e
i Mr. Farmer HUl wn U Polk county
Moty'ay, to viait friend. . ,, ,
, Mc Oeerge A Dorri end wife ere rec
reating at the Kitoo Spring.
Ml and Mr 9 M Titu. of thU city, will go
East on th Pioneer Excursion.
W ondersUnd tbat Mr Eugen Lnckey,
ot Priuevill. intend movingiber shortly. ,
Mr T i ChMhir went to Portland Mon.
day, where he will viait for a week or more.
MrG C Collier, of Colorado, left for Sau
Francisco Tbaisday, to attend th Triennial
Coeclav. J
Messrs T J Smith and Johnny Kelly, of
Portland, will leave for th Foley Spring
Tb twin daughter of Professor Coodoe
are visiting in the family of C M Permsoter,
at Salem,
Senator Geo B Dorri left for Jacksonville
last Wednesday, where he will remaia
week or two. i - .
GeoS Kincaid, of the Joornal.l left for
the npper McKensie yesterdsy, to be absent
about a month.
Mcearc I B Moorse, Ssth R Hammar and W.
8 Arnold ot Salem, were registered at the St.
Chart yesterday. . ,. , ,, ,
Mr Fred Cast Urn an, of Portland, was . ia
town on day thi wtsk attending to buslnss
concerning hi hop yard. -
iSJt: Knight F D Duon and Jam Robinson
Wiil leave thi morning to attend the Triennial
Conclave at.Saa.francf ,
IS SUof iWsb-h who at ten led th Ual-
varsity. Uvt tiiiser,,! atedying law ia thaofns
Mr SainjieJ Wendly UV ththlSMnrd
morning oil A,b,i)ine triplc an Francliso.
H will b absent about two week. t
Dr E P Geary, formerly of thil..ty, hu
moved from Eagle Poin tq, AaliUsd, where
he iuteuds continuing in hUiofeasion.
Messrs W H Grant, of Port
land and T J ttu'ord, of Corvalli, ar iu,Eu:
gen, with headquarter at th St, Chart;
hotel . '
Mr Ed Alexander, formerly of thi city,
wa on of th striking 8 F Call striker. W
tee hi nam oa th passenger list of th incom
ing steamer.
Mis Leopold Hirsch, of 8alem, and Mr
Iaidor Eisenberg and her ton Albert, of San
Francisco, are visiting at th residence of
Mr .8 H Friendly, of thi city.
Mr Lafe Skaggs ha gone to Glendale, to
accept position at th depot ther. He is , the. best operator ever graduated
in the Eugene often, arid i deeerviog of suo
ccj. .. . ".
7 ' I M v' ' I'M
, Mr L Hilyeu it visitiij.2 relatives and
8mithfield Keml.
Augnat 1, 1881
Harvest commsnced. ' ;
Harvest hand and team are plenty Vert
with some to ar. ...,
Chu and Jm Bait hav Just eeorplettd
fin barn lor E WoolrUg. ' '
MattUon Smith and son hav sold their teal
estate to David McBee, of Junction,
.A tri weekly mail to Floroe-that taMM
goJow one week aad try to get back tn
Henryfimltb killed a Urge black bear thi
week-his rt. Yon bet hi bsir atood npo
tbd. i . !
M Ja Hay, of J,fferon, U vry lck el
her father', Mr Amo Klchardeon, of wie
place,.; ... ,. . .:,
David Bmlth aays U wiU rj Big Bend 0 he
caa Bnd a ouytrior i n cucurvu
hsep. I 4V, ; . t iiJm-,',..i
Mr W Ovo.lmn, of lUclavdloaJi I lying
vety aiuk t hi brother's, near Mccroe, Ban-
op,W.mts., ,M , .., ....... ;i; hiff r
.Come on,ln4byr;tk eeople akft,
th Big Bend fever. -You caa buy any kica i
a ranch here you likr , n r., K
Tilden and Hendricks ' ar ou(f mA. W Baii.
..... - 0 1 1 mmJt
my. don t die bslore mv, ot. b
Oeqrg tbe.Rspublicaa. ... , i '
HOPLemley ihaMurned voMTHuf-1 r
.... a .a n 1 - tv..
Mtat. H sold hi and tn urowe "
Mr Prch, of Albany, for 14,800. , -x -
tttaM jlotou Derwm shot eevehUea lea
ot .heap Uk MiHvW Bmlth
ina diUh. Hcgs eta sheep iar n-w
rieiid in Albany, Lark say that, "batch
ing" I a failure, and that there a.rno,urn.
ing and knashing of teeth in his castle , is an
evident fact from hi haggard appearance.
Mr Hick of th fruit cannery ha returned
from Douglas county, wber h engaged
large amount of frit't. W alio uuderstaud
that Mr W Ii Abram ha engaged a large
amount of apple in that county, tuitable for
the manufacture ot cider.
.The GAr. On the 2d of this moolh th
gap in tha Northern Pacific wa sixty-eight
milee long. Tbe force now employed ere
closing it at the rate of about four mil
day. It ia believed', that "ell raU" will
annooocd by the 28th of thi mooth. The
balance of the tiir.e betweeo that data end
th day on'wYih tfi '-last pik" i driven,
will be used in potting finishing' toaehes to
I the Dneaasiot nissou.
Emolmuent Returnt.
Th following r th return of the BDerrn
and Clerk of Leu county for fee aad aJ
menu received and earned during the year ead
ing Juns 30, 1883:
eiimrr.' . "
For six months ending Deo' 81, 1882, free
ft, 11,801 83fpe, fTi .
FoaalLaMnth ending. June Wl, i liH fro
fees.ll.WIt 95; .xpne, W 55) n.t.11,031 0,
ci.rk. .. ' rv
F,.l month ndliiK Dec Mr VAUP
fee, 11.827 Wi expen., 1443 10; nt,l,SS4 XX
For (ix month oding June JU, job, grose
fee, 11,805 80; xpene, 8342; bet, l,wo.
schhast. .
Sheriff, gross v
1,000 urn
S.050 78'
3,633 00
, -71(
exptnae .
Clerk, gro... 111
" .
Officerg I. O. Q. T.
Til followiag olHcers of Butte Lodge, No
367, were installed last Saturday evening by
Edwin O Potter, Lodge Deputy 1 '
Mr Joeie Smit, WCT, ,
E O Potter, RNS)
Tame 1 river, L N S;
Mary Potter, WVT;
J K Houston, Sec;
Mattie Currie, A S;
Helen Bushnell, F 8;
HaUle Bushnell, Treas;
Mr Non-U, C;
Jo II Bean, M:
Osie Walton. D M
l.u Rush, I O;
New RE.iiDKKI.-Xip'ong. th . numerous
improvetren't bt Fyiigeh w..Booa very
heat and.cbmodioR; residence being, bqjlt
by Mtuia McFarland. end Sloan,,, for Mr
Mary Odollu In it erection , one ,phject
eem to have been kept iu yierrby the
' .. . ' .1 . :i j
Dauuera. ..tPV u comion,, fna nvsnic
fortlie,la(jf.',tl,erP9,.m,"if ffvVu W"
Odeli aasurei .us ahe,Jiigl;Iy pleatad with.
t construction. Xrul the spirit ot enter
prise hat take posaautdn of our people.
. fie
State Fair. We notice the following Lane
county people mentioned aa ofnoer of the
forthoomim State Fain Vice President, M
Wilkin; Member Board ot Manager, Robert
Veatch; Superintendent of Divisional Mr A
Osburn, of Dairy products, and Mr S D Holt
of garden products.
H Alt neon Residehub. Th w resi.
dence of Mr S M Titu ha besa completed,
aud we maet eay ' h eoe of the neatest
tmall dwelling ia our city. Th carpenter
work was don by Messrs Midgely end John
AaaESTEa One L W Friedmae, a bill
poster for th negro minstrels, wa arrested
thi week and fined 18 for posting bills with
out permission. He is a "dummy," aad
probably i fair representative of hla troop,
N. P. ExrREaa. Ou th 1st ot September,
th Northern PaciSc Express Company will
begiu th transportation of good and. noney,
epoo all the lines included in the Villara ays
tern, "TI".. .
PrirHASKllL Mr T D Edwsrds.c?8iJrin2'
field precinct, laat, Sf jprday,'p jTcbad e
Mr Scott Chrieman, bia residence oa Eight
street, paying ai.uou (ppme saeia
h i urn 1 ' m' 1 .
OooD.-Mrtr;,n, SuMrjnLfdenq
the Oregoa, j)jn4Btirj y,a, rmopg
bus boardet faey, be fonad rprf(iUUree of
mo' vry iodnatry, pnater taptd
. t mm b
TbaXI Mr Che Baker, who hs been
aniocrning at,the McKensie 8pring, fprapm,
(fine, ba the thank of the CoAtD turoe for
a fv ines of tronk and veoiton.
Ilavlng purchaacd, th. K V Howardwatej
house In this place, .one oFtha beat
and built warehoueee away" from elk danger e
fir and nola of railroad, I am ow ready W
furniah aaoka-all new-to tbo: tbat laUnd'
storing wheat thi fall Having two ol th
vry beat cleaner and a fourteen Home ipearer
engine, I am able to do work faster and tabs.
of it than any other hou in the oounty. Idket
heretofore, I shall always ndvor to pare
much a any other what buyr, end a UttH
more when crowded. 1
N. 11 Alwav on hand, a loll end wU
oibfd atock of Merchandise b't every deeerlp-
tlon. 1 ;i irM',ni'
Junction city; August i-
Services in tha M E Church have been dis
continued until Sept L
McCornack and Collier hav ornamented
the front ot their (tor with torn naw sign.
Mia Emma Cornelius, who graduated at
the State University last June,! taking a
course at the Portland Bualnee College.
The first bal of hop of thi season arrived
at New York Augut 4th, and wa old lor 50
cent per pound. It wa grown la Onslda
county, New York.
We will send the Goard free for one year
to enyone who will tend n five new eb.
scriber accompanied with the caah at the
rate of 12.50 per annum for each,
General Fraucl Darr, of New York, letrav
eling through Oregon In rtfintereat of the VU
lard ayndicate, looking after the matter oj put
ting up grain elevator for the company. He
wlllUIn EugenejdiorUy ,
! Fl! Wow. We-rW once in a wail .of a
wonderful piee.olics4)iueo jnasai-: omtala
ing, ten, twenty, et. fifty thouaaod piece, the
'maker of wbiah.lia pent'nopUi had va.
years ot Jabor In, reproducing it, and th oeo
pie goi aa- e eurlwity.but . tbe,Jiolf
ilaborata andicarflly,nmd piece 01 wem
tWslnd1"r)taJ.eWnpopnre for ml-
nut detail end accuracy lor fitting with that
which the printer doe every day. The
who doe it 1 looked upon aa a marvel nf skill,
and If a hundred of his piece are put ia wrong
id up or turned around, it ia not noticed ia
th general effect; bnt if the printer ia wit
ting together three time as many piece ia a
week, put on the wring way, everybody eee
it and Is amazed at the Stupid oarsleaaoeaa ef
those printers."
Tie Caore. From what we bear w believe
the wheat crop is turning out better than f.
pected. We htv heard ot one fUl that afaev
aged 32 bushsls per acre, while another cnl
yielded 16J buhek
'( "
Fixia-Tom Watson alexia WjovvWi
Portland last Saturday eijwi X clck Had
2 JO he wa in jail for drunkenness. Moadaav
morning: be was find 110 and Immediately W
parted for Portland.
Nl'w.DnroT.-It le reported that work wW
eomnpap on-tbew depot buildmg h ia
about fh ree week. -
Cohiro. Dan CasUlla'a tfrcve wjU fvttmj '
In Eugene City, Aug 25th, and at Juactk
Aug 24th. r -i
' "' J v m
Money to. Loan,
On easy tews. w afpreved eeverwy I,w
aMfleotV. ess-all kinds ol property, is th
bt ot companies. ' ,.:
.,.,lu..-.,rTK;: ...... !,
In the buadlng termerly econpled by Hevey k
Humphrey Ceia- Lacxa.
Belknap Spring.
, Mr J W Elxoa ba rebuilt the bridge
the river U thsa aotsd apring aad bee elea.
put the wagon read bs excellent shspe. He to
busily ngagd at present reaovating the ho,
baUbooeeetA Give him a call this Sum-