JUL THE EUQEHE CITY GUARI. HATUUDAY. 'I- ' I- . - 1 The JBurlgoge Tax Law. IMtob Guakd: In the dally (W pdnlan of July 28tU in reproduced en articlelfrom the Farmer discussing 'the niort'gago lax law, The article . ft founded upon a circular issued and bClivvo mo assessors oi urn aevrruicuun- tiesnTtne'Btate by Mr. Hugh Ropr "' Vlahager of Wo Dundee Investment Coqipany. The ptmd is. taken by Tr.. Rogers that the fnoftgnfles held by 'the company in tltin State should not W.issWd or taxed to thnlr full face value, but' that they should bo scaled (a llin iiitnnf inn rf iiiBMgnrt in valuing property to place it at a figure they believe it would fetch at a forced sale, and this is right, placing property on a. level with the cash it would bring ifsojwld. . Mr. Rogers and others rep resenting foreign capital seems to be wiUmgand anxious 16 pay tt reasonable tat'ofl iKrlr ihstrttmchta,but we Lelieve IhrJ hem sought to do so while their moWics. wcro exempt, iroiq taxation, noVunliV the present mortgage tax law Was enacted. Domestic capital has never been ex erapt, nor is not now from paying tax es on iu nominal value, whether repre sented y . mortgages, or in actual twen ty dollar, pieces, and I am at a loss to know how an assessor could value mortgage for five thousand dollars on property . which in ordinary business transactions is Worth ten thousand dollar), at less than its face value. Such a security Would fet ;h its face Vaktft at any tin ti if put upon the niar set Home cap tal is' entitled to as thu'cll cbhsidnration as foreign capita and; it has been and is no subject to ali,t!ie Hardship (or rather juxtice) ihi posed upon foreign capital by this mortgage tax law. I think osseBSors will be' slow in vJd"p1ing Mr. Rogers' recommendation tosealo down his mortgages to ono half their face value, of If any should do so t fodr it will be Jilllcult for them to Oil tt r satisfactory redjtjns to the peo ple ft)r having done so; The Farmer indorses tie views Mr Rogers as enunciated in his circu lar, and the Oregonian doubtlessly approves,'-which shows thoir friendship for foreign wealth rather than home enterprise and industry. The Farmer's article is altogether Eclipsed by a correspondent who signs liiir.sclf J. Fret' Clurk, and whoso let trr immediately follows' the Farmer's ttrticle. Doubtless Mr. CI irk is a rep resentative of foreign capital and be feels very resentful at a Legislature that would presume- to pass such measure as the mortgage tax law. He first charges the Legislature with "class legislation." Is it class legisla tio'n to exempt foreign capital while domestic capital is taxed at its full valuet Ho says "its promoters sought to cinch Portland ami foreign capital ists." How h Portland or foreign cap Italists cinched by this actl Do they want to escape-taxation! If they do they xtight to b cinched. But if this Is sinching then every man in Oregon Is equally cinched. After a tirade of Scurrilous abuse ha indulges in the fol lowing which may or may not be the sense of the people of Portland, gener ally.- "They (the Legislature) lacked the knowledge that has been garnered by. "numberless states, territories and counties, viz, that direct taxation on money invariably and inevitably leads to Itij' secretion or withdrawal They wished Portland, w hich already pays about half the state taxation to pay thn other half also." And much more in the same strain. If this man, J. Fred Clark, represents any body of re spectable then, either in Dundee or Portland, then had better put a curb on his bit, or sequester hint so that ho can do neither himself cor them any further harm. "If the coun try ran stand the strain, Portland can.1 Pray, ny 'dear sir, have no fears about die country being able to stand the strain .Portland didn't make the coun try; ifr was here before Portland w as, bat I suspect that the coui.try had much-to do ill making Portland what it is, Mid I suspect that Oregon capi Ul loc&W in. Portland has as little fault to findlwitb thin Wm as country capital baa, 11 foreieiv enuital ia not ..V'l .-i i :.v j- LA Cssik. C'wU Thrl willing w war tunt ..uruena wim UhouM b. .tl Nelect frequently remit eti capital when brought try comp- lZVS UUou JJterwwith, then, lee 18 "wiln- drav." It can't leave any too soon. We wouIJ impose no unequal burden nor grant no special favors, even to re- tain-sveh valuable and modest instnict ...... orK" - Mr j. Fred Clark ays the-law must li $ repealed", aw jhat tb motion fori NEW AD VE UTI3 EM ENTS repeal must come from the country, not from Portland. Well, just wait and let it come from the country. The country has no fault to find with The ,-, ..w r......B vv mil VITiiPYK Xfll.fil AIIK AnnlTT proportion of tnf pctmc uuruenv ou- x wly to un up, EUGENE MILLS. Mt to the mortgage lax law. If the Farmer add 'the Oregonian as well as Mr. nukh Rognrs and Mr. J. Fred ClaVk,'6r any other n-presentativo of ToVergn; capital It Portland desire to maXe the lrp(l of this law an issue at the next election in this State, the country will say all right. If foreign capital is to make the laws of Oregon the sooner we know it the better. There is no just cause for the oppo sition manifested to this law, and no one finds fault with it 'except those who entirely escaped taxation' before its enactment, and their paid defenders. All the noise wo hear alwut the ntyrv gage tax law comes from Portland and is the growls and muttering of for eigners, through their-agents here, and through a press of easy virtuO that will; for so much money, defend any cadse, no matteY what, or how unjust Equal Taxatiox. Kentucky Jield . its . .Slate, election last Monday. Tho Democratic niajon in tho state is -.estimated at between 50,-000 and 100,000V ' ' - 1 t - "Texas has ants that make honey prevaricates' the Boston Tost. .Poohl that is nothing; this city has "uncles" who make money. . .. , .-- ti i , ,' ' . , Brevities. For good dcutintry go to CUrk. Drinif Jrdut chlckeni to Dettmaa'i. Go US Luclcry nd Urittow'i for punts. For the beat mixed paiuti, go W Gill'i. Od to Hendricki' and m the boat tir iettar. Job work h speciality at the Guard office. All kind of grsit feeds for sale at A Gold smith'. 4 Cheapest tobacco in town at th Variety Stoke. The highest cah price paid for . wheat by F B Dunn. Job work executed with tlinpatch at the Gcahd office. Luckey and DritotV klip lubricating nil of all kinds. Old infers on sale at thlt office for twenty five oehU per 106. ' Swift & Co. will pay the hi'ghett market price for chicken. Go to Swift & Co.' lor fresh California candiei, cracker, to. Th bct itock of paint, oil and varnUhe at Luokey and Drktow'a. The Guard ha the largest circulation of any paper to Lane county. ( A Hue line of ilk plushe in all hailc and grade st F B Dunn's. ;. The only place where yon can always tell your chicken U at Bettmaa'. A full auortnient nf ladies, nil"se and chil dren underware at llettman.s. Frciheat ami finost groctrit-a, cigar and candies at Swift ft Co'. Try them. Swift ft Co.' good are all new and botCglit for cash, and aro told cheap for cash. Hitln, fur, chloken and all kinds' of pro duce bought for cash at A. Goldsmith' Swilt ft Co. (oil cauned good, p-t tip thi year, m cheap a cati be bought ill-town'. ' A nice assortment of out prtrn for la dies' and children' clothe it R CrCalliaon ft Co.', at New York rale. Mr 8 H r'riondly will' jtfty His highest cash market price for Wheat. Give him a call before selling yoUY ffftin elsewhere. Bring your buttor to O. BertnlHh if yon want th highest price also all kiodrof pro duce. Real Estate. Having lately fetned a circular descriptive of Lan connty of 15,"000 copies, I cad' furnish th same free to parties wishing tb'sead them East to friends. They furnish mr informa tion; Mien a th iremhjra-tt want, than you oould writ'J ln-a kttvr'of 26 pases.' Iam alio ppitlg with K. 3: Haight ft Caj of Port Undj Ongon, the moot artiv-Orergetie and thoroughly advertised firm' m' thv Tacific Coast- Parties having real estate tb'sttl will find IV td their advantage to 'ptace the same in my hands, as I art' constantly focrtaaing my advertisements, and am fully determined that Lao cennty shall havs ber share of th Immi (ratiDff bMSKi westward- - OtOk Xf. MiUIB, . Ksal EsUU Broker. Office, Wiilateetie St, Eugene City, Or. . moTiiim! noTHBBSi - Are you disvurbed at nicht and brokea ef yrnw rest by a sack child sulftrimr and crying wivb the sxcruciaXiae; pain of cutting teth ? it so, go a ones aixt ct' a Dorm pt stKa. WISMLOWS' SOOTltlXO SYByP. Jt will relieve Ue puor little suffsrr? nnmetlestely drpsad uua it; there m m irMsis about. There is sxH a motbfr eu enrtk who Hm ever used it, who will rH trtl yoa at orv that it will reirulaU the bowels, and give rest ' t the mother, and relief ami health t the ckfld, ip- srating like matne. It is perfertly ssd to use in all canes, and pleasant to tne taste, asxl w th preaeripti of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurse ia th United States. Sol everywhere. U rest a bvtts. During the supen- sion it hs been much improved in shape of STONES, ROLLS, BOLT REELS, FLOUR PACKER and WATER WHEEL,. which double th capacity nf th Mills-also double ths fiowsr-and ha been undergoing a thorough and general repair, wbicb place to Mlllualtotbbet. Storage. Now ready to reeriv an I store wheat at H cents per bushsl, except when wheat Is sacked and delivered on cars, when an additional 1 cent will be charged. Wheat Bought. The highest market oasb price will be naid for all wheat stored in our house, and sacks furbished by th company to bring wheat to mill in. " Custom Work.- All those from a'diatance need not Wait' on their grinding any more. ''-.'.', ' All orders promptly attended to. All flour sold or exchanged is warranted. . ; Eugen City, August 8, 1881 t - .-, ,Si FARMERS WAREHOUSL AM, KINDS OF GRAIN AND PR duce received in store at low rates, or purchased fur cash at Highest Market Prices. Grain bsgs let out to farmers storing train", to bs paid Uit when grain ii sold, RATES: Reoeiving, Cleaning and Discharging. Seta i.A.(v(nir .nd Discharuinir 2ct Hop ttored for 60 cts per 1 ,000. - Come and you shall b well treated. 8, M. YORAN. St. Charles Hotel, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. W. H. Watklns, Prop. Kmtr and Eiperlrnced 9Iasiag meat. Chargea moderate. M4-tf fib YOU WANT J. E. FENTOjJf, Altorncy-at-La Ws' f "-. . '- - tUOENE CITY - - - OREGON. 10 IIm. sugar, 15 " noe, 8 " coffee, ' .8 " oytrs. At A. Goldsmith'. 1 00, If so, plea leave your order with 0, H. VAENEY. 'Having bought the Steam Saw Mill formerly owned by Abbott and Kern, ana Dcing a Practical iflili 51 an I think I esn eiva latisfaction. Urain and Produce taken in exchange for Lumber. Address C. II. VARN'ET. Long Tom P. O., Lani Co., Oregon. W .HEM. SCHOOL, COLLEOE. and MiSdDllaiieOUS BOOKS. STANDARD AND CDRREN? LITERATURE, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! Everything fresh, of the Bent Quality, ami Ouafanlckf as RepfeJcn'lcJ. We wank your trade and ask you to coTTrn and eo us.- McCOF?NACK &. COLLIER. Sj'itcosiwrs fo' CALLISON.- itli &G( GENERAL DEALERS iN- Agricultural Jmplementsi We intend keeping a full lih&bf flrst-classFarmingImplements,con- sistingof ERS AND MOWERS; , . STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER'S j . .. JOHN DODD'SOtb RELIABLE, HbLtiNrjwBRTHi. KEiNbsil' AND RED IttRtJllAY RAKES; THE KETCHUJI WAGON j MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRiAGES AND BtTQCiliS, ETC., ETC. "' ins our mienuon oi sravmK nerd i ana we guarantee an gooas sola to giV5 6iltird satisfaction. Prices as libeirdl as any house hi the Northwest. uuara unice. DOI'T jTAIL To Read TBS as it WiU Pay Yn; Goods have been reduced firoih 25 to 35 per cent, at the ft Ml) MS 1 13 1 $25,000 lMSM'lltvSar rertala I civ relief Aetsaaa Braacailils r(hia, ratarrti, rtsi(U, ss Ttsr l- aX.eas . Vat ju pear vas i rucasa aav oeea recoof mended br phTMcita. aad alwsvs give per fect aalialsctioB. They art But or un- VWd but having bM UaUd by wide aad coa-' ut-u Wrnrlv sa entire fraerauon. t&ey have attained re4l lerited rank' araonitth few atari rnMtiao4 th atf. PJB!i k era n4 BltsreTa as them to ekar aad atreartbea tke vrjwr. Slda2iertai STOCK OF GOODS Fof sale cheaper than ever offered before in this market. We will soil new dress goods for 8 cts prr yard; forinrr price. IS tti Good unbleached and bleaclied muslin, 13 yards for fl:00. ' " 16 yards of linen crash for $1.00. All line towels for 12 J cts encli; former prirti 20 cts. Great reduction in Mack and colored cashmeres. , ' ' , Latest colors in striped luce buntings, for 20 cents yn yard. 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES And in fact almost every article in this st'oi'e hts' litiA' reduced.' Don't forget the? piade and refliem-f ber that the great Will giVe you Lots of Goods for itfe loti'c Tliose wishing to purchase will rjo well to call upon me before making their selections. . v ' ....... To my line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES,- adU GLN TLEMEN'S CLOTH1NQ, I call your special attention. I expect to retire from the mercantile business, and my godds thtist' be told within the next 90 days. . Hoping to SYpfHT l Vt "oUf ' n ""V ' T. G!HENDRlbKS.' ALL AS K! Is that you di ytUrsflfjristice by buying goods where yoo can git them the Chr!lSnd to .inctly itaba to VERY LOW PRICES in everything I offer for sale, and in' DRESS & FANCY GOODS. Clothing Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, '3 There is no douM of'tjcesrleff but' I shall selftllenl' very much lower than the same) Roods have f ver berrf ofjered'is this niarlc'et'. ksTTU-ase to call and ptic tM goOds ana yoir win see mat i am in emrneav '. G. BETTMAN. Harness Shop, H west or lYain uto ., 1 am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at th , "The' Mo'sb1 Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all win ma faver me with s'ctan.'- i. s.- cunniK. Useful in the Family. Vi't nsaafly leave it tat doctor to recora mead nedicinea, bat Parker' Ginger Tonic baa beeo to efal in oar family ia relieving skknes and aaffering that wr cannot say too much in it praise. Salem Afgna. To all who are (offering frorf the' error aad indiscretion of yeoth, oervou weakness, early decay, loa of manhood, Ac, I willjend a that wl chra yna, FREE OF CHARGE. Thi treat remedy waa discovered by a mV smnary in South America. Send a self-ad-dnsvad ehvelop tnth Kxr. JosirwT. linuir, Sutioa D, 'W YwV Cityr . FREE OF OOST. Tjk Aprs' New Dtscovtir for Cso tion, 'Coughs and Cold. Asthma, Broneoisw, etc.. is given away in trial bottle free of east to th afflicted. If yoa have a aever eoofk difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or aay afl"-' tktn of the throat or long by all mean giV thi wonderful remedy a trial AS rep'rMf your existence yoa cannot afford to let tms J portnnity pasa. W could not, aavf.' wratl givo thi remedy away anl w'(f Anew JT woold accomplish what we claim for iTli ands of hopeless cases hare already be eaav" pletely cored by it.. Tber i no aiedieuM ia, the world that will ear one-half the ease tkr Da. Kwo's Ntw Piscbmt WILL CUKJL For sale by W'ilkm th Druggist, aad Mnllinl land. Junction City! Hodge, Daris aaw CV,' WkolessJs Agents, PntTiad, Orwo.' -