The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 28, 1883, Image 2

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i 5
TL trvke of ircn worker In NortL
fc'iioTvlitire Lat tsded.
TLe TVpiaa jrovtrtinKLl will ftort
th ejtaprotais of the promoted tobacco
TLe Eohviaa gofreoect declares it
w ill cot Dult , witaoat aaioi writh
Frata ITfdfort, tU Frtech fteulptor.
has oosa.t'.fcJ airvi la New Yor
Senator Th-j. H. Cooper hat ba se
lected eeairata of tie repcblicaa Ut
ootxttieof Peaa.'vlvaai.
Jpr,;c estate ia Prov
idence were told at auction reoectly.
Tit rri cltairxJ wer low.
Tie jTMlJeat bat appointed Cbarlw
P. Gardsr cf California receiver of
path tacLev at Saeraaento.
An explosion rioaa!v liictrej the
Tester, (X. Y.) f uL-rikt work, acd ia
jared ktciI fron Jnlj
A fptvial un tint aa icaae rein
created a 4ttticjn ia St. lierearJ
ehorcb. at Syr-ace. Ja 16 A, It
aatcliejr lock frca the prit aed
fOfbUJitg hil3 tavicgSLat.
A t' eeforeeaaent of qeareat;::e
regultticca Las ba orJtri at Saa
Fr5fio on all vewls rjvisg cleared
or toarLed At pert iafecied with cholera.
aca!lpox asd yellow fevr.
Th Philadelphia produce eicLii
Lat agreed to co-operat with the cora
BftvLiJ exeaatg ia nrgieg cpa col
jre the rl3iption, retire cceet or
lelixvtinn cf tie trade dollar.
TLe Spat-bb goveratcect Lis iatro-dooe-1
a bill ia tie cortex, f:r credit for
ft Bullion to. to defrav tie eoitcf
the fcfsplic-a of ill pasr.Me rekjer
trkieu the ietrodeciica of cbolera ieto
A alarteiilt ditpatcL teate that tie
Prioc Motaeo u ttttiatie; with
Tnze for tea sale of that priaetpiht y
for lO.OCO.KO fraacr. at;et to the
recoffsiuca cf trtsblirg ooaeeftiica f r
tvctj-Mrta rt-tn.
Ia tike ijcoticg far tl S'.opa prize it
Wiable!cc, E:cUaJ, Jaly idh, r
octfiL. iadaJit HiLcia cf tbe
Americaa Ina, fta4 Yourg ud G.tlxi
f the Elita leu, rvle cqajj frrort
43 oct of pcwbble W.
Abe st ft ci trom Siuax-kia. Pe. j
Jalr lTii. a frclt train os t fii:e '
rilrrJ t ldJr wreific-J, tTtlre rir 1
:tg thrsn frra the tr.."k ty wrJiixc
cot. Wai. Thc-au iu kill.! zi
Ji!f Hat&ua,bnkesAX, e7vsily
lhe tos of BJfirJ. EisltiJ. ii ia
ta! ex;itEt ot Uva teri tr
ely. A prty, Jaiy 17:a, r pUyisj
ln !--4, cr Ship las, U it.
Co:hbrj't, Ctrioa. Anrs the
p'.Tr r Mr. fVrr, u tnr (2
r, ul 1L I;Ky. a nwii:?'r
pre::y ysor r liy, 3) yre cl Sii
dtsly, withcit rprit prTX"4i;i3.D
t.- pi"J osl rrrxTiT xal h y.M
M -Kir dciJ. He tha Ue v c;t Lit c a
AJt di.'.u'.4.'L cf tie rfr-'-tt cf
At DADTille, Rliaai. Jaly a
Lrrj win J and ria ttorn eerkoly
daauged bailJiagt, Lv!e Utt, ete.
Al Decatnr, Illinoie, Jaly lTih, the
beTkt win 1 and ria known for many
yeart prerailed, aad oaU and wht were
Uatea into the groaad.
At Fort Atkia0n.Wiuia.July 17th,
a cyclone etmck the north part of the
city, wreck ire narly l' boildiflg.
Disuge, JW.C'-O. STerJ ptrtoii were
SoatLtra Misvjari iu rmied by a
aorere ihaadcrwra July l"to. W. II.
iLUer' Urge Urn aad tla;htr hoow
itCir.Ug. w tfraek by li;htcisg
tad barcedtothegro'asl. Low. SXtO;
noitarnc. bTcnl enable an 1 bra
werft alw t'.ra'Ts. ty li?htairg and d
:royed. At MinLiil the itora of wind
asdraiawa Trry terete. Tre were
oproetJ. fei.o4 "lerelcd. exd cora aad
ou blown tti. At 'Wrrbar? a
char.'h u blowa over. CcciJerbIe
!ock in killed br ligh!a:s;f sl boa:
atTeaty-teren pole ad ttlepLoao 1;l
are down.
A KooiTiile, Tca., djpaWh y:
At 1 thia mortar g, a mile exit of the
cy, at me xi&c wcrxa, ie iw
boa a J express traia, goiag at fall
wa thrown froa tie taia track by a
m;rld ewitch. The train troek f sir
f J cam oa tie tide track. JenalisLin;
lLra. Tie tg:ne juape-J tie track,
acd ran is to lie maia buliirgof the
work of the Valley Zios ecz:p:y,
Uxr.zg away tie whole tile of the bau i
is5 ail pUyisjt bacc wi'Jt the ia
cUaery. The koaotite aaJ te-der
were tarad Ter, the mail car wa t:ra
to pie and the exprwa car dasujred.
The Jaaaf I) the rulroa.1 ecsfasy u
(lO.ftt); daaage tj the ta eocpasy
A MTTille. Ky.. daivaica of Jaly
Miort-UTc4 Gtslu.
The Londoa Sucdard of recent
pnate-J lhe following:
A li4t of the K'n and women of geaioe
who Lare J.d at or abuat the early
as?e of thirty itd, aad ecnrft'l for
themulree an naliputd plvw in the
rack of immortal, woald occupy cat
th leat briliiait portion of the rorl
of tie illcKricce dead. It ia aatociahin;
how taisy ntn wh&e taxe-s area house
hold poeion ia eTery cirilixd coan
try Laie done all their best work after ST
and who would certr LaTe hare be-n
heard of. or at best, voold Late thczt
only a the imaller JisLu of literates, if
th y bai bea carried cS at the ae at
which tyroa aid Shelley, Bart asd
RjpLil'cljd their -arera. And wlet
we come to lock at what Milton did a-'Wr
thirty-eeTen. wlit Gsethe aad l')
other did after the aase ftge, aid Low
Ltile they bad doce before it wecasirt
eaiioate how macb richer the well
oiht hare bB Lad tao bright iz'cl
lecu wh:ch were cot off ia their earl est
priae bn peraitteJ to give th:rty
or fortT Tn of addiuocal labor to the
It ia wruia that th
'.r cr fcTtr c:r?
yean woald LaTe cooled the b;oxi c:
"tyroa and tarrl Lin cot of what we
ail kaow, aid what library Liitc-ry La
tigriaUK-J at Byrucitta; tat it U at is
po.tle U tortmi what woald Le
bn the malt at to pred;n fr.a
Vcr.her th deTelopcat thai tzltd :a
Tattt." Who caa forete what Shellfy
weal I hare dose, ia th fall r:?r t4
,dii power.
qstner of eestiry. ail be hal died,
aay, at the age 8hakMpice? Sarrt,
too, we ktew, 3?a3tJ cf great wcrkt,
and wha Le d-4 thr were Ltrarr
nareseatt ia tie air which might hare
tx-aJ Lit Labor aal Lit Lie iz:o a tew
1. tay: Ttu altertx-a, at tie j-ry ia . . ., ..i .. r.rv tI
the G:per ete renred. the EJet U ..... 'v, .-. ei Crer Lia
tanaiit. aettled in the wildf raeat, at it
then wa?, ia 1W. He scared h:
hotttead and da;t and gun pro
tteteJ it ftgtictt the wild animal and
ijnatura. Of eonrie he i now rich, al
thoa?h much of Li land bu gone to
forauh dowriet fur Li four married
dtaghtcr. who grew np ia Li wild
boa. He point out with pnsl to the
j-agr poU ia wilt aettle.1 farms,
where Li dog aitacked ft grixxly or ran
down der. or where he shot ft Califor
nia lion ia the etrly day. Away upon
the crett nfr by, i asother place
Moastain Charley' the bora of aa old
bickwooJiman who ctme here a bo at the
aam time. He hat large farat which
alort on one tide down into Santa Clara
eonntT acd cn th other into Sacta Crax.
Oa the large place of Aikeca' prerioatly
ceatioaed, ia oae corner aa o:l well haa
ba tatk absaJ l.O fet. Oil was
ttrack at thr-fourth thi distance, tnt
the prcjctor wat aacgaiae aad wanted
more. Bat th boaasxi wu cot found,
acd the rtt app!y Lariag diaappeared
the well it cow dry. The project for the
prtLt has bee a abadoced, bat the
tail, nasightlr derrick i ttacding to
nark the pot" S. F. Balletia.
.kt la by Tin.
Scperlntendeat Hall met with a thrill
iag aJrentcre at the Lnreirg of the ore
Loase cp ia the Ophir district the other
day. Ee that rela'e Lis experience: '"I
was at work down about 1) feet from
the nocta cf the incline, an ! when I
irst heard the co--e I thought it wis
to it;;.;.r! coaiag dowa, to I toc- my
caalle to th-. w then light. Whea I got
o-1 icto the icclice to my amazsment I
taw the ore boae wxt on rire, the mouth
cf the iaelize thea Laring th9 appear
accl titg ft tolilwallof fire. My
tra ipal wa to try and rua
thr:agh, tut I foaaJ that impossible,
at the liiie be fin raLisg aowa
gaard ewrted SaaaM L;a-gr froa th j .T-wtec N j nsre thaa MicLae! Ue tiif: 1 wu cocpeLed to retreat to
-ultoCe ccart Losae. aaud a great i i...v,lr,.i(tr. aJ c4 t tte l:wr ran cf the mii tad awaited
t i tc jszit wa tre:y mine, n
I f peopl ia the tireeia. where Le j ;wiaeit Mt
rra:gsed f x rap. Ia tae coart , mii a
wat arra:c
rxs the isdirt3r.t wa mad to bis
Hitatorsey tcld Lia tcA to criaiaat
hintelf. ocietft Li tied wa perfoc:!y
clear. He replied that Li mifti w a
perfectly eleiar, thai he wu guilty, tad
that Le waateJ t be taared Je-gv-7
rot t-y a taob, as 1 vaated to eizM at Li
te trouble at poKtib ia tie triaL A jary
wat ispace!d bd Le rejieated Lit pa
tt! -re them, aJ sa tea c.sitc tiey re- s
tcrie-J a rerlirt cl grJt, Ti'Ji a ea- J
te of daali. a!gr reotired tie ter- :
dirt asasved, aad wa rersroed to jail i
ia oz Loar froa tie ti Le wa tuea j
A circalar :ael Jxly l:h.
pnaKcT f?a- gjTta a fa al chill cr a
tie cm of the ilird
eral. r r.i. t tx rj rt
throVst tie Ttia-i Suv cf
dsctxa ia
tie in oi acsi c"wu:j iia a ct:r w:?t.
to male prep-aratiC'U t it. Pctr.ttert ' o &:rre Eii
are ajnisJ at it it dusirab'.e to Lai ' erraii
a aa.a.1 ttcck c: the r rct tirw . Zt c a be
cl tie rrti iwaa
trtzLzg cf Li Lie.
SLt Axtfca d Charlott Ere.: were
rather cert t-ii timy-iiTea when they
die.J, Let they .iiid at aa ace at wlx:h
G:rge EixtLJ Kt wr.ttia a tiigle
crei. Oiectwatracalaivtt,aaeiy
c-rlwoia tie 'Weaiitr Etw acj
tie Sit cf Clerical Lit were all that
Lad cov froa the Lard cf tie t--,5it
a:r ci -Aiaa Ea?" aid
Daxiel IVrxia." Cariyle .:raLxca
what nght LtTe les tie p'
to Ef iiii Luvry if a Kny Izltt Lai
Krsfkd:wa Oliver Crca-L Fifitj-t
tieT wll a A t at rrel at be iconic d
aid m rtt Lt rr:TJ to b z:iz
In a c: r aa earlier rKCra:ei. Lzi
ferer at tiirty-
LVm kt. atd tie !:c j h:as c: wxtt w.:i
wa a peeaar tecixnoc, titucg osaer
grcacd3i' ft. baJdia? acd about
tziT bisil cf charcoal, ore tacks,
blaAnciii. czl. tte., barcicg over
Lei. I ca to tie eosclation my
ciacr f:r e.-a; were act very datter
irg aci I wa feclitg Tery irons, to I
grc-ii cy wty cp toward the ccasli of
tie tiaft azi wat jatt ia fctci to aw a
t-iali piece cf giact powder bcra. It
raTetstabr.iit yell 3 w glare, acd that
viKrc.x tri w-.u lie deep rd dare was
beauiil to Ixi at, bet trisr tie c:r
rcaiitksr it nrcrk 3&e with terrcr.
Afier tie Irtt exc:ie.ect wat OTer I
be-raa to plaa ail wavh f:r ciacoe c'
ta!z. bet I wu txaa ofrapUed ts re
treai d:wc tie tiai ea witiitr
ie ci :-e re- j trfcrye LjZ cat tn.
rxiare ra:e, 1 3 tate ericj I Ltrarcr cell LtTe o Hi':
tiir w :
t:;I wotJ sixi:t care ia. ta ;t
Iwccjl f.T .:rs circalaicc acd cy
' citio i ciVtzz c.t ci cy fr rcariei
'A Ltre t2 j prj.: wrcli be z-n far;ral- I JiJ
Acsaec" - j r Lit Jr.; t wait. !:.r tore it uA ia
et it po&t-e tsaccj't acl it j2
cf t at f k t co Laad w zus toe re
dc.tia g iit 2cct- Tiy arear
ccrJgly icja-cc4i Vj Lr.:t tier
CiSiUrit fcr ttia;i ail tits;! ect.
;rt cf tiit dec:ciai:.-2 ta iri acia-
eye Lad c: gr:wa xrc fc- w-.Jh a rra i
:wc r.i-ii ii iu fexxr. wi-es i Lzlz cc i
ti.i-2 I .
I ties
; l;j L'e :.- .ri-i; aii
l-f-fc kC TigC
j: u-e f: it wi
:t cv-ict r;n
-r-iii eiAracter aaj aaxcrfrt u i o.", rc: g-:t cs jci. I :r-c W itl
i.u text ice.
VT tuit
ILrk TTiiK
f-i::ra;it ci tia-!
icr c-ti i acr
n a urk
:ci Lai
tie LtiJ
wat iileiA. fD I rt
a-o. j t'i;ii v tie irwtr iitn i' lie 2se, kj-
Civ:r:::. let cc 'i exlaes:i.
Ui aa a:;s crtiel esn.ait tey 1 ia t-t c:yi::'i, aei ti chm L. A t-:y tcjAti:a crfr.-ts, at. I
xeay da t US eetJ tie ir tirfy ftrt aeri zz,:n live icy . ; krT wLat'tlat ic-iiM-t!, io I artew!
c4 0.i:trr. I: al iirecit ilu ai c aid a bf:kia extei i tit net aVi 5 a'wl ae.1 ie:rcuc.l to eale a Icll
aa ere fi:k
The Boy TlcnC.
An ftcfntinlfto" t tU Time' eor
ie.poDdent while in Concord. Mas., re
cently riti ed the pri.on wmluh Jew
ToJroj j. confined. The boy bt.
reached mn' tUture now. Vc'ler'
condition of bU uzUtrt he u kept ia
soliUrr cOLfinement. He La no inter
course' whaler witU the other prwon
ers and the Tiiitor wa not permitted to
rk to him. Solitary conflnement in
hi caw doe not mean tlo nttcrly cheer
lew exittence tht ono would trnagine.
Pomcroy. it it miJ. le:oped into a
TCOEgmanof more than ordinary intel
lect, thongbtfulnets nd rt-aoD.nj pow
er He i llowe- to bare all toe book
Le wantfl, n I with tlie companion
Lit mental life i not wholly devoid of
comfort. Sines be Us been in pnwn be
bat acquired enough knowledge of iei
eral langutges to read them well. Hit
cell it npicioa and well lighted and ven
tilated. Young Pcmeroy remain to-day
what bis crime dbowed bim to be in bi
boyhood- n abcorraal character. While
more intelligent, and intellectual than
the average, he i destitute of ft moral
nature, and hasn't the slightest concep
tion of the enormity of the act by which
Ka tk the lives of several little
"f Ji-irA hHn married for aeveral
vat.Vi n 1 mr himband anl I cannot do
cide whether to keep our old love letter
or burn them. v hat wocl.t yon B-ivise:
Mr. C." Put tbem in ft pasta board
box in the servant prl' room, A np
nlr r,f love letters Las been known
to'keep a girl contented in one place for
three month at time. r.xcaange.
t iif rUH lo the wwocot of Vun. 0r!cer
Bro. l&j Pint tsrwt. Vomd J. Wht'D, iu
u with wonder ! tbe lman diplr of pitn'4
tai ot all kxaiu P.'omice&l imoLf U
tiw u ftittk'i Unit U:ant flcco. iie11 tod t.t
txat la caw. ra woacerfolly town Ml and it
atm vt bT th ecai'J. Vllt (bu bciu bro la
Xcw Brmarh Ua.
Ytan. RariXKd k Wilbir,of San Frtncl)?o,
hit ctvL"-l a branch box tt ho. front ti
Por-3j. hreitiT wiUratrr a lanr ttoci of
nts acJ uovt Lrecti. frtca lurnUQW 03
T r tie I j-hoAjrpht in Orn, go to F.
G. A"U' CL-rr. 17 First ttrcet, PortiaoJ. II:
wsrx tear ic mv jeirhing lestt, lor it it
tzhit br pciM aruiU. h) nclenusd thair
rra!Li f.o. ir.1 ii trst iao ot tLe tn.n
s:-w ;rr ii-H t to E:: theatre, PortJnJ,
17 r-.-: K.-xt P.Vac i, lr caUl-gn of le-
T-i.-r.ifs r-t tu! k:ni of sewin; mch:te.
Tkt T2. Pjsir i (.'rer a B'01 FuriSer.
arraire;-ia Lav cfa aixlefir ti
r-, s.k rerr ruve arfsrj- c-vr el x t -ws ::r a ir:re:
the direct rt ot th Orfjr-ja aej T-aet- et ea; ace s- crav. alt a.wr.r.t -ewjit Mt; aee ie:xe.y a ej.: a fLa eve; c! vra-er.
cotUetkl drr th hild ert cf tee 'T t Lae-t cf ti-e t.ieuw t; i, -r ce Kf-tit aid Cel.-S I eetii ai 7eieg ia ti trk lare
eoaiT cf tie NortL-era IV-.i- j (- lie eirlaec ly ti. poiejai:c:t ! i rsce. J le-y La.1 tJ t. a rr.t r.:e- ? iz,:z;i u tlrexri, :-kifi ;t w:ii
Ore-ca'P-kJwav aal Xaverati-a'eca I cf tiw 5--F" Ti-"F ia tie ; Lcd, wcz Lave dm to Excite Ltir- ww. rtw3 :t ct e ir! aeiieaii
ptxv :cckt Jase J) "to b at f o"'w I itlvzi Frr: bilier, sate! finir ; a:er eeaey a ceil poa it d :i e 1 j tit leal reii. I wu terifel. let
Xoie Pacii ecec-ca li 7 J r p-:s5e:ai:rt vui: aeai ex-' e j p:u;. Til :t Ltt jcliia li: e-5 wtt rvJLfr a vta j:ere.ty. VLfe 1
tlarv- N'c-rtV-a Par - r"-Wtl ?i : - i i? forth railic. t;r rstera to ti J tlu a r-it Lit exlietii-lL aw J :-. a Vkee. ee c.eivrt wita tie L"a."e air I fe'J
3.0tiarr; Orvrca IVaiirar aej Xtv:-
gati3 ;c-:Ii.lieg &w ttcck. 1?.-
UO tlarw. It txxt sp tieavailall
irca aed prvitt fr lHSJ-!?4 as fe-S-low:
Iwke cf rrcfu hrociit f orward
frco la! yar, $iisJi5.CJ;dirdeil
oa O. K. k X. tck. $l.lM.XiCi;
5iJ d:Ti ieslt oa Xortira Pni?
prefemd tVck. l,210,il;
A Ev-al?, Pa., darotra cf Je lT:h
yt: Eiglt Ucln f;r aitirar.ii fer- It th Ph,ieLU aei
R;ad!:g Rauwty Cscepaey aid r
led by Wxi. ILaeJaac, xpkivl eiarry
tLu &-.-x:rir, reJset&g ti larear t.j a
tki of re;e5. TLe ee-.e tel b:tltt
L X. P. tOl-Xnr iM-rli .r. 7.1
Miia Directory !
K.wjrur a ro.. x. s Waviut m.-
f a! ,.. j. 4 i-isi.i. 5i Onltrnoy nia
atvii- bo vsr.
XV W. FK r Tll E. lT I I r ttirrH-Lnlioc
Urfar-.eieet vc i teat reak: c e eeur :
Lo-i af:r Or".oir lit. P:t-ea4lj.- are,
Lwtvr, tcif j1 tlal. at t ael Vir .
ceet tuar ae.J eevept cf ti jr-
fe.e wirt- I ee-:- jaeea 17. y c:n e:we c:r.r.i
ia "rtsie. aci A!-ixaeriir 6r:e ae e ! Irii eee.
vieT D:b:ll atv b? Kkii Lv te;r
cottiee t t valil ai: r
"1 :a
ce-geiy dr-ei te ie;iret is cet : ?
tw !;. Xj 1i r- cf i:f wiel:
lav eiii.i aey cf eeea t ail i-:u1t
;rd ia it iir fke:. ticexi tiy xeieil liti
i.Ti cc, fa't:: te eeelwr
eariy rptikii;-a. S;:eiae-ty. erry.
tew f: were wie:.-r ia tieii ei:
iy exitcst!. -Sal: Liii
eet u - w
tit! dki, tiv aete
lys-.est ef pn-iaeare wi
f rr,r aa-c-eet, aej teat utv cet
t-aij caa It xl. ia ccabiia'ie-a wr.i
clr dc.:cieit:c-e, ca letvrt r-;
aw tlaa c-e rve, aeec titrri ci tee ilaa aev erl-i t-?4 aiove xvii::r.
ti-rd ae4 f;eni c-a. Tw rirrslar j S. L.xw-j. PcwXS. ateap.ej M f;i
alw aae.;t tlal tie de partatit wll j few ia ti f:; Ml tee, Lai zrz-'i.
It ready to ia tw(Xt cf lis , ai'.v a:ea;eJ ti eet ytiiac: cf let
tw ti l;i cf SrpiCii-eT. lit -.5ittl.t. 13 "Ii 0:ere cf Tt."
tiot tUapt aid evtkf sat xct le j rt'ttzi Li tlarurni eorsiitetaei gaT
p"-red c-a na c k y pia'aatir j a ay aid xe aaxk to Lit ftarly grave.
ttfer Orkktfr ls; ! tlit s tire !
Wa wa ectirvJy dSK-litii Fraek ! cwtt teaar w "l I id l""?t St-t,
Waltaas. . Tcptca, wa ia- W li. aele Kcxai&ca tirtl;c:t
SuU (TU Xacatiifti.
Uxtly kiii. SoL Walmaa. Let Ut, a-cos
wa ii;arJ uwrtaliy aid will d. ! are x
jiaxievl ly tsa'aeit tlu 115 la ft r.rt tlxt trp tlnxra Skeu
xMdvl f . i&c1ju iw, aid lit:
Car ae,i 5oaea Crxx cieeuf. :l vis
MiTrlt G:oJ wat Kr.- toalded ty . tie fll t-ef p.:.v a.kd f.-r well Ifo.f ex- l-l tlU zxz'.t all ti graia ii ei;t
titnvi c; u."t:cr i; :xner teat x :.rri i-aj a u.-inwi an e
ter reel fU.ri -evtlr-ft weU be i- Itll ix Xiaiy eajt ftfiy tsn,-i ie:..--
tx4 aiur tee Jl u Atrets, xz.ji ti J j-atcert-a. ui tea earaa auiaxe teraae
. . . ... - , ...
tcapiig tt-k3. MarKHart
ftvio wat tiajy ii;eri. axi ft tiaVf cf
Lr cpl;y wre alitly kert. Th
focoe ol tie extdoaioa tiok tleiarJ&
i aroeked pc-;. for txi arret 1.
Ti dkk-t to ll farsar w ill aeaceit
to r&aay tec-Ckkeit.
Acowiii r to Kafiai Cty t;rial.
troatl it tceriig tlm re-faria? tie
hxadty law, at ciiliatil ty tl L'i
teg law, iasJ by tl lwx lg-.Ckisre.
Oa ft re:! Sxiiay all tie MuKat :a
tie c.xy wri tws. e.J tl r-ro-
prxt:ca were arrevd atJ boxal crtr to j
wait tie k-".ica ci tie grasvj jcry. At
ft reiM--er cf tie p:: cceetjoLfn j
aa crier wa r.fd cvi-r.ef tiat tie 1 AT
ft-i4 oe. r ri.rcv ti Djweoer i ,5-"iI
r were lety ai w;:x ail oe :tin
t :ei wr Kuli Intg c-a ti greeJ, fit tie ealiit to ceee ii:ej
Hty at all tarrji, fct p tat
xct vet Ittryea. Frs:! ci ftariy al tie it
J::Li TtlL la ti Wry raacit ea ii
Saeta Cm n. :-xe"k.e.t tv!, arru
eet; xscl.ker ul t xsas ia pcicr ' kil kf-7 l-T!' tee.- arw r.weu
Ii icaa:: aal tlat rae c-a ir: kt-! 1 grar ar ia ittr.zxi.: to f ee
tert weJ reiik a Lte tax at at tret- j Tit re well l lkrg r?p of parlei
I aii tea rarwta cf plca.t tr.zz
I tilwvviaXk'Wrariti!. 1 U:s tiit ytr. Exeara frs:t tr
I ar xry tr oi
rwcit-taco i:? ilea it roaTaeid by
ft tcaeiar teaVeexeL II eerrx'-kr :e
amret pea.atert at t tie dtnc-a fx
xw tw ce t ae.J fixr oeet tua-; aad
tsaapod eer lx, ae-i x-Mwt lla
tlal ll rr.-oe ci ut'c:t, XfIx-:v
cf eoKtag. reaetia ti aaa at at tre-t-
Ire.V. ttt tiit it lit.:
t,i'year. Freera frte. pxreax-jc ael
i j as-n: tr ar l:to4tl cc-wa. Carver:
A Prieax j:trx,kl aa ia af
a; ft-i oe. r ti li-:-r aa xsfi-ir.y ctrtr tJ
t.t t w i-i " s it,.vicj.Lij' ft-v---! yT ira lvT Ukirr aea er xrwet lav
w-L Tiit Ukilale all set ail k-lt i -iy Ui ! ia briaet tevi,. Er i 1 r511? " f vaxiaei
cf Uciaf-bacr 1. ael drxf t -- t-wld Ir a y aid txrJ ti frctt ervpva te
nor, ka.:.i aal eaie naaet. ao4 I ' t:r f V - l1 -iTriiV.
awa trcara. irwr nxw a ur if 1 x-xrrr, asi acur -xex te cvcUwet -
riw n-in u u a rewj ptuki .it
rrJ asi j .eattre.
tiy caerjcl til! r:oii ti ats oa Ss
da? at ay oir iay. aav biirt. tly
will U cpa a: ali or ill prmcr.piiod.
TV tlgrara ct-erkiort apl?y.J by
Lb Weera Crira teir-rraj a ccepaav
precesUJ ft bill ei gruevaeo to tli
cJIcwr ever! clay ag-s, (cr aa
tftcrvat ci pay oi per ceet, e all
alane. aal eight Loan to eoii.:-: a
day work i&tteJ of rit. ftsl va
Lwrt aigkt work ittteal oi eigat. at
luwrctof x, beaidea atkiag extra par ret
ail Saftday work aad orertiav. "Tb
oSoer f ti ceptty reiated to a
eedw to tl daaJ. to al 11 t'txxk
Jtdy 1U, tb vat j-.rra i tU
ecatnl cr iaNew York ae a gotral
fttril wat isaagaraeed all over tie eoaa
try ftawocg t operator. Uaay oi la
operalor Ulocg to oity ka";w a
tft TCTw?hr' biftriod. which
ka atabm ia all pttru of th coaatry.
Tb faa;iry of operator not be beg
tag to tite brotterV-ood kav jxaed wita
tXea ia tl ttxeke, Xa tfttpitche oi
ftsy kisd caa b teal over 11 Wewiera
Uaioa wiraw astO tl dsaal of ti
Inker art aocde4 to or th-ej pUw
are Jd wita aev taca.
t oi a larg fara ci abost ti re kaa-
JiI a-, c-t of ti e-4 cs
Aterareiv aad clTer
ale Lai atiy aelior, weaa see or
act det-rtblt. cxU xs4 ftLarry
tka all o kl adrittiy rJci let
tasbtf t two ! Im oi Cm kx. Tic a
al wrj Loo to Ler tsa&a, ex; lk--itg
tic exact airxauc ci afair. tkilexg
thai lley vr bota to xaxJtowgrt
tl. wJ cctoeeMi aad neb tlat ak
eoal4 ac4 dode ktw tlesa. aed
rld w-ta tleaa3: W1U alall I
diT" la 1) diva 1 rfcetv ftcallgrasa
froa taint: I akil Io-ctow; bold
beta mi I cos." Tbe mi! traxM'.lk
ti trr brt-rgi t JL-. Blaat wui a
oeoaj daxgheer. jatt Ursd ulli
ft&d freta froa tcaoL Oa Ler arrival
ti old lady -rd to d.iy Lhrocgh tl
daageroa watr tlat ia a few wek tl
bad reacbed port vita all color viag.
To drop Brtapbor. al ae!dd te
vediieg oi Let tw daegltert at tit
Aaervraa raapel e tit aaaaedty. After
cxaaieataoti ah Lal dfcidi'tlat ti
tio - yoeejr fcllowa alodd sot go
et (I iL fa-i!y.
kVerrottca &tcu Um ctoi La Wad. tw Highlaad aad Wrigbta,
tie taa-aut tl fret La ba sold
r.cil tlrw-xgb at aa average ci aboat
fear ct per pee ad. Few tii part ef
iicsatry, Fretarh praae arwaailto
pay tl bx. aal tl trea ar beisf ex
teaaiv: plaxted by crrlard fteakerv
Xwtca p:rp Tt't aed e-gg plsa
ar alto keaowa tat pr&ew. cr?p.
Ox wvkw lady ar Lot Galoa, ia tl
oittaxt, i fa beizg aud idpa
dettby xsoau i Frexlt trma. Her
aaall plto oi ce'y twlr acre it
paated et rely tle tr. Thy
ar aex year cd aad ia fell baritr. A
few wt ago t caaarry caa eaat alosg
a&J c4f rd br $310 t: acr for tl
trait c tl tr. Si acorpted tl
oJr aaJ wiU lar aboet J4.CMJ. Laad
ia thi rxicety it ked at froa f 75 to
fln.0 pr ac-re, accorvLeg to ispror
tceru aal lcraiia, bt tier i Lttl
atftilaK prcpeity for aal. It ka
jaaped to lie w.r withia tbt paat
.r"a year. 0:1 teitler who ftwareJ
f-crtrtcert patecU Lav foaad lbea
elvwe grJ aa! !y becoaeiaf nca. Oe
old ttaa. Gtorg ScLaltia, who Lve be-
111 Ar3i Ue Qt-nvr
All cl2erc eelt-r v jixrt cl arr
w-2.bafci4 lis liOir, iiialtiier, hip
jitr aii are :oi ixrerid ty as aei:t
reriM ls7 cf e cr twa Leer ia Li
licfe ::- Dr. ELklL
Tit ne-tiil at tH at pxiicg ce
V.zz. ci nrvieg freei at a ir4 cost a;
lr-kilk l;e.i I prariiwj ia evsrv
lec at Jar at p:k.;-:. Oe nir wav
to ttrv tirawiifrrieit ittj e l li larce
lr so t li ulie well ti Lellt ca'
ret at a.ri jltwaLtie dj of tote'
kal w-.ti ter-kr ea, aj tlat ti Urr:s
aay I ditjf.3 ia i:. aci txtec dalcteJy
aa J a Mki arreiily.
WLfa yZir aid frcits are taiea to
LleLglt a tlk aeia c'tea tpeart on
ti p ci tl ;vr tr glass. To preveet
tie weta j stteeg Jl-ea cu. lav a laxp
ci pra-Iet ca l.-pof tlihot jeilv.letticc
it te reiki over, cr tie paraSce" caa be
a-t.el ael peered ever whea tie jelly
at cell: to rrr f-r tee top wi'd be
t.i4.kry. Ilt a g-.xd Loeaekeeper ee-iorwn at t.-aciias.
Ccrttearrh t lac aacg niv be varied
t'a:t ieiiie.fely by aidiag irsit to it,
Sr tie frc:t ia aftr the pajdicg is
exkeJarJ i jet raJy to I poured
ia tl a-rai it. It it delirious, also, with
ei:oV is: where you at four tea
awc.'al of c.Ttttarch ce two of
cicoc-Ut; prcr :a teacors which voa
lave rt wet wi:h cold wat-r. A tioe
ttec f r tiit it made by beating one egg
aal addis? milk asd scirar to vour tasto;
a vry L::;e raailla improves it ftad still
de net d:gaise the chocolate davor.
The fasiia trie grocad of discard.
ier large pillow aad haa, aad using
ociy a rxxater dnhcg the day, aad add
leg taail tle-p:ng pillow at oiht.
Ttu ureter may be roua I and regularly
a:ao:ri with the mtterial oseU for
tl tpread aal f.r the furniture cover
iag, bst lb oblong bolster, which i
broader thaa ta Light, is now preferred;
Li ha a ;mpl slip of linen and it
e3Tr4 op oat of ight ic th daytime
by th eoacterpaae, which is carried tp
over a aal racked ia at the to?.
Aecvrdifts to xpriniot made on the
Haaorer, Cologne aad Miaden railwav,
tt alepn ir jected with chloride cf tino
reqaire-J recewal cf 21 per cent, in
Ta yr,lirck lpr injected with
rvr: a renewal cf 40 per cent, at the
d ci tweaty two yer. and oak aleejv
era ujtd witb chloria of tino ft re
newal aboct per cent, at the end cf
evWa yeftr. while th ni kind of
lepr ia lhir nalaral tu required a
WMralof atlrail .r ,nU u
ead of Lk period. The condition in
rack f the case were Tery fTorbU
for obtaining trustworthy proof.
TLa ftr cwraaia PrtoB Ka t..i
a FrkftC Uk d:airAl.l ui... . I
s. T. j r. w e 1 b Y ro.
r a. COVE. Miuitr, 11 nrt kimi-
k:V i''-rr. lb hcklonl
r a l r.SBivr.B.
C B. rtTT, Xt. t Oak tmrt-,nl rrtr- L'-fc"-; r (V tr.iurr ki-J k-ic- aii. bra
ki k: rki.;. i n'.itt. Ac; nbitr !Cka.
T.E. BUrRAta-lM rmi tu-lsiri
Pka-j. kl i:v. r-.n. Vulov tad
tt EBcrtA vatrcB, 7 tn.-M.Mioni-iit.s
lifi-ntift. Coca 1:7 orln 5UJ proaiptir.
nwrtBAHlHILTOV. Cim Karuwr anj
.--i. ' X'.i tr.'mHM Mrceviac mad drkuia
itriBS BAKCBt-C WvM-t,,a. Vs A
r ;r. kmx. Hn.Un-..-raol l"ij tir.rt. s.f.
Pr -Li. Bnur. Ros.-. tsatr tn-t a Kir fnoirt
No ib u-sd kjikl aad ptvoipiir
O. I. KtS Jr.ltT, .Mwrwr cj Coanvlrr kl
U lUM tOrtla'ituldlH. Icl buneki
IJ Xkki:w. W rhiM rnwt. IVrUuul. Or
tv. hm ol H Srir.j Mv-hinm. I Kir-
iJ v or- tMd Tr' o-' I" nrviroo Um Hnt
&.vi fl us wr i. ih from. l: fupwior
mf.x mrm raw wwl lm to th pub I v. Auu
k.5J H teli in Vffr n Own..
A Bmiu U DaV tlFkaal hi. 11.
t. Chmx In tink. I Jim
in-nnk'.. tmk-h. LawlMh. niilH-mi-)i. b..s..;p.
" i vv. n..v. J-wir-e n-1
tS'T rk-t. .n, tlitr:rMlt!l uinnal nuU j,
"l. P,.0",niM mncWritoth H.- l M.vMrr
1 A It. J. 1IU.L M. H..
P.rtlml. Orwtn.
macs ix thi
Highest Style of (he Art,
N rnUSctofTretkforia.
m. ftia.
tt.-, . .
i t n tt r.i l... n r. tr i
in VAwnh'i
u uu v i i nn inn
Dim OUlG UlilD ItJl hfitnli II
(Vn wmt w (, umi USE
- 5'l3?-Xi,l,B-
1G7 Tklrd kt I'nt... . ...
III th tra.llnir R, s j, .
.Nell At!., ,.. h'. Oh
frt for J,.
All klaUaf 'wlnijMarhlnt.
cr.xr.iUL Actxtron
T i: t.MVER'-AL FASHION CO'S trstr.
Wholatal ted rttall inUn la 1
Slui-jra, Kemlngton', Ballard', w
ud WInclirtter RDealn B:
Colt'i, Remicflton't, Ptrker'i, BMr,-.
Baker'i Double and Tkree-Btrm
t;' 7rt-yiejt Ov
Of every tacrlption ul qtmnj,
BrmlM mm4 Tar4 Oil lk Umm.
tarseM Llw u UMkjaU Kta
163 and 167 Second Street, PortUal
Hgln, Springfield or Waltham Wild
la ft Mtv BtlTcr Cmc i at
la ft hm ftltTcr Cfc i at
Ia -t mmtm "llrec Caw it at
I ata aa raaraat IktM 6n
"nM airranli-H laiiuilw,
Alto fall (tok ot
uoodi km "C O D.- io anr part ol Um coomrj
JOHT A. BrClt.
WaUaauker aa Jemler,
1(0 Traat ftc .'aaaate U I'mmI,
Pott 1 And. Orrnn.
Shipping k Commission Merchant
Bjit H.vhnrrT. Finn I.Tnmit ind ali iisAi
Jjr fun.aitxl oo ljort Dutic.
PartUad, Orcsoa.
Pj-lrroct: r.r: X:krjAl Buik.
Land and Immigration Companj.
Officei ItMint 40 aad 41 Villon Block,
P. O. CEteTti. Tuft Or
rresidnt. fcaw
Tb- Caiupaar opmri ihroathout Orfton.
lrtoa. Idaho aad Montana.
Lands of all kuidt bought aud sold.
Irzuntrraat CWoaluloi SpfoUliy.
DeCT'.piioa ol Oornunl and olhi wild a
farnistKd tr.
IiiformkUcn g.rta on all hrancbii of bosun.
Crmpoadac Ud;d ad commanlcitlo"
pramtrtlf knswerfd.
r. - ,
Sanofacturers acd Dealen In
107 Front Stmt, Portland, Or.
A Reliable nonse of Portland
MEBrnAXDrsK bkokeb.
" rm tor
b- with b r.- rM r7.jrfll((
Kh!nc Cine, a Mi-rMro .?n''r.; In tarn
vow wurxux. Aautrsi
j. e.'
KrmiEXCT-ytiTrh. Orant fiTk
i CK. jaceaa BitMh, Warrroa - m,v?
nu nrtm
AV. 13. MABYBf
OtU Enrlnwr, Sarrejor rrf
Lt. Ktxr of rsaiyr.JJamr
aad tlooULaa lenuorha.
Ka. IB. .Tr '';
aa. laaitdL
alMt-a rrr. PartU-
rrwK t r.rtxu axp -immi
i rarJi . tn hi l-onlaad.
Alt Whw nrM ,rr
waxT I TtiTi i --.i-ain
Jaltaiftara-nmB I "TVwrJ
ikr -- '- l-leja-