cnr AND COUNTY. I Farmer boy. M , Roasting-ear art in market ( 8 ordinance in another column. Oregon ha 69,076 school children. Go to Luckey and. Bristow for punt. . The byciulo fever bas somewhat abated. The City tar collector U oq the war path. The are 276 ejovicU iu the State Peniten- Ury' . .. . ... . Mr John fHtsrart ia quite ill with the measles. . , ... Mr Peary Culeman has brto ia town dur insj the week. . , It Is, said that Castillo s Circii will vitit Oregon thisfalL ( . i(. , Senator Hoult, of Lliin oounty, paid Eugene visit thU week. ,,rOld'R,ieronsaleatthi office fur twenty five( cents jer 100. i, Mr 8 M Titus' new dwelling on Tenth atreet U nearly finished. ( The fratradde Anderson waa banged at Portland yesterday. The bent etock of painta, oil and varnishes at Lackey and Bristow'. MrO R Bean and family have retured bone from the mountains, i : , A party left Foley Springe, rae day this week ob month's prospecting tout; ( The aiaall boy bow gathors the tlio haile Huts, and ia accordingly happy. Mr Hnnter, who has been living on the Sharpies place, died but Monday. , J A Winter will leave a competent artist In the gallery during his absence. , We are not responsible fur any views tbat tnay be advanced by correspondent. Workmen are busily engaged on the mill makinj many needed improvements, j i 8herman'a,clrcns this afternoon and even iiigv Thry. Till arrive by spociul train! ( P,Pey B S McLafTerty haa been visiting friends in Portland during the past week. The tax list ia now in my hands for col lection for CO days. J M Hknurk's. Mr W If Watkins' family bate arrived from California, and he ia accordingly happy. A good second hand 10-horse mounted power and separator for sale at Hendricks'. Messrs McCornack k Collier have been busy during the put week rearrangiiiggoods, etc The circulati of the Guakd is rapidly increaiiug. Advertisers should make a note of this. , Mrs T J Cheshire is lyiig quite ill at the family resMe.ioe In this city, her life being de spaired of. t fhe hunter now pursue the grouse. They y reported as being pleutiful both grouse and hunters. . Several Junctlm farme.e t.-lli us tlir.t the grain in that vicinity looki aplen-lil, and will yield a fair crop, , Mr Harry Miller has started a hardware store at Ashland, iu partnership with a Mr Coyle, of Portland , The foundation for Messrs Campbell, Hen dricks, Walton and Horn's brick buildings have all been laid. j Many new sidewalks e noeded in town, but it i no use to grow I, as it is impossible to oliLiin lumber. , "Where do you board now?'1 our tramp in quired of a man yesterday. "Oh, out here on the ruberbs,'' he replied. Lumber is beiiifc hauled for Mrs J G Brown lee's new dwelling on Seventh street, and Mrs M J Odell's on Olive street i A pottery will be started west of Junction by a man named Header, in a short time. We wish bim the best of success. ( The Callender Minstrels will give a perform ance at Lane's, in this city, August 11th. It it a first-class minxtrel troupe. f Our friends who have promised us wood on subscriptions, are requested to haul it at their earliest possible convenience. r .Portland had a $100,000 fire last Wednesday evening. The paid fire department is not as effective as the old volunteers. , If any one of the readers of the Guabd is in possession of a dollar of 1804, he can now sell it tor $750. Look at your dollars. wW'e understand that Mr A V Peters and Yjfe wens expected to leave New York dur ing the past week for their European visit. (Jt is generally thought that the first pas senger Jraio, over the Northern Pacifio Rail road will run through from St Paul to Seat tle,. ,. . Messrs Hipks and Co, canuerymen, have purchased the, old Witter tannery of Geo M (jooper, paying the sum of $300 for the aoie. The, sprinkling .cart has rigged a large pomp, and now takes Water from the cistern oq the corner of Willamette and Ninth Streets. . . ..i i jilr D B, Trirabje, of Creswcll, intends leav ing soon to locate in Waaeif. county. We can recommend him to the people ia the vicinity ha may locate. ( The City Surveyor has completed . the work of Jocatjng streets aaJ alleys in tlt portion of the town ordered by the Council, everybody aeema well satisfied. . Farmers should read Mr S M Yoran's adver tisement in another column, He Is. a reliable gentleman, and on whom we ean recommend to Lans oounty farmers. j . , . Eugene is now one of the most prosperons towns io the WiUamette,.valley,. There are 25. dwellings. 5 brick buildings and a City Hall nnder construction. ... ' i T frame for th',iew City Ball ha been raised. It will be one of the. taijaat, wooden buildings in town. The workmen ire some, what delayed for want of lumber. tf , , Three snore of the escaped convicts were eaptared sear Woodbnm, Marion cpnnty, Jalyljth, one being killed, -on probably laUily wounded, and ona who surreuaerea. The vicinity west of Junction h a lady boater, U ths pennn el Mrs Hastier, who may bsjusa hunting fw dear or grow evary lew days. She ia said to be a splendid shot. Hops. -. . Mr 8 II friendly klmlly hand us the fol lowing rules recently a I pted by the San Fran cisco Produce Exchange, which e publish tor the bsnefit of our many hop grower: . Ri'LI 1. All transactions in American hop between membrs of the Exchange shatl be governed by the following riles; but nothing herein shall be construed as interfering in any way with the right of menibera to make such special contracts or condition a they my de sire, not in conflict with rule 5. 3. All ho ekall b delivered In merchanta ble bales. When a certain number oft pounds are sold, numlier of bales not specified, net weight sha'l be understood ' , ., ' 3. Any bale of hops' sighing net lest than 170 pounds, nor more .than .205 poundc, grws weight, shall be coimidered a good delivery. 4. On all hop an allowance of seven pounds per bale shall be made as tare. Ths sacking shall not weigh mors than twenty-four ounce per yard, and any additional weight of sacking or needles surplus of sacking, shall be con sidered as irregular, and the ssllcr shall be liablo to the purchaser for such excess. 8. In the absence of any specific agreement, the seller shall have tlio demand payment at the-ttirie of pacing ttttc, & Hops sold for imiuedlato delivery mutt beinspeotainn the day succeeding the sale. .7. f, upon inspection, it shall be found that any lot, or a part of a lot, of bops shall not conform with the contract, the buyer shall take every hale that does not conform to ths contract, and he shall have tha privilege of re jecting e'ery bale that doe not conform to the oon tract ' 4. Hops shall te weighed (uulen ntherwieb acrrod ujxin) by a city weigher, whono nturn shall 1m taken as thedjrract weiik of the bales. Weigher's fees at the expense ol the seller. 0. When hops are sold to arrive, and to be impeded on the dock, the buyer shall, after inspection ami order for delivery Deilig givsn, assume the same relations toward the trans portation line by which the hops arrived as the seller previously held, as regards their removal from the place of de'ivery within, the time granted by such line for that purpose. If. .A-carload of hops shall be understood to be slit bales. : . 11. Whenever sales ars made between mem bers of the Exchange through a broker who is not a member of he Etiohange, a written niem nrar.dmn of the transaction is to be exchanged by the principals before the sale is binding. 12. Rules 3, 4 and 5 shall only apply to the crop of 1883 and subsequent crops. Look to Your Mortgages. i ECorxk Citv, July 10. . 1883. Editor Ci'ARD: It will be of interest Io the citizens o. Lano Ctmidy, if. ydh will call attention to tlio following facts: Uuuer the Mortgage Tax Law, enacted by the laxt IxijilaJure, tlie ('ount Clerk is re quired to furnhh .o.thu .Assvsnnr, bu the 1st day of August, an abstract of all uneatilicd mortgages showing the csiuri of, (he same and the amounts duo thereon; and it is mado the duty of the Aassnr to assess such debt and security for tha full .amount that ap pears from th record to be owing, unless the land mortgaged is not worth as mnch a appears duo. imtucli mortgages, and in that event to a.-:cv ,j!:o "cHrity. at .what be cmsiders its c.uli...w. Under tlio law all unsatisfied inortgf.gcs i,n required to he as sessed. There are.M.i; Lauo County ruconls, over one thong j in! ; nutitiol mortgages, representing in the ngi;r?gatu $1,412,1.15 of indbtedu?uj. Of tliis.nuii.uut I think fully one-thirdka.''(l. y'rnl'.dy .t)i:o-hnlft is . paid, and not aalislied of record. Of the . unpaid mortgages a large number, iin the ordinary run of business, 'pinst liavo been partially paid, yet very few hare any credits entered. Under t!;.s conditi'iii of affairs, uulesi the holdersjif paid and unpaid mortgages come forward an 1 satisfy tlio same of recunl, and the holders .of partially paid m(ir?gagia give the pfoper credit thereon, unavoidable com plications will anoe which will curtail heavy oss, both i upon individual' taxpayers and upon the treasury of Ijiiib County. JOKL WAHR, 83. Council Proceedings. CoWctL Rooms,' . , , '. Euiiese Citv, July Ifc. 1883 Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present Mayor Dunn, Councilmen Edris, McClung, Campbell, Conser, Luckey, Sloan; Recorder and Marshal.. Ordinance No 6, amending Ordinance No 1, Title 7, chapter 2, relating to City aur vcys; was jead and passed. On motion the sidewalk from Luckey's to IIctdrichs',.on Willamette street, was re ferred to b'lreet committee. Tlio fulloning resolution was read and adopted: "That, .all property owucra on north side of Eievtuth street are notified to move the sidewalk ,to the established line within twenty dayr, if not so removed, the Street Commissioner fs authorized to place the walk on such line et the expense of the property owners." , On motion the Recorder wfca authorized to purchase a suitable bo'ik for the use of the City Surveyor, to reo ird all survoys made within the city limits iu, and the same to be kept of file in the Recorder's office. On motion the Surveyor was instructed to make a plat' of that portion of the City ordered surveyed at the meeting of the Council July 10, 18S3, and give the exact size of each block and record the same in the Surveyor's book. On motion adjourned. R. (i. Calusos, Recorder. The Giui!. W understand that the grain in this county is filling in good shape. It is confidently asserted by many of our farmers that we will have a fair crop, while less than ten days ago many of them did not think we would have over half a crop What country in the world could stand a drouth of seventy five days and still rais good crop. Oregon btats tha world! $5 RiWAB.a.-Jlr George Swift, last Satur day, lost a Masonic keystone watch charm, which has hi name engraved upon and also" the words of "Eugene Lodge, A. F. and A. M Mn.10. The finder will b paid 15. by leavfcg the same at the Express office. Cottage Qrova Item. rnox oua hpxciai coRRnroxprxT. July 17, 1883. W hav a me new sidewalk, bnt a good 1-al more is need, a it is not only a detriment. but dangerous to walk on. Dr JC Whitoaker, Robert Hay and J a Abratn visited our town last week. Mia Myra Cathcart was taken sick vary suddenly last Wednesday night. Dr C D Osburn was called. She was recoverine when las, beard from. Two new self binder were taken out from here last Saturday, on to Siuslaw and the other to Lynx Hallow. A team belonging to Mr Pitcher, of Siuslaw, took a spiu up tha street from Larch Bro' stom to Whipple's, IhelV- into the river and out -ain.when they ran against an oak sapling, that brought them to a stand, breaking the breast yoke, tio other damage aa don,' only tbey ran otrrahont A J . Harlow waa aaddling, and caused five others to break loo from where they wjre Mtchd, ' , Rev. Mr Cornwall has moved iatc Mr L Wharton's retldenos, in the upper part of town. . . : Mesnrs Lewis and Joseph Martin returned from Kakt of the mountain accompanied by their families Monday. They stated they mt Mr R Knee aud family on top of the nioun talis. Roll of Honor of Latham school, taught by Mr C C Jacks,, which closl Jul GthU James Hawlev, Marian Martin, Henry Hawlewj Walter Hawler, Geortfe Coolcy, llouvrt Loolty, lOODMcDole. I 80 08 I. Emmeraon, 80 98 Viola Sharp,-r' ' 8S 90 ltemice McDM 80 S3 Nora Spray, 80 Ml " Apex, Sherman's Circus. Victoria Colonist. J The niatiuce given yesterday afternoon opened with the eutry o( eight lady aud gen tlemen riders whose various evolutions were rory interesting aud executed with a degree of grace that reflect great credit on the par ticipants. The scholars of the Convent school and their teacher were present and thoroughly enjoyed the quip and antics of the c!own aud the thorough obedience that the horse Tommy, Barney aud Jack, shewed their master. Tlio benches were well lined with spectators and their interest suctaincj till the close of the performance. In tlio evening the tent was again packed to ils utmost capacity by an audience which -at times was actually entranced by the daring feat of the gymnasts. But the three horse, Tommy, Barney and Jack, most successfully, compete with the Morosco brothers for the palm of popular approbation. These animals are living proofs of the marvelous extont to which, the brute creation is ausccptihlo of being educated by the kind and gentle treat ment of man. In these horses Mr Sherman has a treasure beyond the purchase of inotey. Mdme Dcrock agaiu startled the audience with her exhibition of the endurance of a woman's "jaw," this performance alone must be seen to be appruciated. . Of the lady riders Miss Pauline Lee deserve mention by her. unpanallelod skill; as an equostrienoej several (if her nets calling forth lotld ap plause. - ' 11 Ml ' SmithTield Items. July 12, 18S3. Hay crop short. . , Coyote arc killing sheep near tfiis pl.icc. Hear are coining around near this place. Miss Maugie Whitney closed her school hero last Friday. . ,.; . ' ' . '. ' "... . ' The dance at Amos lUchar'!son's on the 7th, was a pleasant affair, j ; ., . More people have visited Yaquina 15ay this seaaou than any year previous. The people, of Richardson will strike short ly to have their mail come to suit them a well a to suit the convenience of the con tractors. Smithfield, Clear Lake and Butte boy have combined and organized a sporting club, and purchased a doublo Monarch gloss ball trap. It is rumored here tbat a few more row are wanted in Eugene, and a few more fines, and then the city will have money enough to pay for locating the corner of certain lot without cost Mr. Llakcly, of The Dalles, brought the remains of his wife here for burul this week" She was a daughter of W S Jones .o( Richardson precinct, and a sister Of W T Joues, who was killed about tw wekl' ago at Friddler'i sa null by a falling limb. Belknap Springs Items. rT "i '.r ,- .' A large crowd of people are here at ths springs. , ., , The health of Mrs. J BcTl, of Salem, is slowly improving. j Miss-Miry Cauly, of Shedd station, is em ployed in the hotel here. The fire has destroyed thousands of acre of timber. The person who set out fire should be puniOied to the full extent of the law. Mr. Frank Lee, who ha been visiting her for some time, is talking of departing for his home in California. Frank baa ms le many friends here during his stay. MouktaH Boi. V STATEMENT tf -tlio f inanoiol aJTairs of Lane County for th ftenl year ending Jant 30, 1833. . . ; . .i RKcurfs. ; i County fumls on hand July ), '82 f 10,310 07 School fuud; on fraud duly 1. '62. 2. fl'.'B 01 1 axe from Sheriff. , . ... . , . Taxe from Assessor. i . ' Received State School Food.'. Uecd Licenses . Reed Fine ; ..' Kecd Court Fee , . . . Heed from Bridge Heed from Stove and Wuod told.' Reed Money returned. Reed rent Court House ; Reed Estray 52,008 41 422 00 2.WI 50 $39 (10 l?0i)O 12 2.1 15 DO 1 1 50 65 00 8 IK) 600 Total 960,606 64 blSBCKHEVINTS. Paid on County Order 124,807 09 Paid on School Order 12,880 02 Paid on Stat Tax 10,430 31 ToUl. Count Fund. School Fund. BALANCE OS HAND. .$57,208 32 ..$ 7,908 03 .. 4,680 10 Total 12,488 22 ALLOWANCES V OOUNTr COVRT. Rod S 4.331 85 1,948 01 Hnilge . , , . , . Pauper. Jnrura Witness. Eleetmh .... Sheriff. Clerk...'.. Furl, Repair, etc Asmmot ,,. Judge... ..1,11... ,ti..n Treasut-er k . Agent of School Fund .......... Conveying State Tax to Salem . . School Superintendent. , . . 1 1 , . . . Supervisors 1 ... n, . ... . County Commissioner .' District Attorney. ii... 1 1, u. Bartifls Surveyor. . . . . '. .... Jartlte .w. ContUble i .... . Stationery , i PrmtiiiK..'.i k Coroner Inqnest., Att yice tor detending truiiinsls 1.809 61 1,422 66 3,044 00 610 00 2,933 62 , 1.754 70 1,451 66 802 00 700 00 600 00 30)00 50 25 600 00 844 00 136 40 440 00 17100 148 00 206 50 64 45 107 18 168 00 101 55 45 00 ToUl $24,552 64 TRKSENT FINANCIAL CONDITION. County funds on hand $ 7,903 03 Couuty orders outstanding 621 20 Cash over indebtedness $ 7,386 83 JOEL WARK, Connty Clerk. Report of Executive Committee. ".. -i-i The Executive Committee on the celebration of the Fourth of July beg leave to report as follows: Total amount received . 1 526 00 EXPENSES. Firework ,..$221 50 Music 100 00 Prize 'i 47 60 Printing 41 00 TlTee Sashe.... .-. ........ ... 11 00 Liberty Car 1250 Pumps 10 00 Sundries ,. 28 60 Total expenses . . . . $182 35 Lea4ig eaoh balance on-hand of $43 65. J. M. AniiAMs, Chairman Coin. itbTtittvvn. lion, tl It Oiifry, disbursing clerk of the U S Scnatcteturned from Wash irtton on the l'Jth looking fresh and healthy. Ke was plied by a Standard reporter with 1,001 questions conoerning the poise of the great re public from an Eastern standpoint Ho thinks the country is safe. The most important In formation Jie imparted was that ex-President Tilden is in robuitt health, and can have tho renomination if he wishes it; more than that, if renominated, will be elocted. Mr Gilfry will remain in the city for a few days, and then proceed to his home at Eugene. Port land Standard, An Early Oregon Pioneer. M Wdkins, one of the oldest and earliest sottlers in Ore gon, who haa been in the city for several days, left for his home in Lane county yes terday afternoon. He has been dowu on matter connected with the State Fair, and, after attending to some personal business, left for home. Mr Wilkin came to Oregon in '47, nd took up a claim about twelve mile uortheast from where Eugne CJty now stands, and ha lived on it eve c'inco,- and to day is one of the moat influential and re spected meu ia Lane cor.'nty. Portland News. . . i : f.i, -i-j PortiaI d'e New Officerri -The follow ing newly City officers hav,been; appointed by the Mayor of Portland,; and' dub con firmed by the Council t, Chtct.of Policsi. W. H. .Watkindsj Surveyor,-; W. S. Chapmau; Superinteudeni of Street, A. F. Pear, Sr. j City Attorney, R. M. Dement Bill Wat kind is on of the most uncompromising Democrats in Oregon, and Mr. Sear i also a Democrat, white the other two are Republicans, Personal. Cba Baker has goo to th Foley Springs. I MrJullu GoliUmith ha returned to this oity. ' " Saint Henry Owen went to Portlaud last Tuesday. ' , . v ' ' Mr J R Roam is rusticating at the celebrated FoJeysprings. ".''';' ' Jaiuel WhiWaker returned bom from Port land last Tuesday.. ' . ' ' ' Mr L Ramui I,' of the Portland West Shore, paid' us a-i'leaxant visit ens day this week. ' Trs A CoiKmlth wtit to rortland last MoHay, t vl'lt her daughtor, Mi Rosa Bob lax;, - , !;...; ''' lr Robt Osburn and wife, of Trxsno; Cslt fornli, are visiting relatives atd fi'tends In this oity.. f. ... v '' . 1 Mis Go ii rJoVrU and fart t!y, iiavV g-ne l Jacksonville, to fay relatives and friend a visit . ' I . W noticed James Nclanil'-in'lowh on day thi week. H had juct retarnod from East ern Oregoi. Mrs Chaa Croner and family and Misa Ella Gray, left for an excursion up th McKensie', the first of the week. ' Miss Agusta Patterson, daughter of Dr A W Patterson, left Thursday for California, where she intends entering Mills Seminary. Messra II C Humphrey and M S Walli left for th Foley Spring last Tuesday, In tent on having a good time regardless of ex penses. They will be absent about ten days. Mr Wallis, of Eugene City, Oregon, is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs J W Duncan, a few miles above town. She is aoeompained by her daughter, Miss Alice. They will remain a month. Dayton, W. T., Journal. A party consisting of Dr J C Whiteaker, R II Hays, Dr Johnson, aud several others, will leave for East of the mountains next Monday, for the purpose of seeking health and pleasure. They will be absent about six weeks. We clip the following frum the "Society column" of the Daily News, tinder date of July 14th: "Miss Ella Stevens gnvfc a whiot party to a few friends in honor of her guest, Miss Mae Underwood, of Eugene City, who has been visiting her a few weeks.", We clip the following from last Sunday' Portland Welcome! Max Bollack was made the happiest, father, hf a ten pound girl baby, iu the city last evening.'' ( rand pa Goldsmith now .' Ihe happiest man in Eugene, 1 . . - We heard of a man, "it was not in th Wil lamette valley," but over yonder ''East of the mountains," who wo faund dead on his conn tor with hh doors thrown wide open. He did not advertlso bis business, and from the de composed condition of the body, it appears lika it had been there about ten day before beitig discovered, Lower Siuslaw Items. Florence, July 8, 1883. There will soon be three stores iu this place. Mr Batohlnr and his road hands have been working oii this ind of the road this week. Dr O F Kennedy has bad the misfortune of hurting his back again, and is confined to his room. Mr Cooper has sold his sheop t Mr Patter son at fair prices. He intends stocking his place with cattle. The people of this place ctdebratod the Fourth in regulation style, A large crowd of people were present Woathrr very dry and smoky. A good rain would be acceptable, as many gardens are suf fering from want of it Most all the crops will be short A gentleman by the name of Mr Wilks is intending to put up a store at the head of tide, on the place of Mr J Hadsall. He will com mence building soon. Cor. Remember. Hunters must remember that it i coutrary to law to kill any doo for tho period of four year, or any spotted fawn at any time. Deer or any kind of game must not be wantonly slaughtered, but preserved for nse. Will our hunter iu thi county please remember thi. The fine la from ten to three hnndred dollar, one-half, of. which go to th prosecuting witioss,' the other half to the prosecuting attorney. " Financial Exhibit. In another oolumi may be found the annual 'statement of thB financial condition of Lane county, for tb'1 year ending June 30, 1883. From the sLst1 ment we learn that the sum of $7,908 03 main in the treasury at that date, and thei was only about $500 worth c( outstandinn orders. Lane connty ha jiot had a dollar indebtedness for several years. The managq, ment of county affairs ior .several years havsi been in in very able hands. Sometiiino Nrw. Mr. W. L Record at. rived here from San Francuco Monday' lfe- is canvassing the WUIainotto' Valley for- the noted red and gray Tcotd'n granite, also for marble work." The granito i something that ha been rauted for a long time in thi seo tiori, on account of its durability and fine nish. He ha tho agency for the entire coast. Will Attend. We learn that the following members of Ivauhoe Commandery No 2, Knight Templar, of Eugene, will attend the Triennial Conclave at Sad Tfrartoisco In" Au gust; Pir Knight F B punE'ebcompanied by his daughter Irene, , 31 Knight H N Grain and wife, and (r Knight James F. Robinson arid wre. Foot Rack rr-A foot race waa run near this city, bui Saturday afternoon, between John Wfthrcw and Mr Woolridge, for a purse of $100, the latter winning. After the race several fight occurred, and the participant wer ar rested, and contributed liberally to oar city treasury. SlRvrriN Partt. Th Wheeler surveying Arrested. Deputy U S Marshal 0A Brown, bat Wednesday arrested Meisrs C L and Win William and took them to Pt rt laud to answer to the charge of cutting tim ber onGovernmeotlands. From what w hate been able to burn of th case, w believe that J cbafg will be dismissed by the court. PCRCHjrED. Mr Al McCIanahan pur- party left Eugene but Thursday for Eastern chased hut week two lota on High Street of Foe Sale Vest Cheap-A mounted power ' nA nntar in onnd working condition, like- w'0born lf-binder. For particulars, ! Oregon. . Tbey will be absent shout three . Mr Two Smith, paying $200 for the tun. A apply to S. B- Eaii, 8b. month. i ilendid bargain for th buyer. Tbi.eorapuer' Strike. Tho telegraph operator throughout the United States (truck for higher wage last Thursday. It i even impossible to send dispatch from here to Portlaud at thi writing. We be lieve the operator have a just olaim, which should be acceded to by the telegraph com pany. More Game. The prohibition season a to shooting game' now being over, the sound of the sportsmen' gun is heard in all the land, and woe be to the unlnoky bird that falls with In range of the Innumerable marksmen now damping the woods and sloughs. Horses. Dr Oglenby arrived here last Wednesday, with a band of 43 head of horses from hi ranch in Crook 'county. We no derstaud that he wo pffered $4,000 for the band, which he refused. Fine Uniorhs. We have been shown the uniforms of Ivanhoe Commandery, Knights Templar, of this city, which are said to be handsomest of any similar organization in Ore gon or Washington. Fob Sale. On carriage and one buggy; both in good order; will sell cheap for cash or trade for horses. ' For particulars enquire at ha Guard office, or of E J McCIanahan, t .. i ) Eautern Onituo:wMr E P Coleman will start next week with ardrove of 200 of hi eattle for Eastern Oregon. Mr Frank Col man, of this city, will accompany .the drove. Dwellmo SoLD.-'-Mf . Kt- Spray this week sold to a Mr Davis, recently from Iowa, hsr small dwelling on Olive Street The price pavid wa $550. , . , . , - Sued. Tha Oregoniao say that Mr B Pmgra haa been lued for $15,000, for cut ting timber on Government laud. Briefs. Pap Walton I In town. '' ' Jaine II unphrey, of Po.-tland, U rn town. W. H. llyar. has purchased th Salem Stitesiuau. Mr IL II. Hendricks, a gradu ate of th State University, has accepted ths position of city editor. Msrried, at the residence, W II Davis, J P, Nex Perce county.IJaho Territory, July 15, 18S3, William II Whitman county, W T, and Mis Vina Witter, late of Eugene City, Oregon. At the isnie time and place, Mr C 0 Lemley and Mis Martha Blew, of SiKikane county, W T. There ia something interesting in the pro. cess of tying the matrimonial knot Every time a marriage ceremony i announced th church is crowded- tf we were a miuister we would provide our patron with a mar. riago ceremony every night of service if we liad to ofTer' a prize for the contracting iarUes. ' A preacher' tb be 'successful now a days haa to bo enterprising. A marriage draw. - .; " '' Tho Orcgeniza hitimatcS' that Pftrtlan'J capitalist will push mortgagors in 4he cbilr try n account of'th newtwMk-'. ' Now? the question is what difbVsnce does it cxki to thoiii whether tliey pay taxes in Portion! or Llnher any ' otheV county. We believe the truth So be that under' the old taw thy neaked out 61 :i Albany Democrat, W -think It i very etraM. 'tO ay the Iet that th capitalist wordd nit her pay1 taxes iu Portland than in Lane county, where taxes are known to be lower, -,' u , The "heated term" i truly npou cs, and the favored scious of wealth can repair tW some shady retreat, rarely visited by' sur. shine or cares; but editor and other oofor- tunates must swelter while they attempt to supply the abnormal cravings of the d 1 for copy. Still they live in bright anticipations f a filial resting put'), where, together with the rest of the righteous, they shall enjoy unalloyed bliss, being fully assured that his satanio- majesty, - who is constantly bellowing for "crpy," will never reach ths - original, , . ' . . (' Brevities. For good dentistry go to Clark . , Bring your chicken! to Bettmaa's. - .-. For the best mixed paints, go to Gill's. $ '-i; Go to Hendricks' and see th bos tin tetter.' Job work a speciality st the Guard office. All kiud of graia seeds for sale at A Gold. inith'. i Cheapest tobacoo in town at the Variety Store. .hi i t - i The highest cash price paid for wheat by F B Dunn. Job work executod with dispatch at th Guard office. Luckey and Bristow keep lubricating oils ol all kinds. Swift & Co. will pay tho highest market price for chicken. :- Go to Swift & Co.' for fresh California candies, cracker, Ao. The Guard ha the largest circulation of . any paper iu Lane county. A flue line of silk pluahes in all shades and grades at F B Dunn's. The only place where yon can always sell your chickens is at Bettman's. A full assortment of ladies, wlsse and chil dren underware at Bettman,. For fine harness, (Addles, etc, go to A. S. Currie's new (hop on Kighth street . V Freshest and finest groceries cigar ail candies at Swift & Co'- - Try them. ' Swift k Cd.'s goods are all new and bought tor cash, and are sold phesp fatcisbY "' " 'Hides, furs' cbiulun and 'all' kinds of pro duce bought fudcarh at A. Goldsmith'. A good stock of paint, oil aud varnishes always on hand at Luckey k Bristow's. Swift k Co. sell canned good, pnt up this year, as cheap as can be bought iu town. A nice assortment of out patterns for la dies' and childrou's clothe st R G Callison k Co.', at Now York rate. Eight cans tomatoo for one dollar, and other Banned good cheap, at Swift k Co.'' This year's put up and fresh. Mr S If Friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat. Give him call before selling your grain elsewhere. Bring your butter to G. Bettman if yon want the highest price; also all kinds of pro duce. ' . ' " . -..J o if Ordinance No. 6. Ail Ordinance) for Straightening Nli-net and Locating; Corners, Amending; Title 7, Chapter 2, of Ordinance Xo. 1. , , Section 22. It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to ascertain sl fines and cor ners of Lots, Blocks, Streets-, and Alleys,. when Rnuired by the Cit Council, or opon . application of any property holder or holder' residing or owning property in the City of . Eugoue, and he ahull record as soon there' after as practicable,' the field notes, ' and ' make plats whcn,riccesary to a clear under- standing of the eanre iu a suitable book, to be provided by Wie City and to be known, as the "City Record of Surveys," said book to be kept in the Recorder's office, subject . to the inspecthjn of property owners. Section ?3."'- When any survey is made by the City Survoyor, he saho.ll do the work-. and make' a' record of the tame with a little delay as possible,' inch Surveys to be num. bered from one successively ai tbey are re. corded, end when each survey is recorded and signed by tho City Surveyor, shall be b.ndingon, all property owners affected thereby. ' Section 24. Section 3 in printed laws' hall be made Section 4, and Section 4 shall be made Section 5. . Passed the Council July 16, 1883. ' F. B. DUNN, , Mayor.' Attest . " R. O. CALLISON, " - 4 "-Recorder. " AV 'will send the Gcard free for one year to anyone who will send ns five new sub-r . . 1 j ' .1 ; k .k ,nk .1 Ik. Iscruwrs Bceompaiiicfi w,.., .. w... .. rate $2.50 pr annnm for each,