The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 14, 1883, Image 2

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ArcbniHliop Pnrcoll died at Cincinnati
July 3d.
Tbo Georgia legislature mot at At
lanta, July 4th.
Archbishop Strain, Catholic, of St.
Andrews and Edinburgh, is dead.
Bishop John McMullon, of the Catho
Ho diosese of Davenport, Iowa, died
July 4th.
The statement of the Imperial bank of
Germany shows a doercaso of specio of
23,173,000 marks. ,
Tlio 105th anniversary of the massacre
of Wyoming was celebrated at Wilkes
barre, Fa., July 3d.
Hargrave Jennings is preparing for
publication "Homo Early Passages in
the Life of Charles Dickens."
The Sonoma, California, wheat and
Imrloy crop is reported the largest ever
harvested. It is estimated to be 1,000,
000 bushels.
A large oak tree has been recently
felled at RockforJ, Illinois, under whoso
branches Lincoln and Douglas hold a
debate in 1850.
At Blissville, Long Island, July 2d,
tho train on tbo Long Island road was
struck by a beer wagon, demolinhing tho
wagon and killing the horses and Patrick
Coyle and Peter Kruck.
An industrial exhibition, covering
three and a half acres and including
British centennial and American exhib
its, was opened by Earl lkndon at Cork,
July 3d, in the proscnoo of a vast crowd.
An Alexandria dispatch of July 3d
says: There were twelve deaths at Man
aarah and four at Susmano yesterday
from cholora. Trafllo between Port Said
and Syria is prohibited, owing to tho
outbreak of cholera at the for mo r placos.
The boiler of the stoamboat Susquo
hanna, owned by the Plymouth Naviga
tion company, blow up at Wilkeslmrre,
Pa., July 3d. The boat was torn to
Eieoos. No passengers were on board,
ut seven of the orew were injurod, sev
eral fatally.
A Vicksburg, Miss., dispatch of July
4th, snys : Captain M. L. Colo, member
of tho board of supervisors, was found
in tho road yesterday morning betwoon
tlio city ana his residence, live miles
distant, with his body riddled with bul
lets. Dr. II. P. Cook and son, Nowoll
Cook, wore arrested at tlio instance of
the coroner.
A sad accident ocourred during a torn
peranco fete at the Botanical gardens at
bhcflield, Lngland, July 2d. There wore
thoussuds of school children on the
ground. A number of them climbed
upon a dray, whon tho horses became
frightenod and caused a panio among the
little ones, two oi whom were killed and
twenty injured.
At Man rranoisco, July 4th, a man
namod Ilart. a oritmlo. who sold tuners
for a living, was shooting firo-oraokers
in front of Fogarty's saloon. Fogarty
remonstrated witu lain, to which Hart
- paid no hoed. Fogarty then struck him
with his fist under tho ear and ftdlod
him. Fogarty oontinuod tho attack br
kicking Hart, but seeing no movement
on tho part of Hart, Fogarty desisted.
When nicked up Hart was taken to a
noighhoriug saloon ami fouud to be
A Ciuoinuali dispatch of July 3d says:
A fatal accident occurred on tlio Cincin
nati and Dayton railroad at Winton
Placo crossing near this, city at U;15
o clock to-niKUt. bix ncrsous wore
killod. The Thunderbolt express com
ing south on tho New lork. Pennsvl
vauia and Ohio railroad, duo here at 8:30
was a half hour lata and running fast to
make up lor lost tnno. It struck a buck
ster wagon in which was a family of Bix
persons hssuios tho driver. Kvery ono
except William Bortsoh, tho driver, was
killed. Iiertscu escaped with serious
The monument erectod in Market
Square, Uorniantown, Pa., to tho mem
ory of soldiers and sailors, was uuveilod
July 4th. Tho mouumeut. with tho
statuo, is thirty-three feet high, and is
surrounded by a railing of ruuttkot bar
rels and with bayonets oanturod from
tho rebels during tho war. Tho four
corner posts aro of cannon captured
from the British in the war of 1312.
Gornumtown was crowded with visitors,
and tho procession to the monument
very long and imposing. General Joseph
A. Beaver, orator of tho day, was over
come by heat while delivering tho ad
dress. The statuo was unveiled by
cighteon young ladios, highest honor
aouoiars irom mo uiuereut acauemios.
Commissioner Dudley, in conversa
tion with a Washington Star reporter
recently said ho believed that the prom-
lea K nimrmu. !.,. ,.... ..,,..?...
claim would have been considered by
v bis department by tho closo of tho fiscal
year would be fulfilled. Thuro had
been during tho year a considerable in
crease in the number of claims filed
over those of last year, as tho followiug
flmires will show: Original invalids,
29,004; 1883, 37,30(1; original
widows. 1882, 103.7U2; 18S3, 12;,'JJ2.
The increase in the number of claims
filed is duo to the inoreasod number of
claim agents who wont a ten dollur feo.
The number of attorneys before the de
partment has increased from 4,000 to 10,
000 sinoe the passage of tho pension
A Panama dispatch of July 3d says:
A Tolcauo in luko Nicaragua is in
eruption. When the orator first broke
forth tho people fled to tho clmrchrs,
feeling that tho whole inland would bo
destroyed. Tho valley of tho Atrabs, in
the state of Cauci, coutinues tho confer
of volcanio activity. At Bio Suoio, forty
miles from the Atlantic, tho earth opened
in many places, throwing out very fine
and in a heated state, whilst a subter
ranean noiso was beard resembling that
made by boiling water. At Turboin,
gulf of Urabo, the earth opened and
water issued, flooding the streets to a
depth of two feet. Many bouact were)
shaken down and the small villages of
Bojres and Iliscuvio wero completely
engulfed. The mouth of the river Leon,
whioli empties into the Atlantic, was
'completely closed op and all over the
district the movement of the earth is to
continuous that the inhabitants are
emigrating. ,
The Parnell fund has reaohod 17.005.
The Indian government has decided to
grant the ameer of Afghanistan a lurgo
By the capsizing of pleasure boat off
Staton island July 4th, three men were
AtModway, Massachusetts, July 3d,
the boot and shoe factory of MoOinis A
Tracy burned.
At Salt Lake, July 4th, Frank Gibbon,
a noted pugilist was shot dead by a brick
layer in an altercation.
Two ships arrived at Pensocola, from
Vera Cruz with yellow fever. Tho ves
sols have been quarantined.
Fire in Fredrickstadt, Russia, on the
river Duno, has destroyed fifty build
ings, including the postofllce.
The corner stone of Bollovue collogo
and Bollovuo society at Omaha was laid
Jnly 4th. The college opons September 1.
The direotory of Milwaukee, about to
be issued, shows an inoreaso in popula
tion during the past year of 10,000. To
tal, 118,000.
The monument to Georgo Cheves and
Richard Tucker, the first settlor of Port
land, Muine, was unvoilod July 4th, with
Masonio honors.
Fivo deaths have occurred from the
upsetting of a train of cars at Dudders,
England, recently, caused by the giving
way of the brakes.
Paul B. Da Chailln's book of adven
tures is said to bo mainly tho work of
Charles Nordhoff, who amplified and
worked them up from rather slim mater
ials. At Kansas, 111,, July 4th, the balcony
of tho Koster houso gave way during a
firework display, soriously injuring and
maiming seven persons, but it is thought
nono fatally.
Bleakio It Co.'s mill at Araesbnry,
Mass., was struck by lightning July 5th
and burnod to the ground. Loss, 100,
000; insuranoo unknown. Employed
200 operativos.
At Cloveland, July 4th, Prof. King as
condod in a balloon, acoampaniod by A.
D. Davis of Chicago and Miss Rose Ken
nedy of Springfield, 111., who wero mar
ried on the journey.
At Omaha, July 5th, Ed. Soars, alias
Shuttle, went to tho room of Martin
Knight and terribly ponndod him with a
club and thon shot him, fatally, in the
stomaoh. bears escaped.
At Erie, Pa., July 4, Albort Knhn, of
good family, with some companions in
liquor, began firing recklessly from i
car window. A bullet from Kuhn's jis
tol killed Miss Mary Stoinor.
At Union, Ind., July 5tb, Dr. W. P
Uornbrook, a respocted puysicmn, was
shot and killed in his oflloe by Sum Horn
minpor, a farm laborer with whom ho
hud somo dispute about work.
A fire at Gadsden, Alabama, was dis
covered about coon July 4th. Two
blocks in tho central part of tho city,
mostly frame houses, were destroyed
Tho loss is about $100,000; insurance,
An old braes cannon exploded at Mis
souri Valley, Iowa, fatally injuring c
man namod Whilo, who was firing salutes
with it. Ho loaded it with two ami
half pounds of powder, and then fired
with tho ubovo results.
At Joli'it, 111., July 4th, two children
of James Mulhern, aged 0 ami 8 years,
wero left in tho Iiouko alone lor a short
timo and during the abseuco of tho par
enls tho house took fire, it is supposed
by firo crackers, aud tho children wero
burned to death.
At Fhiladolphia, July 4th, about 800
nowsoarriors partook of tho anuual din
ner provided by Goorgo W. Chills,
served at tho ltelmont mansion in l'uir
mount park. Etch boy was also fur'
malied with a tickot of admission to the
Zoological garden and a car tickot homo.
Eleven military prisonors, convicted
of various ollenscs and sentenced to
sevm out their terms at Fort Leaven
worth, made their escape from tho home
guard houso at 1'ort Umuha July 4th by
digging under the foundation and seiz
ing and tying tho soutiuol. They woro
At Scranton,July 4th,tho storo of Goo.
Cooper was struck by lightning aud en
tirely destroyed. Several persons wero
slightly burnod. July 5th several houses
were struck and a girl killed. A number
of men were fatally injurod by flying
bricks. It is feared that crops are dam
aged greatly by heavy rains.
Ten thousand iron workers in Stafford
shire, England, who are on a strike, with
banners marched to Dudleyport, Untnu
aud Maxlry aud entered tho iron works
at tli oso places and qneuched tho fires m
tho furnaces, thus stopping work. Tho
forco of polioomeu ou baud was power
less in preventing tho action of the
The inquest ovor tho Sunderland,
England, disaster resulted in a verdict
that tho children suffocated because the
door was partially olosed, by whom the
evidence is insufficient to show. The
conjurer who gave tho entertainment
was censurod on acoouut of tho small
number of atteudauts to guard against
tho disaster.
Dnrincr tho celebration at Montroso.
Pa., July 4th, Prof. II. II. Laulum, tho
balloonist, attempted to make an ascen
siou. Whon at tho bight of forty feet
thotrapezo caught a tree, hurling him
violently to tho ground. lie struck on
a rook and sustained a fraoture of tho
skull aud internal injuries which are
thought to be fatal.
At El Paso, Tex, July 5th, Joseph
Brewster, a Canadian Freuolinian who
committed a violent assault on Miss Da
vis at Fort Davis about a rear ugo, was
hanged. He was a United States soldier.
The execution was private, only officials
and reporters being admitted.
Brewster, when sentenced, broko down
sua scarcely could walk.
A Hnntsvillo, Texas dispatch of July
3d says : At 0 this morning, seven
miles south of lluntsville, J. K. Kelly's
sawmill was blown np. with fearful de
struction of life. Dick Grant, a colored
fireman, an J assistant. John Bark (old, a
convict, and also convicts Slade and
Jordan, were instantly killed. Four
other convicts named Nichols, Swarts,
Franklin and Cullard, were seriously
wounded. The proprietor, Kelly, bis
partner, Harry Miner, and a man named
Harrington, were severely weunded.
The cause of the accident was cureless
cess of the engineer.
Terrible ttsttl of Tlirs ( nlonJo Xrs tilth s Mrs
of neruenU.
List lilKht's Donvor and Itlo Ortndo train
brouKlit, suy the Usavills Chronicle, three
mon who but just passed through so ordeal
ttii! 1 torrihlo U contemplate, and their many
wounds go to show that the story tlicjr fell i
but too true tnd liorrihla iu its dulaiU. Tlio
men srs K. V. rimith aud Oeorire 11. While,
Jr., ut l'ueblu, and Thotiia WcUoatjh of
Colorado tprliiK. They detail the account
of their adventure! about as follows:
k'lns miles from the month of Cotton
wood creek, up the stream, in a bar
ren wilderness of acrubby undergrowth
aud bowlders and rocks aud stone. To
stuud ou tlio verduut alioro of thin tea of waste
land, ono would naturally conclude that they
were mauy mile away from nowhere, aud, for
aught they knew, wero the 11 rut to dincoror this
blank ava of waste, barren, worthies, fly.
apeck on the ahirt-frout of crevtion. The men
were ou a Ashing expedition, and started
Wednesday morning from the mouth of the
Minnehaha stream to wend and wsdo thoir way
toward its source, when thuv reached the spot
above mentioned. Hero night overreached
theni, and having a lunch, they built a tire and
made themselves sa couifortaklo ai possible ou
tbo surface of a scraggy moaned rock.
Heing tired and footsore, as toon a their
scanty repaid was eagerly devoured they wero
toon reveling iu dreams that, perhaps, aro
more or lesa pleasant to tho mind while Hitting
iu tho realm of audi fancies. One of the parly
had not been tangled with Morpheus long until
he was awakened by something choking him,
and feeling, fouud his atranuo collar was cold
and alimy. It wu a very tine specimen of the
black specie, which wa girding hi throttle iu
its anything but loving embrace. The mounter
wuh loon dispatehcd, aud the party wero about
to lie down alter ridding themselves of his
nakeahip, when they found by the aid of the
dying cuihcra and the atsistutiu) afforded by
the quarter moon that they wero literully sur
rounded by tho venom-tongned trailer. Two
of the party proposed to decamp for a more con
genial climo, but whon about to leavo the rock
thoy found themselves trampling on a living
sea of serpent. Tho hisniug and rattling be
came mors, audible, aud it wai but a few min
utes until it was leud a ordinary touod voice.
Tho men, finding themselves thut surrounded,
broko branches from the stubby undergrowth
of piues and commonced Uniting the sea of dart
ing, hissing snakes. Kealizing that they bad
an all-night job, they added fuel to the (lie and
oommenrod tho killing in earnest. Tho light
and noiso teemed to awaken the whole barren
wasto Into a tempest of hissing and rattliog.
Each becan tlio slaughter with redoubled Tigor,
trying to tight his way to the stream, some hun
dred yard away dowu a slanting hill. They
would gaiu a few paces of the distance, only to
bo driven back again to tho rock. The rat
tling and hissing became so loud that their
voice were not audible unless close by. The
sound wa aoinothing like four or live wheat
separators In operation at one timo. It wa
terrible. The hair on their head was standing
straight and stiff tike tbo wires on a pateut hair
brush. Their hands and arm wero blood
stained to their elbows, and the tteuch from
the snaky battle-livid wa sickening in the ex
treme. One hour after tho first snake was
killed no less than 0OUU lie sluiu, and they kept
coming thicker and faster. The sound became
hideous, and soon tho moon disappeared and
the three llshermen felt that hell had sweeter
charms than the placo it seomod their fato to
dio iu. Two of the men were bitten, and their
legs and arms begun to swell aud pain badly,
aud they frequently had to rest and permit one
t i do tlio killing of three.
Tho hours wore slowly by and tho slaughter
was kept up as best they could. At last morn
ing caiuo mid lifted the curtain of night from
a most appalling scene. For fifty feet all
around tho huge rock lay a heap of Biuuued,
squirming and dead euakes. A far as they
euuld see all around the barren wasto was a
seething tide of reptiles that came toward tho
rock with maddening fury. Concluding that
they might as well earn death by a dearer fate
they made ready to run for tho stream, think
ing that it they gained tho other sidu they
would have a butter chauce to caro for their
wounds. Leaping as far us possible from the
rock, frantic, struggling, bitten and wild with
pain, they plunged into the water and reached
tho other side, completely orercoiuo by the
toniblo ordeal wl pansed through, and, after
sometime, bandaged their blading and swollen
limbs. Ity D o'clock they wero sufliciiutly re
covered to continue to Cottouwood springs,
where they took tbo lirnt train to Leadville to
secure medical aid, arriving here laxt night.
Tho utifoi tunntu men ni'o now under the euro
of I)r. 1. II. Douguii. '1 hoy describo the
snakes ai bring specimens of all kinds, such as
adders, vipers, copperheads, rattlers, milk,
horse, urtun and bluck, and among them were
two loon-suukes and a racer, which they decluro
was no less than tsenty-two feet in length. The
doctor says tho men aio not fatally bitten, but
it will be somo time before tho swelling and
pain will disappear. They leavo on to-night's
train for their respective honns, Iceliug that
they havo had enough ll-diing aud auabuudauco
of snakes for ouu excursion.
Alt 1'0K"S COTT.MIK,
Where lie Wrote "Tlio Haven," Sold I sder the
Skerill's llaniiuer.
From the Sow York lb'rahl.
In the spring ol'ISlO Edgar Allen Pop), with
his invalid wile aud his mother-in-law, moved
from the noiso and bustle of New York life to
a small cottogo iu tho quiet village of Ford
ham. This co tin go was sold ou Saturday un
der foreclosure for $7500. The plaiutitT. Mr.
Nolsoti Strang, was the purchaser.
Near the house was a .vringa, planted by
tho poet. It is s tall, struggling bush, iu
keening with its surroundings. Bending dowu
a liliio Mrs. Dockert broke a handful oi the
fragrant flowers, and, giving them to her
visitor, sent him awny, saying: "Von have
seen tho cottage; you can hoar something of its
master by calling on Mrs. Cromwell."
P Turning to the right at tho llrst corner and
following tho shell path is another white cot
tage, iu which Mrs. Cromwell lives.
"What uo you want to know about Eddie
Pee?" she said; ' he' been dead so long I
thought he was forgotten. Well, it's mighty cu
rious. Von folks think nun o of hi in now than
yon did wheu he was alivo."
"You knew him?" tlio n porter asked.
"Knew Eddie IVe? Why, I was the first
uctghbor his folks got acquainted with whou
they moved out hero thirty-seven vears ago,
Mr. Toe found mo himself 'in tho cliorry tree
aud ho took me right over to see hU wife, poor
woman, aud his moiher-in-law. 1 used to go
over thero very ofteu."
"Did you kuow uuHi of the faniilj?"
"I knew (hey wero mighty poor poorer than
I ever was or ever expect to bo. They lived
hard over there aud didu't have much tiiac was
nice. Mr. Too waa a good man wheu he
wasu't drinking. He seemed very fond of that
poor, sick wife of hi. Mrs. Clomm used to
watch hiui mighty close, and I've known her
to go to New York twice a day to 'tend to his
business just to kr p him from going. Klie
knew he would get in bad company and go to
drinking again. Why, I've seeu him when
three men couldn't hold him in tho bed. lint
th to wasn't a bett.r iuu in the world when
he was sober. He was very fond of tlowtm and
used to tramp all over tho woods to rind 'em.
He lori d birds, too, and had lots of 'em sing
ing iu his yard. He was the greatest walkor I
ever sw, tnd cstd to go to White I'lvus six-
teeu liiil. s and 1 ick iu a d:iv, and num's tho
day l.o has wandered over thee hills without a
coat er hat.
"When his wife died, Mr. Toe took Itniithlv
Lard. She was buiiid up iu the old Dutch
cemetery, but they afterward moved her to
Haitimorc, a Urn: live years ago. He used to
cry our her grave and kept it green with
You have some relics, 1 believe?"
' i bis is the chair he used to ait iu," said the
old lady, rising slowly. "It's just exactly like
it wa when 1 got it, except that iron atrap ou
the arm. Homebody broke it and 1 had it
mended. Hers i iii own bible aud hi clock
is up-atain, if you want to ice it."
Ill an sicht-dav clock, ruuninir vet, as it
bai for lhirty-sn years. Tbs chair has bscn in
constant use, but bas the same cans iu back
and seat it bad when the poet sat in it.
"1 bought tho chair ana clock," continued
Mrs. Cromwell, "but Mr. Cleinm gavs mo the
biblo, aud I'll never part witli it. I might sell
the other things, but if you all are going to
think so nneb of Mr. Toe, I guess 1 11 havo to
think something of him too."
In the old biblo ono passsge was found
mariicd-Joli vll 18 "I loath it; I would not
live alsoy; let me aloue, for my day are vaa
Itv." 'Where did you get those flower?" Mrs.
Cromwell asked. "Over at the cottage, I
reckon. You all ara just alike aud go crazy
about nothing. I wnoder how many more will
want to hear about Eddio Poe? '
M'lll.tUiliaU AUJ10UI.
The soldier's lifo in these piping times of
peace is not so full of excitement a ho might
wish, but l by no mean as unpleasant a ha
been pictured. Many young men who enlist
are fascinated by the uniforms, tales of the re
bellion aud a life of ease, a it teem to them;
and when they Mud that they aro expected to
work nine hour a day the enthusiasm is
dampened and thoy waut to got out. From tho
dissatisfaction of this class has doubtless arisen
the prejudice against peaceful army lifo. Hut
there is another side to the question. Tho av
erage soldier i uneducated, has no trade and
would have to work a a common laborer if
dischaig' d. It ia said, however, that ho would
gut more pay, and ao it seems at a glun.o, but
there is really very liltlo difference between
tho remuneration of the soldier and
laborer. Tho former receives from tho
government hi board, clothe, and from $13
to tii a month. The averago i not fur from
$IH, or $H10 a year. The day laborer working
30(1 days a year at $2 a day receives $C0U. As
good board and lodging as the soldier ha will
cost at least $5 a week, or $2o0 a year. Deduct
ing this and $100 for clothes from his full pay,
he has left $210, or $21 a year moio than a
soldier. But tho men aro not all uneducated.
One or two iu the service here havo been
through college and many are well-read. Some
men enlist to receive the restraint which the
oldier is necessarily held under. Aud this is
on way in wbicb army lifo doei good. A man
whoso passion tor liquor is irresistible cannot
doviso a safer protection than that of tho army.
The live of mauy men have unquestionably
been prolonged by the restriction under which
they have been placed. This restraint is,
of course, irktomo and disugroeable, but it is
iome men's only salvation.
Dissatisfied soldiers resort to all sorts of ex
pedient to get sway. One German said yester
day that be got "to drunk ash never vas" in
the hope that ho would bo discharged, but tho
scheme wa too transparent. Desertions have
become so frequent that Oeneral bherinan ar
gue that it would be advisable to lessen tbo
soldior's w- rk; but it is a strange fact that
quito a large percentage of deserters afterward
givo themselves up. It is seldom that any two
give the samo reason for coming back. One
could not overcome the fascination, which had
iucroased while he served; another ropemed
from conscientious motives, and still auotber
found tbat his lot as a soldier wasu't so very
hard after all. But tho prejudice against
army life has become to strong
that there aro very few enlistments
nowadays, and men will probably have to be
transferred from line service to till five places
oon to bo vacated here by soldiers who have
served their time. It ia often wondered what
modo of lifo is chosen after 11 vo years in the
army, but there is very seldom any difficulty iu
a discharged soldier's obtaining a place. Borne
of them make the most of their time wheu in
tbo service, and come out lltttd for positions
which they wero wholly unablo to till whon
they enlisted. Many become policemen, and
almost invariably make, good ones. Fully one
half of tho Washington police forco is corn
no ed of discharged soldiers, and ono of
Springfield's best otlieerslivod ten years within
tho irou knee.tijHiiiffJiehl Mwn.) Jlrp'. b
liean, A Tell with a Toiimhank.
From the Lftrtvllls Chroulrle.
Ono of tho most remarkable exhibitions of
skill ever seen iu Leadville was witnessed on
Wednesday afternoon by a Chronic!?, reporter,
Tho skill of Indians In throwing tho tomahawk
and shooting with tbo bow nud arrow is well
known. Tho reporter, who was of a doubting
tnru of mind, requested Mr. Allen to let biiu
see a little of too Indian's cxperlness. Mr.
Allen gladly consented to tho newsmun's re
quest, and taking tlio latter into tbo
littlo room where the N'uvujo Indians
lodge, tho former told Shilo, who can
sneak English, his mission. Shilo gladly
consented, and the reporter waf requested to
stand against the wall with a largo aioilo on
top of his hat. The newsman trembled lest ho
should bo deprived of his scalp and what little
brains he had been endowed with scattered on
the wall, llelng reassured by Shilo that no
harm would conio to him, he stood up, but
with closul eyis. With a whiz tho tomahawk
was thrown by Uhilo's trained nrm, tho upple
was cut iu two aud tho tomahawk was lodged
in the wall. Thrco times in succes
sion was tlio skillful feat performed.
At Mr. Allen's; request the chief,
Waitoma, who is ono of tho party of In
dian, was called upon for sn exhibition
of his skill. At first tho aged Navajo declined
to comply with the request, but on Shilo's tell
ing him that the white man would be displeased
if he dil not do so, he picked up a bow. An
old hat was placed on the reporter's head, and
once more that individual was placed against
the wall as a target, aud as he stood th.-ro he
thought that his days wore numbered. Tho
old chief examined his bow carefully, and
picking up an arrow adjusted it with a quick
movement, took aim, aud, like a II sh, tho arrow
(lew, piercing tho hat and pinning it to the
wall. Six times Waitcma pierced the hat with
arrows within a radius of six iuches.
Illoomlnj for the fxar.
Krcm the Nashville American.
Wldlo the electric current was Hashing news
of tho czar's cornuation from within the walls
of Moscow over tho snow covered plains of
Kussia to St. IYtersbnrg, and thence via Ger
many and France, under tho broad Atlantic to
New York, across many states to the city of
Nashville, a night-blooming cerous in the hot
house of Mrs. Kwing, No. 32 Vanxhall street,
this city, commenced suddenly to bloom, and
lol a its outer leaves unfolded, iu its center
wss disclosed a perfect crown.
The coincidence does not stop hero. It waa
ascertained from tho fortuuato owner of this
plaut that it had grown from a cutting or slip,
cut many years agj by the Uev. P. S. Fall, for
merly of this city, but now of Lexington, Ken
tucky, in the gtrdens of tho czir of St. Peters
burg. Sunday, when the beautiful white tlowor
unfolded itself, aud that, too, in the broad day
light, those who saw tt were astonished beyou'd
description. Upon looking closer, a crown was
seen iu the ccutre of tho (lower. It was a mys
tery until yesterday nioruing, when the two-column-and-a-half
description iu the American
of the crowuing of the czar wa bailed a a
startling and pleasing coincidence, if not a
proof of the truth that a subtle power or iullu
euco permeates tbo whole of nature.
Cleopatra, that voluptuous queen of Egypt,
for whoso smiles Marc Antony gave un a king
dom, once made a bet with Marc that she would
eat at one meal an amount equal to SoOQ.eOO.
Antony, seeing nothing extraordinary il this,
or pretending that he did not, began to chat)'
her on the extreme frugality of her table. Thi
rallying humor of her lover angered the spend
thrill queen, and. dctachbg two pearls from
her ears, thu tosses one into a wine glass of already prepared, which quickly di
solvtd il, and in the presence o( Munatiii
Planciis, tho umpire, she drank theniHtureoff.
Wbeu alout to dissolve and drink the second
tlio umpire seized it from her, and prevented
the for. her consummation of licr extravagant
TfceNew York legislature an thorn the village
of levy a special tax to pay dam
age iu an odd lawsuit. Two year ago the
trustee authorised a man to giro au exhibition
with an air gun. Duriug th shooting a child
wa hit; the parent sned the trastees and re
covered a vvrdict of t2M.
K Ute vli It to ha warerooms of Messr. Oardner
K,oi. 163 Villi atreet. rurtlaad, Oregon, hum
u with wourter at lbs lmmene display of plain
aud organs of all Unas. Piomlnent 0 "
the. I. meck's Little O.ant Hatio. small an d elo
tut In c'e. yet wonderfully powerful and sweet
oflone. The Taber orijan mrr"oi v-1 """
men! w ha", yet beaid Visit tbl home when In
fuiund aud enjoy a musical treat. jjo-im
sisvia'i loMuitie nerry Tooib Paite.
An aromatic combination for the preservation
of th teeth snd gums. It is for suienor to suy
preparation of its kind in the market. In largo,
handsome opsl pots, price fitly ccnU. For side
by all druggist. Hodgo, Davis Co., whole
sale sgeuts, Porllusd, Oregon.
For ths lr4 photograph in Oregon, go to F,
G. Abell' gullery, 107 First street, Portland. His
work will boor the most searching testa, for it is
mado by genuine artists, who understand thoir
Roaring cataract of honest applause, loanung
ocean of fun, and tho bst show of the season
now being held at tho Elib) theatre, Portlaud,
Oregon. Kejrnlar priees '2S and 50 eonts.
Tdskisu ltcos. ciend to John B. Garrison,
1C7 Third street Portland, for catalogues of le
ilgns. Garrison repairs all kind of sewing machines.
Take Win. rfumierYOrfjron Blond Purifier.
(O. X. P. C'O.-Slew Merle Xr. ff.)
r.Vw v w&ESfV " 1
All tl t.endlin; Sewing Miirlilnes, OIL
-Needles, Allaehmelils and t.emi
iuo Part for sulo.
All k lulls of Kpn liiKMnrlilnrs ICepulr4
anil M urruuted.
The Hounlold and Whits Sswing Iicbincs.
(i EN EH A L AGENT 1 Oil
It Kearny street, . F.
TrenU all Chrowle anS Mpaelal Blums
(ecu of vouilifnl foilies or lurtlsereilnn. will do
writ to hvsII themselves ut Ihli, the Kr.-iittst boon
ever lulil at the nltur uf siilTtiliiK humanity. UH,
81'INNKY will Kieitoiitee to furlelt IXW for every
(AieotHemliml Wenkeess or privme dlseiises ot any
kind or character wbicu be uudertukes and alls to
There arc many at the site of thirty to mxty who an
troubled with tio irequent evscuatloimof thehladtlsr, hy a sihht suiaitiiiR or linrnhig
sensation and a weakening uf the sysiem In a milium
theimUi nt ennnot iiecount for. On examining ths
urlimry deposits a ropy si'illmeiil will often be lound,
and sometimes sinull partlelesot albuni. r rlll appear,
or Hie color will be o( a thin m Iklsh hue. .txitio
eliMiKlne to a dirk ami torpid ntqwiruiice. 'I here ur
many men who die nfthls tllilleulty, Urnorunt of tin
hiiisc, wliieh is the second stHi;e of .semlnnl Weskness.
Hi-. H. will guarantee pern el cure In all snt h ruses,
nr. I h healthy restoration of the gonllur unlnary or
tllicinonrs-into4nndito Sundays from Kite
II A.M. Consultation free. 'IboioUBh eiuiutnalio
noil advlre. .".
fall or adiire s MK M" J"X KY CO.,
o. 11 Kee.ri. ;re t.-Sni Fiunclnco, fL
a 5s
Bottled expressly (ur the
Taclflc Coast Trade.
Superior In quality nndjpurlty to all
On Trial Will Convince.
' Purtlaad, Or.
Land and Immigration Company.
Oftleei HonmS 10 ami It Vnlon Bloch,
P. O Citri.sTr.oM. Frank Owsn,
tresidt nt. Bccretary.
This Company operates throughout Oregon, Wash.
Ington, Idaho and Montana.
Ijuid.sof n',1 kinds hou?ht and sold.
Immigrant Colonliwtlo'i a Specialty.
Headquarters for all land seekers.
Description of tiorerument and other wild lands
fnrnlHh.-d free.
Jnforiiiatkin given on all hranclie-i of business.
Com'spondenee solieitrd and communications
promptly answered.
P. n. box noi.
Elgtn, Sprlugndfl or Wiltham Watch,
In SJ Miucr Caw ..813 OO
la a onn SltTer Caw... 18 SO)
la 4 annr Bllnr Ckw.... IT SO
I meaa twlsm, and tnnranlr the fteowla
Ancrleaa MoveaieBt-B Intltntloa.
Also hill atock ol
Ooodt seut "CO I." to any part of tbe country.
Vfatrhaaker and Jeweler,
It Vrant Mi. (nBBiwite lh 1'uioad),
rortlsnd, Orjrnn.
E. S. Larsen & Co.,
wiiolesali: onocEns
aniwraoE. S. L. & CO.
Prodncs and Comru'.sslon Merchants.
Coalers in Tropical and Eomctlc Fruit. 5rjts t'x.
Cori'tgiinients of ecrjetry produce tolirUed.
K It A 114 TVot Hlrrvt, Pnrllard, On
A NT't T HiVto wV i tiTnd tnip" for
UNto handle nwlonllon i CaiJ,Mnie t terrri.
dr AlHforstTialiK-, j ( mn.mloiiijkl,
H.ytmnrat,irNnTvlll. lr.lwrd. Of.
Pcrtlaca BrtsinessDa,ectGiT !
W. O. JKIJSfr A CO., Ko. S Wa.hlnt a.
Anlylsuf ore., lueUls, couls, rlc. diiJ Tuj! .
gold and Bllcr, :; 4 assays, 111). Ord,.r.Tr- ,l,r
liroii.puyauend-d'lr,. '"'" WUirsby nudl
. W. PKKNTICK. lot first "irwir-
mUHic deuler. Miinos.orgmis, sheet musie and ITvI.
C A. OOVK, M-aaaer, lol 'Uriir
lJiiiooiiui, wuicue. anq jewelry, 'I he U, l ' .
Ilullroad watch. Conolrv orlera oM,.o.7h '""-"'erd
V. u r . , .-. . un. itiiwi-nenl t-mnv
er, manufacturer of nolnry aud lodne nruls tn
and sleelsiawps, steel letters, 4c.i rubber iului
Slid stenrlls. "N
V. E. Front Ni.,cr, 7T
-Munulwturer of all kinds of tenm. Ore b?
byilraulle busf, wmkoii and oilier awnings, vuj? ,,l
nil nation. nieHulty, Will III! country or-lj., 01
KKMOVAL, ' - -
Al.HKKT MA K rtlCII-l'lano Mukcr and CWn
builder, aud direct axent for Htelnwuy A HorTv
pianos, bus removed from HI Yamhill to 131 F0Uni
street, near Alder, Portland. u
P. E. MKACH ACO -lOJl Froal Nu-I)pih
In I'ainta, oils and tllius, Doors. Win. low. ,j
lillmN. Hend for 1'ilce .'i crl CiitMlovni
I KltBF.S A TOHI'KB, 4T Ktiirk.-Monomc.t.
'I'oinliH, Hcadxtoncs. etc., furnished In ftilluu and'
American nmrble. t'oiintiy urdurs IllleU proiiiptiy
StMid for ttrlcf and d' w'yn..
COOPEK H AM I I.TOM, Civil Kmrlneem and
Hnrveyors, ItooutH. frtrsi National Hank building
Portland, Or. All kind of surveying and drain,!
donp in any jiart of tin coutitry.
EMPIRE HAKKK..-I2 Woxhinirton. Vans 4
Kuhr, Pruisu Hiinulaeturers of Pilot bread, Koda,
Picnic, inutcr, lloaUin, Sucurand Klioe Fly ci ackers.
Orders from the trade bolulWU aud prumntly at
teinh'fl to.
D. P. KEWSl'.ltY.Atlorney and Cmuiwlor ai
Law ICiMirn 5 ItoliUitt'a butldtna'. Legal bUMlutiii
portslnlng to letters Patent for Invention, befort
tin 1'fUfiit onicp or tn ihf ConrtH. a tpeelull v.
Machine store, HIT 1'hlrd stn-et, Portland, Ore-
f;ou, Iii9 cases of I Inuselio'd Sewing Maidilnen. Ilur
UK two awl one half years' use In Oregon the House
bold has forced Its way Iu the front. I m superior
merits are now well known to the public. Agent
wanted to sell In every town In Oregon.
Strangers in Portland ,
Should not fall to visit the
Cor. of First and Morrison Streets,
Where you can get the
Best Piiatosraplis in America.
Always in Chargo.
W. II. TOW NT, Photographer.
A llelialile Ilonso of Portland
. nectlon with his Orpi"! Front ("othlng and Fur
ninhlne tnre, a Men-hand nrokeroire. and will sell
and nurcliBw ad kind nf Meicl'n'"e In large or
miall quantities for pnrties living mttslds of the city,
for a verv .mall eonim'.slon.therfliv ravinir thm the
exnenieof romlrgto IN.rtlaed Matcld: pdrewwim
pica specially. Orders promptly filled. Correspond
ence sollfiti'd. Address
P. O. Ilox StUl, Porllund.
RF.FEREX0K8 Mnrphr. Orant Co., Aken. Sen
tng A Co., Jacobs Bros., Wnsserman & Co., J. llnch
man Bros. Snjlmt
S1000 11EWAKD
big a mora eircetual rew. ttmn
Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh,
Which has stood the tent for fourteen years. Physi
cian, Uruxtrlsia, and all wbo have used and thor
oughly tested It, pronounce It .perl He for the cure ol
tbat loathsome da ease. Try IU Your druggist has
It, price tl.
Dr. Keek tboronghly nndemtands, and is eminently
nccessful In tbe treatment of all chronic auu dll
cnlt dlvaaea of bath vim and ull age, having
made a specialty of thru- treatment for fourteen years
He treats Canear without using the knife. Ills favor,
lbs prescription is furnished to lady patient. Free.
No lady should be without It. Young, middle-aged o
old, male or female, insanity or a life of suffering Is
your inevitable doom unless you apply In time to the
physician wbo understands, and I competent to treat
your case. Waste no more time nor money with In
competent physicians. All communications attended
to with dispatch, and are strictly confidential. Medi
cinal sent to any part of tbe country. Circulars, teall
mouMa,an4 a list of printed questions furnished on
application. OONHCIrATlON EKEK. Inclose
n three-cent Damp (or list and odd ret- DH. JAA1US
KECK. No. Ui flm street. Portlaud. Or.
Uacudam Bond. bet. Porter nnd Wood Him,,
Mouth Pnrtlnnd, Or.
Tr. ltlktngton, late Professor of Eve A Ear Plwanrs
In the Medical Deiarlment of Willunieite Vnh-erslijr
has enrletl a line building, on a heHiillfiil elevation ill
tlie south pnrt of the citv, nnd is prepared to accc mo
dule patients suffering from all diseases of the Kir,
KAUor TllltoAT. Alo w ill pay tuieclal attention to
persons lalMiring under Chronic Nervous aflrctlons,
and to diseaMcs Hculiar to women, and receive a lnul-h-d
munherof cases expecTtng coniinenient.
The Intention U to pnivhle Hone for such
with all the best hygienic mrciirles condilne.l with tlie
bevt medical Nkil) to he had in the HM troiHillH.
Conyuliliig physlclun and out genu Dr. Philip Harvey.
Prof, of disease of women and children In the medical
department Willamette Univirsltv.
Also Ur. J. L P. Ilrowne. Prof. of Physiology nied
dep t. WUIsmette University.
For any amount of reference and c'rrnlar. address
I It. .1. H. Plf.KIMUTW.1i.
Cor. 1st and Wu.hlmton Mia,, Porllund, Or.
CItII Engineer, Surveyor Uritnghlsnian.
In the state nf Oregnu aud Idaho, Wathingloo
and Montana territories.
Koam X. IS, over First National Bank,
J Insufflators," price av. tVrand lns'"J
birs nibiitsl 011 receipt of price, with full direction for
use.eio. Ml. SKlD.MiiltK A Co.. Dniggists 151 F'rsl
sireet. Ponland. Or. Avo-us lor ineN. Psctfc
A Hnurdtng ai d liny Skhaol for Roya.
agenient begins Sept. 4. Classes in Oreek, iAV.V.
(lerman. French, Km:li-h. mathematics book-keeping,
sciences, music, drawing anti penmanship. Plsci
pl;ne strict, fend ttiincenth annual catalogue
with list of former members to the Head Mist r
P. O. Drawer 17. J. . HILL, M. I..
Portland. On gon-
-1 thkoxlt FiBirri.tsi
Family Restaurant in Portland.