1 iv tuiuuvn lor the niuvemity ten of , the tint (funeral I "MaJii Joltiucn,. 54; , LW.t. GUARD SUPPLEMENT. t'DOiimiut Pifuii Buiixl. There in a pigeon roust, in the neigh Whood of Augusta, Mo., on tin- Men, phis Kxtniit ion, alinut sixty miles from Spriiigtielil. TIih liinU occupy a piece of very densely tinilifivd wood Ik-. tween live and six miles in length unil Is-tweea two and Urn wide, and every linil in covered with nests, while the wimmIs urn full of fluttering and fighting hirds, from those ot mature uge to I lit Hiiuli in tin- iichi. The continual go ing and returning nf the ilious mis of liird.i seeking and returning with fixid for their young presents ti very rcmarkahle as ' well us hi-wildering sght. Eveiy instunt crowds of I hem can lie. seen coti ing from every direc tion, and at the same t i in us ninny gang, iiid wkre, no one known, nor (Ins any one know whetht r nil tlio.-o tint have gone forth return, lut cer t tin it in in i 1 1 it if do. This going and couiing is kept up while daylight lusts, mid all through the :.ight tlc-rt- is a constant noise from the. fluttering, too i and lighting. Thousands of thus' hints are. ciuight d.iily ami nightly and sent to tht (list a it cities. St Louis, Chicago, KaiiHiu ' ity, Cincinnati, New York, all conn in fur large shipments from this u parently inexhaustible source of supply. The shipments art so large they re oiure a large number of rhlt'ci-Hiit kind of .nicking vessels, boxes, and coops. furnish these i uiploys a large nitiii li'rof men. It requires the time of many men nnd hoys tocutrh und kill th number of birds wanted, and they j nd in it a bonanza, and while the p'geons remain their inhabitants will inike the stay profitable to them. nl ves. iStiine idea may lie. formed of tlm im iiieusity of this new industry in south western Missouri when it is known that one day last week the enormous amount of 5.6C0 pounds coinoKcd one shipment of these birds dead and alive. This being the first year the pigeons have selected this as their nesting pi uce, no one knows how long they will remain, nor dees anyone know whether they wiM return should thc 1" ave here this fall. They do no dam nije here, and seek their food ut u (list s' c. What they may do when the wh at is ripe is to Ih- seen. Twroij-four O'flutk. The Iluilwiiy Reporter say the Cleveland, Akron Si Columbus llnil road Co. has recently issued a tie time card, lased on 'the tweuty-foiu system that of nuuiheriiig the hour of the day from one to twenty four, lusteai of making two divis ions of twelve hours each desig nali'il or distinguished as ante, u eridun and post meriiluu A. M. and P. M. At present still another designutinn is tiM'd that of M. 12 when midday is t( le distinguished iroui 12 1. M. Tlx Reporter says thut this company is tin lire I to employ this cmtiiiuous system; but in reality the method it a ve.'y old 0'ie, coeval with the history of clocks. and is still in us" in h purts ol southeastern Europe. The reporter adds, the day lie-ins at niidnijjit, ms umbr die ci mi moll system, I'Ut there is no possihility ot' confusion between f irenoou und ufternoon hours. The jjreat ikImhiImi' of this scheme in u railroad timetable will lie se n at once: 7 A. M. and 7 P- M. are freiuently misprinted or iuisuud rstood., luit no one will confound 7 o'clock with 10 o'clock. A watch oi clock can In adapted to the sistem hy .-imply putting tie' extension of the hour in a circle Ust inside of those almidy oil the face. The extel ior lillliil.'ls will then he con -Hiiiti'd ii i to 12 o'clock (noon), and the nterior ones for the remainder of the lav. A military company hiisUi'ii forim (I t'WaitH'iurg, to h known as the Waitsburg Gunrda. Biiohmnish has $10,133 in the treat--U'v. Mud ini-rv for the ilouriu mill at Alpowai is hcing purchased. The" Uxly of Walter Told, recently drowned at the mouth of the Coluui . ha, has liei-n found on. the Quiualt reservation ci ast. A coi respondent of the Spokane Chronicle desires that Hangman creek shall le called hy its proptr nuine which he says is Latah, i - The ciruiilsti u it the (Iuakh i rapidly incrtadiiig. Advertiser ilmulil make a ante of tliin. David Davis when last heard from was at a horse iace in California. The inorpl philosopher i.f the Indianapi lih Journal regards this as a dad stnrt for t young married man. NoTier. A third pnymmt of 2.ri per rent, tins Is-en uth( rized hy the Hoard nf I'irvc. urn i if the Ij.(M. A. Stm-klKililem van iet their money liy vallinir mi J"lm Mi't'lunu Rohco K snx, veo'y. - 'II Money to Loan, On eaav terma, on aimveH wciirity. Innnr Micf eltecteti on nil kinds of rierty, in the bvt nf comjianieii. i met: In the buililinK formerly occupied by Hovfy ft Humphrey. Oh as- Lal kk. H lamess Shop. AVlV(JOPKXKlANKW SAIMH.K AXI HARNESS SHOP 0 8th STREET, west nf Ciaiii lhoa'., I am tiow prtpue I to fiirnilreverythin in that line at the The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I w ill end"Hvnr to give s-.tisfiution to all" wh i nry fnvtr nie with a cull. . s. ciiiciiii:. Smith & Cox -CENERAL DEALERS IN'- Agricultural Implements. We intend keepiig a full line of first-clasra Farming Implements,con sisting of D. Y. OS HORN E CO.'S CELEBRATED '1 WINE TINDERS, REAP ERS AND MOWERS; STILLWATER ENGINES; MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHERS; ' JOHN DODD'S OLD RELIABLE, II OLLINGS WORTH'S, REINDEER AND RED BIRD HAY RAKES; THE KETCHUM WAGON; ' MITCHELL'S WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGJES, ETC., ETC. It is our intention of staying here and we guarantee 11 goods sold to give entire satisfaction. Prices as liberal as any house in the Northwest. Warerooms on Willamette Street, Opposite the Guard Office.