EST1BLISIIED FOR THE DisSEllMTIOJI OP OEiOCRATIC PRIMPIES, AID TO EAR.t IJ HONEST UTIM BT THE SWEAT OF QUI BROW. WW Gil ARP; frHOLE NO. 813- EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JUNE I), 1883. $?.50 per year IN ADVANCE ,bt ' ntumt TO unra. aye--- r I. L. CAMPBELL, publisher and Proprietor., i .wrrrnOn the East side of Willamette lrt ketirMH Seventh and Ei,-hth Streets. I . . OT3B ONLT. -TC OF ADVERTISING. V"------ i i,.rtisementi inserted m follows : in line, or less, one insertion 13 tJb Vubsequent Insertion IL Cash required in Trintdverti.eni will be chafed at the fol ii . oueyear ; 12 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cents per V,wtisiu bills will be rendered quarterly. rii fab work roust be paid roa ox mxivtm, . posTurrice. Honrs -From 7 , m. to I p. B ".! from th( Sundays from the south an leaves noln north tf.u from the north anl lcvw rim K.r Bmi-law. franklin and Tn I' or uruwiuius . ' m. rer diui.ii", its . WoiiiMrtar f-.eio. ---, 1,-,1iil. t 1 w. fill., "".V.'J.Lid, f0r delivery half an hour after tTUr..hould I, loft at the o?t IT...' before -'"X PATTER80X V. M, SOCIETIES. - .,.,, liwa No II. A. ana A. ai. ' i."? V-t ni third We Way. In Sara AOVbV month. ' ' HPKNVtn Hum Iodok No. 9 JL 0. tft F. Meets every luesnay '"'" '(ASf. " v-n.itT No. B, Mts en the Hand 4th weuneauay. I-11K5II LoDOE, NO. IB, A. O. U. W; ICnh ' at Masonic Hall the second and foultb .-i4y. in each month. M w -Meet of . COMUASDKB. : KaMTRicK Post, No. 40, G. A. -M1" each month, uy oruor, WIS I DOT'S rST A GENERAL J I in mil hs A large assortment, of La dies and Children liose at 12 cts. Good Dress Goods at lHc Best Corset in town for 50c, An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in .every shade-. New and' Nobby styles in CLOUUNG. Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. . . Moirtantique Silks Velvets in Colors. : A Die finest stock of French KID SHOES , ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES ''hall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. rurom Pntifvns. Meet the UN-l and third Saturday '-"Vrr"" 0tBEn HalL By order of J. M. 8i.oax, O C. t IS cm Lodge No. 3G7, I. O. . G. T. Meets 1 A Saturday .O. ' t ..niKo Stab Band or Hope -Meets at the !! P Church every Sundny Aiwrnonn a. I' Houston. Bupt:.Mi Bort h. Cook . A. t welcome. Ohaplain. Visitors mado k I .TIAHAX, ALBAT. I- OILVEl', ECOSSt Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . EUGENIC CITY, OREGON. RACT1CK WALL THE CO CUTS OF ' X this State. They iv led altontwfl ie eollections and jirnbato niattum. Orrici-Ovrt W. V. & C .s Express office Ce i. S. Washburn?, Attoraicy-iit-B-savt , iarjEXK cii'V, - - I Office formerly, ooiupwd by Thompsoii & GEO. hi MILLER, ittaty and Csunslloat-Law, and ,-. Real Estate Agent. XUGENE CITY, - - - OBEGON. OFFICE Two door north of Post Office. Dr. Wm Osborne, OfficB Adjoining St. Charles Hotel, OBATIUK SET DBD3 BTOEE OF HATE3 and LUCKET. DR. JOHN NIC KLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) KESIDENCE Tw doors south of SL E. . ehurch. Liberal. Discount for . CASH. New Departure'.! ! trr-n st 7" PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND .SCHOOL 110 Li SKIS, whoe iuteret ts nrtf vunr interests I Are iefi".incntlv located and upend their prurt at home. Take notice thau ... KUOKNK CITY BUSINESS 13IR1-CT0RY. BETTMAN. G. Dry oods. elotl.lnir. froceHes and general nv-rchandiae, southwest corner wuiaiuett and Eolith streeU. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor . nouse. A full stock of Msorted bos papers plain and fancy. CHAIN BROS.-Pea!er In Jewelry, Watch es, Hocks and Musical Instruments Wil lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, R, G. Dealer In erocenes, pro vLtiuos, country produce, canned gm; books, stationery, to. , southwest oorner Willamette ndlHhSts. . .-. DORRIS, B. F. -Dealer In Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. FRIjWtPjX S. n.-Dealer In dry iroods, clothing and general merchandise illani etU street, between El;lith and Ninth. GILL, J. r.-lhyicfa:., Stiryeon and Drugf plat, roatoffice.: , illanvtt eet, between Seventh and l.'itrli'.h. IIEXDKICKS, T. G.-Deaki In iteneral tner chamlise northwest oorner . Ulaniette and Ninth itreeti. HODES, C.-Keepe on hand fine wines, llq vnrn, cigars ana a poi ana billiard table: Willamette street, between Eighth ana Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-rGunsrottb. Riflee and shot-giins, breech and tnuzzlo losders, for salt. Keta:rinfr done in the neatest stvle and war ranted, ouop on street. LITCKEY. J. S.-Watchmaker and Jewrler I . I. I., i - I ! . i: I win Kt-rp. m lllll IHt S HI glltKlM 1U Ul iiu., uiaui' ette street, In Lllswnrth s drug store. MeCLAREN. J A M ICS -Choice, wines, limiors, nd ciL'are -Willamette street, between Eighth ndintn. PA1TERS0N, A. S.-A fine stock of plain PIIESTON, WaM. Dealer In oadtllery. Htw- : 1 1 : -p- : . w . 1 ... treat, between bevvnth and x.ightb. POST OFFICE A nex stock of standard school books jiiKt received at the post otlice. RENSHAW. WM.-WioPs. Liquors, and CI nrs of the best quality kept constantly on ntud. 1 lie best billiard tablo In town. RHINEnART, J. B.- House, sign and car. riace painter. Work g'"arautel hnt class. Stock aold at lower rake thun by. anyone in -...hiyene. . , . . T. CHAFLES nOTEL-Charles Enter, l roprietor Hie best Hotel in the oity Corner Wil'amette and Ninth streets. SCHOOL SUPPLIES -A law and varied assortment of slates of all sizes, and quantities of slates ana slate -books, ihree doors north of the express olfice. WALTON. J- J. Attorney-at-Law. OfBee- Willametta street, between beventn and Eighth. . A V. PETERS J Will sell goods for CASH at eatly reduced pi-tct J, as low as nny tt'icr CASH STORE. Fins' Cheviot olid ts. 5J, 75 cts and 81. tpR: JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionaUy engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Preshy run Church. DR. E. G.CLARK,. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College.) DENTIST, 2UGENE CITY, - OKEGnN. GOLD FILLINGS A SPfcClAt.ii. Artificial teeth made to order leeth extracted without pain. All work fully war ranted. Office in brick building Grange store. over " the D. T. Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS executed with punctuality d at reasonable coet. Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEAtEH IS i Clocks. Wacties, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. Ca All Work WrTe4.-3 J- 3. LUCKET, rUswurtli k Co a Bri. k Wfflani-tU street Bent Prints lb and 1? yards $1 00 Best Brown and Bbached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 1U cts. Clarks and Brooks spool cotton 73 cts per Doz. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35: 45 and 50 cts, Water Proo , cents i Vino White Shirts, 75 cts and $1. - And all Other Cosds at Proportionate Rates. A'ik; the Oluiir.i ed . . . . 'WHITE SEEING MACHIn'E! None batter for strength, size, nnd durability), At grpatly reduced rates. Z-iT To my old Customer, who have stood by me so I mg, I will continue to sell on same t-mn as heretofore on tima, hut if at any time they wish to make CASH purchases, I will give all sni, others. th" full rreilit on iny wdoction " A. V, PIvTRKS New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15, 20 and 25 cts. . Mens' Underwear, Shirts n'nd Drawerc, PO ii Mens' Overahirts, 75 cts. and $1. Mens' Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cts and 81. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Low Prices. NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. -TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Xi Sheep owners that they mimt dip then sheep as soon as sheared IK DISEASED. The aw makps provisions that when the owners fail to do so, thit the Inspector shall caiise it to bt done at their expose, . f. D. COATS, Sheep Jnsncctur for Lane Co, Or. GRAIN BROS. t;'f r;, is DEALERS is Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Nortliwes corner of Willamette and Eighth streets, TiLlO i:iXliiXi y. Itovcll a Co's ewipi f AdTM-tulriK ftirwiu ( 1U Sprnw fit. I who nowt Wi.j wmtraota nu-y 1m iuaIo It I N stW Iwa. LUCKEY & BRfSTDW, DEAtBRS IX Drugs, . . ' Medlcirte3, Perfumery, Paints, Class, &c. HAVIN'G BOUGHT OUT THE STOCK of Ellsworth A Co., we will continue lie Business at the old stand on W illamette reet, offering increased induoeraenU to cua tomera. Attention caxef ullT given to J . . : i " Piplflani frttrnptioo family fflpw . DEALER I If Groceries Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment of " CI roceries, . , . Provisions, Cured Meats, Tobacco, " , Ciftrs, . , . Candies, Candles, 8oap, ' ' Notions, Green and Dried i'rnits, Wood and Willow Ware,' Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS- Which means that .Lev Prices are Established Goods delivtrcJ vitJiont harge (o Cnyci Ml KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTH Vt which we' will pay the h(t,-htrrarliet orco. .IAS U PAiK a. o. Horrr, h. c HOMPnitEt, w, Notary. . Atton.ey. T. PEET,' Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK IIOVEY, HUMPHREY 1 CO. EUQENE CIT7ST, - OH. Deposits received subject to check. Isns mad on approved securities. . , Sight Drafts drawn on PORTLAND, PAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORK. . Exchange drawn on the principal Cities of Enro;. Cohections made on all points and a general Banking business transacted on avomlile terms. n!3-tf. Wall Sirctl't Rrxl Dlcinipr We clip tlm following from a ifew York corrwp.)ndenc-o of the San Fran eweo Bulletin: After the exhiuntive account which you printed a few month ago of Wm. II. Vanderliilt'a lio, it is scarcely necessary to echo the obituariba which have a pr eared Id our daily press hince hid retirement. The broken are highly delighted at the change, for any change is welcome to them just now, and the Vanderbilt 'oys are noted as bold Kpeculators, who will now be in letter position than eVcr to know what they are about in speculating upon tliHir own property. Wall street looking around for a successor to the retiring giants, Gould and ;V"anderli!t and llenry YilUrd ia talked pt as .the coining dictttor of the "street. V Hois unquestionably a strong man and, more. over, ii liked pernonally by thd mem I.. l . M-rs 01 me cnanciai nienagnne, Jiis wealth at present ia estimated at $20,- 000,000,' all of it made by judicious and honetit ctock operationa, He be gan cs Gould did, with nothing, run niiig away from his family in Germany on account of. soma . boyinh escapade, and roughing it here until lie became a correspondent of the Chicago limtt His name wns Henry Hilgarde, the present distinguished superinte ndent of the coast survey, Julius Hilgarde, be' ingof the same family, but he liked thy nom de plume of Viflard ao well that hu retained it after leaving news paper life. He began to make money in earnest when bin German friends sent over various sums for him to in vest in American enterprises. In this work he showed so much judgment that the business increased rapidly, and Vil laid's cotniiUHMonn were large, lieside which his control of large blocks of stock bought upon his advice made him a power in the railroad wdrld. When lie acquired control of the Northern Pacific road he loomed up as an im portant figure in Wall street, and his reputation grows every day. He is a largo hearted, cleer headed man, who works hard and makes few mistakes. lis individual wealth of some twenty millions does not represent his weight in Wall streot sti much ad, the influence which his advice has upon the German and Dutch investors who have at least one hundred millions in our roads and Western enterprises. Always Caros ani never dlsap point, 'i'lio world's croat Pain" ileilevor for Sloa and Beast. Cheap, quiok and reliable. rw'''M- -L PITCIIEK'3 CASTORIA U not Narcotic... Cliiidrcn grow fat upon, Motlicr3 li'ic, and Physicians recommend CASTOIilA. It regulates tlio Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fcvcrlauncss, and de stroys Worms. WEI E MEYETt'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for tills terrible mala sly, ty Aosorption. Ibe tnoit Important Ciscovery siaoe Vao einatlon. Otlior remedies may relieve Catarrh, tii cures at Any stage boXore Consumption aot uu TUT? 3 mjM i' r'.j'-..' lw ' . CU-.m ii ,i"iliinin. SYR.PTOM3 CF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of A ppetito, Bowe'n rest re. Fain n tbe Head, a r.uli tcri tion the back part. Pam un.ier the Hhoolder blade, fullness aft-r e:inR, with ft disin ul.iiutlou to exorliuu f buiiy or n.iul, lrritabil'tr of temp- r. Liw spirits, witli a feeling; of having n -gloct d romeduty, waarliiO'a. bisuiio-. ilutterinx at the Heart, Dot before the eves, Yel low Bkln... Haadache srcnera iT ever th : lent eye. Boatiesaness, with i-tlul il XUA, tithlf coloroa urine, and CONSIGNATION. FOR BUENA VISTA STONE WARH ge to T. ti. HENDRI JKS TTJTrSPlI.L.Snrefi.rir,llynrtjiptte inrheow, oniloe rlWts nrh chcr.e of faellns; as to n.lonlvl. the siiftcr.-.- TbrT Imrmma APiK-tHe.snd r i tee boriy In miie m fl-.i.. tuns Hi" rm Is nwiiiilird. sn-1 nj ! ir Tonic Ar!o:i on ihs lla-ntv mrof. Irf-:n! r tttot w pro diicv.1. f no i o- 0. a jiui-.y xi TOffslilfofE, Obat Hi oh ViiKKm r!M1 fialiiMr hlMK by HU" l . Jl lllf MrOf a nan:rai u""r1c I --..-:- A' ty UnuiiLU or . s t j rfl. m e. zi h rm k' .,n t( rouu. (Pr. ti rrs Si.rii r.-.i- Mrt . A Large Torlle. .j Captain Augustus G. Hall and the crew of the schooner Annie L Hall vouch for the following : On March 30, while on the Grand Bank, in latitude 40 10', longitude 3'S', the discovered an iminenHe live trunk turtle, which was at first tliotlght to ho a vessel bot tom up. '.The schooner passed within twenty-five fui-t of the mor.ster, and thoso on board had ample opportunity to estimate its dimensions by a com parison with the length of the schooner. The turtle was at least 40 feet lonr, 30 foet wide, and 30 feet from the apex of the back to the Uttom of the under shell. The flippers were 20 feet long. It waji not deemed ttdvisaMR'to attempt its capture. Scientific American. OREGON AND WASHINGTON- Boise City's $10,000 school houM b ready for occupation. '.'The citizens of Somervilla are rata ing iiloney to build a town halL 4 A. J". Splawn has recently, purahaaad 400 head of cattle in - the Yakima country, ranging from f 10 tq $30 per head. . .. A peat amount of freight is beip hauleJ from The Dalles to Ellenaburg this spring. The country is rapid! tilling up. '.' .'. Mr. Durr is contemplating the cotv struction of a toll bridge acrcw th Natchei river, just above its junction with the Yakima. The lest sign lioard in' your' card in the newspaper,' eveii if you state' only your name and the business you are engaged in. This not ohly"paya the advertiser, but It lets peijjvle at a dis tance know that' the (btvn you live in hisa prosperous cofjimunity of busi nens men. As the need is sown so the fruit recompense ' Never take down your siin while' you expect to do busi ne&n, for it indicates that your business is poor nncf you are losing your grip, commercially speaking. The judicious advertiser will receive ten dollars for every dollar invested in the columns of a live newspaper. . The Chicago 7Yibue (Rep.) says that there should be a stilt larger re duction on everything that has a" ten dency to oppress the laboring class : as the tariff is to-day it protects capital in every department . ' . 1 1 . i . J. D. Hurris haa resigned his posi tion as superintendent of construction on the 0. t C. railroad extension south. Mr. Yolk, principal aJwiRtaht engineer under Chief Engineer Mori?, has lcen app)inted to succeed him. The liquor license at Waitsburg will ' be raised to $500 per year, which, it It thought, will closo every saloon In tba town; Corernor Newell haa been requested by numerous citizens of Spokane court ty to provi Jo them with arms and am munition. ;" " Millers are 'offering 70 cents per bushel for wheat' at' Walla Walla, and are not eager buyers at that It is thought there is 50,000 bushels in th hands of the farmers. ' , , Mr. Polington, who resided in tha Palou'se country, was killed by a ires fulling on'hiin. The n'ght before ona of his little children awoke and told lis mother, "Mamma, I want papa to come home. I don't want him to die.; The father then Iwing absent, and net , with his death next dy..',uJ f9 !. The Chronicle says a cava has baen discovered at a point of rocks about fout four miles bolow Colilo, by work men who were blasting off tha face of the oliff to obtain'rocks by rip-rapping the 0. R. and N. Ca's real The en trance allows a man to walk in erect, Ad the pamuge has been explorad for some distance, Walla Statesman: The grain through out the country never looked better ' than at present, nor the prospects of . .'. it, i . 1 otr formers brighter, we naye re ceived Spine1 samples of whitn wheats ell headed land nearly live feet in height,- Soma bald barley on the ranch of H. P. Isaacs will be rr-ady for the reaper in about, two weeks. It is notr over three feot in height.' ' ' . t Oil MoriJay, 1 May bS, near WinlockJ at the camp of J. M. Clark & Co., i man by the name of John Tranberg was instantly killed by a falling tree. He was off Borne 200 yards from the other men, and had ' just felled a tree which, in falling, struck a dead tree close by and broke off the top, which fell upon him unawares and broke his neck, death ensuing-iirfmediately. His friends retide in Chicago, and were no tified at once of thu'fiad accident ' He was buried fn the graveyard at Win- lock f Albany Democrat: Last Wednesday W. L Lyle arrived in this city direct, from PrWeville after a trip of four and , a half days. There is now only about nine miles of snow, which is about two -feet j'Vp. While on his way across h'i- ; pasftkl six wagon teams coming this' way, and not one going to Prinevi'lla. ( So that it may saf'-ly lie said that wagoos, Tan cross the mountains now V ' much trouble. Mr. Lyle wauaccompa-. nifduH far as Biownsville by Luce Nichols and will return ib a few days by the same route which, he came, " . i - . a ' In cleaning up the rubbish in the court-house at Noihyille recently there was found the bond of Samuel K. rolr, father of JanieSi K.'Tolk, who gaTOi Iioiid i,n the'eum of ,50(' tO( rnarry.i Miss Jane. Kifo' 'The bond was dated December 24, 1794, and Roberf Knoj,i? the fat'wV ef the bride, affixed his name .. to the lond as surety. This was clever , in the old gentleman. Not " many pr-; sprctive fathers-in-law would do tbia'; sort of thing nowadays. This' gtrfegV. of a marriage bond was a queer old. law, and its object, was to insure thai.:, the man was aVoto support himself, c. and to prevent i!ie possibility of his., family being ' thrqwn to the publie .-; bounty. As a result, county coromla-, sioners in tbose days were not troubled with supporting paupers. " The great bridgo between Nw-York and Brooklyn" has Iwen finally com-' plrted. ft was formally opened several days ago