YHE EUGENE : CITY GUARD. SATUKDAV....:; -.MAY 19, 18SJ JloiiictlfBiTEliirifj.- ( IV feflcrolarjr of Vim Interior has decided that tlin afpMc&tion to amend "a lioii)pktiad ehtiry in a matter of right onljr wlitin 'trcfn&rj to correct niin- thVe, or otherwisK, wliich wjuld result fa depriving tlm m-ttW of bis Jctfcll home or valuaM improvements. If allowed in any caw, as a matter of executive discretion, to cnahle liiin to take tlio full quantity of land allowed j law and to avoid conflict with other assorted claims, the new land sought to ' be included roust m actually vacant and free from ucl verso right, legal or equitable, so thnt no injustice to any other person shall result therefrom. From a recent article in the New York Sun it wpriVs that & J. Tilden who was onco elected to the presidency may again Irtlu the Democratic Itotds . to victory. Tim llepuMicans all over the country at once set up the howl : ataut Ms physical infirmity. It is strange that tho "sickly old man'' should trn Ruch a source of terror to the gm. party of "moral ideas. " " - A call will lo found elsewhere in this issue of the Guard for the meeting of the pioneers residing in Lano county, at the Court House in this city, on Monday, June 4, 1883, for the purpose of organizing county society. We hopo there will be a full attendance of the early pio neers. In the dozen years since Dickens died over 4,000,000 copii-s of his looks have boon sold in Great Britain and ho is the author of whom the elder Bennett onco asked: "Who is Dick ensl Nothing but a reperler, and I've got plenty better ones on tho Herald." Tlwi Daily Standard is improving 4illl auh utNue, Democrats should give It a lieary support. STATU UNIVEUSITY. . A oolu tijn devoted to the Interest of tin tm-oan ami KutMian Idtefary Hocistlcs, and vus dmh univerKUj. Ida 1'attkimon. ..KltlTliM, Prief Items. . Tin Virgil class lias began Llvy. Ksllust roeito at cijjlit o'ulnvk hereafter, J'lenty of time fur extra session. ljut Friday tlie Kutnxian fii?n(bit H cottlitliMco to secure asueaker fif Comi. ment, Tho University c'oruW iffJ iti apprnr lost V,ovk, it bbhij1 crowded ol'rt 6u account of Die tn'id. ''When a man ha not' good reuon for doing tiling, he Imrf one good roason for Kitting it alone. ' Homo of the Kutaxians attended court last week, and the result was an iucrcose in the fund of the society. Will nt ioiiio of the freVimeo j.txn. U (is'sYhat select XK-iut they received invits tiona to thia week T Mra. Julia McDaniol, noe Adaina, of tho claa of 79, i on her ray home to visit I fricuda and relatives. Tho maples planted along the University ulowalk are beginning to show tigna of life, aud it ia to bo rigrottud that there are not more of them. During the late icisioui of tho Toaohor' Institute wt noticed the familiar fleck of many of our former schoolmate This (Friday) evening' the KirUsiens de bate the queatlon, "KekoUbd," that tne right of Suffrage should be ' alfoWcd ' to vtotrien." Of course it will be decided iii frbr of ' the affirmative. New is the time when the sohiorl mKy'bs seen looking very important and calSlfuMy Runnliiig rolls of pniwr, whieh they' carry under their arms, and their awed school mates whisper to one another, "It's their essay. In olden times teachers oaed to give cakos to their sclnlars (so say Horace) to induce them to get their lossons. Now tbey give "extra sessions." think that this is one of the aatu where time has not in proved custonn, Work has been omnmeoaod on tb foun riation of Prof. Straub's liew house, to be built on Ids procrty on Klevenlu street He sxpeoU to have it finUhsd about the but of the Sninmcr, and it will be quite an ad dition to the eastern part of the town. It is nid that s owtain juuior has become so charmed with one of his lady acquaint ances, that he ho determined to make her name as well as the lady hi own, and that he has already pMcoaled sn for that he writes "Mu" It-tore his name that the chauge of names may be more gradual "She slid, the .lid, and on she ill,!, And sidewas a whirl i A guide she good ami then sh glude, TW Urat e Imt filih girl IJAirali! Hoopla! Who ever saw A'yM thai rould do Iwttvr? A f.Ssfci a ' is ful rah, Huttt rulU Vm(m uet her. The looUujf floss is the costers part of the hall wo taken from it place one day lost week, and rumor ssys that some of the Lturmas took it. Wo-. sorry of this, sot that the girls waut the fit particularly, for they rarely use it, but w dim 'I like to aee the Lanreaos getting so vain.' We tbiuk A Fall Report. Will wonders never cease! The seniors heard not very long ago that they bad bad a fearful quarrel among themselves, originat ing out of the jealousy wliich the Scientific and Clossicals held toward one another that in electing the offioers of the class the 8cicn titlc outnumbered and so hail things their own way. This class solemnly allirin that sot on wavs of discord has ever yet dis turbed it peaceful quiet that they had never so much as thought of anything except lb utmost fidelity toward one another, and they hope with all tiucerity that In the fu ture such report may be weighed before tbey are seiit into Market. KtilotH. ALL I ASKlLlff Nesv B66s. The following U ks, 'ordered by the so cieties torn ttin'o ago, arrived last week : Daniel Derondo; t Vol. (.'Jane Eyre, Vanity Fair, Kenilworth; t'arlyle1 Tost and Pres. ent, Bacon and i&ko' Essays, Smile' Sell help, Burke' Complete Works, 3 vols.j Ma homet, Middle Ages; Dickon's Works, 13 vols. Dickon's Dictionary; tjcottiah Chiefs, Children of the Abbey, Hitrn' Poems; Cant. Tslcs and Faerie Queen, (joe'.he; Thomas Hood's Works, Hurrough's liird and Poets, Junius Letters, Smith's1 WtXltN of Xstions, Aeeops Fables, HrltU'li Kloijiionco, Comic Blackstnne, Ijkinertinc"i I'rech fjov.j Plato's Works (vol. I ); Titcomb's Letters, Oold Foil, Lessons in Life, Artlitif lioauibutlouevea Oak, Bay Path. Money Id boan; On iut terms, on aniimvsd SecWrftv. t nsur- anos effected on all kinds elf property, in the beet ol couiin!e. orricif In the building formerly occuried, by IlVey & Humphrey. Ciias. Laves. Belknap Sprri'gs. Mr J W Ilixoa has rebuilt the fj'rfui'e arrii'ss the river to these noted sprrnir and hns. ao put the wagon rowl In excellent shape'.' He Is busily engaipd at present rvn'ovathig' tli'e hotel, bath houses, etc (Jive him a call this Sum mer. Is that you do yourself justice by buying goods whnro you can grt iliera the cheapest. , , I intend to strictly adhere to VERY LOW PRICES in everything I offer for salo, and in DRESS & FANCY GOODS; r " Clothing, Boots and Sh.es, Furnishing Goods, in oroc: ETC., ETC, There is iid doubt or question but I shall sell them very much; lower than the same goods have ever leen offered is this market. ( "TlciLAe to call and price tho goods and you will see that I am in earnest G. BETTBfAN. Call at my office and get sulhe of lwse i i ... . . t . i k '" circulars iiescnpuva 01 vne country ana sent! Fast to your friends. They contain', mo information, such a the immigrant wants, than you can write iu a letter of twenty pages. (ko. M. MiV,i,r.h. 10 lbs. sugar, 15 " rice. ' 8 " coffee, ' 9 cans tomatoes, ' 8 " ovsters, ' At A. Goldsmith's. l 00, A OA11D. To all who r suffering from the errors am Inilncretions of youth, nervous wmkness, enrl decay, itxsof manhoorl, Ac., I willsendarecti that will curs yoii, i'liKK OK I'HAKUK. 1 Ills irrent remedy was diacoveml by a mu sionary in Bonib America. nenl si ll a dresited envrlow t the lit v. Juti-H T. Isma riUtmn I), A'ew York City. ( - . NEW ADVEKT18FMENTS Sheriff's Sale. fCTOTICB 18 KKKKRV tJIVEX THAT J.1 liv virtufl of an LxsuutioB ilnlr nue ottt or tlie Circuit tourt o( the Stale W Or Ktntf fi tlie County of Lane, by the. Or thereof and to nie directed On to-wit; May 15th, 1SR.', t iiiiii s jiiilimout and tlucrer of foreclosum remlercd In said Lourt rtnl 17th. Itm. in favor of It. Itronnor. nliiintitf. and atfiillist A. Waclitnilieiiner, ilereiidant, or the sum of SUM UO in II. H. i. d c in. with interest (Wsnn at the rate of ten iter cent per annum irom the into of said Juilj ment, anil the luither hin of tW 00 as at torncy's fee, tKther with the costs and dis bursomeiits of said suit and axiioi .! of sale. and fur tho foreclosure of the lniirli;nL'i d premises described as follows, to-wit: The K I of 8 K 1. aud It No. 8 of See. 10, and Lot No. 3 of See. 11. T. If) H. it 4 V. con taining 1 1 1 acres more or less, all in four Umnty, Mate of Oregnn. Now thorefnre bv virtue of g.'il1 K.xecutinn. I will sell the above ilcWri't' tunrtirnccd premise at public nuctilm" tb the Indent l.l.l.l... .. l" f ....n. irv .'.'i. J' ll ' . :.. l.v uiuiiur, nv vouifc immj iiuur ill r.uone City, Ijiiio Coiility'f Orcgnii, on noiiiln),' lhi' INih day oi- June, At tlit' IrMif of n'no o'clock P M m said day Torino: : t'usi in IT. H. enld coin. , J. ILOvVMrilKflr, i , . ,. RTicriu of Une lV., Or. Dated this Ifltli dny of May. 188;). wanted the matter oniflit to be looked 'iaivMUad tlie offender brought to justice, Team to work on Knlsiiiift Etriiio.. i. I. . ill WAGES rtJt '1AYi Scraper, team and driver f 4 00 Team, wagon and driver. $4 50 Heavy plow team and driver. , . .$5 00 Teamsters lioarded at (4 60 per week. All teams lioarded at 50 per day for each horse. Apply to J. De Corsey,' Superintendent on :ho work alwut ten miles Mow Portland, on the St. Helens wagon road or by n ail to J. U MONTUOMEUY & CO., . Portland, Oregon. AGAIN TO THEFR0NT, A ND WOt'I-ii SAY TO THE riBLIC XI. that I .am OL'tuit at I'.ugene nr the mi 1 L' t I M I I . lowing macomrry uuu lurra impiemenw i J. I. t'ASK t CO.'S HEADEHS AXD TIIUESHEItS j 8?rat.irs In three styles. WOODBURY A riTTS TLOWS , rohTABLF, STATIONARY and TRAC TlONE(fINE)4 DIAMOND FEED MILLS; rONY SAS.MlliW, single and domMe saws. STUDERAKER RROS.' WAGONS, cm bracing tliiiiblo end steel skeins, Irvn eyes, wide and narrow tfock ; , STUDERAKfTR BROS.' HACKS and Hyht ivehicles, embra'InK eight different styles, th new platform springs and half platform spring hocks, three and fAir spring hacks, and half spring hacks,'all of the latent and neatest styles and dpuii.' WILXlAX RING'S TWINE RIND- ,i:i!) and MOU'Cl:?; wlthuuuiy new improve ;ments f.ir nbosiVRitrLi-sj iiltoXnCASXS'EEDERS J : sClky h ay rakes ? i J. I. CASE k COS STEEL BEAM, CEN TlUl DRAFT ami WOOD REAM PLOWS, Wieiwty .W m. tfinrtirket a complete success In stl LiilcT, thi:y itlirereiit varieties. J.' I. CASE ff.CV-H VIRRATING and Sl'RiNO TOOTH KVRROVS ; THOr itOLMAN H (FANNINO MILL, took ttri f kSm ti SUt ab- at Salem ; RANiV.LL-r) T'obr lNG HARROWS. "ACME)'. I'LVERIZIXC HARROW clod ci;rsr;ii tnd levei.er. W hare exlrns f' af oiif mocbiDery. I'rlcVw KriNonallc. D fiirsalg .'o fi xm ef ocre, all nn , wftli luniK", Inrij audornlinnl. I'rioe, I have ler frnw ff.'.SO xt tn-rr. & er ncts.vjll bov '0 acres, .. ! L i m iajiniiY iiwitT IUIKT-. viin ltwii mino. imrn im orchi.nl. V4 Absolutely Pure. Thi iiowder never varies. A nisrel of purity, strength and wholesomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can Dt he sold in cnmiietUmn with the multitude pf low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders1 Sold only In cans. Rnvnl liakinc owner Co., 1UU WaU-st.,fl i. McCLUNG & JOU SfCCSSSoRS TO THE Lane Co. Mercan(ile As-sociat'ron. We would aowmneoito.the citizen of tbis eonnty that having puirjioced the entire rtock of inerchantlis of the taue County Mercantile Aasociatwiei eeoletolji eost. anl havmg ailded In nbeUw the orisrinol uwlv, i thereto bv se- ceat porch aaes Ivr cost), cur st?k in- Hoir And lccoiixt to IVoiic I i. Is this ensiDty. We cordially invite a careful examinational uritock,'a,we knov we can give you satisfaction both-ia goods xd prices Our Aim is to.Sell tne Best Goods for" the Least Money' f if:, t v t Col nd rinmrne onrffi ml and nooji'vinced, even you do not wish to purch j"? We al ways take ideasure in showing goods and giv ing prices. t t, All kinds of produce tsPan at kiShnrt' mnr Vet rates. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. A. O. HOVKT, H. C. Hl'MFHRKT, W. T. rsT, Kotary. Atkrr.ey. Cashier. LANE COUNTY BANK HOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO. EUOENB CITY, - . OR. Deposits reveived subject to cheek. , Iians maile on approved seenrttiee.' tigbt Draft drawn on PORTLAND, PAX FRANCISCO AND Excliamre drawn on the nrlncinaf Cltiea nf Eurofi. I'ollsctions made o all fmimli and a vnerl Bankkig business transacted ; oil v avormld terms. nra-U.- DR. SPINNEY. No. U KEARXEY STREET, Treats all Cbrouio and Special Disease- VlfHO MAfjlE SUFFERING FROM T T tlie effects jinitliful follies or indis cretion will do well to avail thrmsslve of this, the greatest boon ever laid at th altar nf suf fering humanity. DR. Sl'INXEY, vll iniar antee to tm-feit fV)0 fir everjr cose of . Seminal Weakness or private dinease of any kind or character wliii-ti he undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at the ove of thirty to sixty who ore troubled with too frequent evacuations of the hUddor, often accompanied by a alight smarting or burni'.g sensation and a weakening of the system In a mannr the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary de posits a p py sediment will often he found, and sometime small particle of albumen will appear, or the eolnr will be of a thin uilkisk hue, ogajn eh uiging to a dork and torpid ap- rearonoe. There re many w ho die of this dif ctiltv. Wnonuit nf the eanse. si hich the seo- Vnd sUs of n inal weakneas. Dr. 8. will guarantee perfect cure In all such oomo, am) a healthy restoration of th genito-arinory or gan a. Office Hours - Kl to 4 ami VH. Sunday, fpim 10 to 11 A. M.' Consultation free. Thor ough examination and advice, f A tall or otlorvs DR.SnXKYACO., Xe. 11 Ktarucy St, San Ti i9ie. H g . al CO ! xn 2 - ok ra ft Q COME QKE! C 0ME ILL! Aud See for Yourself. I do not propose to run opposition but I propose, to show the people ojf Eugene and surrounding, whefre they can save from 20 to 30 cents on tne aoiiar m nuying ineir BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. j r I propose to warrant and guarantee every pair that comes from ua. Futhermore, we shall have line of GENTS FURNISHING GOOD&-- Consisting of Gent, 'Boys and Youth's Undershirts and! Drawers; White and Colored Shirts and Woolen and Cotton Overshirts in Knormous Varieties. ALSO- Tiea, Scarfs, Collars, Cuff Handkerchiefs, Sleeve Buttock Collar Buttons, Stnda, and Everything kept in ' First-class Store, t - We propose to sell at San Francisco prices; our motto being . QUICK SALEb AND SMALL PROFITS. Workinpi'an's Boot and SKoe slob and Gents Furnishing &ooas. Our Furnishing Goods will arrive Jim? 1, 1883. The 1 1. L Store, TAKES TIE LFM NEVV GOODS. NEW GOODS Just received direct from the East The largest assortment evef brought to Eugene! . -Goods Marked down to Ceniilne Xcw York Prices! Dress Goodn io tlie liitcst Shades. Ottomaa: Silks ami SSitins to mnti-li. imported J-rewU (.uofr 3"i ctti M-ffi, AnwuraiiiWitntrts. 15 amr 2. ' v . V,l Kvcry line in Dress IUmhU nt 7i Y tinrvK. 12 yds white Dress Goods for ?1. Vst-rysuVe lilark Dolinan triifd. ' . JWto.i rk , 1rt!ft, at New York nrie. ' "ii mini in cil ll L Mens Pnit. $. 0 snd Ml. Mrns Dross Knits, $12, ?15nd 818. Hant,,2 50, worth C4. It SIR WALTER," Th hlrhlr id tro'ttinir stallion "Sir Wal. tr," jet black, sixteen .hands fcih, vWeihs thirUen hundred, ponods. . Hi carriage is styliih and he has a. record of 2.45; ha trotted in i and on th d.vj afW the making of the record of iXt, won th two mile and re pee4 race. .... , . He is s direct deerendsnt of Tmoocted 11m- senger, tilt renowned sire of the graat'est trot- lem. ... . . Hi colts are tnach som:ht after and mand the highest prices. Hir Walter was sired b Marion: h.h Mm. brino Chief; he by Mambrino t'Tnvwter: h b.r Mamlvino; he by Imported Mrtenger. iwa, isuna ruacknawn niare; h by Andrew Jackson; h by IWhsw; hs by Grand rWhaw. yirst daro. Sallr Millrr: she bv MsmMno, son of old Imported Messenger. Jle will make tli season of lfi3 at r.njen Chr.- Kor further particulars, see GILL VAN WINKLE. Laces ud mbndilery at Eastern inice. , Come and exandne hit new Hook tilor. 1 J yards of Crash, good quality, for $L New Clothing, Young Mens Suits, $fi SO, P8 and $10. . J!ov. nd CWjdrcfi. Suiis,f525, , 55 snd W. ' All at Aew ork prices. Our Boots and Shoes are Complete, W. only carry Buckingham and Heclswake. and every pair is warranted ly them U.V. w i n . , rt ciax L'rMKls. big stock of ' USTU Bbira HATS3 Sugar, Crfeej Kice, Sago and. sB.SUi.le Groceries are sold Vnvn2Luvj' J" 8"" fignres-Come and convince yorlf . IX L. ST0BK-? mi OR 3 i Goods sold as low as anv TTmiR in Oregon, for Cash or Credit Highest Price paid' for all kinds' pf Country Produce. Call and see. S. H. Friendly. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR'S N0T1CL Conference Rates. loryE i3 hereby given that t hin-iTg1ltd '""trator has filed . Tickets .old to and from all onint. n jSI'SS Jil I"1 rttleni"t. MoUy , Idaho and M.H,tana7t ca"V cnnr fcT 2 T. . WjshmgtT SiW-nd urn. ross.L sans orer th. PnhliskH by oTdeV He, a cS' foUowmghn.,: . County Judge. Datrd May lk ' North Girmaii Lloyd STEAXsmr Co, JOHN SIMFSON HAMsrsa Amesicas Pacset Ca Administrator of Isaac Coulsoa, decU WHrts Stas Lixs Stiamsh Po. J UNCTION DIRECTORY AsisicaxLisiStsamshifCo. iiKttlKY. Apply perwmally or by h-tter to OLESDoirr, has P. U Bos 68. rvvrrwtn . PoKTLASD, OS. 10 U-.-v: ... c. v. u . .. .. ,T '-', jiro. t mt das Team Tt,.,r, I) I iNKwaua nbl . UM. mm