The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 12, 1883, Gurad SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Hjrij Cnvicfol of .Murder
KiilingYr, Brownlee.
Tin trial of tlm Uv v. Harry
A'irimi'ii li-J last nigh and has lein
' one of the hardest foujjiit trials rvttr
tried in Liin County. Thin morning
at 7 o'clock, a. m., the jury drought in
a verdict of murder in tlm second
degree, the penalty for which in impris
onment for life in thn p nifpiitiary.
Sentence will U joined upon him at
l:3Jtlii afternoon. When thn jury
Iron, 'lit in iIih verdict the prisoner did
not seem aff -oted to any great degree.
Th3 Harness Shop o? Wm. Preston
Nea ly Destroyed by Fire.
The fim Ml at. 1:3(1 A. M. this morn
in;' sent out its thrill notes, telling our of aii'ithwr fire. The Engine
C . an I Lul l-r Cx arrived at the set nt
of thn conflagration in a remarkahly
sh irt f inie, nn J found it to he the hnr
nenn shop of Mr. Wm. Prehton. The
online was fully manned, and, we
think, a m idline never did hotter work,
ami in less thin 20 minutes the fire
whs extinguished.
Air. Preston's loss will he aiout as
follows: Diuingn to huilding, 7.r)0;
dainigt hy the removal of stock,
$1,250; total low, 2,000. Mr. Preston
is insured with companies represented
hy Chas. Liuer's agency as follows:
Building, $1,000; stock, $1,000. Mr.
Preston will rer.unie luisiwss in a few
days. It is thought the fire was the
woik of nn incendiary.