The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1883, Image 5

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    5rrY AND county.
jloteli crowded. ' ' . .
Cherry Dy, odertaker. '
fgl juod deotittry go to Clark. ;
BrfagyourchickBtoltysfla,( j '
j0b work a apcilitr at the Guanr office
Property iu Eugeue U (till rising in value.
Jtll kind of gre eed for tal at' A Gold-
Hppy mM who nM 00 00,i"eM
Coort. . . ; .
cheapest tobacco In town t the Variety
gTOHI. ' y,- t '
The highest cash price paid for wheats by
ft Dana. ..
Go to Mrafenton and Powell 'or fashionable
gir WalteT wm the only trotter t the
fcsiteahow; Monday.
0, t Swift Ca'e for fresh California
cndie, crackers, o. ' .
The Guard hu the largest circulation o
ay paper io Lane county. ' '.
; " fM line Of ailk pluHhet in all ehadit
Vad gradei Tat t B Dunn's. '
Taenlypl5 w'nr yi can always eel
, A full assortment of ladles, mlajee and ebil
r,s underwar at Bettraan,. .fcv ,
Frwht and fluent groceries, cigar and
'csodie at S-rift Co. Try them.
Swift & Ud.'agol" are all new and bought
for cash, and are edd cheap for cash.
Hide, furi chicken ami all kind of pro
date bought for caah at A. Goldsmith'.
Swift k Co. veil canne 1 g kkIi, put np thia
year, a cboap a cai be bought in town.
I will 'guarantee every pair of boota and
heal that la got of me
Workino-Man's Store.
New subscriber keep rolling in for the
Guard. We return thank to our many
friends fo favor.
A row was had in thia place but Saturday
evening, and bth participant were aeverely
fined by Recorder Callison . ( -
A nice assortment of cut ) ntU.rn for la
die' and children' clothe at R G Callison i
Co., at New York ratee..
Stven cans towvjtne fur one dollar, and
ether canned good cheap, at Swift o 'Co.'.
Tlii year' put up and frosh . ' "
Mr 8 H Friendly will pay the higher
cash market price for wheat, live him a
iall before selling your grain elsewhere.
J Some excellent hop land for aale in tract
rem 10 acre upward. Price from $3 to $12
per acre. .
Geo. M. Milieu.
, We acknowledge tye receipt from Post
.master Pattereo'i of a work entitled Pro
greiu and Poverty," by Henry Gerge. He
baa the work fur tale. Price, 23 cent.
A. Golds niti has just arrived from 'Frisco
With an imineuse stock of fresh groceri1
,and a fin stock, pf. glassware, which he will
all cheaper th'B anyone in Eugene, i
The Judge played the Junction boy a
Jj.mkJ joke this week, He itayed all Tijj;ht
Jerusalem Halifax! though wam't it a close
call. "
, If yon unfit bargains iu boot ami sjiues, call
Xronml and ft yourself, aa I do not want
amy t them) v""d in my new building next
mrarr. rVorking-Mau s SU're, opposite the
pontomce.. , , v
S) kIII nl.u .n ha . OfUh .it tkn new
tore nn Ninth street Dou'tTntl to call and
are what redaction will lie undo 'for the
next four day. U. I). Cooper,
(, " ' ' 1 t Manager.
,. .Call at my office arid get.ome of thoae
circular ileariptiv of tha country and aend
East to your irieml . They contain more
informatioiviiucli aa the immigrant wants,
than you can write iu a letter of twenty
page. ., . . . . Gko. M. Millkr.
, At the VAttiprv Stork, for a big American
dollar, yn.n can b iv either 9 lb coffee, 14 ll
tice. 1811m. tnuxr. 3 lb.' to. 12 Id. Barton'
aoda, 35 gooil candles, 8 can t-nnatoes, 100 nut
me, or anything yo,i want will be ordered di
rect from Ban FmihHhco for a very small com
Biinion. .T. J. ChmhiBR, M.tnagr
ottiige Grove Items.
!' PM irw !.'' i .
..... ( . Atkii, IS, lm
Mr. ,Yancy ia lying very sick. J
r. Hickethior, the ;hotograih?f, i here.
,1 Mr. Aaron Lurch went te PuHland Fri-
Boro, April 12th, to the wife of E. W.
Whipple, a,on, , ( , ,f , ,
j Mr. Frank tVooley' child w very tick
with the cronp a few daya ago. 1
; Some itnrflly rlrjy hayebcen expelled from
thuj and BejgTiboring achool. -
. The annual wedding we anticipated awl.ile
back wu the one recorded iu our itema laat
Aaron Lurch and S. Garotte have been
fleeted delegate to the Grand Lodge by
Cottage Grove Lodge, No. C8, 1 0 0 F.
tMrtinC. E. Byr, Sam Veatch.jJohn
$Iedley and Wm. George took a flying trip
to Portlaud the latter part of lat weel.
We had quite a (now storm here oa the
12th and 13th. and the bill were white all
round, but when the tun ahooe oat it quick
ly disappeared. . t
We anderataod that the house of Thoma
Bilderback, at Latham, caught fir one night
last week, but the fire waa extinguubed be
fore much damage wu done.
. . Circuit Court. . .
The Circnt Court for Laa County. evavened
at the Court Hons, in Eugene' City, Monday,
April 16, 1883, at 9 o'clock A. M.' .!
Officer preaent-Judge K 8. Bean, 'Proteri
cutlng Attorney S. H. Hursh, Sheriff J. R.'
Campbell, Oerk Jol Ware 1
The Court appointed the following bailiff
(or the term! Samuel Ogden, W. M. Bogart
and Samuel y'eatoU. ,: - , .
Attbii time th, grand Jury, consisting of
the following peronwer drawnt John Tait,
II. Baughman, T. J. Punton, W. A. Baktr,
Frl Warner, Benj. Cox and Volney Hemen-way.'-
i. ,
After aeltcting thebve Jury, resolution of
roajiect were paased ppw the death of Hon. C.
W. Fitch and appro iiate addrease made, and
the.cuiirt adjourned fur the day. fWe will
publish resolutions and addreaae next week.
-Ed. '
At the time -of going to preaa, the following
case haVe been disposed if aa follow :
Bute of Oregon v Jihn Ro and Frank
Wilkinson; malicious killing of an animal, the
property of another. Verdict of lot guilty.
State of Oregon va Henry Carter and Wm.
Breeding; assault with a dangerous weapon.
On trial . . s
State of Oregon v H. W. Abrams; mnnler.
Trial set fr May 7tK '- '
State of t)tegon va J, TJ. Gomner ; larceny
from a dwelling house. Plead guilty and sen
tenced to one year In the penitentiary.
' C. F. Clough v Mary Clough; suit for di
vorce. Default and referred to Geo. 8. Wash
burne to report law and facta. . . .
W. B. Tucker v France Tucker ; uit for
divorce Granteil
H. E. Gardner v Wm. P. Ganluer suit for
divorce. Referee report fileil
RobtXichof v Ella Nichols; suit for di
vorce. Divorce granted.
Miasou'ri Evans ve Jasper Evans; )!t for
divorce. Case referred to L. Bilyeu to report
law and facta.
J. Woolilridge v E. Wooldridge; suit for di
voroe. Keferred to W, . liilyeu to reort
law and fact.
Mary A. Hall v Robt. Hall; suit for di
vorce. UronteU. ,
Sarah A. Strange v ?nn. F. Strange; uit
for divorce. Granted.
S. 11. Friendly v Geo. T. Campbell ; suit
for foreclosure. Judgment for iditintiff for
$1712 and 873 attorney ft.
C. E. Chrisman v J. B. Underwood et al ;
suit for foreclosure Dismitseil
A. jL iM.inn va ti. J. Alkiuat to recover
money. JXdault and judgment
B. Brenner va A. Wacheuheimsr and Damon
Smith; to recover money. Default, and de
cree of foreclosure..
May A Sendrs v ,W, T. Vaughan; to re
cover money. Judgment for $1809 and inter
cut '
F. A. Chenoeth vt The. Murray et al ;
suit for foreclosure. Cot)tjbued.
T. G. Hendricks, vs. Jnc.. Bower etal; for
leave to iiie execnticQ, .Settled.
8. C, Stockton.vs M. K. i'oley; to recover
money. Judgment for foil. 70 ami interest
W. S. McFadden and J. McLaughlin v
Elhrn Murray etal; suit for partition. Con
tinul : u
. Jaxj-er Fvans v M'ouri Bvans ; uit to set
wide deed. Dismissed at plaintiff coat
SApiitel p. Cro-v r)( ,1'ituia Salomon et
al; suit Jor parti't'iop. Jiulgrt crit for $00.20
and cosU ' . ' , V
Wfsley Graves v .Wm. aud W, R, Kay;
to recover Wdhey. Transferred to l inn eiuHty
for trial. ':.'
U Salomon v J. A. Uuslinell ; to recover
personal pMiwrty. On trial.
S. J. and A. T. Bonnett vs Isaac Yoikum ;
action for damage. Judgment for defendant
Kami Swift '. W. T. Grimm et al ; to re
cover Inoney. Transferred to Alarioa oounty
H. C Humphrey v Alden Lawrence et al ;
confirmation. Sale confirmed.
It. V. Howard vs V. KraU et al ; to eettle
nartuenihil). Referred to T. J. Su.ith to take
Mary G. Ritohey et al v Josiah Craig et al;
suit for partition. Default to all defendants
except Mrs. Power.
Clara Baer et al va Tho. Mulhollau et al
suit for partition. Default to all except Ed.
Nelson Swaggart v J. F. Spray; to set wide
itiiL'inent Transferred to Linn county for
E. I Smith v Jasper Tfill andC E Humph
rev; anneal Vonlict for plaintiff for $12.
, Jlate of Oregon v C E Byara; selling liquor
to minor. Tlead guilty and fined $23.
Smlthfield and Lake Creek Items.
i "Aran 16,1883.
Mr, Ju. Kavfcod.'i( have returned
their home at JefXcraua
1 torse are dying with the lung fever in
the Belknap aettlme,nt.,. ' ( " ' '
till, IX II EriUoe baa jiirt r,nihod towing
graiu on hi farm adjoining the city. -
Mia W)iitiy,. of Kugsqe, oommenoed
teaching cl.6ol here this morning with a full
Itendancc,.; . .., .,,
Mr. Granville Fisher, Davi MoArhee and
DanL Donnoly arc ou.Chickahomony trying
theit luck gigging aalmop.
School District Jo17 ia going lo move it
school houe again, this, aummer, Leave it
on wheel this time, boy. -
Ari Cantrell ha finished ' (hearing hi
goat. He it out one hundred head tince
last spring, strayed or tolen. -
Mr. Isaac Porter, of Philomath, Benton
oounty, is here looking for a ranch to tuit
hit faucy. We hope he will find one close
Mr. Win. Campbell, of Lake Creek, re
ceived by mail from hit ton Chariot of He
lena, M. T., tome nice present consisting of
four pair of nice beaded moccasins, evident
ly the work of some dusky maiden of the
According to "Crito't" belief a man drink-
ng water from the clataio Long Tom will
make him a Democrat If to, Uncle Tuiky
Henderson will be a bos Democrat ere long,
for he drank water from the very head and
almost to it mouth, and pronounced it pure.
Judge Hill propose to put gate on the
county road from hi place to Long Tom
rather than confiue the travel to a thirty.
foot lane, gate only to be kept ihut from
April lst.tft.Supt. 20th.( There i ome op
position; boy, study , your own inter
est a minute before you kick better open
two gatet than mire down six timet.
The Teachers' Institute.
We learn that the Teachers' Institute to h
held iu this place will commence Tuesday, Slay
Ut, and continue during the three succeeding
days. A large attendance is expected, not only
more or. less from all the counties in the Ju
dicial Pmtrict, but from ptAU below in th
valley. The teacher and i'rol oflicersof this
oounty will, more particularly, be on hand, the
attention Qj. the former betng enhanced, by di
rector of the respective district allowing, them
the time lout in attendance. Prominent s;ieak
ers, educator and other will occupy th even
inga, especially, with lceture ac addresses
.lmUtMl to entertain and instruct all who
ma attend Th usual reduction of fare on
the railroad will be made to all person attend
In?, and arrangement are making with citi
zen here to entertain without charge those
who may accept their hnrdtality. We hope
that a deeper and more abiding iutereat in our
public school may be awakened, and that the
friend of education in our midst will feel proud
to lend a hoping hand.
Lower Siuslaw Items.
u. , Aran, lOtbf 1883.
Born, March ltth, to the wife of John
Campliell, a ion. s
Mr. A. J. Moody started for .San Francisco
on business one day last week.
There are several emigraut at Florence, who
.vill probably locate in this section. .
The Messrs. Sweet have just launched their
new sail boat They any It Is the b.
M.s. Jo Moon ha taken charge of the Flor
ence Hotel, formerly kept by Mrs. Andrews.
Mr. Andrews has taken a claim at the head
of, tidewater on the river, aud he is moving
ttnrcon this week.
Mr. John Dame has leen very sick at the
residence of Dr. Kennedy for some time. Her
health is slowly iuioroviug.
Mr. Patterson is building a dwelling house
nn hi homMead. Some of the young ladies
declare that It is a fine home for a bachelor.
The young man that killed tha deer In self.
defense say it is strange t' him h w his hound
came t be running that daer. Brave young
man, (,i kill in old doe iu self-defense.
Cresswell Items.
April 19, 1833.
Mis Mao Parsons has returned from Eu
gene, where she ha been visiting relative.
Rixco Knox has act out a new bop yard of
15 acres, which he report jn looking, well.
Tramps are a nqpieroua het lojwiid
geese, both tcuding t'ie same direction, the
geese taking the upper track aud the tramp
the lower.
Miss Itosetta Vcatch and Mr. H II Hazle
ton. of Cottaue Grove, wcronio Creaswell
thia week, paying lulative uid frioudt
brief visit. , ...
Wm. Gilfry hat shipped another car load
of fat steers to Portland, this week. Some
of them weighed over aeventcen hundred
pound per head.
We clip th following interesting bit of
newt from the Portland Sunday Welcome of
April 13th. Who are they T
"Three blood from Eugeue City, whoa
knowledge of the "haut ton" baa been con
fined to the occasions! descriptions thereof
by drummer, found themselves, after a se
ver struggle with fortune, (.1000 ahead of
Portland . The young men (whom we thall
call Clay, Cal and Doc.,) are of a inagnan.
imout kiud, and a they made the "killing"
ia Portland, they determined that here it
thould be (pent. The tint thing they did
was to order a big dinner at Eppiugcr't, with
high-priced wine at (very course, beginning
with chabli and raw oyster and ending
with finger-bowl and champagne. To the
finger-bowls i attached a tale; Like the
backwoods Congressman whe saw a pieoriof
lemon floatiug in one of these glaat globes in
front of him, and who, after drinking seme
of the water, pronounced it the weakest
lemonade he had ever tackled, thete three
young' nwjio sampled the content of thete
light-blue finger-bowl, and then in dismay
exclaimed to each other, "What it itf
The water hat had th chill taken off, sure
enough," aaid Doc; "bat it it the thinnest
soup I ever tasted. It smacks of the elee
mosynary kind referred to by Diukent.
"Hay I Waiter, what it tliit luke warm ttuff
in glaas bowls)1 anyway? Let the chicken
wade through itagaia. Do you think yon
can give n sny funny butineis because we
are Lane oounty boyt!" When they heard
what a mistake they had made from the lip
of the amused gareoty a tilenoe fell upon th
hilariou youth like i pall, and they slid
out quietly through fear tome one had heard
them and would see them, taking a solemn
vow never to breathe of tli6 awlul affair to a
living soul"
Postponed Until May 7th.
sractAL hxxtjx..
Coi'mit Rooms,
Euoims Cirr, April 18, 1883.
Present Mayor Dunry Councilmen Kdrii,
McCIung, Luckey and Sloan. AUeut
Councilmen Campbell and Conser.
Minute of laat regular meeting read and
Finance-Lackey, McCIung and Edria.
Judiciary McCIung, K.lri and Conaer.
Printing Campbell, Luckey and aloan.
StreeU-Cvnser, Sloan and McCIung.
Fir and Water Sloan, Campbell and
Health Edria, 'Viurr and Campbell.
, On motion, the report of the Recorder
land Marshal wore taken from the table and
referred to the finance committee.
On motion, the petition of Osbnrn and
otheit Waa taken from the table, and th
street1 commhwioner was instructed to see
that Mr". Chritinan't fence on the toutb tide
of Eighth ttrcct be pla-ed on the aurveyed
line. .1'
On motion, J. K. Attcbery wa appointed
street commissioner,"' t-' '
On motion, the president' aud oheirman of
th judiciary committee vat''intrr.ctod to
confer with the attorney for the city in the
case of Hamilton vs Eugene City, nd see
what can best be done in the matter, with
power to ctMitinue or to withdraw the suit
Bond of Recorder, Marshal and Treasurer;
On motion, all aidewalks between Ninth
and Eleventh atreeta, ou Willamette (treet,
that (hall hereafter bo laid (hall be eight
feet wide aud conlorm to the grade of the
On motion, the bills read at previous meet
ing were taken from the table and referred
to the finance ommittoo.
On motion, adjourned.
R. G. Cai.liso, Recorder.
The grand jury last Tuesday brought iu a
bill against H. W. Abrams charging him
with murder ia the first degree, and be wa
immediately arraigned and took one day to
plead. Wednesday morning he wa brought
into court Aud plead not guilty to the charge.
Hi attorney then stated that' they would
have about 45 witnesse. aud tint it wonld
take tome time to procure their attendance.
aud asked for a continuance of the case.
After Arguments by both side, Judge Uoan
concluded to hold an adjouruod term of court
to hear the case, Monday, May 7th. The
following attorneys will appear for the pros
ecntion: Prosecuting Attorney Hursh, Ku
fu tdallory, Gen. B. aud G. A. Durris, and
Geo. S: Washburne; for the defense; Strahan
A Bilyeu, Richard William, Weatherford A
Blackburn, John Burnett N. B. Humphrey!
and J. W. Wright. It is expected that the
case will consume almost an utine week,
aud the coat of tho trial is estimated at S3,
. P. a Book Store .-The Post office Book
Store has just received direct from San Fran
cisco one of the fineit stocks of book of. au
icacriptiooa, writing paper, envelopes, pens,
yht etc., ever brought to Eugene. Social
inducement will be offered purchaser in
writing paper, a the atock w bouglrt at
price that defy competition. If any one of
bar readers desires anything in th atation
O.vlt 0e Parallel is Himtokv. The
question of where the upply of beef i to
come from i the g'reat conundrum- of the
day to out biltcher.' Wheu beet . Itifer
bring $f00 m the Willamette Valley it u
evident that th (upply i hardly equal to the
demand. Yesterday a drove of 34 fine cat
tle came in on the east side road. Frdin the
man in charge it wa lonrned that they were
from freswell, and hs.1 been purchased by
J. 8. Keller from Mr. f" R Gilfry of that
elace. The band brought him $2J00, about
ado&nrlt them coming to more than I10TJ
...h Th. drover id that this waa about
th last lot of ta!l-fed cattle in the valley.
u...r h. vrui has been trowing green
, . thm hilli ind nUin of Eastern Oregon for
one time, and by and by we shall begin to
f 1.1 fmm that lection,
th.v terv the slice thinner aud
Uv and scowl when a boarder
I aks to l helped a tecod time, will toon not
i l . .i u n . .m;u ih remark, tbat
v- ye 1U4C W I.U J
try liae, we would advise a visit to the Po
offioi Ktnra lufnra tmrchaaioa eusc-. wf i anite a hieh now aa
jibct Ifimed over the moon. Oregooiao.
Mit. E. Rhea's Deatu. We tako the fol
lowing from a correspondence to The Dalle
Times-Mountaineer from Alkali, concerning
Mr. E. Rhea's death: "You have probably
heard by this time all about the death of
Mr. Rhea, the ol lest settler of this place.
The first report were that he had committed
suicide, but now the general belief is that
the taking of co much laudanum might have
been accidental. I believe it i lometime
used to sober person when intoxicated. Mr.
Rhea is laid to have taken a small dose for
that purpose, and that not haviug the de
sired effect, took more, whwh proved top
much. It w. every unfortunate circum
stance for the family, making the recovery
of the id .nicy on hi life insurance in the
Korth . acilio rather doubtful."
, , 1 3 .
Death of Jobs Hacklemak. Mr. John
(lackleman died at hi residence in Albany
intdenlv last Snndav. The deceased has
resided in Linn county from Si early man
hood, and ha more or 1 been identified
with the progre of that county and Alba-
4.1 I
ny. tie was a man ol goou aonme, uu
ha held many important positions. He wa
elected clerk of the county iu 18G3 and served
fur one term, and in 1874 he wa appointed
by Hon. A II Brown Assistant SUte Treas
urer, which position ha held for four year.
Since 1S7S he ha occupied the position of
deputy county clerk of Linn. He was well
and favorably known throughout th ntate,
and hi tudden death will be a source of re
gret. . . -
Attorjets is Attendahce. The following
attorneys have been in attendance upon the
Circuit Court, held In this city during the past
week : Ru'u Mallory, Richard Wiliinm and
W. W.Thayer, Portland; J. J. Murphy, Sa
lem; R. S. Strahan, D. W. Blackburn, J. K
Weatherford K. B. Humphrey, and W. R. Bil
yeu, Albany; J. W, Rayburn, 8. Jeffrie, John
Burnett, W. 3. McFadden, J; It Bryson, I.
A. Chenowetb and John Kelsay, Corvallis; J.
W. Wright, Junction J Prosecuting Attqffly.
Harsh. Knsebunr : Judue R. R. Bean. G. 15.
Donv, 3. i. Walton, L. BUyeu, GJ. 8. .Wh
borne, Geo. A. Dorria, Geo. M. Mjllrr. X, J.
when,, th cow Smith, D. M. Rudon, J. E. FeuWn and H. C.
Lost Valley Items.1
April 18th. 1883.
Tleuty of rain.
Mis Clyde Barbre is Visiting relative
near Junctiou.
..Mr. Thoma Matchew visited Eugeue
thit week.
Mis Minnie Adding(on of thia place is
working in the Home Hotel at Eugene.
Thoma Goasage ha purchased another
farm in upper Lot Valley. '.yy
Mis Minnie Rouan, of upper Lost illey,
is attending school at Cloverdale.
Miss Hortense Parker will begin ichool in
th Pisga district next Monday.
Mr. Racus ha run hi log dowu to the
aw mill from Mr. Ward', and ht it busy
tawing now.
Mr. E. L. Wilson has liuished setting out
his cranberry roots. That is right, Uncle
Toby, there are plenty of young widows that
would be glad to share your fortuua in that
enterprise, if you would only ask them.
Springfield Items.
SrMNdFiELD, April 19, 1S33.
As you have no reporter from this place,
I take the liberty to send you a few item.
Our little town is situated S miles south
east of Eugent City, near the Willamette
River, and about ono-half mite from the O.
& C R R. We have one grist mill, one
taw mill, two dry good store, one drug
scd grocery store, two blacksmith shops,
oae wagon (hop, and last, but not least, a
water power that oannot be surpassed in the
Last Sunday evening during cervices at
the M. E. Church, hoodlums gathered about
the door aud caused considerable disturb
ance by stamping on the porch, kicking the
door, (wearing, etc They were persuaded
to disband, but anon returned, thi time
wjth a rope. They fastened nno end around
the door knob aud the other they tecured to
a poet that stood near by. When the oon
gregation wa ready to disperse' for their
home, lo and Wayld.-he 'door icould not be
opened; but, foitunabdy for tro- prisoner,
omeon happened along just about that time
and cat. the rope. The law-abidiag citizen
were etl raged oyer the matter, but every
thing romaiued quiot nntil Tuesday morn
ing, when your correspondent wa informed
that a on of one of our prominent citizons
had been arrested for the crime above stated.
Th young culprit wm brought before Jus
tice Hamilton aud plead guilty to the charge
and was fined 113.23. There will be' other
arrests made. Boys, be ready to prove your
whereabout ou la it Sunday night.
Pengra Bro. are now euuaged sawing lum
ber for their now ttor. The building will
be 30xG0 feet The company expect to have
a full ttock of merchandise on hand by the
1st of Juno. They mean busitiess.
At a regular meeting of Springfield lodge,
No. 70, I 0 0 F, held on April 15th, T. O.
Maxwell was duly elected aa a delegate to
attend the grand lodge to be held at Port
land, May 15th, 1S83.
Injun Jim.
Personal. . . .
Mi-tsLulu Dunn visiting friends at
metropolis, - -...'
Gov. Wbiteaker paid Eugene a. short visit
thUwtk. . .. i
Mr. D. I. Bulck, of Drain Station, wa In
town one day week.
Mr. Ra Bollack, nee Goldsmith, is in Eu
gene, visiting relative and friends.
Mr. Teter Runey, proprietor of th. Foly
Springs, wa In. town thi week visiting frUnde.
Mr. B. II. Jame 1 quit 111 at hi residence
in tld city. W hoi to hear of hi leedy
recovery. '
R. J. Hendricks, a SUte University student;
ha been placed In the editorial charge of the
Roseburg Plaiudealer.
Dr. Vernon Henderson has arrived at New
Westminster, B. C, and like a sensible young
man, writes us to tend him the Gi'arI).
Mr. W. II. Abramt returned from viil .
to the Eastern SUte, last Thursday. We
understand that Mrs. Abrams will not re
turn until uoxt Fall. '
Mr. William 0brn, son of W. T. Os
burn of thi place, has just returned to San
Francisco from Ilouolulu', and will leave that
city oil the next steamer to visit his relatives
here. ..,He hfie been absent abotit six year
Fined and EitcarBO. Jim McFarlanaoS
Ben Stewart, who wore "arretted laal wei
for entering a dwelling hods and 'using ob'.
. . . i t 1..V n r
scene language,- were urougnt oeio wmt
dor Csllion: and given a trial After hoei.
ing the cvidcric,' he finod McFarland $75
ami coste and Stewart f!5 and coeU. TTie
parties boiiig unable to pay tha fine, they
were committed to the city jail. Saturday
afternoon they:cut their way out of the
wooden tructuro and left for parU nnknown.
A good riddance. "j,., .
Foster, of Junction, wa arretel last Wed
nesday in Portland, on a charge preferred
before Justice Ellison, of thi city, aocuin
him of the crime of embezzlement, while ' in
the employ of John Majors, at Junction
Deputy Sheriff Walli went below after the
prUoncr Thurtday, and returned with hint
yesterday afternoon.
Sample Wheat.
At the request of Sol. Wangenheim A Co.,
grain dealer in San Francisco, Mr. 8. H.
Friendly procured and sent the firm a tain
pie of wheat, which he procured from Mr.
0. H Bean. The following it a lettor con
cerning the tame :
San Francisco, April 9, 1883.
S. H. Frienplv, Esq t Dear Sir Your
sample of wheat hat come to haud, and ao
oept my best thank for prompt attention.
The quality of the wheat is excellont iu fact
far ahead of anything I have seen raised in
California in point of color and cleanlines.
It would be an easy matter to make good
Hour of tuoh wheat, and I trust yon will
have loU of a like quality the coming season.
Your truly, J. Newman.
Cuow, April 14, 1833.
Editor Guard: The citizen of tchool
district No. 63 are waking up to their own
interests. They recently held a meeting for
the parpose qf Uking the sense of the pat
rons of said district whethes to build a school
house or not. They decide! to build, and
subscription paper wa circulated. There
wa lubscribed 25O0 feet of lumber, 170 in
coin and about 43 dtyt work. W. A Owens
hat been appointed Superintendent of the
SESTENcru. Jdii W. Comper, th Individ
ual who soite Utne since rhW red the dwelling
of Frank UadUy and feloniously took there
from qndry article of clothing, last Thursday
olead (riilty to the cbanre aud was sentenced
by Judge Ifean to one year ia the penitentiary.
Th secured mad a rymuriBg ech why
tie sentence shculd b(flh;hi yul after receiv
ing the same, cordially thanked the Judge.
Deputy Sheriff Walter Cochran took the pris
oner to the penitentiary yesterday.
Strayed. A milch cow about .11 .years
old, light red color, sUr id forehead, rope
marks around born. Any persod finding
the tame will be liberally rewarded ir dciv.
Humphrey, Eugene City.
' ing her home.
Mw. 3. W. Ffosk.
Waltervllle Items.
Apbil 10th, 1883.
Health generally good.
Snow during the past week.
Mr. T M Martin is teaching singing suhool
at thi place, once a week.
Mr Stephen Smead i contemplating build
ing a fine houie during the coming Summer,
Mr. T M Martin is teaching achool at
Mr. Richard Deedman and wife, of Co
burg, are visiting relative and frionds at
thi place.
The loggers have moved np and com
menccd work. They have four yoke of fine
oxeo; price paid, from f 150 to $223 (er yoke
Indicted. Se well Bate, formerly of thi
county, ha been indicted by th Yamhill
county grand jury for the crime of bigamy.
We learn that he ha tkipped the country,
and that hit boudtmen, Messr Orvillo Green
and A. J. Bu meson, will be called upon U
pay the bond.
Married. Mr. A. A. Ells aud Mis 8,
Ionia Ellsworth, yonngest daughter of. ih
late Stokely Ellsworth, formerly of, Kqgeue.
City, were merried on the 12th inst. at Cove,
Union county.
Property Sold. W, pto M Cooper sold
his residence in tho weatrn portion of town,
this week, to Mr. A. - Hyatt, of Harris
burg, for the sum of 270O. A good price.
Horse Snow, A parade of fine atallion
was given Isat Monday in thia citv. We
think that the exhibition was the best that
has ever been given in Lane county. ,
Cougar Killed. Mr. Isaac Stevens last
Tuesday killed a very largo cougar, on hi
place west of here.' Ike captures more vsr.
minU during the year than any man in Lane
county. ' t ... . . :; ,
'. Dreo. Hear Goshen,. April 16, 1S83, Join
Kitchen, aged 83 years.
Circuit Court. It is not probable that -
the Circuit Court will adjourn before Mon
day or Tuesday.
Wanted. A first-class saddler j kpply "
shop on Eight street for- particulars.
Belknap Springs. ,
Mr J W Hixon has rebuilt the bridge acre ' .
the river to these noted springs and has also
put the wagon road in exoellent shape. He la ,
busily engaged at present renovating the hotel, .
bath houe, etc Give him a call thi Sum
mer. ,
Money to Loan, ,
On ray term; on1 approved1 security.' ' ftsuf
ance effected on al kinds, of proiwty, Iri the
bent of companies. ' , . ,1 , n
. .t ' orrici: -In'tlVo'biillduig-
fonerly.oocuded by Hovey k
Huirphrey. Cha Lauer,
ssaaasswsssM mmmm m
Dr. Kind' New JmcovERY for Consumn-.
tions,.TuglnandColda Asthma, Bronchitis,
etc, is gitn away in trial bottles fre of one.
to the altlicteiL ; ir you nave a severe evuKn,
dilticulty of breathing, hoarseness or any affer.
tion of the throat or lungs by all means give
this wonderful remedy a trial. A you value .
your existence yon cannot afford to let tlilsop-.
.rlnnitv iuuul W could not. aud wmild not
give this remely aWay unlea we knew it '
would accomplish what we claim for it Thou-, i
ands of hopeless case have already been com-- . ,
pletely cured by it. There la no medicine ia .
the world that will cure one-half the case that
Dr. Kino s New Discovery vii.1j uuur. .
For sale by Wilkin the Druggist and Mulhol- j
land, Junctiou City. Hodge, Davi and Co.. i
Wholesale Agents, i oniauu, uregou.
Th Itn! Halvm In the world for Uralses.
CuU, Sores, Ulcen , Halt Rheum, Fever Sore.
Tettur, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Com,and '
all kinds of Skin Eruptin. Thi sidv i guar-.- ,
anteed to give perfect satisfaotion in every case. .
or money refunded. Prioe 3ft cU per box. For ,
sale by Wilein's, the Druggist, Eugene City. ,'
MulhoUamt, duueuon . iy.
A Couth, Colsl or Horn Throat
should l stopped. Neglect frequently result
In an Isscuraoie i,nni uisrsm or . i
TIIOCIIKNare certain to Klye relief Id
Asthma llroncniiia, on, '- t
oiumptlve and Tkroat Dlaeaeea.
For 30 pears the Troches have been recom
mended by physicians, and always give per-
feet satisfaction. They arc not new or un-!
tried but having leen tested by wide and con- ;
taut use for nearly an entire generation, they
have attained well menteu ran a amnngin lew.
etapl remedies of the age. I'ublle apeak-:
era) and finger ue them to clear and '
.trengthen the Voir?. Sold at 2ft wnU a box
every were
i ,, .Him a -.
Are You Imposed
To malarial influences? then protect yoor
system by using Parker's Ginger Tonic It.
strengthens tho liver and kidneys to throw
off malarial poisons, and is good for general
debility and norvousne. . '
i t
noTUKita i inoTiiKHS '
Am Toll disturbed at nlirht and broken of
your rest by a sick child sufftring and crying
with the-excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If.
o, go at once and get a bottle of MRHa-
WINSLOW'S BUUTIllfliU sxiiwr.
will relieve. the ioor little ufferer lromduiJM
.u.u.n,l ntmn it: there ia no mistake aJxinU
There is not a mother on earth WM hV,fWr.-
useil tt, who W1U not tell you as once "
will regulate the bowebi, and give- rent , to the.
mother, and relief ami heulth t the oliild,
eratiag like magic. Jt U.perfecUy f to
in aUcKK'and pleasant to the taate, add M
the"iif'AWtfjn of one of the oldest and beet.
felrfale" rhyskjian and nurse in til unitea
... . . OK ja-t. - k. tt 1.
Fire I Fire I Fire? , .
. ' -r- .'-.;,'" ;
12,000 wof tl ' of boota and '. siioea, "li(tl
damaged. Which will be acid off at cost for tb
next 40 day. : .. Workino-Max'i Stoel a
Mr F M Wilkin, the live Druggist of the
town, is always np to th time and ready
meet the demand of bi many customers. .He .
baa just received a aupply of that woniUifn'4
retnmlv that U aatonuliinx th world bj IW
marvelou cure, Da. KiNo'a New Dihcover;
for Consnmjitlon, w(nght Odila, Asthma,H;
Fever, Bronchitis, Phthisic Owip Whoopiui;
Cough, Tickling in th Throat, Lo of VoiV
Hoarsenes Or any affection- of the Throat ,.
Lung. Thi remedy pceitively cures, aj thftt
ands can testify. H you do not believe It 'call
at Wilkins" Drug store and get a TrisJrJ)rUi
TREE or cotrr or a regular is bottfi Tc on
rl..ll A tnn v&lna vntir life, civ It a tnal
I ami b convinced, l thousands kjready have
been. MuDiolUnd, Juncti-T I tty. Hodge,
Davis k Co. Wholesale Aetn'.t. i orttanu.