The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1883, Image 6

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Senator David and wife ami
frionds iuit this cobb. tbia month
Chicago on the 8d Irmt. clnctod a Dem
oeratio mayor by 1U,UW majority
Gray, tbe San Franoinco defaultor,w",H
arrcHWU at uuaymaa, aioxiuu,
Tlio National Tlieutor at Borliu wan
deatrojed by fire April 4th, and in a total
There is no truth in tbe atorioa of
orrt tirevalonce of smallpox at Bt
The rrineoM Louise will leave Bor
muda tho 10th, and will arrive about the
17th, at Ottowa.
Tbe race for tbo great Northampton
ahire stakes April 3d, was won by J. Han
bury s Olon Luce.
TrcHident Arthur, Secretary Chandlor
and a fow friends loft Washington on tlio
5th inst, for 1 lorida.
A bailor explosion in Ori din's mill
Moss Point, Miss., on tbo 3d, killed nine
mon and ton woumloJ.
Nslhan 8. Morsn, business manager of
tbo New York Daily News, fatally sliot
iiimsen on menu inst.
The municipal elections of tbo states
of Ohio anil indiana iiom on iuo -a insi,
wont Jurprely Douiocratio.
A donMo powder mill was blown up at
Ilazardvillo, Conn., on the 3d inst., but
do one was killed or injured.
A eablo message announces tbo disoov
err of Darranfs oomot, by Dr. E. Hart
wig, of Strasburg conservatory.
Cat. Thomas IJIitho. of Sun Francis
co, and a pioneer, droppod doad of heart
discaao in that city on tuo 4tn inst
Tho strike between tho bricklayers and
employers of Cbicago isendod, tho latter
agreeing to pay the advanco of fifty
A train of uino oonobes of pooplo loft
Donvor recently for tho raoiflo coast,
most of whom intend settling in tho
Two farmers, namod Millor and Car
pouter, at Sherman, Texas, oxchangod
shots at each other reocntly, and Millor
is likely to dio.
Tbe explosion of tbe gas works con
nected with tho raluco llotul, San Fran
cisco, on the 3d inst., resulted in injur
ing 25 porBons, somo seriously.
Henry Whito was shot threo times by
a man numod Steed at Furmington.Utah,
April 5th. Whito was dungorotirsly
wounded, and taken to St. Murks
hospital, Salt Luke.
Tbo conference of anti-monopoliHts at
Indianapolis decided to isHtio a call for a
mass convention in that city June 10th.
The object is to start an anti-monopoly
movement in Indiana. Tho ooufcrouoo
mooting was well attondod.
A Madrid dispatch of April 3d says:
The uiarrioRO of Wince Louis Ferdinand
of Bavaria to tho Infanta Omaro Delia
l'as was celebrated in tho chapel ot tho
royal puluco to-day with tbo usual stato
coremony. Tho king and queen of Spuin
Wero sponsors.
A Sun Francisoo dispatch says: On
tbo hint trij of tbo new ship City of
Brooklyn from Seattle' to this port, one
of tho seamon fell from tho maintop gal
lant yard into tho ocenn and was never
altorwards soen. Tho drntiinoo from tho
yard to tho water was 110 foot.
At tho opening of tbo lloichtag at Ber
lin tho president stated that a largo num
ber of donations bad been roeeivod for
tbo relief of tluod sufferers along the
It'iine, mostly coming from America.
Tbe houso adopted n resolution express
ing in tbe numo of tho nation the most
heartfelt tbuuks.
In a prizo fight, at Dubois, IV, ro
cently, botwoen Miko McLaughlin and
Martin Linksy, six rounds wero fought.
In tbo lust round both clinched and fell,
Linksy breaking his nook in tho fall,
which rosultcd in itmtout death. Mo
Laughliugavo himself up to tho authori
ties, Tho participants tu tho fight wore
not over 18 years of ago.
A Washington dispatch of April 3d
says: Frederick Do Fronvillo, formerly
a member of the sigual service, to-night
shot and killed his wife, and then killed
himself, at his wife's houso in Washing
ton. Do Frouville and his wife separ
ated about eight mouths since, tho wo
man refusing to livo with him on ac
count of his intemperate habits.
A St. Fotorsburg dispatch of April 3d
says: The revolutionary party in Hub
sia has issued a proclamation 'announc
ing that tlieir preparations are complete
for tho coronation of tho Czar, and they
have every hope of success in fully car
rying out their long devised plans. Tho
proclamation contains waruiug to all
persons that they will, if they value their
lKrsonal safety, Keep at a distanco from
tliQ Crar during tho ceremony. Tho cor
onation prononnoiamento concludes with
tbo words: "We will striko once more
for freedom,"
Tbo Arizona Star of April 4th pub
lishes the following: Souora Indian
news: Wednesday, Tliursday and Friday
week, CO Apaches were raiding Mcxicau
ranches in the vicinity of Suu Ani
Orande, 75 miles north of Ortiz, and 150
miles south of tho Arizona line, where
the water shed drains iuto tho Yaini
river. Special monseugcrs wero sent for
troops, aud to warn settlors. The
Apaches wore last observed near Guada
lupe ranch, aud were going in a uorth
east direction. Upon receiving the news
(Icneral Topote moved with a body of
troops to Csrbo station, above Hermo
aillo, and at onoe started from that point
to intercept tho hoitiles. Messengers
report that 30 persons wero killed uear
Casito, and several bouses burned, wo
men and cbilJren fleeing to the railroad
for protection. The hostile rs re
ported to .scatter and raid during the
day, and concentrate agaiu at (light.
The Mexican officers conclude that these
Apaches have been forced out of the
Sierra Madre mountains and are making
a detour in the region rueutioned. in
order to get in the rear of the pursuing
troops and again reach the Sierra Mad res.
There are two companies of United
State cavalry at NogaJea, and fonr com
panioa at Tree Aliiuu, down the Baa
Pedro from Benson.
Ti, first throuch train on tbe Bio
Grande brought 00 Mormon converts
to Salt Lake City
Ingraham and Green, murdorera of
Cash Millet, were hanged by a mob of 35
masked men April iu, ai luunmn, ii
Vntnr Connor, the venerable philan
tbropist, died at his home in New York
city on the morning of April 3d, aged
Clmrlfis iDoLossens arrived in New
York Anril 5th. His visit to this coun
trv is in tbo interest of tho Panama
The East river bridgo, connecting Now
York City with Brooklyn, is noarly com
pleted for tho passage of carriages and
Tarrvtown. N. Y.. celebrated the onn
tennlal anniversary of Washington Ir
ving, the pioneer of American litoraturo,
on tho 4th inst
Gon. Grant gave a dinner to ex-Presi
dnnt Diaz in New York on the 4th inst
It was a grand affair and attendod by
many prominent men
Oormanv and Spain have come to a
final agrooinont in regard to mo conclu
sion of tho treaty of commcrco, and each
has inado concessions.
Verona Baldwin, on trial in San Fran
cisco on the chargo of shooting Lucky
Baldwin some timo ago.was acquitted by
the jury on the Dtb inst.
In tho Bhodo Island stato oleclion re
cently for govornor, Bourno, (Uepubli
can) was elected by a plurality of 28G5
votes over Hpraugo I Jjowocratio cauui
Two colored children, aged five aad
six. wero burned to death in a cabin at
Mbelbyvillo, Ind., on the 5th inst. Their
mother hud locked tuein in wuuo uuo
was away.
A St. Petersburg dispatch of April 5th
says: Tuo local ciiioi ot ponco una an
others who contributed toj the comfort
of tho crows of the Jeannotto and Bod
gors bavo boon decorutod by the Czar.
A homo dispatch of April 5th says:
Tbo powder depot at Passo Corrcz, for
the two of engineers conducting oporu
tions thero. exnlodad to-day. Forty per
sons woro klllotl, aud many injured,
some fatally
A Tombstone dispatch of April 5th
says: A letter Irora U. U. jvcnneciy, oi
Sonora, reports a light bctweon a party
of three Americans and Apaches eighteen
miles from Uros. Goorgo Watson.Chus.
Formau aud Ed Grcon composed tbe
party. Tho fight lusted some hours.dur
ing which Watson and ono Indian wero
killed. Tho wholo party would havo
boon taken but for tho opportune arrival
of Mexican troops
Tbo tenth annual mooting of the Wy
oming Stock Growers' association hold
at Cheyonno recontly repmt that lust
year 220,000 beof cuttlo wero inspected,
an inorcaso of 52.000 over the previous
yoar. Also that about one thousand heud
wero killed by tho Uuion ruoillo roud.
1 ho report further snows that herds of
reeding cattle are soiling per cent
igbcr than last year, and that Ig.'tO.OOO,-
000 of Scotch aud English capital was
invested during tho year in Wyoming
and Texas.
Bocent advices from Colombo, tho
capital oity of tho islund of Ceylon, re
port that vioioub riots occurred lately
between tbo Buddhists and Papists. Tho
Catholics seriously objected to u religious
procession of Buddhists, in which was
curried a crucifix surmounted by a
monkey. Tbo latter combination, which
tho Papists hold to bo nn insult to tho
Cuthcho religion, brought about a
violent contest in the streets, which was
only stopped by vigorous cllorts of tho
t loops, who dispersed tho rioters aud re
stored peaco without bloodshed.
The commissioner of internal revenue
at Washington issued new circular in
structions with regard to collection of
what are kuowu as "specials;" that is,
tuxes imposed upon manufacturers of
and dealers iu mult and distilled liquors
aud tobacco. Tho circular provides that
where special tuxes shall have become
duo aud not paid by tho 1st of May next,
suoh special taxes sliull bo assessed and
collected us other taxes aro collected, but
receipting therefor iu a form of warrant
instead of issuing tho special stump ns
heretofore provided for in circular No,
A Panama dispatch of March 27th
snvs: Severe aud continuous rioting is
taking placo along the lino of tho canal
works, originating in laeo hatred bo
twoen tho Jamaicans and tho Curthag
inns. Somo twenty of tho former have
been massacred aud tho government
finds itself unable to restore order, arms
being independently purchased. As no
work is going ou, and us thero is about
tiOOO men drinking, a really serious trou
ble is anticipated on tho isthmus, which
is being rapidly overrun by tho dregs of
all nations. DeLesscps leaves tho isth
mus to day for New York. Ho insists
that tho canal will bo iu lino bhupo by
At Birmingham, England, tho city
police mudo a raid upon suspected
localities in Lodsam street aud discover
ed a Fenians' nit ro glycerine factory iu
full operation. The apparatus for pro
paring and mixing tho explosive com
pound was constructed on scientific prin
ciples, and with all tho cunuiug and
craft whioh dearly showed its inveutor
to bo not only a thorough scholar in
ohomistry nud machinery, but also an
adopt for expedients for avoiding
notoriety and preventing discovery.
Among tho noteworthy features of tho
place w as a shrewdly-devised method for
carryiny fumes up tho chimney ond con
suming tho odors. It is learned that the
premises iu Lodsam street were taken
two months ago by a man named White
bead, an Irish-American, who hail a sign
bung out in frout of bis placo indicating
that his business was that of a paper
banger. Whitehead himself was taken
iuto custody when tho police made the
descent on tho den, sue is now iu close
confinement. A considerable quantity
of nitro clveeriue was seized lv thn
Hot Mater as Medicine.
No Lave
oOiecrs at tho same time. Information
is now in the hands of the detectives that
tends to demonstrate that this placo is
the central manufactory of explosives
and tbe most important depot of all in
fernal connivances in the kingdom.
yhitehead, who is described as a man
about 25 years of age, with a dark com
plexion, and with a marked American
accent, baa been in the habit ot purchas
ing supplies ot nitro glycerine and acids
which were necessary to run the business.
A young man who was compelled to
resign bis position in one of the pnblio
schools of this city because he was break
ing down with consumption, and who
Las ever siuco been battling for life, al
though with littlo apparent prospoct of
recovery, was encouuterod sovoral days
ago in a Broadway restaurant.
"I see," he said, "that you soora
prised at my improved appearance
doubt von' wonder what could
caused such a change. Well, it was a
very simple romedy nothing but hot
"Hot wator?"
"That's all. You rcmoraber my toll
ing you that I Lad tried all of tho ususl
remedies. I consulted some of the lead
ing specialists in affections of the lungs
in this city, and paid them largo foes.
They went through the usual course of
experimentation wun mo unuer an sons
of modicines. 1 went to the Adirondack
in the summorand to Florida in the win
tcr; but none of those things did me any
substantial cood. I lost ground steadily
grow to be almost a skeleton, and had all
tho worst symptoms or a consumptive
whoso ond is near at hand. At that
iuncturo a friend told mo that he bad
heard of cures being effected by drinking
hot water.
I consulted a physician who had pai
special attontion to this hot water cure
and was using it with many patients. He
said: 'There is nothing, you know, that
is more difllcult than to introduce a new
remedy into medical practice, particular'
Jy, if it is a very simple ono, and strikes
at tbo root ot erroneous views and pre
indices that have long been entertained
Tho old school practitioners bavo tried
for years to cure consumption, but they
aro as far from doing it as ever.
"Now. tho only rational explanation
of consumption is t"ut it results ironi ue
fcotivo nutrition. It is always occom
panicd by mal-assimilation of food. In
nearly every caso the stomach is the seat
of a fermentation that necessarily pre
vents propor digostion. Tho lirst thing
to do is to remove that formentation, and
put the. stomach into a condition to ro
coivo food and dispose of it properly,
This is effected by taking wator into the
stomach, as hot as it can be homo, an
hour beforo each meal. This leaves the
stomach clean and puro, like a boiler
that has beon washod out. Then put
into tho stomach food that is in thohigh
est degreo nutritious and the lcutt dis
posod to fermentation. No food answers
this description hotter than tender beef.
A little stale bread may bo eaton with it.
Drink nothing but puro water, and as
ittlo of that at meals as fpossiblo.
VcBetablos. pastry, sweets, tea, ooffbe,
and alcholio liquor should bo avoided,
Put tender beef uloue into a clean and
uro stomach threo times a day, and tho
system w ill be fortified and built up un-
tho wasting away, that is tho chief
eaturo ot consumption, ceases, and re
cuperation sets in.
This reasoning impressed mo. 1 be
gun by taking ono cup oi hot water an
hour beforo each meal, and gradually
ncroascd tho doso to threo cups. At
first it was unploasant to tuko, but now
drink it with a relish that I never ex
perienced in drinking tho choicest wine.
begun to pick up immediately tutor tho
new trcutmont, and gained fourteen
pounds within two mouths. I havo
gained ground steadily in trying tiio
climate of Now York; and I toll you, sir,
I feel on a sure way to recovory."
Hero an old gentleman who had been
standing near, and evidently listening to
tho conversation, turned to the teacher,
and said:
"This remedy of hot wator drinking
bus attracted my attention for somo time.
It bus been of imiuonso service in reliev
ing mo of a terriblo dyspepsia that tor
mented mo for many yours. I tried num
erous able physiciuns, and there is
probably no medicine that is prescribed
for such uu ailment which was not given
to mo; but nono of them gave mo any
permanent benefit. But tbo simple
remedy of driukiug hot water, accom
panied by a rationul regulation of my
diot bus entirely cured mo, advanced
though I am in lifo. It was not the diet
ing ulono that did it. I tried that bo
foro. It was tho uso of hot water that
cured mo, for that made it possible to
derive somo benefit from a judicious
diet. I havo also found this treatment
of great benefit in kidney discuses, which
aro largely owing to mal-assimilation of
Tho teacher listened very attentively
to tho old gentleman's remarks.
"I am glad to learn that your experi
ence," ho said, "agrees so fully with
mino. I havo become acquainted with
various cases in which this simple
method of treatment has effected perma
nent cures after all tho efforts of the
physicians had failed. I am convinced,
simply from what I havo seen, that al
most any disturbance of tho human sys
tem that results from disorders of tho
stomach, can bo alleviated, aud, in most
instuuees, cured in tho same way. The
very simplicity of tho thing may cause
some to hesitate about attaching much
importance to it, but, liko tho proper
vcutilalion of your dwellings, it may
prevent disease and affect cures where
all tho drugs uf tho pharmacopivia will
Satisftcd Curiosity.
It was a quiet-looking man with a
frayed mustache, who got on a Cass
avenue car the other eight, and he had a
square wooden box on his arm, with rows
of holes punched in the top, which im
mediately attracted tho attention of a
corpulent passeuger with cotton um
brella, who was sitting near tho door.
"I suppose yon have some wild animal
in that box?" said he, tapping it with his
"Yes," replied the other, shriukiug
iuto a corner.
"You have a museum somewhere, may
"No," answered tho small man, look
ing down at his feet.
"Well, might I ask what you have in
that box?" questioned the fat mau, Lis
curiosity increasing.
"Certuinly," murmured the man with
the box, looking like the chief mourner
at a funeral.
There was a dead silence for several
minutes, when the corpulent man spoke
somewhat impatiently:
"Well, what is it?'r
"It is a mongoose,' said the melan
choly man.
"A mongooae what's that?" asked the
man with tbe nmbrella. leaning over and
eveing the box curiously.
"It is an animal that exterminate,
snakos," replied the small man, pulling
Lis bat over bis eyes. - .
"And what do you proposo to ib with
it?" osked the fat man, opening his eyes
until they looked like autcli dials
"I don't propose to do anything with
it," answered the other nervously. It
. i-:. .i minn who has the
is lor a invuu "---- - .
delirnm tremens, and wants something
to kill the snakes be sees.
"But thoy aren't roal snakes, you
know'" exclaimed the fut man, opening
bis mouth until the other could see his
cork soles.
"No, that's true," said the qmot man,
getting up and putting the box under
his coat; but then this isn't a real mon
goose, you seer And be evaporated out
of tho door, whilo tho fat man stsrod
thoughtfully out of the window at the
flickering gas-lamps. Now York Cboii.
A Good Story or a Horse.
. We recently published tbo story of a
horse whoso rider was thrown and in
jured. Tho intelligent onimol took in
the situution and trotted off.makingsuch
demonstrations nt tho houso that people
followod him and rcscuod tbo rider, who
u-na nnubln to hell) himself. Mr. Hugh
McLollan, of this town, informed nsthat
tho reading of the story urongui to iiis
recollection on occurrence of his youth,
when living with his futher in liorhom,
this stato. The father ono eveaing
turned the fumilv horso into a largo pas
ture to feed during the night. In some
way (whether from an injury was never
known) tho horso commeiiceu io uitx-u
profusely from tho nose. Tho animal re
turned to the bars which gave almission
to tlm mature. These he broke down
and nnssod nn to the farm-bouso. Here
he beat noon the platform of ono of the
doors until tho father was awakened and
went out to seo what was the matter; he
found the horso still bleeding. Calling
the son (our informant), the two worked
over the horse until me uieeuing wua
airestod.thonghho was so much reduced
as to be hardly able to stand. There was
nuite a pool of blood at the door, and a
- - . . ... -
still larger pool was round in uie morn
ing at tho bars, where the horse had evi
dently been detained in his efforts to
escape from the pasture. And yet we
are told that animals dont reason.
Brunswick (Maine) Telegraph.
Trying to
Abolish Breach
of Promise
A bill to abolish action for breach of
promise of marriage has been issuod
among the parliamentary papers to-day,
February 20 "backed by Mr. Claino,
Mr. Bryce and Mr. Buchanan (Liberals)
Col. Makins. (Conservative) and Mr.
Ileldon (Homo liulnr). It consists sim
ply of ihe following clause. "From and
after the passage of this net no person
shall bo entitled to maintain an notion in
spect of tho breach of promise to mar
ry, provided always that this shall not
apply to any action commenced before
tho passing of this net." The bill intro
duced will, if it pusses into law, bo tho
shortest statute on our statute book.
It contains only ono olauso, which pro
vides that, without prejudieo to existing
actions, after tho 1st of January next
thero shall bo no action for breach of
promise to marry. It must not, howover,
bo forgotten that this would still leave a
remedy for injury under tho ordinary
iws of contract that is, damages will
bo recoverablo for any actual momentary
oss sustained or incurred by tho plum-
ill through tho promise given by tho de
fendant. Tbe object of tho bill is to
abolish the principle of allowing dam
ages to be awarded for disappointment
or grief. St. Jumes Gazatte.
One Picture of Life In a City.
This morning Captain Kerr noticed a
young and pretty girl walking to aud fro
on the north side of tho viaduct, appar
ently in deep thought. "I thought per-
aps sho was waiting for her lover, said
Korr afterwards, "and paid little atten
tion to her. About an hour after I first
noticed her," Kerr continued, "I was
sweeping off tho draw. Thero wero very
fow peoplo ou tho bridgo at tho timo.
uddenly, ns if by inspiration, I turned
round and tho sight that met my guzo
frozo tho blood in my veins. Thero was
that girl Blinding on tho narrow project-
ng edge outside the railing on tho north
sido of tho draw bridgo, eighty feot
above tho river. She was holding on to
tho railing with one hand, looking down
iuto tho river below, preparing for a leap
to death. I sprang forward and seized
her. Sho struggled vigorously to freo
herself from my grasp. I clutched her
with an almost death like grip, and thus
managed t j save her." Cleveland Lead-
It seems that tho earl of Dalhousio has
asked the governors of all tho states for
their viows on the sister-in-law business,
being specially moved thereto by a letter
from "on American clergyman" to tho
Church Iieviow iu which it was set forth
that tho practice of marrying deceased
wives' sisters manifestly tends to croato
boart-burniug ond destroy tumily con
cord. A man cannot iu this country kiss
is wife's pretty sister in any comfortable
sort of way, says tho unknown dominie,
and if ho does venture upon that kind of
salutation tho wife will be jealous, and
specially so if shn is ill. One case is
mentioned where a woman became so
much exercised from the presence of a
particularly blooming sister whom her
husband liked as to cry anil scold on her
ieatn-oeu and make everybody nncom-
fortablo to the very last". But tho 38
letters which Dalhousie will get from
bachelors, benedicts and widowers giv
ing the executive observations upon fam
ily quarrels; what curiosities of literature!
Tho Agricultural Departmental Wash-
ington has it that the average prioo of
corn in the cctiro Unitod States for
eleven years, from 1871 to 1SS1, inclu
sive, appear! to be about forty-three
cents per bushel. The highest annual
average was sixty-four cents in 1874.
tile the lowest was thirty-one cenU in
1878. The sggregate valuo of the crop
has increased in ten vears from Sm .
000,000 to $759,000,000, though the last
crop was the smallest for the past seven
"Mr. Lofty." said a teacher, "tftnr inn
Las contracted some very bad habita."
"Glad to hear von ut an." cuiu
answer, "his bad babita certainly need
A veto thrown from a distanoo deyel
nn & boomerang.
Tbe city auditor mnst bo a "big gnn."
His report is louu euuuKu.
A California board of supervisora ap
i..i . n m to rive a citizon i
woo'den leg, and charged the amount to
normanent repairs and improvements.
A new summer rosort in Montana is on
Freeze-to Death Creek. Tho postonico
a'Qftal ia r ft 11 0(1 IirUUCUU. 1MB
ill nil cntwuuM - - - , . .
Ironcho brass band will be organized in
& fnur dsvs.
Tho New naven Trobato court Las do
cided that a will written with a typo
writer is valid, in accordance with the
decisions that the statute and word-writ-
inir also inoludod printinz.
A Chicago man calculates that the na
tional bank system has cosi me govern
ment $5,500,000 in all. and that it Las
nai.i rnvonneg to the smount of over
"Don't pull me around so," said tbe
ih f to the do icoman. "i nave a iciou
!" "And I hove my fin
cer upon a felon," remarked the police
man, with a sardonio smile.
A hotel in Los Angeles, Californin.bas
on its printed rules the following: "No
combustibles, such as paper, old cloth-
inn- hotlles or ovstcr cans to uo inrown
out of tbeso windows."
General Sheridan's 521 birthday was
pleasantly remembered by bis friends in
Chicago. His private office was a bower
of beautiful llowers, as seen l y a writer's
eyes, and tho Loyal Legion gave liim a
The Into Colonel Gilmoro met General
Grant in New York, ond approaching
the ex-President, saluted him and ex
claimed: "General, I suppose you for
got me?" "No," replied General Grant,
"you aro ono of tho hornets who stnug
us so badly during the unpleasantness."
At Ihe last meeting of tho Leeds and
West Biding Modioo-Chirurgical Society
Mr. Margctson, of Dewsbury, exhibited
au incandesceat lamp, designed by him
solf, and used by him since Ootober last
in examining the mouth and throat.
The globo was about half the size of a
walnut. It can be hold in the mouth
for two minutes without discomfort
from the beat.
Mrs. S. L. Hinton wants to know
through tbe Courier-Journol where she
can get "a reliable book on silk cultnre."
She also wishes "a few silk worms to
start with." It is in ordor for those pre
pared to meet this lust demand to put in
an appearance. There is a book on
silk culture published at New Orleans.
Crozies is the name of its uuthor. It is
in cloth, and costs fifty cents.
Did it ever occur to you why Solomon
raado tho remark about there being noth
ing now under tho 3un? Well tho fact
was that bis numerous wives and witches
kept hinting to hira about having new
bonnots, and ho merely murmured that
there was nothing new under the sun in
hopes to mako them beliove that tbo fall
styles in bats hud not yet been struck
Rev. Mr. Good recently attended a
masked ball, and tho next morning he
met Mrs. Jones and her husband. "Ah.
Mr. Good, you was at the bid masque,"
said the lady. "Yes, I was thero." "In
masque?" "Oh, yes, of course." "How
did you go?" "As a Christian, worn
down and weary," and he heaved a sigh.
"Ahom," said Mr. Jones, sotto voce,
"the dicguiso must havo been very complete."
Iowa may Lave lost its prohibitory
amendment, but its walled lakes remain.
The lake is in the midst of prairio land,
and is two or threo feet abovo the earth's
surface. It is inclosed by a wall of
stones in some places 10 feet high, 15
feet wide at tho bottom, and five feet
wido at tho top. Tho stones vary in
weight from threo tons to 100 pounds.
There aro no stones on tho surfaco of tho
ground within ten miles of the lake.
The East Ornnge, N. J., Gazette says
Mr. Wiggins, the friend of tho tempest,
a fow years ago kept a grocery store at
the present location of the posl office in
East Oranco in New Jersey. Uis store
narrowly escaped destruction by fire on
two occasions. His business was not
successful. Ho was then looked upon
as an amateur weather prophet, and his
forecasts generally were about as suc
cessful as tho average guees.
A stylishly dressed voung woman en-
tored a restaurant. Tho waiter banded
her a bill of faro, aud said, "Please
mark off the dishes you wish to order."
Could a woman in a sealskin confess that
sho could not read. Taking tho pencil
she made a few dashes, and her order
read: "Diuner 50 cents." "Feb. 20. '83."
"vegetables," "pleaso pay at tho desk,"
"celery." Tho waiter brought her beef
steak and onions and prune sauoe, and
sho did not dare raise a word in protes t.
Advice to thoso about to get married
in fashionublo London circles: Select an
occasion when tho Ticar is taking a hol
iday, and then, if you are content that a
humble curate should perform the cere
mony, you will save a fivo-pound noto nt
least. Why does a clergyman expect a
heavy fee when his legal remuneration
is about 12s (id? That ho does expect
it 1 gather from tho fact that the Vicar
of a West End church, to whom the
best man at a recent marriage tendered
5, wroto somewhat indignantly to say
tuai iiis tee was six guinoas. ji courso,
the above hint docs not refer to those
persons who require a bishop to make
them man and wife.
Odd Wagers.
In a shaving match for $200 a Bide in
Chicago, tho winner's timo was 2 minutes
5o seconds.
The winner of a corn-raising contest
near Koine, Ua., raised thirty-seven
bushels on a half acre.
A Salisa, Mo., woman won $20 on a
wager that she could chop a cord of wood
in less time than a certain man could.
For a sum of money two packages
wrappers at Davenport, Iowa, entered
into a contest. The winner wrapped
3,300 bundles in a aingle day, using 4000
yards of twine.
A man in a Berlin beer house wagered
four geese that Le could stand on one
let; for two hours, He fell over in a fit
at tho end of fifteen minutes, and cut Lia
hands and face on a beer glass.
TrtitiH Rro. Stni to Jobn & GarriioB,
167 Third itreat Portland, for caUlogut of t-siliis.
I. O. T)avidin,tlienopiilar Portland i,.
P!.,r, is filling oruorrir mlarfed rttV
Linda, at Iiis gullory on the corner , S?,
Umliill ilrtx-ti. He emnloyt anuiuh.i r4
bet srtiiUi tt this work and it win be
inpeotion. His work U n good u any T
duced on this coat, while hiBpriewan, .(
reasonable Mr. Davidwa will receive oM
mail frornany partof tlinortliwet ,u,t.j 7
deliver tlifin, all urii.hed In the hlS TaT""
the art, within a roawnable time, a trii i0
from any action of tho country win oti
anyone itat Mr. David'on I. J mn 7u?
with orders, a fair treatment has alwari i
bit rule. . - "
low' Orlglnnl Juhllrc Mlncen n.j
This great eomrany, now nlafTrn to cro.
Louies throughout tho Sound, tumini bun.i,
of pooplo away nii?btly, will api,? "B
City Monday, April 9lh, Salem, TuiuS?
Eucene, WedueKloy. 11th. Allmr,,, ti..'1?4.
12th, Corvalhs, Friday. 13th. lude,nd?T'
Saturday, Nth. 1 he company will
Market theater in Portland a. loon si ibepri'
unwmuc coniimiiy, noir playing there U.
The nanori lliruu-'hont CHliii.mi. .i .,' '".
country aro loud in praiae of this comnanv .!J
we advise all our rinrlira lliunA... .. ' '"O
to go and wUuess tlieir wonderful rertorml'i
ftlaven'a loaemlle Vhnrty Tooth p..,.
An aromatic comninnLinn f..r Ik. -
of tho teeth and gum. It ia far iA.rior to iS
preparation of its kind in the market, In W,n
imnunnmeonni pow, price nur cenU. por '
hv nil driiffpiita lfmlfa l).v;. i. n. .
sale agenU, Portland, Oroson.
For the best iihotneranln in llmmi, i.
G. Abell's gallery, 107 First street, Portland Hii
work will bear the most searching tests, for" u
mado by genuine artists, who understand their
business. w
The next sennation nt tho Elite in Trii.j
tho npneaianceof El Nino, Eddie.tho "Wonder
of the World" and Alice Morgan, the"Queenof
Clubs ,' Popular prices, 25 and 50 ccnta.
Garrison repairs ail amcis ot sewing mtcbinn
Take ATm. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
... imuuii wit- , vim-n, uwrn, HIUOWI Ud
WlmR Hin'l for I'rleo Mat and CiiikIiwiiw.
i.K.lll.u HlnlC nutate.
J. ll. KOIUUVM A- nov, ieu iiKTiiK
i. ihiktwm: mu.. tirnn-m .11 riHIHMI, Urni).
Hhei't tnilhlc anit Muslcul Mi-rchandlw, lVtw
K rumen and Moulding Cuunlry onlcn will rectlv.
prompt HtNHitlnn.
J. II. MOHTIM KU.-Pnrtiuiid blank burnt m,n;?
n-llulile etnblthiutnt. Tiptop fur good work.
Hlunk liookn wtlh pimh-d npridtnirt mndo a tnta'tr.
MKMUKSA: VOHPKU, IT Klurk.-Muiimueuu,
lomnH, j it-n'iHtoiicn, pic.. r.irniNiitti in luititn uid
Ann-rli-aii innrlile. Countiy orders tilled uronipUj.
Nt-nd for prlv and d wlgn.
IV. a. M1VK K. ( 'ml hinh.eiT. (.' mi
Mirveyors. uim-r nooni 10. jni-s KiilMlni.
Ka. t Portland. All kinds of surveying and liriiuil
don.'fnrHny part of tbe roimtrv.
EM I'ml-rilA kKHV.-.IJ V'a.'lilni,-toii. Vixi
ninr, j'rops. Jilttiiiiliu-turi-ra or Hlot hread, Hods,
llcnle, Hotter, Boston, Huffur and Hhoe Fly crwken.
Orders from the trade soIUUhI aud pruoiptlr tt
tended to.
II. P. Hl:l:ll V, Attorney and Counselor at
IJtw llooni u Ih-kum a IHlllilliiv. Legal ouMneu
pertaining to .Piters Patent for Inventions, befon
the I'slent Pnifp or In the ('nitre, n sp-ei;ilty.
the New No. 12 White Sewing Machine. on ellll
billon at Harrison's Sewing Machine store, Portland.
Tailor anil others Interested In a llrst-cluss manufac
turing niiu'linie are invited to call and eiamine.
The largest stock of seeds ever held by mie Una
north of sun Francisco, which will bo sold utilise
able figures, consisting of (iiuss. Vegetable, Klowtr
Seeds, etc , etc. Agents for "Imperial Egr roud;
also for Wlrkersham n Hone Phosphates. Send m
atalpKiie; free to all applicants. Address,
? 1 1.1. r.u on .,
aw Second Street, Ponlsnil.
Full Set of Teeth for $10.
' Heat Met, !&
rriEKTH FirxEn at low rates; bati.w
X lion guaranteed. Una administered. Dental fra
111131 11V ISltOCt
Portlund, Oreiion.
Room M, Union Block, Stark street entrance.
Portlund, Orrgon.
BxrAiams poira
AllLudln () atTA
vitniirriini n 0 tl'UITF
nUUOLilULUft nniii.
roa TBI
Ko, 11 Kearay tret, . F.i
TrtaUadl Chronic Seelal Dle
fects of vouthful follies or inn acrrw-. - M
well to avail themselvi's of this, the gf'1
ever laid at the altar of .ullering
SP1NNKY will guarantee w for pit '" "ij
rase of Seminal Weaknesa or private iliseaaei i.
kind or character which, he undertake "u "
There are manr at the age of thirty to slit y wje
troubled with t. o treouenl evacuation" 01 mj- )0
oftpuaocomrmtiled by a alUht smarting or w
enaatlon and a weakening of the s stem m a
the patient cannot aocuuiit for. On rjmi"""
nrtuary deposlte a ropv sediment wdt 0IR",,, .npeMi
and aometlrapa small particles of alburnei -win ai i r
or tbe color will be of a lllia ruiUwh . ,
changing to a dark and torpid apernce. ' . ,
many men who dl of thla ilimcnlty. kr"".ra"Lnf
cause, which la the second stage ofSeni'""1 "TT
Ur. (t. will guarantee a perfect cure iu all r
and a oeaJlhy reatoratioii of the euilor umi'
fans. trti 1tM
U(HceIIoara-10to4andto". Pundajn fMil!
II A. M. Consultation free. Thorough eanu
and advice. a
111 or aiW a UK- BPIWJIItT
Ka. II Kearny FrancMca.