The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1883, Image 5

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brief m:.Tio..
Cherry ft Day, undertakers.
For good dentistry go to Clark.
Bring your chicken to Rettmau't.
Corset for 50 cent at the new tore.
Job work speciality at the Ocard olTI ce
All kinI of gr it seeds for tale at A Gold
smith's. '
Horsemen, do not foil to nee tlie Sir Walter
Tfneapet toh.iccn iu town r't the Tm?kty
"f hehighes Cash pice pail for whcSt hy
o uunn,
thirds of calico for 1 at the new atnre
oh 0th atroet.
Go to Mrm l'eiitinHiilTo ell for raiJiiiMe
Read interesting Council prodoeJuigs in
thii issue.
Go to Swift ft Co. for fresh California
candies, crackers, &o.
Cold) and tore throat are prevalent in
the vicinity n Eugene.
' The C.oaru has the largest circulation uf
any paper in Lane county.
Only ten cy hoigcr'lo secure bargains at
the new utore on 9th atreet.
A fine line of silk plushes in all shadus
ad grade at F B Dunn's.
Ur Horace Dillard has sold tlio Prinevillc
KewaWMrD W A Id i Me.
Tbtonly pln witri yu en alwiYi scl
your chickens is at flcttm in's.
1 full Mirt n.'iit of l.vliei, iuUjcs end oln'l
'Jireu underware at Ilettmnii,.
ljne county circuit court convene at "the
Court House Monday morning.
The band tournament i:i June piomihea ot
lie a tucco iu every particular.
Freshest and finest groceries, cigar nnd
candies at Swift ft Co'. Try tlium
Swift & I'o.'smd'" are all new and Tmfcght
for cash, and nrd sold cheap for cash.
Hides, furs, chicken and nil kind T W
due bought for cash at A. G .HamithV j "Sevi'u c,:lk lin
, . JOr.e Pick. ...v..
The rite or circumcision was performed at i ...
.... . .... . iOno l.ako ...... .
Air l iteumuu s resilience iasi oiinuny.
Swift k Co. sell canned goods, put np litis
year, a cheap ai be bought in town.
A GUARD 'crrcsUondcnt is wanted in
every IT.'ccinct in Uue county. Send n the
Tramps orcr plentiful. The Marshal liai
instructed seven! to leave town during the
J. A. Winter is givinjj apecial attention to
making cabinet photo with scenic baek
gruands. Several residents of Lin 1 county, near
JItrriidmrg, are talking of. buying property
in Kugeue.
I will g'wa'itee every p:i:r of ImhiU and
hoes that inii of ine.
Woskivo-Mas'h Stokh.
Regular nioiithly. meeting of Eugene
Kugiun Co No I, at iHinn's Hall, next
Tbur.lay evening.
Messrs liidit Hays and K J McClanabnn
Jisve shipH:d n iiimiIkt of their horses to
IVrtUud this w.-efc.
A nice aiorti:ieiit of cut patterns for la
Ai' and children's clothes at U (I Callison &
Co.', at New York
The Marshal hai suoccolid t'lis year in
collecting every cent of taxes. What town
caft eipisl thit rucord?
See the new advertne oeut, of t'.iu I X L
etore in another column. Ic wdl pay oi;r
readers to give the store a cull.
Seven cans tomatoes for ono dollar, ami
other canned ''M cheap, nt Swift 4 Co.'s.
Thi year's put up and fresh.
Mr Shelley, rc eu'lv from the Kistern
States, lias puroha el jlr Wiu Smith's dni
r'y, ami will coittinux to run the same.
MrS H Frioodly will pay tlie bighvs);
cash market price for wheat. Give him a
.call before selling your j;rain elsewhere.
Wessrs Horn & Loekwood receivnl this
weA itirgo portabl! engine wlTeh tboy w ill
use io connection wfih tfie woo'; sawyer.
Some excellent hop d for snlu in tracts
from 10 acres upward, lhice from $3 to $12
per acre. .
Gko M. Mii.'i.kii.
We understand that Hon Ilnfus Mallory
of Portland, baa been engaged to help pros
ecute in the caso of the State v V H Ab.
A. Gold.Muith has just arrived feoif 'Frisco
with an imnienso stock of fresh proeeris
and a fine stock of glassware, which he wtll
sell cheaper than anyone in Kngen
it yon want bargains iu boots and shoes, call
aronnd and we for yourself, as I do not w ant
any of these coods in my new building next
tomnier. Working Mau's Strtre, Opposite the
A genuine snow storm, for several hours
Thursday 'Morning, was A feature of
the weather afforded ui the past week by
nr versatile weather clerk: The snow melt
ing, however, as soon as it fell.
There will be a hall given at the Goshen
Hall, May 1th. The best of music is to be
had John Rlndall, of Junction City, leader.
Tickets, Including supper, $2. All are in
cited. J. F. Keenky, Manager.
h ia impossible to rent a houso in Kugene
ftty. Some of our local capitalist should
ouild neat dwelling hmues, to rent, thereby
fcouferridg a blessing upou the city, a well
is making a large per ccut on the money in
Vested. Call at ul office and est aorhe of tliose
circular descriptive of the country and eud
Et W your friend. They contain more
information, tuch at the immigrant wants, j
. . ... 1 I
thaoyoucau wnte iu a letter of twenty
At th Vaiiett Stoeb. for a bis American
dollar, you can buy either 9 lbs. eoSee, 14 lbs.
rio. 10 lbs. iujr, 3 lbs. tea, 12 ltw. UuW!
da, S3 goad candle, 8 cans tomatoes, 100 nut- j
or anything you want will be ordered di-
w trom San FruicUcn for a tery maJl com ,
iion. T. J. Cheshi re, M .u ger
Council Proceeding.
Ei'iiEXE Cm-, April 9, ISM, j
Council met pursuant to oidinanve.
I resent Mayor Hendricks, Councilmcn
Kdris, Lsuer, Johnson, MeClung Lnckey. and
Campbell; Recorder and Marshal
Miuutes of last rognlar meeting read and
in minutes ot last regular meeting the
following was inserted: "On'tnotii.n Onli
nance No 1 was ordered printed; contract to
be let to the lowest bidder."
Kill of F n Punn for $.1.30 and Hook
and Ladder Company for $10 reported cor
rect aim warrants ordered drawn.
Charles I,aucr, Chairman of Finance Voni-
miftec, on retiring thanked the Council for
their uniform courtesy ami stated that when
became into the council two years ngo the
city was 'iii debt, now is out of debt and has
over $500 in the treasury.
J nu following bills read nnd hud on the
It S llcan, $70;
B A James, 75;,
J K Atteberry, $-':
T J liill, 84:
V McKurland. 82 30
R G Callison. SI4.40:
Journal, $fi.00;
O A Dorris,
On motion rules suspended tho bills of 11
S Bean for $30 and of B II James were taken
from the table ami warrants ordered drawn.
Committee on printing made report that
the printing of tho laws had been let to K M
Wuite, the lowest bidder, at .90 per page.
To thk lf.ix. Common- Cot mm l: Gi.sixe-
MEN: Tfie following is tho approximate
amounts expended on the streets of Kugene
Ireiug the Midil year 'ending April 9th,
Lumber ... . $2,,Wi 27,
'H 3401.
Hauling (by tiucks) U 53.
Ditch........ 4 2.1.
Fourteen new street crossings 42 00.
Eight new alley raossiugs. 12 00.
i rave hauled (1 .19 yds) 74 fill.
Repafr on streets, cross walks.olean-
in, surveys, ete
CO 73.
1 00.
1 my
1 00.
1 00.
line shovel..
i 0,le hand ax. .
521 47.
80 00,
Lumber on bund beginning of year.
$(i01 47.
. T. CAMtliKlj..
ChatVman Coin". 011 Streets.
He-port of committee on streets read and
placed on tile.
iiri'ORT or c wmrrRg on rmz and watkii.
TotiikHoxv Covmon Coi'.ncil ur Ecoene:
Gkstlesikn: We imr cofimitt'je on fire and
water would submit the following reitort for
the year ending April !),
The city has purchased within tlie year one
Button llainl Kn-ine with 500 feet of hose at
a total cost of $2;0S "".
A company h:vs been organised to work this
machine, consisting at present of tiO men. The
company is in good wor!;ing order uud able to
lo ellici lit work.
We also hiire a Hook and Ladder ronipauy
coiiKisting of KO men with trucks, ladders ami
other iiuiileuients necessary to an efficient
company. The worth of tlie entire outfit for
this company is about 7M.
We have two cisterns, vu --one at crossing
if Willamette and Kihth Streets, which it is
thought will furnish an inexhaustible supply
of water. The.-e cost, 00.
Total invested fur fire purp. ses, $;Cm8."3.
The connctl have ulxo adoiteil jdans for an
ingine house to lr located on Kiihth street
near the county jail, tlie cost of which will be
about 92200. Tho construction of this building
ought to be b.'gmi nt as early u day as possible
on account of the damage sustained by" the
hose, fnW. being 011 the eart rot 1 with more or
less wuter inside. It is only a question of a
short time when hose kept in this manner
will become rotten and useless. We would,
therefore recommend the early completion of
the building with the Hose tower fs an ceo
nomictl lucasire for the city.
We would also rccomuieuil tho adoption of
some plan for tlu construction of cisterns and
the li'cilion and building of one on crofting
of Willamette ami Seventh, Willamette and
I'ent'i and Xighth and Olive".
It has been suggested to your committee
property owners wouM be willing to sid in the
cons. r;u-tion of cistern adjacent It or invir llin
iheir prope.-ty, aAd the connci: by sppros;ia
ting u specific amoiiut when needed could r. ly
on the citizens making up the balance. Tills
we deem id worthy of consideration.
liespectfully submitted,
J H Mcl'LCNo, I'hairni nr.
lr port of committee oil fire and Water
read and tiled.
To the Hon. CummoN C'oi'NciL uk Ki-iik'ne
City; Gkntlkmkn': I.l compliance of Sec
tion (i, Title 1, C'lrapter of the laws of said
city, I beg leave to offer this lily rcj'ort as
Becorder i f the city the year eniling
April 9, ISS.'I, in addition to the report of
my predecessor, M' (i A I'Vrlsi
Am't Hues ccdlected by ex-Iftcorder
Dorris $ 33 00
Licenses issued (4) ) 00
finis colfucted by Cal.isoii 120 00
Licenses issued 34) Kit (HI
I'eceived from Attel:ry (grading)... 10 00
Bceeived from Attcbery (del'ii tax). . 8 XI
By Treasurer receipts. fiO 00
Hy one-half to Marshal 23 00
Py Treasurers' receipts. . . : . M
$337 33
I would also resirt that tlierb haVc been
drawn 13.1 warrants against the Treasurer
amounting to the sum of $1,739 14.
R. G. CAi.Llsa.v, Recorder.
City oy Ercr.SE: ( ENTi.EMf.t: I beg leave
to submit this niy annual report for the year
ending April 9, 18S3:
Received for help oa street work.... 8 93 00
Received for work done on street.... 9t24
Court fee ..
3hf 00
379 24
Ree d from all onrcei a salary.
There ba been hauled 127 yard of gravel
da - t,ie t whjch bu M
8 , 11 .vi w
cen's a yard, or 10 all, G3 50.
Bill attested. I3U1
Finos assessor! 214
Arrests during the year.
Notices served
Tasks and Cuu.kctioxs.
For building Underwood's sidewalk. .$ 37 LI
Meliuipient collection for I SSL 13 .'l.'l
Delinquent lax list forlSS.' OHO 07
Delimpieut tax list corrected by
domination 91.1 8f!
Collected 91189
Your delimpient Uxe are all collected
and paid over. I bold the Treasurer' re.
cftS for ?7Sli 37, the balance. $129 32, I
have paid over to tho Kecorder' ollioo, a
the Treasurer was sick and unable to receive
it. There were l.'l persons who allowed
their taxes to become delinquent.
J. F.. Attkiikrv, Marshal.
Rcpnrtt'of Hecorder and Marshal read and
on motion l.-xi 1 011 lhetab!e.
li 'iiKXE City, Oivgou. April 9. 1S8.X
o' the City ok Kimese;
Gi:xTi.EMK.v:-The charter makes It the duty
of the Mayor to comniuuieate by ininsage to
the council, annually a general statement of
the condition ail I affairs of tho city, recom
mending such measure as he may think proper
and in accordance I hereby submit my state
ment and recommen latious, to-wit:
In taking the o'll.-o of Mayor two years
since, i fount an indebdtjdnesj of about
f 100 in small sums, and an additional indebt
edness of about $ 1100 to the tire fund. From
a five mill tax we have paid off the indebted
ness, and restored to the tiro fund all that was
hie it
For a presunt showing of the financial con-
lition of the city, as shown by the reports o'
the City Reorder and Treasurer-'
We have received duri ig the year from all
sources, $.1,S;1S 41.
N e have paid out during t.w past year
4,7;.2 (.
Leaving a balanej of 3i53 II.
Outstanding warraiiU, nothing; indebted
ness, nothing.
For a m re minute nccmnt of the fiu iueial
condition of the city, I r'Jer you to the re
ports of the recorder and treasurer.
Wo havj expended during the year ah mt
$2000 in the purchase of a Button Hand Kn
gins whieh doj i go I w rk aul has proven it
self well worth the 111 mey paid for it.
Liider the uiaiiagiuent tif the committee on
fire and wa'er, a now fir company has been
organized, known as Eugene Engine Co Xo 1,
into whose hands this engine has lieen placed,
nnd the company have already proven them
selves we'l worthy of the ti 11st placed in their
The property holle-s an 1 citizens here have
cause to be proud of , their two fire companies.
They have proven tf em wives e'al to any
emergency, and there is a feeling of compara
tive safety against fire, that did not exist for
The current expense of tin) city for tho past
two years has been run ou a three mill tax and
has demonstrated t.'ie Viet that two mills from
the five mill levy allowed by law, cm ba used
for many needed improvement within the city.
If you levy nnd collect your taxes according
to law, toere ia 11 occasion to leave the city in
debt at the end of any administration., If the
incoming city oflLi-rs look well to their finan
ces and keep right in this Vjspeet, they will b'lt little trouble in mvnaging the city.
Ourdelinipiciit list is uothing, and if your col
lectors do their duty it will always be so.
Our sidewalks, street crossings and alleys are
iu their usual good condition. The street com
missioner and committee 011 streets should or
der a getier.d clean up of all streets, alleys uud
cesspools, .as soon as the storm is over as up
on the fulfillment of tin's duty the health and
apiiearanee of our city depends.
An arrangement has been made and an or
der passed by which tho city mid county au
thorities, jo'ntly, will raise and widen the road
way and water levy at the railroad crossing
near tho Eugene City Mills. For particulars
cf which I refer you to the recorder's b-ioks,
entered in March List. This will lie a great
security and a much needed improvements at a
small cost.
The dit:h passing through the northern
., .... ... .
portion oi me city, is as it always hai been, a
source of great annoyance and expense to those I
who have it in charge. I would earnestly rec
ommend that the council order tha low land on
each side of th ditch filled so as to coufiuo the
water to a channel and this can bo dona with
but a small expense, as has been demonstrated
by council nan John on on his premises. If
this waa done it would reclaim somi valuable
I lots, and wo dd a Id nruh to tin health nnd
sppnarance of that iorl,io.i of o ir city, and is
in niy judgment, the only true solution t; the
ditch problem. The Hoo 1 gates under tho R
K crossing did its work well during tha- hut
high water and is at last what it should be.
The city during the last ye.u was very fortu
nate iu securing tho services of nil excellent
night watchman. This officer has icrform d his
duty iu a commendable manner and has given
general satisfaction.
It became my duty during the winter to
serve with the committee on fire and water in
examining stovepipes, chimneys and flues,
along our business streets, and I was much
surprised at the culpable carelessness of the oc
cupants of many 1'f oar places of business.
You cannot hi ion careful in your selectiou of
an officer to serve as fire warden, as an efficient
officer might prevent nmny fires during the
year. The ci iincil have under advisement
(yet incomplete) a plan, looking to the erection
of an engino house, on property leased from
tlie cmnty just west of 'he county jail, which
no d nlbt will be carried foiward io completion
by the incoming council.
The judiciary committee under instructions
have had under advisement the codification of
our city laws. They employed a competent j
attorney and submitted their report to the j
council, wnicn nas neen ailoptcl. And I am
informed by the committee on printing that
the manuscript is in the hands of the printer.
This much anj long needed Work will greatly
assist you in your admini-tration of affairs.
I would recommend that you take soioj
step to procure from the river or from the
spring south of the city, as soon as your finan
cial condition will allow, a supp y of
good, freh water, as the imperfect drain
age certainly will eventually impregnate
.1 , 1 , , , I
tuc nnvci ill an u ujr uur weJS irr.m HIS UoTlilU .
, . , iii- ., . i ne,T o'l'ioes venture
strata of gravel underlaying ths city, and
which in time must n n ler it unfit for use. A Exj'l;fc- Sou. Messrs Johnson & Co.
careful study of the m itter should be hvl lie- have ..d the city exprbts to ilessr Rob
fore any action u Uken. j crt, 4 frmorv, (lf HafTi,barg.
Ibe health f the city has been very excxl- 1
lent during tlie year, as it always has ben. ij N"' HoKKMEc The sUllioo liceme
1 law of til ha been repealed b l Hoa
i upon their selection for home. 'Hie lealth
07 of our city w ill i-ompar favorably with any
00 locaUon In the known world.
Jn conclusion let "r say that the future
pnx-ets of our little city have never lieen
brighter than at the present time, l'ropeity
commands i-ood price and ready sale. Many
good nnd some elegant dwelling have been
erected during the year and on every side w
see the upK"irunce of thrift and prosperity.
Before closing I desire to thank the council
for their uniform courtesy aud kindness exten
ded to me during my two years service as your
execiitiee officer, and I retire feeling that the
affairs of the city am going into U-ttur and
abler hands.
T. G. IIlxiiHK'Ks, Mayor.
Annual report of the President read and
and ordered spread upon the minute.
At this time the Recorder, Counciluieii
tleet Campbell, Conser and Sloan, nnd Mar-
t 1 1 1
nai Aiieoerry were worn in.
Petition of Shannon and other in regard
to license 011 horses kept for breeding pur
poses read and on motion it waa the unani
mous expression of this council that said
ordinance bo repealed.
Councilman Kill is gave notice of an or
dinance to repeal Ordinance No I, which ro
utes to licenses on aniirialslu'pt for trrcdiiig
1 ciuion ot U6imrn & othcri in regard to
C hrisman' fence read and laid on the tablo.
B H James presented hi resignation
(cause icknest.) which wa accepted.
J M Hondrick was placed in nomination
for city treasurer and 011 mition the recorder
was instructed to cast the vote of the coun
cil by ballot for him.
On motion the Recorder wa iiutiuctcd to
contract for 300 blank order.
On motion, adjourned.
R. G. Cai.uso, Recorder.
Dexter Items.
Dkxteii, April 1.1, LSS.1.
Clem fell down stairs and hurt his Km. IW
We regret to say that MrThoma Williams
has became deaf.
Mr Annie 1 empleman was visiting at Pleas
ant Hill recently.
. The spring fights have begun on Fall Creek;
also up the river.
Since my last Messrs P 4 P nnd our mer
chant have each shipped three car loads of
bacon to Portland.
F Templeiuan started oil Monday last to
visit his daughter, who lives near Colfax, W
Mr Murphy, a nephew uf Uncle Thomas
Matthews, lately arrived hive from Iowa; also
Mr J Rutlidge, a nephew of the Parker's, is
another new comer.
Mr I .nee, w hile fording the river nt his place
a few days ago, found when too late that the
water was too 1eep, and it was with much
difficulty ho saved his hoisei aud wagon, the
latter in a damaged condition. He also lost a
new sewing machine.
On Wednesday last a birthday party was
was given a the residence of Mr John Stoops,
nt rieasant Hill, it being the 52 anniversary of
Mrs Stoops birthday, who, we are sorry to
say, has been an invalid for some years.
Messrs Parker, Parvin nnd Briiigle'8 families
were in ntlemhiiicu from this place.
M. A. S.
Cresswell Items.
April 12, 18S3.
Dr Seni brongh has gone to Portland to
buy goods for the tyring trade.
Snow on tho mountains all around this
country. Terrible storm during the night;
simw still falling.
Win Gilfry shipped nu board tho cars 20
brad of line st.Ul fed cattle for the Portland
market, this week.
Our school opened on tho 9lh under the
management of Miss Shaw. A good school
affords a bright grouped for a good ooi
ety. Miss Shaw vivos entire satisfaction.
The wheat that was sowed iu the Fall was
killed by tho cold weather in January; but
j thc.cmp w'11 not be lost as it has all been
resown and look fine. Wo may look for a
large yield.
Socia' le
A lunch basket sociable will bo given at
the Court House in Eugene, on Friday eye
ning, April 27, 1SS3, for tho benefit (if tho
M E Sunday School. There will be a good
programme consisting of speeches and essnyb
interspersed with vocal irhliic. Ladies ex
pected to bring lunch basket and guntle
non to pay '"0 cents at the door. No other
charge. All are cotoNally invited.
Usios Temperance Mkrtino. The vari
ous pastors and churches of the city will
unite in a temperance service to-morrow ev
ening, at the Presbyterian church, for the
purpose of listening to to the Rev 0 D Tay
lor. Mr Taylor is wilely known iu the
East as a temperance lecturer, ami will be
greeted by a full house upon this hi first
appearance iu Eugene.
McKknzib Stauk. Messrs Peter Runey
and D J Copenhaver have ordered a suitable
vehicle to carry passenger and small freight
between this city and the noted Foley
Springs, on the McKenzio river. The hack
will be put on the route at an esrly day, at
which time full particular will appear in
the GiARD.
H1r.11.-Mr Elijah Rhe died at Alkali,
Wasco county. Oregon, lost Monday morning.
Mr Rhea was fonmrly aa honored citizen of
Eugene, and was everywhere noted f r hi lib
era'ity anil g-wdness of heart He is mourned
by many old acquaintance In Lane county.
j Abram ha purchased a one-half interest in
j M Win Renshaw' saloon in thi city.
1 Jiinmie is one of tlie most popular young
i 111 V.ntftldM ati.l .a .n .1 M l.:
- ' " ' - MlWllI W IA.WI IIS I1M
Common Council.
' A C ... I. - - 1 . u.. - t.V.. iti
n rcw noma t,auRiii ur uuiru
Reporter In his Rambling.
Mr Mulligan I finishing a dwelling bouse
on Twelfth atreet.
The new hotel building ou Willametto
street i Hearing completion.
Mr Lalw Wheeler Is making extensive re
pair on the house he recently removed, ,
Mr J J Walton Sr, has sold his premise to
Horatio Selfridge for the sum of eooO,
Rev J C Richardson intend building a
: residence on rifth Street iu tin near futiira.
Plans for tlie new engine house are n arly
completed, and the contract will be let by the
Miss Julia Kirkland Intends toon to con
tract for building a small residence in the in-t-tern
part of town.
Mr Mi Igely has the contract from Mr 8 M
Titus for a g.'OOO residence, to be built during
the coming summer.
MrH H Kim-aid will build himself a hand
some residence just west west of the Christain
church during the coming Summer.
Mr Joel Mcl'ornaek intends building a resi
dence un his property on Twelfth street rally
tli's Spring. What does this mean?
.Mr Geo C if' uew residence Is receiving its
fitilshllh touches, aiid we may exiect to hear
of Its occupancy at almost any tfnie.
We hear of several young gentlemen of this
place who are talking building, but who hav
not yet come to any definite conclusion.
Judge Rean is having an a Mi lion built to
his residence. Mr II F l'orri contemplate
shortly the building of an addition to his resi
Messrs Cherry 4 Tarke last week obtained
the contract for tho iron work for four uew
brick buildings to be erected here this
Wo understand that Mr Olfutto will build
in this city during the conri'ig summer a $.f00
residenco whieh will materially improve the
apcaronce of the western orlion of town.
Mr George A Dorris has purchased the res
idence fiMiSerly owned by M- L N Rooney,
nnd w ill hav j the same raised, painted and
thoroughly overhauled, prcwratory to occupy
ing it this fall George, wo congratulate- you!
Cottage Grove Items.
Arnif. 10, 18SS.
Mr K W Whipplo went to Portland Mon
day. '
A hop at Mr Charley Stouffcr' last Fri
day night.
Mis E E Kinney Vi teaching school in
District Xo 18.
Mr Darwin Rristow, of Kugene City, paid
our little villig? a visit Saturday and Sun
day last.
The weather lias boon rather damp for
awhile, consequently the road are quite
muddy again.
Mr L S Wynu left our town for Portlaud
Monday, where he is engaged to work in a
wholesale establishment.
Married at the residence of tho bride's
parouti, April 7, IS83, Mr Win Crow of Si.
uslaw, to Miss Lillie Harri of this precinct.
I)r Hord ha been kept busy ever since
his arrival, as there ha beeu a good many
case of sickucss through the oountry aruund
here, and he ha been called generally.
Camp Creek Items.
April 10, 1883.
Crop n :vcr looked better.
Owner of dogs that chase dcor had bettor
chain them.
School commenced March 2Gth; Mis Irene
Polly, teacher WaH No 5.
Mr O C Dunavan and family wore tho re
cipients of a ten pound girl. Lou step now
Ki feet to the rod.
A word to the wise is suMioiont: We have
a man in cur vicinity that bores with a
smaller auger then Jim the Gimlcter.
M. T. NHho.
Plenty of iiiuiV
Grain looks well.
Since the game law has gone In fo'ice the
yoiVog li'ian who carries a Sharp's rifle sits on
fence and watchr for dogS. L. I II.
Kcntim.1v Junit.Kft CoMiANV The pre
formaiice given at Lane's Hall lost Wednes
day evening, wis attended by a very fair
audience. The performance waa one of the
worst ever witnessed in this city, there
Imrdly being a worthy performer in the
motley crew. We would inform the mana
ger of such combinations that Eugene it
town whose people liberally patronize good
shows, and thoy do not propone to bo bilked
more than once by said managor. We were
surprised to hear that the troupe wa partly
under the cnut'ol of our Portlaud theatrical
friend, a ho generally protect the pnblio
from tuch fraud.
Married. At the Presbyterian Church,
Wednesday evening, April II, 1883, by Rev
E R Geary, Mr James F Robinson and Mist
Nannie Hughes, both of thi city. After
the ceremony a reception was held at Mr
R't new residenoe, which wSi numerously at
tended by invited guests. The newly wad
ded pair have tho congratulations of the
Gi'ard force, who wish them a happy mat
rimonial life.
Eleited Kiiihtwati'HMam. At the last
meeting of the Council Mr J T Witter was
unanimously re-elected Nightwatchman fur
the ensuing year. He hat made an able and
efficient officer, and we congratulate the
Council upon their hap, y (election.
LiBERAt Leirt kk. Dr J L York, the noted
Lilieral lecturer, will i-ieak in Eugene City,
on Friilay, Saturday and Sunday evenings,
April 13th, 14th and 13th, at 7:30 P M. All
are cordially invited to attend.
Marhku- A church, 8 mile north of
Eugene City, Sunday, April 8th, by Rev G
M Whitney, Mr James CowgiU to Mis Het
tie Lyons; all of Lane county.
MaRRl.-In Eugene City, April 9, lH3f
I by Rev K P Henderson, Mr J Adkins and
I .Um Martha Ke. leou, all of Lsne county.
Henry Oweu ha returned from Portland.
' b l
Mr Alt Stowell and wife, are visiting in
thi city, ,
Dr J C Whiteuker paid Eugene a hort
visit thi week.
Sammy Goldsmith ot Portland, spent last
Sunday iu thi city.
Mr Harry II ,Miller, of Portland, was in
town one day tii week.
.... . , -
Mr Jumes Humphrey and fnmi'y have
moved to East Portland.
Sam P Smilcyi representing Tatum k
Rowcn, paid u a visit thi week.
Giorgo Smith, who has been working on
the Roscburg bank, is at home again.
Judge R 3 llcan has leturned from Ilcntqn
county where ho ha been holding Circuit
George AlcxamW, a compositor on thi
paper ho been somewhat indisposed tiSi
Mis Mollie Lucky ha returned from
Prinovillo and I stopping at Mr E P Cole
mm.' farm.
Mr Wm Mooro ha returned to Eugene
and during the past week has lioco helping
in the GVaiii) office.
Mr L G Adair I at Salem and during, his'
absence Mr J W Adair, of Oakland, has bad
charge of the Eugene office.
Mr F 1) Dunn has returned from San
Francisco, where ho purchased a very large
stock of goods for his store here.
Dr Curran Ostium, who ha been in atten
dance upon the Medical College at Portland
during the post Winter, ha returned to hi
home hi this city.
Mr Andy Titus started fort Runey'
springs, Inst Thursday, taking there Mr
II E Ankeucy, of Salem, w"lio is suffering
from rheumatism.
Mr D W Church, of Siskiyou couaty, Cal,
i in tho city visiting hi brother, Judge J C
Church. Wo find our California friend to be
a genial gentleman aud a sound Democrat.
Wo understand that Mr D E Rice bas con
cfuded to move to Portland, and ha formed!
a copartnership with Win Algeo, a con
tractor. Dave is a genial companion and a
thorough gentleman In every particular
We regret his intended difWfuro'.
Job work executed with
uispatoh at the
Guard office.
Elder Wiltsce, of Iowa, will preach Sun
day afternoon at the Christian Church. ,
The surest way to success for the next 10
days is to buy your good at the now store.
Ruin, snow and hail have each in turn en
tertained the average Webfooter this week,
Tho circulati m of tho Guard is rapidly
increasing. Advertisers should moke a note
of this.
Sidewalk iu many purtinns of town are
in a condition that doos hot rofloct muoh'
credit upon our city authorities.
Tho first number of the Heppner, Or.,'
Gazette is before us. As a typographical
specimen it is neat. J II Stine is the editor
and publisher.
Belknap Springs.
Mr J W Ilixon has rebuilt the bridge across
the river to these noted springs and ho also
put the wagon road iu excellent shape. He is
busily engaged at present renovating the hotel1,
bath houses, etc Give him a call this Sum
mer. Liiikiiat. Lecture. Dr J L York of 6aA
Joso, tlie noted liberal orator, has Keen de
livering a course of lectured during the aaf
week, which will lie concluded tin evening,
Large and increasing audiences have greeted!
hiui and the argument he has advanced aV
tracts attention frnui the whole community
irrespective of creed. However great the
the opposition to hit doctrine is, it is gener
ally admitted that he is one of our most for
cible and polished lecturers on the wast. He
treats on a diversity of tubjoct not confining
himself to one line of thought entirely, and
has the faculty of making himself interesting
in all. Dr York will make a tour of Ore
gon, leaving Jackson county next week.
Jacksonville Sentinel.
Died. At the residence of Mr Kben
lllachlcy, in Eugone City, April 12, 1883
Mis Sophronia A Seavey, aged 17 year.
The funorul service were held Friday, a!-
ter which the remains were- Uid away W
rest iu the Masonic cemotery.
A Good Chop. We have received a letter
from Mr A R Steven, of Princeton, Colusa
county, in which he says he will have a"
good crop on account ot rains that came' at
last moment. We congratulate him.
Married. On Wednesday, April 4, 1883,
at the rctidence of the bride'' father, on
Trout creek, by Eld F M Longj Mr Judsoa
1' vanllouten to Miss Efla Cartwright
Prineville News.
SitVER Wepwno. Mr A Goldsmith and
wife celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding'
anniversary at their home lost Sunday even
ing. A large number of invited guest were
Et-Lirst. On the 22d instant will be a
partial eclipse of the moon visible on thi
coast. About one-tenth of the moon's diso
will be obscured.
Died. Near Irving, April 12, 1883, infai
child of Mr M Freeman,- aged about three
Wasted. A first-class sadlerj. apply air
shop on Eight street for particulars.
Money to Loan
Ou easy terms, on approved security.' fnsur-"
anot effected on all kind of property, ia the'
best of companies.
In the huildiiifr formerly occupied by Horsy Jf
i Humphrey.' Cha LaUEK.