CITY AND COUNTY, BRIEF JIOTIO. Hi Cbtrry Day, undertaker. For food deutUtry go to Clark. Brtag your chicken to Bettman's, ' Jot. work a peciality at the Gcard olBce or . Cb-cuK Court .on week from next Monday. All kind of grais seeds for sale at A Gold- Mjfefc . ,. . 4 Horssmtn, doiot fail to see tin Sir Walter .. i ' . ... 'Cheapest tuoaeto'fn town et th Yakut- tfroRi. ' V V !. Ta highest cash price paid (ur wheat ly FIDunn. r ... J . The State University give it regular April vacation next week. I? to Swift 4 Co. ' for fresh California 'andfat, cracker, Ao. . , r. 8eUaivrtienvin"f Kentucky Jubilee riingtrt in another coluuir . a the C oar v hai the largest circU;.tir.n of aiy paper in Lane county. A floe line of (ilk plushes ia .all shades and grade at F B Dunn'a. ; Ths only place wW you can always ,iol Jeur obickeiu U at Itettman's. ' A full assortment of Mitt, misses 'anH thil firea ttnderware at Drttman,. freshest and finest groceries, cigare and tYn'die at Swift i Co'. Try them. Swift k , CoVgoorlj are all new and boiiglit V, 'or Mh, and ari sold'cheap for cash. Hide, fun, chicken and all kind of 'Hue bought for cash at -V Goldsmith's. Swift 4 Co. sell canned 5 l, put np W;t year, ai cheip at :a-i be bonght in town. A GoAjtn correspondent U wanted in very preciact in fane County. Scud us li t BOWS. ' ' '- i .' ' '"v 11 J. A. Winter 18 (vihn special attention to making caliiuet photo with scenic back ground.' I will guarantee every pair of boot and bee that is gut of me. WollKINliMAN'll Stohf. , A nice anrtmntit,of cut .patterns,-fur l.v (ir and children' clothes .it ft (i Callisnn & Co.', at New Yin-k rate. Seven cans tomatoes fur one dollar, and other canned good cheap, at Swift & Co V This year' put up and fresh. . Jnst receive! at'i. Hunt', the finest lot til ladie' shoes ever brought In Eugme, fur' ale cheap as the iilicnieit. lr 8 VH Friendl will pay the fiiglms i'sih market price or wheat. , Givu him a .1 J fall bofore selling youryrain c'.Sewhero. , "See Ilia new advert?emnt of Mc'lnng ft Johnson in anothc column. Thoy fully mi dantand h riiin thw v rn,T.i(;d tn, aa 1 will gm anlire mir.Vu'tHin tn patnniK. f riairif excolltnit h"D Ua.d for sale in tr.i't, trm 13 acre bpwr'l. Price (mm $-S t fl2 V aero. Ck M. , A toVlinit)i Iim jwt arrlvol from M'Viaro llh an 1m nvii' Ktock of fi e-dl gMcertM and a fiu Vel5 "uVv-u'vari', which he will 1jl cVA'por tnin nnynnf in K ijrvn , li yon want bargains in lwot and hoe. c.ill ground and ri 'ur ynunelf, m I do not wjint tiy of then i?v h In my new liuildiixr next fitprar. rt'orkiiy-Mau' Store, opp.wite the Sntofllce. , Mm. Paw-ll An I Fnt in wish to iuform the ladie of Kiifene and I liiity that they will ttlway he found at their romn, readv to Ul.e girder for dreiwmakinjt. !oon above' th Craa Store, 2d di'u 1111 th riht St the adrertUwHNit t Mr. .T. '.V. (lenvi-r b another enlunm, K, Vfvvi ' Mnlaof ar 'ienltunv! macicr'?', wtiich hi pnuai.- hcII f. at the loKjjet poisihTjiijicfs, Clvehima call if you wisfi anything in tho machinery lin ". Call at my office and (t 'me nf tlno cireular descriptive of the country and end Kait to your friend.. Tliey contain inure inforniatiiin, tuch a tho iiiiinigraiit ivante, than you can writ 1 in a letter of tenty lge. ' Oeo. M: Maim. . tthe VARiRTt SrJK, for aids American ; dollar, r on can bit elt!wr9 ih aofTc. 14 ri , Ifllln ?r, lh." tea, H Itw. Barton' aoila, gftod randies 8 en tonnti, 100 nut- RZrf anj'tliin'f vti wnt wUH be ordered di JVH frrm San F.a I I- a Very mall com- mission. T. J. Chkshibx, Manager , , .The following is an a 1 artiw ment the ?e attle Pot-Int.lligencer : "I will give a good old religious coup! reit 'ree in th prettiest eotUge in Seattl-. if they wiJJ Ukr core or a j -mnu panor lor m;Tn use. i ary , u na an J iy, an 1 not quai reisniue, and th woman mtixt b oil enutigH to be my tBsther." They Run the Gauntlet.. A collide tif Knihti, while a' trading the in stitution of the new hlgs at Kugen. went Ui e,te sight in tht henitiful city. They to a bmlding, on which wa a lr;re canl, "jiMnt flrerf.fa adrolltel." . A opo aA Uot was iremaii, tliey uhneruloniouiiy W.ilkc'J in, and lo, and behold, Eugene's new hand en fin was before them, in all its unfledged heanty. They stood appillod for a moment and then started for th d.wr, where they Were Confronted by a long, lank youth who pointed la ghostly style to the card. One of tliero ntutteretf something about their not being o Bihty afraid of their tire engipi in Albauy Ad th parsed on. His thotuht that they are afraid aim onSj will carry th .nirlo off nndarla eeat, juuj so are keepCig gtiard of it, AJbauy "Democrat . j .n .tV'e would state for the benefit of our Albany brethren that the notioe is merely aviated in the building fer the purpose of keeping the hoodlum boy from mtdilling with the engine, ad th parens who took th autVfity nion !ff t?Sfj tSfii wT ihi aoiiotH uiu w Without authoilty, and th f.ra boy are anx wusly idqdirin; for the officious Individual. Tlaitor art always at liberty to Inspect our fiw apparatus. An.nv..H n ; . J .L.l itbsua. L rumor j m , M. W.u. .... . . . . , .. -r .1. I . , ui supenntenowni w me .iorio- tj.-ic. ' ..... , n 1 -juo wosirucuon, nas uirasa over au . Ida WL. ...1 1 -ii nia Dook and papers to a sucotwr, and will ! went an offer of $1000 a month to take char. the eor-tructhv, on the Oregon and Ca!ifor. Ulr?d: . J the Prwftt Tr- :T"S " ". 6tv cnane miZ r" ,u. 00 !,e Lmu'7"' , of tU rua.L and the completion will be , Pad forward with al' speeJ this e,iag UBmtr. , I Circuit Court Docktt Th following 1 the docket for th next term of th Lane County Circuit Court, which eon vne Iter th lGlh t ,4 KtaU of Ornn v John ,Ro and Frank Wilktoiion; nialiciou killing of an animal, the property of afiother. State of Oregon v Henrr Carter and Wm Dreedlngj amautt with danneroua weapon. 8UU of Oregon IL W, Abram: inurder. SUteof Oregon J. U. Gouiper; Tarceny imni awvlling bouse. C F. Clough v Mary dough; iiiit for di Yorce, W. B. Tuckvr France Yicker: suit for uivorce .. . ' if ..1 . . J! OarJner W uu P. Gafduer 5 suit for divorce. BobtMclioI v EllaKicholj uit for di vorce. I Munouri Evan v ; Jasper Evan; uit lor (Uvorce, J. WVoldridge va E. Wuc'dWSe; suit for di vorce. Mary A. ili'll ' Kobt Hall; suit for di vorce. . . - u i- .Sarah A. Strange vs Jno. F. Stranve: auit for divert!. 8. 11. r liciidly v Guo. T. Camnbull : for foreciiwurrj. Mulviua J. Hay v Joel A.'ritney etal; qit lor iiartition. , C. K. ChriKinan v J. K LnileVwood et 1 ; auit for foreclcwure. A. M. yinae r ). J. Adkius'; to recover money.. School (?ouimuioneM v Wui. Hollaud worth; suit fur foreelonure. B. Drenncr n A.sAVachenhe!dir and Damon Smith; to recover money. May A Send.:r v V, T. Vm;han;'to re-ovu- mouey. r. A. Chexiowcth Thoa. Murray et al; uit for foreclonuro, Is. G. Hendricks va Jno. Bower et al ; for leave to usue execution. . "li. (.'. SluckUn v M. Jf. Foley; to recover money. W. H. Bubw V4 F. G. Vaughan; to recoyer money, f. S. McFadJcu and J. MclAuxhliu t Ellen Murray et al; auit for partition. J.vper Kvau v Missouri Evans ; suit to set nid deed. ' Samuel Hw Crn-v et al v Lou Salomon et al i ir.ilt 'for'i'ttUitioit ti , . , .,. Wesley (irave v Wm. ud W. R. Kays; to recover mnuey. Maty A. Iivii vs (lidoon Cantonwiuu; to set H.iiilo deed J. P. Cheither vs C W. Waiihlurue; to re cover mouey. I. Salomon vs J. A. Bushr-ell ; to recover iroiiCi ty. . , ., f J. and A. T, Bouuett vs Isaae Yoikuit ; action for lnm,.if us. , , SauiL Swift vt W. T. Grimiii et al: to re cover money. 'i'. M. HauiiUoi vs J. jE. AtwUry; auit fr'r iujiuiclinn. IL C Humphrey Vs Aldeu Larrence et conliiinaiion, K. V. Howanl vs V. Krati et al ; to settk p.irtnerhip. J. . Uiscruian vs S. E. McClure; to re cover money. , Mary G. Itjt.vhsy et al v Josiah Craig et i;J 1 - '. 1 hmii. lur pnrilbl 'o. ( t liuer rt ftl vs Thus. MulhollMi ctal; suit for partition. Nelsou Swa',':irt vs .1. F. Spray; to set aside (idfnent ' ' ' Our Knights go to Eugene. Vi'c clip the followiu noiiue from, t lie flw nj' Demacrat of Lut Saturday' j 'fiii 3'uesif.iy twelve of our boldest Knights to-r.jt: Geo. W. jVochjteJler, . J. Hcutiiu, V.,jr. Scott, 0. If. Irvine, J. J. Uubinillc, CapL E. J. Ivir.nir.g, Geo. V Harris, J11. Fiwter, Jr, IX-nvcr Hitokieluin, Louis Cttuipeaii, Jams Hale and Mr. White, buckled on their armors mid went to Kiciiie, whi-ro tNey distituto I a new lo )),' of Knights of Pyhias that evening. District Deputy Chaiirellor Hochst.-d-ler had o.'irtrje of the oerem, wld.'h bejn ut half pa&t six aud lasted. half past five the utU iniu-nioii. . The new )olgo formed itarL out with It rnembewhip nf twenty-one, and i composed of ome of Kuec's bt yninig men. It is tiamed Helmut Lode No. 15.. Athalf past twelve a frrmid .supper was wrved at the St. Charles', one of the best, all 'K-rlsn-d, of which they had ever partaken, Our Knight ipeak In unl:mitel praise of tho splendid treatment wldch they received at the hands of the Bew Knights of Eugene aid. boj.e some ti ne to have, ai? opiwrtunity of returning the f(lvora MteB Ud th.nt ' C 0 bu rg I ta n 3 . , . , . . . Amu 5th, 188i ?Mm,n na ,(,y prarlos fuf .ijyj. The parties who purchased the sawmill cam up on Monday, aud re making arrangeRrent for sawing lmn1cr soon. T.'ic niurods of Lane couuty might mi.Ve it pleasant and rofitaUl t fhe.nbelve1, as wvll as to th farmers, by coming on tbia siJo anil scaring tlie geeso away, a they an very both ersome. The I. 0. 0. F. nf West Point, No. 2, pro pose to have a picnic at 8iores' bridge on the 20 rf p'ril. t'eryb'ody fa invited to at tend, an I briuj alonj a basket of provisions. At a regular meetlug of West Point Lodge, Noj 6? f. Oi. 0.. F., held on March SUt, A. T. Bonnet', and Jasj er Wilkin were duly elected as delet.-s to attend th grand lodge, to be hel l at Portland May 13, 1883. Irr.mzF.R.- E.;.rf a and Ki Cara'sxa Last Monday evening Henry Boren, who was committed to the county jail 'not week, elnded the vigiUo of Deputy Sheriff Wallis, by making a ryild mn while the door was partly open, when the deputy took two shots at him, but tniswd the prisoner both time. On Tuesday the prisoner waa re captured and returned to ' the jaiL Wednesday morning friends raUed the amount of his fiao aud he wa.-. relaiiaed. , n . Gsascs Mri!(.-Lane Comity Pomona , . n . v Grange will meet with .Muslaw Grange, ro. - , 0 . , . . .. W, on tbe aooond featunlay ia ApnL AH ..... j ,n"uwr " ' iIiMtdr J" Dlio Near Junction, April 1st, WilKe Hi nm a , Ju. M1 An)ilI1k Wret, K 3 ye, 6 month. and 4 dayi . IViEf.-Kear Gosben, Apri', 1KS3. of lung fever, Mr. 8uan I Dodson, gf &K yar. Lowar Sluilaw Item. Florkmci City, April & Born, to th wife of John Camobell, a aon. . Mr, J, A. MorrU ha purchased the Flor ence hotel Mr. Barney caught a sturgeon, no day re cently, over 30 feet long. Mr. A. L. Buttolph baa hung hi shingle out We wish him success. The ieple of, this vicinity, are rejoicing over the late rain, at it wis much needed. There is to he a large sawmill moved here iu aliout a,ix werlft from HuflilxdJt, California. Tie hartley boys, who have been trapping lor bears, have caught two during tbe past week. Andrew IIoffm?n and one mule can b seen plowing almost any day. We wish him uo- cess. . f .... : John Dame ia recovering from, a UmgMllness, but u still at the reshlenc of Dr. O. F. Ken nedy. Mr. A. J. Mcedyha Just received a new stock of goods, which he will sell at extremely low prices. Simon II. HoUman bu hail A severe attac)c of inflammatory rheumatism, but is ifp and around again. Mr. Tatterton is bnildimr himself a new hona, and we would advise tile girl that h should secure a housekeepor. Oren Andrew and wife, former proprietors of the hotel, have taken up a ranch at the head of tide and moved thereon. Mr. Frank Condon and wife are expected ... 'i home daily from San Francisco, where they have been dm in,' the put winter. Mr. A. J. Moody has purchased th lower caunery, and it is hoied it will be run this sea son; if it doc we will have three canneries running her. 1 he schrnner Swallow, which wa to have sailed for San Fraud -co, Is notnnito ready yet, a the captain, Mr. J. V. Lyle, is not here at present. The Messrs. Sweet have built a large .tail- boat It I now ready to launch. They hav the name of being the champion boat builder on the Siuslaw river. VrcKLH. Smithfield and Lake Creek Items. , . . Aphil2, 1833. Thos. Mounts is preparing to burn a brf-k kiln early this summer. James Hays and wife, of Jefferson, are vis iting at Amos Richardson's. Mr. Ski Meek returned yesterday from Prinevilie. He lmiks hearty. Mr. J. H. ('ornwall, formerly of Eugene, has applied for the icfcool at this place. He cornea well recommended. Mossr. Geo. Graham, Wip,, Camflwll and Mr. Ilyardar son gdng to the Dead wood country to loc-te ranches. The niny weather stopped , An t'aiitrell rem shearing his goat , A few. more weeks of such Weatlicr will rausc a great loss In Vtfol. lie County Court, slighted Richardson and Long Tojii precinct on the jury list for 188d. The "b.anncr boys"' too honest for Jurors ? Mr. Daniel MoHiou etiot a varmint one night l.wt week that h was afraid to ap proach m tho night, .ariy, et niorning Daniel started for the tsceno of action, gun. in hand and dog by hit ride. When he approach ed the place, .to. his great suq-rUe, he found t!mt he had mortally wounded a largo tip coon, which was ready to renew1 the hatth). The K'.ime law, analyzed by a Tillamook Jmtic! A kilts deer; B reports; aud C, l.rosecuting attorney, pnisecutes; A is fined $iX); B gets half for informing and 0 gets the other halt for prosecuting. If A fails to have any niiuey, he is sentenced to jail for three months ; B serve) six weeks for his half and C serves six wutlta for his half, and the con stable (had the costs and A goes hunting again. KEUl'LAR. Long fprrj Items. The Notie school is closed. C. KHaleiaou a yisit at jLinkville, Lak county. Farmers in this section are most through seeding. '11 aw mill in this locality are all running on full time ' ..!.', Ji ll', . . The Luit novelty ts the "hootlrg tm," sira- ila.1 lo grouse. ' 1 T " : ' ' V" Deer and groufo are Jilnntif h1, tfri srice the gamo Lw is in effevt they -e becoming so brave it is hot safe to go unarmed. Miss Sturdevaxt; of Notie, died Tuesday, March 27", of fev., aui to be the same a that of which Commissioner Stevens' family was afllictod'. Occasional - t. H. & L Co. Election. A ttlie annual meeting of I. H. & I Cu No. 1, held at Dunn's hall last Monday even ing, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year I I'roiidi nt Joel McCornack ; Vice Treeident-G. A. Dorris; Foreman 8. B. Eakin, Jr. ; First Assistant W. H. Alexander j Second Assistant Goo. Smith; SacreUry-J. W. Bristow; Treainrer H. C. Humphrey. Last Notice. Tax-payer will take notice that I will re turn all taxos remaining unpaid April 1st delinneut, after whioh the law allow two per cent and milrage to be paid by the de linquent for collection. Receipt for Cot tage Grove precinct may bo had of Lnrvh Bros : Long Tom, llichardsoi and Junction of W H BaU-r : Crasswdl of Geo L Gilfry. Pay up aud sar cost. J. R. C.sMf BRLL, Shrrirf and TAX Collector. Dated March 10, 1883. A Poikteb. Sohewleindamiaalfougtr la the word which signifies love in one of the northern Indian dtaleota. What would be th result if our Eugene bny should tak to using this ward instead nf th old ene? It ie to prevent mis take which might wretdc th happiness of a lifetime that we warn yon, girls, that If yoar fallow should suddenly drop nmhis knee with agony depicted In his countenance, and begin toaaTSchemlemdae.- d.,nt get frh-hUae-l . . , ... , 1..'. ;n li ann nia fcsr tn doctor; be k going to hav ... ... ... ., fit, h is enly trying to intensify the etpres - sirsi of his devntirfli. L JnO!- Crito'l Correipondsnc. sunn viTT, warcn Z8, 18W t L.s ..... r.uiTon otasdakb: Ami cerum it wa that th. .crambl. went on, for petition. n,l recomiiieudatloiis Mowed in npon the IlcpuU. can executive council lik, aU into a U!.r ovy n(o ,iu vi lass ami were so iTOuiiimoiHien as coarscier, ao nw . .... .' . r. ..,..., wuiikii were confounded fur a time, hut concluded to wait until all tSe prpuct of Lauo could be heard from. And hat a pVaiaut re. flection it is to every lover of hi country to see so many men in one county who are ready and willing to sacrirlue their own in. terests to serve the people. Another very plvaiug feature cuter iuty that rellectiou, and that is all these who aro .will jug to sorv the peoplo are ready to undertake the task whether they are qualitird or not. "Hut w must not rtop here to eujoy these happy re. flection. Other applicant for hieyr who would fain dou th eriuiuo aud gracefully cue theinsolve down on th wool sack, are waiting to be pla ced in their little niche of fame. And first in order come Jcssv, the Handsome, who hail from the g rue 11 bank of the Siiulaw, and who, by th way, hiip. pen to fail outside of the ladiu of the cn clave's circle. Jeisa, th Handsome, bear th reputation ot being the best lmikinf mau in the valley of tje Sinalaw, whose quality of heart is most e.-.odlent. whose Ronubli. cauism is sound to tiro core, And whoso de sire to serve the people is most iutcuse. Th most cogent reason, offered to the Moody ex. ecutive council, for the appointment, wa the fact that Jesse, the Haudsoine, accepted the nomination from th'e Republican clan to serve the people a representative and wa most jjoriously defeated jit the last election. The petition .of Jeistjv the Handsome, was duly received by the executive council, aud laid to rest among the dead archive of the Coflncil, for on due consultation it wa found and determined that Jesse, the Handsome, had no political influence, beity? a fanner. men come Joseph, of Junction, whose special qualification demand critical atten tion. By a host nf admiring friend Joseph, d Junction, wa thought to be the "Wright" man fof the important place of Judge, aud then it would be eminently proper tu dub him Judge. But Joseph, of Junction, wa not a lamb inside of the little Republican sheep fold at Eugene, ami one other serious objection to the appointment of Joseph, he possessed YfTicieut "lsgal ability" to till the ollic'c without being directed what to do, aud hence the Moody council at ouoe determined that the petition of Joseph, of Junction, must be laid under tho table. The execu tive council determined that it would 'not ilo to appoint any nuo who wa qualified to fill the otlice, for then tho appoiutod Judge could not be manipulated by the party, and eipecially by tho Itoyal Star Chamber of Jim, the Cimletar. The part needed a harmluss man, according to the first epistle of Hubert, the Just, and that means one who must be innoceut uf all legal knowledge, so that he may be directed. Ouo other serum objection to the appointment of Joseph, of Junction, was urged before the council", ami that was the location of Joseph. Engine, the Polished, high clerk of the council, stout ly maintained that it wa dangerous to se lect an otticer from so near the bonier liue of that unholy aud utterly un-Uepubliean land known far and wide ai the classic Long Tom. One (elected en near those enchanted shore wonld certainly be tainted with tho poison o( (hat most , wonderful, stream', the wines of which, when introduced . Into the mind aud blood, turn th Victim to a Hound Democrat. Joseph, nf Juuution, is too near that stream, Eugene, the Polished, showed to the executive council, , and especially to the excellency of the Council, whose mind only of that council could co npruhend the profound lesion, that the chemical effoct of tho water in tho plassio Long Tom, froi:i tho source to th mouth, had the most wonder ful eftVts on tho human systom, to turn eaoh ouo,. who drank of the water into a aouud Democrat, A good drink of the waters of Long Tom, to a ltpublican, was like a draught from the water of the mystic Leotlie, it causing him to ottorly forget all hi Republicanism "Most wnuderful," Said th excelleucy. "Joseph, of Junction, (mart young man, must move a little farthor away from Long Tom." And while Eugene, the Polished, wal in cutcating the' profound chemical lesson into the mind of the Moody excellency, he took occasion to whispor a thought to tht execu tive that Walter, the Easy, would make a moat excellent person to fill the vacancy in Lane. -This suggestion found favor ia the executive mind, and he determined to write a letter tn the conclave to impure how Wal ter, the Easy, would auit the party, Ac cordingly, the next day the conclave receiv ed a letter Irani the executive council re questing to know how Walter, the Eay, woulil suit for Judge. While the letter wai being read, Jim, the Gimlcter, almost wont into spasms, and riuhed out almost franti cally in teareji of Edwanl, -the, Slippory. Failing to find the faithful njiirr at that moment, Jim, the GiiuUter, ehut himself np in the itoyal Star Chamber, and While tremb ling with excitement, wrote the following spicy, yet pointed, totter to the executive: EociSK, Jan, 1883. DlAR Gov.-Your lettar in refemnoa to the aitrxiiutiiieiit ot Walter, the Easy, wa dely received. Greet Heavens! Such an ap pointment would ruin, us. Ho is profoundly stupid and bean the same relation to the parly Iter in usefulness and beauty as a two-poo'nd wart would on the end of your nose. Ids appointment would be almost a bad and ' swioea n tli parte a If. Don't think of appointing any one until you see Joph, th Meet. Your truly, JlM, THS GUILCTXR. Jilst erf the letter waa being finished by Jim tfe CnnWter-, hi faithful equire, Kd. war.l, the Slipiwry, alia Manclin Panaa, en tered the Star Chamber. "Ed," aid Jim, ' the (Minuter, in a voice tremulous with ex citement, "ym must tro this aiuht aid sea I Joseph, tr.e Meek, and make hun go to S ! f W tfct.tiwriiing or w are undone, vea, me equ.reoi j,m, tarlad 00 hi mission at once, 1 , . . . , . ,; ; ana tns next morning Joaeph, tb Meek, lft , (or Se.n v, ,an1 W th', ,,ekM yA, ' wM, th OJy Tongtied. I.Vir . Personal. Mr, R p, Ct j, WM , Umn tL1, I wee't. j Mrs. Ww!y Shannon I tWtirg In Marion ' county. Mr j. H- IIu(fr pf jj; here (n$ vtt , tl ., , , ,.. f I Mr, Henry Ellsworth, of lower California, U her visltin Jasjier Stevens, nf Union county, I iu town vlriting friends. Dr. Chas. Whlteaker baa returned to Tort' land, after a short visit I Mcaun. D. E. Rice, Ja. L. Page, R. R. Hays, Julius Goldsmith and Isaao Yoakum wtut to Portland hut Monday. Hon. John Kelly, of Springfield, ha been dected as a Government Railroad Commis- s Jner, to accept the next division of the N, P. R.R. Hon. H. H. Gilfry, for several years past an officer in th U. 9. Senate, will pay hi old bom in 0regu a visit during the recess. He will be welcomed back by a. host of friends. John F. Hemmenway, a young man who lately cam among us and took a ositioo in the signal office, left last Monday moruing for Sxkan Fulls to relieve Hatry Cliford, who is to b discharged from the (ervic. Johnny's many friends her are glad ot hi good for tune. Cheney Sentinel Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kanoff, of The Dalle. who hv been visiting relative In this city for the past four wecka, left Monday morning for California. They go for Mr. K.'s health, which is very poor at present May this far famed salubrious clime soon rector hi former strength and vigor, is th sincere wish of their many friemls. Junction City Items. April 5, 1882. Sternberg & Sender have purchased the Abraini stock of groceries aud varieties sun moved them to their store room. W.M. Houston went to Harrisburg one evening during the week aud instituted a Degree Temple, I. 0. 0. T., with ixty-six charter member. Mrs. Heath sold her residence to T. A. Milliorn and started for Palouse, on Wed nesday, to joiu her husband, who i in the harness business there. Two of our citizen recently took a little practice in the manly art, one coming nut with a black eye and five dollnr less coin. All about the hanging up of a (et of harness The Lancaster school begau its spring term on Monday with Miss Anna Owen as teacher. Mis Stella Whitcaker, of Eugene, presides with grace over the pupil i of Oak Grove dis trict Several change have taken place here during the week just past in business circle. R. M. Mulholland ha removed hi drug store tn the Odd Fellows' building, formerly occupied a a restaurant; Grant Cummins goas into Salomon' a clerk and Will aitew art get', a posjUou with V. H. Baber, N. Dickey, his l.v man, goes to Portland; Mr. Morris, an operator, who ha been (topping here for some mouths, left Wednesday moru ing tO accept a position on the railroad. Colorado. Cottage Grove Items. mOM OUR SPKCIAL C0RRKSPONHKNT. Ark. 4, 18S3. Anti-Apox left here cue day last week. Died, of consumption, March 28th, Mr. Danuals. ' Mrs. Wynn is afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism, , , Mr. 1'o'gs, who has been teaching a sub ecriptiou ichool here for a time, ha loft Mis RositU Veatch is quite sick. Mrs, Hunt, wife oi Mr. A. Hunt, i very sick also. Mr. Frank Whipple ha had a new cross ing made over the mill race near hi resi dence, j We learu that a family by the name of Duncan, who live three or foil' miU from this place, have the tcarlet fever. A doctor, wo believe hi name is Howard, ha coin hor with a view of locating. He is from down th valley, McMinnville, if we are not misinformed. - Mr. Robi. Carey has, left our' fair town and moved to hi farm. We will mis th pleasant family. Mr. Johu MaaUraon and family will move into the house Mr. Carey vacated, ' '' " Anx. Close of School. On Friday, March 31. a ( four-months' terra nf school v a ' comph fed iu district number 0. The last week of th school wa devoted prin cipally to isvle, Id which most o( the mem ber acquitted themselves very creditably. Ap propriated tsdC! nonials for most Improvement tn penmanship Were awarded aa follows: Beat male improvement, Albert Allen; best female improvement, Hat tie Renshaw. ROLL Or HONOR. The following named pupil are entltlod to special not on acconrt of strict application to (heir studies, obedience and respectful deport stent: Samuel Renshaw Albert Allen Elmer Renshaw Ja Kmmo Paul Ofburn Edwanl Kue.ner IMaurioa Usburn , Emma Rueyger Wasi Usburn ' Rosa Ruegger Albert Osburn Willi Fituh 'Jhe occasion was honored by the preaeuoe ef quite a number of visitors, among whom were 1 Mr. U.buin aud Mr. Fitch, each of whom made appropriate remark at the cloae of the exercises. Th wriUr, In conclusion, would say that hi thank are expended to the trustee aud other patron of the school for th kind nes received at their han U. Respectfully, T. J. Wilaon, Teacher. Cur Trying Climate. , The cliinat of San Francisca and vidulty renders one liable to constant oolda, and a Cold will certainly affect th kidney if they are at all weak. Guard against these trouble bv keeping Warner's Safe Kidney and TJvet Cure ia your house ur ofljer. , Acorrrsu.-Rev. A. P. Anderwm ha ac cepted a call fr m th Oregon City Episcopal hurch, ! ill novo th-ret" a"iit Mv let City Election. , '"Tlianniml city vlectinn wm hold' at th Court lion U.t Momlsy. Wind number of vote cast, 282. Th following ia th r tilt; , r-RESintNT Of COCMCIU F. B. Dann Ch. Lauer t)'cmi's majority Col'KULMIX. John Slon. , W. T. Campbell Jaroh Conser. J. W. Johnson,. , T. W. Shelton W. II. Abram RICoRDKR. R. O. Callisnn ....142. ....139. ...241. ...148. ...131. ...125. ...10. ....87. ...142. ...133. Geo. W. Kinsey Callisnu'i majority alARHUAL. J. E. Attehery Tho. Browu ...IS. ....83. ....86. ...877. Attebery't majority TRASl'RRH. B- H. James Lost Valley Items. April 5th, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. William, of this place, paid Eugene a visit one day this week. Johnny Puroifull ha purchased two more) horse to replace the ouv he lost during the Winter. . Mr. Morgan, of Rattlesnake, has beeu iof the valley buying cattle of eeveral of the farmer. Price paid, from !20 to 125. Mr. Charley Williams is talking of takiug another logging job aud procuring the tim her of Mr. Matthews, of Pleasant Hill. Mr. Jamc I'arvin hm mid hi property la Pleaaaut Hill, consisting uf a wagon shop and a feed chopper, to I. N. Mulkey, of that place. Married, in Lost Valley, March 26, 1883, by the Rev. Mr. Woods, of Spriugfield, Mr. CIish. Stevens, of Coburg, aud Mis Corolia Griffith, of thi place. School onei.rd last Monday , with , an at' tendance of 23 pupils, with R. E. Bris. tow, of Pleasant (Iill, teacher. We prophecy a glorious future for the Iost Valley school. ..' Snow-Dhoi1. A, 4'oIl or More Throat should he stopped Neglect frequently result an Incurable Lang Oloeaar or con aumnlton. HHV'H UIIOISI III AL, llluiilKSsrs rrriaui 10 aire reneiisi Aallnna Hronelilllai I'ssilii, Calarrh. Conauuipllve and Tnroat DUeaaet, r or M inr the Imcues nave been rocon memled by diysielans, and always give pi feet satisfaction. They are not new or un tried but having beeu tested by wide and con stant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited run amnnirtli lew staple remedies of th age. I'liblic aprak era) and IliRera use them to clear and strengthen tbe Voire. Sold at 2.1 cent a box everywer nOTIIEHs) I !UOTIIKH t Are vou disturbed at nLrlit and broken of your rest by a sick child aulfiring and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tooth t It so, en at once ana get a bottle 01 mum. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. denend uuon it: there is no mistaka about There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at one that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief ana health t) the child, op erating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and l tho prescript! m of one nf th oldest and best female physicians and nurses in th United State. Sol everywhere. 23 cent a bottle. Aro You Exposed To malarial influonoee? then protect your system by using Parker' Ginger Tonio, It strengthens the liver and kidney to throw', off malarial poisons, and w good for general debility and nervousness. FREE OF COST. Du. Kino's Nkw DntcuvKiir for Consump tions. Coughs and Colds. Asthma, llronchltis, eta. is given away in trial bottle free of coat to the afflicted. If yon have a severe rough, lilHcultv of hruathiiitr. hoarseness or anv alter. tion of the throat or lung by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial A you value your existence you cannot afford to let this op- ' portunlty pass. We could not, and would not give this remedy away nnlea we knew it would accomplish what w claim for it Thous and of homles case have already been com pletely oureauy It. lhre Is no meuictne in the world that will cure oue half the cases that' Dr. Kinu'h Nrw Dihiovxht WILL CURE. For tie by Wilkin the Dnircist and Mulhol-' land, Junction City. Hodge, Davia aud Co., Wholesale Agent, i orluuid, Urcgnn. UirCKLTJf'S ARNICA SALVE. Th Ural Halv in the world for Uruise. Cuts, Sore, Ulceri , Salt Itheum, Fever Sore. Tetter, Chapped Hands.CWlhlalns, Corus,and all k'ml nf Skin Kmptinl. This sajv fsiiAT-'. anteed to give erfect satisfy tion in every can) or money refunded. Price 33 ct cr Iwx. For sale by Wilkin'm, the Druggist, Eugen City. Mulholland, junction Llty. A Ministerial Statement. Rov C A Hnrvey, D D, i the populu ll. nancial seorotary nf Howard University, and i specially fitted to judge of merit and de merit In a recent letter from Washington to a friend lie (aid 1 "I am .convinced that for Uriglit's disease iq allj it stage, inchid ing the Hrst symptoms, hicli s)a;m so slight but are so dangerous, no remedy .heretofore discovered can be held for one momont in comparison with Warner' Safe Kiduay and Liver tare." ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. Mr F M Wilkin, th liv Dnnnriit of the town, I always up to the time and ready to meet tn aemamis of on many customer, lie ha just received a supply of that wonderful remedy that 1 astonishing the world by It marvelous cure, Da, Kino a New I)incovitRr"- .... lor Consumption, uu;h, Colils, Ast!ima,llay Fever, Rronchitis, Phthisic. Onnp, Wh-'Oping ()nugh, 'I'ickling in the Throat. Is of Yolce, il(iarwnes or any affection of the Throat or Limit. This remedy positively ourea. a thous ands can testify. If you do not believe it call at Wilkin' Drug (tore and get a Trial Bottli racEurcoHT or a regular size Dottle lor one dollar. A vou value your life, give it a trial and be convinced, i thousands already have been. Mulholland, Junction City. Hodge, Davis h Co. Wholesale Agents. Portland. -Those. Pianos and Organs Have arrived at Crain Bro. Also the largest stock of gold and Uer watches, gdd chains. jeweiry, suver ware ana clock ever uroih'it v ugene, Com and see. W will eod th Gcard free for one year U anyone who will send us fir new.ub- senbers accompanied with th cash at the tate of per annum (ir a:h. .