CITY AND COUNTY. BRIEF JiE.M'IO.V For fljlltlona! Local, nee edl torlal yM. , "Gimlet!" EMter Sunday to-morrow. Henry Owent ii in Portland. Cherry i Day, undertaker. For good dentistry go to Clark. . Bring your ohickeni to Bettman'a, . ... City election one wesk from Monday. Gill's Oregon Catarrh Cure, is a care. Another case of smallpox in Portland. See citation to hein in another column. Pottoflic drug (tore. Alway reliable! Job work a speciality, at the GrJARi office. "All kinds of gra seeds for sale at A Gold with'. ' .'. Cheapest tobacco in town at the V ariety 8tore. Several immigrants here seeking farm land to buy. 5 he highest cash price paid for wheat by Dunn. Circuit Court convenes three weeks from text Monday. Five looomotives were at the depot one day this week. The Ilig Bonanaa cfcar at Gill's. All Ha jrapa filler. Fine. jf&nnty, purveyor Dorris very busy locat ing county roads. , Go to ift J; Co.'s (or frejh California candies, crackers, ke. A fine line of silk plu.hc iu all shades Bad grades at F B Dunn's. v The only.pUc whirs yn em always el your chickens is at Bettinaii's. A full assortment of ladies, misses and ehil dre uaderwar at Uettman,. i The merits of "Gill's Oregon Catarrh Cure" fcev been discovered in the East ,,i:apar Sharpies was slightly kicked on the ankls by a horse one day this we . Freshest and finest groce.ic3, cigars and bandies at Swift & Co'. Try them , I.. . Swift Co.' goods are all new and bought or cash, and are sold cheap for uh. Serenading parties have bee taking ad vintage of the rcecut uiooulight nights. ' Swift & Co. sell canned goods, put tin's jear, as cheap as ca-i be bought in town. " ''Any old knives to grind !" has been pre ambulating our street during the past aeek. ' i. A. Winter iag ving special attention tn making cabinet jilrato with scsnio back- grounds. ; The streot sprinkler has been kopt busy doring the past week keeping our street wet oowu. Mr.'Ziinri Crabtree is lying very ill at the residence of his son, Mr Gen Crabtree, on rieasant Hill . " ' Several bapd have already signified their intention of attending the band tounutnent . here iu June. Quarterly puMio examination of teachers next Friday, March 30th, at 9 o'clocl; A. M. in the Court Housed - I will'giarautoo every pvir o: bunts ami Wt that is got of me. Wurkinu-Man's Stork. . A nice assortment of cut pattern! for la dim' apd children's clothes it K G Callison i. Co.', 'at Now York rate. . ' Seven cans tomatoes for one dollar, and ther canucd goo-la cheap, at Swift 4 Co V This year's put up and froth. " Lane Comity Pomona Grange will met a' Siuslaw Grange Hall on the oth Saturday in March at 10 o'clock A. M. Just received at A. Hunt's., the finest lot of ladies' shoes over hrought to Kujme, for aala cheap as the chcapost. More buildings will bt erected in this city during the coming summer than has been built here during the ast live year. MrS H Frionlly will pay the h!ihoj ash market price for whoat. Givo nun a call before selling your grain elsewhere. Some excellent hop UniJjforKlo in. tracts from 10 acres c'pw'a'ri I rice from 58 to $12 Jeracre, Gso. M.' MlLLKR. If yon want bargains iu lmots and shoes, call Around and see for yourself, as I do not want inyof these good in my new biilding next summer. Workin-'-M.iu's .Stole, opposite the - postofficn. The Oregoniad of Wnrricsi!sy last appear. ' ed' in a .double sheet torm'. It cimlaiueil mnoh valuable information, and received many complimentary remarks from it many p"aWns a this place. We have received tho great peech of Con , rrreuman George np,the Nicaraugua canal, whipn'li'e ifuf not deliver, but, by permission, had printed. Oregon i greatly honored (!) By such a representative. N A couple of our young men went on a fish ing tour Tnursday. . They claimed that they would not catch a trout, as it U against the law, but they woiild make ft warm for "chubs" and suckeis." Too thin, boys.' "Father, TwSh' io'ltve ro'ai'to show my contempt for wealth, remarked a young philos opher, who was just recovering from the effect of a fiftyeent cigar. "That's easy enough," said the old man; "become an editor." Call at my office and get soma of those . circulars descriptive of the country and send East to your friend. They contain more information, nch as the immigrant want, than yon can write in a letter of tweuty rjages. Geo. M. Miller. ,At the Vartett Store, for a big American dollar, yoo can buy either 9 lb, eoffee, 14 It, rioe, 10 lbs. sugar, 3 lbs. tea, 12 1m. Barton's Soda, 33 good candle, 8 cans tomatoes, lOOnut jiiege, r anything yon want will b ordered di rect from San Francisco for a very small wun anusion. T. J. Cheshire, Manager The Standard says that there are Mf fnr person who bav suddeuly sou ander with- put leaving a trace ot their whereabout, The laat one n L. L. Clifford, whom a Tcn- - n .i a as i.;. SB paper says camv w t vs i"uj, rS7, fiino for th. WefkMirr fnnd the death i Nicholas: Pleasant Hill Items. March 22nd, 1883. Tanners neatly done seeding. Peach, cherry an 1 plum trees in bloom. Mr, R. mi Brlstow will teach at Lost Val ley thi spring. Miss Anna Whiteaker will teach th spring Urra of school hire. Emigrant will do well to look at these parts before buying a farm elsewhere. ,t SamL Bau-ihman has sold his farm to a Mr. Kelly from Missouri, Price, $2500, G. W. Handsaktr has been invoicing bis stock of merchandise prior to tb coming of tb assessor. Jake, . MARcn 21. 18S3. ".Come, gentle showers," Is the prayer of the farmer. DisU So. 21 will toon have a new school house. , Lein Attubery it very fond of his country. All be talks of is "my beloved America," Meisrs, Pittman, Laird and Crabtree have got their new saw at work, and are doing welL A party nf young folks are going to make an excursion to Old Scuffle Point, Saturday, the 31st. Mr. Riley Hendricks, of Junction, has re covered from his long illness, and paid Pleas ant Hill a short visit two weeks ago. Mr. Paul Bristow has concluded to gn in partnership with H. T. Drbtow in the lard business. Paul has more than half a sham There was a terrible racket in the wood in Poverty Bottom one evening this week, and a couple of our worthy citiims were known to have been out Uta, but it still, remains a mys tery what the noise was. Last Sunday week two of .the mill hands came home from a pleasant (0 little walk n worn nut that they were hardly able to attend to biz. The engineer seemed to In the worst affected. 1 here is, however, a couple of young ladies to be held accountable. PouX. Lost Creek Items. March 22, 1881 Joel is happy; it's a AVe pound girl Mr. .Clyde Darbrc' health is improving very slowly. R.iiu, rain! All are wishing for rain, hot still it tarries. i R. F. Williams killed a large panther on Sunday lust. Mrs, Minnie Vogeli is visiting friends and relatives at this place. Mr. Ed. ISnstow will teach our Spring term of school. Mr. John Johnson aud family are again res idents of Lost Valley. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thos. Mat- thaws has lost '.he tight of one of his eyes. Messrs. Wm. Pengra and Wm. Fisher were in the valley last week purchasing cattle. Miss Elbe Williams will not be abb to teach this Spring, on accnuut of htr mother's illness. P. A. Wegner, of Camp Creek, was visit'ng his mother, Mrs. H. S. Williams, of this place, liLst week. Win. Miller sold his hop yard and startcj to Montana on the 12th inst. The good wishes of his friends f dlow him. Mrs. Thomas lfuu-uker ha returned from Camp Creel;, whither she was c.dled a few weeks since by the illness ot hcj mother. - Deaybh. A Railroad Combination. New Y' R c, March I!). An agreement line been made by wliio i the Oregon aud Trans cmliiiuntal company shall complete mid equip the remaining l-" miles of the south er eueiiiti'ii of the Oregon and Citllforuiii railroad, and receivo thtrelor $3,iOO,OOU first, mortgage bond, issued at tho rata of $-(), 0U0 per mile, ami $3,800,000 seeond-umrt-uage bonds. Also that the Oregon anil Trans continental company shall lease the O.i'gou and California system for ninety-nine years, iiayi. g a rental on the lirt amount Hxed, the elmrges being intcre.t ou the lirst ami second mortgage bonds. Suc'iint S'.'t.OOO a J ear to maintain the orfiiiWitniu of ' the Oregon aud California eon puny. Third $500,000 per aunum for three and one-hull years, to be distributed as dividends at tl e rata of 2$ rler cent, per annum on pre ferred stock of the Oregon aud California company. Ko'irih Tn payj from and after July I, ISSl!, to the Ifciaer company, 33 per cent, of the ros earning', with a guarantee that this percentage will be tulKcicnt to pay tin lixed charges of J0,000.per annum for the maintenance of the organization, and a mini mum of 2 per cent, dividend on preferred sleek. ' Blue Ribbon Club. The next meeting of the Blue Kihbon Club will lie held at the M. E. Church on Wedne day evening, March 38, when will be renJereii the following PROGRAMME. Opening prayer Rev. Parsons. Jiusic I .'uoir. A.ldreas-Kev IJ. 9. McLaffertv. Mn.iu "1'he OU Clock ontte Stairs." by the Misses l.ulu'ar.JI Lolla Uunn aud Alice ar.l Mary Dorris. r'acts an Figure riolo -Ji. K. Jiurke. . , KeciUtion-Mis.Kva Siiinn. .Solo M us Kmma lest.' K-uufcV Kreilie Dulu. hiilo and Chorus -"i'litting Away," by Misa J.ulu Vuuu. Vimtki). The following members of Ee gen Chapter, It A M, paid the llarriaburg Chapter a fraternal visit but Wednesday evening : Messrs ('has Lauer, Jacob Coiner, 1! 8 Bian, U.i Swift, J G Gray, F W ). hLrii, L liilyeu, (ieo.f Washbame, A (iold suiith aad Janitf F l!biusu. We no.ier- stand a Dlaaant and sociable lime a as had. R91UISK Co.'s Drill. The En :en P.ugiue Company gav a drill but Satarday evening ' on Willamette street The buys ran a block, set the machine and played through 100 feet of hose in I minute and 30 seconds. . n . . , -, . , .., , ,. , Boas To th w.f. of Mr H..yd Vaoghn, (mar Coborg, March l!Hh, I8S3, a ten. Smithfield and Lake Creek Items. March 19th, 1883. Ctyotet are killing Seth Harpole's sheep. James Taylor moved his hous this week. Mr Win CamuUll. of Ukt creek, it losing cattle from th poisonous larkspur. Rev E P Henderson delivered a sermon to th good people of this place on th 18th Mr. Johu Gibson ha rented Mattisou Smith's farm, aud i running funr turn laily. Win Hamilton, nf fake creek, bad his dwelling burued, with all th household therein. Mr R E Gibson, nf Silverton, gave this place a short visit last weok. H talk of locating in this county. Mr E P Henderson, deputy county nr. veyor, ami party are locating a roau imm th Kriedley taw mill to Lake Creek valley, west of hern. Mr. Rolin Mount was chosen school di rector here on the 5th, and J F Kirk clerk. ,liu Mnttle Lee. of Junction, I tho choice of the director to teach the school. Mr y P Henderson had the misfortune, a hil returning fnim Lake creek, to upset ids buggy and demoralize the earns, bnt it was very fortunate fur lha Prof, that he was hunt no worse. Ht P Leiuley has taken benefit nf the irespasa law, booauie some malicious person has Killed Home of his pigs, or else they have strayed away, and forbids hunting on bii land. He dues uot deliue his boundary linos, however. Rkodlar. Cieswell Items, Crkswkll, March 21, 1883. A "Band of Hope" has been organized iu Creawrll. Mia Mse Parsons was elected superiutendeut, and Mis Fanuia Rouse, chaplain. Mia Ida Hendricks, of Eugene, ha been visiting relative and friend in Creswell. She returned home on the train, this week, accompanied by tier cousin, Miss Nellie Gil fry. . , . Mr. Alviu Jnhuinn has sold his farm near Creswell to a gentleman from Missouri. We regret very much to lose Mr and Mr John sou from our community, and fully realize lhat our loss is Eugene's gain. May pros peri'y attend them. However, we havu a worthy familv in their place. The Methodist Episcopal church held their quarterly coiifureuce in tho town hall laat Mimlay. ISt-v I I' Driver was in attendance and preached threo excellent discounts on ".Spiritual CI rittianity as taught by Christ." His keen poil.ts will liint their way into the very joints and marrow of skepticism, aud will, no doubt, be the mean nf saving many a soul from the rcka and shoals nf infidelity and skepticism. Tho services were largely attended. One accession to the church. KlllILL An Important Dcciiidri. The ircumatanca of the trial before the Uiuted Stytai circuit court last January will lie ume ni.tre.l. There was a Inrje gathering of all the important legal miiids of the North I'ajific Coavt. Hot . Clarence Seward of New York w.V present at the trial, .fudge Dea ly oi the IT. 3. Circuit court of Oregon and Judge Greene of Washington, Territory were on the bench to hear the argument on the injunction suit of Wells, Fargo & Co., to restrain the Northern Pacific railroad company and other railroad lines from ejecting plaintiffs from the iars, or prevtnt them running their expre: business on these lines. After the arguments of Hon. J. .N. D dph, Hon. C. Seward, Hon. .1. McXaiiifht, Hon J. R. Lewis and others, the case was submitted. As there was a great many authorities to look up, tho Judges took the matter under advisement. Yesterrfay Judge Deady gave the opinion of the court, granting a prr visional injunction in favor of the express company, on the company giving bonds in the sum nf 820,000. Unless a coin- irnmlse is arrived at it is more than likely that two lines of express will be running on the same roads, as the rolling stock is prepared and preparations about completed by the railroad companies for that purpose. Long Tom, Crow and Chesher llems. March 20th, 1883. 1'he ball given by Mr. S. Abbott last Fri- lay night was a very enjoyable alfair. Old Uncle John Stevens died at the resi lience of Emery ItaUch last Tuesday night. Another pioneer gone. Mrs. Parker was taken q iito sick a few lava auo with something like plerisy. A physician from Junction is treating her. johnny liichardson ha returned from Cal ifornia, w here lie has been living for some years past. He says Webfoot is good enough for him. Thompson and Funk fnman went out laat Sunday night and sncceeded in cflrtdriug large coo ar. This cougar hoofs were not forked, either. Ben Rush ha (old hi bij' steer, James Richardson being the purchaser at five and a Hall cent gnus, oen mints vne steer ... weigh abuut 2000 pounds ou foot. Men. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that th firm of Misses lionnett & Clarkmilliners, hiA been dissolved by mutual consent. .Miss E. Btanott will oon, tinue the boinee at the old sta&d, aad reaect- fully request a liberal share of th millinery businera of this city. Prosperity. Strangers ar na .airaoiis io tayiug that Eugene shows more tl' thaa any other loan In the Willamette Valley. ' Prop" erty has advauced her at lea.t 33 lr cent, during the last t We mtbe. A larger num: lerof buiMiiigs win be erected here during the condug s.unmer than has bsen built in Ka gen during any past two seaamu. Kearlt a FAiLraR. W are informul that Mr Bee Htevwu' crop of 1200 acre near lTinceta, C Jasa county, Cal, is nearly an entire tailors. Heb our sympathy U hi misforran. Junction City Items. Marou 22ml, 1SS3. We hav another Bnshnell in th village, and J A is happy. It's a girl. Johnson's restaurant is doing a good busi ness. Al and Aunt Sally both kuow how to get op a first-class meal. N Dickey, taleninan for W II Raber, has been on the tick list for several days, but was out again yesterday. It P Caldwell has just returned from Port land with a new stock of goods for the spring trade. Jennie flourished th yard (tick in hit absence. J W Wright and wife hav been visiting in Linn county fnr ev al days, and return. d Tuesday. Joe had business in th cir cuit court which required his attention. C W Waahburne ' band of horse patted through her this week, bound fur the Spn kan country, In car nf Jo Watkiut and Gut '.Vashburne. Mr Washburn will leave th last of th week by rail for Cheney, where he goe to look after his land inter ests. Itev P A Moses, superintendent of schools for Linn county, gave us au excellent lecture at the church Saturday evening on the sub. ject of education, and was greeted by a good house. He preached for us on Sahbath ami Sabbath night. He has been appointed by the Elder to lill the vacancy occasioned by th death nf Rev Mr Harditun. James Lee, of Le Brothers, hop growers, net with a very severe accident Thursday morning. Ho was sharpening hop poles and slipped w hile in the act of striking, his left hand receiving the full force of the blow, severing the leader of his thumb so this it drops down, I Savage dressed the wound and he is doing well COLORADO. The C. P. Extension. The Red Bluff People's Cause sayai While in conversation a few days since with Geo. Cadwalader, we learned tome important facts connected with the Oregon division of the Central t'acilic Railroad from Iteddiug to the northern boundary of the Stale. The com pany is massing men, animal, tools, ma chinery, etc., on the hue of the extension us rapidly as it is possible at this time. A few days since a number of the Milkers of the company went up aud took a bird's eye view of the route and found everything in splen did shape ami ready for active operation as soon as a force of men can bq put to work. As soon hi the company conip'etua its work ou tho Southern Pacillu, the whole force ill he put to work ou the Oregon extension, This will be about the middle of April. The Geuerul says it is the intention of the com pany to complete the work this rear if pos- ihlrj if men and money, drive aud push will accomplish the undertaking,, it will be done. Villurd, no doubt, intends to try aud reach Southern, Oregon boundary at the1 ear liest Kssible day, and the Central Pacific people are determine'.! to meet him there. Band Tournament. We dip the following favorable Corresiond- ence in regard to the land tournament, from the Dallas Itemizer nf a recent date : EutTOR Itemizer : Below pl.ase find rules governing brass band ooutest, to be given at liugeno City, Juni 7th and 8th, 188A We are glad to note that we cousider these rules very liberal, and calculated to inspire good behavior ant mir.ll conduct, fa well as Improvement in 'the glorious art of brass music, and we are prou l an I happy to have Ku.'eno assist in car rying forward an enterprise commenced two years ago at Dallas. We kno'v the Eugene people nn l their b in I ; wj h t'e lived among t!i;m, and give the opinion that everyone who visits that pUca on this oco isiou may expect the utmost hospitality, au I see one of the grainiest, gayest times possible. We shall a sist them !y h'iu present, as on the last mi t imr of our bind they decided unanimously to attend, weather anl health HrmiUiu. ., I V. S. GllAST. Leader 2d Brigade Baud, O. S. M. Dwelling House Burned. Ar. unoccupied house, belonging to Mr. Floyd Vaughn, of Willamotte precinct, was hurned to tho ground last Monday evening. The oss is about 8700. The tuihliug was insured for the sum of $400 in the Phcenix and Home insurance companies. It is gen erally believed that the fire was the work of an incendiary, as no one hail been near the premises for several days. This is quite a serious loss to Mr. Vauuhn at this particular time. . Large Sale. By private letter, it is learned that MrC A Van Houtco ha pur chased the Baldwin proierty in Crook coun ty. The former owner, Dr Baldwin, is well known throughout Wasco county, and was one of the largest anil wealthiest stock deal er iu Eastern Oregon, The purchase in-, elude about 2300 acre of tine laud, TOCO head of sheep ami about 1000 head of other stock, ami implements of the farm. The price paid is 80,000. The Baldwin ranch is located ou Hay creek about 30 miles north of Priueville, aud is ou of the best stock farms iu that locality. Van liuuten is wel ku()WU hen g yni)1(.r brut)cr 0j Cnarle jf intere,ted io the pnrcliase. Cikcut Court SusTAimii.- Th case ap pealed to th Supreme Court, tntitled: State nf Oregon vs. Jack Kerns, ha been decided, by Judge Waldo, who sustaius the decision of the Circuit Comt "Above the Clouds" A drama of two acts, by HuUs Ialge and friends, (n the benefit of the Good Templars' Orphans' Horn at Th Dalles, at Lane Hall, March 30th, 1884 Raim Warteu, Th ground is now too dry to plow, and our farmers are tnenfore praying thatJunMrriuviu. will .r4 ws n.l iriva na a aulfieUnt (manl iv of raiu lor all ' needed purpose. U. S. Grasp Jiu'.iu Mr J II McCIung, of this city, Lester Huliu, of Junction, ami Ja P Shudds hav been selected as grand j imsft Hr unu,, bwr. vinegar, beer, salt, ...... ..n.iil. - . inrur in Jailin Deaov s esinrt at roniaim. Sairrrao Tao.-W hav just reejiveda arortment of shippi; Us, which w will furoioh printed a. xtra -rlinary low prkaa. Personal. Ed Houstou wat iu Eugso laat Wednes day. Mr J. W. Brittow paid Portland a visit this week. Mr. Is..a Yoakum went to Portland latt Wiiliieeilay. i Mr. M. Wllklns, of Ciburg, b vUl'ing at the metropolis. Mr Rice Wooley, we understand, fiin proving slowly. Mr. T. C. Jndkint paid Portland a short visit this week. Mr S H Friendly 1 expected horn to-day from San Francisco. Mr. James F. Robinson (Gimleter) went to Portlaud yesterday morning. Mr. L. D. Smith, nf this city, wsnt to Portland Thursday morning. H Warthaner, ot the I X L Store, is a pas senger on the incoming steamer. Rev. Mr. Cornwall, of Southern Oregon, it visiting frirudt 111 this oity. Will Powers, of Palouse City, W T, was iu this place this week visiting relatives. Mr. A. Goldsmith, who has been In San Francisco, is expected horn this aftwne m. J. F. Water, nf Harriahurg, ha beeu in Eugene several days during th past week. Mr. A. P. Pinkatone, agent fnr th Port land Staudard, was in Kugeu ou day this week. G mver Simpson, of East Portland, has been lying quitu ill with th typhoid at his home in that city. Dr. J. W. Bean, nf Cascade Icki, ia in towu visiting relative nd friend. II looks as natural as of yore. J. W. Geary, eldest son of Rev Dr R R Geary, of this city, will graduate at the Portland medical college in a few weeks. Mr. Geo II. Park ha gnno tn Roseburg, where he has th contract to erect a new hank building for Uumphrey, Peet & Co. Mr. A. 8. Powers and family returned from Washington, I) C, last Saturday, where he hat been as a witness Iu the iter routo business. Mr. Pt Wilcox, of Camp Creek, left laat Thursday jrlorniiig on a viut to relatives ami utd friends in Vermont We with hiiu a pleasant visit and safe return Mr. Wm. Moore a id his innther, who are at South Bend, W T, we underitaud, will return to Eugene about April 1st. Will, our prophecy was correct. Don't it t Mr. F. B. Dunn, one of Eugene' enter pririug merchants, left for .San rrancisco, last Tuesday, where he goe to purchase a large stock nf sp'iug audtsuminor goods. (Jen. W. II. Odcll,, editor nf the Salem Statesman, wat iu town last Tuesday. He is somewhat happr over the appointmeut nf Crnasmnn, a "half-breud," to the Saloin post mastership. . Cottage Grove llems. rilOM OtIH SPECIAL CohitltHfOHPKNT. March 22nd, 1883. The school tax failed. Frost for several mornings past. No raiu siuco the 13th of February. Mr. Jackson' school began at l-atliam, Monday. Mr. Wm. Ridehir and father, and several others, arrived ut this place from Michigan a few days ego. Mr. Richard Knoe has told hit hnmettead to Mr Win Rose, and . says he it bound for east of tho mountains. Mr. I II Veatch, the mail carrier between here and Oakland, ho the mumps. He con tracted them at Oakland. Mrs. N. P. Chrjaman started tn Eastern Oregon one day last week, to visit her tnthur, Mr Brown, who is reportod dangerously ill. Married,' at the residence of the flrido's parents, .March 14, 1883, by Rev C II Wal lace, Mr Ed Olston aud Mis Lillie Grilfiu, all ot Cottage Grove. Mr. Jaoie Barrett slid wife tarted back to their Iowa homo, last Tuesday. Mr ll's health lias not improved since thoy arrived here, hence their leaving. Mr Feuwick, of Hiutlaw, died on the 12th . His aou had gone east of the mountains, con- icqueiitly lit had no relative to sontho hit laat hours, as he and Ins too lived alone We presume, hnwevor, that the neighbors were kind to the old geutlemau during his last illness. ArEX. I i i . . " ' Brevities. Who it "Crito?" Candidates for city offices not over-plentiful. We are not responsible, in the least, for the statement and opiuiou of correspond ents. M. G. McCarty h sold hi property on Oak street to Mr J S Churchill for the iiuin of 1800. The graduating class of the medical college in I oruainl nu jiners I J memoen, voree in whom are women. . Th health nf th people nf this portion of the county is a great deal better than it has Iwen for several months past. Mr. S. M. Titus wiil build a new dwell ing house this summer Just east Ot his pres ent home, which he intends for renting. AnEugenegirl uraginesberself to bean angel. She is probably innocent enough to believe all that the fellows tell her when they coins around sparking. A happy lnokir.g party went a picuicing .,.,1 -...nirr.t" Imntiim last Sundiv moniiii' ..l-utiful. .nil there I . ..' .. . fui we are not compelled to not a violation of the game law. In on buggy w noticed , , . ,. . , tha fulliiwiiiir annoliesi Beer, cheese. Ixasr. cr.ckers. Ixssr. can peaches, beer, oysters, : k.. hmr hwr ct& New Brscurs.-Elegant now beocljee hav been place I in th E,.i.c..pal church of this : city. A decided improvement Letter from Lane County. Portland Dally Standard ' KD0E.HI Cm, March 14, 1883. Editor 8TAMiann: "Thsre's many a slip betwixt th cup aud the lip." and so torn of I ii i.ii m I I- T 1 1 Wlhh,y th. death nf th laU Hon. C. W. Fitch a grand scramble commenced among these patriotic and disinterested Republican to get th Governor to appoint suitable Republican to fill th im portant office (t County Judte, mad vacant by th death of Judge Fitch. And first, la th front rank of fhes disinterested patriots, oom John, of Springfield, not "John, of Bar- neveld,"and yet not altogether unlike that great Dutch statesman, for both had one bead, two eyes, two hands, two legs and one stumach) but comparisons are odious. John, of Spring field, came to Eugene City to cnuntltj and iu a few seconds after he arrived, the high council of Republicanism in Lane, "a quartet," met ia sacred conclave. There wer present John, ill Sprlngfitld, Rodney, the Silent, Abe, the Sly, aud Jim, th Gimleter, when th door wer closed and th council called to order. John, nf Springfield, arose and In silvery tone of sweet Erin's dialect, said to the cnuclave It would b of great important to the party to b represented In the County Court, and as th party has the Executive of tho State, w hav a right to insist that tome leader ot the party sh 11 be apooiuted. AU clapped .their hand and (aid it shall be so. Aba, the Sly. taid i must be John, ot Springfield, and Rodney, th Silent, after rolling thric over and grinding to a pulp au ounce and a half quid nf Old Judge, aud ti'ruiug loose the flood gates of his stomach to discharge a full pint of surplus ambier, said; it shall be to, we'll petition fur John, ol fcprlng field, for h laved m from obiivlou and got the Governor to appoint me Rcgont. Jim, th Gimleter, milled, aud sal I, "I'll sign th poll-, tlaii, and my influence will fit JoLu, of Spring- Id." "But," said Abe, the Sly, "ther i Geo., the Bland, who may cross our track and cause us to mourn. "11 Is vain and auibl tiuus," said Jim, th Gimleter, "aud w can give him tally." "He is youug and soft Yet ia politics, and we'd compel him to sign the pe tition of John, of Springfield," said Rodney,. Ill Silent. Ho the conclave dissolved and slipped out unnoticed. They all met iu th street, the petition was presented by Johu, nf Springfield, all signed, and imuisdiately nought Geo., the Bland, who, the innocent elf, ate th tafy and signed th petition nf John, of ' Springfield. The petitiou was mailed Immedi ately to th Moody Executive, whose inten tions are tn look alter the interest of the party first, aud then, if any time Mi np)oituiiity la left, the people. When John, of Springfield, happy iu uear expectations, and wearing a wieuth of smiles over his classic brow, stalled horns to his Ueautllul villa on th suburbs ol Springfield, that . . j "Loveliest village of the p'ain, Where health and plenty blew th laboring warn." Evjry sound that greeted his sar seemed to emphaaiie that euphonious word "Judge," which caused John, ot Springfield, to laugh quite audibly several times mi Ids way, and at one time to say, very distinctly: "Uchl won't h b a sweet lutiuger for mo I" AlUfc HUM, uon uiiiti mm i o mii iiuiiium ,hii.m MHiially the gift o a Moody KupoUicr G-.Veruo. John, of Sprlugfidd, hail lot ills- ' mounted hi) buck-board that day, before Jim, th Uiuileter, was using Ills influence with the Governor, by way of an epistolary communi cation in the following complimentary strain I ; Eugene, January, 188J. Dear Gov,: John, ot SpringtWd, has peti tioned you for the J udgeahip of Lane. 1 alji.ed his petition to get rid ot him. He ia the most unpopular mail in Lane county, exeep.iiig H -. His apHiliitiiieiit would kid the ptity her. Don t appoint until 1 and B can tee you. Vouis, Jim, the GiMLEiEii. j S.i the Governor and his llctators determined to earnestly consider the petition of John, of Springfield, and make no apimtntinent until I they could consult Jim, the Gimleter, and his compatriots. . But this abort delay aroused th indlgnatloii of Wesley, the W itty, wliivie aymi pathetic feelings have an irreslstublealfin'ty to flow into eve-y body's business, end who deter mined to forestall all opposition to John, of Springfle'd, by dropping a timely letter to . Rocky, the Wise. Accordingly, Wosley, the Witty, over-flowing with generou desire to serve his friend, wrote a letter to Koi-ky. the; Wise, recommending John, of Springfield, in th following oninpliineiitarv style,. for he had no idea that I took y, the Wise, bad ever met John, nf Springfield I Kunr.NE, January, 1883, Dear Rocet: I wish you would speak to the Governor, and have John, nf .H-ingfli bl, appointed to fill the ollli'o of County Judge of Lane. He has fine abilities for that idace, the best of any man I ever met excopt Douglas nod Thompson. I taw Douglas on the bench: heard him make a speech two hours' long, and riale with hiiu Iu a wugoi. Yours truly, Wemlry, tub Wittt. Rocky, the Wise, answered the next mall that he would certainly see the Governor for , Wesley, the Witty, and they would nrnmntly look after the matter, and Wesley, the Witty, was quite sal isfied he hail fixed John, of Spring field. So ends the first chapter, Cairo. Lost Valley Items. March 22, 1883. Every body longing for rain, , , Joel Addington says it's the finest girl in Lane County. . . Mis ma rarvin is visiting witn It ter at Waltnrville, Mckeuzio, . Miss Ella Rouoy will teach ichmJ. tt Rat tle Snake. Robert Williams hat completed hit new mill, and ii now ready for businci It is laid that next Sunday one of the fair ones nf Lost Valley will enter the realms nf matrimonial bliss. We wi-h the young couple many years of peace and happiness Mr llobert Limler, bat returned from Eu te ie City, and it now working iu the hop yard. Robert Williams it getting tn he th bos panther slayer. Hh killed one last Sunday, nine feet long. This makes the second on iu a short time. Ssow-Drop. Solo. Messrs. Hintou and Richardson, who 1 .1 .V. - I T I. . 1 I ... liiruu i urn ,vu"ii bevr, wins we Sam 1 to J. F. Waters, of Ilarrbhurg, this week, for I 4 cents ;xr pnunil Th animal welched 1800 - 1 . f " M".7 l".r "!"" "i" ',ri Ol Hie swtr iw. air. A. M ittnews, of fleas- I ant Hill, ol I a steer to the same mrty at the ! same priee, which weighed 10W lbs., netting 1 him $f7.20. 1 Mr. AL Cook, of this city, lift for Albany, I Tbnml.y, when b go. to work fix Mr, ' fnv Uanm.mtd . - " - , BoR.-At Jonrti.i City, March U. 1431. tot. wifs ot th (at Dr J BroatiUe, Is Mo. .