The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 17, 1883, Image 7

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Immured intern, with five-fold bond confined,
Heat we oonUint If whiirnri from th atari
In waitings of th Incalculabla wind
Com blown at midnight through aiir pruon
ban. The itatue BoojarroU aid doth wait,
Thralled in th block, for ma to emancipate.
The peem aailh the poet wandcri free .
Till I betray il to captivity.
Brook from whoe bridge the wandoring idler
To'watcb. tby imall fish dart or cool floor ihine,
1 would thai bridge whose archea all are year
8pann'd not a lc trniarenl wave than
thine! (
Momeuluou to hitnielf aa I to me
Uath each man bn that ever woman bore;
Once, in a lightniufr, flash of sympathy,
1 felt this truth, an intlant, and no more.
In youth the ortist voweth lovera' vow
To art, in manhood maketh her hit .pouse.
Well if her charm yet hold for him uch joy .
A when he craved aome boon and abewaacoyT
In mid whirl of the dance of Time ye lUrt,
Start at the oold touch of Eternity,
And cast your cloak about you, and depart,
The minatrela pause not in their iniuntralay.
I roatred through itroet with human ruins
atrewn ...
Where mirthles laughter hid Sm' writhing
The lauipa ahone round me; o'er me shone the
moon; .
And earth and heayoni acemed very wide
Ilia rhyme the poet fling at all men' feet
And whose will may trample on hi rhyms
Should time let die a ong that' true and iweel
The tinger los were more than matched by
I knew the tenebrous mood that interpose
Thick aolid horror 'twixt our eye and dayl .
Who acape them? Sages? Saints? l'erhap;
anrl IhraA
Rapt hog, in heaven of hogwill, o'er the
fin muaie makath iti occult abode
In all thing scattered from great Beauty '
And evermore the deepest word or God
Are yet the easiest to understand.
The poot gather Iruit irora every tree,
Ye,Krape from thorn and flg from thistles he,
ui.. k him hand, the basest weed that grow
A uteiv jj r
Tower to a lily, redden to a rose.
Enough of mournful melodies, my lute!
Be henceforth iovous, or be henocforth mute,
Song's breath is wasted when it does but fan
The smouldering infelicity of man.
'Turn tnllnra . visit 1" cried Dot in
dismay, forgetting entirely that sue had
come to loon lor a spooi oi no. u iu
ninmi'i Amxrar nnrl nnflninff her brOWD
lunuiiuu v - , l a
eyes wider and wider as she read the
heading of an old bill of Dr. Cogs
"Two dollars a visit 1 she repeated.
"Oh. why doesn't Donnie get well?
And where is all the money to come
frAm?" asked herself, sadly. "We
will ernf vArr nnflf. " continued Dot.
tiai ' vj i : , .
liat littlfl hrftwn head ilowlv
over the bill. After thinking awhile,
she slipped the paper m her pocKet ana
went down stairs.
Mamma and sister Margie were sew
ing. Don went quiotly to Mrs. Led
....1 An1 mtiiurtavnl
"We'll feel very poor afterward, won t
we, mamma?"
Mamma smiled. A sad smile, Dot
thought, as she replied : "You're better
at guessing than wo supposed. Now,
why don't you take your trimmiDg, little
.1 n n rrlt tat an d cm infn tlio library?
awuu O - "
There's a nice fire on the hearth, and yon
. .-I . - ttt-111 .1 :i
can worK away iiisea oee. wo u ueou n
soon, you know," added mamma, for
Dot was rather inclined to dream when
she was alone.
"We'll need it soon," repoated Dot, as
sue climbed up in the big library chair,
"We'll need "it soon. And to think
that I once thought that mam
ma and sister Margie were making
those things to sell, nor how much 'twas
costing to have the doctor coming every
day, and sometimes twice a day. Poor
Donnie 1 Perhaps he's worse than they
tell. Perhaps," and there was a great
lump in her throat, "he's going to die,
and they are leaving me to find that
out." , , .
Tom went into the barn to clean his
gun. Dot saw him. "I'll ask him," she
said, as she put her work hurriedly into
a little silk handkerchief, and started
with ip for the barn. "He wont teaBO
me when he knows how badly I feel."
"Halloo! ' was Tom's greeting. "Been
"Yes," admitted Dot, in a voice that
could leave no doubt of it in anyone's
"What's up?" continued Tom, as he
rubbed away at his gun. "Want any
"Well, you know, Tom," began Dot,
in her sweet, timid voice; "there's a se
cret in there," pointing toward the house,
"and I never found ikout till this morn
ing." "So you found it out, did yon? Well,
I told 'em you would."
"I wouldn't but for the bill."
"You wouldn't, what?" asked Tom,
who was rubbing away again.
"I'll tell you about that afterward.
When I wnt into the sitting-room,
mamma and Margio were sewing."
"That certainly didn't surprise you!"
"Oh, Tom! how can you make fun of
it all? Mamma looked just ready to cry,
and oh.oh, oh.what can wedoaboutit?"
as she threw herself faco downward on
the hay, and sobbed as though her little
heart would break, while Tom stood by
in speechless astonishment, wondering
why the words "Two dollars a visit"
seemed mingled With her sobs.
"Uome, Dot," said he, tenderly, "don't
cry. You haven't told mo yet what the
matter is. Now we 11 sit right up here,
while you tell Tom all about it."
After a while Dot managed to say:
"Doesn't Dr. Cogswell charge peo
ple who are ill two dollars every time he
goes to see them?"
"Something like that, I believe," an
swered Tom, wonderingly.
"It's exactly that," said Dot, feeling
for the bill. "Ob, Tom, we must owe
him hundreds of dollars!"
There was a queer look in Tom's eyes.
"I suppose we do," he said.
"But have we Rot the money to pay
him?" questioned Dot, the brown eyes
swimming asran.
"No, I don't believe we have."
"Then, what are we going to do?" said
Dot, with another sob.
"There, Dot," said Tom, soothingly,
"Don't be so foolish as to ery. It's
all coming out right, I can't tell yon
just how, but it is."
"Tom." called Mrs. Ledvard. "they're
all waiting for yon."
"The boys have come, Dot," said
Tom. giving her a basty kiss. "Now re
member aot to worry. Its coming ont
all right."
Dot sat a long time on the hay.
"Tom always thinks everything's go
ing to oome out all right," she said de
termined to lie miserable. "I just know
be thinks Dr. Cogswell isn't going to
charge, bnt he is, for there is one bill
and he s probably got another ready.
"He could just as well not charge,"
she went on, "for Edith Oloott told me
be ever'n 'er so rich, and that he's got a
house in the oity even prettier than
this. But how could one be?" she wou
dered. "How could any room be love
lier than the one Mrs. Crane took Edith
and me into the other day? the little one
with the window looking on the lake,
and the little bed with curtains and ev
erything blue, curtains and all. Dr.
Cogswell calls it his little sister's room,
and she's coming in the spring. Tom
I ust wanted to comfort me. He doesn't
now how hard they're workin' and
That night Dot added to her prayer the
words, "0. Ood, please don't let it be
more than we can pay. "Let what
asked mamma.
"The doctor's bill, whispered Dot.
The young doctor must have heard of
it in some way, for he happened in the
morning after breakfast, and the next
thing he said was:
"I n going to have my bill settled to
day, little Miss Dot," as with quite it
grave face he took out his memoranda.
"Now how much should you think it
would come to?"
"Hundrods!" said poor littlo Dot,
"We want to be business-like," said
Dr. Cogswell; "suppose you get your
slate and figure it."
"Dot ran. 'He isn't going to let us off
a penny, she moanod.
"Now. let's do a little sum in arithme
tic." said the doctor. "What does M
stand for?"
"One thousand, said Btaggoring little
Dot, pushing the crochet-work way down
in her pocket.
"Very good," said the doctor. "Now,
what does C stand for?"
"One .hundred," said Dot, trying to
be brave.
"H'm," coughed Dr. Cogswell. "Now,
can jou think of anything else that the
letters might stand lor.'
"No, sir," said Dot.
"Why. yes you can. Dot," said Don
aid, who had just been wheeled into the
room. M. U.r clapping bis lianas
"Why, Merry Christmas, don't you
Dot smiled.
"Then there isn't any bill?" she askei
"Nary a bill." said Tom; but can't you
think of anything else that the letters
might stand for
"No." said hapnv. stupid little Dot.
"I can," oried Don, catching sight of
some glances being exchanged, and
Margie's protty cheeks aglow, "Margie
Dot had to submit to a good deal of
teasing, but she was verjr happy not
withstanding, and wrote in bor diary
that night, in such big letters that nho
went right over two or three of. tue loi
lowing days.
"The doctor wasn t coming to see
Donule, nftor all, and there wasn't any
bill. I am going to be bridesmaid and
wear white. There isn't any littlo sister
but mo, and I'm agoing to have the little
blueroom, whenever I want to go there
to visit. St. Nicholas.
Hanging the Jojecs.
Full accounts of the exocution of the
Joyces appear in the English papers.
The convicts rose at 6 o'clock, none of
them having slept continuously during
the night. At seven they were visited
by Father Oreavan, who remained with
them to the end. None of the men
would eat breakfast. About S o'clock
Marwood entered the colls for the pur
pose of pinioning the convicts. To this
operation Patrick Joyce and Patrick
Casey submitted quietly; but Myles
Joyce protested with great vehemence
his innocence of the crime for which he
was to suffer, and resisted Marwood
slightly. At fifteen minutes past eight
o'clock Myles Joyce cmorged from the
prison, supported by two of the ward
ers, and uttering a number of exclama
tions in protestation of his innocence.
He was followed by Patrick Casey, and
he again by Patrick Joyce, both of whom
were also supported. As each of the
convicts emerged from the prison he
seemed, from a hurried glance around,
to expect to recognize somebody among
those present. As they proceeded the
seryice of the Catholic Church for the
dying was repoated by Father Oreavan,
but only dne of the prisoners, Patrick
Joyco, made a response. With the ex
ception of Casey the condemned man
ascended the steps of the scallald with
out assistance, and when they had been
placed under the ropes which were
dangling from the cro6S-beam Myles
Joyce, turning to the spectators, lnado a
number of exclamations in Irish, to the
effect that he was innocent.
When Marwood approached to adjust
the rope on his neck he resisted slightly,
Father Oreaven approached and spoke
to him, but he nevertheless continued to
speak loudly while the noose was being
adjusted on bis neck and the necks of
the other two, who submitted quietly,
and after the white cap had been drawn
over his face he moved his head, so that
Marwood had again to arrange the noose.
Even then he did not stop speaking, ex
claiming, "I am going to my Ood, and I
am as innocent as the child unborn. I
neither raised hand nor foot against the
people. I had neither hand, act or part
in the murders." When tho bolt was
drawn, and the men disappeared from
viow there was scarcely a qviver of the
ropes by which Patrick Joyce and Pat
rick Casey were suspended, but there
was apparently severe struggling on the
part of Myles Joyce, for the rope oscil
lated violently and Marwood could be
seen for several minutes afterward push
ing down the body "with bis foot and
stooping down and endeavoring to do
somothing it could not be seen what
with the noose. Marwood afterward ex
plained that Myles Joyce had by some
means, got bis arm or hi hand entangled
with the rope and that he had been try
ing to push it down. Death, he was pos
itive, was instantaneous, and nothing
could have been wrong with the rope, as
be had used it in executions before.
xieaides, he gave all the men a drop of
equal length 9 feet. The scaffold, it
may be mentioned, was erected by work
men from Dublin, all the local trades
men having refused to do the work. The
prison was surrounded by (entries all
night, and a body of Fnolicemen were on
duty ontoide to quell any disturbance
which might arise luut scarcely a down
persons assembled at the gate, even after
the block flag had been run up to show
bat the sentence of the law bad been
tarriod out.
A tack is a simule. nnnrotending sort
of a young nail, noted for its keen re
partee when pressed for a reply, and pos
sessing the peculiar power when stand
ing on its bead, of causing the cold
shivers to run down the back of a man in
mere anticipation of what might be.
lacks are in season all tue year ronnu,
but the early spring is usually the time
selected by thorn for a grand combined
effort, and then they iouriHh everywhere
for at loast a month. Since the inaugu
ration of the time honored ceremonies
of house cleaning, every thorough house
keeper, with long experience in tne line
of duty, so takes up tht carpet as to re
tain all the tacks in their original places,
thus preventing it slipping from the
shaker s bands unless the tac: ureass or
his fingers give out.
But the triumph or the tack is not
complete at this early stage: it patiently
abides its time, and on the relaying of
the carpot ihsuos forth with doublo force,
After searching the whole house for i
paper of tacks, without sucoess, the un
fortunate man drops on his hands and
ktees to begin and immediately discovers
four tacks at least, as he rolls over and
sits down to extract these, finds the rest
of the paper directly under him, and
then unless he is a man accustomed to
put np Btoves and joint stove-pipe the
chances of laying the' carpot on that
evening are slight. In selecting tacks
from the saucer ho always inspects the
points with his fore-finger, as tne tack
instantly loses its head when thoy come
to blows.
In argumont the tack is sharp and
pointed, but the display of either or
both, depends largely on the amount of
pressure emplovod by its opponent, in
direct contrast to a good joke, the
amusement generally coinmenoes before
you see the point, and this fact is easily
demonstrated by walking the Moor in
your stocking foet, a well-kept room on
such an occasion averaging two tacks to
the square foot.
The futuro of the took gives great
promise of more extendod usefulness
and unlimited possibilities, as several of
our most eminent college professors nav
ing carefully studied the effect of a sharp
tack of reasonable length placed prop
erly in a chair or under a cot, are about
to introduce taciis. aim (to away wim
spring beds in our college gymnasiums,
I tree Press.
There is to be an exhibition of old
boots and shoes in Paris. A Bhow of
that sort would be a failuro in this coun
try, because after the soleloss tramp has
made his selection from the asu neap
the omnivorous goat appropriates what
is left. N. Y. Com. Adv.
X:V LIU to II II l mi-
lli anch oC IlieOld llnuae ir Wllmcnlluu A(a
KalublUiKd lierr.
So great bas been tbe growth of this trade In
Oregon, Waahlngton, and Idibo In tilt past two
fears, that Wlluiertllng & Co., of New York and Ban
Frsudico. decided last aeaaou to eatabllah a branch
In this city. They it-cured suitable quarters In th
old O. S. N. Co. blork. No. 41 Front street, near Ah
Tha establishment Is In charge of Charles and N,
Kohn. two young men well known to the trade, un-
der the firm name of Charles Kobn k Co. The elder
brother bis been connocted with the firm of Wll.
mcrdlug at Co. for years, while "Tally," aa he is
familiarly known, bas for seven years represented
Rosenthal, Feder k Co. on the northwest cosst. Both
brothers have the neceaiary energy. Judgment
and knowledge of trade to make tbe new enterprise
Wllmerdlng ft Co. have been known to the Pacific
mint trade for thirty-two years, and tbe brands of
liquors handled by thera have become favorites. II
a suci-ess.
Is in Indent to say that the new firm will malntalu
tbe good reputation which required years 01 nouor-
able dealing to creste.
T Hit 2-Vnm and iMmnic of Oregon
tianlanntuti Itnitorii and Jaaho:
Wf wish to call your attention to tlie fact
that our annual Catalogue and price lint for
1S82-8J w now readu for dmtmuhon. Jl
will be foutt'l very valuable and inttruciive
readma, and will be furmmed gratuitously,
Send vour name und postoflice addrens to
184 Hrtt utreet, Portland, Oregon.
wtf-lm P. 0. Box 175
Waller 8. Moss has Inauzuratod a sorlos of social
conreru at New Msxset theater, Portland, the Unit
of which wanaivnn on Jan. fttn.and wblob proved
eminently suuct-Mlul ss the theater was filled from
pit to gallery The bent muilcal talent in Cortland
was bad, together wilh loiolgn artlttsof renown,
It Is Mr. Mom' lu ten lion to continue the concerts,
and strangers vMting Portland will besureor nav-Ins-
a oleuant niece to spend the Sabbath evenini
by viHittug New Market theater and liaienlug to the
uut-nt that tne aie manager win provide.
filnvnn's Voaeinlte Cherry Tooth Paalf
An aromatic combination for the preservation
of the teeth anil gums. It is far superior to any
preparation of its kind in the market. In farce,
handdonieorwl pots, price fiftv cents. For aide
by all druggists. llolgo, Davii A Co., whole
sale ajents, I'ortlaad, Oregon.
T). ,i Awn fr?aTf-TliTTH-Rfi. flenil tnWilev R
Allen, l.W Third street, 1'ortland, for any book
or music published. Orders by mail filled
promptly. The "Musical Pastime," a monthly
journal of music, 50 cts. a year. Seud stamp for
big catalogue of music.
B-staet, $15. Toeth filled at low rates; satis
faction cuarjnteed. Gas administered. Prebn
Urns.. Koom 54. Union Block, Stark street cn
trance. Dental praduaUw.
Frank H. A bell, the gold modal photographei
of Portland, do-. all tli'j lite style ot worK a
produced bv tho beit c.-ntUirnen in tha EaeU 11
keeps up iih all n improvements in hit art.
Tbe Leo brother.-", Miss Couch ita, the Tudora
and a grmit casta of male and female minstrels at
the Late Theater, in Portland.
The bent liver regulator k nown, sure cure for
. i i ... j.i..'. r.l,.
lysuej"ii aim nmigrw., ut, ic i. d
loruia 1. X. L. Litters.
TrarwH Itr:fi. Send to John B. Garrison
107 Third struct PorUand, tut catalogue ot te-
Garrison repair all kinds of sewing machine.
Is. llOatTIM KK.-Purllud blank book mud .-
la. Uirv.6-, U nhlugton nnx-t, Horilanil, Ot. The
reUahfa eilablMiuif nt. Ttntopior good work.
M KRttCSA VOMPKK, 4V Niai-te.-Mnmitunu,
American marine. Counliy orders filled promptly,
hend fur price, ami d wkm.
Ioiuim, Headstones, etc., lurntaiieii in Italian ana
a thl A I.
Til 10 MIMICAL. PAH'1'IHK.-A monthly Jour
nal u( uinnk- iiKiin vocal ami uinirumrniaiM avni 10
any wtilrrm fur tor la pvr ymtr, AUdrnu Wiley II,
Allen, pulilMlirr and mimic dealer, Ui '1'ulnl tlreel,
Portland. Iln-tron. I -ntrtlotrne freo
W. H. MAYrtK-nvllfcUKtiiwr.tvmnu'tor aud
surveyors, tlilli-e itoom No. f Uuies UulMIng,
Kail Portland, All kinds nt surveying aud drafting
done for at i y part of lhe country.
EMPIKIThA'KtRYrVtilfKTor'iiaa A
mnr, I'ropa. alitiiulwlurera oi I'liot nreao, rvxia,
IVulr. Hiitier, HoaUin,Hu-raiidHlioe Ply crackers,
Ordera Iroiu th trade aolUted and promptly at-
tentd to.
W. n. JP.XM: fc lu,-HSI Pront aireet near
Waabliifinn. Ore. mrUus, mineral walera, rual,
etc., carefully analysed. Away (or gold aud silver
other metalK from It to S.V (lold dual bought Orders by mail ruefully attended
. II. sfeHTOXII.-Oor. Front and mark. Chem
leal anal) iua oiade of owl, mineral wulera.etc. or
dinary aamya ot gold, allver, lid or ropiier, from
a to s.v nr. P. llirvev. Conaulilns itieinUi.
It . . fc; 4 a .wAtiiirin-v ana iuuiuh-ioi u
pertaining to U'llera Patent lor luventhma, oeiun
the Pntent nrtli or in the Courts, a win-Hally.
Ijtw k.him a Uekuaa'a nullum:, iesiu oiihiiu-iu
X our entire Interest Mi, aud transferred the ageiie
of the White Hewlinr Mai-luiiH to Mr. John H. Oarrl
m.ii nriSTThlnl air et. Portland. Or. Mr. OarrlaOII
will hereafti-r supply the growing demand for tlilr
su lienor anu popular aewing mac-nuie.
aula n ll.l, w nA nn.
The larwest stock of seeds ever held by one firm
able tlgures, consisting of Oiuaa. Vegetable, Plower
seeds, etc, elc. Agents for -'Imperial Kgg Pood;"
alao for Wd-kemlmurs Hone Phosphates. Beud for
nort !i of Han ralu-liu-n. Wlliril will lie Mini a, n-noii-
catalogue; free to all applicant. Address.
.nil. i. r.n wn
9M Remind Street, Portland.
Denies-1st Xewand
68 Madison Ms., Portland, Or.
Partle ilealHng
Holler. Rnalnea or SAW
Mills Kit Y run arenre
by Bddrvaalna Mr. I oilier.
Now and Second Hand Machinery
aagbl nd enld or tmiled in l-imlt
Detective & Collection Agency,
in iiv Vxiierteni eil Deteetivea. Procuring evi
dence for attorneys In criminal or civil chhch and rap
turing criminal a apeciitlty. t'ollet-ilous niaoe in any
iitil ot tne rat-uic uoasi. hooiu u, union uiova, i uri.-
liuul. Oregon.
Uiukrll'a IsBiprs
Ddlam of Peaainnshlp, for com'
pli-le HelMtiBtr-.i-tloil. Price, l Ml.
UawUell's I'ompenrilnia ot Forma, (Social, Bust
liens, Ktillli'tte.etr. SI. II).
Hooka for Kami, Slock, Poultry, etc., in great variety.
aiiii-a Miinuiti, new eo t on. nun
Mailed to any aU'trowi tiy j. n.. iiiaiia.i i on
luad. on receipt hi price. i'""
Oregon & California It.
Proposals for Railroafl Ties
mun nrti.-onM a vii cai ipoiivia n n rmi
A. iianv Invites iironoNula up to February YMIi, IKKif.
for delivery along the line of ita pmpoNi-d exti-unlon
neiweeu tow creek ana iiecg mini ni juu,uuu u. h,
I'nns Tlcs, lu lorn of not lew limn lili.OOU.
Ties to be made of auod sound yellow or red Or tlm
ber, hewn or sawn lo a uniform thlcknena of alx
Inches, not lens than eight tm-hes fare and eight feet
long, aud not less man live Incur clour ol sup un lure
of He.
To be delivered In monthly lou.nccording to special
SKTi-emeut to be all delivered not later than July
1st, ism.
The Company reaervas the right to relcal any and
an inns. rropoHsis to no afnireaseu to
I II AN. A. f . .MOHltlH, Chief Knglneer.
Portland, Oregon.
axrAiaix noira
AO LaadlDC
roa m
M 4 lilHUinfainrH," prirM wnj. nry vurw biiu iiihiiiii
tim mullwl mi nn'eliH tt prlff. with full dlrrtlon tot
tret, Po'tlitmJ, Or.
sj: kye'M for Ui N. Ptvthf
rflkl iml aUragta
I A. aalM Koaoalv aa4
xlUinat result of overM
Toale J tne la-
years of practical expert.
.m-e,andCURr! W11H
TY. Nervous and Vhral-
al IwhUliy, Herolnal
Weakne, Ppermator
rlioea, ProstatorThea.Kta-
miaelons, Impoteni-y, s.i-
haunted Vliallty. Prema
ture Iiecllne and 1X111
or MANIIUUO, from
whatever cauie produced.
It enriches and liu.
?m l lie blood, Hirengt bens the
Nerves, Brain, HuarlHa,
Ikiau. un H..rtm.lll..IVA ir.
gans, and raytinai ana menuu ramuiies. .
stoi any unnatural dehllllallr-g dram upti
the avaiern. Draventlnlf InvolUlitarV lomes. di
I , im I 'S. ........ r : ' '
bllltatlna dreams, seminal losaea wlih the orlne.
mtf . mt rfMtru.-thra Ia mlad and It
a,ureellmli Bt-ir of all KIUNKY ANU Bf.AlinF.R
INOHKliIKNT. Tathnacsareiiag from the ef-
imiI. flh.Ma mnm oeraaMneaS CI i
Ol A HA vrKMl. Pric e. 4 Mt perbotth-.or
botili- In raw with full direetion aim aovu e, i
tteni aerure from obaerTaUnn Ui any adiireas upon r
celpt of price, or 1. O. I. To he had nnly or
Kan Frani-iaro. Cal. oiiaullatloas slrk'tlv coulldea
nf patienta. and In order lo se ure perfeet aarrecy,
tlal, ty letiei orammre, lilhl-, rot tnecotiTenieni-.
have adopted a private addnaa, under which all pm s
agetara forwardwl,
TKIAI. hotti.k ritr.
Bnfrldent to an w lu merit, will oa sent u any
applying by letter. Mating his symptums and
C'.immuiiu-atimis strictly couSd.-nUaL
All afodeni Improvement., (ipea all day,
l. U. BKF-XX EJi. rraavlctor
yjr .
In pliulng before the public our recent
nor, Mayer & Co., of
Of goods damaged by nuioke at the late Are,
Prim, an Array or Figures not quoted by any other House any whore, solvent or In
solvent, no matter whether cash or credit, whether buying to break and to rob their
creditors and steal what tltey may before the
price ILst before you and mean It to lie flnul, derisive and crushing in Its logic, ininien
sit y of variety, and Its unapproachable, solid and
Stubborn Facts & Figures
Canton Flannel, worth 10 cents..
Canton Flannel, heaviest, worth 25 cents.
test ( alien, worth i cents...
Host iMinsdule Muslin
Host 8.4 Sheeting
llest (lingham
Irish Iju-e, worth 25 eeuts wr don.
iood FeltSMrls
(JinnI KetitiK'ky Jeans
Heaviest KeniTtrky Jeans..
Hpuvy ( lievolt
White ltod-preails, worth $1...
Heavy Ciasli
Woolen Shit Is, worth $2
Indies' Hose, tiernian hiind knit
White Hlankets, worth $4
Job Iot, Men's Percale Shirts...
(jents' Merino I ndershlrts
Job Lot, Ladles' Shoes, 40 cents on the
n these times when even the wealthy cannot afford
for every dollar and every penny. Popularity anil prosperity ran rranuv tie comiiiHiiuiii uy any mcrciiam
who ha-1 the ability In buy iorcaxh, tin- knowledge of value lo buy right, and the prudence and policy to sell
at the shortest margin lirul11 '"r uiouej down.
1st. That we have the largest stock of goiKl. of varied character on ih coast,
il a. . re.ult ourtnule iiiiihi Im-Die Unrest. Where trade Is areatesl. there prlii-s must be lowest-good
tbe miiM natWiM-toryilMinnd lo lie, In order t have the trade. ...... , ,, .
S.I We have hut One Price, sell fer Cash Only, and mark all goods with selling prices In plain figures. Ottl-of-iown
customers seud to us for anything they want with a certainty ot getting Ireulmeut the aameas J at
1th!Ullilil mall orders with care, taile,siieJ and discretion. The cost of transit by mall, express orlrelgb?
for goods Is only Irilllug. ,
t Sib. Uoods not a ordered may be returned at our expense.
Address letters to
(Successors to V, Selling:)
Corner First and Yamhill Streets, Fortland, Or.
A.KJM, llUiia a OO.
H1,(HK IlKWA-llO
Kellotiir Illlaon'eSjystemof II re Ml
un I lonk I ntllnir, and, Willi acorri-t ineaa
ureand perfeet culling. produce a hod lilting
garment, beveral Improvements have Job'.
been mage. Agents to si-ll and leach wanted
In ererv town, tlonil agents can u.ake iroiu
110 to lis per day. KKI.UKIM & JII.1XON,
' Pheney, HMikne Co., W. T
John A. Child
& Co.,
Fine Chemicals,
Toilet Articles,
Kubber Goods sal
bpeclal altenllon giv
en to
By Mall.
nii niUTiB, , nin ris
Boys and girls, aayone wr. wsni light, pleaiwuu em
ploymeni In wnkli from to flOe-r day can lie iosos
will vnd their name and pnabiflU-e addr. to us Im
mediately, and receiv- our dearrliulve clrrulara. Ad
dreaa, II. II. Wcu-hell c ., No. 1S7 Prou' skrret
Portland. Oreaon.
rrtlaa4, Orvgoa.
Write to Clsxtnd Cliptnsar,.
2i 1
co 2 I
1 1 . i
a f
s i
CO g I
CO 1
B that QM Haste Is, "ITM 9 m
I '. 3 yl AND ft
f ,-7 . tleelnd,0forPamiJilittm
kav f 1 14 . plain seakd envel-
1 1 II V t de.-rihitig an
..II I I' mt A 1 1 iNaTRUMfeair (of)
IJl a9Mi foreiiring
testimonial! I ' himte, Cheap, ver tail.
purchase of the wholesale house of Flelsb
we are enabled to lay before jou a List of
bolt falls, It matters not. We place this
-.14 yards for $1 00
.... n jams lor
....20 yards for
..-11 yards for
.... 4 yards for
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
10 yards for
lsj cents per dot
oO rents a piece
12 cents per yard
i't cents per yard
10 cents per yard
GO cents eadt
11 yaids for $100
.$1 00 each
.. JltUpnlr
.. 2 60 pair
m 1 00 rat h
to wate I heir money, and tbe poor require double duty
The Flneat 1IITTKUS la Ike WORLD.
Vllullae the y.tem and srmt the ravage
the Urrndfiil Alcohol Ilabll,
Ask four Drngglst or Win Merehiint for
WILNERDIXOA '., Agrnla, u Fraa
elaco. CIIARI.Ksl KOHN Ar CO., Hole Agenu for
Nnrthtvratera I ou.t, So. 41 1'ruat aireet
Forlland. Or.
11 Kessnsy street, a. W.,
Treat all Chronl sad apeeloJ Dlsaase.
fects of youthful follh-s or Indiscretion, will do
well to avail themselves nf this, the greatest boon
ever laid at tbe altar uf snrTering humanity, lilt.
HHI.NNKY will guarantee to forfeit for ery
cane of Heinlnal Weiikness or private diseases of any
kind or character which be uuderlakes and falls to
There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are
troubled with ton frciiient evacuations of the bladder,
often accompanied by a slixhl snikrlliig or burning
sensation and a weakening of the system In a manner
the piilient cannot account for. (In esituilnina- th
urliiarv deposits a ropy aeillment will often he found,
and luYiuetliues small particles uf alhumer will apix-ar,
or the color will lie of a thin milklh hue. Agalu
i-hansliig lo a dark ami ihrpld awiearance. There are
many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of th
eaime, which la Die second stage of tiellltiial Weakneas.
Dr. H. will guarantee a perfei t cure lu all such mace,
and a healthy restoration ol I he geiilior uulnnry or-
'o'flireHnurs-lOtolsndSlol. Hunrt&ys from 10 to
II A. M. Consuluitlini free. Tliorougli esamliianoa
No. II Kearny airei l.hau Prauciwrn, CaL
i ? ins; a more enceiuai remedy uuui
Dr. Keck'8 Sure Cure for Catarrh.
Which hasatimd theti-st for fourteen years. Pbvi
ciaus. IiniKKl.ta, aud all who have used and iuor
oushly tesu-d It, pronounce It aperlHe 'or the cure uf
that loat Hanoi disease. Try lb Yum druggist has
It, price ,1.
Hr. Ke. k thoroughly understands, and uirmbienily
siH-ceanful In ths treatment of all rhronle am. did
enlt dlartues of belli srsr and all mr, havuic
made apeclalty of their treatment fur fourteen yean
lie irraln t'aaeer without lining the knife. Ills favor.
Iteprtv-rlpilon Is furnished to liidv luitleau Free.
No laily sliuuld be wllhuut il. Yuuhk, uinMli-iwd or
old, male or female, liowulty or a life of suffering is
your Inevitable doom unlt-aa you apply In tune to the
physician who underalanda, and leroiii-tenl t.i treat
yourcuee. Waste uo more time nor money within
romnelent physh laus. All communications attended
U) with dlspau-b, and are strictly cnnlldentlaL Medi
ci;. sent to any part of the cuuntcv. Circulars, testl
niomala, and a I'm of pniitett quea'tlonn fiirnlslied on
applli-allon. OXSll LTATIUN ritl'.K Inrlose
athrcwent sump for list and eddrea IH JAMf
KM'K, So. I Hrst street, Portland. Or.
W. E Chamberlain Jr. Tho. A. Babuisoii.
Life Scholarship $70